How to hide a photo on the iPhone? How to hide or hide photos on iPhone program to hide pictures on iPhone

Reading time: 10 minutes

Let's look at how you can hide a photo or folder on the iPhone so that there are no foreign people. We will use the built-in IOS capabilities and third-party programs.

This article is suitable for all iPhone 11 / XS (R) models / x / 8/7 / 6 and Plus on iOS 13. On older versions may differ or missing the menu items and hardware support specified in the article.

Built-in iPhone features

The IOS 12+ system provides an option to hide photos on an iPhone in the Albums "Collections", "Years" and "Moments". Now users can hide photos, video and folders with multimedia files and view them only in their own album "hidden".

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Hide photos on Mac computer

  • Run the program "Photo".
  • We choose the photo to be hidden.
  • Click the photo by holding the CONTROL key pressed, then click "Hide". You can still hide the photo by selecting in the section "Image" section, then "Hide a photo". Even to hide the photo, you can press the COMMAND buttons - L.
  • I confirm that you need to hide the photo.

When working with ICloud, the liberal photos that you hid on one gadget will be hidden on your other devices.

Display of hidden photos

If you need hidden photos to display again, in the Albums "Collections", "Years" and "Moments", carry out the following steps.

For iPod Touch gadgets, iPad or iPhone:

On Mac computer:

  • Open the "Photo" application, select "View" in the menu bar, then "show a hidden photo album."
  • Open the view "Albums", after which we open the Album "Hidden".
  • Select the photo to be displayed.
  • Click the photo by holding the CONTROL key pressed.
  • Click "Show photos".

Third-party programs

Hide photos and photo folders on iOS 11 can be using third-party programs. Let's look at the most functional and common ones.

Photo & Video Locker


The utility allows you to hide photos and videos conveniently and securely, you can download it in the APP Store. Photos will be blocked, and to view them will be to enter the secret PIN code.

Features of the application:

  • Encryption. Hidden folders and photos are not only on the gadget in a secret place, but also encrypt using the AES 128-bit encryption system.
  • Hidden photos can be rotated on both sides.
  • Reducing and increasing the scale of hidden photos.
  • Lock entry into the application. If the user forgot to exit the utility, the application will be blocked after the iPhone transition to sleep mode.
  • Import pictures from a computer using iTunes imports.

Locker: hide your photos


The application has functionality to hide not only a photo, but also video, applications and files that have protection with the help of fingerprints. Locker can download from the APP Store.

To hide photographs, they must be stored not in their own media flashes, but directly in the application. An important point is PIN code to gain access to photos. If you do not configure TouchID and lose PIN code, you cannot go to Loker.

VKKARMAN: Wallet, Documents

It seems that, quite recently, our grandparents collect priceless photos in thick photo albums so that in the future the descendants had the opportunity to stroll through the alleys of their past. However, technologies are developing much faster than we can imagine: Mobile phones almost completely replaced stationary, email will soon completely displace the usual and so on. It has come a new era - and at this time we can not only communicate on the Internet and find useful information, but also to store the majority of personal files there.

But even here the user will have to encounter a difficult choice. Now the network has a lot of services that allow you to upload photos, and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some boasts to boast a high download speed, but at the same time provide very expensive tariff plans, and free services have serious limitations on the size of the downloaded files.

Today we will try to finally decide and choose the best "cloudy" storage of your photos.


A beautiful application created specifically in order to store your photos and synchronize them between all the devices that you have. Loom positions itself as a "limitless film" and has full right.

Uploaded photos are available both in the web version and in the iOS application. On Mac, you can download pictures, just placing them in the Loom folder in Finder. As in Dropbox, the photos almost lightly appear on all your devices. And if you want to view the album while flying on the plane or go to the subway, you can pre-save it to the smartphone or tablet cache. The program automatically creates several versions of shots for devices with different screen sizes for the most comfortable viewing.

Loom was launched quite recently, but at the moment actively gains momentum. According to the company's founder, his application will become an excellent replacement for standard "photo thumbnail" in iOS. Well, let's see.

Although many consider Flickr service for professional photographers, it is also suitable for storing ordinary photos. Recently, he provides its users one terabyte free space In the cloud. And it is really cool.

Flickr allows you to view open photos of other users - for example, you can explore the most popular pictures anywhere in our planet. However, the user interface of the service looks slightly sluggish compared to solutions from competitors, and the program for downloading pictures from the desktop has not been updated since 2009. However, Flickr managed to acquire a good iOS application.

Photos on Google+

No, you did not hear. Let the social network from the world's largest search engine in the world are not popular in Russia, it has a very decent photo storage service. Google provides its users with 15 gigabytes of free space for free, which they can spend on Gmail, Drive or Google+. This is quite a lot if you plan to upload pictures in the "standard" resolution (2048 pixels in width).

After Google acquired a company Nik Software, a photo editing feature appeared on Google+, where you can apply filters, adjust the brightness of the pictures and other little things.

The main disadvantage of photos on Google+ is Google+. Users are always with caution download their personal photos on a social network, whatever protected it is, regardless of privacy settings. And this service has been created is still more in order to share photos, rather than storing them.

I used this service for a long time to store my files until Dropbox was discovered. Nevertheless, the cost of 100 gigabytes is significantly lower - only $ 50 per year against 10 dollars per month.

If you have disgust all Microsoft products, in SkyDrive it is better not to peel. Here everything is decorated in the style of Windows, but it works quite quickly. At first, you will be given seven gigabytes of free free space. Of course, SkyDrive also has applications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone.


One of the fastest applications in kind with a pleasant and understandable interface. Everpix automatically grows snapshots by date, time, as well as type (for example, "animals" or "city").

Like Loom, Everpix creates various versions of photos to view on all your devices. Snapshots can be viewed in the web version, and in the iOS application. Free use of the service provides for download all your photos Over the past year. Perhaps this is the best photo storage program.

It often happens that someone asks you to your iPhone or iPad in order to see photos, and you are not very different and turn the personal pictures to this person. In particular, it does not want to do that if there are really candid photos or videos on the device. Fortunately, the developers from Apple allowed to hide media files in the photo application so that users feel more calm by passing the device in other people's hands.

The reasons for which you do not want to put together your photos and videos may be very different, but the path of hiding media files is always one. The method of hiding media files is truly simple and accessible to use even the most experienced iPhone and iPad users.

Step 1. Go to the app Photo

Step 2. Find a photo or video that you would like to hide

Step 3. Select the desired Medifyle

Step 4. Click on the menu item " Send»
Step 5. On the page that opens, click on " Hide»
Step 6. Confirm the hide of the photo or video by clicking " Hide photo»
The media file will stop being displayed on the "Photos" and "General" tabs, as well as in the Albums "Film Film" and "My Photocons". The only place where you can find hidden pictures or rollers will remain the "Hidden" album, available on the Albums tab in the photo application.

How to hide several photos or video on iPhone and iPad

Step 1. Go to Standard Photo Application

Step 2. On the tab " Photo»Click on the button" Choose"Located in the upper right corner

Step 3. Select all the pictures or rollers you would like to hide

Step 4. Click on the button " Send»
Step 5. Select " Hide"And confirm the operation
See also.

The most vulnerable place for the iPhone of this is its memory (unless of course you have a model with 256 GB of memory), so that the use of a cloud storage is a great idea. It is unreal convenient when the files do not take place on the iPhone and at the same time they are always with you.


Yandex.Disk is the best cloud storage service in Russia. I asked friends and acquaintances, what cloud they use all of them answered Yandex.Dis. I asked my colleagues - most answered Yandex.Disk.

This is because Yandex.Disk has a large number of features, such as image editor, support for all platforms, convenient sharing system and much more. Every year Yandex gives 1 GB of free places, and for attracting friends you get 512 MB.

For the registration of Yandex.Diska, you get 10 GB of free space or you can arrange an annual subscription for 2000 rubles per storage of 1 TB.

Google Disc

If you want a free storage with a large volume and no less reliable, then pay attention to Google Disk. You get 15 GB of memory for free. Another advantage in Google disk is Google Photo, which gives unlimited space for storing photos with a resolution of no more than 16 megapixels.

Like Yandex.Disk, Google disk supports almost all platforms, and this is the perfect cloud storage. Google photo allows you to store photos, Google documents allows you to create and store documents, here you can also create tables and presentations.

Google disc is a whole range of excellent tools and cloud for storage, from which you can download everything that create yourself and download to storage from any device. This service is quite difficult to surpass, as it all free.

If there is little free space you can rent extra space

  • 100 GB - 139 rubles / month.
  • 1 TB - 699 rubles / month.
  • 100 GB - 1390 rubles / year.
  • 1 TB - 6990 rubles / year.


If you are using iPhone and iPad, but prefer Windows computers, not Mac, then try onedrive. It is also available practically anyone and works similarly to Google Disc. ONEDRIVE is already installed on devices with Windows 10, so if you want to synchronize all iPhone data with a computer, all you need to do this make sure you entered the same account on both devices.

Onedrive can also send real-time notifications when someone edits the document and shows who exactly. The exclusive program is the commenting function in PDF, it can be highlighted with it, draw and sign on any PDF file with iPhone or iPad. If the clouds are needed to store photos, ONEDRIVE is also suitable, it automatically adds tags to photos and divides them to categories so that they are easier to look for them in the future.

5 GB of free space can also be expanded to 50 GB for 72 rubles per month, 1 TB + Office 365 for 269 rubles per month and other tariff plans.


Cloud Mail.Ru Another excellent service, if for some reason you didn't like the discs of OD Yandex, Google and Microsoft, be sure to try the cloud. It is also an excellent service with the support of most platforms.

You can exchange files, watch videos of popular formats, in fact, without having to load them on the device. Create backups from iPhone photos and much more.

You get 10 GB for free, but the size of each file is limited to 250 MB, if you decide to subscribe to the Personal Pro plan, you will receive 1000 GB for storage and limiting one file in 5 GB for 5990 rubles per year.

The real-time search feature allows you to find files faster, and you can be calm, knowing that all files are protected using the encryption system.

If you need to work together with the files and at the same time not to use your account in Yandex, Google or Mail. Box is the perfect option.

Where do you keep your files?

What is the cloud service application for iPhone and iPad you use? Write in the comments below!

Cloud ICloud storage with ease stores information (photo, video, etc.) available on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, but in a limited order - Apple developers offer only 5 gigabytes of free space, but for the rest of megabytes will have to pay Monthly depending on the needs.

And therefore, to consider iCloud as ways to hide confidential information from prying eyes in the format of photographs meaningless - you will have to seek help from competitors:


Tool for storing a photo on an iPhone from developers from the RV AppStudios, though it does not tolerate photos in the cloud, but helps to store an important and secret in those corners of Apple technicians, which can not be reached by anyone. Of the important advantages - the intuitive procedure, calculated even on those who have never tried to hide anything in life.

Developers offer in two accounts to organize an inaccessible space, immediately attach the password (or check on Face ID or Touch ID), and then to unload images. Preparation will take five minutes and no longer worry about anything.

Of the disadvantages of BEST SECRET FOLDER - a strange approach to translations. Instead of the Russian language, which promised 2-3 years ago, there was only English.

Secret Calculator - Hide Photo

A novelty from Mobilab developers capable of saving photos and images right in the internal iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch memory, but in unsaveted for other places. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe tool is to hide the transition shortcut to the content in the standard Calculator interface built into iOS.

To go to personal information, you will have to choose a non-standard trigger: from available options - combinations using arithmetic signs, calling a hidden panel to enter a password with a gesture or using touch or face ID when you first start.

Pluses the service is fully, but unfortunately, and without flaws it did not cost. First of all, annoying advertising, often appearing when interacting with the photo, and here will have to pay for the use of functions exactly 149 rubles.

Lock Secret Photo Album Vault

Unfinished Local Storage Photo on iPhone, able to hide and snapshots, and documents, and even records from a diary and an event from the calendar. Of the advantages - the possibility of organizing backup copies, the presence of a function with notifications about hacking attempt, and also - a chance to choose a way to unlock.

There was a place and standard mechanics, like Touch or Face ID and graphic keys, 6 and 8-digit combinations and text responses to test questions.


If the information is not intended to protect information, and a desire to move part of the photos to the network appeared, then Yandex.Disk will help here better than competitors. And at once there are two important reasons. First, the Yandex does not provide restrictions on storing images. If 10 thousand pictures have accumulated on the iPhone, then Yandex will easily take each, and even with minimal compression!

Secondly, in Yandex, the protection of information on the password, scanners of the fingerprint or face. And yet - the service developers have long provided social integration, and therefore allowing information to exchange information on Facebook, Instagram or VKontakte directly from the available pages, without opening the browser or individual applications.
