Open FB2 on iPhone. Applications for reading books on the iPhone. Other chips iBouquiniste

The latest iPhone models are characterized by quite large screens, on which it is quite possible to read some book. But, studying this question, users are faced with the fact that they are constantly trying to sell something. That applications for reading books, then the books themselves, then something else.

Perhaps the simplest and most convenient application for reading books on iPhone is the standard iBooks application. With iBooks you can buy e-books, read your own books in EPUB or PDF formats, as well as create an electronic library catalogizing the available books. This application is free and is pre-installed on the iPhone, iPad and iPod.

If you want to read books through iBooks for free, you first need to be downloaded to the iBooks app. To do this, you will need a computer with the iTunes program installed, as well as the books in Epub or PDF formats that you can download on the Internet.

To begin with, connect your iPhone to a computer using a cable and run the iTunes program. After that, click on the device icon, which will appear in the upper left corner of the iTunes window (the screenshot at the bottom). So you will go to the iPhone settings.

After that, you need to go to the "Books" section. The link to it will be available in the left side menu of the program.

As a result, a page with a list of books on your iPhone will open. In order to download a new book to iPhone simply drag it to this list with a mouse. If the book format is supported, the book will automatically be loaded into the iPhone memory and will be available in the iBooks application.

After that, turn off the iBooks and check the iBooks. If everything was done correctly, the downloaded books should appear in the application library.

How to read books for free with third-party applications

If the iBooks application does not suit you or you want to read books not only in Epub or PDF, but also in other formats, you can use third-party books to read books. There are many such applications, and you can easily find them in the App Store.

One of the most popular books for reading books on iPhone is an application. This app is distributed free of charge and with it supports almost all popular e-book formats. In particular, KyBook supports EPUB, RTF, PDF, FB2, DJVU, CBR, CHM, and others. In general, if you do not know what an application for reading books to choose, we recommend first to try the Kybook.

After you installed the application for reading books, you need to download your books. To do this, you will need a computer with the iTunes program. Connect your iPhone to the computer, run iTunes and click on the device icon in the upper left corner (screenshot at the bottom).

After that, go to the "General Files" section.

As a result, a window with two lists appears before you. On the left there will be a list of applications in which you can upload files, and on the right list of files that relate to the selected application. Here in the left list you need to choose the application to read books (in our case it is a Kybook).

And then download to the selected book application using the "Add File" button.

As a result, the book will be loaded into the device's memory and will be available in the interface of the selected application. Now these books can be absolutely free to read with your iPhone.

The App Store has many different applications for reading books. However, most of them are either uncomfortable in use, in particular, when loading books in the app or paid. Not everyone knows that it is not necessary to search for a specialized tool for reading books on the iPhone at all. An excellent application for this has iOS. Speech in this instruction, as you already understood, will go about iBooks.

iBOOKS - Apple's official application for reading books. Over the past few years, IBooks from not the very good "reader" turned into an excellent means, which is flexibly configured, and allows you to upload books as quickly as possible. Surprised to hear similar about iBooks? So you have not tried to use it long ago, but now we will explain everything.

That's what IBooks scare at first glance. The lack of Russian books in the store. But this is not a problem.

What book formats supports iBooks

iBooks works with two file formats - EPUB and PDF. Popular now FB2 book format is not supported by the application, but it is not difficult to find an alternative on the Internet for almost all books. Also at your service various converters that instantly one file format in another without a strong quality loss.

How to download books in iBooks via iTunes

Step 1. Start iTunes and go to the " Books" If iTunes is not installed on the computer, you can download the latest version of the utility on the official website of Apple.

Note: If the section " Books"Not displayed, click" Edit Menu"And activate the section by clicking on the switch of the same name.

Step 2. Click the " Media Antiatics"And transfer books or documents in EPUB or PDF formats to the iTunes window. If suddenly, for some reason, the transfer cannot be transferred, add books manually using the menu " File» → « Add file to the library" (or " Add a folder to the library"If you want to download several books at once, which are collected in the same directory).

Step 3. Connect the iPhone to the computer and select it in iTunes.

Step 4. Select the " Books"And activate the switch" Synchronize books».

Step 5. Click " All books»To transfer all books to iPhone or" Selected books»To transfer concrete.

Step 6. After the selection is completed, click " Ready" Opening IBooks After the end of the synchronization, you will see the books placed on the shelves that can already be read.

As you can see, the download of books in IBooks cannot be called the simplest operation, in particular, due to the fact that you have to connect the iPhone to the computer using the cable. Fortunately, you can refuse from wires.

How to download books in iBooks via iTunes on Wi-Fi

Step 1. Connect the iPhone to the computer and run iTunes.

Step 2. Select the device and tab " Overview»Activate the switch" Synchronization of this iPad via Wi-Fi».

Step 3. Click " Ready».

After applying the settings, you can turn off the iPhone from the computer - the connection with iTunes is broken. This means that you can download books in iBooks without the need to comply with the device to PC or Mac using a cable. You can also remove books with iPhone on Wi-Fi.

How to upload books in iBooks via Mobile Safari

Step 1. Open Safari. And go to the site of any online library with the ability to download books in EPUB or PDF format (for example, this).

Step 2. Find using the search you need.

Step 3. On the page dedicated to the book, find the direct link to download the book in the formats already known to you.

Step 4. In the window that opens, scroll up and click on the " Open in the iBooks program" The book will be added to your library.

The first article from the cycle How to read books on iPhonecompleted. Now you know how to upload your favorite books in IBooks in three different ways. However, alternative applications are no less good and we talked about them in these articles:

Today, many users of smartphones and tablets prefer to read e-books, because it is really convenient, portable and accessible. And to read e-books on the iPhone screen, you need to install a special reader application on it.

The application provided by Apple itself. It has a wonderful design, as well as the required minimum parameters that will ensure comfortable reading: the font size is configured, switching between day and night modes, quick search, bookmarks, paper color. The support of PDF, audiobook, etc. has been implemented.

From the nuances it is worth highlighting the scarcity of supported formats: e-books can only be loaded in EPUB format (but, fortunately, there are no problems on the websites with electronic libraries with it), as well as the lack of page synchronization for downloaded books (this function is valid only for books purchased only In IBooks Store, where there is practically no Russian-speaking works).


It is difficult to find a bookmaster who at least heard about the largest bookstation of Litres. The iPhone application is the combination of the store and the readers, which, by the way, in practice it turns out to be extremely convenient because it has a font settings and size, paper color, and even indentation parameters that, for example, in the iBooks application are unpradely large.

But since Litres is a store, then the books here cannot be downloaded from third-party sources. The application implies that it is here that you will purchase books, after which you can immediately go to reading with the ability to automatically sync read with your account.


A free convenient reader for the iPhone, which is highlighted by the fact that it supports almost all formats of e-books, changes the background, orientation, font and size, but the most important thing is to switch between the pages of the volume buttons (this is the only reader from the review, endowed with this opportunity).

From a pleasant addition, you can highlight the presence of built-in instructions telling how to download e-books from the browser, iTunes or clouds. By default, several remarkable literary works are already included in the reader.

FB2 Reader.

Despite its name, this application is positioned not as much as the reader, how many file manager is to view photos, documents and e-books on your iPhone.

As to the electronic book reader, there are practically no complaints to FB2 Reader: there is a nice interface here, there are opportunities for fine tuning, for example, the tasks of the exact color of the background and text for both daylights and night. You can praise for "okay", which allows you to open in the application many books and text documents.

Kybook 2.

An extremely successful reader with a high-quality interface, as well as a wide set of settings that can be applied to both all books loaded into the application and only one.

From distinctive features, it is worth highlighting the synchronization of the metadata for books, the ability to turn off the "falling off" of the phone while reading, the presence of sounds, even when transferring pages (they can be turned off), themes, as well as a built-in translator.


Perhaps the most interesting representative among the funds for electronic reading books, which is notable for the fact that all books here are distributed completely free, and each willing can become the author and share their manuscripts with the world.

Wattpad is a mobile application for downloading and reading copyright, articles, fan fiction, novels. The application allows not only to read, but also exchange thoughts with the authors, search for books on recommendations, find like-minded people and new interesting impressions. If you are a bunch, then this application will definitely have to taste.


For those who like to read good books in large quantities will benefit the MyBook application. It is a service for purchasing books acting by subscription in which the readers are laid. That is, for a certain monthly fee, you will have access to the multi-dimensional library of books of different genres.

There are no complaints to the same reader: a pleasant minimalistic interface, only the basic settings for displaying text, the ability to synchronize the metadata of books, as well as tracking time statistics spent on reading, for the selected period.

What do we have in the end? High-quality books for reading books, each of which has its own characteristic features in the form of free libraries, the possibility of making a subscription to bestsellers, a single purchase of books, etc. Whatever the reader you prefer, we hope that with its help you will read more than a dozen books.

Probably, each IOS user knows that the whole operating system was originally built and continues to develop in such a way, in which users pushed to the thoughts about buying digital content. Sometimes it is just about buying anywhere, and sometimes exclusively in Apple branded stores - iTunes and the App Store.

It is not always convenient. And even more so not all Russian-speaking content can be found in these top stores. What if you have, for example, your favorite book in FB2 electronic format, but no embedded program agrees to open it to read it?

How to open FB2 books on iOS devices

Most of the tasks that are unable (or does not want) help solve the IOS operating system, over time, develop into separate applications distributed through the App Store store. The same happened with books in formats other than EPUB and PDF.

Only these two formats are able to open their native reader from Apple - IBooks. Download applications that are able to work with a much more popular formats can be charged and free. But there are several really decent options among them, which should be in the arsenal of each reading amateur.

Perhaps this is the most popular reader for IOS, which allows you to download and read e-books in FB2, EPUB and PDF formats on the iPad and iPhone, this application from a Russian developer called IBouquiniste. The essence of the application is that initially it copied the appearance and functionality of iBooks, adding only support for the extended set of formats, but now, over time, has grown to a separate project with a mass of additional and useful functions.

ibouquiniste is favorably different from competitors not only to what supports the popular free FB2 fiction format, but also by what allows users to solve from which source to take these books. Download the literature in the reader itself in several ways.

If the e-book you are going to read, you already have, you can download it to the application using a computer, cable and iTunes program. To do this, you just have to connect your iOS device to a computer and select it in the iTunes program.

In the Program item, find the General Files section and highlight the iBouquiniste application in it. On the right side of the iTunes screen, you will see the Documents window where you can download your books with simple dragging. As a rule, electronic books in FB2 format have a small volume and therefore loaded into the device almost instantly.

If you are just going to download a book, Ibouquiniste offers you built-in support of OPDS directories and download files from other applications installed in your iOS device. If the electronic library you knows or use regularly has its own OPDS directory, then on the IBouquiniste reading settings, you can download books in the memory of your device via the Internet.

Learn about the availability of OPDS support on the site of one of the popular electronic libraries. And to download books in the iBouquiniste memory from adjacent applications, for example, from Safari, you can start downloading a book from the site and at the time when Safari reports that you cannot open this file format, you will see the offer to open in ... " . Click this button and select the iBouquiniste reader from the list. The book will be automatically moved to the application library.

Other features of the application

ibouquiniste is good because it has a large arsenal of all sorts of settings both the appearance and the reading process itself. You can reconfigure the font, its size and color, background image, text formatting and turn on the page autolist.

You can use automatic reading out loud, translation, saving bookmarks and notes on the fields. If you use the reader on different gadgets at the same time, it can synchronize your library, reading and bookmarking progress between multiple devices using your own cloud storage.

There are several ways to download books in FB2 format to the i-device, the easiest of this is the addition of books in the reader's program through.
1. You need to open iTunes and connect your device.
2. Select the connected device from the device list.
3. Go to the "Programs" menu.
4. At the bottom in the "Shared Files" window, select the reader program,

In contact with

for example, shortbook.
5. In the right window "Shortbook Documents", click Add and select Books for synchronization.
6. After adding, click "Apply" and "Synchronize".
7. After synchronization, the book will be available in the ShortBook program menu on your device.

I still use the old way, when adding through iTunes has not yet been ...

The necessary conditions:
ITunes must be installed on the computer, the iPhoneFolders program or any other file manager. Your device must have a jailbreak and an installed IFILE program (from Cydia)

1. You need to download and install a program on your computer.
2. Reload the computer.
3. Connect the iPhone, iPod or iPad to a computer.
4. Go to my computer / iPhone Folders / Your device / Private / Var / Mobile / and create a Temp folder (or another name)
It turns out the way: My computer / iPhone Folders / Your device / Private / Var / Mobile / Temp
5. Go to the site with books to register and download books in FB2 format.
6. Download and install on your device a reader for FB2 format books, such as shortbook. This program can download files and store them in the root folder Documents. You can download books first to a computer or immediately through the built-in browser in Shortbook. If you download books through a computer, you need to find a folder in the device with a shortbook program and copy it to it downloaded from the book.
This can be done like this: go to ifile on the device. In my opinion, ifile is the best file manager for i-devices. You must first go to the settings and put the checkboxes to "hidden files", "external programs", "program name". Then download downloaded from the site on the way: My computer / iPhone Folders / Your device / Private / Var / Mobile / Temp

All programs that are installed on the device are on the way:
My computer / iPhone Folders / Your device / Private / Var / Mobile / Applications
In the Applications folder using the iFile program, you need to find a folder with a shortbook program, and in the shortbook folder there will be a Documents folder here in this folder and you need to throw books. Those. They need to be transferred from the TEMP folder to the Documents folder using the IFILE program (command to transfer).
After that, open the Shortbook program go to the settings - operations - search for new files - start.

The program scans the Documents folder and find books. Everything! You can read !!!