Events for the holiday. Graduation: ideas, advice, scenarios, organization and execution on a turnkey basis Graduation 11 scenarios in a floral style

For all participants, preparing for the graduation is a very difficult process. Children are always worried and want something “unusual”, although they have so little experience that in the end they choose the most popular programs with the same “clichés” they wanted to abandon in the first stages of the discussion.

The incredible debate begins with parenting meetings, since every family has its own concept of the scope of the celebration. Teachers, in whom the fire of creativity is burning, dream of preparing some interesting performances with the children in the style of KVN, and these great ideas sometimes strongly contradict the theme of the graduation party chosen by the parents.

The organizers of the graduation have a harder time for everyone, since the discussion of important stages of the holiday is greatly delayed due to the confusion between parents, teachers and the graduates themselves.

What to do?

I always suggest that you immediately contact a company with experience in organizing graduations and find out all the bonuses when ordering "turnkey". Believe me, there is no financial benefit in finding separate photographers, presenters, artists and decorators. But there is an obvious disadvantage: the coordinator of all these performers will need to choose one of the parents. Lack of organizational experience can lead to lengthy hitch or even total chaos during the holiday.

We are ready to arrange the halls and territory of the school (kindergarten), conduct a program, offer additional services (themed cakes, photo and video, show numbers, special effects, master classes).

1. Graduation in kindergarten

In all kindergartens, a music worker prepares a ceremonial part and many bright numbers with the participation of children. Sometimes such a program lasts 1.5-2 hours. Toddlers get tired quickly, they need to rest and have a snack.

After the break, we run fun or creative programs:
, or .

4. Graduation in grade 9

Not such a pompous holiday as others, but quite often they take pictures, for example.

3. Graduation in grade 11

This is the first event for the guys, grandiose in every sense, so you need to start by discussing the details, here.

It is impossible to describe all the concepts of graduation, here are two options for example: and (Hollywood or just graduation "in the style of the awards ceremony").

Registration last call and the prom hall, creating photo zones, ordering a cake and the whole banquet, show program, etc.

4. Graduation in other educational institutions

We are ready to hold a graduation ceremony for sports and creative schools, the scenario can be discussed with our managers.

Ideas for self-organization:

And in this case, we will start organizing a disco, paper show, decorate the hall, etc.

Write, call! Let's start a discussion!

Holiday again

Contact person: Panasyan Irina
Write me:

The 11th grade graduation party is a symbolic milestone - the very first, significant step of a teenager into adulthood. That is why every yesterday's schoolboy dreams of his school graduation being the best.

But modern youth do not favor half measures, they set high goals for themselves, they are actively fighting for the right to be the best. Of course, the eleventh graders want to spend their graduation party brightly, unforgettably, and excitingly.

In order to organize such a celebration of dreams - which combines touching lyrics, and sincere words of gratitude, and hopes and wishes for the future, in which everyone is involved and no one will be left without words and attention - you need good script graduation in grade 11. The script for the prom must be original and interesting, modern and understandable for both graduates and their parents and teachers.

We offer you a wonderful, detailed version of the script for the graduation party for grade 11, which contains a speech of gratitude from alumni, response and parting words of teachers at the graduation, thanksgiving and parting speeches of parents. The script also includes various numbers and performances, rewarding teachers and funny scenes with the participation of parents and alumni. And all this is framed by the beautiful and sincere words of the presenters, who help yesterday's schoolchildren to understand the depth and importance of the moment of farewell to school.

11th grade graduation script

(With a slow, smooth step, the presenter comes out, leading the fifth grader by the hand).

Fifth grader:What will happen now? Story?


Fifth grader: Scary?

Leading: No, beautiful, solemn and ... sad.

Fifth grader:But will she have a happy ending?

Leading:Certainly! All fairy tales have a happy ending. But this tale had a very happy beginning ...

Many, many years ago, when the trees were large, the paths in the schoolyard were long, and the school stairs were steep and high, mothers brought eighteen boys and girls to school. By some miracle, they ended up in the same class ...

Fifth grader:I know this tale! I myself live in this fairy tale!

Cool script for the graduation party 11th grade 2015
Goals, objectives of the event:
Fostering respect for school traditions, citizenship;
emphasize the solemnity of the moment of graduation from school and entry into a new
stage of life; express gratitude to everyone who led the student through school life -
teachers, parents; support the creative aspirations of children;
Venue: Hall of the 3rd floor of the hostel.
Musical arrangement:
 Song "When we leave the school yard ...".
 Song - remake from the movie "Real Boys".
 "Dialogue at the New Year's Tree" from the movie "Mosca Does Not Believe in Tears".
 Phonogram from the program "Let them talk"
 Zhanna Friske song "Lalala" remake.
 Melody from the movie "Moment ...".
 Melody from the movie "The Investigation is Conducted by Experts"
 Melody L. Utesov "Everything. Good, Beautiful Marquis".
 Motive from the film "Chungachanga"

 Motive from the movie "Nadezhda"
 The motive of the Russian folk song "There was a birch tree in the field"
 The song "You Understand" by the "Star Factory" group.
 Dance music "Rocknroll"
 Song - rework of "Paranormal" "School"
Target audience: 11th grade students, their parents, pupils and
The hall is decorated with balls, bouquets of flowers in floor vases and in vases on
window sills. There are signs on the chairs with the instructions "graduates". In front of the stage


(on the square, fanfare sounds, presenters come out)

Leading 1. Good evening, dear ladies and gentlemen, ladies and
Host 2. On this wonderful evening I say hello to you, and
it means be healthy, happy, lucky, beautiful!
Leading 1. Our graduates had to go through eleven years
before they knew what it meant to graduate, pass
exams, get a certificate.
Host 2. And it seemed that quite recently they came to school with
huge bouquets and white bows.

Leading 1. But then a miracle happened and they are already graduates. No one
of them did not believe that all this could be so soon.
Host 2. Now a little sad, but at the same time very
solemn moment. Graduates will remember this evening
when they leave the threshold of the school with a pass, which is called
"Certificate of secondary education."
Leading 1. Again June in this world,
On a school joyful planet.
Nature comes alive again
Ringing, blooming, fragrant.
And this is a miracle in our hall,
What kind of people have we gathered here!
There is a sea of \u200b\u200bsmart, clean eyes,
Here youth fascinates us.
Here souls are full of anticipation
Love is an accidental confession.
Excitement reigns solemnly
The familiar introduction sounds!
Here are those who have been waiting for this moment for a long time
And he became a pride for all of us!
There is joy, anticipation and excitement in the heart.
You are a graduate today, your hour has come!
Let's start prom, the last one
Fabulous, magical school ball!
Host 2.
You will leave the walls of your favorite school
Just because I became an adult.
Take your time, be noisy and cheerful
A magical school ball for you!
Here he was friends, studied and fell in love,
Maybe I didn't finish something here,
Don't worry, there's still a chance
This chance is a magical school ball!
You are not afraid of the school weather
You passed your last exam.
Tomorrow to the institutes, and today

A magical school ball is waiting for you!
Hey! Fun! Overflow with laughter!
Let smiles bloom on your lips!
Let in a beautiful, romantic waltz
A magical school ball is spinning around you!
The lights in the hall go out. Screen. Slides are projected onto it or
a short film from the life of the school is shown. Close-up - them
smiling faces
Attention, dear guests! From today in our city presentation
film "Real graduates". Filming is still in progress. Meter
filmmaking, the famous filmmaker invites everyone to film in
film. I repeat, we invite everyone to star in the film
"Real graduates".
(Director comes out)
Director: Vikusik, let's invite the artists.
Artists (from the audience): Take us! We are the most real graduates!
Better not to be found.
Director: Dear, where is the program? Have you read the ad? We have
competition of ready-made artists. The following.
Director: Where are they?
Assistant: Who are they?
Director: Real graduates of the School for Gifted Children?
Assistant: So they go! Please welcome!
Host: 1 (Voice-over) to the music.

Dzhubangalieva Aiza, Lukyanenko Diana, Bushanova Aisulu, Shamshadinova
Open the cherished page for you,
Those who are 11 years old are not at all in vain
He held a titmouse tightly in his hands.
But he did not forget about the crane.
Our dear graduates, with this waltz we ask you to open our graduation

EXIT boys.
(Music sounds. Graduates enter the hall, pass and
line up on stage)
Graduation party (song based on "Dialogue at christmas tree")
What's going on in the world?
Graduation came.
The prom is coming, I can hear it.
Yes, that's right, his steps are closer and closer. 2 times
The stars of the evening in the sky lit up above me.
What follows after all this?
You have to wait
Soon all the farewell songs will ring out completely.
It’s a pity, it’s not long left for us to be with you, 2 times
To live and breathe and be sad and play on stage….
How will it all end?
The children will go away.
It will be September, and poems, and smiles on their faces.
Only for you and me, everything will not happen again. 2 times
So, let's not waste precious minutes!
The melody "When we leave the schoolyard ..." sounds quietly. Graduates
read poetry.
Graduate 1.
As soon as the night drops the veil
And sleep on tiptoe creeps into the headboard
You leaf through your memory, remembering what happened
What you want to return to with love.
Graduate 2

Like a white dance, thoughts flow smoothly
And a childishly cute image is born in them:
Teacher, school ... everyone laughs
I want to be with them, regardless of age.
Graduate 3
My city of childhood, good dreams and fairy tales,
Taken by the mysterious taiga,
I grew up here, and it's clear without a clue:
Forever eternal we are connected with you.
Graduate 4
And tomorrow again with dawn rays
My city will wake up to live a good life,
Here children will wake up without sorrow,
To sing, laugh, work wonders.
(Graduates sit down)
Delight!!! Wonderful! Miraculous! What grace! What manners!
Who saved his dream for years
And always worked so that now
We were smart and successful.
The pride of the school, graduates, we are about YOU!
Host: We also want to congratulate our junior graduates of our
schools - ninth graders!

A wonderful moment of a good start ...
Scheduled boat from the pier
She sets sail to other harbors.
On the shore - in the excitement of dad and mom.
Still would! In principle, just kids!
Fifteen years old is not an adult return too.
But many have to make a choice.
And whoever did it, it's time to sail away,
Leave your very first pier
Native school, where the beginning of all began!
Where did you get the title of "student"
And for the first time he called himself a "graduate"!
And passed the exams for the first certificate,
Here the first prom is calling you!
And the sweat of tradition, to make it more interesting,
We will open the prom with our song!
Host 2. The song is performed by graduates of the 9th grade.
(Music sounds. "Real boys")
We are not sent to study in London
We don't dress in fashion boutiques
We study at our favorite school,
And we are so reluctant to leave.
We do not rest in southern resorts
We sunbathe on the field in crosses and shorts.
We don't eat in expensive restaurants

We eat in the school cafeteria, oddly enough.
Whoever this life seems dull
But real feelings are in full swing here.
Doors will open, we will move all mountains ...
What open spaces are open for graduates ?!
Time flies so imperceptibly
Years pass by.
We graduated so quickly
But we will not stay here forever!
Check it out, we're real graduates.
We are for the development of the minds of our nation!
Assistant: Dear graduates, let's remember how your parents brought you to
school for the first time. So the next scene.
Director: Attention! Motor! Shooting is on!
(Disguised parents leave with their children to go to school.
first teacher)
Parent1: Dear, please tell me this is a school for the gifted
Teacher: Aha, both for the stupefied and for the gifted!
Parent2: How old do you teach children?

Teacher: We teach from the hospital to the madhouse. Are your kids creative?
Parent3: Oh, awfully creative!
Parent 1: They do this!
Parent2: Mine, for example, recently made cubes from a computer.
Parent 3: And my frying pan and iron.
Parent 1: And mine, just as I was born, so immediately cry in English
learned (pushes daughter in the side)
Daughter (drawn out): Wow.
Parent2: And mine is reading more and more English. Then I took 100 from my father
dollars, so I read it straight to the holes, we can't find it anywhere.
Teacher: So he probably translated them already.
Parent 2 (looks hopefully at his son): English?
Son (fingers fanned out): No, in pounds, in euros and back!
Parent2 (proudly): Yes, he is capable of me! (Strokes on the head)
Teacher: Do your children know how to count?
Parent1: Of course they can! Well these are new Russian children!
Parent3: I learned how to count up to three million. Son, count!
Son: 1 million, 2 million, 3 million!
Teacher: Okay, you are my talented! I take everyone to study! Let's go to school in
fifth grade!
(Go away)

Music plays - backing track "Learn at school"

(Soundtrack from the program "Let them talk" Malakhov comes out and
show participants)
Director: Attention! Motor! Shooting is on!
Malakhov: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen! I am Andrey Malakhov welcome you
in the studio of the program "Let them talk". We are discussing here non-fictional
stories, stories of our life. The topic of today's program is "Life without
computers ".
Now we have our respected educator in the hall. Maria Vyacheslavovna,
tell me who deserves blame at school and why?
MV: Who, who, up to the computer science teacher. They are to blame for everything
along with their young hackers. Electricity is scorching, mice
cheated, mice gnawed all the carpets!
Guest of the program: (joining in the conversation): Yes, these are not carpets, but rugs
for mice!
MV: Yes, your mice need strychnine and not rugs.
Malakhov: Yes, the situation is heating up. Let's turn to another guest of our
talk show, to the school nurse Anna Alexandrovna.
Nurse: Look at our children? (The 11s are staring at the laptops). Where
now where are they?
M.V .: They are sitting in the chat!
Nurse: Everything is clear, there is an epidemic in the school! Computer fever!
Ugliness! Spread the web!

MV: Yes, this is the World Wide Web, global!
Nurse: I don't know anything! Your office needs to be sealed, computers
alcohol, sterilize children!
Guest of the program: Or vice versa: sterilize computers, and children
Malakhov: Please be quiet! Let's ask the students.
Pupil (looking up from the netbook): Maria Vyacheslavovna, I'm with such a guy
just met! Can I give him school soap?
M.V .: I'll give you a school one! And I keep thinking that there is always soap
disappears, handed out to all the grooms from the Internet!
Disciple: You misunderstood me! Soap is email, its in
Internet in bulk!
Nurse: Bushanova Aisulu! And who is this with you in an embrace?
Disciple (the virus embraces her): Yes, the virus is kind of attached! (Strokes him
on the head)
Nurse: Attention! Biological alarm! And you say, Andrei, that
there is a benefit from the computer !! One harm!
Malakhov: So, the floor to the students: is there life without computers ?!
Let's listen!
Host 2. A song performed by ______________
(Music sounds. "Lalala" (Zhanna Friske)
It is clear to every child in our century,
That without a computer a person cannot; technology has stepped far!
If you want to make your dreams come true, you must be familiar with the computer,

And then it will become easy to live in the world!
Our teacher could teach us!
We hang out on the Internet, and play different games!
We will compose the presentation, fix the layer in Photoshop!
Let's build graphics in Excel and in Verde any text, believe me,
We will be able to issue now the computer has become a friend for us!
He became a friend for us!
Assistant: Thanks, filmed! Time is running out! Do not relax! Shooting
next frame!
Presenter1: But how our children live will tell in songs.
Director: Attention! Motor! Shooting is on!
Several singers:
Do not think down on us ...
The time will come - you yourself will probably understand
That these were the best years
From the first moment to the last.
(Sounds from the movie "Experts lead the investigation")
Your service is both dangerous and difficult.
It's not nonsense to miss everyone in the boarding school!
Chips all carry and rollton broth,
you need to control everyone night and day.
And in the answer for everyone, as always
Educators on our floor.

And the enemy cannot go to our boarding school,
After all, the guards will stand in the way,
Very soon there will be paradise in the boarding school
It will be day and night.
Just don't forget your head anywhere
And don't leave your things anywhere,
Remember day and night.
And order in the boarding school is restored.
Hooligans, you will put a barrier.
We only believe that times will be better:
We believe it will be better.
The school will not need your service,
Then - then you will fully rest,
We believe it will be!
Educator: (Sitting at the table and thinking)
My boarding school calmed down,
Suddenly it became quiet - they are doing their homework ...
How long is this silence?
At least a little longer, I pray to God.
If there is silence in the boarding school
Depends on the number of lessons
Then do it so that every day is full,
There were a lot of lessons!
Oh, (Acting Director)! Hello. We're all right!
(Two students appear. One with a bandaged head, the other with
broken flowerpot.)
We are all right! Listen to yourself!
(The song is performed to the tune "Everything is fine, beautiful marquise")
Hello, hello, kids!
I'm worried about you here,

Tell me, how are you doing,
And how will you please us?
Pupil Kireev V .:
Well, things are not going bad with us,
Perhaps even good
But our Volodka walks with a bump,
A flower fell on his head!
So bullshit is a waste
A flower flew on his head
For the rest, dear, you are our director
All is well, all is well!
Hallealle! I don't understand something
What does the bump and the flower have to do with it?
Tell me so that everything is clear to me
What happened there?
Pupil Kireev V .:
Hallealle! Don't worry.
The flower fell off the wall
Volodka hit right on the back of the head.
Ah, you better rest!
Pupils both: (Kireev V and Sokolov V)
We will explain everything to you now,
And we will give explanations:
Our boarding school taught me
But it was overwhelming
And we decided to rest
Listen to music a little,
Mafon Valera turned on his,
And there heavy rock screamed
And the fifth started to dance,
Not without us there,
And Vovchik came running to us,
I helped to scream and jump,
And we have old shelves,
The hour fell from the wall
And a flower fell from the shelf down,
And Vovka hit that pot.

For the rest, you are our dear, director,
All is well, all is well!
The singers leave.
Educator: Wow, silence again! You can also relax. No, some kind of silence
(There is a crash and laughter, girls in nightgowns run in)

Well, what kind of tararam, ram, ram is this again?
Well, if not ashamed, if not ashamed of you?
Knead everything, knead it?
No, to sit and teach?
The girls sing:
(The song is performed to the tune of "Chunga Chang")
Ah, the boarding school is our wonderful country.
Songs, dances and freedom are given to all.
It's nice to rest in the boarding school.
Have fun, run and play!
In a boarding school, in a boarding school,
Our happiness is in the boarding school.
Our happiness is in the boarding school, in the boarding school.
Chew pancakes and eat pancakes
Pies, scrambled eggs and croutons,
In a boarding school, in a boarding school, in a boarding school!
Ah, the boarding school is our sweet country.
It's time for us to think about studying!
And smells float from the dining room.
Let the lessons wait again!
The chorus is the same
Ah, the boarding school is a fun country,
Clean the potatoes, wash the dishes until morning.
Put things in order in the room,
And we also have a ladder of revenge!
The chorus is the same

Educator: Oh, you are lovely kids! Pinched our nerves ?! Nuka,
dear ones, hurry to their rooms! At six o'clock we are waiting for you for dinner,
if, of course, you need it?
A group of singers come out:
(The song to the tune "Hope" is performed)
An unfamiliar star is shining
Again we are torn from home.
We already have emptiness in our belly,
Hunt to chew something.
You just have to learn to wait
When the chef takes over again
Will bake, cook, will call
We are happy at the fifth break.
Hope, our earthly compass,
And luck is a reward for courage.
After all, to the canteen, we run in a crowd,
Everyone wanted to finish the soup and porridge!
Time crawls before dinner!
We all wanted to eat again,
Who will go to the store again?
To drink well and eat well at night!
Mom pass the bag again
If you want to see us at home
Do not forget lard with bread,
Otherwise we’ll stretch our legs here!

(Artists disperse)
Host: And now we will listen to "Educational Suffering"
(to the tune of the song "There was a birch tree in the field")
The boarding school was opened once.
We were invited to work.
Lyuli, Lyuli opened.
We were invited to work.
Oh, yes, the kids came,
They spoiled our poor nerves.
Lyuli, lyuli kids.
They spoiled our poor nerves.
We wanted to pacify the children.
Yes, they did not manage to shout down.
Lyuli, Lyuli wanted.
Yes, they did not manage to shout down.
We made the floors wash.
They wiped the mirrors themselves.
Lyuli, Lyuli were forced.
They wiped the mirrors themselves.
Boarding school begged for revenge.
And we didn't see children in the dust.
Lyuli, Lyuli begged.
And we didn't see children in the dust.
You threw rubbish at the windows.
And then you picked it up.
Luli, Luli threw.
And then you picked it up.
Now you are all unlearned.
You rolled to different parts.
Lyuli, Lyuli weaned.
You rolled to different parts.

Now we all sit and cry.
Visit us more often.
Lyuli, Lyuli we all cry.
Visit us more often.
Assistant: Thanks filmed!
Host2: And now the word to GRADUATES.
Director: Attention! Motor! Shooting is on!
Eleven stellar years have passed
Unforgettable, clear school years.
And today, like a bird from a nest,
You are flying into an unknown world.
For ten years we sat side by side
And they wrote line by line,
While the call is in the morning
Predicted: the lesson is over.
Classmates, classmates!
We will never forget friends
Life will not be extinguished in the winds
A twinkle of the native school.
Sadness and joy merged into one whole,
Returns the memory again before the first call,
Until the day when small, timid
The noisy school welcomed you all
And everyone absorbed knowledge as best he could.

For the lessons we took, we discovered the whole world,
Slowly, little by little, drop by drop every day. ...
We were friends with the school for more than ten years.
Today is our holiday.
Happy, sad holiday,
And a thick blue peeped through the windows.
There is so much noise everywhere
And so many different interpretations
That even my head was spinning a little

And somehow unusual
And happy and sad
In this elegant room
We sit and stand.
Everyone is so impetuous, so enthusiastic
Try not to get along with this.
Restraint will teach us later
A low-indulgent life.
How we stood firm
They argued to the point of wheezing and tears.
Something was in vain, but something
It was both good and serious.
But the hour has come, we know it
And at this special hour
We invite you gratefully
To the school ball, to the school waltz.

Diana and
Diana and
Diana and
Diana and
Diana and
Yes, our school life was full
And memories of school days we
we will save for life.
(take hat) Found it!
What have you found?
Found a magic hat.
What kind of hat?
And what's the magic here?
You see, with its help you can find out the most
innermost thoughts of a person.
Yes, simple. You put on your hat. You ask a question.
Well, for example, what does he think ... when he teaches
Music "There is no problem with sawdust in my head"

Come on! Who do we start with?
Diana and Aisulu descend into the hall.
What is thinking about today
Music: Where did the circus go, it was yesterday ...
And how did ____________________ collect his
athletes for training?
Music: Antoshka, Antoshka, let's go dig potatoes.
And what does _________________________ think,
when his computer freezes?

Music: I shout, and in response, silence ...
Music: Twice two - four ...
What does ________________ think about the future
Music: Don't rub salt on my wound ...
And how _______________________ is going to
Music: I will go outside, look at the village ...
And now we find out what he thinks
_______________________ about us
Music: And the fight continues again ...
And what did _______________________ a,
when did you enter your class?
Music: Noses - snub-noses sniff.
Maybe we will listen to the thoughts of the graduates?
Well, for example, what does he think ... oh
Music: Oh, what a woman ...
But ... What does prom mean to him?
Music: Happiness suddenly knocked on the door in silence ...
And again we return to our teachers,
How are they feeling now
after all, today is our graduation ceremony.
- Farewell, from all train stations ...
- Bravely comrades in step
- You know, there will still be.
- I will set the table, call the guests
But seriously, we thank our
Graduate Dear, beloved educators!
You gave us so much warmth and light!
That is enough to warm up ten.
We went to you for any advice
And they saw the fire in the eyes of the living.
Graduate Thank you for your inspiration,

For your sometimes thankless work.
So let these wonderful moments
They will give you the power of life in the future!
Graduate We will carry this knowledge through life -
Although they were naughty at times,
But all your efforts were not in vain,
We always stand up for your cause
Graduate My teacher, forgetting about everything in the world,
You taught to go where the goals are light,
For you, we are all talented children,
And you are always an authority for us
Graduates perform the song "Song of Kindness" (words and
music by Tatiana Mukhametshina)
In this huge world in which you and I live,
Not enough warmth, not enough human kindness.
Together we will learn to cherish and love each other,
We will shine together like stars.
Chorus: In the spring the water will rustle,
In winter the winds will sing.
Come on, friends, always
Wish each other well!
Let them not give us grades to the school for the generosity of the soul,
Once you take it and do good just like that,
And then, in the cold, it will smell naggingly in spring,
And then there will be more than one smile on earth!
Hundreds of roads await us, but each will have its own,
And friends, of course, will help to reach the goal.
So that our old dreams come true soon
Let the lesson of kindness always be the main lesson!
(After the song, flowers are handed over to the teachers.)
Host 2. Dear graduates! Difficult but exciting awaits you
a life. Be confident in yourself, overcome the difficulties that are inevitable in

Leading 1.
Not every path will be smooth
Not all trials will be easy
And life in front of you lies like a notebook,
In which there is still no line.
We are giving you these small gifts as a keepsake. And the dance number
(4 boys present gifts to graduates.)
If the son is the first everywhere,
There are enough stars from the sky
It's all parenting nerves
Heaven is moving towards him.
If a daughter grows up for the joy of others,
Clever, sportswoman and artist,
So it was mom who tried
And she was also a close friend.
Here they are we beloved children:
Your boys and your girls
Your little ones, your little ones.
There are none more expensive, closer and more beautiful.
Host 2.
How many sleepless nights and days
Given for daughters and sons!
How many hard and long years
Given for daughters and sons!
Who loved children, caressed. Who did not sleep at night,
Who worried about them, And sometimes, was grim?
Patiently, day after day I brought them up with a belt,
Did you help the teacher?

Host 1. Who is it?
Answer from the audience: (PARENTS).
Aisulu: Thank you, our dear parents.
Forgive us if you are offended in any way.
Diana: During sleepless nights, tears, excitement,
For youthful pride and impatience.
Isa: For gray hair on the temples of his father
And for the wrinkles of his own face.
Let us bow to you in the belt to the ground
Thank you, family, thank you, thank you!
Nuria: Today I will say goodbye to you
I decided to open one secret.
Gathering here those who diligently
All eleven years he studied for us.
Graduates present flowers to their parents.
Host 2. The song for parents "You understand" performed by
"Song for Parents"
Mom, Dad, we all became adults
You understand, childhood is over already
Our childhood, we were next to you
It was, but our childhood is over
You understand, this is how this world works
That someday we must leave you

Lead us to a great life now
Share our joy

Our childhood will rush away like a (fabulous) dream

We'll take your faith with us

Mom, dad, school has no worries now
Is it good or vice versa?
All worries have become 20 times cooler:
Institutions ... you know
you understand
Mom, dad, we say "thank you"
Forgive me if we are often rude
Life is big - put everything in its place
We will understand everything - thank you.
But now we have a prom ball
Our childhood will rush away like a fabulous dream
And we will all go towards the dream
We'll take over your faith
And your love inspires us, you believe
You believe
Assistant (with a sigh): We are talking about you, beloved parents!
Director: Answer to the parents. Please, dear ones, come out
to the stage!
(Parents' speech)
Thank you from parents
We tell you today!
If only we could -
Give all medals to you:

For calmness and severity,
For perseverance and talent,
And for everything that over the years
You taught the guys.
You taught them to learn,
Don't give up, win
Though in tight-knit gloves
I had to keep them.
Know everything that these people
You can trust children!
Congratulations, appreciate, love
Our dear educators!
The one who thinks that the teacher has only one family is mistaken. No, u
there are as many of them as there are pupils in his school. That is why for everyone
us this is a dear person.

Thanks to the educators for the warmth of the heart, for the great ability to see,
to hear and understand everything that happens in the child's soul. Thanks for the light
with which he illuminates the path of his disciples!
Today I would like everyone to have smiles and joy in their eyes. we
parents want to say a lot of words of gratitude.
In our school, educators have created an atmosphere of mutual understanding and
kindness and sincerity. Children are surrounded by constant attention and love.

We want to express our deepest gratitude and deep
spiritual generosity,
attentiveness and love, dedication to your profession and your students.
Your participation, advice has always been correct and appropriate. You raised them!
Taught! Thanks you!
for your professionalism,

Director: Well, now for the last scene. Separated. I think tears
no need to hide, let school years will remain in your and our memory!

Attention! Motor! Shooting is on!
"World theater"
Shakespeare said.
The film is over.
Childhood, adolescence
The secret of success.
School play 11 years long!
Host1: Aigul Muratovna, graduates are waiting for parting words from you.
Dear graduates! Congratulations on your great and joyful
an event in your life receiving a high school diploma
schools. Behind the fun, unforgettable school years. Road ahead
for a lifetime. The time has come when you must decide your
further destiny, determine your life path. Now you carry
responsibility not only for yourself and for your actions, but also have to think about
other people. Love your homeland and your people. Remember that without this you
cannot live a full life. Don't forget to stock up on light
a dream. A strong will will help you to realize it, to bring it to life,
patience, courage. Learn to overcome obstacles, find strength in yourself
fight against meanness, sycophancy, bureaucracy, if they take
your way. Only the strong in spirit are able to withstand obstacles,
failures. Respect all work. Choose a profession you like and
work honestly, conscientiously, hard, bring as much as possible
benefits to our state, our people. Arm yourself with kindness. She is so
people need! Do not skimp on affection, tenderness, kind attitude towards them.
Look around to see if there is a person next to you who is weaker than you, needs
your help. Help him, support him. Remember whoever you become
you are responsible for the future of our country, you are closely watched
parents, teachers, all our people. Remember that your successes, your joy
this is both our success and our joy. Do not forget your native school, write and
tell us about yourself, tell your younger comrades that
you are happy about what they need to learn in order not to repeat your mistakes. We,
teachers, your faithful friends, fervently believe that whoever you become:
workers, engineers, scientists, soldiers, you will not lose your honor

school, village, our homeland. Increase your power and
the wealth of our country! Good luck, dear graduates!
(presents certificates and thanksgiving letters parents)
Host2: Everything that we had in life
All that we remember now
Everything that was happiness and destiny is connected, school, with you!
(the song of the Paranormal "School" performed by graduates is played)
I'll draw with chalk I'll write I'm leaving
Two scenarios of one destiny
different look and color of one game.
We will not forget that you were
you will never return to us,
Remember you wrote to us in postcards,
the doors here are always open for you.

Let us remember you so that your heart would beat to the beat

We can't fix anything
cross out rewrite covers
Re-shoot all scenes of dialogue
To cross out so much from the plot.
This day, childhood takes everything away in us,
Nobody will ask about the fear now.
This did not happen by chance,
We'll be together it's our secret
Do not write vi-end, we will come up with a happy end
Let's turn life so that our hearts beat to the beat.
School is like a movie, let us shoot it
Do not write and we will come up with a happy eeeend
Do not write vi-end, we will come up with a happy end
Let's remember school so that the heart beats to the beat
It's like a movie, so let us shoot it.

Do not write and we will come up with a happy eeeend
Director: Thank you! Cut!
Host1 .:
Elegant silk of light dresses,
The kind light of familiar eyes.
Into the world big and boundless
School accompanies you!
Above the Earth, large and clear
At a special hour, sad hour
In a whirlwind of beautiful music
Let the school waltz spin.
May it not cease in your hearts,
Let it sound and excite again
The timeless school waltz echoes the prom night.
We wish you strength, inspiration,
And in our difficult age there is still patience.
So that you find a business to your liking!
To meet true love!

Forward, graduates, walk boldly,
We wish you happiness and success again.
Host1 .:
We would like to express our gratitude to those, without whose help the shooting of our film will not
took place. These are our respected educators and artists.
Moderator2: Dear guests and students, we invite everyone to a tea party, after
tea party disco!


Good evening, dear friends! June is on the calendar, and we have a wonderful holiday! A holiday that graduates were looking forward to, because there is no more exciting moment in school life than getting a certificate. This day is dear to parents and teachers. "Graduation Party" will draw the final line under our worries, troubles, griefs and joys.

Music solemn (quietly)

Well. Full of excitement in the hall
Graduates' hearts flutter
The music is tired of thundering
Everything froze, the outfits shine.

A little more - a little bit and in this room
They will appear now -
I'll ask everyone to get up!
The 11th grade is in progress!

Hello 2014 graduates!

11 "a" class is invited to the hall, class teacher is a teacher of the highest category, …………………………, in class 13 + 13 (much about the class); profile

11 "b", ……………………………………………………………………………… ..


How long have you waited for this moment
Drove days and months, dreaming of the future

And only now, perhaps, you understand
That school is passed. You're just a graduate!

Anthem sounds


Childhood flies away like a carefree butterfly! But until recently it seemed to you that childhood would never end! I'm trying to help remember: where did it all start?

Record "The first day in the life of an unborn child"

“Today, …… .1997, I was born, but my parents do not know about it yet. I'll probably be a boy .... or maybe a girl, we'll see. But I know for sure that in 2014 I will graduate from Mikhnev secondary school. "

The ticking and striking of the clock sounds

A newborn crying sounds


How fast and relentlessly time passes. It seemed only yesterday that you, our dear graduates, announced your birth to the world with your first cry, and your mothers blessed you for a long and happy life.

Wheelchair dance to a lullaby

The ticking and striking of the clock sounds


And now the first steps have already been taken, the first word has been said and small, but already reasonable children rush in the morning to kindergarten, where a caring teacher is waiting for them.

To the sounds of the children's song "Smile", kindergarten pupils Andrei Babiy and Alyabyeva Ksyusha appear on the stage.

Childhood planet.
Here they believe in magic, here they are friends with miracles,
All fairy tales come to visit themselves.
Here the clouds are not visible, here it is crowded from smiles.
"Planet of Childhood" flies under the sail of spring

Dear graduates!
You will remember more than once that kind planet,
Where sunrises meet with the rays of the eyes,
Where are the sunny dreams, where are the star paths,
Where laughter and sadness are heard in the songs.

The ticking and striking of the clock sounds

Music Presenter:

Clear day. September. Chamomile.
Bow. Pigtails. First graders.
Two by two. Primer. Five.
First cleaning in the classroom.

First graders (boy and girl) enter the stage

Boy. What will happen here now? Story?
Leading. Story.

Girl. Scary?
Leading. No sad

Boy. But will she have a happy ending?

Leading. Certainly! All fairy tales have a happy ending. But this tale had a very happy beginning ...
Many, many years ago, when the trees were big, the paths in the schoolyard were long, and the school stairs were steep and high, mothers brought forty-five boys and girls to school.

Girl. I know this tale! I myself live in this fairy tale!

Leading. But for the guys sitting in the hall, this fairy tale ends today. And they go to the big adult world.

Boy. And won't they return to childhood?

Leading. No, they will not come back.

Girl .. Never, never?
Leading. Never ever!

Together. Then good luck to them!

Children's song.

Children sit on the stage steps

The ticking and striking of the clock sounds

Music Presenter:

Pharaohs. Globe. Map.
Painted school desk.
Alkali. Pythagoras. Acids.
Lev Tolstoy. Straits. Notes.
Friend. For the test preparation.
And a crib sheet.

Time rushes, flies, and with it the school years. They turn over like notebooks, replacing each other.

Students of 7 "A" Ivan and Gololobova appear on the stage ... ..

Suits, ties, gloves and hairstyles,
The fate of the future is only timid sketches,
Oh, how wonderful the prom is!

It's your turn to understand: life is not a game,
And there will be no rehearsals and no tips in it,
But with a trembling voice, we still need to say
Oh, how wonderful the prom is!

Let you leave school forever,
But your childhood leaves a memory
Don't forget your school years,
A wonderful neighborhood of hearts and souls.

Children sit on the stage steps

Dance performed by the ensemble Surkova M

The ticking and striking of the clock sounds

Music Leader and 11 graders (4 people)

Dancing. Hiking trip. Guitar.
Kiss. For a quarter of a couple. (The presenter says)
State examination. Farewell ball.

Joy mixed with sadness.
Certificate. Flowers in the window.
Why am I so sad?


Well, that seems to be all.
School is over.
There will never be any more lessons.
Childhood is gone.

It went away drop by drop, quietly and imperceptibly, (kindergarten goes up to the stage)

With the first letters on the board. With short dresses, (first class)
With shrill bells dearer than any theorem in the world (high school)
With the familiar, familiar voice of the class teacher ...

Music Presenter:

And it was raining outside the window ...
They turned on the lights in the classroom and copied mathematics under Eugene Onegin.
Superfluous laws were attributed to Newton.
And childhood was leaving ...

Everyone joins hands (small ones in the middle). Sounds plus "Where does childhood go", you can sing and go down to the hall.

Dance of school generations

Fanfare sounds

Host: Well, what are we moving from the recent ________________ past to the present day, so that very soon we will go to an amazing future! The most awaited and solemn moment of our evening is coming!


Host: I invite the director of our school, Svetlana Anatolyevna Filimonova, to the stage.

Director's word:

Host: It will soon be 70 years since that unforgettable and terrible day when Nazi Germany attacked the peacefully sleeping Soviet citizens. A lot of water has been carried away by the river of time since then. The scars of the trenches were overgrown, the ashes of burnt cities disappeared, new generations grew up. But in human memory, June 22, 1941 remained not just as a fateful date, but also as a milestone, the beginning of the countdown of the long 1418 days and nights of the Great Patriotic War our people.

The memory of generations is inextinguishable,
And the memory of those whom we so sacredly honor,
Come on people, let's stand up for a moment
And in sorrow we will stand and be silent.

Music. Minute of silence, flower-laying

The director introduces the guests of the holiday. Today our holiday is attended by:

Head of the city administration


Chairman of the Council of Deputies

Urban settlement


Presentation of certificates to medalists.

Host: Traditionally, the first to receive certificates are those who knew how to work well and study well. The brilliance of medals is the crowning of their minds, diligence and talents.

Invited to the stage: (medalists)

Medalists come out, the presentation of certificates. Stay on stage.

The floor for congratulating the medalists is given to the Head of the Administration of the urban settlement of Mikhnevo Valentin Elizarovich Leskov,

To the Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the urban settlement of Mikhnevo

Vagin Vyacheslav Sergeevich

Host: The success of our medalists is the success of their parents, who experienced victories and defeats with them. And we invite the parents of the medalists to the stage:


Moderator: The floor is given (from the parents)

Medalists 11 a remain on the stage, 11 b go down to the hall

Fanfare (Others)

Presenter: Graduates of the 11th grade are invited to the stage to present their certificates.

Fanfare (Others) while they go out.

Handing over. Stay on stage

Host: It seems to me that there is not enough class teacher on the stage. Olga Petrovna we ask you, as usual, to be near your favorite class.

Music comes out OP Voronenkov

They perform a song. Leave.

Fanfare (new)

Presenter: Graduates of the 11th grade (the whole class) are invited to the stage to present their certificates.

Handing over. Stay on stage.



They perform a song. Leave.































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