Flower ball for children scenarios. Scenario “Ball of Beautiful Flowers. Meleshkina N.V., primary school teacher

Elena Degtereva

.goal: generalization of knowledge about summer flowers.


Educational: to cultivate a respect for nature, curiosity.

Educational: to form an idea of \u200b\u200bsummer flowers, consolidate knowledge about summer, learn to establish causal relationships;

Developing: develop musical and aesthetic perception, observation;

Equipment and materials: masks flowers for babies, Fairy costume flowers, toy bell, hoops, cut flowers.


To the music of the song “The world is like colored meadow» Lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky) children with educators go to viranda, elegantly decorated flowers made of paper and festive garlands.

Educator in the role flower Fairies meets children.

Hello guys! I am very glad to see you! Today we will have a ball flowers... Guys, do you know what time of year it is? That's right, summer! And what grows in the meadow in the summer, in the flower beds? Flowers!

Fairy Flowers: And why do they grow flowers?

Children: For goodness and beauty.

Fairy flowers... To grow flowers - you must first loosen the earth,

plant a seed in it, and then water the sprout -

until it turns into beautiful flower.

And they help to grow flowers raindrops!

Here they are - they live with us and flowers cherish.

Girls in droplet costumes run out and dance

"Dance of the droplets"

Fairy Flowers:

Here flower basket, here the colors are countless.

Guess guys what flowers are in it? (shows flowers and children in flower hats come out and bow)

Makes riddles:

Yellow eye, little white wreath,

On a high leg, looks at the track.

Children: chamomile!

Here are the wonderful flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

Bright, fragrant -

Ay-ay \u003d ay! Thorny! (roses)

White fluffy ball

I show off in a clean field.

A light breeze blew

And the stalk remained. (dandelion)

Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding,

In the sky is clear blue-blue-blue!

In a thin blue skirt

How smart I am?

Children: bell!

A game "Bell, ringing"

Bright blue sarafan.

And a green stalk.

Has blossomed in a clean field

To our delight (knapweed)

Dynamic pause “Grow in the meadow flowers»

Grow in the meadow flowers

Unprecedented beauty.

(Children are squatting)

Towards the sun flowers.

Stretch with them too.

(Get on your feet, reach out, put your hands up)

The wind blows sometimes

Only it doesn't matter.

(Swing arms, swinging the torso)

Lean flowers,

The petals are lowered.


And then they get up again

And still bloom.

(Stand on your feet, turn your torso left-right)

Leading: Well done boys. Guess who likes to sit on flowers?

Right. butterflies. We're going to be butterflies now.

Turn around once, twice.

Turn into a butterfly

A game "Borrow flower»

(There are hoops on the floor in the form flowers, children to the music "Fly" over flowers, and with the end of the music they take « flower» on each flower there must be two children. who didn't get flower, drop out of the game.)

Fairy Flowers: Do you like flowers, guys? What are flowers you know?

Children: answer (chamomile, poppy, bell, tulip, dandelion, etc.)

A game "Who will collect faster flower»

Fairy Flowers: Well done, you know a lot flowers.

I admire in the summer flowers

In flower beds in noisy cities

They are everywhere everywhere with us

Blossom and delight our eyes.

So as not to spoil the beauty

Everyone needs to protect flowers.

Fairy Flowers: Thank you, you made me happy, but flower basket with treatshanding out to children.

He says goodbye and leaves.

Children leave with beautiful music flower meadow.

Related publications:

Summer entertainment for older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren "Flower Festival" "Flower Festival" For preschoolers and primary school children. Purpose: Creation of emotionally - joyful mood in children and parents. Tasks:.

How beautiful all flowers are! Do you agree with me? All nature has blossomed with wondrous color. Thank you SUMMER! Childhood in human life is wonderful.

Entertainment for children in the senior group "In the kingdom of flowers" Amusement Progress: The Flower Fairy enters. In her hands is a Seven-flowered Flower. Fairy: Hello guys! You recognized me? Yes, I'm the Flower Fairy. I know.

Summer entertainment for senior groups of kindergarten "Flower Festival" Children and the presenter enter the hall, children sit on high chairs. Presenter: When summer comes, all the flowers bloom. The sun laughs, affectionately.

The soundtrack of the song "Box with Pencils" is played. Ved. Hello! Today our meeting will be devoted to the main colors of paints. Together.

Scenario of the summer holiday "Ball of Flowers"

Goal: Organization of fascinating, cognitive leisure for children of senior preschool, primary and secondary school age.
1. Expand children's knowledge of colors and their meaning.
2. To contribute to the development of aesthetic feelings, education in children of love and respect for nature, creative abilities.
3. To develop in children logical thinking, memory, attention

Children enter the sports ground with cheerful music.

Leading: From goodness, love and light, a wonderful summer flushed!

Rye heads in the field, gallops, summer rain gallops!

Grasses ripen, cornfields ripen, and in a ravine by the river,

All wonderfully colorful flowers bloom.

So the summer time has come, kids!

Look around, here and there different flowers are blooming!

It's great that summer is still going on! After all, just a little bit more - Autumn will come to the earth to host. In the meantime, let's enjoy our fun Summer!

Guys! Today we have invited you to the Ball of Flowers and will tell you a lot of new and interesting things about them.
Flowers are an amazing and beautiful creation of nature. You see a great many of them around you. They are varied in color, shape and smell. But whatever they are, they adorn our planet. Indeed, it is difficult to imagine our life without flowers. Even in winter, when there is cold and cold outside the window, indoor flowers grow on the window in the house, and in summer they are apparently invisible around them. It is like a rainbow descends to the ground and covers meadows and fields with a multi-colored carpet, glades in the forest, even flowers and water lilies bloom on the water. There are many of them in flower beds, in parks, in gardens. They are admired and praised by poets, artists, musicians. We decorate our houses, clothes with flowers, give each other as a sign of love, gratitude, respect

Listen, the music is quiet

The Flower Fairy is in a hurry to visit us.

Under Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers", the Flower Fairy enters the hall.

Flower Fairy:

They call me the Flower Fairy

I know everything about flowers, kids.

Trouble has come to us -

flowers stole everything

Baba Yaga.

(Baba Yaga runs in to the music.)

Baba Yaga:

Why are you all gathered here? Have fun and laugh? Who authorized it?

Children : We came to the festival of flowers!

Baba Yaga : - On a holiday of flowers ?!

And flowers are my main enemy.

I imprisoned them

You have to come to terms with this.

I have tasks for you -

Solve them, it means

Let the flowers go free -

And I will not interfere anymore.

Flower Fairy:

Well guys, help me,

And free the flowers!

Leading: - Guys, can we help the Flower Fairy?

Baba Yaga : - Well, come on, surprise,

You tell me poems.

Just not about nonsense,

And about the flowers in the garden,

About steppe, meadow,

Mountain and field -

There are many flowers in the world

Who will be the first, children?

Leading : Yes Baba - Yaga songs and poems are composed about flowers. Flowers adorn our life, we admire their beauty.

Guys come out

Tell us your poems!

Children recite a few verses about flowers.


Like a cat has claws

They call it "marigolds"

And "calendula" - scientifically

Only this is already boring.

Rye ears in the field,
There, in the rye, you will find a flower:
Bright blue and fluffy
It’s a pity that it’s not fragrant.
The sun has dropped a golden ray
The first young dandelion has grown.
It has a wonderful golden color
Small portrait from the big sun.
Elegant dresses, yellow brooches
There is not a speck on the beautiful clothes.
These daisies are so funny.
Here, they will play like children, in tags.
Bell! Bell!
Is it really you!
So you ring and so tremble
Where the herbs and flowers are


Only the sun will rise -

The poppy will bloom in the garden.

Cabbage butterfly

Will fall on the flower.

You look - and the flower

Two more petals.


Afternoon sunflower in the garden

Smiling at the weather.

Orbiting circular

Turns his red head.

I, - he boasted to the wheatgrass, -

I warm the earth together with the Sun!

Baba Yaga : - You won again! What fellows knows everything about flowers.

A girl in a rose costume comes out.
Rose is a symbol of perfection
Wisdom and purity.
Its supremacy is recognized,
Amid the colorfulness of flowers.
I came not alone, but with my friends, only flowers need to be planted in flower beds, will you help me?
Leading: Of course, we will help, our children are very fond of nature and will definitely help.
Flowerbed game. (On the playground there are hoops of different colors, the children of the middle group have flowers of different colors, at the signal, the children should stand in the hoop of the same color as the flower in his hand).
Rose: Well done, guys, we have got wonderful flower beds. Will you let us stay for the holiday?
- just to make people happy!
Game "Collect flowers". (Children of the younger group collect flowers scattered around the site).Leading : You memorized how to behave with flowers. Children Answers: Yes
Scene "Don't pick flowers!"
Boys: 1. I want to pick all the flowers in our bouquets at once!
2. Leave nothing, tear every one!
Host: - Well, friends, this is too much, what are you doing, boy?
You see, the flower is a little alive, it doesn't shake its head.
What strange things the guys did:
They tear flowers all in a row.
If I pick a flower, if you pick a flower
If we pick flowers, there will be no beauty!
Let all people admire the flowers among the fields
Leading: Do you want to play?An outdoor game "Venochek" is held, in which Baba Yaga plays the role of the "gardener". Children stand in a line at one end of the playground: this is "Flowers in the Garden",

Driving: - the gardener is at a distance of 3-4 meters from the children.

The gardener approaches the flowers and says:

I'm going to pick a flower

Weave a wreath of flowers.

Children - flowers answer:

We don't want to be ripped off

And weaved wreaths of us.

We want to stay in the garden

They will admire us.

Having uttered the last words, the children - the flowers run away, and the gardener tries to grease someone. The caught sits on a chair. And whoever remains is the one who wins

Baba Yaga:

I can hardly catch my breath

I agree. Beat!

Only I am more cunning, guys,

Guess the riddles!

Baba Yaga makes several riddles about flowers.

- Here is the blue bell,

He shakes his head.

Only the sounds are not heard

What is his name, tell me.


Many satin petals -

Yellow, white, variegated, red.

Look at me,

I am called ... (carnation)

Wonderful flower,

He's like a bright light

Lush, important, like a pan,

Blossoms ... (tulip)

We will weave wreaths in the summer

For Oksana, Masha, Sveta,

For Alyonka, two Natasha.

All wreaths are from ... (daisies)

We carried mushrooms in a basket

And another blue flower.

This wild flower

Thin delicate ... (cornflower)

Look - by the fence

The queen of the garden blossomed.

Not a tulip and not a mimosa,

And the beauty in thorns ... (rose)

In May - yellow, and in July -

He's a fluffy ball.

We blew a little on him -

Soared ... (dandelion)

We paint in the summer

Flower beds, parks, flower beds

We are with our carrot color

And we are called ... (marigolds).

Baba Yaga:

Well done! Well, what can I say!

Leading :

Game "Collect a daisy"

Children are divided into 2 teams and collect chamomile.

Game "Weave a wreath"

Host: Now we will play the game "Weave a wreath" with you, we will dance to the music. And as soon as it is over, the guys in hats of flowers should each stand in their own circle and "weave" a large wreath (daisies with daisies, bells, tulips, etc.)

Baba Yaga: Everything ! Guard! It's time to give up!

I was old enough to compete with you!

It's time to get out of here!

Flower Fairy:-

We will not let you go, Baba Yaga, play with us!

Comic game "Grandma - Hedgehog"

Baba Yaga : Everyone, guys, I'm leaving and I'm going to my house. Now I will take care of the flowers, take care of them. Bye!

Leading : Guys, the Flower Fairy invites you to have fun

And spin in a fun dance!

Flower Fairy: For you guys, now our dance with my friends - flowers. Waltz of the Flowers"

Flower Fairy
Now guys let's play a game - a mystery
What flower did Thumbelina come from? (tulip flower of happiness).
What flowers did Kai and Gerda have? (Roses)
What flowers are the main symbol of the 8 March holiday? (mimosas and tulips). What flowers should the heroine of the fairy tale "Twelve Months" find? (snowdrops)
Who is responsible for the various bouquets and flower arrangements? (florist).
Leading : With pleasure we want
We all call flowers here.
May they have a wonderful view
The earth will be decorated.
Field, meadow and garden flowers,
We invite you, come, do not spare beauty! And now the children of the younger group will perform the round dance song "Flowers"


The game "Take it quickly"

Children stand in a circle. One flower is laid out in front of each of them. Children begin to move in a circle to the music. When the music dies down, you need to have time to pick up the flower. The game is played several times, after each time 2-3 flowers are removed from the circle. Children who did not get the flower drop out of the game. The game ends when there are few children left. They all shout loudly: “Well done!
Flower Fairy

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,

Return to your kingdom!

Goodbye, guys! Until next time!

Leading: So our wonderful holiday has come to an end, we say goodbye to flowers and we are waiting for their guests next year.
The hour of parting has come

Alas, the bright ball is over!

We will protect the flowers!

Goodbye, see you soon!

Scenario for younger students. Ball of flowers

Position: Educator GPA OSH № 63, Mariupol
For children 5-11 years old
Description: this scenario is suitable for educators, educators, primary school teachers, parents.
goal: To generalize and enrich children's knowledge about flowers, to cultivate a respect for nature
- educational: to generalize and enrich children's knowledge about colors;
- developing: develop memory, attention, imagination, creative and artistic abilities
- educational: to foster a sense of self-confidence, miracles, respect for nature, love of good
Equipment: festively decorated hall, balloons, artificial and natural flowers.
Characters: Children - flowers, Spit-thorn, Hare, readers.
Holiday progress
Children, dressed in costumes of flowers, parents, guests enter, sit down in their places.
Music plays quietly (Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers)
We invite everyone to the ball,
Into an elegantly decorated hall
Where there will be music and laughter
Smiles, dancing and success!
The scent of flowers and the chirping of children's voices.
We open a ball of flowers
Is everyone ready to dance?
A girl runs into the hall, dressed in gloomy clothes, on which dry branches and thorns are sewn, and angrily says:
- There will be no ball here! I'm against! I'm Thorny Thorn! That little thing!
I will ruin all the flowers! I really don't like them!

The flowers were scared, they became quiet.
And Thorny Thorn continued:
- Arranged here! Ball! And I was not invited (offended)
- Excuse me, please, Thorny Thorn, but you are ... not a flower ...
- Just think, - Spiteful-thorn said angrily, - maybe I, too, in my soul ... May rose.
- Then you are welcome! The flowers said in unison.
Surprised by Thorny Thorn (she thought that the flowers would drive her away), she entered.
Flowers have always inspired poets, artists, musicians. They dedicated poems, songs, fairy tales to them. Let's take a closer look at flowers, look into their kind, beautiful eyes, and maybe we ourselves will become a little kinder, wiser, more beautiful.

- And I also want you to fulfill my wish ... No! Two wishes! No! Three wishes!
- Okay. What's the first?
- I want a fairy tale!
There is such a legend: Once an unfortunate woman walked across the steppe with her little son. All her life she dreamed of happiness, but could not find it. Suddenly, in the middle of the empty steppe, I saw a tiny tulip. She came up, just wanted to look at him. Then the boy saw a tulip, and, laughing loudly, rushed to him. In an instant, the bud opened. It turned out that joyful children's laughter is happiness! Think about whether it is worth picking tulips, because maybe happiness is hidden in them?
- Dance for me!
And the flowers swirled in a beautiful waltz. (Music S. Rotaru "Lilies of the Valley") Holding hands, together raised the leaves to the sun and smiled at each other.
Spiteful Thorn:
- And also ... I also want a riddle!
1.Growing through the snow
To the sun's rays a flower
Small and gentle
White ... (Snowdrop)

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts,
When nature still dreams,
Forest snowdrop blooms
Frost and spring flower.
There are no more tender petals in the world,
And pouring out a wonderful aroma,
Snowdrop from the chains of snow
It grows, directing the leaves to the sun.
The grass will soon fall like a carpet,
The forest will awaken from sleep
And the snowdrop will be the first to say:
"Hello sun and spring!" (S. Nevolina)

2. Snow fell on the yard, on houses and on us,
Probably, he will cover the city now.
Probably, severe frost will return to us
But dad came and brought mimosa.
He brought it and said: “With your awakening!
Today, family, spring has begun!
My name is Mimosa,
I bloom before everyone else
Well, where else will you see
Are you so beautiful?
3 he's the flower prince poet
And so smartly dressed
About spring sonnet encore
Will read to us ... (Narcissus)

Now the last snow in the field is melting,
Warm steam rises from the ground
And the blue jug blooms
And the cranes call each other ...
Young forest dressed in green smoke
Waiting impatiently for warm thunderstorms
Everything around spring is warmed by breath,
Everything around and loves and sings ... (A.K. Tolstoy)
4. In the meadow from all sides light-light, thin-thin,
As if I heard a ringing.
Who is this? (Bell)
The blue bell bowed to you and me.
The flower bells are very polite.
And you?
5. A wonderful creation, she is a charming girl,
the admiration of the poets,
Born by nature
the snail also looked at it:
what a miracle? (Daisy)
From wicket to wicket
Daisies blossomed
White-pink dew
In the light of the morning star
Their pearl dewdrops
These beads are snowflakes
The joy of the first spring days
In the sea of \u200b\u200bsunbeams!
Little by little sun
Everyone in the palm of your hand!
Primrose daisy!
Hello sunny spring!
6. Born on a May day, keeps him warm,
And it seems that his back - he will quietly ring
And this ringing will be heard by the meadow, and birds and flowers around.
Let's listen - what if we hear you and me? (Lily of the valley)

Lily of the valley:
I hid happiness in petals
The lilac on the bushes.
- My lily of the valley, fragrant, - ordered the cheerful May.
7. Lily of the valley blossomed in May,
On the very holiday, on the 1st day.
May, seeing off with flowers,
Dissolves ... (Lilac)
The branch is dressed in bunches
Purple in color,
This is our spring day
Lilacs bloomed in the garden!

8. When he grows up, he will dress up in a little white dress.
Light, airy, obedient to the breeze.
In the meantime, he wears a yellow sarafan
Who is this? (Dandelion)

Dandelion, sun flower
Smiles with a honey smile
Spring has stepped on the threshold again
Multicolored, festive postcard.
Scattered gold coins
Dandelions funny faces
The light of happiness flows in their eyes
Dandelions are fun cuties! (N. Samoniy)

9 she said: I promise to bloom in early May
I decided to clarify: remind you, call?
Can I drop SMS on demand in the forest?
Angry: What a joke! My name is ... (Forget-me-not)
A gentle baby bluer than the sky
True, in fact, beautiful, baby - Forget-me-not?
(Possible dance Forget-me-nots to the song "Forget-me-not" V. Dobrynin)

10. May, warm and soon summer!
Everyone and everything is dressed in greenery
Like a fountain of fire
Opens up ... (Tulip)
Hello! And I woke up! He smiled sweetly at the sun!
How beautiful it is here!
Just a miracle, just a miracle!
And how beautiful I am! Like a scarlet dawn!

11. It blooms in late spring:
Flower petals are red
A flower like a boiled crayfish
Learned? It's red (Poppy)
Look - here and there
Poppies are blooming red
Field poppies in May
Bloomed in all its glory
Captivating with its beauty
Appeared in the spring!

12. They were brought to us from China
They grow admiring everyone
Many, many petals
Delicate fabulous flowers
As beautiful as a dream! Called ... (Peony)
Peonies firmly entered the garden
We found fans everywhere
Luxurious bushes bloom
Delicate flowers are beautiful!

13.White, fluffy, thick and fragrant curtained the window.
As if it was frozen, as if the forest and the lake,
Snowstorm skidded! Who is this? (Bird cherry)
The forest did not dress up in white furs in spring
The bird cherry blossomed like a bride under a veil.
Young, beautiful, clean, happy!
- Bird cherry, Bird cherry, why are you standing white?
Bird cherry:
- For the spring holiday, for May, blossomed!
-What are your leaves today green?
Bird cherry:
- For the holiday, for the holiday, for May, for the spring!
Bird cherry:
The fragrant bird cherry blossomed with spring,
And the branches are golden, that curls curled,
And satin tassels under dew pearls,
They burn like clear earrings in a beautiful girl.
And next to it, by the thaw, in the grass between the stones,
A small silver stream runs, flows.
Fragrant bird cherry, hanging, is
And golden greens are burning in the sun
The stream is rattling about all the branches
And sings songs insinuatingly under her coolest song (S. Yesenin)

(The "Song of Earthly Beauty" sounds, the children sing along.)
Runs out Hare:
How wonderful this ball is!
I just got into a fairy tale!
I love flowers very much,
I recognize them immediately!
14. Blue and yellow and white butterflies
A lot of flower village on a flower bed
You will recognize them yourself without a hint
These flowers ... (Pansies)
Warm and sunny joyful summer
In blue and white and mixed color
Whisper cheerful, bright fairy tales
Delicate Cute Pansies

15. By the winding path
The sun grows on a leg
As the sun ripens
There will be a handful of grains
By the middle of summer the sun is blooming
And his name is ... (Sunflowers)

Golden sunflowers, ray petals
I am the son of the sun and a cheerful cloud! (T. Lavrova)
16.In a white skirt stands
There is a secret about love
Maybe he will? Or a bobble?
Tell me soon ... (Chamomile)
Hey Chamomile, give me an answer.
Where are you from? Not a secret?
- It's no secret, - said Chamomile, - I was carried by the sun in a pocket

Daisies bloomed, summer has come
Bouquets of white daisies are knitted
You go out to the daisies in the field for a walk
Enjoy the summer, sing and dance!
17 beautiful, young, tender
She is like a swan, snow-white
And even you and I are staring
The dear flower is called (Lily)
Lily-beauty everyone in the neighborhood likes
As if a tender bride is so white, pure, lovely!

Lilies in bloom
Its beauty
Beckon all guests to themselves
Adults and children
And they stand admiring themselves all by themselves
Proud and gentle like no other.
Thorny Spit (smiling furtively):
-La la la la la la. I like friends here!
Thorn-thorn, so you are not a scoundrel at all! Don't get angry and don't get angry! Better smile for all of us!
Spiteful - thorn smiles, takes off his gloomy clothes and remains in a beautiful ball gown pink dress)

- Look, look, guys! A miracle happened! The thorns crumbled, the rotting bark slid, and the Thorny Thorn turned ... into a beautiful flower - the May Rose.
18. May Rose:
For a delicate pink outfit
For a wonderful smell, aroma,
For the joy that brings people
For beauty, everyone loves a rose!
(Possible dance of the May Rose to the music "Song of the Magic Rose" from the movie "Do not leave")
Yes, children, kindness can work miracles. She is able to melt any ice in the heart, give wings, give strength, save. And even the most evil thorn, kindness can turn into a beautiful flower. Let us always do good and overcome evil with good!
Then the flowers sang out of happiness:
And from our warmth and from our kindness
All the flowers have blossomed!
She warms everyone
Like a ray from the window!

But I think we've forgotten someone? Oh yes!
19. She is the last of the flowers
Blooms until the cold
Buds play with paints
Who guessed what they call? (Chrysanthemum)
Already a cool breath
Poplar crowns flutter,
October brought wilting
For squares, parks and alleys.
But in October their poems
The autumn garden reads us
And a branch of white chrysanthemum
Leaves fall calls to dance (V. Wanderer)
Chrysanthemums bloom in late autumn, with bright colors reminding of summer and the sun. Large and very small, white, yellow, pink, even like a chamomile - chrysanthemums exist in a huge variety of species, colors and shades. You can admire the variety of chrysanthemums in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Crimea, where a chrysanthemum ball is held annually from October to December!

Ustinova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Position: music director
Educational institution: Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 9 of general developmental type"
Locality: city \u200b\u200bof Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region
Material name: methodical development
Topic: Scenario of the summer holiday "Ball of Flowers" for senior preschool children.
Date of publication: 13.10.2016
Section: preschool education

Scenario of the summer holiday "Ball of Flowers"

for older preschool children.

Purpose of the holiday:
 Create a joyful cheerful mood in children.  Consolidate knowledge about flowers and their place of growth in your region.  To cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature, a desire to help.
Site design:
 Hang between the flags - children's drawings on the theme "My favorite flower".
 Flower Fairy  Baba Yaga
 Flowers according to the number of girls Art. gr.  Hoops at the rate of 1 hoop for 4 children - 10  2 trays  8 leis  4 baskets with coloring pages prepared in certain areas  2 chairs Children enter the sports ground with cheerful music. Characters: Flower Fairy, Baba Yaga.
From goodness, love and light, a wonderful summer flushed! Rye heads in the field, gallops, summer rain gallops! Grasses ripen, cornfields ripen, and in the ravine, by the river, All wonderfully colorful flowers bloom. It's so good that the summer is still going on! After all, just a little more - a little bit and Autumn will come to the earth to host. In the meantime, let's enjoy our fun, sultry Summer! Listen to how the music sounds beautifully, the Flower Fairy is in a hurry to visit us. Under the "Waltz of the Flowers", the Flower Fairy enters the venue.

Flower Fairy:
They call me the Flower Fairy, I know everything about flowers. Suddenly trouble struck - the Flowers were all kidnapped by Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga runs in to the music.
Baba Yaga:
Why are you all gathered here? Have fun and laugh? Who authorized it?
: We came to the festival of flowers!
Baba Yaga
: - On a holiday of flowers ?! Flowers are my main enemy. They are so beautiful, Everyone admires them, so I imprisoned them in prison, I have tasks for you. If you complete them, I will release the flowers.
Flower Fairy:
Well, guys, help, And free the flowers!
Guys, can we help the Flower Fairy?
Baba Yaga
: Well, come on, surprise me, you portray poems to me.
Flower Fairy:
Guys, come out, tell us the poems, and portray.
1. HOW THE CHAMOMILE APPEARED V. Orlov - Hey, chamomile, Give me an answer: Where are you from, If it's not a secret? - It's no secret, - the daisies answered, - We were carried by the sun In the pocket! - children of the Solnyshko group. 2. MAK E. Feyerabend As soon as the sun rises, the poppy will bloom in the garden. Butterfly-cabbage On the flower will fall. You look - and the flower has two more petals - the children of the "Flowers" group.
Baba Yaga
: - You won again! Want to play? (Yes)
Game "Flowers and Gardeners" - senior preparatory group.

Place watering cans near the hoops at a short distance.

Announce Characters: Breeze - 1 person per group, 4 (6) gardeners

- 2 (3) people from the group.

Rules of the game.
2 breezes stand opposite each other. Gardeners at their watering can. All other children are flower seeds. While the music is playing, they fly all over the site. With the end of the music, 4 people sit in the hoop. After a sound signal (ringing bells), children - seeds are transferred to another lawn. Fly over to another hoop. So 3 times. At the end the gardener comes up to them and waters them. Children - seeds gradually "grow".
The host tells a story about a flower, starting with the seed and

ending with a grown flower.
A light breeze blew and all the seeds scattered throughout the forest lawn. They hit the ground (hoop), but did not sprout. The conditions were not right. It was very cold. The wind blew again, the seeds flew, hit the ground - the hoop, but did not germinate. The conditions were not right. It was very hot. The third time the wind blew and again all the seeds fell into the ground and began to germinate. Then the gardeners came up to them and began to water.
an outdoor game "Venochek", in which Baba Yaga plays the role of a "gardener" -

all children.
Children stand in a line at one end of the hall: this is "Flowers in the Garden",
- the gardener is at a distance of 3-4 meters from the children. The gardener approaches the flowers and says: I'm going to pick a flower, Weave a wreath of flowers. Children - flowers answer: We do not want to be plucked And weaved wreaths from us. We want to stay in the garden, They will admire us. Having uttered the last words, the children - the flowers run away, and the gardener tries to grease someone. The one who is caught becomes a gardener.
All children sit on benches.

"Dance with flowers" - girls art, pod. gr.

Baba Yaga:
You beat me! But nothing! I'll see how smart you are. Now guys, guess the riddles! Baba Yaga makes several riddles about flowers. 1. Here's a blue bell, He shakes his head. Only the sounds are not audible, Tell me what his name is. (Bell.) 2. We will weave wreaths in the summer For Oksana, Masha, Sveta, For Alyonka, two Natasha. All the wreaths are made of ... (daisies) 3. We carried mushrooms in a basket And another blue flower. This wild flower is Thin delicate ... (cornflower)
Baba Yaga:
Well done! And now my favorite game.
Game "Collect a bouquet".

Attributes. Set out 2 chairs, 2 trays with 5 bouquets of flowers each.

Rules of the game.
Children are built into a team of 5 people. With the beginning of the music, they run to the girl sitting on the chair and give her a flower. They run around the chair, return to their column, touch the next child's shoulder and stand at the end of the column.
Baba Yaga: Everything
! Guard! It's time to give up! I cannot compete with you! It's time to get out of here! (It's time for me to leave).
Flower Fairy:-
We will not let you go, Baba Yaga, play with us! The sun beats down hot, all the flowers wither. Help us. B. Ya. Okay, I will help. Only you guys will be my helpers.
Game "Grandma - Hedgehog"

Baba Yaga
: Everyone, guys, I'll go to my home. Now I will take care of the flowers, take care of them. Bye!
: Guys, the Flower Fairy invites you to have fun And spin in a fun dance! Children dancing "Merry Dance"
Flower Fairy:
Well, it's time for me to say goodbye, To return to my kingdom! I have prepared a surprise for you, You will find it in a clearing where there are no flowers. Goodbye, guys! Until next time! The guys, along with the educators, go and find surprises - coloring pages in a pre-prepared place.

Summer entertainment scenario "Ball of Flowers"

Held by the teacher: Khilkova T.V.


Arouse positive emotions in children;

Consolidate knowledge about the name of flowers;

- to cultivate a respect for nature.

Leading ... Today is a holiday! Celebration of light
A holiday of sun and warmth!
Because summer is visiting
It came to us again in the morning!
Summer is the most wonderful and beautiful time. Only in the summer there are so many colors. The whole world is becoming colorful. And what helps the world to become so beautiful? (children's answers) Yes, in summer there are a lot of flowers.
What color are the flowers?

Where can we find flowers?

Leading. Guys, do you know flowers well? Now let's check it out.

There is a game for you

I'll read poetry now

I'll start and you finish

Answer in chorus.

The golden mean and the rays go around

It could be a picture: the sun in the blue sky?

No, not the sun on a piece of paper

Flowers in the meadow ... (chamomile).

Dissolves in the early morning

Petals your flower

And as the evening comes,

Extinguishes the red light

Look, look,

What is this red fan?

It's bright ... (carnation)

The new one is celebrating the day.

Grow up - dress up

In a little white dress

Light, airy,

Obedient to the breeze,

In the meantime, standing dressed

In a yellow sarafan

And his name is, guys,

It's just ... (dandelion).

On the sunny edge of the grass she sits,

She quietly lifted her lilac ears.

And here savvy will help you:

Everyone calls the flower ... (violet).

Spring nature is dear to us each,

Cold snows bloom in streams

Needles and dead wood are cleared of snow,

And the first one appears in the thawed patches ... (snowdrop).

In the thick, green grass, he looks elegant,

But from arable land, like a weed, it is expelled mercilessly

The head is blue and the stalk is long,

But who does not know him, because this is ... (cornflower).

Leading: Guys, tell me, what insects do you know? Who collects nectar from flowers?

Children answer.

Leading: Well done! And now you and I will also turn into bees and bumblebees. Well, girls, let's fix our skirts, Now we are not children, but hardworking bees. Come on, boys, let's pull up our pants. A ringing bumblebee flew into the garden.

Game "Borrow a flower"

(Hoops are laid out on the floor, children "fly" over the flowers to the music, and when the music ends, they occupy the "flower", who do not get the flower, drop out of the game.)

Leading : Look guys, how many petals I have, they were flowers, but they all crumbled and mixed. Help me collect them.

Game "Collect a flower"

(From the mixed parts of flowers, collect a whole and name it)

Leading: One day such an incident happened in a meadow. Listen. Arriving at the meadow, the girls exclaimed: “What a beautiful meadow! How many flowers are on it! " The girlfriends decided to arrange a competition: who will collect the largest and most beautiful bouquet. Have the girls found a good occupation? Why can't you pick flowers? (Answers.)
Leading: Well done! Why do we need flowers? What is the use of them besides a pleasant aroma, beauty? (Juice is nectar, pollen is food for insects, the flower itself is a house of insects.)

Leading: Tell me, who cares for the flowers that grow in the flower beds? Guys, can you take care of flowers? We will check it now.

The relay race "Klumba"

(Children are divided into two teams. The first ones run, draw a flower bed, the second ones run, draw a stem, the third ones run, draw leaves, etc.)