What are the flyers called. Terminology in the printing industry. What is a flyer

Wanting to attract the attention of potential customers, many businesses rely on advertising printed materials. This category includes all kinds of flyers and leaflets, which are an affordable and very effective tool for influencing the consumer. Despite the similar function, these types of printing products have a number of significant differences. They will be discussed in our article.



Flyer - a small flyer containing information about a company or event. In most cases, it provides the right to a discount, performs the function of a free pass or an invitation card that anyone can use. Has a bright colorful design, corresponding to the theme of this or that event. Flyers are used as handouts in various promotions and advertising campaigns. They are designed to attract the maximum number of interested people. Leaflets of this kind may be of an image or information nature, contain prices and a description of the company's advantages. Flyers are most effective in services and entertainment. This type of advertising has a limited duration that expires at the time of the event (sale, party, concert, opening ceremony, etc.).


Leaflet - printed media of informational or political agitation with text and images. It is an effective advertising tool. The leaflets are printed in large numbers and distributed in public places: at exhibitions, seminars, shopping and entertainment centers, etc. They can also be placed in mailboxes, placed on the shelves of shops and pharmacies. Printed products of this kind act as a kind of business card of the company. That is why it should be as informative and visually attractive as possible. The main function of a flyer is to encourage its recipient to contact a specific company, make a purchase, or attend an event. With its help, you can draw attention to a specific product or service and tell you where to buy it.


First of all, let's talk about the functional differences between advertising media. If the flyer provides information about the company, offered goods and services, then the flyer informs about any event. Often it promises its owner some advantage in the form of a discount or free entry. In this regard, this type of printing is of great value and is almost always retained by the recipient. Whereas the lion's share of leaflets immediately ends up in the trash can. If in the near future a person does not plan to use the services of the company or purchase the offered goods, he simply throws out advertising. Indeed, if necessary, he can always find information about the company by calling the help desk or wandering around the Internet.

Flyers are printed on both thin and thick paper. However, in order to reduce the cost of production, preference is given to the former. Many leaflets cannot boast of a bright design and an abundance of colorful pictures; the main emphasis in them is on the text. Such advertising messages are sometimes carried out in black and white.

This leads to another difference between a flyer and a leaflet, which is its colorful, eye-catching design. The key role in the printed medium is played by the bright thematic design and catchy illustrations that convey the atmosphere of the upcoming event. Therefore, flyers are very popular among young people. But in comparison with leaflets, they have a limited lifespan and lose their value immediately after the event ends. Flyers are printed primarily on thick paper and in a small format for easy carry. The maximum size of the product is 1/3 of a standard A4 sheet. The length of some copies reaches only 10 cm. The leaflet has a rather long period of validity, because it reflects the address of the company and its contact details. It is printed in A4, A5, A6 and A7 formats.

To summarize, what is the difference between a flyer and a leaflet.

Flyer Leaflet
Informs about the eventGives information about the company, offered goods and services
May provide a discount or entitlement to free admissionDoes not bode well for its owner
Often saved by the recipientHas no significant value, often just thrown away
Printed on thick paperThin paper is preferred
Colorful design that reflects the nature of the event is keyThe main focus is on text
Loses its value after the end of the eventHas an unlimited service life
The maximum product size is 1/3 of a standard sheet of paperManufactured in A4, A5, A6 and A7 formats

It is one of the most popular that our printing house provides to its customers. The leaflet is the most democratic advertising medium. Due to the low manufacturing cost, leaflets are ordered by both state-owned companies and commercial firms. Inexpensive leaflet printing is available even to individuals. Flyers are versatile products and are used in a wide variety of activities and can advertise a wide variety of products and services.

In our printing house you can order inexpensive printing of leaflets of various types and editions by means of offset and digital printing.

Types of leaflets.

1. Image flyers... This type of leaflet is one of the most expensive types. Such flyers are used to create a positive image of the company in the eyes of potential customers. Image leaflets are most often printed in A4 format, since this format allows you to convey a sufficient amount of information to convince potential customers of the merits and advantages of the company, its products and services. When creating image flyers, design is very important. With professional development in our printing house, the scope of the company, its corporate style and target audience are taken into account. The design of leaflets is often carried out in the company and is guided by the tastes of the target audience in order to form a positive attitude towards the company, improve the company's image and status. Image flyers are printed on high quality coated and even designer papers. They are performed bright and colorful. To make leaflets attractive, various types of finishing operations can be used:,. Image flyers contain information about the company, the goods and services it provides, interesting photographs and illustrations, as well as company contact information. It is carried out on high-performance equipment using modern offset and offset technologies.

2 . Flyers. This type of flyer is used for a variety of purposes: to provide information on changes in the company's assortment or product prices, on various discounts and sales, on the opening of a new outlet, etc. This type of flyer allows you to advertise the goods and services of the company or a certain type of product. Such leaflets are often ordered by shops, restaurants, clubs, car dealerships, entertainment centers, etc. Leaflets, depending on the amount of information, can be issued in A4, A5 and even A6 formats. The quality of leaflet production depends on the type of the advertised product, the method of distribution, the target audience of the company, and the company's advertising budget. As a rule, high quality leaflets are made to advertise expensive products, because a potential client involuntarily transfers the impression from the leaflet to the quality of the products and services offered. If the purpose of issuing leaflets is to reach as wide an audience as possible, they can be made on lower quality paper without using any finishing operations. By saving in the cost of making leaflets, it becomes possible to produce more leaflets with the same advertising budget.

3. Campaign leaflets. This type of leaflet is used most often during election campaigns. The purpose of making leaflets is to attract the attention of the target audience to a particular party or its candidate. Such leaflets are printed on high-quality paper, and various finishing operations can be used in their production. The purpose of the leaflets is to form a positive image of a political party or a specific candidate in the eyes of a potential audience.

4. Information leaflets... Such leaflets are used to convey any information to the public (for example, about upcoming company events), to instruct the use of any products, etc. Such leaflets may contain diagrams and graphs. Leaflets can be made in full color or in black and white. The quality of their performance depends on the expected period of use.

In our printing house you can order any kind of leaflets with high quality and inexpensive. We print leaflets, both according to layouts offered to customers, and according to layouts developed in our design studio.

In addition to high-quality printing of leaflets and, you can order in our printing house, and, as well as other branded and advertising products.

It remains the most efficient type of advertising, and the leaflet is the simplest and cheapest way to convey information to the consumer. This is a universal method used by product manufacturers and merchants, from individual entrepreneurs to corporations. According to the tasks of the carriers and the design features, the types of leaflets are distinguished.

Flyer materials and printing methods

Most often, leaflet printing involves a large circulation, designed for distribution on the streets, in shopping centers, shops - places of high traffic. For the manufacture of paper used:

  • offset thin (60 or 80 g / m²);
  • coated dense (90-200 g / m²);
  • design - in exceptional cases (for presentations, opening retail outlets, etc.).

Printing houses use two methods of creating paper advertising media.

  1. Digital printing of leaflets is suitable for print runs of up to 500 copies. It allows you to get the right amount of advertising media quickly and with excellent quality. In addition, the digital method is relevant before the launch of a large circulation - like the production of a trial, pilot batch.
  2. Offset printing of leaflets is more profitable if more than 500 copies are required. With this method, the larger the circulation, the lower the cost of the printing unit.

Leaflet formats

The most common formats are A5 and A6, rarely A4. The size "euro" (100x200 mm) has become widespread. The choice depends on the amount of information that needs to be placed on the advertising medium. Many printing houses meet their customers halfway by fulfilling orders for non-standard format products. Flyers with information about a specific event or product are very popular, the usual size of which is 98x210 mm, however, the A7 format (74x105 mm) is often used for their production.

Flyer design

Considering what kind of flyers there are, we highlight the design:

  • black and white and color;
  • with pictures and exclusively text;
  • two- and one-sided;
  • full color and monochrome (much cheaper, but less attention grabbing).
  • understandable;
  • short;
  • memorable.

Long text on the flyer, printed in small print, will not be studied by anyone. Therefore, they use only simple sentences, short lists (for example, with the advantages of a product or service).

Information is placed so that it is convenient to read: it should be visually perceived naturally. The main message is in the upper left part, then its details. A slogan, especially a rhymed one, is better remembered, therefore it can be successfully used as a title (in large print). The text should be separated from the picture.

Bright colors are welcome, but there should not be many of them: the colorful leaflet is not readable, it is not functional.

The types of leaflets can be different, but they must contain contact information, address, directions. Otherwise, even having become interested in the offer, the buyer will not find a product or service.

There is a little trick: on the back you can put a calendar for the current year, a metro map, and other useful information. Most likely, a person will save such a flyer and read it carefully sooner or later.

The layout of the flyer can be developed independently or commissioned by professionals. How the color scheme will look is explained to the client using a pantone - a catalog that is developed taking into account the printing conditions, including the characteristics of the materials from which the products are made. Before printing the circulation, the printing house coordinates the final version with the customer.

Types of leaflets by functionality

Black and white flyers

  1. providing information about the firm (company, enterprise, branch);
  2. advertising of goods;
  3. service offer;
  4. invitation to an event, action;
  5. information about goods.

The first function is performed by image leaflets. They are used at significant events, produced in small editions.

The second and third are massive. They are handed out, thrown into mailboxes. The purpose of this type of flyer is to reach the largest possible audience. When distributing, it is worth considering the target audience. Elderly people, for example, should not be offered ads for a sushi bar, and students should not be offered expensive bedding.

The fourth function is perfectly handled. Small leaflets are made in the form of invitations, discount coupons. The main condition for their successful work is truthful information. If a discount is given for a specific model, but it is said that for the entire assortment, advertising will not cause a potential buyer anything but negative emotions.

The fifth type of leaflets characterize goods and services. These media are the cheapest and most informative, most often black and white.

The types of leaflets overlap: when talking about goods, services and events, mass leaflets create the company's image, and information is provided in one way or another by all types of advertising media - without this, any types of leaflets are meaningless.


Leaflets have been used since ancient times, in the beginning as a means of disseminating information, usually political or other socially significant: religious, military, etc. They were used at one time to disseminate official government orders.

Despite the fact that the first forms of leaflets ("scribble letters" and "lovely letters") existed in handwritten form, leaflets as a mass phenomenon appeared soon after the invention of printing and as the literacy of the population grew. Initially, it was in this form that government orders were issued. But already during the Peasant War in Germany in 1524-1526. propaganda leaflets were distributed (see, for example, the leaflet case).

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Flyer is the most widespread, affordable and at the same time quite effective type of print advertising.
Also, the concept of leaflets includes flyers - these are also leaflets, as a rule, in small formats (200 * 100mm, 50 * 150mm), made for mass distribution.
Roughly speaking, it is a sheet of paper with information printed on it. Flyers are characterized by many parameters that directly affect the cost / presentability of the flyer. Let's try to organize these characteristics:

Offset printing of leaflets

Layout layout of the flyer

The main characteristics of the leaflets:

1). The colorfulness of the flyer. The number of colors used in the leaflet on each of the two sides. Typically 4 or 1 paint is used. "4" refers to a full color image (CMYK), and "1" usually refers to a black and white image. Various combinations are possible:
4 + 4 (full color on both sides),
4 + 1 (full color on one side),
4 + 0 (color on one side, on the other - no printing),
1 + 1 (black and white on both sides),
1 + 0 (black and white on one side, on the other without printing at all)

2. Format of the leaflet. About 90 percent of leaflets have a standard format (A3, A4, A5, A6), but often designers, in order to attract more attention, resort to non-standard formats. We offer leaflets in ANY format from 5 * 5cm to 32 * 47cm.

3. Paper for leaflets. The main parameter of paper when choosing leaflets: its density. We offer offset, calendered and coated papers with weights from 65 g / m2 to 300 g / m2.
To make it easier for you to navigate the density of paper when printing leaflets, here are some comparisons:
80g / m2, offset - the most affordable paper for leaflets. Most of us are familiar with it from home and office printers and packs of 500 sheets.

115g / m2, coated glossy - the most popular paper, we receive such leaflets almost every day on the streets or see in our entrances.

170g / m2 coated glossy - fairly thick paper. It can often be found in the form of desktop and wall calendars, pages of expensive magazines.