"Let's laugh Nesmeyanu" material (senior group) on the topic. "How they made the princess Nesmeyana laugh." New Year's scenario for children of senior and preparatory groups

Entertainment script

"How they made Nesmeyanu laugh"

(preparatory groups)

Presenter: Hello guys! Do you know what day it is? Today is April 1st! This day is declared the Day of Laughter. Today they laugh all over the world, joke on friends, come up with all sorts of practical jokes. Today we will joke, play, laugh!

Everywhere holiday and fun

Everyone laughs heartily

This is a carriage with laughter

IN kindergartenuk were brought.

Where is my big spoon?

Open your mouths wider.

Instead of porridge and potatoes

We will eat laughs!

Hey guys, come out and tell everyone about laughter!

Children recite verses:

We live the best

Because laughter is with us!

We don't part with him anywhere

Wherever we are - we laugh!

Let's look out the window in the morning

The rain is pouring, but we find it funny!

If the path to the kindergarten lies

Laughter runs alongside us.

If we go camping -

Laughter does not lag behind us.

With us he is in any game

Away, at home, in the yard.

On the river, in the forest, and in the field,

At the rink and at football

Our friend is with us everywhere

Laughter is a laugh!

Laughter - laugh!

Presenter: Our nice guys are not used to being discouraged.

Come on, guys, we will meet the guests!

Parsley appears.


Hello kids -

Girls and boys!

Everyone knows me always!

You recognized me?


I liked the answer.

Do we know you?

Children: No!


Let's meet then?

Answer amicably!


I'm a fun toy

And my name is ...

Children: Parsley!


You guessed right

They all named me correctly.

Now introduce yourself

The children each call their own name.

Funny Greetings game


Well now it's time

Tell you a fairy tale, kids.

Musical composition "Magic Train"


Once upon a time there was a princess.

The princess is not easy, so capricious!

It was seen all over -

I don't know why -

No one will please her.

A scream is heard from behind the house, crying. Princess Nesmeyana enters the hall, looks at the children.


Well, get out quickly!

Don't catch your eye!

Bring the pies! (stomps his foot)

Petrushka: Did you get up on the wrong foot?

Nesmeyana: Bring sweets and a lot of chocolate!

Parsley: (mockingly) Do you need anything else?

Nesmeyana stomps her foot, cries.

Petrushka: What should we do, how should we be?

We must make Nesmeyan laugh!

On the magic train they return to the kindergarten "Smile"

Song "Kindergarten"


Have returned, children, together,

And now we need to remember

Where, children, does laughter live?

What makes the honest people laugh?

Funny ditties? (children answer "Yes" or "No")

Bitter cheesecakes?

Are the clowns funny?

Are our books torn?

Is there a lot of fun in the circus?

Does laughter live in poetry?

Children, are there funny poems?

Now let's listen to them: (children read poetry)

Dance "Lavata"

Warm-up "Smeshariki"

Game "Funny faces"

Funny ditties

Game "April Fool's Day - I don't believe anyone"

Funny bad advice

Bad advice from Nesmeyana:

Papa knocked over the vase

Who will punish him?

“This is fortunate. This is fortunate ",

The whole family will say.

Well, if unfortunately

I would do it.

"You are open, you are a muddlehead"

They will say about me.

Parsley: Enough, Nesmeyanushka, roar. Better listen to a very adult boy, and his name is Yegor.

"When I become an adult"

When I become an adult

I'll let my son do everything:

Eating sour cream with your hands

and jump on my back,

Lie on the couch

Draw on the wall

Keep the beetle in your pocket

Don't wash your faces

Run through the puddles

Cut the legs off the chair,

Don't sleep or dine

Riding a cat

Spin the spring in the clock

Drink water from the tap ...

I'll let my son do everything

When I become an adult!

Petrushka: Here are some wonderful funny poems that poets have invented for you guys.

And we offer boys to turn into adults right now.

Game "When I become an adult"

(jacket, tie, hat, extra-large boots, briefcase)

Dance "Boogie-woogie"

A song about a good mood

Magic Train - Station Shchekotalkino

Dance "Kindness"

Nesmeyana: I will not be angry anymore!

And I will not be capricious

And forget about harm!

Petrushka: Okay, so be it.

Better to live with jokes!

Nesmeyana: I promise all people -

From now on I will always be good!

Nesmeyana: Thank you all for your efforts,

For science, education.

And for your introduction

Get a treat!


Princess Nesmeyana

The hall is decorated balloons and multi-colored ribbons. Decorations: hall of the palace; on the throne - Princess Nesmeyana. She is sad and crying.

Leading:Hello guys! Welcome to our holiday ... Oh, and who is crying? Princess Nesmeyana is upset and very upset about something ... Guys, if you don't help me cheer her up, we will listen to this cry throughout the holiday ... And what kind of holiday with tears ?! There are no such holidays! Guys, will you help me dispel the sadness-sadness of Princess Nesmeyana?


Leading:Okay! That's how many assistants I have! I am sure we will certainly make our Nesmeyanu laugh! .. Guys, do you know why Nesmeyanu was called that?


Leading:I'll tell you now how it happened! Listen carefully! In one kingdom, in the thirty-tenth state, there lived a king. And he had a daughter, a beauty written! But the trouble is, the princess was always capricious! And then she is not, and it is not that way! Only her cry and cry were heard in the palace! But once a terrible misfortune happened: the king had a quarrel with Baba Yaga. The insidious Baba Yaga decided to take revenge on him and bewitched his daughter. Since then, the Princess was constantly crying and sad. And no one in the whole kingdom could cheer her and dispel her sorrow ... Guys, all hope is on you! Let's try together to disenchant the unfortunate Princess!

At this time, the Princess cried louder.

Leading:Guys, look how our Princess is crying bitterly! Let's have fun soon! (Turns to Nesmeyana.) Hello, Your Highness! What is your mood today?

Nesmeyana (sobs even louder): Don't you see ?! I'm in a bad mood today! (With sadness.) However, as always ...

Leading:Would you like, Your Highness, to see how the kids will play a fun game ...

Nesmeyana (capriciously): No! I don't want to watch the kids play! (Sobs loudly.)

Leading:Well, at least she began to talk to me! This is already good! (To the children.) Guys, let's have fun! It's time to play!

The host conducts the game "Eat the candy". The candy is tied with a string to a horizontal bar. The child must eat it without using his hands. At one of the moments of the game, Nesmeyan stops crying and starts laughing. However, then he cries loudly again.

Leading:Princess, no need to cry! Look how dexterous our sweet-tooth children are! As soon as they see the candy, they will eat it even without using their hands! This is dexterity!

Nesmeyana:Your game is bad! Sad and boring! These kids (nods at the children) only participate in it. And I'm already big!

Leading (to the children): Guys, let's not despair! Let's try to cheer up the Princess again! Let's show her a dance!

Cheerful music sounds. Children are dancing. The princess became interested in dancing for a while and even slightly moves her shoulders to the beat of the music. But then she realizes and starts crying.

Leading (turns to the Princess): What happened, dear Nesmeyana? Don't you feel like dancing?

Nesmeyana:I can't dance! And your dance is bad!

Leading:Why cry? Come on, Your Highness, we will teach you how to dance!

Nesmeyana:Teach? Like this? Can you?

Leading:Of course we can! We will definitely teach you how to dance! Come out! And get up in the center of the hall! (Turns to the guys.) Guys, will we teach the Princess to dance?


Leading:Maestro, music! The most fun and incendiary!

Music sounds. Children dance and teach Nesmeyanu to dance, who cannot dance.

Nesmeyana:Well, I told you I couldn't learn!

Leading:Nothing! Nothing! You will definitely learn to dance!

The presenter conducts the game “Repeat my movement”. The princess also tries to repeat the movements. Then he sits down on the throne and sobs.

Nesmeyana (sobbing, stamping his feet): I don’t want to! I won't!

Leading:What won't you ?! What don't you want ?!

Nesmeyana:I don't want to play with you! I will not learn to dance! And in general it is not a royal thing - to play games and dance to dance!

Leading (in a whisper): Guys, again you and I could not cheer up the Princess. What else to think of?

Nesmeyana (sadly): You dance a little, and I'll sit here and look at you.

Leading (to the children): Well, guys, let's dance ?!


Children are dancing. At the end of the dance, Nesmeyana begins to cry loudly.

Leading (throws up his hands): Here we go again! Your Highness! Why are you crying so bitterly? Didn't you like our dance?

Nesmeyana:I really liked your dance. Only ... I'm tired of sitting here! I felt bored and sad!

Leading:This is just wonderful! (In a whisper.) Guys, call Nesmeyanu to dance.

The children persuade Nesmeyanu to go dance with them. She disagrees for a long time. Then he goes to dance.

Nesmeyana:All! I'm tired of dancing! I want to play! But only so as to be sure to win!

Leading:In order to win, you need to show dexterity and ingenuity, and sometimes knowledge! (Thinks.) What kind of game should I offer you? Yeah, I know! Let's play the game "Catch the Ball".

The host conducts the game "Catch the Ball". Everyone stands in a circle and then passes it around in a circle to each other. The princess needs to catch up with him. The presenter plays along with the Princess and allows her to catch the ball.

Princess (joyfully): Hurray! Hurrah! I caught him! See all! I caught him!

Leading:Guys, look, what a dexterous and quick Princess! Let's shout to her "Well done!"

Children (three times): Well done!

Leading:Now come out dancing, girls. Let's dance "Lantern Balls" for everyone!

Sobbing is heard, followed by loud sobs.

Nesmeyana (crying): I can't dance the "Lantern Balls" dance! What should I do?!

Leading:Don't cry, Princess! Now the girls will show you how to dance the "Lantern Balls" dance.

The girls are performing the Lantern Balls dance again. Then the Princess joins them.

Princess (to the children): How is it? Does it work for me?


Princess:Still would! I always succeed! I'm a royal daughter!

Leading:Not laughing! Your Highness, do you think you can reach your nose with your hand?

Nesmeyana (grins): Of course you can! And it's even easy to do it! Look! (He touches his forefinger to his nose.)

Leading:Okay! And even great! Now let's complicate the task! Guys, and you, Nesmeyana, grab your nose with your right hand, and put your left hand on the back of your head. Now change the position of your hands: with the left, grab the nose, and put the right on the back of the head.

Repeat the game several times.

Leading:Well done boys! Well done, Nesmeyana! (Quietly addresses the children) Guys, have you noticed that our Princess has stopped crying, crying and sadness ?! See she smiles!

Princess (joyfully): Yes! I completely forgot about sadness! And now I will never cry!

Leading:Do you promise?

Nesmeyana:I promise! Honestly! .. (To children.) Thank you guys! They helped me overcome sadness-sorrow! Come and visit me again! Will you come?


Leading:Indeed, it's time for us to leave the fairy tale! And in parting, let's sing a funny song for the Princess!

Children sing a song.

Leading:So the time has come for us to say goodbye to the Tsarevna, who from Nesmeyana turned into Smeyana! Look, guys, how fun she laughs! It was your friendship that helped the Princess to recover from sadness and longing! (Turns to the Princess.) Never cry or be capricious again! Be obedient and cheerful! And it's time for us to go home! Goodbye!

Princess:Goodbye! Come and visit me again! I will look forward to it! I also want to sing songs, dance, play and have fun!


The script for the April Fools' entertainment "Let's Make Nesmeyanu Laugh".

Compiled by educator I.N. according to Internet resources.

Introduction. Two clowns in comic outfits run out.

Bohm : - “Hey, hi Bim! "

Bim: - “Hi Bom! "

They greet the guys in chorus: “Hello, guys! "

Bohm : - “Bim, what is it on your nose? "(Pulls Bima's nose)

Bim : - "What is where? "(Tries to look at the nose)

(at this time Bom laughs)

Bohm: “Bim, look, your pants are torn. "

Bim : - "Where where? "(Trying to look)

Bohm laughs: - “I don’t believe anyone on the first of April! "

Bim : - “And what is the First of April? "

Bohm: “Don't you know what April Fools is? This is a day of jokes and laughter, on this day you need to joke and have fun! "(Jumps and jumps in place)" Guys, do you like to joke and laugh?

Clowns sing a joke song:

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

They beat the porridge with a hammer

They beat, beat, did not grieve,

Was washed down with milk.

The king is set on the table

The cat is poured in a saucer,

And the pig in her trough

Enjoy your meal.

Enjoy your meal.

Grandfather and woman ate porridge,

Once upon a time there was a hammer

We ate and drank, did not grieve,

Was washed down with milk.

Bim: - "Oh, how fun it is!" (Spins and dances).

Bohm: “You know, Bim, there is one girl who does not laugh at all, and does not know how to joke, she is sad all the time. "

Bim : - "Quite quite? And you can't cheer her up?

Bohm: - “I think we should try, what do you guys think? "

To the sad music, a girl sits by the window and is bored.

Clowns approach the girl.

Bim: - “Girl, what's your name? "

Girl: - "Nesmeyana"

Bohm: - “What is it on your nose? "(Pulls his nose)

The girl starts crying and leaves.

Bim : - “Yes, it won't be easy here, only magic will help. "

Bohm: - “Hey friends, come to the rescue, we will amuse Nesmeyanu. - Do you guys like laughter, fun, jokes? Do you like to play? We'll find out now!

I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - Me! So!

Who loves games?

Who loves cartoons?

Chewing gum?


And the baskets?

Who loves cake?

And what about ice cream?

What about chocolate?

And the marmalade?

And who loves treasure?

And the cuffs?

Who loves to sunbathe?

Who likes to scream?

Swimming in a muddy puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Who loves to sing and dance?

And play?

Well, then let's play kids.

Nesmeyana sits down on a chair and watches the children's performances.

Cheeks, cheeks, cheeks,

Dimples, lumps;

All day until night

Smile cheeks!

Vasin's dad is very proud

The fact that Vasya loves sports!

That sport is called -

"Who will eat mom's cake faster"

The chicken took the comb

Well, I'll do my hair

And then I'll buy perfume

To bait roosters!

Bohm: “Yes, not an easy task. Next number "

Guys, let's make funny faces for her?

Competition "Funny faces"

And Nesmeyana cries even more.

Bohm: “You know, Bim, oh, and we got a bad girl! "

Can she sing ditties?

Comic ditties

Oh, girlfriends, ditties

We'll sing tonight.

Let them remember for all the years

How fun we live.

I painted myself

Black paint blanket.

The ginger cat slept on it -

I became a striped tiger.

Vova was too lazy in the morning

Comb your hair with a comb

A cow came up to him.

She combed her hair with her tongue.

Alla is at the table today

Dozed off at the plate

Buratino sat down with her

And I ate compote and porridge.

Smoked pan

Julia was cleaning with sand.

Two hours in Julia's trough

Grandma washed afterwards.

We sang ditties for you

Is it good, is it bad

And now we would like -

For you to clap!

Nesmeyana is crying.

Bim : - “Well, how to cheer her up? Let's guys play some fun games?

The game "Who will change whom?"

Game "Catch the Tiger by the Tail"

Game "Running in bags" (bags without a bottom)

The game “Jumping on balls.

Nesmeyana laughs.

Bohm: - Well, our princess laughed.

Nesmeyana : - Thank you guys, I have so much fun with you. I don't want you to call me Nesmeyanoy. Now call me Laughing Girl and come to visit me again.

Svetlana Potoskueva
Scenario of the holiday "How Emelya made Princess Nesmeyana laugh at Maslenitsa week"

MK DOW "Ikovsky kindergarten of general developmental type No. 1"

"How Emelya made Princess Nesmeyana laugh at Maslenitsa week».

Musical director:

Potoskueva Svetlana Yurievna


- Emelya

- Nesmeyana


A Russian folk melody is playing. Children gather in the street, on festively decorated playground... Appears Emelya with a whistle in her hands.

Emelya: Attention! Attention!

It was ordered to you to bring the decree at this hour,

Dictated by herself

Our Mother - in Winter.

"Every year this number, -

As the pointer says -

Whether it is the city of al village,

Come out on celebration!

By all means, everyone should

Be on the wires of winter! "

Guys, do you know why we are gathered here?

Children: Shrovetide we walk!

Emelya: What is this such a holiday?

Shrovetide sees off the winter,

Cold life ends!

IN butter for a week:

Yes - until hiccups,

Shout - to hoarseness,

Sing - until the hassle,

Dance - until you drop!

Oiler only once

IN all year round is staying with us,

Let me have some fun

I will give you a little help - I will not be stingy!

Children, let's call carnival!

Children: Maslenitsa, maslenitsa -

Quail bones.

Come to our wide yard -

They will roll in pancakes, and ride from the mountains!

Mummers bring in a scarecrow Maslenitsa and set in the center, children clap their hands.

Emelya: Become, guys, near carnival.

Oh, carnival - crank,

We welcome you well!

Cheese, oil, roll and baked egg!

Lives carnival seven days!

All: Stay, Maslenitsa, seven years old!

A loud cry is heard, the Tsar runs out and Nesmeyana... The king is trying to catch up Do not laugh... Finally, grabbing her hand, he tries to calm her down and wipe away her tears. Nesmeyana he is pushed away and cries again. The king runs to Emele.

King: Help me out, friend Emelya!

Get out of trouble!

Otherwise it really is

A stream of water will flood us!

Make you laugh, do mercy,

Do not laughmy daughter!

I am for you, dear friend,

At least I will give you my kingdom!

Emelya: Crying and crying is not a problem for us!

Take your daughter here!

King: Let both laughter and jokes sound sooner!

Don't waste a minute, my friend!

Emelya: Everyone, everyone, everyone,

Who does not change pz at all:

Hurry, hurry, hurry!

And if make the princess laugh,

The king will announce a feast for the whole world!

Nesmeyana continues to cry quietly, but looks at what is happening with interest. Emelyaplays games with children:

The music is playing

Tug of war;


Winding the rope (around himself)

Burn, burn clear!

During games Nesmeyana cheers up the participants, laughs, joins in the games herself.

King: My dear daughter,

Good fellows stand before you,

That you have finally been amused.

Thank you for their perky dance!

To the Russian folk melody Nesmeyana is dancing, involves children in the dance.

Emelya: What holiday we celebrate?

Children: Shrovetide!

Emelya: And who are poems, riddles, proverbs about knows Shrovetide?

Children: How on butter week

Pancakes flew on the tables,

Both cheese and cottage cheese -

Everything flew under the threshold!

We were waiting Shrovetide, were waiting

But we haven't seen pancakes or tea!

Thought she was seven weeks,

And she kA one day!

Shrovetide - obeduha, take money!

What pancakes the hostess has, such a harvest!

Emelya: (puts the ear to « Maslenitsa» )

Whispered to me maslenitsa,

I haven't heard songs for a long time

Let's make her laugh

We will sing a song about pancakes.

Children sing carnival songs... Enter the mummer.

Costumed: Who wanted to try the pancakes here?

And you ask!

Children (in turn): Oh, auntie, give me,

Give me a swan!

Give me a pancake

With a mitten wide.

Order, do not hold

Don't shiver our legs!

Auntie, don't be stingy!

Costumed: Well done, guys! Know how to ask!

Serves pancakes, tea, condemns:

Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes,

Just baked!

From the heat, from the heat,

It's time for a dime!

Pancakes, pancakes,

Pancakes, pancakes!

Eat, eat,

Eat guys!

Emelya(sets fire carnival) :

Shrovetide goodbye,

Come again for that year!

Nesmeyana: And we shrovetide saw off,

They sighed heavily for her!

King: Oh, you, maslenitsacome back

Catch the white birch!

Stretch out to the red summer!

Emelya: You left with good,

With cheese, oil, yes an egg.

With pancakes, pies, and pancakes

Costumed: Shrovetide, tell her to take all our troubles, bad deeds and rude words with her.

Nesmeyana: Goodbye, Zimushka - Winter!

When your time comes - come visit us,

We will love you.

Now, goodbye, goodbye.

Remember us all summer!

King: Goodbye, Zimushka!

Hello Spring Beauty!

Emelya: Now, guys, it's time to ride a horse.

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Klinkova Lilia Nikolaevna,

teacher-organizer MOU secondary school № 75, Volgograd


performance "Magic remedy, or How to make Nesmeyanu laugh"


Music __________ sounds, buffoons run out dancing

1 buffoon: In the kingdom, or maybe in the kingdom,

2 buffoons: In the distant one state,

1 buffoon: From which there is no trace

2 buffoons: Once a trouble settled!

1 buffoon: The tsar, possibly Ivan,

2 buffoons: Or another king,

1 buffoon: There was a daughter that was called Nesmeyana.

2 buffoons: Neither light nor dawn woke up.

1 buffoon: And in the heat, and in any frost,

2 buffoons: We do not know, whose fault is

1 buffoon: She shed tears all the time ...

2 buffoons: And those flowed into four streams.

1 buffoon: Witchcraft or other deceit?

2 buffoons: Only tears could not dry.

1 buffoon: It became sad to live in the state,

Together: It was difficult to live in the dampness! (the buffoons run away)

Step 1

Callsigns ______

Loud crying is heard behind the stage, the tsar enters the stage, covering his ears

King: Why do Nesmeyana have these tears running and running ?! Crying intensifies, Nesmeyana enters the stage and sits on the throne

King: Oh, trouble, trouble! Daughter, what am I thinking, and not call Emelka? He will take like an accordion, but how he will lead an eyebrow and ...

Nesmeyana: Emelya doesn't need it, he doesn't amuse me anymore, ah-ah ...

King: So let's click on the buffoons, these fools sing like nightingales, and they know different dances, and what things they throw away ... I almost burst out laughing just now. Well…?

Nesmeyana: (sobbing) Okay, come on buffoons.

King: Hey! Who is there, hurry up, call the buffoons! To amuse the nesmeyushka, to amuse!

Music ___________________ sounds, buffoons run out onto the stage, they dance, suddenly the dance is interrupted by the cry of Nesmeyana

1 buffoon: Look how we tried for the princess,

2 buffoons: But she suddenly burst into tears again.

The tsar fusses around Nesmeyana, buffoons come to the fore

Music sounds ___________________

1 buffoon: For a long time everyone amused her so,

Only the little eyes poured all the tears.

2 buffoons: The year comes to an end

And the unfortunate father decides.

Do not hesitate to heal my daughter.

1 buffoon: He heard there is a great wizard

At the neighboring king on the left,

He is famous for his deeds for a reason.

2 buffoons: A messenger was dispatched for the wizard,

Together: And he comes to the palace!

Music _______ sounds, a wizard moves along the aisle of the auditorium, followed by a student dragging a chest

Music _______ sounds, runs towards the wizard

King: Oh honorable, help me. You see what is going on with the child, the whole kingdom has flooded with tears. What they didn’t do, all the artists were staying, they all sang - they danced, and she kept crying and crying.

The wizard approaches the princess and performs the sound _________ on the princess's hand manipulations, the princess calms down, but then begins to sob even louder

Music sounds _____________

Wizard: Yes-ah ... Tough case. (thinks, the student whispers something in his ear)What? (to the king) Yes, and Emelya?

King: Does not help. What they just did not invent with the pike, all in vain.

Wizard: Yes, the trouble. (thinking)But the trouble as they say is not grief or grief is not a problem. Well, it doesn't matter. (to the student) Take my little chest and put it over there. (student easily drags the chest)sound _______ Not! You better put it here. (student drags the chest with difficulty and places it with a crash)sound _______ Caution! No no! We will put it there. (the student drags the chest with difficulty and falls with a crash next to the chest)sound _______

Music sounds _____________

Wizard: However, it doesn't matter. (to the king) So, Your Majesty, I have a miracle cure - "Antibacterial", three drops are enough to make the princess forget about tears.

King: This is how the wisest pleased. Hurry up your magic elixir!

Wizard: I obey and obey. (claps his hands) Hey, dropout, bring the magic here!

The disciple begins to rummage through the chest, showing one or the other vessel and asking: "This one?"

Wizard: That's how it is always, a perfect quitter, does not want to learn anything. (to the student) Yes, hurry up, you slow one!

Pupil: Wo-oh, I found it! (begins to move towards the throne with an important look, but stumbles and falls)

The sound of broken glass _______, Nesmeyana is crying

Music sounds _____________

Wizard: Oh, the clumsy of the clumsy! What have you done?! After all, it will take many years to make a new product! What to do now?

King: What to do now ?!

Pupil: What to do? What to do? … You need to ask for advice.

Wizard and King: Who?!

Pupil: Who? ... Yes, that's at least the moon.

Wizard: As you wish.

The music sounds _______________________, the light goes out, the wizard lights up with a "gun"

Magician (microphone with effect): Oh moon! You are the daughter of the night.

Maybe you can help us?

If you know, say so

How bad is it for us ?!

Mirror ball works

Moon: To banish trouble from the kingdom,

We must send the hero on the road.

Copper pipes, fire and water -

That's what trouble will put in the way.

But if he can pass the test

You will immediately get rid of the trouble! The light comes on

Music sounds ___________________

King: But where can we find such a hero so that fire and water pass through and copper pipes are not frightened?

Pupil: How can we find it where, and why am I not a hero? Although I'm not a magician, I'm just learning, but I can already do something.

Wizard: Yes, shut up, O boastful one, they saw your skill, if it weren't for it, the trouble has already left the kingdom.

King: And then, it is true, we will find our hero, but at least we will send Emelka on the road, he is a small clever, smart one. Come on, at the pike's command, at the royal will, come here Emelya.

Sound _________________________________ flashing light, , Emelya enters the stage

Music sounds _______________________________________

Emelya: Why are you tsar-father being naughty, tearing people off from work ?!

King: Your work is not a wolf - it will not run away into the forest, but here it is a matter of special royal importance.

Emelya: Well, what's the matter? Again, stupidity, what?

King: It will be stupidity for you. Do we need to help our nesmeyanka?

Emelya: Well, you have to.

King: Do you need to save the kingdom from trouble?

Emelya: It is necessary.

King: Well, if so, you need Emelyushka to serve us again.

Emelya: Your Majesty, you yourself know tea, which I just didn’t invent, princess, even stronger, begins to sob. (Nesmeyana sobs) Well, again.

King: (daughters)Shit! (Emele) Yes, this time you don't have to do anything.

Emelya: How so? Something you are dark king-father.

King: Never! All you need is ...

Wizard: (interrupting the king)We'll have to go through a hot fire

And plunge into the icy water.

Will meet with misfortune and recognize deception

And the flattery of copper pipes is not deceived.

When you pass the test,

And you can, the same, you return,

That hour the princess will stop crying,

It will become cheerful, carefree again!

Emelya: Eka, that's enough! Nothing at all - fire, water and how they are there - copper pipes, what a miracle is this - Yudo?

Music sounds __________________________________

Wizard: And you will recognize Emelya on the way, unless of course you are frightened and set off on the road.

Emelya: Yes, I do not seem to be shy, okay, why talk, it's time to go. Wait for me with good news.

Emelya (sings): He didn’t know about worries at all;

He was friends with a pike, carelessly, in general, he lived - Emelya.

And there was peace in the kingdom, because next to this is Emelya.

Everyone lived happily, and there was no reason

So that Nesmeyana cried, at least one day.

And then trouble came and the king called Emelya,

And the king says to me: “Hurry to help Emelya,

Save my daughter, make Emelya laugh,

And if you do not laugh, then the kingdom will soon all sink,

And we will live under water " The center screen goes down

Chorus: To me fire and water are just nonsense

I will also go through copper pipes.

I tell you that I am very stubborn

And the trouble, all the same, I will overcome! (Emelya runs away, everyone waves after him)

Step 2

The center and side screens have patterns

1 buffoon: So, singing songs

He walked for a day or two.

2 buffoons: Didn't notice our Emelya,

How I ended up at the pond.

1 buffoon: Well, Emelya thinks,

Whether you like it or not,

2 buffoons: And our hero decided

Plunge into the pond headlong.

1 buffoon: But he did not know that at the bottom of the pond

I've been in trouble.

2 buffoons: Vodyanitsa, the decree was given

Do not take your eyes off Emelya.

1 buffoon: Twist in a whirlpool,

Drink underwater potion.

2 buffoons: But free

1 buffoon: But to the ground

Together: Never let go! (the buffoons run away)

Step 3

On the central and side screens - the image of the underwater kingdom. The center screen rises. Trouble talks to Vodyanitsa

The trouble: So you remember everything? To forever under water and on the ground with no foot.

Vodyanitsa: Yes, I understood, I'll try so hard that he will forget about the land and Nesmeyana. I will drive - it will not go away.

The trouble: It means order, I will run, and you get ready to meet your dear guest. (runs away)

Music sounds ______________________

Vodyanitsa: (preening in front of the mirror and hums)I’ll meet him, I’ll welcome him ... Oh, I’m a little pale ... (turns away, applies blue blush)

At this time, Emelya comes out, he looks around and notices the queen standing with her back to him

Emelya: Hello beauty! ( Vodyanitsa turns around, Emelya is dumbfounded)A-ah, hello, babu!

Vodyanitsa: Oh, completely blind from my beauty. Bonju-u-r! (tries to curtsy, from time to time throws phrases: "How is it?" Where are you going, well done?

Emelya: I go where the path leads. I go, I look at good people, but I bypass the bad ones.

Vodyanitsa: That's it, then the path led you to the right place. Stay with me, you will help me according to the kingdom: you will participate in receptions, receive guests, tell me the compliments again, and for this, I will pay you gold and silver.

Emelya: And how much will you regret?

Vodyanitsa: Yes, how much you can lift.

Emelya: (thinking)It is certainly not bad, but I have enough work on the ground, I better go. (going to leave)

Vodyanitsa: Oh, wait, don't rush! (runs up to Emela, examines him)And I’ll see you are not only hard-working, but handsome as well. Well, if you do not want to work for me, you are welcome to marry. You will become an underwater king, you will give orders - to sink the boat there or play some other prank, you will not be denied anything.

Emelya: Well, that's much better. King of the underwater! Ha! Is the bride good?

Vodyanitsa: Yes, everything is with her. (not finding words, shows facial expressions and gestures) What a! (Emelya turns away from Vodyanitsa, and thinks, at this time Vodyanitsa takes out a veil, blows the dust off her, then does similar actions with the bouquet)

Emelya: (unfolding) So lead her, lead her ...

Vodyanitsa: Surprise!

Emelya: (bypassing Vodyanitsa)Yes, well, I got excited about the wedding ... Joke!

Vodyanitsa: What a joke ?! Joke with me, queen of the sea (rips off the veil, throws the bouquet)Yes, and you do not hurt me - I need you!

Emelya: That's nice, I'll go. (going to leave)

Vodyanitsa: No, wait, dear, nobody has just left my kingdom just like that. If you do not want to marry, you will have to get drunk on your friend.

Emelya: It is possible to quench your thirst before a long journey - this is just right.

Vodyanitsa: Don't rejoice Emelya ahead of time. The fact of the matter is that the water is not simple, but charmed, from the cellars of a woman - a swamp.

Emelya: So he was in trouble.

Vodyanitsa: Yeah, you're out of luck. Well, okay, because you called me a beauty, I will mitigate the punishment. Let you choose your own destiny. Among the bowls with enchanted water, there will be one with pure - spring water, you will find it, you will return to the ground unharmed. Well, if you don’t find it, you will stay with me forever. (claps his hands) Daughters, beauties, my beloved little mermaids, bring some water that our guest could get drunk.

Music ______________ sounds, the lights are dimmed, little mermaids come out, they perform a dance with bowls and line up in one line, "cannon" on Emelya

Emelya: Where can you guess where the spring water is. Where is my pike, she would teach me what to do.

Music sounds ______________ Flashing light, pike on the screen

Pike: Here I am Emelya, I am everywhere with you,

I will not leave you underwater.

Remember Emelya about my gift - a ring,

It can help you now.

Put a ring in each bowl

And watch its wonderful shine.

If the water of dope is full

You will never see shine.

If you notice the glow then-

Drink it boldly, that water is pure.

Vodyanitsa: Well, how is Emelya ready to guess?

Emelya: Eh, was - was not! (goes up to each princess and puts the ring in the bowl)

On each bowl, a musical accent and a flashing light, in the last bowl the water lit up

Emelya: Here it is, spring water. It's time for me to say goodbye and return to earth. (Emelya takes the cup, drinks water)blinking light, Emelya runs away, the central screen goes down

Vodyanitsa: Here is a disgrace - he ran away. Well, nothing, trouble will overtake you anyway!

Step 4

Music __________ sounds, Trouble runs out to the foreground

The trouble: Also to me the Queen - Vodyanitsa - one name. In my head there is only water mixed with mud, no creativity. This plan has failed. Well, nothing, she will answer for it later. Because I have no time now, I have to run to Uncle Troll. Who else will help me, no matter how this old rascal. So twist - intoxicate with their fairy tales that you will not leave alive. Yes, and with a twinkle, he is in complete order, the samovar pot is always ready. (The trouble runs away)

Step 5

The center and side screens have patterns

Music _________________________________________ sounds, buffoons come out

1 buffoon: Ay, Emelya! Ah yes grip!

Damn, and that is not his brother.

2 buffoons: The Vodyanitsa failed to stop the young man,

And from Trouble now it is necessary

To receive her punishment.

1 buffoon: So the water is already behind

The hero managed to pass it.

2 buffoons: But the test lies ahead

Much hotter and worse.

1 buffoon: Emelin's road lies

To the underground kingdom

To the kingdom of shadows.

2 buffoons: Into the world of horrible ghosts and trolls.

1 buffoon: There, where Trouble is already building his intrigues.

2 buffoons: An evil troll is waiting by Yemelyan's fire.

Together: Emelya will have to risk her head! (the buffoons run away)

Step 6

Music sounds __________________

On the central and side screens there is an image of a cave, a large cauldron on the left, boulders on the right, a throne in the center. The center screen rises.

Music sounds __________________

Kikimora (to the ghost): Honey, you look amazing. This night mist dress is amazingly in harmony with the color of your eyes and perfectly emphasizes the transparency of the skin.

Skeleton: Yes, yes, dear, you are as pale as ever. As for you dear Kiki, you have turned green even more.

Ghost: And it suits you terribly.

Kikimora: Oh thank you!

Skeleton: Dear ladies, what do you say about my dress jaw. It was made by the best master - a dentist from the chalk cliffs.

Ghost: Delightful!

Kikimora: Sharman! You are just darling!

Spirit: I want to please you, my friend, today you will have a wonderful opportunity to experience your new thing. Today's feast promises to be a success. According to the head chef, hundreds of fat frogs, snail skins with snail filling, fly agaric salad, and piles of rusty nails and shards of colored glass are waiting for us. Troll comes out

Troll: And besides this, my dear guests, a surprise awaits you.

All (vying): What is your villainy? Tell me! Discover the secret!

Troll: Well, good, good. Persuaded. This is ... a new ... dish. Meatball alya Emelka is called.

All (vying): Oh great, great! Sharman! Real jam! You are terribly inventive as always!

Troll: Oh! And here is our delicacy stamping. Queen Vodyanitsa - washed, cleaned. So in the bowler hat and asks. Emelya comes out

Music sounds _______________________

Emelya: Look, into what wilderness I was carried, stones and cobwebs around. And this, what other monsters? Am I dreaming?

Troll: Do not sleep, do not sleep. You got into the underground kingdom, and this is all a throne cave.

Emelya: There it is. Well, it's great old man - a flywheel!

All (vying): Horrible! Nightmare! Rude! Ignorant! (Emelya sits on the throne)

Emelya: Come on, look what touchy ones. You better tell me, is there a king in your kingdom?

Troll: Well, first of all, what kind of old man am I to you? I can say that I am still a young man, besides, very pleasant appearance, I am only five years old (counts) two thousand years. And secondly, I am the king. (pushes Emelya off the throne)

Emelya: Are you the king? So small and shabby? Probably you poke such a king with your finger, he will crumble. (pokes a finger at the Troll, he falls, the evil spirits runs and raises him)

Skeleton: How dare you, a rude man, to speak such words to the Troll himself ?!

Emelya: Troubadour, sidewalk - I know, but I have never heard of the Troll, and if so, then he does not exist in the world.

All (vying): Nightmare! Horror! Ugliness!

Troll: How does it not happen ?!

Ghost: And you, your villainy, cannot exist in this world.

Troll: Why?!

Ghost: Because you are an underground majesty ...

Kikimora: Ruler of darkness, horrors and nightmares ...

Spirit: Purebred sorcerer ...

Skeleton: The villain in the one hundred and thirteenth generation!

Troll: Well, okay, okay - convinced. (Emele) Have you heard ?!

Emelya: I've heard! Just a scarecrow, whatever you call it, it will remain a scarecrow.

Troll: (looks around) Where is the scarecrow? Who is the stuffed animal? (everyone is looking for a stuffed animal)

Emelya: You are a stuffed animal.

Troll: Am I a stuffed animal ?! (ladies faint) Fool!

Emelya: So you, your villainy, are also a fool ?!

Troll: Not me, but you!

Emelya: Not me, but you! That's right, it is.

Troll: It’s not like that. I said you were a fool, and you said I was. And I'm not a fool, because you are a fool. And you say that it is not you, that means it is me! Oh, what am I talking about ?!

Emelya: About being a fool.

Troll: Yes? (Emelya nods in the affirmative) I'm tired of everything, get into the cauldron, without any ceremony there. (evil spirits drags Emelya to the boiler)

Emelya (pushing away evil spirits): There are no fools - to climb into the cauldron.

Troll: I will order, there will be fools!

Emelya: Yeah…

Troll: Be silent! Well, I beg you very much, otherwise you have completely confused me, confused, and yet I am two thousand years without five years.

Music sounds ____________________

Emelya: Yeah, okay, don’t worry, I’ll climb into your bowler hat.

Troll: Well done! Well, come on, let's get in quickly! (pushes Emelya)

Emelya: Wait a minute, let me say the last word before death.

Troll: The last word? I allow it. (sits on the throne)

Emelya: So you, your darkestness, as I can see - a merry fellow.

Troll: Come on ...

Emelya: You know a lot of jokes and jokes. (on the right side of the throne)

Troll: How not to know - I know.

Emelya: Do you respect fairy tales, your most amusing majesty? (on the left side of the throne)

Troll: Fairy tales ?! Ooh, I love it!

Emelya: So let me tell you a fairy tale for the last time, you will laugh so funny.

Troll: A fairy tale? Uh-huh ... about the booger ...

Emelya: Why about a goat?

Troll: And what about?

Emelya: About something that cannot be in the world, but still happens.

Troll: (thinking) Oh, these fairy tales! Oh, these storytellers! Well, okay, go ahead and tell.

Music ___________________ sounds, Emelya dances and sings, gradually all evil spirits join him

Emelya: 1. I lived happily, I didn't know worries

I played the accordion all day.

But here in our kingdom trouble happened

And the king sent me on the road. (2p.)

Chorus:Beware, beware of trouble

All: Tra-la-la-la!

The king sent me on the road.

2. So that I can save the kingdom from sorrows,

I need to go through the barriers.

I've already been to the bottom of the pond,

But he escaped the intrigues of trouble (2p.)

Chorus: Beware, beware of trouble

All: Tra-la-la-la!

I have escaped your wiles.

3. And then I got to the troll in the dungeon,

Fire was waiting for me here.

But I'll fool everyone with a fairy tale,

And I'll run away slowly. (2p.)

Chorus: I will run, I will run from you,

All: Tra-la-la-la!

I'll run away on the sly.

All: He will run away, he will run away from us!


Troll: And let the boy run!

Emelya runs away, everyone continues to dance, Trouble appears, the central screen goes down, Trouble runs out

The trouble: Run away, run away Late! Escaped already! Hey you stuffed animals, stop jumping. (grabs the Troll) And you frightened the underground, also a villain to me, completely crazy from your fairy tales, a peasant - a lapotnik you didn't manage to twist! Well, okay, you'll pay for it later! (pushes the Troll, he falls, the evil spirits raise him and carry him away)

Step 7

The center and side screens have patterns

Music ___________________________ sounds, buffoons come out

1 buffoon: The second task is over,

Our Emelya managed to get away from the Troll!

2skimpokh: No matter how hard the evil spirits tried,

I didn't cook it on hot fire.

1 buffoon: And so, our Emelyushka goes on,

2 buffoons: A week and a month, six months and a year,

1 buffoon: Yes, only copper pipes

Together: Can't find it! (the buffoons run away)

Step 8

On the central and side screens - a fairy forest

Music ___________________________ sounds, Emelya comes out

Emelya: I walked around all the dense forests, all the loose sands. Swam across all the seas - okiyany. I saw miracles-wonderful, diva-wondrous, but only I did not manage to find copper pipes, I did not have a chance to experience their insidious power. Looks like it's time to return home. I will come, I will obey - they say, I did what I could. And they don't whip the guilty head, you see, everything will be all right. (leaves, Trouble runs out)

The trouble: Eh, you are a fool! Walked around! Have not found! And there is no need to look for copper pipes, their ringing has been waiting for you at home for a long time. (The trouble is hiding behind the royal throne)

Step 9

The central and side screens display the throne room, the central screen rises

Music ____________________ sounds, a student sits on the throne

Pupil: And the throne is nothing - comfortable, soft. Maybe instead of wizards, I can become tsars. And that, when I grow up, I will marry Nesmeyana, but as a tsar, my father will retire, I'm right there. Come on, I’ll tell Emelka, go there I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what! (thinking) And what's good, well, he will go and disappear who knows where, as now, and I will be bored here expectantly. No, I don't want to be a king, a wizard, perhaps better. Wanted what, said the spell and you're done. Yes, I will be a wizard. (from behind the throne, Trouble comes out)

Music sounds ________________________

The trouble: You won't be a magician!

Pupil: And why is that?!

The trouble: But because your teacher is useless. He only knows that to swear is an ignoramus, a fool, a lazy person. Is not it?

Pupil: This is how it is. But who are you to call him worthless?

The trouble: I?! Yes, I am the greatest sorceress in the world. And my name is ... ah-ah-Adeb. Have you heard?

Pupil: And I have not heard, and I have never seen you!

The trouble: Well, it doesn't matter, the main thing is I'm here and I want you to become my student. I will cherish you, praise you, teach you how to do great nasty things ... that is, good surprises! You will become a real wizard. Well, decide.

Pupil: And all this without cheating?

The trouble: You offend.

Pupil: Was - was not, I agree.

The trouble: Great. Only I forgot to warn you, before you become my student, you have to pass a tiny entrance exam.

Pupil: What more! (leaves, Trouble blocks his way)

The trouble: Wait a minute! I have to find out if you have this one as her witch ... I wanted to say magic power.

Pupil: What is it like?

The trouble: Do you know what the power of a real wizard is?

Pupil: Not.

The trouble: So listen. The power of a real wizard lies in the ability to powder your brains, or at least hang noodles on your ears.

Pupil: Ah-ah ... Yes, only on whom will I test my strength. The teacher will immediately expose me, Nesmeyana is sobbing, will not stop in any way, and the king from the screams of his daughter and as the powdered one walks.

The trouble: And Emelya?

Pupil: Emelya is far away, looking for copper pipes - he just can't find it.

The trouble: That's just it, that Emelya is very close, do you hear?

Music sounds _______________________

The trouble: Okay, I'll hide, and you show your skill. (The trouble is hiding, Emelya comes out)

Music sounds _______________________

Pupil: Well, hello, Emelya, welcome back.

Emelya: Great, if you're not joking ...

Pupil: (interrupting Emelya) Heard, heard about your exploits. Well this is necessary - fire, water passed and returned whole - unharmed. Well, you are a daredevil!

Emelya: {!LANG-31f004b94dfaf0f73d8e4497dbae0323!} ( {!LANG-1543b7274fdf7ad0045ad5d12ba9857a!}



Pupil: {!LANG-a4904b1427a551958b94a03445df2c64!}

Emelya: {!LANG-bbc482d0c62ae68ba68572b292fe45f0!} {!LANG-e335bdc11879ad1fde6663b08c284284!}

Music sounds ____________________

Pupil: {!LANG-81b27afb1fb91c4c615fa4e30d1236ad!}

Emelya: {!LANG-4eda820aa0b89ad79d68af75fabfa4b6!} (Emelya sits on the throne)



Music sounds ____________________

Pupil: {!LANG-0497d659cdd399136fa84666361e2e10!}


Emelya: {!LANG-0a7b047d1dda9819982b470a249792f9!} {!LANG-54852c4fdc4dfd66475e8a9edca74dad!}


Pupil: {!LANG-e54fb21cbce6a0d930c0c872ca910b2b!}

Emelya: {!LANG-6a22ae38b372fc294b93124f0095dd18!} {!LANG-6ab56f6ca95288cf5d13c7ef99a1a5f5!}


Pupil: {!LANG-1c4c2b7c6f67b83e3d691cef704a43bd!}


The trouble: {!LANG-0e348309f84f2ceeabd09f35993dd29e!}

Pupil: {!LANG-dd16837d438c03b5625c134acfe7b0e9!} {!LANG-f5122d4facf0ff211b2bc32e61c857b1!}

Pupil: {!LANG-c7ca80fec5dd3e42d1f1f71ae16607bc!}


Wizard: {!LANG-82916bd3b017b22724ce318ffc4ae052!}

Pupil: {!LANG-a16573ba9f9d1b404cb1f7cceaf86352!}

Wizard: {!LANG-d21423e77ef210f8bb6d9cfefbebdf42!}

Pupil: {!LANG-2598e23200e4b2d6abc4922935c109d7!}

King: {!LANG-8b1fc2fb205764dc3705969818bd836f!}

Emelya: {!LANG-8e3d2d3f746e86a668379630c7b2c6a1!}

Nesmeyana: {!LANG-75bbe028dcc052ea587dbfe342dbb812!}

Pupil: {!LANG-2b14e5d7f9e7808e974a1fed1c8c1474!}

The trouble: {!LANG-a4820630dc0b32447a1df1fb0b5d034c!}

Pupil: {!LANG-087d0ccd0c88c11a20a6587925440c9b!}

Wizard: {!LANG-1b69caf37da1fad3d317e3cdbe5294a6!}

The trouble: {!LANG-6d602869083ad9b29d32f87f4a01cf3a!}

Wizard: {!LANG-36605e7cef0be0108c98197a1d63593e!}



Wizard: {!LANG-c2bd2941d41284a0ddafb0bcabb9c0d4!}





{!LANG-803b04eaf861a4891e1eeef28abdab2c!} {!LANG-74cd3b5e134d1674b24ebf23e6059f74!}


King: {!LANG-4e2150bc1e9a77149e3d326945274038!}

Emelya: {!LANG-70552726501011c63ae08be88cc0a445!}

All: {!LANG-9cca7d52315943bed71c6aee12fd5b15!}


1 buffoon: {!LANG-a9f4256dfce838bc2de4b9f6b74c4aea!}


2 buffoons: {!LANG-d68166797d89c9470f3bb26a94d4f818!}

{!LANG-e0a2c5f145717975c921718c8b718ce1!} {!LANG-60506d214397243262a166cda00a9a50!}

King: {!LANG-118380a4261fc88336673fe0e493fdd5!}


Nesmeyana: {!LANG-0397eebad148c52a44ea910a466f85c7!}

{!LANG-fba6411a5bfb56b764d84ce20c646fcf!} {!LANG-034f6cddca7c7eb426fb1b9c92212255!}


Wizard: {!LANG-7609da40136eed5f72b1787df7a902bd!}


Pupil: {!LANG-21c3bdaec970af61ffc56a1bec3845e2!}

{!LANG-028a5272b1801279c5ad6af160f1d7fa!} {!LANG-5aa264e8e4d7d1fc4b8829f1921347e6!}


The trouble: {!LANG-961354bfe33c51f7e55676928ec745d8!}

{!LANG-ca9b7812622693dec212b1778b7c7795!} {!LANG-063d3c70c0d6dcb69fff6fc7b64c740b!}


Emelya: {!LANG-c48dfd77acdca375181ac9869ce8668c!}



{!LANG-6753e81bc78dd937ce18aa6b7b8724e2!} {!LANG-5e00a5f45fe56ee7a717c4c46c95a1f1!}


1 buffoon: {!LANG-a7111f36bc4bd46f543a05bc6fe47eb9!}


2 buffoons: {!LANG-2b7c5725aa10dbea8f2f30df0dee0dd3!}


1 buffoon: {!LANG-f3128c84ec6681402918f8551d63fc05!}

Together: {!LANG-3360cda0bef94bb3971636754cb6efa1!}

