Comic congratulations to the teacher's day sketches to colleagues. Funny scenes for teacher's day and beautiful modern dances for primary and high school. Humorous scene "Funny dubbing" on Teacher's Day, video


Offered to your attention humorous scenes will not require their performers to memorize large texts (playing the role of a teacher can even use the cheat sheet included in the class magazine), and complex costumes will not be needed for them. The rehearsal will take a minimum of time. At the same time, the theme of all the scenes is very close to the guys. It will be useful for them to look at themselves from the outside, to laugh at their mistakes.

Scene "Teacher"


Teacher Olga Alekseevna



The teacher enters the classroom, and all the desks in it are empty.

TEACHER (shouts happily):

- Hurrah! The students are sick, there will be no lessons! How lucky!

It is accepted to overturn chairs. Draws devils on the blackboard, and sticks gum on the portrait of the teacher Ushinsky.

The director appears at the door.


- Olga Alekseevna! Now the workers will come here to seal the windows. I sent the children to the next office.

The teacher sighs and heads to another office.

Enters another class - the students are all safe and sound.
And the teacher was delighted again. Even stronger than last time!

TEACHER (voice excited with joy):

- Hello, my dear beloved children!

Scene "At recess in the staff room"

(Aleksey Eroshin)



History teacher

Chemistry teacher

Physics teacher

Mathematic teacher

Astronomy teacher

Russian language and literature teacher

Gym teacher


The bell rings. The "teacher's room" includes teachers with magazines and notebooks.

- It remains only the fourth lesson to stand ...

- And the fifth to hold out ...

Everyone exhales together and takes validol.

- I have run out of validol !!!
- Take in the medicine cabinet.

The last to enter yells:

- It goes! It goes! (and everyone line up at attention)

The director enters.

DIRECTOR (takes validol) :

- Hello colleagues.
ALL (in chorus):

- Hello!


- Well, is everyone here? Then let's start the meeting. Let's start with an emergency. The whole school says that something is missing in history class.


- I only asked in 7m "b" who took Ishmael. And do you know what they answered me? "We didn't take!"

- Or maybe rolled under the table?

- Needless to say, these are children. They will play and return.


- 7th "b"? I sympathize with you, these will never be returned.


- But Ishmael ...


- What has fallen is gone. We need to better watch our belongings. By the way about things (to the chemistry teacher)what's with your suit?


- It was Sidorov who again invented gunpowder in the second lesson.

DIRECTOR (clearing my ear):

- Yes, I heard that. Well, what did you do?


- As usual, we collected the pieces and the parents for school.


- Advise Sidorov to invent lime, putty and paint before his parents arrive. Speaking of paint. Inscriptions in Latin periodically appear on the walls: iks, igrek, and so on. (To the math teacher) Algebra - important subject, but you set a lot of tasks, children do not have enough space in the notebook. But the Astronomer made us happy.


- Yesterday a unique discovery in the field of astronomy was made at our school. A fifth-grade student, Sergei Bykov, recorded the appearance of eighteen new stars. Stars appeared around the head of Seryozha Bykov at the moment of her contact with the door frame of the astronomy office.


- Yes, the native school can give rise to its own Platons and quick-witted Newtons. And also, in fact, the Dostoevsky. By the way, what are the results of the composition?


- Overall, not bad. For example, Sidorov writes (reads excerpts from school essays such as: "a boy in a boat quickly rowing rockers")


- It's good to hear. Was there a post office today?

- Yes, it was.


- Was there any suspicious correspondence there?

- There was no suspicious one, only twelve envelopes with white powder.


- So much?

- So today is the test in physics.


- Strange, there were only nine before the chemistry test.

- But what about the powder?


- Tell the trade union committee to give it to teachers with many children: there it has accumulated for almost thirty washings. So, we're done with the powder. Have you already called about the bomb?

- Not yet, we are waiting any minute.

The phone rings. The attendant runs in with the phone.


- A bomb has just been reported in the staff room!


- Quiet!

Everyone freezes, and the ticking of the clockwork becomes audible. They find the bomb in the cake box and carefully put it on the table (chair).

TEACHERS (asking each other):
- Does anyone know how to call 911?
- We must call the sappers!
- We won't be in time, there are only thirty seconds left!
- We'll have to cancel the control! ..

PHYSICIAN (blows the whistle):

- Calm down, don't panic! Give me the pliers! (opens the box) There are four wires: red, yellow, green and blue. One of them needs a snack. But which one?

- Green!

Fizruk bites the green wire. The ticking of the clock ends. Everyone exhales together and takes validol.


- How did you guess what exactly is green?

- This color suits me so well ...


- So, the worst is over, and the test will take place. There is little time until the end of the change. Any other substantive questions?

ALL (in chorus):
- Did you get Validol?


- Validol has forty-two kilograms left, until the end of the week it should be enough, and then RONO will throw up more.

They again sigh with relief and take validol.


- By the way, has everyone heard that the government passed a self-defense law?

Everyone gets out and begins to blow and wipe slingshots, water pistols and spitting tubes with handkerchiefs.


- One minute remains before the call. Everybody get ready! Be equal! Attention! Alignment for high academic performance! For public education ... for a feat of labor ... step ... march!

Everybody marching and singing:

From a young age everyone knows:
Life is boring without problems.
Eight years as in our school
Every day - then KVN.

And the battle continues again!
And the heart is anxious in the chest.
Take validol with you
After all, the fifth lesson is ahead!

The bell rings. While marching, the teachers leave the stage.

For Teacher's Day.

Humorous school scene for the "Teacher's Day" holiday

Nikitichna - Petrovna, do you hear ??? Hear what I say, Petrovna!?!?
Petrovna - Cho yelling? I hear, I hear!
Nikitichna - Duc say sho today is a holiday! Have you heard ???
Petrovna - A holiday? What holiday? Nikitichna? I didn't hear anything
Nikitichna - Teacher's Day!
Petrovna - And then why? You are old to school ... Yes, and first graders have long been recruited ...
Nikitichna - Where were they sent?
Petrovna - Yes they typed, I say, type-ra-whether!
Nikitichna - So I say - they lied! They said that the teachers were given a prize, like them, but they were giving them bucks !!! And I say - they lied! And one was generally told that the reward - accept the dacha in Spain!
Petrovna - Don't pester me! Don't pester me!
Nikitichna - Understand Whom? Do I understand? You better understand yourself.
Petrovna - Yes, I understand everything, I understand. And what do you care about the teachers ???
Nikitichna - Yes, they asked me, the other day, to teach at school
Petrovna - What should I give you?
Nikitichna - Yes, do not give, but PRE-YES-YES !!!
Petrovna - And .... to teach means !!! Well, what are you?
Nikitichna - And what am I? I would cho !!! If I started teaching, I would show them! In the corner - would have poured peas! Those who indulge in peas would put it! They would have me wow !!!
Petrovna - Why ... (straightens his ears under a handkerchief) my ears are normal ... normal ...
Nikitichna - Yes, and I would have kicked them fish soup for sure !!! I would also have them with a belt - wow !!! (twists the belt over his head) I would have been awarded a dacha in Spain for such a job!
Petrovna - Yeah .... exactly .... exactly !!! You will be rewarded with a hike to the social security!
Nikitichna - Leave me alone, old. Let me dream!

Take off the "grandmothers disguise"

To such unfortunate teachers,
All paths are blocked!
You need affection and patience
Go to the hearts of schoolchildren!

It's hard to raise us all
And give us knowledge.
So give it a strap ...
And if it is serious - bow to you (bow to the teachers)

This scene is recommended to be used at the school holiday "Teacher's Day". Under the heroes of the scene, you need to pick up two high school guys with theatrical data. (data for stage transformation). It is highly desirable to imitate the speech, manners and gestures of old women. During the performance of the scene, the actors should not "hear" the reaction of the audience. Naturally, the actors have no smiles on their faces. Full "incarnation" of the role! The last quatrains should be read as expressively, clearly and from the heart as possible!

Funny scene "Student and class teacher"

Teacher 1: Look, in five minutes, even less.
Teacher2: No, he just walked away ...
Teacher 1: Yes, what I say, in five minutes ..
Teacher 2: Here he comes.
Disciple: (A student leaves.) M.I. what are we going to do in the lesson?
Teacher 1: Vasya, you wait for the lesson and you will find out everything, but for now this is a secret.
Disciple: Ok (leaves)
3 years have passed ...
Teacher 1: Look, in five minutes ...
Teacher2: No, what are you ... just that you were ...
Teacher 1: I am speaking now again ...
(Teacher # 3 enters with a student)
Teacher3: M.I. again at the lesson behaved badly, urgently need to call the parents!
Teacher 1: Good. Vasya, only my mother was there yesterday, when you stop misbehaving.)
Disciple: (The student shrugs.)
(Several years have passed. Vasya is in his senior class ... standing with a classmate.)
Disciple1: Look now will come ...
Disciple2: No, only that they scolded ..
Disciple1: Well, I said so!
Teacher 1: Vasya, why didn't you stay on duty yesterday.
Disciple1: Well. M.I. it's not my turn, Sasha was sick, I can't be alone ...
(Several more years passed)
Teacher # 3: We should be arriving soon.
M.I. you, as a former class teacher, also meet, do not forget to ask for money to be allocated for the repair of the school ...
Teacher2: Here They Go!
Disciple (Mayor / Head of the district): Yes, almost nothing has changed here.
Teacher2: Hello Vasily Viktorovich.
Disciple: Hello. Oh, M.I. and you are here, still working, and you just have enough patience.
Teacher # 3: (Pushes class teacher)
Teacher 1: Yes, that's enough, but our school is really the same, there has been no renovation for a long time.
Pupil Yes, of course, patch up, update, Well, let's go and see, It's been a long time since I was here ... but remember in the 11th grade ...

Funny scene for the holiday "Teacher's Day"

(Two participants in the scene come out.)
- Is this a new reader in all subjects?
- YES! (slow and drawn out)
- And the homework that I.O. asks, you can not teach?
- YES! (fast)
- And everything, all the decisions in it are correct?
- YES! (with a grin)
- And he will add intelligence?
- No! (clearly)
- How not? (surprised)
- (pause) For the mind - a textbook, but a rehebnik (pause), it's like in a game, plus one for dexterity and minus three for the assessment.
- And here's a question - can you take a referee for the exam?
- No! (clearly)
- How not? What will I have to learn now? (surprised)
(a salesman walks by, in a suit, with a briefcase from car advertising, turns to the hall in half a turn)
- YES!
- (all together) I.O., we promise you, do not use the administrator, (do not write off), and do your homework yourself.

Dear teachers, for your perseverance in teaching, our class rewards you with a personalized bouquet of flowers and wishes you health, happiness and patience.
(Finally, you can sing a converted song for the teachers from the class.)

In a few minutes there was already an ancient silence, only the cigarette butts "were memorably lying in the grass.
“Good fellows,” said Marchenko, looking after them. “I don’t work with such people now, I’ve run up like you. I brought the guys from the technical school with me. Unquestioning obedience, - literate, reliable, good guys, both are seventeen years old.
The guys made a hut - they put the cut spears, connected them on top of the pole, pulled the soft and tender trunks of the young larch to them, without chopping, fixed with inclined poles, densely piled bush branches on the sides, threw spruce branches on the ground. I have not seen such huts before. They dragged a mountain of dry forest, lit a fire.
I'm lying by the fire ...I listen, I just listen. Marchenko tells. They also had a hard time: for two days they built a raft to cross the Chulmakan, which was flooded with rain. The raft sat down in the middle of the river. We jumped into the water up to the chest.
- I don’t know how we were thrown off, the speed is mad, it will knock us down - the end.
Marchenko shudders from coughing.
The look of Marchenko is created by two strokes: a lean figure and an impassable mane of hair, standing almost upright, light with gray hair. Large facial features and shaggy eyebrows are already an addition. Extremely mobile and light.
A few meters from the fire, granites drop down to the river. The noise of the river does not reach here. The larch trees over the cliff, swaying, drive the river freshness to the hut. The wind is getting stronger and the tall cedar trees are swaying more and more. Mosquitoes disappeared with the wind, and it began to rain.
The guys and Marchenko fell asleep, I sat for a long time, leaning against the rack of the hut. My boots were drying on pegs by the fire. Slightly hissing, a fire burned in the rain. Drops of rain pressed against the fire, but it did not give up, throwing itself from branch to branch.
And I remember Arkady. So what's the key of this night, friend? I can't get it, but it is there. And the performance of barely perceptible music inside is pianissimo. Perhaps someday a person will create such a musical instrument in which the movements of our soul will be induced like an electric current in the winding of the armature of a dynamo machine. And then this subtlest instrument will reproduce the song of ourselves. And perhaps then we will understand ourselves better.
In the morning Marchenko and Nikandr went to the springs, leaving Grigory with me.
Night alien
Gregory is busy around the fire unhurriedly and economically. Stunted, in a shirt, khaki biker jacket and boots, he looks like a rookie. And the habits, despite the city life and clothes, are taiga. Roundness and angularity of movements at the same time, as when concealing an animal, and leisurely, thoughtfulness.
I am lying in a hut. A dog has been barking somewhere for a long time. Suddenly the thought comes that this is a Lady.
- Grigory, this is our dog.
I went to the cliff. A white speck rushes along the river. Poor dog on the other side of Timpton! Of course, she could not overcome the rock with the waterfall, apparently decided to go around it on the water, but the current carried her back, and she had to run up the river all night, because at night, when the fire was clearly visible, she did not bark. And maybe more than once she tried to swim across the river, but again and again she came across a wall of granites. And at last she saw the timid fire of the day and now it barks almost continuously, with a hunch full of hopelessness.
I sent Gregory to the shore so that he would lead the Lady higher up the river and lure him into the water. On the third attempt, Damka, seeing that Gregory was leaving the shore, made up her mind, entered the water and swam. She got out almost before the very rock. And now, wet and shivering, she now lies by the fire, sniffing out the air, apparently hoping to smell her monster-host. She cannot eat and does not protect, as usual growling, her pieces.
The mosquitoes were gone, it became cloudy. A shaggy cloud behind a ridge of mountains, grazing trees, falling into gorges, drags right at us and drags a dark, straight ridge of rain.
- U-yu, - says Grigory, - it will be bad, however, it will be, the river will completely overflow ...
I rested all day. It was drizzling with light rain, and by evening it became cold. Gregory went to bed early. I sat at the edge of the hut, looking at the fire. This is how it happens - I am sitting somewhere over the river in the deep taiga next to this boy, still unknown to me yesterday. You live, you live, and a person appears in your life. You don't know his manners, customs, skill. And he makes you a hut, lights a fire and boils tea. Finally, some kind of calmness came to me, the tension began to subside.
The work is done, what is needed is clarified. Suddenly, the truth of the inevitability of replacing everything difficult, painful, unsightly with rest and holiday became comprehensible.

Every year teachers from more than 100 countries of the world celebrate Teacher's Day. So, in Russia since 1994 this professional holiday received state status and was postponed to October 5 - a date designated by the international community. Traditionally, on Teacher's Day, celebrations are held in schools, cool watch, and within the "unofficial" part - festive buffets or banquets. In addition to bouquets of autumn flowers and lovely souvenirs, schoolchildren prepare concerts with songs and dances for their favorite teachers for such a significant date. We propose to add some original and “fresh” ideas to the script for Teacher's Day - primary and high school students can play funny humorous scenes about teachers and school, as well as learn beautiful dances. With appropriate preparation, such numbers are quite capable of performing for all students - from grade 5 to grade 10. And our videos will help young "artists" better prepare for the performances and amaze the audience with their outstanding theatrical and dance skills.

Funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day for primary school students - ideas and videos

School humor is anecdotes, jokes, riddles, jokes, jokes and a truly inexhaustible source of fun and good mood. Therefore, funny humorous scenes on school topics can be added to the script for Teacher's Day. As a rule, such performances are based on scenes from everyday school life students and teachers, slightly embellished and "seasoned" with notes of light humor. So, students primary grades can prepare a funny scene for their favorite teacher on Teacher's Day, the main characters of which are a strict teacher and a "lazy" student. As a plot, you can choose any, the most common case - "forgot the diary at home", "late for class", "put a button on a comrade's chair." Such funny scenes for Teacher's Day are always relevant and cause a lot of positive emotions in the audience. Of course, students need to properly rehearse their performance, learn the lines, and most importantly - feel like real actors, albeit on a school scale for now. Inspiration and creative ideas for you!

A funny scene for Teacher's Day for primary grades - about a physical education teacher and Vovochkin's dad

Anecdotes about Vovochka and his parents have long become "classics" of modern humor. After all, teachers and parents of students are often two "opposing" camps, between which every now and then funny situations arise. So a similar scene on Teacher's Day with the participation of these funny characters will undoubtedly please both pupils and parents and the "heroes" of the occasion.

So, at the beginning of the plot, Vovochkin's dad comes to the school principal - on crutches and with his head tied with bandages. In response to the director's surprised look, a demand follows: the school physical education teacher must pay monetary compensation for the injury, since the hospital refused to write out the ballot. As an "argument" Vovochkin's dad brings his own appearance, obtained as a result of the exercises given by the physical education teacher for children. At this time, Vovochka's dad stood behind a closed door and tried to repeat the teacher's task. "Children, raise your right leg!" - and dad raised his right leg. Then came the command to raise his left leg, which Vovochkin's parent tried to raise, while holding onto the windowsill with his hands - his right leg had already been raised! Having lost his "fulcrum", Vovochka's dad falls and hits his head on the floor. It turns out his legs are stuck in the battery! So trust the teacher after such classes - more children will be hurt! Needless to say, very "topical" and interesting topic for a humorous scene for Teacher's Day.

Funny humorous scene for Teacher's Day for primary grades - "Test", video

No special decorations or costumes are required to play this funny teacher's day school scene. According to the plot, the teacher presents the class with a "surprise" - a test. It is clear that students use all their ingenuity and resourcefulness to avoid unexpected "test". So, boys begin to distract the teacher's attention with various funny antics and ask questions on "abstract" topics. However, the teacher does not even think to follow the cunning students.

Such an unpretentious, but touching and funny scene on Teacher's Day will cause a kind smile from the audience, give a good mood and give the holiday atmosphere a relaxed atmosphere of humor. And many "recognize" themselves and their classmates in the participants of the scene!

Funny humorous scene for Teacher's Day for primary grades - "Battle of the teachers", video

The main character in this funny scene is a student whom three teachers, under the "guidance" of the presenter, are trying to force him to hand over the diary. So, which of the teachers will be able to take away the diary from a negligent student in one minute, will become the winner of the "battle". After the leader announces the beginning, a primary school teacher is invited to the “field”. However, the "quirky" student begins to come up with excuses on the go: "The diary is lost", "The grandmother took the diary" and others. The teacher does not manage to take possession of the diary, and she leaves the "battlefield". The next participant tries to "bribe" the cunning student with sweets - albeit unsuccessfully. And only the third teacher-participant succeeds in taking away the cherished diary by means of "threats" to call the parents of the little sly fellow. At the sight of a teacher who got mobile phone, the determination of the protagonist evaporates, and the diary is handed over to the winner. The moral of the scene is that, in some cases, teachers simply cannot do without parental support.

Funny humorous sketches for Teacher's Day for high school students - ideas and videos

High school students show boundless imagination in the production of funny humorous scenes for Teacher's Day. For example, you can use popular TV programs as a "template" and create a scene in this format by adding music from famous hits. So, to begin with, a presenter is selected who will announce and "direct" the performance of other "artists". And the very scene "to build" in the form of small funny numbers "from the life of teachers and students." A win-win!

Funny Scene for High School Teacher's Day - "Expectation and Reality", video

This funny teacher's Day scene illustrates the mismatch between expectation and reality from certain events or events. Since we have Teacher's Day, we use incidents and events from school life for the scene. How does a teacher imagine a student being late for a lesson? Certainly not at all like the student. And the teacher's idea of \u200b\u200bhow active the students are in the lesson also differs from reality. Such a funny scene from the students will surely cause a cheerful laugh from the audience sitting in the hall.

Funny High School Teacher's Day Scene - "Othello and Desdemona", video

It will be interesting for high school students to play out a funny scene, the plot of which is based on a parody of Shakespeare's immortal work. The main character of the scene is a teacher who devotes too much time to her work, while her husband and household chores are left without attention. Then the plot unfolds along a known line. Of course, the ending with Desdemona's “strangling” by jealous Othello will also be humorous. For such a scene on Teacher's Day, you can come up with poems in the "Shakespearean" spirit - it will turn out spectacularly and will be remembered for a long time by teachers and parents.

Beautiful dances for Teacher's Day - for grade 5, video

Dancing best conveys feelings and emotions. Therefore, for Teacher's Day, you can learn a beautiful dance with students of grade 4 or 5, and choose famous rhythmic hits as musical accompaniment. For a performance, the easiest way is to take a tape recorder or a stereo system with powerful speakers. The main thing is incendiary and fun! For you, dear teachers!

Dance for Teacher's Day - "Teacher, manage your dream!", Video

Dance for Teacher's Day in hip-hop style - "Stop teaching - let's dance!", Video

Beautiful dancing for Teacher's Day - for grade 10, video

For pupils in grades 10 and 11, you can choose more "adult" dances than for restless fifth graders. So, groovy rock-n-roll performed by beautiful high school girls in dresses "from the 60s" will cause a storm of emotions among the audience. Simple movements and the unique charm of the girls - and a good mood for Teacher's Day will not keep you waiting. For greater effect, you can also prepare a dance number with "assorted" different styles - classic, break dance, rap.

Awesome dance from high school girls on Teacher's Day video

Dance for Teacher's Day - from grade 10 students, video

Scenes on Teacher's Day are a great opportunity not only to surprise and delight your favorite teachers, but also to unite the class and make it more friendly. We have shared with you best ideas funny humorous scenes about school and beautiful dances for Teacher's Day for primary and senior grades - from 5 to 10. And with the help of our videos, students will be able to prepare the most fun and touching dance numbers for Teacher's Day.

So the holiday called Teacher's Day is approaching. In the meantime, he smoothly approaches all the students "run" in search of what they will surprise their beloved teachers. Do you run too? Or maybe you can show funny scenes about teachers on Teacher's Day?

Miniature passing the exam.

Dear students, hello. Today we have an exam, and today an experiment is being conducted in our school, in our class. Cameras were connected to us, and now we are all seen right in Moscow! So we behave well, we don't cheat and pass the exam.
Here one student pulls out his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

I already want to leave.

What does it mean to leave ?! We have an exam!

So I also want to "hand over" it and leave.

Oh, hand over! This is another matter! But remember Stepanov, there are cameras everywhere, so don't let your class or the whole school down!
Stepanov leaves and immediately goes to the teacher and gives him a heavy bag.

The teacher takes the bag and says in surprise:
What is it, Stepanov?

Like what? This is my exam!

The teacher looks into the bag, then wipes the sweat from his face and says:
Why a trifle?

It's just that Dad works in the minibus, we always have this little thing!

The teacher gives the bag to the student:
Take it quickly, Stepanov. Cameras are everywhere, and you shove me!

Stepanov takes the bag:
How then can I pass the exam?

See my table is free? Sit down for him and leave the bag there.

The student sits at the teacher's table and says:
Everything is ready. I passed?

Which one did he pass, Stepanov ?! See, cameras are everywhere! Come on, I'll help you now. Give me a hint what your question is.

How to hint?

Raise your hand, take time off to go out and so in between times hint.

Stepanov holds out his hand.

Stepanov, what do you want?

Artur Nikolayevich, can I go to the toilet before I answer the question "basic properties of the atom"?

You can, Stepanov, go.

Stepanov leaves. And the teacher says:
Do you see how Stepanov easily passed the exam ?! And all because Stepanov's dad works in a minibus, and Stepanov is preparing to continue his father's work and therefore hurries to hand over everything quickly and go to study with his father!

Scene - Modern teachers.

Teachers can be played by pupils.

Teachers' room, there are two teachers. Another teacher walks into the teacher's room with quick steps, throws the magazine on the table and speaks.

Teacher 1:
No, I can't do this anymore! My strength is no more!
One of the teachers in the room asks.

Teacher 2:
What happened? Again, 8 "a" class brought?
The third teacher, who was also already in the staff room, echoes.

Teacher 3:
Yes, 8 "a" is just hell!

Teacher 1:
Mom told me: put on tights, a shorter skirt, and go to the building of the city council, maybe someone will "bite" at you! No, I put on a formal suit, and went to enroll as a teacher, I went to make a career!

Teacher 2:
Well, you can't do that because of one class! After all, these are children, we need to be softer with them somehow.

Teacher 3:
It is necessary to be softer. But if it were my will, I would "tighten the screws" for them!

Teacher 1:
How much stricter? I called Petrov to the board, I asked - show Mallorca on the map. And he says - I won't show you, but tell me how cool I can be there, my dad and I rested there in the summer!

Teacher 2:
Yes, indeed, Petrov is the son of a deputy, he can tell a lot! And I have Ivanov in the lesson pulls his hand and says - you can go out! I ask - where are you going? And he answers - feed the cat! I say - which cat? Did your cat stay at home or did you bring him to school? And he answers me - he downloaded the game, it's called a talking cat, so he has to go. And shows me a tablet. I don't really know what to do, I say, go feed the cat, I don't need hunger victims in the classroom.

Teacher 3:
And my students flatly refused to teach Dostoevsky. They say that Rospotrebnadzor added their favorite site with games to the list of prohibited ones, and they added all the writers and poets that we go through at school to their list of authors prohibited from studying!

Teacher 1:
Yes, these are not children, then ... I don't even know how to say so as not to swear!

Teacher 2:
Well, not what, there will be a holiday on our street, the time will come for tests and exams!

The door to the teacher's room opens, another teacher enters and says:
Happy holiday, teachers!

Decorate festive concert, sketches for Teacher's Day will help to dilute it with cheerful notes, the plot of which tells about unusual cases from life school teams... These are usually small miniature sketches, which reflect one short episode of school life. These mini-scenes are akin to Yeralash: funny, fun, capacious and harmless.

The main heroes of the festive performances, of course, are schoolchildren and teachers. It is not at all necessary to invite your favorite teacher to play the role of Maria Ivanovna. Funny scenes on Teacher's Day, where all the roles are played by students, look much more interesting. It is not necessary to specifically point to someone on a holiday. If in the proposed scenario of a humorous scene for Teacher's Day, the name of the teacher is accidentally entered, which coincides with the name of the one who works in your school, be sure to replace it so that there is no hint of someone's flaws or oversights.

Greetings on Teacher's Day are becoming more and more popular among children and teachers, in which the heroes transform into famous artists and from the stage give their congratulations to educators. It turns out a rather original number, which will also cause a smile, something like a performance by new Russian attendants or a congratulation from a pop star.

Scene for Teachers' Day "Merry School"

The plot of the scene is quite simple, but at the same time it is lively and interesting. A journalist appears at school, who, on the eve of the holiday, interviews the children, the director, and a young teacher. All this is played out according to the script that is in the application.

Funny Scene for Teacher's Day "Incident of a Lifetime"

The main characters of this scene are the school director and the boy Vova, who will be played by several students. First, Vova, the first grader, appears before the children, then the director talks with Vova, who is already in grade 5. We'll have to get acquainted with his antics in the 9th and 11th grade. Surprisingly, the final scene introduces Vova as the director of this school, in front of whom is the girl Katya. This funny scene is written in verse, so it will look especially interesting.

A humorous scene for Teacher's Day based on the fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse"

This scene for Teacher's Day has something in common with Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse". The main character of the little show is Ivan. Either he is a fool, or a Tsarevich, it's hard to figure out. He meets the Little Humpbacked Horse, with whom he discusses school problems.

Cheerful scene-congratulation on Teacher's Day "Nikitichna and Petrovna"

Who does not remember the funny funny hosts Nikitichna and Petrovna, who gave the world hundreds of interesting storiesmaking you laugh to tears. We invite you to laugh with them, because they will act out on the school stage an original congratulation scene for Teacher's Day. It can be performed by two students, but it is imperative that they have a certain small talent for theatrical transformation and be able to believably play two old ladies who have come to congratulate the teachers.

Scene-performance on Teacher's Day "Ring-show"

A small theatrical performance for the school stage, in which the main characters will be not schoolchildren and their eternal opponents, teachers, but also parents and teachers who have entered into an unequal dispute. Ask, what is the dispute about? Yes, all about the same, about children. A cool scene for Teacher's Day will allow teachers, parents, and the schoolchildren themselves, who are talking about in the ring, to smile.