Postcard in the form of a dog with your own hands. Postcard with the Year of the Dog with your own hands: with a dog and in different styles. How to draw a postcard with your own hands - examples with photos

DIY Cards 2018 You can start doing long before the New Year itself, because there are a huge variety of handmade techniques in the world - it takes a lot of time to try only a few of them. But as a result of your work, you will have excellent greeting cards for all relatives and friends.

DIY card for 2018

You can get an excellent design option with a minimum set of materials. First of all, you need to think about the size of the finished product - it should be noted that the most attractive will be just a small craft. Take a 15 cm by 20 cm yellow paper rectangle and fold it in half.
Decorate the edges of the part with a decorative ribbon - it is best to choose a contrasting one that meets the New Year's theme.

Take green corrugated paper and cut out a couple of triangles, one larger than the other. Break an ice cream stick in half and glue them as trunks on the back of the Christmas trees. Place a small piece of padding polyester in the middle of the card, which will play the role of a snowdrift, place Christmas trees behind it.

Write warm wishes on a separate piece of paper. You can print congratulations if you want to use some particularly beautiful font. Mark the boundaries of the part with strokes - this will look even more impressive.

The final stage of manufacturing will be gluing rhinestones, they can be attached in any order.

DIY greeting card for New 2018

Everyone will be very pleased to receive a Christmas tree as a gift, and it is not done as difficult as it might seem when looking at a photo.

Cut out the green paper rectangles - the narrowest, the middle, and the widest, making sure that the lengths are identical. Fold them in accordions on the short side. Fold the white sheet in half along the long side to form a postcard base.

Grease the end and beginning of the smallest accordion with glue, open a half-white sheet and glue the accordion to the inner fold on the right. Do similar manipulations with the rest of the accordions, placing them in ascending order in the center and left. The result should be a voluminous tree.

To decorate the craft, cut out paper parts - a couple of red balls and an asterisk, as well as blue, yellow and orange balls. The asterisk is glued, of course, at the top, and the balls are glued in a chaotic manner. So, do-it-yourself New Year card for 2018 almost ready, all that remains is to add congratulations - for this purpose, you can choose from pencils, markers or colored pens.

DIY New Year card 2018

The scrapbooking technique is ideal for making postcards - the result is simply masterpieces. Be sure to try it too - follow the photo-tips and everything will certainly work out as needed. The boot card looks very original, its production will not be quick, but the result is worth it.

To work, you will need to use a boot template - attach it to watercolor paper, circle and cut out two bases.

Use a green ink pad to tint the first base around the edge, and a blue one to tint the second. Cut the template in half and attach it to the Christmas-themed scrap paper. Cut out two scrap boots for each base boot, and the back boots, without delay, attach with double-sided tape to the substrates.

The front parts should be decorated with stamps, pictures and decorations. First of all, protonate the pictures with pads along the edge, then glue with glue-pencil on the cut-out circles of green and blue. In the master class, the pictures show funny monkeys, but since you are making dIY postcard symbol 2018, then you should look for images of dogs. Also glue a large blue snowflake from the felling, and at the top - a pre-tinted inscription "Happy New Year!" Sew inscriptions and pictures on a typewriter.

Attach the front boots to the pads, sew each side separately with a machine. Cut a couple of 3mm wide blue satin ribbon, blue pom pom ribbon and blue mesh. Tie bows and arrange bouquets of white stamens with glitter and berries in different colors of sugar (green, blue, white, silver). Glue the decorations, to complete the decoration process there will be dots that will need to be put on the circles with liquid silver glitter. Funny Christmas boots are ready!

DIY Christmas cards for 2018

Postcards in the form of New Year's bags will look very nice, they can also be made using the scrapbooking technique.

The first step is to cut out the template, it should be circled three times on watercolor paper and cut out. Tint each bag for an attractive aging effect.

Cut the template in half and cut it all off by a couple of millimeters. Attach a single template to the New Year's scrap paper and cut 6 pieces - 2 pieces for each postcard bag.

Immediately attach one piece to each backing and start decorating the front. Cut off three black ink-stamped “Happy New Year!” Lettering, tint along the edge of each and attach to the front pouches. Also glue on the cut-out circle in red and white, as well as a picture on a festive theme. Sew the entire decor on a typewriter.

As you know, almost every bag has ties and ours will not be an exception, which is why cut off pieces of red and white cotton cord, as well as a variety of ribbons (green and red, satin with New Year's print, green and red organza). With all this splendor, "tie" the bags with bows using New Year's brads. Glue each front pouch to the backing and sew.

Use red sisal to twist balls, tie bows from cords with golden metal bells. Decorate bouquets of stamens in sugar, as well as dark green, red and golden sugar berries. It remains only to glue the ready-made decorations to the bag postcards and you can enjoy the result.

Using the scrapbooking technique, make and.

DIY card for 2018 dogs

Such a technique as quilling is extremely popular with both children and adults, because with the help of swirling elements, you can create very interesting and attractive compositions.

To create a greeting card using the quilling technique, you should prepare a postcard base, narrow long paper strips (you can buy ready-made ones, or you can cut them yourself). Dragon glue can be used as a fixing composition; you also cannot do without a twisting tool and a thematic decorative element - snowflakes.

Make two spruce branches following the photo guide. To make a candle, fix a paper strip of the desired color on the tool and twist it with a roll, then remove and dissolve slightly, press the ends on both sides. Twist the candle flame in the same way, only use two paper colors at once.

To make bells, twist a tight roll, remove from the tool and glue immediately. Make another such element. When the rolls are dry, you should carefully push out the center with a toothpick. Press down on both sides to flatten the bell.

Apply glue in the desired places on the card base, then lay out the paper elements, lightly pressing on top with your finger. Try to disturb the product for a while, so that the glue sets. After gluing the bell, twist the tiny strip with a tight roll and, after gluing the tip, glue it inside - this will be the tongue. Use a decorative element to complete the composition. Of course, this is one of the simplest options for a quilling postcard, but in general, using paper components, you can "draw" anything you want.

Make and.

New year card 2018 year of the dog in his hands

Excellent volumetric option do-it-yourself cards for the year of the dog 2018 can be done with the children, keep in mind that its design is such that if you want to print congratulations on the printer, then this must be done first.

To create a postcard base, take A4 cardboard and fold it in half. On one half, draw a sketch of the Christmas tree - you don't have to do it in detail, a couple of lines will be enough.

Cut the corrugated paper into strips, they should be one and a half centimeters high, but the length will depend on the fluffiness of the future Christmas tree. Please note that the stripes must be of different lengths to create a stylized herringbone.

The next step will be to glue the corrugated paper strips - first you need to glue the lower tier, and then gradually rise to the top. After gluing, the strips should be slightly tucked up so that the tree looks like a skirt with folds in outline.

For decoration, you can use a Christmas tree on the top, pieces of "rain" and tinsel, sparkles, etc.

Oksana Telikova

Good day to everyone who took the time to look at my light!

I want to dedicate this post to the symbol of the coming 2018!

Dog - a responsible and friendly character. It is believed that with her will come balance, inner peace and order.

From my last year's publications, you can remember how to make Christmas decorations - doggies.

Having seized minutes of free time, I started preparing for the New Year, much later than usual! Started with making postcards... Today I invite you to take a look at what I got.

To work for me needed:

* linen fabric;

* glue "Moment";

* scissors;

* acrylic and gouache paints;

* pony brush # 2;

* background for postcards, you can leftover wallpaper;

* curly scissors;

* various decorative additions: satin ribbons, braid, buttons, beads, snowflakes, bells

how created:

I brought out the silhouette of the one I liked on the printer doggies.

Cut out and pasted on linen cloth.

Cut along the contour. This is the most difficult stage of the work, in my opinion)

I marked the outline with brown gouache.

I drew the auricle, eyes, nose. To make the nose shine and look natural, I painted it with black nail polish.

I picked up paper for the background and cut out rectangles with curly scissors.

This was followed by the most interesting and enjoyable part of the work.

Surround each doggie with beauty)

It took very little time to make! And I experienced pleasure, and, I hope, the recipients postcards) It remains only to enter the kind words of wishes!

I wish everyone an upbeat New Year's mood!

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Not a single New Year's holiday is complete without pleasant surprises and gifts. They are being prepared long before December 31st. While adults rush to the shops in search of the right gifts, children decide which card is on New Year 2018 with their own hands can please their friends and family. Since the yellow Dog is the symbol of the coming year, older children, teenagers, choose scrapbooking with the image of this animal of the Eastern calendar. Children in kindergartens and schools make unusual crafts from colored paper and cardboard for mothers and grandmothers and draw snowmen, Christmas trees, Santa Clauses, snowflakes. We decided to tell them how to make a New Year's greeting card and posted here master classes on making such beautiful crafts. See photos and videos, memorize all the steps performed by the craftsmen, and you will also get a great gift by December 31st!

Children's card for the New Year 2018 with their own hands - Scrapbooking with a picture of a dog (master class step by step)

According to an ancient legend, Buddha, leaving this world, invited all the animals to say goodbye to him, promising them rewards. Among the twelve beasts that first came to him was a dog. She came in second to last, eleventh — she had too much to do at home. She, like the other twelve animals, was presented with 1 year out of a 12-year cycle. The coming period again passes under the sign of this faithful friend and favorite of many families. That is why on New Year's 2018 parents, their sons and daughters, will hand over children's handmade cards using the scrapbooking technique with a picture of a dog. Our master class with step by step instructions will teach you how to make such a craft.

How to make a postcard with a picture of a dog - Master class of scrapbooking techniques

Designing and creating postcards from newspaper and magazine clippings is always fun. Despite the fact that this technique appeared only a few years ago, it has already become popular in Russia. With its help, you will get an original children's postcard for the New Year 2018 with your own hands - scrapbooking with the image of a dog is performed according to the general instructions for such work. Well, the master class will explain you step by step how to do everything.

  1. Prepare as many unnecessary magazines, newspapers, colored paper as possible. Buy thick cardboard sheets as the basis for your postcard.
  2. You can make a booklet-like postcard by folding a piece of cardboard in half.
  3. Cut out New Year's photos from magazines and create a collage from them, sticking everything on a postcard.
  4. Cut out a picture of a dog out of colored paper and glue it over the collage.
  5. Make the inscription "Happy New 2018 Year of the Dog", draw the details of the postcard and decorate the craft with ribbons, beads, sparkles, gluing them on the Moment glue.
  6. Open the finished card and write congratulations to the person you want to give the gift to.

Examples of scrapbooking cards with dogs

What can you make a do-it-yourself card with children for the New Year 2018

If you have not yet decided what you can make a postcard with your own hands with children for the New Year 2018, see examples of such unusual New Year's crafts in our videos and photos. Postcards are made not only of paper: cardboard, magazines, photographs, stickers, decorative material (streamer, confetti, beads), etc. are used.

Homemade Christmas tree postcard for the New Year - Master class with photo

This master class with step-by-step explanations and a photo will clearly show you how unusual and original you can make a postcard with your own hands with your children for the New Year 2018.

Before starting work, prepare:

  • Corrugated cardboard with a picture;
  • Pastel paper;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Cutter;
  • Spray paint;
  • Rhinestones;
  • Glue "Moment";
  • Golden lace;
  • Pencil;
  • A ruler.

How to draw a postcard for the New Year 2018 with your own hands to school and kindergarten

Even if the child has never done crafts on his own, teach him how to draw a postcard for the New Year 2018 with his own hands to school and kindergarten does not present any difficulty. You can watch this video and repeat all her steps after the girl.

Or use one of the six workshop ideas on the video.

How to draw a postcard with your own hands - examples with photos

Do not rack your brains on how to draw a postcard for the New Year 2018 with your own hands for school and kindergarten, if you have a sketchbook or ready-made cardboard at hand. Just fold a piece of paper in half and on the outside depict a Dog - a symbol of the coming year. If you don't like this idea, choose something for your postcard with a New Year theme - snowflakes, Christmas trees, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus or a bag of toys.

DIY funny card for New Year 2018 with the symbol of the Year of the Dog

Postcards are not always simple pieces of paper or cardboard with thematic images. See how a funny do-it-yourself card for the New Year 2018 is made with the symbol of the Year of the Dog, and you will want to make the same one.

How to make a surprise card for the Year of the Yellow Dog 2018 - Master class with a photo

Follow all the steps of this master class in stages, checking your actions with the photo, and you will get a funny handmade card for the New Year 2018, with an image of the symbol of the Year of the Dog.

1. First, prepare all materials and tools:

  • Black, yellow and white cardboard;
  • Ruler;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Scissors;
  • Marker;
  • Pencil.

Do-it-yourself greeting card with a Dog for the New Year 2018

The best gift on the eve of the upcoming holidays will be a do-it-yourself greeting card with a Dog for the New Year 2018. You can design it as a drawing, as a scrapbooking book, and as a cheerful puppy with wishes written on his long ears and round tummy. Here are just a few examples of ready-made Christmas cards.

Postcard with a cheerful dog for the New Year 2018 - a master class on video

If you really need to know in detail how a do-it-yourself greeting card with the image of a Dog is made for the upcoming New Year 2018, watch the video on this page. Follow all the tips of the master class, and you will have the best New Year's surprise!

How to make a New Year's card with your own hands from colored paper and cardboard - Master class with a photo

On December 31, by tradition, everyone exchanges surprises. Do not forget to prepare everyone at home for a small surprise. Learn how to make a DIY origami card for the New Year from colored paper and cardboard from the explanations of the master class with a photo.

Origami Christmas card with Christmas tree - Master class with step-by-step instructions

After reading how to make a New Year's card with your own hands from colored paper and cardboard - you will find a master class with a photo under the text - you will learn how to make original New Year's gifts.

1-3. First fold the square of colored thick paper diagonally once, then fold it twice. Expand the sheet.

  1. Make the folds so that you have a volumetric triangle.
  2. Fold one side of the triangle inward.
  3. Now do the same on the other side.
  4. Bend the previously bent sides of the future Christmas tree inward.
  5. Glue a piece of tape on top of one part (module) of the Christmas tree. Connect the Christmas tree module by placing the larger one inside the smaller one. So you get a Christmas tree made of paper, which can decorate any new year card made of cardboard.

A beautiful DIY card for the New Year with children: step by step instructions

It is wrong to think that beautiful New Year cards can be made with your own hands with children only from paper, cardboard and magazines. On this page, you will find step-by-step instructions for making such crafts from the most unexpected improvised tools and materials. Try to create your own mini-masterpiece and you.

New Year's card "Fir-tree 2018" from multi-colored scotch tape - Photo with explanations

A very simple, bright and beautiful postcard for the New Year, made with your own hands with children, is made from decorative tape in just 15 minutes. The photo and step-by-step instructions of the master class, posted just below, will help you quickly make it.

You only need:

  1. Scissors;
  2. A sheet of cardboard for crafts;
  3. Several strips of decorative tape.

Seeing a photo of the finished postcard, you will understand how to make this simple craft.

Instructions will speed up and simplify the process of working on a New Year's surprise.

  1. Fold the cardboard in half. On the top side of the future postcard, glue a vertical strip of plain tape.
  2. Cut into strips different sizes colorful decorative tape. Cut the ends of the strips obliquely - so they will look more like spruce branches.
  3. Place the strips on top of the vertically glued tape, starting from the bottom of the largest.

Unusual DIY New Year card for children in 3D

The most original New Year's cards are obtained if you make them voluminous. Try to make an unusual DIY New Year card for children in 3D. Let you spend at least an hour on its creation, but the gift will come out just wonderful!

Homemade volumetric New Year card for children - Master class with photo

If you want your unusual DIY New Year's card for children in 3D to turn out flawlessly, pay attention to this simple master class with a photo of each step performed. But first, get everything you need ready for work:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Figured hole punch;
  • Curly scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Colored cardboard;
  • Double-sided tape.

1-2. Fold the cardboard in half. Cut cardboard strips one and a half centimeters wide and fold them in half. Bend the ends of the strips into the "birdie" corners to secure them to the inside of the card. Glue them as shown in the photo.

Cut out three cardboard white circles, gluing them together in the shape of a snowman.

How to draw a postcard for the New Year with your own hands - Master class with a photo

After reading this paragraph and all the instructions to the end, you can explain to your child how to draw a New Year's card with your own hands. A master class with a photo and explanations for each step performed by the master will be your faithful helpers. Read them carefully before starting work.

How to draw a New Year's card in watercolor - Master class with instructions

If you have watercolors, a drawing paper or a sketchbook and brushes at home, right after reading how to draw a holiday card for the New Year with your own hands, you can get to work. Otherwise, purchase all the materials and tools necessary for the work, indicated in the list below. Do not forget to check your actions, paying attention to the explanations of the master class and photos.

In addition to paints, paper and 2 brushes (thin and large), you will need:

  • Paper tape;
  • Soft pencil;
  • A container with water for rinsing brushes;
  • Palette;
  • Black gel pen;
  • Paper towels.

What can you make a card for mom and grandmother for the New Year: do-it-yourself photo of crafts

Pay attention to the variety of materials used to create holiday New Year's crafts. This and plain paper, and cardboard, foam rubber, scotch tape, multi-colored beads, cotton wool, plaster, stickers and more. Ideas for such postcards can be found not only in special collections of master classes sold in bookstores. Do not forget to give your loved ones small gifts from the bottom of your heart on 31 December. Find out what kind of card you can make for mom and grandmother for the New Year from photos of DIY crafts and video clips presented on this page.

New Year's card for mom and grandmother - Photo and video for making crafts

With the end of December approaching, everyone, secretly from their friends and household members, begins to look for unusual gifts and souvenirs related to the New Year theme for them. However, in order to present the best gift, it is not necessary to purchase it somewhere in a souvenir shop. Delight your loved ones with the best gifts - small homemade gifts. See what you can make a postcard for mom, dad and grandmother for the New 2018 - the most unexpected and original ideas will be prompted by photos of DIY crafts and videos on this page.

A simple but good-looking postcard for the New Year 2018 with your own hands will give your dads, mothers, grandparents a piece of the warmth of your heart. Draw on it with the children a smiling Dog, a symbol of the coming year, funny snowmen, a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, toys - essential attributes of any new year holidays... Make your friends for December 31, paper and cardboard crafts, a scrapbooking album or picture. Well, what a surprise you can prepare for the coming year for your household, our master classes with step-by-step instructions, various photos and short videos will tell you.

If a child makes a postcard with a dog with his own hands, it will be a wonderful and memorable gift that can be timed to coincide with any holiday. And then, depending on the celebration, the postcard can be decorated with any decor, stickers, paper figures, drawings.

Materials for work:

  • Double-sided colored cardboard: one shade for the cover, any shade you want for the body and a little darker for the ears, paws, muzzle. Red paper or cardboard for the tongue;
  • Black felt-tip pen, pencil, scissors, glue stick;
  • Various decor, figured composter for making paper decorations for postcards, etc.

Postcard with a dog do it yourself step by step


Use the template and cut out the blanks of the dog from colored cardboard:

  • Hind feet with a tail;
  • Body with front legs;
  • Head;
  • Muzzle;
  • You can also cut out blanks from dark cardboard along the contour of the ends of the legs, or skip this moment and paint over in that area with a felt-tip pen.

Glue small blanks to the tips of the feet or sketch them with a felt-tip pen. On a paper circle, glue the ears on the sides, the muzzle and tongue in front. With a felt-tip pen or marker, draw eyes, nose, dots and a line on the face.

Make folds along the dotted lines. On the body, these are the tips of the paws, in the middle and a small strip on the narrow side. Hind legs have only tips.


Now it's time to make a card cover out of cardboard. To do this, cut a rectangle, taking into account the size of the dog, and fold it in half.

Glue the back of the dog where the tail area is on one side of the cover and the tips of the legs are on the other. Glue should be applied to the entire workpiece and glue it completely, repeating the outline of the fold in the area of \u200b\u200bthe paws.

Now glue the torso with the front legs. You need to apply glue on a thin fold strip along the edge and on the legs. Glue the strip first, close the card, and only then glue the legs. If you do this without closing the postcard, if there is a risk of sticking too far and the postcard will subsequently be at random.

At the end, glue the head in front a little to one side and the opening 3D postcard with a dog with your own hands is ready. Decorate it inside and out, considering the event in honor of which the card will be presented.