Regulations on the division of the chief power engineer service. Tasks and functions of the chief power engineer department. The main tasks of the service of the chief power engineer


One of the main tasks of the energy sector is to ensure the growth of scientific and technological progress, the intensification of social production, and an increase in its efficiency. The solution to this problem largely depends on improving the methods of electrification of all industries using modern electrical devices. Industry takes the first place in terms of the amount of consumed electricity, which accounts for more than 60% of all generated energy.

The power system of the Republic of Belarus is a constantly developing highly automated complex of power plants and networks, united by parallel operation, common mode and a single centralized dispatch control. This is the highest form of organization of the electric power economy creates the possibility of the most rational use of energy resources and increasing the efficiency of the national economy and the standard of living of the population of the republic.

The general direction of the development of the Belarusian energy sector is the concentration and centralization of the production and transmission of electricity, as well as the creation and use of renewable energy sources: solar, geothermal, wind, tidal; development of combined production of electricity and heat for district heating in industrial cities. Large thermal power plants can provide heat to about 800 cities.

Today the Belarusian energy system comprises 6 unitary enterprises. Each RUE has branches: power stations, heating networks, electrical networks. The Belarusian energy system currently includes 25 thermal power plants with an installed capacity of 7625 MW, 32 district boiler houses, about 7 thousand. km, backbone high voltage transmission lines, more than 2 thousand. km. Heating networks, more than 240 thousand. distribution electrical networks. International energy ties between Belarus and other countries are expanding every year.

Power plants are the main source of generated electricity. The coverage of the load peaks of the power system is assigned to HPPs and PSPPs. In 1990-2000, power units were put into operation at CHP 4 (250 MW), CHP 2 (180 MW), Orsha CHP (PTU-70 MW), CHP 5 (330 MW).

The concept of energy security and increasing energy independence of the Republic of Belarus provides for the introduction of a nuclear power plant into the country's fuel and energy balance. The Ministry of Energy, together with the National Academy of Sciences, is studying the possibility of building a nuclear power plant in the republic.

The cost of generating electricity at nuclear power plants is lower than at traditional sources. According to the calculations of the specialists of the National Academy of Sciences, the cost of electricity production when the NPP is commissioned as a whole for the energy system will decrease by 13%. We will be able to replace 4-4.5 billion m³ of imported natural gas.

Diversification of the country's fuel and energy balance is another argument in favor of building a nuclear power plant in Belarus. Today we produce heat and electric energy using practically the same type of fuel: gas accounts for 95% of the fuel balance of the energy system, and 85% of the country's fuel balance. The commissioning of a nuclear power plant will reduce the share of gas in the fuel balance to about 58%. Nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants is produced today by many states: Russia, France, USA, Germany, China.

The cost of a kilowatt-hour of electricity at the stations. operating on organic fuel, the fuel component is more than 75%, then on the nuclear fuel it does not exceed 20% (of which uranium itself is 5 - 7%). Therefore, the rise in prices for nuclear fuel does not affect the cost of the final product as much as, for example, the rise in prices for oil or gas.

The energy security concept provides for the option of building a 2000 MW nuclear power plant by 2020. The service life of modern nuclear power plants is 60 years. For construction, the construction, assembly and industrial complex of the country should be maximally involved. JSC "Belenergostroy", "Tsentroenergomontazh" participated in the construction of nuclear power plants abroad and have some experience.

The head of state stressed that the creation of its own nuclear energy is practically no alternative to guarantee the national security of Belarus. The lack of oil, natural gas, coal and other fuel and energy resources in the depths of our country, which make the economy of any state independent of export supplies from outside, is one of the most serious problems for the Republic of Belarus.

In the projects of modern nuclear power plants implemented in the world, multi-level safety systems are laid down, which exclude the spread of radiation into the environment. A number of "active" and "passive" devices are used, duplicating each other: "active" ones are put into action at the command of a person, "passive" ones are triggered independently of a person's actions. The reactor building is covered with a double containment of metal and concrete. The inner sealed shell prevents radiation from spreading outside the reactor building, while the outer one protects the reactor from any dangerous external influences. The station will not be damaged in case of an earthquake of 8 points, a hurricane. floods, explosions and even a plane crash on the reactor. All calculations are done with a large margin. The shell will withstand a wind force of 56 m / s - such a hurricane can happen once every 10 thousand years. A trap for trapping and cooling the core melt, installed under the reactor vessel, is provided for an emergency, the probability of which is once every 100 years.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, in the next 15 years, at least 60 more nuclear power plants will be built in the world. To increase the production of clean electricity globally, ensure energy security and protect the environment, the share of nuclear power will need to be increased by 4-5 times by mid-century.

Description of the repair shop

The repair area is intended for the repair and adjustment of electromechanical devices that are out of order.

The repair shop has two sections in which the equipment necessary for the repair is installed: turning, planing, milling, drilling machines, etc. The shop provides premises for a transformer substation (TP), ventilator, tool room, warehouses, welding stations, administration, etc.

The repair site receives electricity from the main step-down substation (MA). The distance from the GPP to the workshop TP is 0.9 km, and from the power system to the GPP - 14 km. The voltage at the GPP is 6 and 10 kV.

Number of work shifts - 2. Electricity consumers - 2 and 3 categories of power system reliability.

The soil in the area of \u200b\u200bthe workshop building is black soil with a temperature of +20 0 C. The building frame is constructed of 6 m long blocks-sections.

The dimensions of the workshop are A x B x H \u003d 48 x 28 x 9 m.

Auxiliary rooms are two-story 4 m high.

The list of equipment for the repair area is given in Table 1.1.

Power consumption (R EP) is indicated for one electrical receiver.

The location of the main equipment is shown in the graphic part on the plan.

Chief Power Engineer Department structure

The Chief Power Engineer Department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.

The department is created and liquidated by order of the General Director of the enterprise.

The department reports directly to the Deputy Chief Maintenance Engineer.

The department is headed by the Chief Power Engineer, appointed by the order of the director of the enterprise on the recommendation of the Deputy Chief Engineer for Maintenance.

In its activities, the department is guided by:

The charter of the enterprise.

By this provision.

Department structure

1. The structure and staffing of the department is approved by the General Director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise's activities on the proposal of the Deputy Chief Engineer for Maintenance and the Chief Mechanic and in agreement with the department of organization and remuneration.

2. The Department of the Chief Power Engineer includes the following structural divisions:

Energy Bureau;

Group of electrical equipment;

Heating and sanitary equipment group;

Electrical repair shop;

Energy workshop;

Ventilation bureau;

Preventive Maintenance Bureau;

Group for electrical measurements of instrumentation and automation;

Radio center;

Telephone station.

3. Regulations on the divisions of the Chief Power Engineer (bureaus, sectors, groups, etc.) are approved by the Technical Director, and the division of responsibilities between the employees of the departments is made by the Chief Power Engineer.

Department tasks

1. Uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of energy.

2. Safety of power equipment.

3. Implementation of energy saving measures.

4. Increasing the efficiency of the power grid.

5. Rational distribution of energy.

Department functions

1. Organization of operation and timely repair of power and environmental equipment and power systems.

2. Uninterrupted supply of production with electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy.

3. Control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise.

4. Planning the work of energy shops and farms.

5. Development of repair schedules for power equipment and power grids.

6. Development of plans for the production and consumption of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

7. Drawing up applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electricity and heat to the enterprise and connection of additional capacity to power supply companies.

8. Development of measures to reduce the consumption of energy resources, the introduction of new technology, contributing to more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as increasing labor productivity.

9. Participation in the development of plans for the long-term development of the energy sector, plans to improve production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes.

10. Consideration of projects for reconstruction and modernization of power supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions.

11. Drawing up technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing power facilities.

12. Preparation of conclusions on the developed projects.

13. Participation in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks into industrial operation.

14. Carrying out works to protect underground structures and communications.

15. Checking communication, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation equipment.

16. Timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to bodies exercising state technical supervision.

17. Development of measures to improve the efficiency of use of fuel and energy resources, reliability and efficiency of power plants, prevent accidents, create safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

18. Control over the observance of labor protection and safety rules, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

19. Conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy.

20. Storage, accounting for the availability and movement of power equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.

21. Carrying out certification and rationalization of workplaces.

22. Introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.

23. Preparation of opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions concerning the improvement of power equipment and power supply.

Department rights

1. The Chief Power Engineer Department has the right to:

1.1. Give instructions on the operation and repair of power equipment.

1.2. Make decisions on making changes to the technology for servicing power equipment.

1.3. Require the heads of production and technical departments:

Compliance with the prescribed standards for the operation and maintenance of power equipment;

Timely Provides information about violations of the technology of maintenance of power equipment;

Immediate reporting of power equipment breakdowns;

1.5. Stop the operation of power equipment in the event of a threat of an accident or accident.

1.6. Carry out forced repairs (stop the operation of equipment) in case of violation of the rules for the operation of power equipment.

1.7. Do not allow excavation work on the territory of the enterprise without approval.

1.8. Suspend from work employees who have not passed the appropriate certification.

1.9. To entrust individual structural divisions of the enterprise with carrying out maintenance work on power equipment.

1.10. Participate in the development of technical specifications, instructions.

2. The chief power engineer also has the right to represent to the management:

2.1. Proposals for incentives for distinguished employees and for disciplining employees who do not comply with labor and production discipline.

The structure of the electrical shop

Repair shop plan

The location of the main electrical equipment is shown on the plan.

1.2.1. As the experience of enterprises operating in new economic conditions, especially in the last 5–7 years, shows that the centralized command management system that existed in the recent past turned out to be unsuitable for solving the main task: making a profit.

1.2.2. It became necessary not in words, but in deeds to centralize the management of the technical operation of all types of fixed assets of the enterprise.

1.2.3. At enterprises it is necessary:

specify organizational structure of management Department of the Chief Power Engineer (OGE; an example of the OGE structure is shown in Fig. 1);

develop a system (matrix) for the distribution of responsibility and authority of each employee of the OGE.

to specify their functions and responsibilities in relation to the content of work, the timing of their performance, the amount of information received from the management of the enterprise, services and individual departments.

1.2.4. To perform the work, clause 1.2.3. a commission is created consisting of: head: deputy head - chief engineer of the enterprise;

members: Deputy Head of the Enterprise for Personnel, Chief Power Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer for Quality and Industrial Safety, Head of the Labor Protection and Wages Department, Head of the Legal Department, Engineer for Organization of Production Management, Chief Mechanic.

The materials developed by the commission are approved by the head of the enterprise and put into effect in the form of "Regulations for the functioning of the energy service of the enterprise."

1.2.5. After the approval of the regulations by the head of the enterprise, the duties and rights of the chief power engineer are specified (Appendix 7).

The implementation of the recommendations of the PPR EO System at the enterprise is assigned to the OGE, and at enterprises where, due to the small number of the energy service, the OGE is not created, to the OGE. In addition to the above functions, the OGE has the following tasks.

1.2.6. The main tasks of the OGE are:

organization of uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with energy resources of the required parameters

organization of reliable and safe operation of the energy facilities of the enterprise;

organization and control of operation and repair of the energy facilities of the enterprise, as well as technical supervision and methodological guidance of the activities of the energy and technological personnel serving the energy and energy technology equipment of the shops;

interaction with regional bodies of Federal supervision on the safe operation of equipment;

interaction with suppliers and consumers of energy resources.

Figure: 1.Organizational structure of the OGE (option)

Table 1.1

Allocation of responsibility and authority of managementOGE (option)

Legend: О - bears responsibility; Y - necessarily participates; O 1 - responsibility for electricity and water supply; 0 2 - responsibility for heat and gas supply and wastewater treatment; О 3 - responsibility for departmental supervision; 0 4 - responsibility for the rational use of energy resources; O 5 - responsibility for scheduled preventive maintenance.

1.2.7. In accordance with the main tasks, the OGE is entrusted with the implementation of the following work:

drawing up the energy balance of the enterprise. Development of daily and monthly energy consumption limits, analysis of their implementation in order to reduce loads during peak hours;

drawing up (with the involvement of third-party organizations) current and long-term plans for the development of the energy sector;

systematic monitoring of the energy load of the enterprise and taking timely measures to comply with the established limit for the consumption of electricity, natural gas and other energy resources;

coordination of the work of the units included in the service of the chief power engineer: thermal power plant, power supply workshop, water supply and sewerage workshop, gas supply department, industrial wastewater neutralization and treatment workshop, electrical repair workshop, centralized energy repair workshop;

development (together with the production, technical departments and the department of economic analysis) differentiated technological workshop and general plant specific norms for the consumption of all types of energy for production and auxiliary needs, control over the observance of these norms and established limits of energy consumption by the shops;

development of measures aimed at the rational use and saving of all types of energy and fuel on equipment serviced by the staff of the chief power engineer service, as well as at the maximum use of secondary energy resources;

periodic quality control of power-generating fuels (natural gas, coal, fuel oil);

drawing up plans for organizational and technical measures aimed at improving the reliability and efficiency of the operation of power equipment, including ensuring: rationalization of energy consumption, saving energy resources, releasing scarce types of fuel, using secondary energy resources, increasing the power factor, rationalizing thermal and electrical circuits, reducing losses in power grids, transformers, steam-water, air gas communications, the establishment of a rational fuel and energy regime;

organization and control of the preparation of initial data and tasks for the design of new and reconstruction of existing power plants, approved by the chief engineer;

control over the development and implementation of plans for organizational and technical measures to save fuel and energy resources by the workshops of the enterprise in accordance with the established main and additional tasks;

analysis of the cost of generated energy (together with the planning and economic department) and the development of measures to reduce it;

organization and control of the workshop for the neutralization and treatment of industrial wastewater.

1.2.8. The OGE is led by the head of the OGE as one-man authority. The job description is given in Appendix 7.


(Company name,organizations, institutions)

(head of an enterprise, organization, institution)



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About the Chief Power Engineer Department

  1. General provisions of the chief power engineer department

1.1. The Chief Power Engineer Department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.

1.2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The department reports directly to the technical director.

1.4. Chief Power Engineer Department:

1.4.1. The department is headed by the chief power engineer appointed by the order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4.2 The Chief Power Engineer has ____ deputy (s).

1.4.3 The duties of the deputy (s) are determined (distributed) by the chief power engineer.

1.4.4. The deputy (s) and heads of structural units within the department of the chief power engineer, other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the chief power engineer.

  1. Chief Power Engineer Department structure

2.1. The composition and staffing of the department of the chief power engineer is approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise, as advised by the technical director and the chief power engineer and in agreement with

2.2. The department includes

2.3. The chief power engineer distributes duties between the department employees and approves their job descriptions.

  1. Tasks and functions of the department

P / p No.



Uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of energy.

Organization of operation and timely repair of power and environmental equipment and power systems.

Uninterrupted supply of production with electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy.

Control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise.

Planning the work of energy shops and farms.

Development of repair schedules for power equipment and power grids.

Development of plans for the production and consumption of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

Drawing up applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electricity and heat to the enterprise and the connection of additional capacity to power supply enterprises.

Safety of power equipment.

Participation in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks into industrial operation.

Carrying out works to protect underground structures and communications.

Timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to bodies exercising state technical supervision.

Conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy.

Energy saving measures.

Development of measures to reduce the rates of consumption of energy resources, the introduction of new technology, contributing to more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as increasing labor productivity.

Testing of communication facilities, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation.

Conducting certification and rationalization of workplaces.

Improving the efficiency of the power grid.

Participation in the development of plans for the future development of the energy sector, plans to increase production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes.

Development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of the operation of power plants, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

Control over the observance of labor protection and safety regulations, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

Introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.

Preparation of opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions concerning the improvement of power equipment and power supply.

Rational distribution of energy.

Consideration of projects for reconstruction and modernization of power supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions.

Drawing up technical specifications for the design of new and reconstruction of existing power facilities.

Preparation of conclusions on the developed projects.

Storage, accounting for the availability and movement of power equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes.

  1. Regulatory documents

4.1. External documents:

Legislative and normative acts.

4.2. Internal documents:

Civil Defense Standards, Enterprise Charter, Division Regulations, Job Descriptions, Internal Labor Regulations.

5. Relationship of the Chief Power Engineer Department with other divisions

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the Chief Power Engineer Department interacts:

P / p No.




With the department of the chief mechanic

Applications for the development of electrical circuits of devices required for repair work;

Equipment connection requests;

Power outage applications;

Preventive maintenance schedules;

- ...

Schedules of planned maintenance work on electrical equipment;

Notifications about the fulfillment of applications for connecting additional and newly installed repair equipment;

Notifications on the fulfillment of applications for temporary power outages to carry out repair work;

Development of electrical circuits;

With the department of the chief technologist

Power equipment placement plan;

Power equipment modernization plans;

Technological documentation for power equipment;

Proposals for improving the process of servicing power equipment;

Passports for the used power equipment;

Information about changes and additions to the passport data of power equipment;

- ...

With standardization department



Technical conditions;

Conclusions on technical documentation for compliance with the current legislation on standardization;

Work plans for standardization, normalization, unification;

Information about the transfer of the enterprise to new standards;

Notifications about changes and additions to standards and specifications;

Equipment maintenance and repair documentation;

Proposals for standardization work;

Proposals for transferring the enterprise to new standards;

Information about violation of standards and technical conditions;

- ...

With the department of labor protection

Information on the requirements of labor protection legislation;

Conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of power equipment for compliance with safety standards;

Information on compliance with labor protection legislation;

Applications for conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of power equipment for compliance with safety regulations;

With the department of patent and invention work

Applications for expert evaluation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Plans for the implementation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in solving assigned tasks;

Conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in the technological solution of individual issues;

Assistance in making drawings, making models;

Opportunities for experimental verification of inventions;

With technical information department

Technical documentation on specific issues;

Technical literature;

Bulletins on new and expected literature arrivals;

Applications for copies of the technical documentation of the department;

- ...

Copies of the technical documentation of the department;

Original documents for registration, accounting and storage;

Applications for registration, reproduction and distribution of technical documentation;

Notifications of changes made to the equipment maintenance technology;

Applications for technical literature;

With the department of organization and remuneration

Consulting on labor legislation;

Approved staffing table;

Tasks to reduce the labor intensity of production by improving the technology of repair and maintenance of equipment;

Proposals for the formation of the staffing table;

Prescription reports

With the planning and economic department

Production plans for products according to the nomenclature;

Savings guidance;

Estimation of the economic efficiency of equipment repair;

- ...

Preventive maintenance plans;

Plans for the introduction of new technologies;

Information required for the economic analysis of the department's activities;

Other materials at the request of the planning and economic department;

With the main accounting department

Certificates for write-off, transfer, sale of equipment;

Data on the allocation of funds to the department;

Analysis of the rate of spending;

- ...

List of equipment to be written off;

The list of equipment to be removed from the balance;

List of unused equipment for sale;

Equipment repair certificates;

Applications for payment for ordered equipment;

  1. Rights of the Chief Power Engineer Department

6.1. The Chief Power Engineer Department has the right to:

6.1.1. Give instructions on the operation and repair of power equipment.

6.1.2. Make decisions on making changes to the technology for servicing power equipment.

6.1.3. Require the heads of production and technical departments:

Compliance with the prescribed standards for the operation and maintenance of power equipment;

Timely provision of information on violations of the technology of servicing power equipment;

Immediate reporting of power equipment breakdowns;

6.1.5. Stop the operation of power equipment in the event of a threat of an accident or accident.

6.1.6. Carry out forced repairs (stop the operation of equipment) in case of violation of the rules for operating power equipment

6.1.7. Do not allow excavation work on the territory of the enterprise without approval.

6.1.8. Suspend from work employees who have not passed the appropriate certification.

6.1.9. To entrust individual structural divisions of the enterprise with carrying out maintenance work on power equipment.

6.1.10. Participate in the development of technical specifications, instructions.

6.2. The chief power engineer is also entitled to represent to the management:

6.2.1. Proposals for incentives for distinguished employees and for disciplining employees who do not comply with labor and production discipline.

  1. A responsibilitychief Power Engineer Department

7.1. The chief power engineer is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the department's functions.

7.2. The chief power engineer is personally responsible for:

7.2.1. Compliance with current legislation in the process of managing the department.

7.2.2. Compilation, approval and presentation of reliable information about the state of power grids.

7.2.3. Timely and high-quality execution of orders from management.

7.2.4. Avoiding the use of outdated technologies that can cause energy losses (if there is a possibility of using new, improved ones).

7.3. The responsibility of employees of the Chief Power Engineer Department is established by the relevant job descriptions.

  1. Final provisions

8.1. If any point of the situation is revealed to be inconsistent with the real state of affairs in the department of the chief power engineer, the head of the department, an employee or another person should contact

with an application for amendments and additions to the regulation. (The application form is presented in Appendix 1).

8.2. The submitted proposal is considered by the division specified in clause 8.1. of this provision within one month from the date of application.

Based on the results of the consideration, a decision is made:

Accept the change or addition,

Send for revision (indicating the revision period and the contractor),

Refuse to accept the submitted proposal (in this case, a substantiated refusal in writing is sent to the applicant).

8.3. Changes and additions to the regulation are approved

on presentation

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)


I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)



(name of the enterprise, organization, institution)

(head of an enterprise, organization, institution)



About the Chief Power Engineer Department

1. General provisions of the chief power engineer department

1.1. The Chief Power Engineer Department is an independent structural unit of the enterprise.

1.2. The department is created and liquidated by order of the director of the enterprise.

1.3. The department reports directly to the technical director.

1.4. Chief Power Engineer Department:

1.4.1. The department is headed by the chief power engineer appointed by the order of the director of the enterprise.

1.4.2 The Chief Power Engineer has ____ deputy (s).

1.4.3 The duties of the deputy (s) are determined (distributed) by the chief power engineer.

1.4.4. Deputy (s) and heads of structural divisions within the department of the chief power engineer, other employees of the department are appointed and dismissed by order of the director of the enterprise on the proposal of the chief power engineer.

2. Chief Power Engineer Department structure

2.1. The composition and staffing of the department of the chief power engineer is approved by the director of the enterprise based on the conditions and characteristics of the enterprise's activities as advised by the technical director and the chief power engineer and in agreement with

2.2. The department includes

2.3. The chief power engineer distributes duties between the department employees and approves their job descriptions.

3. Tasks and functions of the department


Uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of energy.

Organization of operation and timely repair of power and environmental equipment and power systems.

Uninterrupted supply of production with electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy.

Control over the rational use of energy resources at the enterprise.

Planning the work of energy shops and farms.

Development of repair schedules for power equipment and power grids.

Development of plans for the production and consumption of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy.

Drawing up applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electricity and heat to the enterprise and the connection of additional capacity to power supply companies.

Safety of power equipment.

Participation in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks into industrial operation.

Carrying out works to protect underground structures and communications.

Timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to bodies exercising state technical supervision.

Conclusion of contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy.

Energy saving measures.

Development of measures to reduce the rates of consumption of energy resources, the introduction of new technology, contributing to more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as increasing labor productivity.

Testing of communication facilities, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation.

Conducting certification and rationalization of workplaces.

Improving the efficiency of the power grid.

Participation in the development of plans for the future development of the energy sector, plans to increase production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of comprehensive mechanization and automation of production processes.

Development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of the operation of power plants, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

Control over the observance of labor protection and safety regulations, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks.

Introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.

Preparation of opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions concerning the improvement of power equipment and power supply.

Rational distribution of energy.

Consideration of projects for reconstruction and modernization of power supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions.

4.2. Internal documents:

Civil Defense Standards, Enterprise Charter, Division Regulations, Job Descriptions, Internal Labor Regulations.

5. Relationship of the Chief Power Engineer Department with other divisions

To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for by this regulation, the Chief Power Engineer Department interacts:




With the department of the chief mechanic

Applications for the development of electrical circuits of devices required for repair work;

Equipment connection requests;

Power outage applications;

Preventive maintenance schedules;

Schedules of planned maintenance work on electrical equipment;

Notifications on the fulfillment of applications for connecting additional and newly installed repair equipment;

Notifications on the fulfillment of applications for temporary power outages for repair work;

Development of electrical circuits;

With the department of the chief technologist

Power equipment placement plan;

Power equipment modernization plans;

Technological documentation for power equipment;

Proposals for improving the process of servicing power equipment;

Passports for the used power equipment;

Information about changes and additions to the passport data of power equipment;



Technical conditions;

Conclusions on technical documentation for compliance with the current legislation on standardization;

Work plans for standardization, normalization, unification;

Information about the transfer of the enterprise to new standards;

Notifications about changes and additions to standards and specifications;

Equipment maintenance and repair documentation;

Proposals for standardization work;

Proposals for transferring the enterprise to new standards;

Information about violation of standards and technical conditions;

With the department of labor protection

Information on the requirements of labor protection legislation;

Conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of power equipment for compliance with safety standards;

Information on compliance with labor protection legislation;

Applications for conclusions on the technology of maintenance and repair of power equipment for compliance with safety regulations;

With the department of patent and invention work

Applications for expert evaluation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Plans for the implementation of rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in solving the assigned tasks;

Conclusions on rationalization proposals and inventions;

Assistance in the technological solution of individual issues;

Assistance in making drawings, making models;

Opportunities for experimental verification of inventions;

With technical information department

Technical documentation on specific issues;

Bulletins on new and expected literature arrivals;

Applications for copies of the technical documentation of the department;

Copies of the technical documentation of the department;

Original documents for registration, accounting and storage;

Notifications of changes made to the equipment maintenance technology;

Applications for technical literature;

With the department of organization and remuneration

Consulting on labor legislation;

Approved staffing table;

Tasks to reduce the labor intensity of production by improving the technology of repair and maintenance of equipment;

Proposals for the formation of the staffing table;

Prescription reports

With the planning and economic department

Production plans for products according to the nomenclature;

Savings guidance;

Estimation of the economic efficiency of equipment repair;

Preventive maintenance plans;

Certificates for write-off, transfer, sale of equipment;

Analysis of the rate of spending;

List of equipment to be written off;

The list of equipment to be removed from the balance;

List of unused equipment for sale;

Equipment repair certificates;

Applications for payment for ordered equipment;

Rights of the Chief Power Engineer Department

6.1. The Chief Power Engineer Department has the right to:

6.1.1. Give instructions on the operation and repair of power equipment.

6.1.2. Make decisions on making changes to the technology for servicing power equipment.

6.1.3. Require the heads of production and technical departments:

Compliance with the prescribed standards for the operation and maintenance of power equipment;

Timely provision of information on violations of the technology of servicing power equipment;

Immediate reporting of power equipment breakdowns;

6.1.5. Stop the operation of power equipment in the event of a threat of an accident or accident.

6.1.6. Carry out forced repairs (stop the operation of equipment) in case of violation of the rules for the operation of power equipment.

6.1.7. Do not allow excavation work on the territory of the enterprise without approval.

6.1.8. Suspend from work employees who have not passed the appropriate certification.

6.1.9. To entrust individual structural divisions of the enterprise with carrying out maintenance work on power equipment.

6.1.10. Participate in the development of technical specifications, instructions.

6.2. The chief power engineer is also entitled to represent to the management:

6.2.1. Proposals for incentives for distinguished employees and for disciplining employees who do not comply with labor and production discipline.

A responsibility chief Power Engineer Department

7.1. The chief power engineer is responsible for the quality and timeliness of the department's functions.

7.2. The chief power engineer is personally responsible for:

7.2.1. Compliance with current legislation in the process of managing the department.

7.2.2. Compilation, approval and presentation of reliable information about the state of power grids.

7.2.3. Timely and high-quality execution of orders from management.

7.2.4. Avoiding the use of outdated technologies that can cause energy losses (if there is a possibility of using new, improved ones).

7.3. The responsibility of the employees of the chief power engineer department is established by the corresponding job descriptions.

Final provisions

8.1. If any point of the situation is revealed to be inconsistent with the real state of affairs in the department of the chief power engineer, the head of the department, an employee or another person should contact

with an application for amendments and additions to the regulation. (The application form is presented in Appendix 1).

8.2. The proposed proposal is considered by the division specified in clause 8.1. of this provision within one month from the date of application.

Based on the results of the consideration, a decision is made:

Accept the change or addition,

Send for revision (indicating the revision period and the contractor),

Refuse to accept the submitted proposal (in this case, a substantiated refusal in writing is sent to the applicant).

8.3. Changes and additions to the regulation are approved

on presentation

Head of structural unit


(surname, initials)


Head of the legal department


(surname, initials)

I have read the instructions:


(surname, initials)