Christian scenes about friendship at the camp. Christian scene “The Lord is my Shepherd. Phases of family life

I ask You, Lord, give the very person who is reading these lines now, everything he asks of You!
Give it to him in full, as only You can give it!
And may he be happy all his days, and if this is impossible, then at least somewhat.
Grant him good health and love of neighbors, understanding and compassion ...
Make his soul always shine with only love for all that exists, protect him from bad language,
from resentment and envy, from wars and death, from physical and mental pain, if all this is inevitable,
- do not leave him and then, give me comfort. Save for him everything that is dear to him on earth.
If it's too late to ask for it, don't deprive him of his memory ...
I don't know if the one who is reading this prayer about him now believes in You, but even if he does not believe: help him!
Let him feel that he is not alone, that he is needed and loved ...
Merciful and kind my Lord! Make this my wish come true!
Perform it so that before my eyes close, I can say:
"Thank You, Lord! You hear me.

New Arrivals

Christmas parable.

A Christmas parable. Two neighbors lived on the same street. One has a rich house with a high fence and a strong gate, while the other has a five-walled hut. And then, one day, at Christmas, the rich man decided ...

The tale of the KOLOBOK in a Christian way

Cinderella in a Christian way

Cinderella in a Christian way I know that many will immediately say that this is a fairy tale with magic! And if without magic ... Look at Cinderella with different eyes - what wonderful qualities she has ...


I am placing this article here, as it contains a very important thought - at the very end \u003d) PHASES OF FAMILY LIFE

And we are robbers, robbers ... The robbers are sitting in the forest and waiting for their next victim. It takes place on Christmas Eve. So in the conversation, the robbers mention the birth of Jesus. Suddenly, a lone traveler appears, whom they are trying to rob. He did not have anything of value, except a leaf with a song. When a stranger sings his song to the robbers, they think about their life.

God is closer than you think One person did not believe in God. The Lord appeared to him in the form of a passer-by when he was hit by a car. The man heard two voices. Someone was talking about him. He is given the last chance - you need to find a person who will agree to die for him. Thanks to his believing wife, the main character learns that Jesus died for him. It happens around Christmas.

God's messenger for Christmas For a boy from a poor family, one person talks about the Savior at Christmas. The boy tells his mother that the Lord has come to people. Mom doesn't believe that God cares about them, because on their table there is only black bread and water. But then a messenger of God comes - a rich master with gifts.

The Savior Came Into the World In this play, the events of Christmas are recounted in a child-friendly form. Shown are shepherds, magicians, Joseph, Mary with the Baby Jesus.

Everybody is a little magician at Christmas The Magi see a new star in the sky and rush to bow to the king. In the following scenes they meet Herod and the shepherds. The performance is structured so that from time to time children take part in it: they recite poems, sing songs and receive gifts.

What is Christmas? The TV host asks his guests what Christmas is all about. Everyone has their own opinion.

The Great Commission The main character of this scene is Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. At first, viewers see her as a little girl dreaming that through her God would perform His miracles. Then on the stage is Mary the Bride, to whom an angel appears and announces the great commission of God. But it turns out that it is not so easy to execute.

Bethlehem (Christmas scene for children) Children (snowflake girls) participate in this small scene. The angel tells the snowflakes how he announced to the shepherds the good news of the birth of the Savior, and how the wise men went to worship Jesus.

Star of Bethlehem (children's Christmas party) A beautiful scene for children in verse. It is the Star of Bethlehem that tells the children about the events of Christmas: about the Magi, the shepherds and Herod. In the end, she brings everyone to Bethlehem. As the script progresses, the children are asked Bible riddles.

Bethlehem night At the center of events is a small hotel in the city of Bethlehem, its owners and inhabitants. From the census announced by Caesar, there were no vacant places in the hotel. And one married couple is allowed to spend the night in a barn ...

Influence of Christmas The scene begins with a modern family. Mom, Dad and their children are preparing for Christmas - buying gifts. At the same time, they always swear and quarrel. The girl turns to God for help, she wants to know what Christmas really means. An angel comes to her and her brother, and then the Nativity scenes.

Meeting at Christmas A small scene in which three girls or three teenage girls play. Two of them go to church for the Christmas service, and their unbelieving friend joins them. The girls tell her why Christ was born and what He did for us.

Gifts of Artaban Artaban is one of the wise men (sages) mentioned in the Bible. The wise men, seeing a new star in the sky, went to Judea to worship the born King. Artaban lagged behind his comrades and continued on his own. On the way, he squandered all his treasures, which he was going to give the Baby, helping some people. He saw Jesus only on the cross. The Lord consoled him: "Everything that you did for these people, you did for Me."

Girl with matches (play for Christmas) This performance is based on the fairy tale of the same name by G.H. Andersen. A little girl tries to sell matches to passers-by. The girl is hungry and very cold. But people are like blank walls - no one pays attention to the poor girl. Other children, from wealthy families, go out with their parents from a toy store - something our girl can only dream of. Leaving the hope of selling matches, the chilled girl sits down on the ground in some nook and starts lighting matches to keep warm. At the same time, she sees what she is deprived of, what she dreams of: delicious food, a sleigh pulled by three horses, her beloved home and her grandmother, who has already died. The girl burns the remaining matches, trying to prolong the moments of the vision of happiness ... And so, grandmother appears, gently takes the girl and goes with her to celebrate Christmas in heaven ...

Really happy christmas One woman could not understand the meaning of the birth of Jesus. One Christmas, she saw a freezing parrot and tried to catch it to take it into the house. But the bird did not work. “Now, if I could turn into a little bird, I would tell him how our heroine thinks well and warmly in my house. - I realized! This is probably why Jesus became the same as us, to show us the way to heaven, to Heavenly Father. And I understood! Jesus was born for me! "

Birthday without Birthday The scene shows modern Christmas, when people celebrate it, completely forgetting about the birthday boy.

Children's Christmas play "A Gift to the Savior" A short children's scene. Two boys invite two girls to Jesus' birthday. And what to give him - children think. Obedient heart!

Children's festive program "Christmas miracle"

Why did Christ come? On December days, in one studio, they are preparing to shoot a film about Christ. A discussion begins about what Jesus was and why He came.

The Good Shepherd (Christmas program for children)

If animals could speak This Christmas scenario is designed for children to participate. The scene is played by animal actors who seem to have witnessed Christmas.

If Christ had not come One person wonders what would have happened if Christ had not come. What would our world look like, what laws would be in society. He has a dream.

If Christ had not come-2 If Christ had not come

If Christ had not come-3 Slightly revised production script If Christ had not come

Animals by the Christmas fire On Christmas Day, animals gather around the fire. They remember Bible stories. For example, how David took his sheep from the lion, or how the rooster crowed three times before Peter's denial. But the most important Christmas story is told by the sheep. Scene for small children.

Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Jireh means God will provide. So Abraham told his son when he asked where the lamb was for the sacrifice. In this scene, there is an analogy between the sacrifice of the Old Testament times and the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

Jesus and the President The main theme of this Christmas scene is: Our Lord Jesus came to ordinary poor people and was available to them. Unlike our earthly rulers, who are sometimes difficult to reach, the King of Kings always hears us and knows our needs. The scene takes place on Christmas Day.

Jesus Comes to Visit (Christmas Movie Scenario) In this production (you can make a film), mostly teenagers play. Three children are waiting for Jesus to visit at Christmas, as He Himself promised them this. But instead of Jesus, the heroes of the film are faced with people in need, whom I provide my help.

Birthday boy The person has a birthday. His friends come, but for some reason do not pay any attention to him and they even give gifts not to him, but ... to each other. This is how it happens at Christmas. People forget who the birthday boy really is, who needs to be remembered on Christmas day.

The story of a guy (play for children from orphanages) This is a story about a young man who grew up in an orphanage. One day he got hold of a Bible presented to an orphanage by a group of Christians for Christmas.

Who sleeps in the manger? (recitation for Christmas for children 3-6 years old) This short recitation scene is designed for the smallest actors (children 3-6 years old). Children depict animals in the barn and stars. They talk about the Baby Jesus.

Boy Star The script is based on the fairy tale of the same name. The action takes place on Christmas days, the performance includes a scene of the Nativity with Joseph and Mary.

Sages from the East The scene shows the wise men from the East (the wise men) before they set off for the Christmas star.

Museum of Christmas stories (children's matinee) A very original Christmas party. The hall of the premises where the matinee takes place is divided into two parts: the Museum and the Show. Children take turns getting into one or the other hall. In the museum hall, they see mini-sketches with the participation of Biblical heroes (the Magi, Herod and his family, shepherds), and in the Show hall, children participate in various competitions (recite poetry, answer questions).

Musical card (script for Christmas for the church and guests) Two young people (Lena and Max) meet by chance on the Internet and start talking about Christmas. The scene explains the meaning of the holiday of Christmas, the meaning of the name Jesus Christ and other topics. The performance can be interrupted periodically to perform other numbers (chants, poems, etc.).

Musketeer of Jesus Christ (Christmas scene with children) Children and teenagers play in the scene. It begins with the fact that two musketeers are fighting on swords. Each of them defends his own worldview (one believes in God, the other does not). Suddenly it is a star. She tells them about the birth of Jesus. Forest animals as one repeat about God's love and care.

Nadezhda Afanasy The protagonist of this production is a slave named Athanasius. It turns out that he goes to graze sheep with the other shepherds. And on Christmas night, an angel appears to them and announces the good news.

The sheep did not obey (Christmas scene for kids) This little scene was written especially for kids. Sheep can be played by both older children and adults dressed as sheep. The story begins with one sheep going on an independent journey, and then the shepherd saves her. After that, the Christmas shepherds and Joseph and Mary appear on the scene.

The night after Christmas (animals testify) The animals in the barn recall the events of Christmas. The scene takes place in the days when Herod ordered to kill all the babies in Bethlehem.

Sheep Celebrate Christmas (Christmas Party Scenario for 3-7 Years Old) This is a script for a matinee with games for preschoolers. The main idea: we are all God's sheep, and the Lord is our Shepherd.

He came as a stranger Russian Tsar Alexander ends up in a small town disguised as a common man. His goal is to see how the Russian people live and how they celebrate Christmas. They did not recognize the king - he came to his own, and his own did not accept him, as they did not receive Christ the Lord.

Gift to Jesus Children are preparing gifts for Christmas. The little girl Anya wants to make a gift to Jesus. She is joined by her sister and other guys. It turns out that the guys give all the gifts to the poor old woman who lives in the neighborhood.

Helpers (children's play for Christmas) The Angel of God seeks among the beasts worthy to serve the Baby Jesus.

Joy First, the facilitator asks people what joy is. There are many joyful people, but it turns out that all joy is a passing phenomenon. And only the joy of Christmas is eternal.

Real Christmas At the beginning of the scene, our real time is shown. The church is preparing for Christmas. One boy gets the role of a shepherd. He's not happy. The boy falls asleep and has a dream where he is a real shepherd on the birthdays of the Messiah.

Christmas tree The legend of why a Christmas tree is decorated at Christmas.

Christmas night The scene shows us the times of the birth of Jesus Christ. The teacher in the synagogue gives his disciples the task of calculating the time of birth of the promised Messiah. The boy Salmon calculated that the Messiah should be born this year. And soon he and his sister witness amazing events. There are many psalms in the scene. Words and notes are attached.

Christmas night (based on V. Hugo) This play is based on the book Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. The main character is a girl (according to Hugo - Cosette), who was left without a mother and lives in someone else's house, doing backbreaking work. An unknown man who came to this house on Christmas Day gives her a gorgeous doll and then takes it with him.

Christmas program for children "Travel to Heavenly Land"

Christmas play Grandmother and grandson are talking about Christmas. "Do you know what the first and most important gift was?" - asks the grandmother. The grandson doesn't know. Then scenes of the Nativity are shown (Mary, Joseph, shepherds, Herod, wise men).

Christmas grandfather Two girls fall into the well and end up with Christmas Grandfather, as in the fairy tale Morozko. He promises to give them gifts. Only these gifts must be earned. In addition to the fairy tale, the performance includes scenes of Christmas.

Christmas performance for children in Ukrainian "A Gift for Jesus"

Christmas journey Teenage friends get together to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, but instead find themselves in another world and become puppets. It turns out that the world of dolls also celebrates Christmas. Only the meaning of Christmas is different for everyone. The characters in the scene learn the biblical story of Christmas.

Christmas cards (recitation for toddlers) Children look like postcards (you need to make such costumes for them). Each "postcard" wishes you a Merry Christmas (tells a rhyme).

Christmas (scene + songs) A classic Christmas production with three wonderful songs performed by the children's choir (the song of the angels, Mary and the final Christmas song).

Christmas (scene for young children) In this scene, dolls play along with the actors. The main characters of the scene are boys and girls who do not believe that the Nativity of Jesus Christ really happened.

Christmas in the stable Animals gather in the stable: Bull, Donkey, Sheep, Lion and Jackal. The donkey tells the Bull that his mistress will soon have a child, all in anticipation of a great event.

Grandpa Nicholas Christmas Jesus Christ Himself must come to old man Nicholas on Christmas Eve. He begins to prepare to meet the dear Guest. But He still does not come. But people who need warmth, food and lodging are asking for his house ...

ROSPOVID Sheep І VISLYUCHKA (Christmas script in Ukrainian for children)

Pink snowflake (Christmas party for children)

Santa Claus (Christmas scene for children) The legend of where Santa Claus came from. Klaus was the name of a grumpy man who fixed shoes. He had a wife and children, but they died. Klaus hardened his heart. But one day the Lord shed His light on Him, and the old man began to see the needs of others. And he decided to do good to people, began to give poor children gifts for Christmas.

Fulfilled prophecies A short play that can be shown in the church at Christmas. Main thought: there were prophecies about the birth of Jesus for 700 years. And so, they were fulfilled. At the end, an excerpt from the film "Jesus" about the birth of Christ is shown.

Christmas Light (Three Angels of Christmas) A mean man named Scrooge Ebeneiser doesn't like Christmas. On Christmas night, three angels come to him and show him pictures from his past and possible future. Scrooge regrets his stinginess and decides to change and do good to people.

The tailor's secret This performance tells the legend of how Santa Claus came to be. Klaus, an old tailor who lost his family, grieved for a long time and did not see the needs of others. But when he wanted to help poor children, the Lord gave him a different heart. On Christmas night, children from poor families received wonderful gifts that old man Klaus secretly brought them and left at the door.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth! (Christmas scene for children) In the beginning, scenes of unfriendly relationships between a cat and a dog and between children in the same family are shown. The scenes of Christmas follow. This scene focuses on the peace of God that comes into human hearts.

Dream before Christmas A good, serious show that can be shown for both believers and non-believers. A girl prays for her atheist grandmother. The Lord sends grandmother an unusual dream in which she sees people awaiting the Last Judgment. Grandmother confesses her sins. The Angel tells her the events of Christmas.

Christmas events Quite a serious classic production about the events of Christmas. It begins with a show of King Herod, then we see Joseph and Mary knocking on the houses of Bethlehem, shepherds, and, finally, again Herod, ordering the extermination of all babies in Bethlehem.

Advice from the Good Shepherd (Christmas scenario for children 7-12 years old) This is a script for a matinee with games for younger students. The main leaders of the matinee are the Farmer and the Shepherd, who has no experience at all, but he is helped by wise advice from the Bible.

Old Shoes (Christmas Stage) One girl found old shoes. Christian since childhood, the heroine was confident in her righteousness and spirituality. But the old shoes helped her make a journey into her own heart and see what reigns in it.

Fault Chest (Christmas Performance for Children)

Treasure Hunt Christmas Scenario

Scenario New Year and Christmas party for children This script is good for screening in an orphanage or other childcare setting where children are not familiar with the essence of Christmas. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Star tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how much better Jesus is than Santa Claus. The script contains several games and contests.

Happy Star Do you know why a star adorns the top of the Christmas tree? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, who showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from the village boy. Kolya wants to see the Star of Bethlehem on Christmas night. The scene is based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the scene are several people. Each of them finds happiness in something. But it can be easily taken away and destroyed. The meaning is that you can have happiness only with God. The scene uses Jesus movie clips or slides.

Three trees and four gifts Grandmother and granddaughter are wrapping gifts for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which there are a manger, a boat, a cross and ...). Grandma tells her the story of three trees, each with its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

What is Christmas for you (recitation)

What happened, shepherds? The shepherds, to whom the angel announced the birth of the Savior, come to the village and tell people about what they have seen.

What is Christmas? The boy asks mom, dad and grandmother what Christmas is. But none of them can explain to him. On the street, the boy meets children who sing Christmas songs to him.

We want to congratulate you
On this winter holiday.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Our lovely brothers.

So that we do without you
And your attention?
It would be boring on earth
Without your participation.

And we want with all our hearts
Give gifts
You, the most beautiful men
And say glory to you.

(Invite someone to the stage)

Voltage is often
Arises between people
So that it doesn't hurt you
Our Lord may protect you.
(Screwdriver indicator)

God tells us in His Word:
You can cut with your tongue.
We wish you with love
Cut tracing paper and cardboard.
(Paper cutter)

If you find an open circuit on the wire,
If the insulation is suddenly damaged,
If the closure between the parishioners,
Here, of course, you need electrical tape.
(Insulating tape)

To make the relationship stronger
Were with your wife
We give you the Moment superglue;
There will be peace and tranquility in the house.
(Super glue)

We know that while you have
No wife-spouse
We give you a set "Seamstress",
To darn holes.
(Sewing needles)

If we gave them needles as a gift,
To sew up socks, mend holes in my pants.
We give you an awl for another matter:
To make holes in the belts, to mend our boots.

Who loves hiking tour
Through forests and mountains
Our gift will come in handy
No doubt you are there.
(Folding scissors)

We want to give you
The right thing.
We know for sure that she
It will come in handy in life

God Speaks With Love: Abide in the Word
And transform into My glorious image!
We give you markers to remember
His eternal lessons, giving rest.

Here we have given you all
The right gifts.
May the Lord bless you!
Be happy, brothers!

Harvest festival
Riddles about spiritual gifts

1. This fruit comes in different sizes. At the same time, it can increase and decrease. It cannot be bought for any riches of this world and is acquired from the words heard. If this fruit is good, then after you try it, you want to do good deeds. This fruit gives us life. (Vera)

2. This fruit is of two types. The first one is rather small, but very attractive, the other is huge, but it cannot be described in words. The first one is found everywhere on earthly roads, and the other one must be sought. Sometimes he is found where you do not expect to find him: for example, in sorrow or in a trial. This fruit grows in the gardens of peacekeepers and benefactors. It is called waiting for the righteous. Jesus Christ brought this fruit to people by his birth. (joy)

3. This fruit is the largest, most delicious and most desirable for man, therefore it is called the aggregate of perfection. It is so huge that even all the waters of our planet cannot cover it. If we share it with others, then it becomes even larger. Having tasted this fruit, we forget all our fears and our soul blooms. This wonderful fruit has in itself such life-giving substances and vitamins as patience, mercy, humility, peace and many, many others. No matter how much we eat it, we will never eat it completely. (love)

4. This fruit looks very beautiful and at first seems to be very sweet, but when you swallow it, you feel a bitter taste of rot. Despite this, it is called the fruit of the gods. In ancient times, this fruit was brought to temples for donations, now it can be found in almost every home and place of honor. This fruit has such harmful substances as fornication, impurity, passion, lust and many, many others. (idolatry)

5. This fruit is very poisonous and needs to be thrown into the trash immediately. You can't even touch it. If suddenly we try it, then our body is completely poisoned, even the bones rot. If we have tasted the harmful pulp of this fruit, then, having fallen ill, we involuntarily infect those around us. And some people feel very bad. Where this fruit appears, there is always disorder and everything bad. (envy)

6. About this fruit they say that it is the largest in the whole earth, although it grows from the smallest, almost invisible, seed. It is the most poisonous of all fruits and vegetables. They also say that there are more people riding this fruit than the hair on our head. In such people, the heart and brain are primarily affected, they become blind and no longer see anything around them. People begin to do the most disgusting evil to others that can only be on earth. And the worst thing is that this fruit brings death with its juices. (hatred)

Scene "Behold, I stand at the door and knock ..."

Participants: presenter, Jesus, 8 hearts

The Lord Jesus knocks at the door of every human soul on earth. Whether we accept Him or not depends only on the condition of our heart.
Unbelieving heart:
What kind of Jesus is this? I don’t believe in any religions, neither in God nor in Satan. I only believe in myself. There is no God. Go where you go ...
A rich man's heart:
Which Jesus? What can you give me? I have everything my soul desires: a big house, a car of the latest brand, a country house ... I don't need anything. Get out!
The heart is stingy (greedy):
I don't have time for you. There is no desire to do all this. I will not give you anything. I'm fine as it is.
A proud heart:
What other Jesus Christ? The one who is God? Ha ha! I am my own God! And I do not sin in this world. I don't need you, loser!
Evil heart:
Who else is knocking there? Who else have you brought? Who disturbed my peace? Now I'll open the door, don't be happy! Leave now! We found time to knock!
Closed heart:
Please excuse me, but I am not opening it to anyone. I trust no one. And I won't tell you!
The oppressed heart:
Sorry, I feel so bad. No body understands me. But I am so-so ... And no one can help me, not even God Himself!
A humble heart:(kneeling praying)
Dear Jesus, I have sinned against You. Come to me. Forgive me. The door of my heart is open for You! Come conquer it!
Yes, I hear your call. I see your sincerity. and I give you forgiveness and salvation. All eternity I will keep your heart pure. You are mine forever! I love you!


Topic: what is most important in a Christian camp

Titles, first names and surnames, other nuances can be changed according to the conditions of a particular camp

VO: Columbia Pictures presents. A film by David Lowen (last name of the camp director), producer Elfrida Lowen (wife of the camp director), starring _______________ (names of actors are listed), starring _____________, Return (this is the name of the film, you can put another, for example, the name of the place, where the camp is located) Russia, 1999. First episode.

On the stage from different sides two people come out, they greet each other, now and then all their actions - under the voice-over.

Voice behind the scene:
Hi Michael, why are you so sad?

So, do you like it?
No, I barely carried my legs away from there.
What were you doing there?
You see, twice a day I had to go to the sea, and even everyone was forced to swim. We were fed 4 times a day ..
Did they make you eat too?
Yes. They also drove everyone to sports, and they had to play volleyball, football, and they also forced to jump on a trampoline.
You're out of luck. But hold on!
I'll survive somehow.

The first person, the one who returned from the camp, leaves, instead of him another comes on stage - very cheerful. They greet each other.
VOICE: Second episode.
Hi John, why are you so funny?
Why, I just returned from the Christian camp.
So, do you like it?
Yes, I would not leave there.
What were you doing there?
Oh, twice a day we went to the sea, and swam, sunbathed, swam in a canoe.
Were you well fed?
Yes, three times a day, and a snack in the evening.
What did you like the most?
Sport! We played volleyball, football, and jumped on a trampoline!
Well, you're in luck!
Yes, bye!

The person who returned from the camp leaves, instead of him a third appears on the stage
Friends greet each other.
VOICE: Third episode.
Hi Sam, where are you from?
Why, I just returned from the Christian camp.
So, do you like it?
Yes very.
What were you doing there? Wait, wait, I'll tell you myself. You went to the sea twice a day, and swam, sunbathed, swam in a canoe. We fed you three times a day, and even a snack in the evening. There was also a lot of sports. And volleyball, and football, and a trampoline.
Yes, but that's not all.
What else were you doing there?
This is the Christian camp. And the most important thing that I got there is Jesus Christ.
How did you get it? For money?
Of course not. It's just that Jesus is my best friend now. I learned to pray, I can now talk with God.
Nobody told me about it.
Then, let's go, I'll tell you more about this.
Let's go (leave).
The end of the film.

  • anchor
  • steering wheel
  • ship name (letters)
  • rope
  • swamp paper
  • skittles
  • newspapers
  • scarves (for blindfolds)
Meeting progress

Presenters enter

Dear friends, we are glad to see you here! As you already understood, you got on board the ship "Good News"! Let's get acquainted! I am the captain of the ship…. Andrei! And these are my assistants - warrant officers: (you can think about the title and names, everyone salutes), they will help me on the way! (you can line up and make a roll call)

Let's name the names together! (children simultaneously shout their names, the leaders play along)

So guys, are you ready for our journey? Tell me, in such a dangerous way, when you are far from home, from your parents, what is most important to you? What and who do you need to take with you? (children answer, the presenters lead to the fact that it is impossible without a friend on the way)

Yes, guys, we will be lost without a friend. Do you know how to be friends? Now we will play with you, and in these games we will once again make sure that it is important when the shoulder of a person who can always support you is near!

Indoor games

1. "The Right Course"... The pins are placed on the floor so that they mark the underwater reefs between which it is necessary to navigate the boat. First, young sailors carefully study the location of the reefs, then each of them in turn is blindfolded and offered to navigate the ship, bypassing dangerous places. For this, the hall is divided into 3 parts (3 ships), three captains are selected to study the location of the reefs, and then the captain builds his ship from the participants with a "train" and tries to go around the reefs blindfolded. Each team runs its route in turn.

2. "Knot"... Every sailor should know how to tie and untie knots. For this game the driver, hereinafter - "Confusion" Untangle the knot is given to the captain. He praises them for their resourcefulness and skill.

3. "Pumps"... The captain comes running and announces that a storm is beginning, and this is a good test for the strongest and bravest. Powerful waves hit our ship one after another! It is urgent to pump out the water! Several pairs are selected. They stand with their backs to each other, cling to their elbows. In this position, they are lowered onto the deck, which means that the "pumps" in action. Without assistance, they will have to rise and fall within 1 minute. Whoever gets the most "pitching" wins.

4. Tug of War

5. "Swamp"... Imagine that we have landed on an uninhabited island with a marshy area. We need to get across the swamp from ship to land. To do this, it is necessary to give each participant two sheets of paper, and show how to cross the swamp: while standing with one foot on one sheet, simultaneously rearrange the second sheet further away from you, then, jumping onto it, put the first sheet further from the second.

6. "Shipwreck"... The area is designated (chalk, rope, newspaper on the floor) - this is an island of salvation. Every 10-15 seconds, the captain removes newspaper after newspaper, narrowing the island, the players need a way to help the crew members not "fall into the sea", for this they have to stand on one leg, hold on to a friend.

The facilitator sums up:

Guys, you showed yourself to be so brave, dexterous, and most importantly, you showed how you know how to be friends. Remember how you tugged the rope, and how important was the effort of each, how you tried to steer your boat on the right course so that not a single member of the crew died, how cleverly you twisted the knot so that the captain could not untangle it. As you told your friends how to move over bumps and stones in the swamp. We admire you!

Children's performance

Captain, we are approaching Talent Island. Guys, this is a difficult island, you have such an opportunity: to show your talents. Do not think that sailors on a ship are not having fun. We can sing, dance. And when there is an opportunity, we are happy to show everything that we are capable of. And you?

Performance by children (3-4 people)

Guess the melody game

Did you see how they applauded you ?! And how we, experienced sailors, liked your participation! You have shown what you are capable of! You can both sing and dance! Tell me, do you like it when your friends can do something? Do you express your approval and support to them? So you know how to be friends! And now it's time for us to go. Our friends are sailing on another ship for treasures, we need to catch up with them in order to find them together.

Jesus wants to be your friend

Captain! See what I found! I was fishing right at the stern, and I came across this bottle in the net. There's something there! Shows to children. Suggests pulling out a note. Children read it, it says that something important is hidden in the ship, under the window (under the window). They find a USB stick.

  1. So who is he - a real friend? This is someone we can call at any time.
  2. Or send SMS?
  3. This is the one who is there when you have something important.
  4. The one who knows how to keep secrets
  5. This is the one who rejoices in your victories
  6. And he gets upset with you if something is wrong with you.
  7. This is someone to have fun with
  8. And shut up.
  9. One who is a friend not only in contact, but also in real life.
  10. This is the one who is ready to take risks for you
  11. This is the one who will be with you even if everyone is against
  12. And the one who is not afraid to tell you the truth, no matter how bitter it may be.
  13. This is the one who accepts you for who you are. Appreciate such friends!
  14. But even if it happens that you lose your friends due to the move, or because you change schools; if it turns out that you are left completely alone, I want to say that you still have someone who is ready to be your real friend!
  15. He is invisible, but He speaks to your heart. You hear him when he asks for a seat on the bus,
  16. Or apologize to mom.
  17. He is always there. He keeps your life and inspires you to do good things!
  18. Once He also lived on earth and was just like you, He did a lot of good to people, but there were those among them who did not understand and did not accept Him. And He died.
  19. But He was an unusual person. He was God! And therefore He conquered death and rose again! Over time, you will learn more about Him, but the main thing that I would like to tell you today is that He will never betray you, will never leave you and will always support you and keep your life. You can turn to Him with requests. He will listen carefully to them and will certainly answer.

The presentation turns on, the presenter reads the text. And brings the children to the point of the meeting. Jesus is a True Friend, ready to be always there.


Valentina Kostenkova

Son: Here's another, not a man's business! Our business is to fight! (fights with a sword)

Storyteller: Mom works alone

She has no rest, no sleep.

And now my mother got sick ...

(House. Mom lies on the bed, covered with a blanket.)

Mom: Daughter, bring me a drink, something is hot for me ...

Daughter: And we ran out of water ... Well, okay, I'll go to the river. Wait Mom!

(He leaves with a bucket. Comes to the river, bends over and admires his reflection.)

How beautiful I am! And kind - went for water. Dad will come and bring a new dress.

Who can help them?

We ourselves had to chop wood,

And they learned how to cook soup.

Everyone tried to eat less,

But only a piece of bread remained ...

(Spring forest. Two roosters are fighting in the center of the meadow, and chickens are waiting at the edges.)

1st Rooster: Give me my seed!

2nd Rooster: No, you give it back!

Daughter: What happened?

1st Rooster: I was the first to find this grain, but he won't give it back!

2nd Rooster: No, I am the first!

Son: Eh, you! Fighting is bad. Make peace and go to your chickens, see how they are waiting for you.

1st Rooster: And how can we make peace, because there is one grain?

Son: Here, take our bread, enough for two of you.

Roosters: Thank you!

Storyteller: How the son-fighter surprised us -

He reconciled the two bully.

I gave the last bread in love

He apparently forgot himself.

(Spring forest. Children.)

Daughter: I'm so tired ...

Son: Let's rest.

(They put a pot, cook soup. Butterfly arrives)

Butterfly: Hello! Where are you going?

Daughter: We go to the castle of Sadness-melancholy, to help out our mother.

Butterfly: Then you will have to swim across the river. Do you want me to help you?

Son: Of course we do!

Butterfly: I'll give you a wing and you can get to the other side. And for this, give me your jewelry. We will have Easter tomorrow, the Lord will rise again!

Daughter: How can the dead rise again?

Butterfly: God can do anything! He is stronger than death!

Daughter (taking off the beads): Of course, take them, I no longer need them.

Butterflies: Goodbye! God help you!

Storyteller: An amazing thing -

My daughter did not regret the beads.

Apparently they set off on the road for a reason -

Have grown wiser, have changed.

And everyone became kinder

As if who helped them ...

copyright -

But there is a river in front of them -

It flows wide, deep ...

(Spring forest. River. Children.)

Son: This is the river!

Daughter: Can these wings carry us?

(They put on their wings and "fly over" the river.)

Son: And here is the castle!

Daughter: How tall! And there is no road. How do we get there?

Son: It's already night. Not much is left before sunrise.

Daughter: What to do? Who will help us?

(The sad Myrrhbearers are walking.)

Myrrhbearers (perform the song "Prayer", notes here \u003e\u003e\u003e):

The night is burning out. Pray for that

Who languishes in suffering.

Who knows only need and grief,

Whose sobs do not stop ...

1st Myrrhbearer: Children, what are you doing here so late?