Summer health camp program on a marine theme. The scenario of a children's event on a marine theme - “The Sea is Near”. Competition "sea knot"

The camp with a day stay of the Sedelnikovskaya secondary school №2 operates according to the program of the role-playing game "Sea voyage".

Explanatory note.

The basis for creating the program.

Summer holidays are the favorite for school children. Children have a significant increase in the part of their free time, which can and should be used to develop creative potential, improve personal capabilities, familiarize themselves with cultural values, enter the system of social ties, implement their own plans, and satisfy individual interests in personally significant areas of activity.

Summer is a time of games, entertainment, freedom in choosing activities, relieving stress accumulated during the year, and recuperating. This is a period of free communication between children. It is advisable to use summer vacations for meaningful recreation, therefore, the organization of school health camps is relevant. The camp fulfills a very important mission of improving the health and education of children.

3. Diverse socially significant leisure activities, communication with nature, health promotion.

4. Social well-being and success of a person are impossible without maintaining physical, mental health, the ability to adequately behave in extreme situations .

The purpose of organizing the work of the camp:

Purpose: assistance to the physical, mental, intellectual, moral development of children; creation of a pedagogical educational environment that contributes to the strengthening of children's health as a vital value and a conscious desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and the development of their creative potential.


    wide familiarization of children with a variety of social experiences, the creation in the camp of the style of relations of genuine cooperation, community, co-creation; support and provision of methodological and practical assistance to detachment counselors and children's teams in organizing and conducting events; identification and development of the child's creative potential, his inclusion in the developing collective and individual activities; development of children's skills of working in a group, participation in the management of a children's health camp.

List of the main activities of the program.

· Creation of optimal conditions for organizing recreation and health improvement of school students.

· Updating the content and forms of work on the organization of a summer camp with a day stay at the school.

· Scientific and methodological support.

· Health improvement of children and disease prevention.

Program implementation mechanism

The implementation of the program includes three main stages.

1. Preparatory stage

Goal: motivation of teachers and acquaintance with the summer and health camp program.

1. Formation of a package of regulatory documents;

2. Recruitment of personnel;

2. The main stage

Goal: implementation of the program content during the summer season.

a) Dating stagechildren with leaders and project participants, topics and main tasks of the proposed research; acceptance of camp rules; identifying the interests of children,

b ) Main period

Goal: implementation of the shift project.

1. Preparation and participation of children and adults in activities;

2. Implementation of circle programs

3. Work on the school grounds, landscaping the school grounds and nearby yards;

4. Carrying out physical culture and recreation activities

in) Final period

Goal: Summarizing.

1. Psychological and pedagogical research based on the results of the shift;

2. Analysis of the work of the teaching staff;

3. Processing and registration of information, analytical references of the shift.

3. The final stage

Goal: Summing up the summer employment of children and adolescents, analysis of work and prospects.

The following conditions have been created for the improvement of children:

A sports hall is functioning;


Medical office.

The physical health of children is strengthened by the following means:

Good nutrition for children;

Food hygiene;

Daily regime;

Rational organization of work and rest;

Morning exercises in the fresh air;

Taking out the main activity in the camp to fresh air.

Conditions for the implementation of the program


Deputy Director for BP -

Head of the school camp - Alekseenok T.I.

Responsible for sports work -

Responsible for conducting music lessons -

Camp educators -,

Psychologist -

· Honey. employee -

· Resp. for safety -

Leaders - Gritsina Yu, Sabaeva N., Porvatova M., Raznoglyadova D.

Canteen workers -,

· Tech. staff. -

Educators, a senior counselor, and detachment counselors are involved in the implementation of the program. Selection and placement of personnel is carried out by the administration of the MOU “Secondary School No. 2”. Before the start of the camp, an orientation seminar is held for educators and detachment leaders.

Teaching staff:

Senior counselor: is responsible for compliance with the daily routine, organization and maintenance of recreational and educational and leisure activities, the work of self-government bodies and leisure activities within the framework of the program, analyzes the activities of the detachments.

Special staff (librarian, physical education teacher, computer science teacher): carry out specialized pedagogical activities within the framework of functional duties, can be involved in pedagogical support of the work of self-government bodies, for the organization of leisure activities.

Additional education teachers:are responsible for the maintenance of the activities of their circles, the effectiveness of work and the involvement of children in activities, participate in the preparation of public events.

Educators:are responsible for the life and health of children, the implementation of the plan of educational work, the conduct of detachment and general camp affairs.

Detachment counselors: They organize and support the work of the detachments, ensure the safety of children.

Pedagogical conditions:

1. Voluntary inclusion of children in the development, preparation of common affairs, in the organization of camp life.

2. The combination of individual and collective inclusion of children in various activities (creative, developmental, intellectual).

3. Systematic information about the results of competitions, contests, about the conditions for participation in a particular case.

4. Organization of various types of incentives for children and adults, the variety of proposed activities (the right to choose the feasible participation in the case).

5. Selection of pedagogical tools, taking into account age and individual characteristics, contributing to the successful self-realization of the child;

6. Creation of a situation of success in the activities chosen by the child, individual and public encouragement of what has been achieved.

7. Creating the ability to switch from one type of activity to another.

The main content of the camp.

The implementation of the goal and objectives of the shift is carried out according to the "Sea voyage" program in the form of a role-playing game. Traditionally, the participants in the program are formed into squads representing various ships of the "Sea Voyage". Each squad has its own work plan. There is a library, a playroom, a sports ground, and additional education circles for all units. Each squad is a ship of a sea voyage. Maintaining interest in the game is facilitated by playing material, making costumes, a dictionary of the game, and design.

In the camp, 5 detachments are formed - ships. Children take an active part in playing games and concerts. Participate in large collective camp activities. On the basis of the camp, specialized groups are organized:

Sports school squad.

They organize thematic days and sports events according to the camp's work plan, training sessions, passing control standards.

Labor detachment.

They organize cleaning of the school area, carry out daily labor landings, and monitor the cleanliness of school premises.

A detachment of counselors.

Take part in the leisure activities of the camp.

Preparation and conduct of general camp affairs are discussed by the captains and the admiral. All information about the conditions of participation in a particular case is presented on the information stand. The results of competitions and competitions are displayed on the sea voyage competition screen.

Change vocabulary:

The camp is a big regatta.

The squad is a ship.

All children in the camp are a crew.

Counselors are navigators.

Additional education teachers are boatswains.

Senior counselor (deputy head of the camp) - Rear Admiral.

The educators of the camp are the captains of the ships.

The head of the camp is a general of the fleet.

Meetings of navigators, rear admiral, general of the fleet are held every day, at which issues of organizing the recovery and leisure of the crew of ships are resolved.

At the meetings, tasks are proposed:

    sports; creative; intellectual; inventive; publicly useful.

The system for stimulating success and personal growth:

2. Quiz dedicated to the anniversary of the JSC.

3. Quiz on traffic rules.


2. Fun starts.

3. Sports relay races.

4. Team sports games.


1. Writing notes about the life of your ship and travel in general for the newspaper "Onboard Journal". The newspaper "Onboard Journal" includes:

a. competition screen (cleanliness support screen, doing exercises while charging,

7. Have a personal towel.

8. Follow the requirements of the teacher.

9. Take an active part in the affairs of the camp, detachment.

10. Make your suggestions to improve camp life.

11. Treat your comrades, educators, and service personnel with respect.

Camp laws

1. Law of the territory. Don't leave the camp without permission. Be the master of your camp and remember that there are neighbors nearby: do not interfere with each other.

2.The law of greenery. Not a single broken branch. Let's keep our camp green!

4. Sports games in the air.

5. Preparation for the contest "Miss and Mr. Summer 2009"

Vote. There is a city far, far from the sea. There are houses and people live, the sun is shining and birds are singing. Only the sea is not there. And the most ordinary boy and girl live in this Siberian city. And they dream of the sea. They dream of getting on a ship and sailing. Once they plucked up courage and went to St. Petersburg. There they found the old captain and asked him to board the ship. But the captain said that they were too early to join the team. The guys did not despair, and here they are!

Music. Exit Ki and Lo.

Lo. Hello everyone!
Ki. My name is Ki.
Lo. And my name is Lo.
Ki and Lo. Well, together we are KiLo.
Ki. We are very glad to welcome you. (To Lo.) That is how I would greet and greet the guys!
Lo. And what, this is a thought. Let's say hello one more time. (To the hall.) When we raise our hands, shout loudly "Hello!" Let's try?
When we meet the dawn
We tell him ...
With a smile, the sun gives light
He sends us his ...
When meeting after many years
You will shout to your friends ...
And smile back at you
From a good word ...
And you will remember the advice:
Give to all your friends ...
Ki. Great!
Lo. Even the mood has improved! And then we have a story with Kee.
Ki. The captain did not take us to the ship. For some reason we do not fit ...
Lo. He also gave me a bag. Says, if you ever get discouraged, open it. But we don't even think to despair!
Ki. We decided to recruit a team ourselves and go on the most distant, dangerous and exciting journey. Are you with us? ..
Lo. So that's great! (To Ki.) But they didn't take us because of you! You, like all boys, are dirty. I haven't washed my hands for a week, probably, but my neck ... I'm even afraid to assume ...
Ki. Oh no! The guys and I have clean hands! (To the hall.) Show your palms. And we’ll fix the neck now! (Shows how to rub your neck.) And you, like all girls, are afraid of everything!
Lo. Look, mouse!

Ki screams in fright.

So which of us is a coward? The girls and I are real strongmen! (To the hall.) Show me your muscles!
Ki. And you boys, don't forget to rub your neck.
Lo. Look how my strongmen soaped your neck!
Ki. But at sea they say that the girls on the ship are in trouble!
Lo. Well that's it! Enough! It's time to find out who is stronger, faster and knows how to maintain order - boys or girls?

Law takes out a lot of balloons and scatters them in the center of the hall.

Ki. The guys come up to me, and the girls come up to Law. We will arrange a tidy. On command, you will begin to clean up your territories. Your task is to throw as many balls as possible to the opponent's side. Go!

Game "Tidy". Key and Lo hold a tape that divides the hall in two.

Now we need to quickly put the balls in bags. (Children collect balls.) I was wrong. It will be much more fun with the girls on the ship.
Lo. And I'm wrong. The boys weren't that messy. And this means that ...
Ki and Lo. We take everyone to the team! Hurrah!
Ki. Team! Our ship will sail to uninhabited islands!
Lo. Ships do not float, ships go! And we will be guided by the compass ...
Ki. Not by the compass, but by the compass! I imagine this: we are on the right course and see: the sea ... Come on, the team! All as one repeat after us!

The game is being played. Ki and Lo speak the text: “Sea. Land on the sea. On land, palm trees stand, on palm trees, bugs sit. " Children show movement for every word. "Sea" - a wave with the left hand to the right, "on the sea, land" - a wave with the right hand to the left, we spread both hands to the left and right and join in the center, palms horizontally to the floor, “palm trees stand on land” - again we connect our hands in the center and move our hands with outstretched fingers, we hold our hands vertically in front of us, "the bugs are sitting on the palms" - we wiggle our brushes, fold the "beak" from our fingers and turn it left and right. The game is repeated two times with increasing tempo.

Lo. Well no! It won't be like that at all! We are racing in full sail, fast, fast, and suddenly we see ...

The game is repeated at a faster pace.

Ki. And then a tsunami is right at us! But we were not scared. We dive into the wave. And we swim out ...
Lo. And what do we see?

The game is repeated at a fast pace.

And then the tsunami!

The song "I am a wave" sounds.

Ki. Real sailors never get lost and dance even under water!
Lo. By the way, don't feed the sailors with bread - let them dance!

Key and Lo are dancing "Yablochko".

Ki. Do you want to learn to dance like us?

Learns dance with children.

Eh, great! Our team is great at relaxing, but it's time to get some work done!
Lo. All sailors must know the parts of the ship. Now we will introduce you to them. Let's imagine that we are on a ship ...

Game-tour of the ship. Law says everyone goes to the kitchen. The children tell us that the kitchen on the ship is called the galley. Thus, a quiz on knowledge of marine terminology is conducted.

Ki. Team, did you notice that the sea is very close to us? Let's remember everything that is connected with the sea in our life, although we are far from it.

Options: naval pasta, sushi bars, games "Sea Battle", "The sea is worried", the expression "Knee-deep sea", etc. Lo, meanwhile, hangs up the letters.

Lo. Look! How great it turned out and bright: "The sea is my home."
Ki. Hey! You can't write! Here is a mistake!
Lo. Where? (Children prompt.)
Ki. This is how it should be: "The sea is near." Hurrah! An excellent slogan turned out! We'll raise him on a flagpole!

Play a pantomime like raising a flag.

Lo (suddenly). Which flagpole? We don't have any flagpole! And the ship is not and never will be! Face it! They didn't even take us to the team!
Ki. You're right. We don't fit. Better not even dream. Let's go to! Why would the guys see our despair?
Lo. Do you remember the old captain said that if we were in a desperate situation, we must open the bag ...
Ki. Let's open it.

There are many envelopes with mirrors in the bag, which the presenters distribute to the children and ask them not to open them yet.

Here's a letter. (Reads.) If one day you feel sad, look at the portrait of this man. He can cheer you up. It is not scary to get into the most severe storm with him, and he will definitely become a captain, if, of course, he wants to ... Let's open the envelopes, friends!
Lo. Oh, it's me!
Ki. No, me!
Lo. I get it, I think! Each of us is the captain of our ship. And everyone has the opportunity to believe that he is knee-deep in the sea.
Ki. Even if the sea is thousands of kilometers away!
Ki and Lo. Fair wind and seven feet under the keel! The creative duet "KiLo" was with you.

MBOU "Kurkachinsky secondary school of the Vysokogorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan"


Director ____________ A.G. Yarullin

order No. _______ dated ________ 2016.


summer shift "Sea voyage"

health school camp "Sun"

with daytime stay of children at the base

MBOU Kurkachinskaya secondary school
compiled by teacher-organizer L.S. Shabakaeva

Considered at a meeting of the pedagogical council

protocol No. ______ dated __________ 2016

2015 - 2016 academic year

In the system of lifelong education, vacations in general, and summer vacations in particular, play a very important role in the development, upbringing and health improvement of children and adolescents.

School camps are one of the most popular forms of summer recreation for schoolchildren.

Summer is a kind of bridge between the ending school year and the coming one.

The educational value of the summer recreation system lies in the fact that it creates conditions for pedagogically expedient, emotionally attractive leisure of schoolchildren, restoring their health, meeting the needs for novelty of impressions, creative self-realization, communication and amateur performance in various forms, including labor, knowledge, art, culture. , play and other areas of possible self-determination.

Summer vacation is not only social protection, it is also an opportunity for the creative development of children, enrichment of the spiritual world and intelligence of the child, the joy of communication, creative discoveries, original ideas. All areas of work of the summer school camp - sports and recreation, tourism and local history and labor - are of an educational nature.

Who among us has not dreamed of becoming a great traveler, making a great discovery, calling an island or uninhabited lands by our own name. Now each of you, children and adults, has this opportunity. The sun and good mood will help you with this. So, let's go on a sea voyage!
Summer session "Sea voyage"

1. Explanatory note

All educational work in the school camp "Solnyshko" is aimed at implementing the presented entertaining and educational program "Sea voyage" in the form of a role-playing game. This program of 21-day stay of students in the camp is full of various sports and educational developmental activities and games that contribute to the active rest of the students, and most importantly, form a spiritual and moral creative personality.
2. Staffing

One of the topical issues of organizing the summer camp is its staffing. The basis of the teaching staff of the camp is the school teachers, while working in the camp, a close-knit team of like-minded people is formed, whose activities are aimed at a competent methodological organization of work and rallying the children's team.

Particular responsibility for the conduct of the camp rests with its chief and organizer. Camp leaders are approved according to the following criteria:

  • experience of working with children during the vacation period;

  • availability of organizational experience;

  • the degree of knowledge of the organization of work in the summer day camp.
The camp staffing includes the following categories of camp workers: camp manager, shift supervisor (camp organizer), educators, head of physical education.

The school librarian, canteen staff, and school technicians are involved in the summer day camp.

Before the start of the camp, an orientation seminar is held for educators and detachment leaders.
Pedagogical staff.

Camp leader: organizes, coordinates and supervises the work of camp staff; ensures the safety of life and health of children and camp staff; prepares the necessary documents for the opening and operation of the camp; supervises the work of teaching and support staff.

The shift supervisor: develops the program and work plan of the camp, is responsible for observing the daily routine, organizing and maintaining recreational and educational and leisure activities, the work of self-government bodies and conducting leisure activities within the framework of the program, analyzes the activities of the detachments.

Special personnel (librarian, physical education teacher, music director): carry out specialized pedagogical activities within the framework of functional duties, can be involved in pedagogical support of the work of self-government bodies, for organizing leisure activities.

Educators: draw up a work plan for the shift and summarize the results of their work; are responsible for the decoration of events held at the camp; compose and select methodological development of educational activities, scenarios; are responsible for the life and health of children, the implementation of the plan of educational work, the conduct of detachment and general camp affairs.

Squad Leaders: Organize and support the work of squads.
3. Pedagogical conditions:

  • voluntary inclusion of children in the development, preparation of common affairs, in the organization of camp life;

  • a combination of individual and collective inclusion of children in various types of activities (creative, developmental, intellectual);

  • systematic informing about the results of competitions, competitions, about the conditions of participation in a particular case;

  • organization of various types of stimulation for children and adults;

  • variety of offered activities (the right to choose feasible participation in the case);

  • selection of pedagogical tools, taking into account age and individual characteristics, contributing to the successful self-realization of the child;

  • creating a situation of success in the activities chosen by the child, individual and public encouragement of what has been achieved;

  • creating the ability to switch from one type of activity to another.

4. Methodological support of the shift:

  • availability of the camp program, work plans of the detachments, description of the game plot model, grid plan;

  • job descriptions, an order to organize a camp on the basis of the Kurkachinskaya secondary school;

  • conducting an orientation seminar for detachment counselors before the start of the shift;

  • selection of teaching material in accordance with the camp program;

  • selection of requisites for conducting business;

  • development of a system for tracking the results of pedagogical activities and activities of camp pupils, summing up the results, ensuring the publicity of the achieved successes and results.
The shift is due to the need:

  • continuation of the educational process in summer conditions;

  • creating a single team;

  • strengthening the health of children on vacation in the camp.
The program is based on the principles:

  • The principle of humanizing relationships: building all relationships based on respect and trust in a person, on the desire to lead him to success. Through the idea of \u200b\u200ba humane approach to the child, parents, camp staff, a psychological rethinking of all the main components of the pedagogical process is necessary;

  • The principle of the correspondence of the type of cooperation to the psychological age characteristics of students and the type of leading activity: the result of educational activities in the camp is the cooperation of a child and an adult, which allows the camp student to feel like a creative person;

  • The principle of democracy: participation of all children in the camp program;

  • The principle of differentiation of upbringing, which involves: the selection of the content, forms and methods of upbringing in relation to the individual psychological characteristics of children, the creation of the possibility of switching from one type of activity to another within a shift (day), the active participation of children in all types of activities;

  • The principle of creative individuality: creative individuality is a characteristic of a personality that fully realizes and develops its creative potential.

5. The purpose of organizing the work of the camp:

  • assistance to the physical, mental, intellectual, moral development of children;

  • creation of a pedagogical educational environment that contributes to the strengthening of children's health as a vital value and a conscious desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle and the development of their creative potential.

  • wide familiarization of children with a variety of social experiences, the creation in the camp of the style of relations of true cooperation, commonwealth, co-creation;

  • support and provision of methodological and practical assistance to detachment counselors and children's teams in organizing and conducting events;

  • identification and development of the child's creative potential, his inclusion in the developing collective and individual activities;

  • development of children's skills of working in a group, participation in the management of a children's health camp

The implementation of the goal and tasks of the shift is carried out according to the "Sea voyage" program in the form of a plot - role-playing game. Traditionally, teams are formed from the program participants, which will represent the crews of the ships of the "Sea Voyage". There is a library, a playroom, a sports ground, and additional education circles for all units. Each squad is a ship of a sea voyage. Maintaining interest in the game is facilitated by playing material, making costumes, a dictionary of the game, and design.

Children take an active part in playing games and concerts. Participate in large collective camp activities. Each unit has its own leaders - navigators and activists responsible for different areas of work: environmental, sports, organizers of KTD (collective and creative affairs), editors, counselors - cabin boys (students of grades 7-9).

Student self-government is well developed and effective in the school. It continues to function in the school camp. At the beginning of each week, meetings of the management staff are held: captains, admiral, boatswains, navigators and a cabin boy, at which the preparation and conduct of general camp affairs are discussed.

The results of competitions and competitions are reflected on the route map of the summer sea voyage competitions.

Shift Dictionary:

  • camp - big regatta;

  • detachment - ship;

  • all children in the camp are a crew;

  • counselors - cabin boys;

  • leaders (schoolchildren) - navigators;

  • additional education teachers - boatswains;

  • shift supervisor - rear admiral;

  • camp teachers - ship captains;

  • the head of the camp is a general of the fleet.
A system for stimulating success and personal growth.

Each ship's crew can receive daily rewards for active participation in the life of their ship and the sea voyage in general (in competitions and mass travel affairs).

Each ship has its own flag and anthem, they are determined on a competitive basis at the beginning of the season separately on each ship. The entire crew of the ship participates in the competition.

Each ship has its own detachment corner, which contains:

  • ship flag;

  • name of the ship;

  • ship motto;

  • ship achievements;

  • crew size (squad list).

Camp work plan

The total number of children in the camp is 35 people, who are divided into 2 groups. Each detachment is led by one teacher, who is assisted by a counselor (female students in grades 8-10).

The work in the camp is divided into three seven days. Educators during their shift (seven days) prepare design work with their teams, in which all members of the team must take part. At the end of the shift - the final display of the design work.

Every day, educators conduct briefings with children on TB and "Minutes of Health", as well as activities according to the camp's work plan.

In the camp, circle classes are held: the creative laboratory "Sea Wonders", the dance class "Dancing on the Water", karaoke - the club "Leisya Pesnya". Circle classes are conducted by counselors under the guidance of the shift supervisor, with whom they develop a work plan. The Leisya Pesnya karaoke club is managed by the music director. At the closing events of the camp shift, the results of the circle classes are summed up in the form of an exhibition of creative works and a show of concert numbers

Camp opening hours:

Mode elements



Gathering children, charging

8:30 – 9:00

Educators, counselors

Morning ruler

9:00 – 9:15

Shift Supervisor


9:15 – 9:45

Canteen workers

Minute of health

9:45 – 10:00

Educators, counselors

Work according to the plan of detachments, socially useful work, work of circles and sections, sports events

10:00 – 12:30

Shift supervisor, educators, counselors, head of physical education

Wellness procedures

12.00 - 13.00

Educators, counselors, head of physical education


13:00 – 13:30

Canteen workers

Work according to the squad plan, free time


Educators, counselors

Ruler, going home


Shift supervisor, educators

Plan - grid (event scenarios and samples for the work of the creative laboratory "Sea Wonders" are presented in the appendices)

10:00 – 11:00

11:00 – 12:00

12:00 – 13:00

13:30 – 14:30

1 weekday



Sports and entertainment game "Whistle all to the top". Search for a sea travel map

Work on the design of detachment corners

Outdoor games



Circle "Sea miracles"


"Dancing on the Water"

Sport's event

Project work



Karaoke - club "Leisya song"

Cognitive game "Sea Rondevu"

Outdoor games

Project work



Circle "Sea miracles"


"Dancing on the Water"

Sport's event

Project work



Karaoke - club "Leisya song"

Competition program "Ay yes fishermen"

Outdoor games

Project work



Project work

Asphalt drawing competition

Outdoor games



Sports and entertainment game on the stations "Pirates of the Caribbean"

Project work

2 seven days



Circle "Sea miracles"


"Dancing on the Water"

Sport's event

Project work



Karaoke - club "Leisya song"

Cognitive game "Over the seas, over the waves ..."

Outdoor games

Project work



Circle "Sea miracles"


"Dancing on the Water"

Sport's event

Project work



Karaoke - club "Leisya song"

Competition program "Kinoserpantin"

Outdoor games

Project work



Competition program "Sea Battle"

Project work

Watching themed films

Outdoor games



Game - travel through the stations "Robinsonada"

Outdoor games

Project work



Circle "Sea miracles"


"Dancing on the Water"

Sport's event

Final project event

3 seven days



Day of Remembrance. Meeting at the monument of Glory

Competition program "Fire, water and copper pipes"

Poster competition "Peace to the world!"

Outdoor games



Circle "Sea miracles"


"Dancing on the Water"

Sport's event

Project work



Karaoke - club "Leisya song"

Game - journey "Two ships"

Outdoor games

Project work



Competition program "Sea Battle"

Project work

Watching themed films

Outdoor games



Circle "Sea miracles"


"Dancing on the Water"

Sport's event

Project work



Sports program "At the bottom of the sea"

Project work

Outdoor games

Concert program "My sardinka"



Sports and entertainment game "The Last Heroes"

Outdoor games

Final project event

"I approve"

Director of the school Sazonova G.P.



children's health camp "Sun"

on the basis of MKOU "Varnavinskaya S (K) SHI"

in the form of a role-playing game


1. Explanatory note

The summer period is an active time for the socialization of schoolchildren.
With the onset of summer holidays, most parents are faced with the question of how to organize summer vacations for their children. Camps with day care for children play a special role. Attending school camp, the child does not break away from the family, is under the supervision of teachers, is timely fed, is busy with interesting things, and in the evenings and on weekends with the family.
Another important point is the ability of the child to communicate with the usual circle of friends.

Every year on the basis of MCOU "Varnavinskaya S (K) SHI" a health camp "Sun" is opened.

The program is designed for school students from 8 to 16 years old. It has a goal and objectives, it specifies the principles on which it is based, describes the expected results.

This program is complex in its focus, i.e. includes diverse activities, combines various areas of health improvement, recreation and education of children in a health camp.

The duration of the program is short-term, i.e. implemented during 1 camp shift.

The development of the creative potential of children is facilitated by the inclusion of circles in the work program. Themed days are planned, specialists from other departments and organizations are involved: a district inspector, employees of the Ministry of Emergencies and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, a PDN inspector, a medical worker. Excursions to the museum, library, a trip to the sports and recreation center "Bogatyr" "are planned.

Every year 15 students of our school plunge into the ebullient life of creativity and friendship. Our camp "Solnyshko" gives an opportunity to reveal the creative abilities of children with disabilities and promotes psychological comfort in communication. In addition, properly organized activities, recreation, leisure, health improvement contribute to the spiritual and physical growth of children, has a real outlet in life.

The Sea Voyage program is based on the following principles:


Openness in the activities of crews (units),

Consideration of age and individual abilities, interests of children;

The availability of the proposed forms of work to the possibilities of each child;



The development in each child of the desire to become better, to know more;

Development of his creative abilities; collectivity.

2. Goal setting

General educational goal of the program: creation of a system of interesting, diverse in form and content of recreation and health improvement for children in the camp.


  • attracting children to active participation in activities within the framework of the program;
  • organization of the daily routine in accordance with age characteristics;
  • organization of good rest and health improvement for children;
  • disclosure of creative and communication skills of students;
  • creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in the camp.

Ask the guys which of them does not want to go on a journey, and a forest of hands will grow, eyes will shine, smiles will flash - the wind of wanderings is dear to everyone.
And so we in the camp also decided to organize a trip for the children.
The main guide in them is a role-playing game.

5. Game model

The guys in our camp are very restless, they strive to learn and see as much as possible. They drew up their travel map on the Trail of Sinbad the Sailor.
The card is posted on the first day of the shift in a conspicuous place in the lobby. The distance traveled is marked with flags. Each crew keeps its own travel diary - "Flight Journal", where it puts, sketches, pastes all the most interesting things that it encounters along the way.
The introduction to the game starts from the moment of meeting the children on the first day of the camp. On this day, the camp game "Whistle all up!" Is held.
The game takes place in two stages: individual and team.

All life activities in the "Solnyshko" permeated with a marine theme. In this regard, many camp sites have been renamed in accordance with nautical terms:

Dining room - galley;
Council of Captains Meeting Room - Captain's Cabin;
The venue of the line is the captain's bridge;
Crew gathering place - wardroom;
Crew rooms - cockpits and cabins;
Detachment - crew;
Educators of the detachments - navigators;
Camp administration - organizing committee for the regatta;
Information stand - travel diary;
Children are sailors.

New words and terms are added to the game every day from the nautical dictionary, which is aesthetically designed and hung in a conspicuous place under the name"Marine glossary". All participants embark on a journey full of adventures, trials and difficulties across 7 unknown islands. Each island has its own secret. The guys are invited to explore these islands and discover their secrets. On the journey, children and adults will become participants in various contests, competitions, and quizzes. The game ends at the end of the shift, and then the secrets of all 7 islands will be revealed and understood.

6. Stages of the game

  • Organizational: "Following in the footsteps of Sinbad the Sailor."
  • Basic: "On the way of adventure and discovery."
  • Final: "Treasure Island".

7. Incentive system

After the start of the regatta "Full speed ahead!" each squad (crew) receives a squad flag, on which it makes and strengthens the emblem. For victory in various activities, the crew can receive a sign of success on their flag in the form of an anchor.

Each anchor has its own color and meaning:

  • Red anchor - 1st place and 15 miles;
  • Blue anchor - 2nd place and 10 miles;
  • Green anchor - 3rd place and 5 miles.
  • For special merit - a golden anchor.

The task of each crew is to collect as many anchors as possible, which can reveal the best crew in the following nominations:

  • "The most friendly"
  • "Most Creative"
  • "The most intelligent",

Each carriage has its own signs of success for an individual growth system.

Having collected 5 distinctive signs of success, the participant of the game receives the title "cabin boy " and a distinctive sign - a blue ribbon, which is attached to clothes with a small pin.

Those who earn a total of 10 signs of success are awarded the title “sailor" and a green ribbon is issued.

The title of "sea wolf" and a red chest ribbon are given to those guys who gain 20 characters per shift.

Once every 3 days, the Council of Captains convenes, which adjusts the routes of the ships by drawing lots, because during the regatta the ship can:

1. Run aground. To move the ship, you need to apply physical strength. To do this, hold a sports event "In search of Captain Flint's treasures" or a water-land competition in the carriage. Maybe your own version.

2. Get caught in a storm. Everything fell on the sailors at once: water, wind, etc. The detachment within 3 days must cope with 5 tasks of different nature.

3. The ship was attacked by pirates. This unit received a black mark. And between the two squads there must be a competition "Fire, water and copper pipes." If pirates win, then they take 5 miles from their rivals to their victorious ones.

4. Reefs. They can lie in wait for unsuspecting crews as they navigate their course. If the crew ran into them, then he must draw up a new route for sailing (game on the ground by notes).

5. Calm - the squad has to surprise the other crews to cheer up.

6. Tailwind. Will just bring the team 5 miles.

Every day, each crew receives 5 miles on the map plus for winning contests and competitions. The duty counselor can give 5 miles for the cleanest troop in the dining room, cockpit and cabin. The captains' council for the regatta can give another 5 miles for an interesting squad case (if it is still described and handed over to the bank of interesting cases).

8. Children's self-government

At the organizational stage, elections of captains, boatswains, midshipmen in sports, and a radio operator are held.

Traditionally, 2-3 groups are formed from children. The guys are assistants in organizing thematic days and affairs.

During the camp shift, all crew members will be able to take part in interesting excursions.

Crews cross seas and oceans, make stops:

· "Port of wanderings";

· "Bay of funny jokes";

· “Bay I want to become an adult”;

· "Bay of the strong, dexterous, courageous";

· "Island of impromptu":

· “The bay“ Our native places ”.

Also, during the shift, children can visit any circle according to their interests. Classes in the circles are conducted by the educators of the detachment and are of a complete nature.

1. Sports: football, volleyball, traffic rules "Traffic light"
2. Creative: song, dance, soft toy, origami.
3. Intellectual: logic games.

Each unit in the camp has its own unique image. It is expressed in: the name of the crew; motto, symbols and attributes; laws and traditions of detachment life; playing detachment conventions, their own special greetings, farewells, wishes for success, decoration of the detachment corner.

10. Information support of the program "Sea voyage" is carried out by the camp press center.

11. Staffing

The teaching staff of our camp are the teachers of the school.

Program coordinator: Dvornikova Larisa Alexandrovna

12.Thematic planning

  • The first day:
  • coming to the camp, game for the units "Vanity of vanities";
  • camp game "Whistle all up!".
  • Squad lights of dating.
  • Second day:
  • organizational fees in detachments; camp hour dating "Travelers, hello!"
  • Fire safety training
  • Day three:
  • opening ruler "In the footsteps of Sinbad the Sailor",
  • "Full speed ahead!"
  • Day four:
  • Ship mess
  • Drawing competition "In pursuit of sea ghosts"
  • Day five:
  • individual competitions in the "Jung School"
  • "Brain-ring"
  • general long relay "In search of Captain Flint's treasure"
  • Day six:
  • show program "Evening on the road",
  • "Regatta diary" - viewing a video cassette.
  • Day seven:
  • intellectual show "In pursuit of sea ghosts"
  • Stop on the island with road signs "Red, yellow, green"
  • Day eight:
  • the opposite day "Bermuda Triangle"
  • competition program "Sardine, sardine, my sardine ..."
  • fairy tale "Topsy-turvy"
  • Day nine:
  • creative day "From the ship to the ball"
  • Bay of the Strong, Agile, Courageous
  • Day ten:
  • themed day "Three in one"
  • Peninsula of "Merry Jokes"
  • Day eleven:
  • competition of teams "Fire, water and copper pipes
  • competition program "You are a sailor, I am a sailor"
  • Day twelve:
  • holiday "Neptune"
  • island "I want to become an adult"
  • Day thirteen:
  • holiday "Ship mess",
  • competition program "Leader and his team"
  • Day fourteen
  • preparation for Memorial Day,
  • "Regatta diary"
  • Day fifteen
  • Day of Remembrance
  • fair "Treasure Island",
  • shift closing ruler - Regatta finish

14. Expected program results

The result of the implementation of the program will be health improvement and recreation of more than 15 boys and girls of our school.
In the course of the implementation of the "Sea voyage" program, we propose to consider the expected results of the shift through:

1. Results relevant for the development of the child's personality:

  • satisfying the need for good rest,
  • realization of the interests of children, their enrichment and encouragement to new interests;
  • the formation in children of the ability to self-esteem and reflection;
  • the formation of a socially significant position in children in relation to the world around them and to themselves.

2. Results concerning the children's association:

  • creating an emotional mood in children to work in temporary children's associations.

3. Results contributing to the development of the educational system of the camp:

  • testing a new model of the camp shift;
  • improvement of new methods of mass, group, individual forms of work with children;
  • replenishment of the piggy bank forms of work;
  • development of the experience of the camp press center.

4. Results aimed at the pedagogical team of educators:

  • raising the level of pedagogical skills;
  • approbation of the ped interaction model. detachment with a children's team in the framework of the role-playing game "Sea voyage", self-realization of educators

15. Pedagogical diagnostics and ways to adjust the program

The following types of diagnostics are carried out in the camp:

  • Preliminary diagnostics - carried out before the start of the shift and during the organizational period in order to identify the individual characteristics of children and adjust the goals and objectives in accordance with them.
  • Current diagnostics - carried out during the main period of the shift in order to determine the degree of success in achieving the set goals and objectives.
  • Final diagnosis
  • Problem diagnosis - carried out in the event of a problem situation related to the team as a whole, to an individual child, in order to correct this situation.

16. Laws of travelers

Friendship Law:

One for all and all for one.

The law of time:

Accuracy - the politeness of kings.

The law of word and deed:

When criticizing, suggest. When offering, do.

The law of a raised hand:

If a hand is raised
This means that everyone is silent for now.

House law:

Our camp is our common home.
Keep it clean.

Song law:

Not a day without a song, not a single step without a song.
In it we draw creativity, kindness and courage.

Law of nature:

The natural world is a beautiful world. Do not ruin her in vain.



teacher-psychologist in the DOL.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The pedagogue-psychologist of the children's health camp (hereinafter - the pedagogue-psychologist) belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person is accepted for the position of a teacher-psychologist:

Having higher professional education or secondary vocational education in the direction of training "Pedagogy and Psychology" without presenting requirements for work experience or higher professional education or secondary vocational education and additional vocational education in the direction of training "Pedagogy and Psychology" without imposing requirements for work experience;

Not deprived of the right to engage in teaching activities in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Not having (not having) a criminal record, not subject to (not subject to) criminal prosecution (except for cases when criminal prosecution was terminated on rehabilitating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person (except for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital , libel and insults), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against family and minors, public health and public morality, as well as against public safety (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Not having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Not recognized as incompetent in the manner prescribed by federal law (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);

Free of diseases stipulated by the list approved by the federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare (part two of Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.3. The educational psychologist should know:

Legislative acts, normative documents on the issues of upbringing and social protection of children;

The Convention on the Rights of the Child;

Model regulation on a children's health camp (Letter of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 14, 2011 N 18-2 / 10 / 1-7164) and other regulations on the organization of summer recreation for children, a children's health camp;

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of work and recreation camps for adolescents (SanPiN, approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of March 18, 2011 N 22, Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the operating mode of out-of-town stationary institutions for recreation and health improvement of children (SanPiN, approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on March 16, 2003, other normative acts establishing sanitary norms, rules and standards;

Conditions for placing a children's health camp (hereinafter referred to as the camp);

Fundamentals of Physiology, Hygiene;

Individual and age characteristics of children;

General psychology, educational psychology and general pedagogy, personality psychology and differential psychology, child and developmental psychology, social psychology, medical psychology, child neuropsychology, pathopsychology, psychosomatics;

Methods of active learning, social and psychological training of communication;

Fundamentals of defectology, psychotherapy, sexology, psychohygiene, vocational guidance, occupational studies and labor psychology, psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling and psychoprophylaxis;

Methods and ways of using educational technologies, including distance learning;

Modern pedagogical technologies of productive, differentiated, developing education, implementation of a competence-based approach;

Theory and methodology of educational work;

Technologies for diagnosing the causes of conflict situations, their prevention and resolution;

Basics of working with text editors, spreadsheets, e-mail and browsers, multimedia equipment;

Basics of pre-medical care;

Environmental protection regulations;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Internal labor regulations of the camp;

Labor rules and regulations, safety and fire protection, industrial sanitation and hygiene;

- ______________________________________________________________________.

1.4. The educational psychologist in his activities is guided by:

By the Charter (Regulation) of the DOL "Sun"

This job description

1.5. The teacher-psychologist reports directly to the Head of the camp

1.6. During the absence of a teacher-psychologist (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by another employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Functions

2.1. Preservation of mental, somatic and social well-being of children during their stay in the camp.

2.2. Ensuring the protection of the life and health of children in the camp.

3. Job responsibilities

The educational psychologist performs the following duties:

3.1. Contributes to the harmonization of the social sphere of the camp and carries out preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of social maladjustment.

3.2. Determines the factors that impede the development of the personality of children, and takes measures to provide them with various types of psychological assistance (psychocorrectional, rehabilitation, counseling).

3.3. Conducts psychological diagnostics, psychocorrectional rehabilitation, consulting work, relying on achievements in the field of pedagogical and psychological sciences, developmental psychology and school hygiene, as well as modern information technologies.

3.4. Promotes the development of children 's readiness for orientation in various situations of life and professional self - determination.

3.5. Determines the degree of developmental disorders (mental, physiological, emotional) in children, as well as various types of disorders of social development and conducts their psychological and pedagogical correction.

3.6. Participates in the formation of the psychological culture of children, including the culture of sex education.

3.7. Advises camp workers on the development of children, the practical application of psychology to solving pedagogical problems, increasing the social and psychological competence of children, camp staff, parents (persons replacing them).

3.8. Participates in the preparation and conduct of recreational, educational and other activities provided for by the camp work plans and approved programs.

3.9. Provides protection of life and health of children during their stay in the camp.

3.10. Provides advice to children, their parents (persons replacing them), the camp staff in solving specific psychological problems.

3.11. Complies with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

4. Rights

The educational psychologist has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the camp management.

4.2. Initiate and conduct organizational meetings.

4.3. Request and receive the necessary information and documents from structural divisions, specialists.

4.4. Conduct quality checks and timely execution of orders.

4.5. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed by him.

4.6. Require the camp management to assist in the performance of his official duties and rights.

5. Responsibility

5.1. The educational psychologist is held accountable:

For improper performance or non-performance of their duties provided for by this job description - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

For the use, including one-time, of upbringing methods associated with physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the pupil - in the manner prescribed by the current labor, administrative or criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

For offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

For causing damage to the camp - in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

6. Final provisions

6.1. This job description was developed based on

The qualification characteristics of the position "Educator-psychologist" (United

qualification reference book of positions of managers, specialists

and employees. Section "Qualification characteristics of employee positions

education ", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia from

26.08.2010 N 761n),

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job description

is carried out upon hiring (before signing an employment contract).

The fact of familiarization of the employee with this job description

confirmed by _____________________________

With job descriptions); in a copy of the job description,


"Over the seas, over the waves ..."

We invite you guys to take a fascinating journey along the rivers and seas. Why did we choose the marine theme, you ask? Therefore, the sea is a symbol of light, space and freedom. How many artists, poets, composers have dedicated their works to seas and rivers! And how many interesting films the directors have made! I'll tell you guys, I'm about the ocean now.

The kid-neighbor asked the other day
By the trickle pouring from the tap:
Where are you from? Water in response:
From afar, from the ocean.
Then the baby walked in the forest,
The glade sparkled like dew.
Where are you from? Asked the dew.
- Believe me, and I'm from the ocean!
You soda, why are you sizzling?
And from a seething glass came a whisper:
- Know, baby, and I came from the ocean.
A gray fog lay on the field,
The kid also asked the fog:
Where are you from? Who are you?
- And I, my friend, from the ocean.
Amazing, isn't it?
In soup, in tea, in every drop,
In a ringing piece of ice, and in a tear,
And in the rain, and in the dewdrop
We will always respond
Ocean water.

1. Guess
Junior units:
If he lies at the bottom,
No legs, but moving; then the ship will not run.
There are feathers, but not flying; (anchor)
Eyes are there, not blinking.
On the sea goes, goes,
Water is everywhere, And it will reach the shore -
But drinking is a problem. Here it will disappear.
(sea) (wave)

I am a cloud and a fog
And the stream and the ocean.
I fly and I run
And I can be glass.

Senior squads (quiz)

1. What is the pirate's address? (sea)
2. Favorite currency of pirates (gold)
3. What was the name of the captain who sailed around the world on the yacht "Trouble"?
4. Where do pirates keep their treasures? (chest)
5. What was the name of the teenager on the ship, studying the nautical business? (cabin boy)
6. High post for the sail on the ship (mast)
7. Severe storm at sea (storm)
8. Flat as a plate, lives at the bottom of the sea (flounder)
9. Favorite drink of pirates (rum)
10. The worst fish (shark)
11. The crew of the ship, aircraft, tank (crew)
12. What can run but cannot walk? (river, stream)
13. What is the deepest lake on earth? (Baikal)
14. Pet Dense algae at the bottom of a river or pond (mud)
15. Who is the author of "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (A.S. Pushkin)

2. Marine professions

Write as many nautical professions as possible on the sheet.

3. Pour

From a full glass, pour a syringe into empty water without spilling it on the stool.

4. Dance of the Mermaid

To the music, one participant from each team dances the Mermaid dance - who is better.

5. Anglers

What an exciting business fishing! But our competition will not depend on the bite. For fishing you will need a "pond" with fish - a bucket of water with matches and a "fishing rod" - a spoon. The task of each participant is to reach the "reservoir", catch one fish with a "fishing rod" without helping oneself with the other hand, then put it in the "cage" - a plate, run to the team and pass the baton to the next one. Happy fishing!

6. Dodger

Plates with inscriptions are attached to the backs of the opponents. Competitors must not see these labels. The task of the participants is to try to read what is written on the back of the opponent, who is trying to hide his inscription on his back, dodging. The winner is the one who reads this inscription faster.

Sea storm
Sea wolf
Scarlet Sails
Uninhabited island
Light breeze

7. Meliorator

One of the tasks of this profession is to drain swamps. Ameliorators use sophisticated techniques for this. But we don't need that. There are plates of water on the chairs - this is our swamp. We have to drain it. At the signal, the participant runs to the chair and with all his might blows on the plate to blow out more water as fashionably as possible. Then he passes the baton to the next one.

8. Homework - song

The teams perform a song on a theme related to water - sea, river, etc.