Return of the prodigal son presentation. Catalog of presentations. one who behaves

Open lesson in Russian literature in grade 6

The meaning of the gospel parable of the prodigal son in the story "The Station Keeper" by A.S. Pushkin

Museum "House of the station keeper"

The museum, founded on October 15, 1972, became the first museum of a literary hero, which is located in the building of the Võra post station ...

Epigraph to the story "Stationmaster":

Collegiate Registrar,

Post station dictator.

Prince Vyazemsky

Collegiate Registrar

youngest citizen, grade 14 .


- the one who behaves

in relation to to others it is imperious and intolerant.

Small man" -

this is a person who belongs to the middle or lower social class, but has high mental and spiritual qualities.

Parable -

short instructive allegorical story

Rembrandt "The Return of the Prodigal Son"

The pinnacle of Dutch painting was Rembrandt's The Return of the Prodigal Son. The theme is a gospel parable ...

Working in groups

  • Is it possible to draw some parallels in the content of the parable and Dunya's story? Let's prove it .

Dunya's story

Dunya's story

1. The prodigal son voluntarily leaves his home with the blessing of his father.

1. The daughter, having laid all the responsibility on a friend, leaves secretly, by accident, without the consent and blessing of her father.

2. Nobody is looking for him.

2. Does not want to be found and does not submit any information about himself.

3. Leads a riotous lifestyle.

3. Dunya lives in St. Petersburg in luxury and wealth, becomes a mother ...

4. Joyful meeting of the son with the father.

4. Afraid of meeting, but then Dunya, already a wealthy lady, visits her native place, mourning the grave.

5. The son returned home beggar and hungry. He repented of what he had done.

5. Avdotya Semyonovna did not return, but went in , passing by.

6. There was a reconciliation with the father and the repentance of the prodigal son.

6. Repentance and reconciliation are impossible because of the death of the father.

Paintings of great artists

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn

Vanetsian A.V.

Stills from the movie

Moral lessons from scripture:

  • Respect and honor your parents for giving you life and raising you.
  • Express your respect in word and deed.
  • Be obedient.
  • Do not grumble about punishment.
  • Repent of your mistakes in time.
  • In need and old age, look after and feed them.

Homework: Write a letter to Samson Vyrin on behalf of Dunya.

Presentation on the Law of God Archpriest Seraphim Slobodsky - the parable of the prodigal son (12.7 Мв, ppt).
The second preparatory week for Great Lent is called the Week of the Prodigal Son. In addition to the parable of the prodigal son, the presentation additionally includes the text of the parable in Church Slavonic and the audio file of the chant "On the rivers of Babylon ...".

Additional download addresses:
All presentations in this series can be downloaded or uploaded to your accounts (selectively or archived) on Yandex.Disk and on Cloud @ Mail.Ru

Scans of some slides. The enlarged image opens in a separate window by clicking on the picture:

Publicans and sinners came to Jesus Christ to listen to Him. The proud Pharisees and scribes, teachers of the Jewish people, murmured against Jesus Christ for this and said: "He accepts sinners and eats with them."
To this, Jesus Christ spoke several parables in which he showed that God with joy and love accepts every repentant sinner. Here is one of them:
One man had two sons. The youngest of them said to his father: "Father, give me the portion of the estate that I am following." The father complied with his request. After a few days, the younger son, having collected everything, went to a distant country and there, living dissolutely, he squandered all his property. When he had lived everything, there came a great famine in that country, and he began to need. And he went and joined (ie, joined) one of the inhabitants of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs. From hunger, he would be glad to eat the horns that the pigs ate; but no one gave it to him.
Then, coming to his senses, he remembered his father, repented of his deed and thought: "How many mercenaries (workers) from my father eat bread in abundance, but I am dying of hunger! I will get up, go to my father, and tell him:" Father ! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me among your mercenaries. "
And so he did. He got up and went home to his father. And when he was still far away, his father saw him and took pity on him. The father himself ran towards his son, fell on his neck, kissed him.
And the son began to say: "Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son" ...
And the father said to his servants: "Bring the best clothes and dress him; give him a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet; and kill the fatted calf; let us eat and be merry! For this my son was dead and came to life; he was lost and was found." And they began to have fun.
The eldest son was returning at this time from the field. Hearing singing and rejoicing in the house, he called one of the servants and asked: "What is this?"
The servant said to him: "Your brother has come; and your father killed the fattened calf, because he saw him well."
The eldest son got angry and did not want to enter the house. The father went out to him and called him.
But he answered his father: “Behold, I have served you for so many years and have never violated (did not violate) your orders; but you never gave me a kid to have fun with my friends. you slaughtered a fatted calf for him. "
But the father said to him: "My son, you are always with me, and all mine is yours. And about this you should have rejoiced and rejoiced, that your brother was dead and came to life; he was lost and is found."

In this parable, the father is God, and the prodigal son is the repentant sinner. Every person is like the prodigal son, who with his soul moves away from God and indulges in a willful, sinful life; with his sins, he destroys his soul and all the gifts (life, health, strength, abilities) that he received from God. When a sinner, having reason, brings God sincere repentance, with humility and with hope for His mercy, then the Lord, as a merciful Father, rejoices with His angels in the conversion of the sinner, forgives him all his iniquities (sins), no matter how great they are, and returns His favors and gifts to him.
With the story of the eldest son, the Savior teaches that every believing Christian should wholeheartedly wish everyone salvation, rejoice at the conversion of sinners, not envy God's love for them and not consider themselves worthy of God's mercies more than those who turn to God from their former lawless life.

Lesson topic:Conscience, repentance. The parable of the prodigal son.


1. Formation of the idea of \u200b\u200bconscience and repentance, their significance in human life.

2. The upbringing of the spiritual and moral personality of the child by means of familiarizing with the spiritual experience of the traditions of Orthodoxy.



- formation of ideas about morality, norms and rules of moral behavior;

Assimilation of moral and ethical experience of interaction with peers, older and younger children, adults.

2. Metasubject

- mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities;

Mastering the skills of semantic reading and interpretation of a literary work;

Ability to conduct dialogue and work in a group;

Willingness to cooperate.

3. Subject

- comprehension of the concepts of sin, repentance and responsibility of a person for their actions;

Formation of a religious concept " parable»

Understanding the role of sin without repentance in the formation of diseases of the soul.

Methodical equipment of the lesson:
1. Material and technical base: computer, projector, screen, presentation.

2. Didactic support:

Text of the parable of the prodigal son (printed out for each student).
A. Kuraev's textbook "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture".
R working notebook for student.
Additional literature: dictionary, poem by E. Dickenson "Repentance".

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material.

Teaching methods: explanatory and illustrative, conversation, work with text, work with reference literature.

Basic concepts: good, sin, conscience, repentance (repentance), prayers of repentance.

Interdisciplinary connections:Fine art, literature .

Resources:PC, multimedia, handouts.

Forms of organizing educational activities: frontal and individual.

Working with the parable of the prodigal son.

    Introduction of the concept "parable ».

There are short, allegorical stories in the Bible that contain teachings or moral teachings that give us a lesson. They're called parables.Using the example of the story set out in the parable, we draw a conclusion about life values, people's actions, moral laws. - Christ, using the example of parables, revealed the laws of spiritual life common to all, so that we could perceive the lesson, each to the best of his ability.

    Working with S. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary.

PARABLE - In religious and old didactic literature: a short allegorical instructive story.

For example,Gospel parable. The parable of the prodigal son.

3. Disclosure of the content of the parable of the prodigal son.

1) Today we will get acquainted with the parable of the prodigal son.

What lexical meaning do you think the word “ prodigal"? (A son who strayed from his family, lost his way, disrespectful to his parents).

This parable was told by Jesus Christ when He was asked about God's attitude towards sinners.

2) Conversation:

Who is this parable about? (About a father and his two sons)

What decision did the father's youngest son make? (Leave the family by taking your share of the property).

Why didn't his father stop him? (Respected his choice and the right to independence)

How did the son manage his share? (Wasted, spent on entertainment and recreation)

What and why happened to the youngest son? (He, having lost money, lived in need).

Why did he decide to try to return to his father after squandering the inheritance? (He was so poor and repented of what he had done that he decided to rely on his father's mercy and ask permission to return to his parental home).

How did his father meet him and why? (The father was glad of his return, because for several years he had no news of him and did not even know if his youngest son was alive).

Why didn't the eldest son show joy after his brother's return? (He was offended that the brother, who squandered his share of the property, was given such a reception).

What do you think of his grudge? Was it fair? (In part, he can be understood, but resentment overshadowed in his soul the joy of his brother's return and the happiness of his father).

What did the father say to the eldest son? (“You are always with me and everything that I have is also yours. And your brother seemed to disappear and was found, as if he died and rose again).

4. Disclosure of the meaning of the parable.

Whom did Jesus Christ mean by the image of the prodigal son? (All people to whom God gave us freedom of choice, and they must choose the right path in order to be saved and thereby come to the Kingdom of Heaven).

And who did he mean by the image of the father? (God. The Lord is the Father of all people, he loves and forgives everyone if we repent of our sins).

How does God relate to righteous people who try to follow his will in everything? (He's very happy about them.)

How do you understand the proverb “ For a repentant sinner, two righteous people are given"? (God is very glad to the righteous, but he rejoices even more when sinners, repenting of their sins, come to God, wanting to follow his commandments).

What has this parable taught you?

How should we deal with repentant sinners?

What should you do with your parents?

5. Reading the poem "Repentance" by E. Dickenson.

What does a person feel when they repent of their sin?

Why, according to the poet, God invented repentance?

Do you agree with this statement?

6. The result of the work.

What has the story of the prodigal son and his family taught you?

What idea did Jesus Christ want to convey to us using this parable?

The parable of the prodigal son

A certain man had two sons; and the younger of them said to his father: “Father! give me the next [me] share of the estate. And their property. '' The youngest son, having collected everything, went to the far side and there he squandered his property, living in feasts and associating with unworthy friends.

When he had lived everything, there came a great famine in that country, and he began to need; And he went and joined himself to one of the inhabitants of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs. and he was glad to eat from the same trough with the pigs, but no one gave him. Then he said: “How many of my father’s mercenaries have enough bread, but I am dying of hunger; I will get up, go to my father and say to him: father! I have sinned against heaven and before you, and am no longer worthy to be called your son; accept me as your mercenary».

He got up and went to his father. And while he was still far away, his father saw him and took pity; and running, fell on his neck and kissed him. The son said to him: “Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you and am no longer worthy to be called your son. " And the father said to his servants: “Bring the best clothes and clothe him, and give a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet; and bring the fatted calf, and kill; let's eat and have fun! For this my son was dead and came to life, was lost and is found! " And they began to have fun.

His eldest son was in the field; returning, when he approached the house, he heard singing and glee; and calling one of the servants, he asked: what is this? He told him: "Your brother has come, and your father killed the fatted calf, because he received him healthy." He got angry and did not want to enter. But his father went out and called him. But he answered his father: “Behold, I have been serving you for so many years and have never violated your command, but you have never given me a goat to have fun with my friends; and when this

your son, who squandered his property, has come, you killed a fatted calf for him. " The father said to him: “My son! You are always with me, and all mine is yours, and about that it was necessary to rejoice and be merry, that your brother was dead and came to life, was lost and is found! "

Theme. "The Parable of the Prodigal Son." The assertion in the biblical parable of universal human moral ideals.

Goal: to familiarize students with the concept of "parable", to develop the ability to analyze a parable, to highlight the main idea of \u200b\u200ba parable; arouse interest in The Parable of the Prodigal Son, a desire for analysis and creativity; work on the development of students' speech; foster love for parents, kindness and compassion, the ability to forgive, recognize guilt and sincerely strive for redemption.
Equipment: textbook, video fragments from the life of Jesus Christ (birth, 12-year-old Jesus in the temple, baptism, miraculous healings of the sick), illustrations by Rembrandt "The Return of the Prodigal Son", I. Bosch "Prodigal Son", Puvis de Chavannes "Prodigal Son. XIX century ", Oleg Korolev" Prodigal son ".
Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.


І. Organizing time.

II. Homework check.

ІІІ. Work on the topic of the lesson.

  1. Teacher's word. Today in the lesson we continue to talk about an unusual, unique book, a book of all times and peoples - about the Bible.
  2. Viewing frames from a feature film.
    • I suggest that you recall the main milestones in the life of the main character of this book - Jesus Christ.
    • What events from the life of Jesus Christ are reflected in these small passages? (conversation during viewing, additions, explanations).
  3. A teacher reading a poem by G.A. Galina "Mother".

    With what tenderness it rests in its arms
    She is her child in thoughtful silence! ..
    The seal of suffering lies on the closed lips
    And a quiet caress in lowered eyes ...
    With anxiety clutching the child to his chest,
    She looks into his future with longing,
    And the mother wants to close with a helpless hand
    Your child from tears, sorrow and sorrow ...
    And in her heart she has an unclear disease
    To lose my dear, only shrine ...
    After all, without him, the whole world will remain a desert,
    And for him she will go to execution ...

  4. Conversation.
    • How did people know about all these events? (From the Bible.)
    • How is the word Bible translated? (Book).
    • Why do people look to the Bible? What questions do they want to answer in this book? (Children's answers).
    • What Are the Parts of the Bible? (Old Testament, New Testament).
    • What is a covenant? ("Agreement", "union").
    • What's the other name for the New Testament? (Gospel).
    • How is the word gospel translated? (Good news).
    • What is this message about? Remember the first frames of the film. (About the fact that God promises people his help - he sends his son to save people from evil, to bring them to the light “The centuries will float out of darkness ... that is, he is trying to teach people how to live correctly).
  5. The genre of the parable.
    There are works in literature, with the help of which it is best to teach people to teach something, to inspire them with something. They are written in the genre of a parable.
    Note in the notebook:
    A parable is ...
    Today in lesson we will turn to The Parable of the Prodigal Son. This parable Jesus told his disciples, it is the most famous story in the New Testament.
  6. Reading a parable. Conversation.
    • What wrong thing is the son doing? (The son offends the father; the son robs him; leaves him in his old age, leaves him alone; the son commits a sin; the son does not honor the father, hurts him).
    • How do you understand the word sin? (Bad deed; mortal illness; hate each other; sin is evil in the soul; evil deeds, anger at a friend).
    • How does the son behave away from home? (He leads a dissolute life; lavishes his wealth; makes questionable friends.)
    • What sin do you think he is committing? (He is sinful before his father, but also before himself. He does not live according to his conscience, therefore he is sinful).
    • What was the son's life away from home like and did it bring him joy?
      (It was difficult for him; he worked hard and did not receive anything; he was hungry; herded pigs and his conscience tormented him; he remembered his father's house and with all his soul strove to where he left from).
    • Confirm this with the text of the parable (... He lived through everything, a great famine came. The son stuck to one of the inhabitants, and he sent him to his fields to feed pigs .. He was glad to fill his belly with horns that the pigs ate, but no one gave him).
    • What do you think, with what thought does the son return home? (The son repents of his deed; he is ashamed in front of his father; he realized his guilt; he wants to ask for forgiveness).
    • Let's give examples from the text (... When he came, he said: "How many of my father's mercenaries have plenty of bread, but I am dying of hunger. I will get up, go to my father and say: Father! I have sinned against heaven and before you ...").
    • Do you think the son really deeply realized his guilt? (The son repented of his actions; he wants to atone for his guilt, intends to ask his father for forgiveness).
    • So, the son has sincerely repented, but does the father forgive the son? (He forgives him.)
    • Confirm with the words of the text. ("... Father saw him and took pity, and running, fell on his neck and kissed him ..."; "... the father said to his servants:" Bring the best clothes and put him on, give a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet; and bring fattened calf and kill it: let us eat and be merry! For this my son was dead and has revived, was lost and is found ").
    • What do you think the parable teaches? (Teaches the ability to forgive offenses; teaches you to recognize your mistakes and repent of them; teaches you to love each other; teaches you to value and respect parents; teaches sincerity, not false repentance, but true).
  7. Connection with art.
    Each of you has drawn in your imagination the image of the prodigal son. And now I propose to compare our "work" with the works of great painters.
    "Work in pairs".
    Before you - reproductions of paintings by different artists. Look at the image, feel the mood of the artist, the work, and then determine the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe picture.
    1 group. Puvis de Chavannes. Prodigal son. XIX century. France.
    (The whole figure of the prodigal son expresses deep sadness, dejection, repentance: he is naked, sire and poor, his head is lowered in shame, his hands are clasped to his chest, as if in prayer. He already realizes that he led an unrighteous life, that he sinned "against heaven and father "and is ready to repent)
    Group 2. Hieronymus Bosch. Tramp (Prodigal Son).
    (Behind the hero's back is a wretched village tavern: its roof is dilapidated, the window panes are smashed, a soldier is pestering a servant at the door, a drunkard is peeing at the wall. Apparently, a young, exhausted man indulged in disorderly behavior here. Now, full of remorse, he goes home , deciding to leave his old sinful life. Uncertainly, looking back, he creeps to the closed gate, behind which there is a peaceful landscape, a dignified life. Bosch as if asks himself and the viewer the question: will the poor traveler return to his parental home, or the crooked path will again lead him to this dirty and a boring hangout? The prodigal son on the way ...)
    Group 3. Harmenszoon van Rijn Rembrandt. Return of the prodigal son. 1668-1669. Holland.
    (The prodigal son returned, repentantly falling on his knees before the old man. In the guise of the penitent son, there is suffering itself, confusion and an almost blissful feeling of newfound peace. The old man, bending over the prodigal son, lovingly feels him (his eyes already see poorly). Father's hands pour into young body compassion, forgiveness, immeasurable concern and devotion)
    How would you comment on the picture of our contemporary Oleg Korolev?
    4 group. Oleg Korolev. Prodigal son.
    (The prodigal son of Oleg Korolev, an artist of our time, is trying to break the vicious circle, to get out of a dark, hopeless life. He manages to do this, as the Higher Power extends a helping hand to the lost. Eye to eye, light touch ... and there is a reincarnation, birth new (bright) person).
    The scene of the return of the prodigal son to his home was especially attractive for painters. Why do you think? (It is in this scene that the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe parable is expressed - the idea of \u200b\u200brepentance and forgiveness).

IV. Summing up the lesson.

  1. Make a three-column chart and write down the qualities of each hero.
  2. A teacher reading a sermon.
    The elder called the disciples and showed them a piece of paper with a dot in the middle:
    - What do you see? - he asked.
    “Point,” one answered.
    - Black point, - confirmed the second.
    “A bold black dot,” said the third.
    Then the elder began to cry. And the students were surprised and asked:
    - Tell me, teacher, what are you crying about?
    - I cry that all my students saw a black point, and no one noticed a blank white sheet.
  3. Reflection.
    Continue the phrase: "Today I realized that ..."

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Listen, children, what an interesting story Jesus Christ told about a good father and an evil son.

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One rich and kind man had two sons.

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The youngest of them was very lazy and disobedient. Many times he offended his father with antics and finally one day he said to him:

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Father, give me my part of all the property, I myself want to dispose of it!

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A kind father gave him the part he was to follow, and his son took money and property and went to a foreign country.

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There he found foolish friends for himself and daily arranged feasts and festivities with them. He bought expensive sweet foods and wines and wore luxurious clothes.

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Every day he had music playing, and he did not want to work, but only ate, drank and had fun.

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Soon, however, he spent all the money he had received from his father, squandered all the property and began to need. By the way, in the region where he lived, there was a crop failure and famine.

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The prodigal son did not even have a piece of bread, and no one wanted to help him.

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Seeing that things were bad, he decided to get down to work. But he did not know how to do anything, because when his peers studied, he only walked and had fun. Then he came to one person and said:

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Kindly take me to your shepherd! -From what? - said the kind man. - Go graze my pigs, but only feed as you know, and don't you dare touch the food that I give to the pigs! After them you can pick up the leftovers.

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Unhappy and glad for that. This is what self-will and walking brings! The poor young man came to his senses.

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Sitting in a field near the pigs, hungry, tattered and barefoot, he wept and said to himself:

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How many servants my father has, and they are all full and dressed, and I am dying of hunger. I will go to my father and tell him: “My father, I have sinned before God and before you and am not worthy to be called your son. Take me even as one of your servants. "

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Soon he did so: he packed up and went home.

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The father saw his disobedient son from afar and ran to meet him.

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He hugged and kissed him and cried with joy.

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The son was not expecting such a reception, and he felt ashamed. He told his father:

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I have sinned before God and before you, dear father, and I am not worthy for you to consider me your son. Take me at least among your servants.

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But the father exclaimed to the servants: -Bring my best clothes and dress my dear son;

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give him my ring on his hand, slaughter the best calf, let us have fun, because my son has died, and now he has risen, disappeared and is found.

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How dearly this good father loved his worthless son!

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How he rejoiced seeing his sincere repentance!

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How willingly he forgave him!

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So, dear children, our Heavenly Father, God, loves us all with the same love and He forgives us if we have done wrong, and then we repent and ask Him for forgiveness.

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What does the parable of the prodigal son tell us? The youngest son did not want to do hard work with his father and older brother. He decided to go on a journey, while he asked his father to give his share of the inheritance. In a very short time, the guy squandered his father's money and more than knew the need and sorrow. At first glance, the youngest son neglected his duties, abandoned his home for pleasure and received a worthy punishment. The father had every right to drive the prodigal son out of his eyes. But he didn't. The father forgave his son, took him into the house and, with joy, wanted to roast the best calf. The return of the prodigal son was a significant event for his father. After all, his son found the courage to return, sincerely repenting of his deed. The prodigal son realized his rash behavior, realized that he was deeply mistaken. This parable teaches us that people will definitely receive reward for whatever they do. For good and right deeds, a person is rewarded, and for bad and thoughtless deeds he is severely punished. The prodigal son did not think that fate would treat him so cruelly.

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He wanted an easy and fun life. While he had money, he did not think about the correctness of his actions. He lived on a grand scale, wasted money thoughtlessly. And during this time, the prodigal son never once remembered his father, who earned this money with hard work. Nor did he remember his older brother, who worked with his father. He began to think about his family only when everyone who lived at his expense turned away from him. Only then did the prodigal son understand that no one in the world except his family needed him. And the father, at the sight of his unhappy, exhausted son, did not even begin to think about the mistakes that he made. The parable does not say about this, but the father, probably, always remembered about his son. And he always worried about his fate. Therefore, the father was really happy when he realized that his son realized everything. I realized and returned to my home forever. These are the lessons of the Bible ... Here everything is explained with simple examples. A person can make many mistakes, but if he repents, then God will forgive him, as the father forgave his prodigal son.

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