Christian sketches for Easter for young people. Methodical development on the topic: Scenario of the holiday "Light Easter" for children of the senior preparatory group. Scene location

The Garden of Gethsemane ...

There is He, before Whom the demons trembled in terror, there is He, to Whom the sea and the winds obey ... And now He lies prostrate on the ground and groans from painful struggle and torment.

Reader 2
The Garden of Gethsemane ...

There is He who taught the people and did much good ... There is He Who opened the eyes of the blind and healed the crippled ... There He Who raised the dead, Who gave hope and healing, Who freed from the bonds of Satan, Who raised with His tender touch lame ...

And now He is in a heavy struggle ...

And drops of sweat, like drops of blood, slowly roll down His exhausted face.

Reader 3

The Garden of Gethsemane ...

There is One Who has always been surrounded by people ... And now He is alone ... Even the disciples - and they left Him. Sleep bound their eyes and they peacefully rest in the distance.


Reader 4

But the terrible screams are already approaching,

And the traitor touches the mouth

You can still be saved, you are God, you are great,

Why are you delaying, Jesus?

Among the noise of the crowd, among the angry scream,

When friends ran away

The garden echoed endlessly:

“God! Your will be done! "

He approached the betrayer without reproach,

And looking lovingly into my eyes

Judas the traitor's gaze met cruel

And a tear froze in my eyes ...

Reader 5

Like the darkness of sin over the perishable world,

The night is black over Judea.

And it seems - over the entire universe

Silence fell menacingly.

Christ in deep silence,

I looked with a calm sorrowful eye,

Over Judas ... There behind him,

Flashing torches and smoke.

The crowd froze in anticipation

Standing in silence in confusion

Disciples ... Judas is mute ...

“Why did you come, friend? What for?"

Reader 6

Thick olive trees drooped silently,

Every fleeting sound was heard.

In the stillness of the night, the sad noise of Kidron,

He mourned the beginning of the terrible torment.

Subdued warriors swords and armor,

The raised torch lit dimly.

Christ was led into cobbled chambers

He never visited the wards.

The dew was still sparkling in the moonbeams,

There was still peace and sleep under the sky,

Criminal and vicious interrogations

Hastily committed the Sinhedreon.

Elders with malice and derision,

They were preparing a criminal conspiracy.

In impotent rage they beat the cheeks,

And He was silent ... enduring the shame ...

Not a word of excuse answered,

He greeted slander with silence.

He voluntarily walked towards death,

With the power ...


And right ...

"GARDEN OF Gethsemane ..."

Reader 8

The blue sky was still shining

The trees were crying with the dew of the branches,

And He was silent, enduring the beatings,

He judged those who judged by His meekness.

From some incomprehensible depth.

And Pilate proposed on the eve of Easter,

Free the one who knew no guilt.

Lost in the vices of Judah,

Afraid that things will turn back

They demanded to release the villain.

And crucify the most innocent.

Reader 9

It seemed this would not happen:

Shame, horror, cross.

No, they do not dare, people cannot,

Execute the innocent Christ.

Him who raised from the dead,

Who healed their sons

What an insane force erased

Is it all in people's memory?

But the hour has struck ...

Its time has come ...

Loving the lost in heart,

Christ bore the burden to Calvary,

Taking on the sin of the world.


Reader 10



The last stage of the greats

Christ's suffering

Here lies a Roman soldier on the cross,

Tearing off his woven tunic.

Nails set, hammer blow

And red blood flowed

But the executioner has a rough heart

Didn't flinch, didn't cry.

He continues his work calmly,

Nails hands and feet to the cross,

What a cruelty, what a heart

That pity does not know at all.

Here is a tree stained with holy blood,

With the crucified Christ they raise

And firmly him on the top of the mountain,

They fix it before the eyes of people.

Music "Sorrowful Mother ..."
(The reader speaks to the music)

Reader 11

I stood under the cross and sobbed,

Mother of the One who was crucified by the crowd.

Magdalene stood next to her,

Somewhere Peter was languishing not himself ...

Memories run before her:

How He was born, studied, grew up ...

“Is it possible for such suffering

Did Christ give birth to you? "

Whether for that under the native roof
So many times I whispered "Sleep!"

So that in a terrible hour then hear

Wild cry “Crucify Him! Crucify! ”



Done! .. The last, intelligible

He said ... And the mountain shook ...

The echo echoed to Him many times,

The curtain was torn in two in the temple.

Lightning cut the sky in two

Thunder roared, proclaiming to all worlds,

What's on the planet in mortal agony

The Son of Man gave up the spirit.

The solar disk is filled with blood in the sky,

Scarlet streams flowed from the cross.

And at the foot they froze helplessly,

Hands extended to the body of Christ.

And the light-faced rays extinguished.

The Messiah died ... Christ died ...

How can we mourn that great grief?

No! There wouldn't be enough tears on the ground ...


Reader 13

Killed! .. Heart stopped ...

Darkness fell over the ground ...

Everything ... The coffin is closed ... not by a thin door,

A heavy stone wall ...

The seal is attached to the grave

And the guards are awake in the night,

So that they completely forget about Christ,

About how he lived, what he taught ...

A vicious reprisal has taken place.

Prophecies and words came true.

There is deep mourning in the hearts of friends ...

The day goes by ...

Two passes ...


"Quiet in the garden ..."

(the reader speaks to the music)

Reader 14

Pre-dawn haze crept through mountains, valleys,

And in some courtyard a cock crowed timidly.

I can't hear the birds ...

Old cedars, olives dozed,

The last ray of hope, sparkling - still went out ...

The city was asleep ...

Immersed in terrible, terrible thoughts.

The one who gave them bread,

Healed the sick lepers

He died!

As a witness at the coffin, only a gloomy stone

Yes, and the guard is not clear why he was guarding the dead ...

PIANO: (music continues)
"Quiet in the garden ..."

Quiet ... But suddenly with wild blasphemy ...

A spiteful abuse bursts into memory

Cross ... Blood flows from the same hands

That many sick people were healed of their wounds.


(Sings only the 1st column)

The music of the song "Quiet in the Garden ..." continues

Reader 15 (speaking to music)

Everyone ... And no one will be able to help ...

The coffin is frighteningly empty for some reason

Oh, what a long night ...

Where are you, my Jesus?


(Sings 2nd column)

Reader 16

Dawn gilded the tomb

Burns on the branches of olives.

Mary hurry to the tomb

And the haze rises among the valleys.

No one utters a sound

Sleep reigns over the world

And parting fell like a shadow

To the regal Eleon.

And the golden ray as before
Glided over the tops of the mountains ...

In that hour, hope was born ...

The vastness smiled ...


GOT ... "

Christ is risen!

In the beginning, quietly, timidly,

The story sounded with heartfelt simplicity.

Then they spoke loudly everywhere,

Christ is risen! The coffin is empty!

Reader 18

Christ is risen!

To be with Him,

No need to go to Jerusalem ...

He is omnipresent! Now in every place,

We sing and rejoice together with Him!

Reader 17

Christ is risen!

Exclaims today

Earth with a heavenly glow of grief.
Christ is risen! The planet is chanting

Praise the Lord for the miracle!

Reader 18

And on the day when the heavens rejoice,

And the world is filled with the joy of spring

Together with all the redeemed people,
We will glorify the risen Christ!

"ALILLUJA! ..." (Handel)

Cast: Voiceover Detective Jesus Roman soldiers: 2 pcs. Angel Women: 2pcs Peter John Thomas Unnamed students: 2 pcs. High Priest (only needed for video) Scene: Part of the scene should be separated under the tomb: a small corner ...

Declaration for Easter I Jesus Friends, I foretell to you What is predetermined for me And in Galilee I precede you all as a whole one. Author The words of Christ are full of sorrow And in the set of oil lamps His Eyes that ...

Car for an hour. Diyovi individuals: Karkusha, Donkey, Pharaoh, Pharaoh's servants - 2, Radniki - 3, Moisey, Aaron, Evreyska sim'ya (father, mother, sin, donka), father with two sinami, Isus, NATO. Crazy for those who are not great, the actors can grate on ...

Reader 1: He had honor and glory in Heaven, He had His servants. I wasn’t offending anyone there, But I diminished for people. He knew persecution and suffering, Living in the midst of darkness and sin, But he won without hesitation All the temptations of the enemy. Then he took Calvary ...

Scene # 1 Yulia and Nastya appear on the stage. Nastya: The meeting was just great, you, as always, were at your best ... Yes, they just did not take their eyes off you and signed the contract without looking! And how do you do it ?! You're just smart ...

Cinderella Act 1. A girl runs in, hung from head to toe with bags of string bags. Behind the back is a backpack with a mop sticking out of it. Cinderella: Well, finally I'm home. Hurray-hurray (tired and out of breath). So. Have I bought everything? Dish sponges, cereals ...

Characters: fictional characters, with the help of which some of the true events are narrated. Cassia, a Jewish girl of the middle class, 17 years old, blind Miriam, Her younger sister, 15 years old Susanna, the Mother of Cassia and Miriam ...

RESURRECTION ACTION 1 Two soldiers are sitting near the fire and talking. On an iron plate, you need to light dry alcohol, and put twigs next to it. Or draw and put fire on cardboard. # 1 Not scary? # 2 Scary, evening, silence. No. 1 ...

TULIP AND NARCISSUS Theme of the scene: resurrection from the dead Authorship: Nason Dina, 1999 ACTORS: Tulip, Narcissus, gardener, author of DECORATION AND DECORATION: Flowers are dressed in yellow and red, respectively, a shovel for ...

Act 1 The Birth of Christ ACTORS: Joseph, Mary, Shepherd 1, Shepherd 2, Shepherd 3 DECORATIONS and DECORATIONS: baby, manger, barn, pitchfork, hay, sacks, wheel, hammer, saw, board, yoke, staffs 3, bags 3

Scene 1 Night. Two guards guard the stone at the tomb of Jesus. Guard 1: Don't sleep! Listen, get up! We have been ordered to guard the stone. Guard 2: What are you shouting for? Get out. I just went to lie down. Guard 1: We received the order ...

Three people stand on the stage and hold tree branches in their hands. Host: Once in a distant beautiful country On the highest beautiful mountain Three trees began to talk. They dreamed of their life. One said: 1st tree: When I grow up ...

Scene 1 On stage, Ruth is doing household chores. Ruth: What could have happened? Where could he stay for so long? Maybe something happened in the synagogue? Excited Joseph enters. Ruth: Joseph, you finally came, I am so ...

Declamation "Easter"

anna myrmyr

Time does not diminish the flow of all the importance of bygone days.

Through the years of denial and oblivion, the light of truth burns even stronger.

He lived! He's alive! The Living Word of God cannot be killed or buried.

The executions and fetters were powerless, the Lord became omnipotentfriends.

Other countries are covered with sand, the names of former kings are forgotten, The land and oceans are changing, but the fire of Christ's altars is alive. And now for the twentieth century a fire has been burning, dispelling the darkness. The Risen Christ, earthly children sing "Hosanna" to God

his own.

Christ is risen! Truly resurrected!

What a miracle could be even stronger.

And glee goes to heaven

And hundreds of times stronger comes from there.

Christ is risen! The curse is over.

Now all the blessings have come.

And joy rises in the chest,

Are we in Jesus? children of Sunday.

Christ is risen, hell has collapsed forever,

God also calls you to life.

Go forward and don't look back

Only follow Christ, and He knows the way.

Christ is risen! And eternity is before you.

The door is open. There are only moments left.

And I appeal to you, my friend, with a prayer:

Go to Christ and be saved!

There were six days before Easter.

Jesus came to Bethany to see friends.

So that the future becomes more visible,

He took the disciples there with Him.

The supper was prepared

By the hands of Martha, efficient as always,

And Lazarus lay down near the table,

Where the guests are accommodated, who is where.

Mary, having taken the whole pound of the world,

Anointed Jesus' feet with them

And wiped it with hair ... and riot

In the soul of Judas rose like smoke:

"What a waste!" ? the villain hissed,

Christ replied: "Do not bother her ..."

What a pity, but, unfortunately, I'm not pouring streams on Your headpeace,

What a pity that, unfortunately, I'm not a crystal tear Your feet are washed.

What a pity that, unfortunately, I was not looking for You in the crowd with hope,

What a pity that I scourged You, and nails into Your handsscored.

And you there, on Calvary, dying, said briefly: “Howsorry!

What a pity that you do not accept Me, what a pity ... I am solove you!"

What a pity, Christ, forgive me that! And you forgave, took everythingmy sins,

To the cry "crucify" he answered with love: "Oh, do not charge her,Father, do not charge! "

Yes, you are risen! You have accomplished a victory! And holy blood forspilled me.

You freed the planet from sin, at the cost of life - you gave life to us.

In the morning Jesus went to Jerusalem.

Everywhere the news rolled like thunder.

The people threw down a crowd after him,

Who is as much as: on horseback, or on foot.

Jesus, sitting on a donkey,

In fulfillment of the ancient words about Him,

I entered the holy city,

Where Calvary was waiting for Him with a fatal cross.

While the delight of the crowd and crunching branches,

Festive flooring clothes and leaves,

And the cry “Hosanna, our king Jesus,

Son of David, blessed be! "

Jesus looked at the city and people

And I heard the sound of nails being driven in ...

On Easter, knowing that the time has come to leave Himthis world,

And go to the Father, Jesus gathered His disciples for a secreta humble feast.

"One of you will betray Me." "Is it not me, Lord, is it not me?" Students, family, friends

At that hour they did not know themselves.

“If all deny, they will falter in faith,

I alone will stand! ”- Peter said firmly.

"I will go to torture, behind the prison doors,

I am ready to die for You, my Christ. "

“Know, even before dawn, before the cock-crow,

No prison and no torture, no whips and threats

Renunciation will sound three times from Me ... "?

This is how the heart-giver Christ answered Peter.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, dejected by longing,

Knowing His fate, that the hour has come,

He asked his friends: “Pray with Me!

Be cheerful, do not sleep, do not sleep now. "

Where are your vows, where are your assurances?

You are lying on the grass, unable to raise your eyes.

You don't commit any crime yet,

You just sleep when He asks you not to sleep.

Here Judas came, here they lead to mockery.

The glitter of lights illuminated the dawn haze.

Where are you, Peter, now? You go far away

He did not dare to approach his Christ.

Why didn't he dare? Why in the distance

Where is the roadside bush closed from the crowd?

How is your oath? Where are your assurances ?!

You yourself promised to die with Christ!

Hiding among everyone, he did not look at the faces ...

Only timidity and fear squeezed my heart in my chest.

Among the servants and slaves, he sat down to dry himself

By someone else's fire in the yard of the judge.

Where are your vows, where are your assurances?

Does this mean that your oath before Jesus is empty?

By someone else's fire ... You are sitting next to those

Who will crucify Jesus Christ on the cross!

When bitterness and sorrow fill your heart,

When what is most precious is taken away

Do not try to keep warm by someone else's fire.

Don't rush to him, don't look for him.

And they took Jesus to crucify to the place that was calledCalvary Hill.

Friends set off in all directions, the enemies followed Him in a crowd around.

Calvary, Calvary!

The last stage of Christ's great sufferings. Here is a Roman soldier who puts him on the cross, taking off his tunicwoven.

Here is a saintly blood stained tree with Christ crucifiedraise

Christ is risen, only in Him is salvation, my soul is only in Him n olna!

Christ is risen, let the sinner know:

Christ is no longer in the grave. He who is resurrected from sin saves.

Only He is the light of the lost soul.

Risen - He is the eternal Creator,

In His hand are worlds, earth.

He is the infinite Almighty,

Glorify Him, my soul !!!

To the Lord's name- glory, praise and honor!

To the Lord's name- thanksgiving is!

To the Lord's name- greenery of earthly gardens.

To the Lord's name- paints of forest flowers.

To the Lord's name- gentle waves tide.

To the Lord's name- host of clouds in the distance.

To the Lord's Name - drops of rain. Winter.

To the Lord's name- spray of streams, spring.

To the Lord's name- rye gold, fruits.

To the Lord's name- a stream of water from the sky.

To the Lord's name- the tenderness of human hearts.

To the Lord's name- life, and its crown!

To the Lord's name- song, and prayers groan.

To the Lord's name- a thousand words, not a hundred.

To the Lord's name- bread and wine from bowls.

To the Lord's name- joy is our voice.

To the Lord's name- heart is good news.

To the Lord's Name -GLORY, PRAISE AND HONOR !!!

The real events on the basis of which the scene was staged took place during the period of developed socialism, on the eve of Easter. The lecturer argued to those gathered in one of the cinemas that there is no God. Proved long and "convincingly". At the end, as expected, he asked if there were any questions. One grandfather raised his hands: "Can I also go on stage to say two words?" "Of course, please," the lecturer kindly invited. The old man came out and, addressing the audience, said: "Christ is risen!" Several voices answered uncertainly from the audience: "He has truly risen." He uttered this phrase three times, and each time they answered him louder and more amicably from the audience, perhaps not expecting this from themselves, to the displeasure of the lecturer, who had already regretted having invited this old man to the stage. "Well," said grandfather, who was a believer, a Baptist, in conclusion, "I answered your question, is there a God!"

(On the stage there is a chair and a table with a decanter and a glass. A lecturer comes out with a folder, sits down at the table, opens the folder and begins to rearrange the sheets of paper, pretending to be preparing for the lecture. The author comes out.)

(Listeners begin to come in with chairs, one - two - three people (at the end of the scene they also leave with chairs), among them is an old Baptist. The lecturer actively greets them.)

Lecturer. Hello comrades! Please come in, have a seat! (He waits for everyone to sit down and begins the lecture.)
- Comrades! I see young and old people among you. We are all fortunate enough to live in a wonderful time: the heyday of science, culture, art; during developed socialism and victorious atheism. There are almost no dark, uncultured, poorly educated people left in our time who continue to believe in God. But there is NO God, comrades! And I want to prove it to you again today. Where is this God? Believers claim that He is in heaven. But our spaceships ply the endless expanses of the universe, and our valiant astronauts have not seen any God there. And why? Because He is not there and never was. And this is a scientific fact, comrades!

(You can still continue reasoning like this ... Then the author comes out, and during the words of the author, the lecturer switches to pantomime, as if continuing the lecture, actively gesticulates: raises his hands up, waves dismissively, grins sarcastically, confident that he is right and clearly pleased with his performance. Listeners sometimes nod, sometimes whisper.)

Lecturer. Are there any questions, comrades? (Old Baptist man raises his hand)

Old Baptist... I can also go on stage and say two words.

Lecturer. (Courtesy) Of course, please come out!

Old Baptist... (Addressing the audience) Christ is risen!

Listeners. (Uncertainly and quietly several voices) Truly resurrected ...

Old Baptist Man. Christ is risen!

Old Baptist... Christ is risen!

Listeners. (Almost everything, loudly) Truly resurrected!

(The lecturer at this time stands, dumbfounded, as if speechless, pours water from a decanter into a glass, drinks nervously.)

Old Baptist Man. (Turning to the lecturer) Well, I answered your question, is there a God.

(The lecturer leaves, waving his hand in confusion at everyone, and muttering something indignantly under his breath)

Author(Addressing the audience) We live now in a happy time when we can freely gather and praise God, joyfully exclaiming on the day of the Lord's Easter: "Christ is risen! - indeed he is risen!"

Material provided by Olga Plautina (09.2008).

Easter is called "Holidays Feast". Indeed, on this day, Christians celebrate the greatest event - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now, when many churches have opened in Russia and many people profess Christianity, the Feast of the Resurrection of the Lord is celebrated on a grand scale. In fact, Easter is celebrated even by those who have not yet decided on their attitude to religion. Therefore, it is necessary that children know about this date and understand the meaning of the celebration.

How to tell children about Easter?

In Orthodox families, children from an early age know about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and attend the festive liturgy in the church. But, along with them, there are guys who do not understand the meaning of the holiday or do not understand it well enough.

First of all, the purpose of the event in kindergarten or at school is informingchildren about the history of the holiday, about its meaning, about the traditions associated with Easter in our country and abroad. The organizers also set themselves educational tasksinstilling in children such qualities as the ability to empathize, attentiveness to loved ones, friendliness.

It is most convenient to solve all these problems in a children's team using various scenes. When preparing an event, remember that Easter is a religious holiday. Care must be taken not to offend the feelings of believers, to avoid inaccuracies and excessive simplification that distorts the meaning of events. Also, one should not introduce into the scenes the characters depicting Jesus Christ and the Mother of God: this is not accepted and can be perceived by the Orthodox Christians present as a profanation. At Christmas, for example, it was customary to demonstrate a nativity scene in which to show scenes related to the birth of Jesus. In them Jesus and His Mother were depicted not by people or dolls, but by an icon of a suitable size.

Do not get carried away with props and costumes if it is technically difficult. But it is necessary to use any attributes that symbolize the essence of the holiday or associated with traditions. For example, you can bring icons depicting the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and the Resurrection of the Lord, reproductions of paintings, and turn on church music.

It's hard to imagine celebrating Easter without a traditional treat. Probably, you should prepare cakes, colored eggs, and various goodies for this event.

In the design of the room, it is worth using images of eggs, flowers, birds, red ribbons and fabrics, religious symbols. Women can wear red headscarves and girls can wear red ribbons.

Sometimes it is difficult to strike a balance between the religious meaning of the holiday, which needs to be illuminated, and the secular nature of the children's institution in which the event will take place, but this must be striven for.

Easter scripts for kids

In the evangelical events preceding the Resurrection, there is much that is terrible and tragic. Apparently, you shouldn't talk about it at the holiday. This means that it makes sense to portray in the scenes any of the following subjects:

  1. history of Easter (Exodus of the Jews from Egypt);
  2. the conversation of the myrrh-bearing wives with the angel;
  3. dialogue between Mary Magdalene and Tiberius;
  4. conversation of modern people about history and modernity, traditions, the meaning of the holiday.

We offer a sketch for children 5-7 years old on the fourth topic.

Characters: Mom, Sonya, Olya

(Mom and Sonya are painting eggs. Olya enters)

Olya Hello. Will Sonya go for a walk?

Sonya Hello!

Mum Hello Olya. No, she's busy right now: we're painting eggs for Easter. And then we will go to the church to take out the Shroud.

Olya Why are you painting? And what is the Shroud?

Sonya Don't you celebrate Easter in your family?

Olya Yes, we'll buy a cake for tea. But I don't understand what kind of holiday it is.

Mum But sit down, Olenka, and we will tell you.

(Olya sits down)

Mum When the Lord Jesus Christ came to Jerusalem, many people rejoiced, because He healed the sick and taught how to live according to conscience. But there were also evil people who did not like the words of Christ. They decided to kill Him.

Olya Oh, did they really succeed?

Mum Yes. Judas the traitor led the guards to where Jesus was. The gentlemen were beaten and then sentenced to death.

Sonya He was executed on Friday, today in the church they will just remember how Jesus Christ was buried in a cave, wrapped in a shroud (such a cloth) and filled the entrance with a huge stone. And in the church the Shroud is an embroidered icon depicting Jesus Christ.

Olya I feel very sorry for Him.

Mum Of course it's a pity. But the Lord said that He would rise again on the third day. And so it happened. When the women came to cry over Jesus, they saw that a stone had been thrown from the entrance to the cave. The angel removed it. He told the women that Jesus was resurrected. And soon the women themselves saw the living Lord.

Olya They must have been very happy!

Sonya Still would! And we are all happy. We celebrate Easter in honor of this event. We tell everyone: "Christ is risen!" And the answer must be: "Indeed he is risen!"

Mum For this holiday we are preparing a treat: colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter.

Sonya At night we will go to church, and in the morning we will break our fast, that is, eat delicious food after fasting. And then we'll play.

Olya How to play?

Sonya We will roll eggs off the slide: who will roll away further. Let's fight with eggs: who will not break for longer. We will spin them: who will scroll longer.

Olya Oh, how interesting! Can I come to you?

Mum Of course, Olya, come, we will be very happy!