Presentation "the role of family and school in the formation of the school collective". Presentation "collective education or education of the collective" presentation on the topic Lecture collective in the education of the individual ppt

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Topic: Personality education in a team Free presentations

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Plan: The essence of the concept of the collective Dialectic of the collective and the individual in the education of the individual Types and structure of children's collectives Functions of the collective

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Kapterev P.F. Pirogov N.I. Ushinsky K.D. Lazursky A.F. “Children's mass”, “children's community”, “corporate spirit of the school”.

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Shatsky Stanislav Teofilovich (1878-1934) The first experimental station for public education 1919-1932

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What does a personality collective give? Satisfies the needs of the individual in communication and self-affirmation; is the sphere of her life (a person is constantly in some kind of associations, entering into various interactions and relationships with other people); rich emotional experience; behavioral experience, social value which is very significant in the subsequent life of a person; through communication and interaction creates conditions for knowing oneself, one's merits and problems; gives you the opportunity to show your individuality, to express yourself.

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"Collective" (from Lat. Сllective - collective) is a social community of people united on the basis of socially significant goals, common value orientations, joint activities and communication.

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Children's collective - a children's group in which a system of highly moral aesthetically educating social relations, activities and communication is created, contributing to the formation of the personality and the development of the individuality of each of its members.

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Signs of a team: 1) the conscious nature of uniting people; 2) the unity of the general and personal goals of the team members; H) relative stability and duration of functioning; 4) clear organizational structure external and internal connections and relationships; 5) the presence of self-government bodies; b) generally accepted norms of behavior and general value orientations; 7) intellectual and moral atmosphere and favorable climate; 8) the security of each member of the team and a sense of emotional comfort; 9) cohesion; 10) collective activity, the result of which is achieved through the efforts of each member of the group; 11) interpersonal relationships, which are determined through the attitude towards a common cause.

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2. Dialectics of the collective and the individual in the upbringing of the personality "Individuality must, if possible, be kept intact." And F. Herbart

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Factors affecting the position of the student in the team Individual social experience Personal qualities team member, psychological characteristics External characteristics (physical strength, agility, beauty, “prestigious” acquaintances, possession of things that are significant in the eyes of the children's community).

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Models of interaction between the individual and the team Personality obeys the team Harmonization of relations (unity of social and personal aspirations and values, voluntary conformism) Personality subjugates the team (non-conformism, informal leadership) Accepts values, follows them Accepts in words, under pressure Rebellions

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The attitude of the individual to the collective active-positive passive-positive active-negative passive-negative

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The attitude of adults to the personality of the pupil is adequate with an overestimate with an underestimate of a negative indifferent

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Conditions for the effectiveness of the educational impact of the collective on the individual; the collective is the subject of education; regular change in the nature of the team's activities, its diversity; a wide range of social roles; creation of temporary teams, transfer of disadvantaged team members to where they can receive a higher status

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3. Types and structure of children's groups By structure Secondary (consists of primary) Primary (direct interpersonal contact of its members) (class)

A.S. Makarenko's pedagogical ideas

The hardest thing is to claim yourself

A.S. Makarenko

Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888-1939)

One of the domestic teachers and writers. He creatively rethought the classical pedagogical heritage, adopted active participation in pedagogical searches 1920-30s.

The range of Makarenko's scientific interests is aimed at questions methodology of pedagogy, theory of education, organization of education. Most thoroughly, he managed to present his views related to methodology of the educational process.

A.S. Makarenko developed a coherent pedagogical system, methodological framework which is pedagogical logic interpreting pedagogy as “first of all practical science ».

This approach means the need to identify a logical correspondence between the goals, means and results of education.

The key point of Makarenko's theory is parallel action thesis , that is, the organic unity of education and the life of society, the team and the individual.

With a parallel action, "freedom and well-being of the pupil" is ensured, who acts creator , and not an object of pedagogical influence.

The quintessence of the methodology of the education system, according to Makarenko, is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe educational team. The essence of this idea is the need to form a single workforce of teachers and pupils , the vital activity of which serves as a breeding ground for the development of personality and individuality.

fundamentals of pedagogy A.S. Makarenko

1. Raising children in a team

Team Is a contact set of people based on the following principles:

  • common goal;
  • general activity;
  • discipline;
  • self-government bodies;
  • the connection of this team with society

By its structure, the team is divided into 2 types: general and primary. Education should start from the primary team. This is a collective in which its individual members are in constant business, everyday, friendly and ideological association.

2. Discipline and regime

Discipline Is not a means and not a method of education . it result the entire educational system. Upbringing - this is not moralizing, it is a well-organized student life.

Discipline logic: discipline should first of all be required from the team; the interests of the collective are above the interests of the individual if the individual is consciously opposing the collective.

Modemeans (method) education ... It should be obligatory for everyone, right on time.

Mode properties: should be appropriate; accurate in time; compulsory for everyone; is changeable. Education should be without punishment, if, of course, education is properly organized. The punishment should not bring the child moral and physical suffering.

3. Labor education

Makarenko could not imagine his parenting system without participation in productive labor ... In his commune, labor was of an industrial nature. Children worked and studied 4 hours a day. An evening Industrial Technical School was opened. The principle of complete self-sufficiency of the commune.

The problem of family education

Makarenko writes lectures for parents on education, in which there are general conditions for family education, writes about parental authority , about labor education in the family , about discipline , about sex education .

He writes "A Book for Parents", considers problems of pedagogical skills and pedagogical technique .

collectivism in the concept A. S. Makarenko

« In the simplest definition, collectivism means a person's solidarity with society ”(A. S. Makarenko).

This side of the personality includes the following signs:

1. Ability to work in a team;

2. a developed ability for collective creativity;

3. comradely solidarity and mutual assistance;

4. active participation in collective activities;

5. taking care of your team and its prospects;

6. awareness of oneself as the master of the collective;

7. responsibility for their comrades and for the entire team;

8. the ability to order and obey a comrade;

9. desire and need to subordinate their interests to the team;

10. accepting collective perspectives and traditions as our own.

Anton Semenovich developed and brilliantly used in practice the principle of parallel impact on the individual through the team. Anton Semenovich was the first to scientifically developed methods of education in a team, considered issues such as:

Team structure;

Team relationships;

Pedagogical requirement, discipline, rewards and punishment;

Moral and labor education;

Work style;

Self-government, traditions;

Individual approach to children.

Makarenko advocated a wide and complete democratization of education and training , for the creation of a normal psychological climate, which gives everyone a guarantee of security. A guarantee of free and creative development.

One of the features of the democratic educational process

A.S. Makarenko believed self management .

Anton Semenovich organized the pedagogical and labor process in the commune that "Each person was included and the system of real responsibility" : both in the role of commander and in the role of private. Where this system was absent, Makarenko believed, weak-willed people, not adapted to life, often grow up.

Anton Semenovich considered the most important facet of the life of the educational team the nature of the relationship between teachers and their pupils : sought relations that are democratic, not authoritarian; relations based on comradely communication, friendship in the process of joint activities.

Educator is, first of all team member , and then a mentor, a senior friend.

Based on the views of prominent Soviet teachers, Makarenko took idea of \u200b\u200blabor and practically implemented it.

"Labor without education coming alongside, without civic, social upbringing running alongside does not bring educational benefits, it turns out to be neutral" (A. S. Makarenko).

- participation in productive labor immediately changed social status (the position of) adolescents, turning them into adult citizens with all the ensuing rights and obligations;

Anton Semenovich believed that work that does not mean creating value is not a positive element of education .

In the formation of the younger generation, one must also take into account family influence therefore Makarenko AS wrote an artistic journalistic "Book for Parents". He saw the secret of the success of "family" education in honest fulfillment by parents of their civic duty to society .

The personal example of parents, their behavior, actions, attitude to work, to people, to events and things, their relationship with each other - all this affects children, shapes their personality.

The pedagogical goal in the understanding of Makarenko

Makarenko believed that the leading component in education is pedagogical goal ... Purpose as an immutable law determines the content of the educational process, its methods, means, results ... The goal predetermines the requirements for the pupil, and for the educator, and for other subjects of the pedagogical process, for all the conditions of education.

Therefore, the goal of the educational process, Makarenko points out, should always be clearly felt by the educational organization and by each educator as obligatory, and “we must strive for it in direct and energetic action”. Educational work should be, above all expedient .

In this way, teacher , argues Makarenko, should always have a goal in every action, well present the result their work and create all terms to achieve this result.

The teaching staff as necessary condition education and training

Makarenko attached great importance to the formation of the teaching staff.

He wrote: "There must be a team of educators, and where educators are not united into a team and the team does not have a single work plan, a single tone, a single accurate approach to a child, there can be no educational process."

A.S. Makarenko revealed the pattern according to which the pedagogical skill of a teacher is conditioned by the level of formation of the teaching staff. "The unity of the teaching staff , - he believed, - an absolutely defining thing, and the youngest, most inexperienced teacher in a single, cohesive team, headed by a good master-leader, will do more than any experienced and talented teacher who runs counter to the teaching staff. There is nothing more dangerous than individualism and squabbles in the teaching staff, there is nothing more disgusting, there is nothing more harmful. "

Relations between teachers and pupils according to Makarenko

In the theoretical legacy and experience of A.S. Makarenko, the problem formation of relations between teachers and pupils - one of the central ones.

"It is the attitude that constitutes the true object of our pedagogical work." For this, the teacher enters into a personal relationship with students in order to fulfill the task of directing the development of students' attitudes towards the entire surrounding reality. He can and must consciously use his relations with students as a means of conscious regulation of the process of forming the entire set of relations of his students to the surrounding reality.

Relationship between teachers and students - this is the interaction of the subjects of the educational process, guided by teachers in accordance with the goals of education put forward by society and conditioned socially and psychologically by the entire system of material and ideological relations prevailing in society.

The works of A.S. Makarenko revealed the essence and foundations of the methodology for the formation of humane, comradely relations between teachers and students ... Fundamentally new in his approach to this problem was that he was able to overcome the purely declarative nature of proclaiming the role of the collective.

Teaching experience according to Makarenko

When analyzing the characteristics of students, Makarenko proceeded from the concept teaching experience how extremely complex social phenomenon .

Him the main components act the personality of the student and the personality of the teacher setting certain educational goals; there are certain educational means , terms ; they correspond results . Patterns the process of education is nothing more than significant, persistent, repetitive links between these components of education.

Thus, another requirement for the personality of the teacher Makarenko is the presence and constant accumulation of pedagogical experience, constant observation and processing of the teacher in his relationship with children.

Features of pedagogical techniques according to Makarenko

Taking into account the peculiarities of the situation and the personal qualities of the student, Makarenko believed, the teacher finds your educational method , which more than others, can change the behavior of the student. That is, he must find the best way , give your amendment to general methodusing the team, setting, time factor, and so on. It is impossible to apply the same technique in a stencil, without searching for creative options, amendments that are most effective for a given student.

The development of teacher's pedagogical skills is underway logically : from imitative transfer of techniques into one's experience to its creative refraction, to variability and creation of new own means of touching the personality of the pupil.

some of the techniques used by Makarenko:

a) Method - "Attack in the forehead". This method was applied by Anton Semenovich to the strong spirit of the pupils

b) Method "Roundabout movement", when “the whole collective is restored against the individual

c) Anton Semenovich considered an important means of education "Word impact"

d) He attached great importance in the matter of education pedagogical technique

e) "Method of switching passions"

The freedom of creativity of the teacher in the views of Makarenko

Makarenko paid special attention in his pedagogical practice and attempts to generalize it theoretically the role of the teacher in the educational process , believing that the teacher, deprived of a uniquely interpreted freedom of creativity, subject to a petty check, will bring nothing but harm to the pupil.

The educator must have the right to risk, freedom of maneuver in complex and unpredictable conditions of pedagogical interaction, but within the framework of its specific attitudes, which is decisive.


1. Gordin L.Yu Dialectics of universal and socialist values \u200b\u200bin the heritage of A.S. Makarenko // A.S. Makarenko today: new materials, research, experience. - Bottom. Novgorod, 1992.

2. Kozlov I.F. The pedagogical experience of A.S. Makarenko. Book for the teacher. - M .: Education.

3. Makarenko A.S. Pedagogical poem // Ped. cit .: In 4 volumes - M .: Pravda, 1987. - Vol. 1. - S. 149-570.

4. Makarenko A.S. Problems of Soviet school education // Ped. cit .: In 8 volumes / Comp. M.D. Vinogradova, A.A. Frolov. - M .: Pedagogy, 1984. - T.4.

5. Morgun V.F. AS Makarenko and the problem of the “multidimensionality” of the personality (questions of psychology) // AS Makarenko. Makarenko today: new materials, research, experience. - Bottom. Novgorod, 1992.

6. Opalikhin V.M. Mastering the ideas and experience of A.S. Makarenko in schools Chelyabinsk region // A.S. Makarenko today: new materials, research, experience. - Bottom. Novgorod, 1992.

7. Pityukov V.Yu. Pedagogical operation as a unit of the educational process and the manifestation of a technological approach in education // A.S. Makarenko today: new materials, research, experience. - Bottom. Novgorod, 1992.

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A.S. Makarenko believed that the teacher's clear knowledge of the goals of education is the most indispensable condition for a successful teaching activities... In the conditions of Soviet society, the goal of education should be, he pointed out, the education of an active participant in socialist construction, a person devoted to the ideas of communism. "The upbringing of a new person is a happy and feasible thing for pedagogy," he said, referring to Marxist-Leninist pedagogy. A.S. Makarenko believed that the teacher's clear knowledge of the goals of education is the most indispensable condition for successful pedagogical activity. In the conditions of Soviet society, the goal of education should be, he pointed out, to educate an active participant in socialist construction, a person devoted to the ideas of communism. "The upbringing of a new person is a happy and feasible thing for pedagogy," he said, referring to Marxist-Leninist pedagogy.

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Respect for the personality of the child, a benevolent look at his potential to perceive the good, become better and show an active attitude to the environment have invariably been the basis of A.S. Makarenko. He approached his pupils with the Gorky appeal "As much respect as possible for a person and as much demand for him as possible." Respect for the personality of the child, a benevolent look at his potential to perceive the good, become better and show an active attitude to the environment have invariably been the basis of A.S. Makarenko. He approached his pupils with the Gorky appeal "As much respect as possible for a person and as much demand for him as possible."

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Makarenko added his own call to the call for all-forgiving, patient love for children, which was widespread in the 1920s: love and respect for children must necessarily be combined with requirements for them; children need "demanding love," he said. Socialist humanism, expressed in these words and running through the entire educational system of Makarenko, is one of its basic principles. A.S. Makarenko deeply believed in the creative powers of man, in his capabilities. He strove to "design" the best in a person. Makarenko added his own call to the universal forgiving, patient love for children, which was widespread in the 1920s: love and respect for children must necessarily be combined with requirements for them; children need "demanding love," he said. Socialist humanism, expressed in these words and running through the entire educational system of Makarenko, is one of its basic principles. A.S. Makarenko deeply believed in the creative powers of man, in his capabilities. He strove to "design" the best in man

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Supporters of "free education" objected to any kind of punishment of children, claiming that "punishment brings up a slave." Makarenko rightly objected to them, saying that "impunity educates a bully," and believed that reasonably chosen, skillfully and rarely applied punishment, except, of course, corporal, is quite acceptable. Supporters of "free education" objected to any kind of punishment of children, claiming that "punishment brings up a slave." Makarenko rightly objected to them, saying that "impunity educates a bully," and believed that reasonably chosen, skillfully and rarely applied punishment, except, of course, corporal, is quite acceptable.

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A.S. Makarenko resolutely fought against pedology. He was one of the first to speak out against the "law of the fatalistic conditionality of the fate of children by heredity and some unchanging environment" formulated by pedologists. He argued that any Soviet child, offended or spoiled by the abnormal conditions of his life, can improve, provided that a favorable environment is created and the correct methods of upbringing A.S. Makarenko resolutely fought against pedology. He was one of the first to oppose the "law of the fatalistic conditionality of the fate of children by heredity and some unchanging environment" formulated by pedologists. He argued that any Soviet child, offended or spoiled by the abnormal conditions of his life, can improve, provided that a favorable environment is created and the correct methods of education are applied.

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In any Soviet educational institution, pupils should be oriented toward the future, not the past, call them ahead, open up to them joyful real prospects. In any Soviet educational institution, pupils should be oriented toward the future, not the past, call them ahead, open up to them joyful real prospects. "To educate a person means to educate him," said A. S. Makarenko, "promising paths along which his tomorrow's joy is located. You can write a whole method of this critical work"This work should be organized according to a" system of perspective lines. "

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Much credit goes to A.S. Makarenko consisted in the fact that he developed a complete theory of the organization and education of the children's collective and the individual in the collective and through the collective. Makarenko saw the main task of educational work in the correct organization of the team. Much credit goes to A.S. Makarenko consisted in the fact that he developed a complete theory of the organization and education of the children's collective and the individual in the collective and through the collective. Makarenko saw the main task of educational work in the correct organization of the team. "Marxism," he wrote, "teaches us that one cannot consider a person outside of society, outside of the collective." The most important quality of a Soviet person is his ability to live in a team, enter into constant communication with people, work and create, subordinate his personal interests to the interests of the team.

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Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Student collective and its formation Lecturer of physics of GBPOU MO "Serpukhov College" Degtyareva Lyubov Vasilievna

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Team: 1) a group of people united by socially significant goals and joint activities aimed at achieving them (Makarenko); 2) the social community of people united on the basis of socially significant goals, common value orientations, joint activities and communication (Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia). Basic concepts

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A student teaching and educational collective is an organized group in which its members are united by common values \u200b\u200band goals of activity that are significant for all students, and in which interpersonal relationships are mediated by the socially and personally significant content of joint activities (Slastenin, Isaev, Shiyanov). Basic concepts

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A student upbringing collective is an association of students with socially significant goals, organizing a variety of joint activities, having governing bodies and connected by collectivist relations (Pedagogy / Ed. By Krivshenko, 2004). Basic concepts

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The pedagogical principles of the organization of the collective: Prospective lines - zones of movement of the collective Parallel action: the education of an individual and a collective should take place only jointly Relations of responsible dependence Continuity of Self-government. The relationship between the individual and the team

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Three models of the development of relations between the individual and the team: Personality obeys the team (conformism) Personality and the team are in optimal conditions (harmony) Personality subordinates the team (nonconformism). The relationship between the individual and the team

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Each person has an individuality. Individuality is the unique uniqueness of an individual, which manifests itself in the peculiarities of his thinking, feelings, attitudes, behavior. I., on the one hand, is the readiness to oppose the opinion of the majority, to resist the demands of mutual responsibility, the ability to protect one's “I”, one's creativity from the pressure of prohibitions. On the other hand, self-discipline, adequate self-esteem, purposeful work on oneself. A full-fledged personality combines the traits of an individualist and a collectivist. The relationship between the individual and the team

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A socially significant goal. The presence of useful (socially useful) activities aimed at achieving the goal. The presence of a well-formed core - an asset, self-government bodies. A certain system of interdependence, a certain system of relations. There should be a sense of comfort. Communication with other teams, which can be in the form of correlation. Cooperation, patronage. Signs of the team

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Team educational organization (school-wide, college-wide, etc.) consists of a teaching staff (educators and teachers) and children (student collective or student educational collective), which consists of primary collectives (study group / class, circle, section, club, etc. .). The structure of the staff of the educational organization

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The development of a team is associated with overcoming contradictions: Between the team and individual students or groups of students who are ahead of it in their development or, conversely, lagging behind its development Between the prospects of the team and the prospects of its members Between the norms of behavior adopted in the team and the norms that have spontaneously developed in its separate groups Between individual groups of students with different value orientations. Development of the team of the educational organization

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Along with overcoming contradictions, it is important to have “integrating impulses” - joint actions of the entire team (programs, holidays, actions, overcoming difficulties). Not only common goals are integrating, but also actions to achieve them. Development of the team of the educational organization

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The dynamism of the structure of the team allows the development of not only intergroup, but also interpersonal relations (associations of different ages by interests, creative groups consisting of students of different educational groups (classes) Cooperation of teachers and students (stimulating student activity, ensuring self-organization of student collectives) Development of student self-government as a form organizing the life of a team of students, ensuring the development of children's independence in making and implementing decisions to achieve socially significant goals. Development of the team of an educational organization

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Plan 1. The concept of "collective", characteristics of the collective, its functions, structure and main types. 2. Development of the theory of the collective in the works of domestic teachers. 3. The role of the children's team in the development of personality. 4. Stages and levels of development of the children's team. 5. Basic conditions for the development of the children's team.

The concept of "collective", signs of a collective, its functions, structure and main types A children's collective is a group of children who are united by common goals that have socially valuable meaning and joint activities organized to achieve them. A team is a group of people of a high level of development, distinguished by cohesion, integrative activity, collectivist orientation. Collectivism is a feeling of solidarity with a group, an awareness of oneself as a part of it, a willingness to act in favor of the group and society.

The children's team is the most important factor in purposeful socialization and personality education. Children's educational team - 1) a system of collectivist, highly moral and aesthetically educating social relations, activities and communication in the children's environment, which contributes to the formation of personality and the development of individuality; 2) a group of a high level of development, where interpersonal relations are mediated by the socially valuable and personally significant content of joint activities. The primary team is a team in which pupils are in constant business and interpersonal interaction.

The collective attitude is expressed the more clearly, the more active the members of the collective, the more fully they use their individual capabilities in the life of the collective. The more independent a student is in collective socially useful activity, the higher his status in the team and the higher his influence on the team. Signs of a team: the presence of socially significant goals, their consistent development as a condition and mechanism for constant movement forward; systematic inclusion of pupils in various social activities; appropriate organization of joint activities; systematic practical communication of the children's collective with society; positive traditions and exciting prospects; atmosphere of mutual assistance, trust and exactingness; developed criticism, self-criticism, conscious discipline.

Team functions: Organizational function - the children's collective becomes the subject of managing their socially useful activities. Educational function - the children's collective becomes the bearer and promoter of certain ideological and moral convictions. Incentive function - the team contributes to the formation of morally valuable incentives for all socially beneficial affairs, regulates the behavior of its members, their relationships. Team structure Starosta Aktiv - the most active and respected schoolchildren Temporary collective bodies (councils, headquarters) Meeting of pupils

The main types of children's groups 1. By the nature of the activity: organized on the basis of various activities (classes, groups); organized on the basis of one type of activity (circles, sections, clubs); organized on the basis of gaming and other activities at the place of residence. 2. By age structure: the same age; uneven ages.

Development of the theory of the collective in the works of domestic teachers in the 20s. XX century - the central task was to create a close-knit team of schoolchildren. Lunacharsky A.V. considered the main goal of upbringing - the all-round development of a person who can live in harmony with others. On the basis of the collective, the characteristics of the human personality can develop. While fostering individuality on the basis of collectivism, it is necessary to ensure the unity of personal and social orientation. N.K. Krupskaya gave a comprehensive justification for the benefits of collective education of children and adolescents. Problems of practical importance received a thorough theoretical study in her works: the child's active position in the establishment of collectivist relations; connection of the children's collective with the wider social environment; self-government in the children's collective and the methodological foundations of its organization.

S.T. Shatsky was the head of the commune school, proved in practice the possibility of organizing a children's collective and confirmed the effectiveness of the primary school collective as an effective form of organizing pupils, opening up broad prospects for the all-round development of the child's personality. A.S. Makarenko made a significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of the collective, deeply substantiated the concept of the educational collective. The pedagogical principles underlying the organization of the children's collective provided a clear system of rights and obligations that determine the social position of each member of the collective. The system of perspective lines, the principle of parallel action, the relationship of responsible dependence, the principle of publicity were aimed at evoking the best in a person, providing him with joyful well-being, security, self-confidence, and forming a constant need to move forward.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky has implemented a successful attempt to construct the CPP. The basis of the educational system of the creative development of the individual is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe directed development of the child's subjective position. He formulated the principles that should form the basis for the formation of the school team. Since the beginning of the 60s. In the twentieth century, social sciences became interested in the problem of the collective: philosophy, social psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, criminalistics. Pedagogical research was aimed at identifying the most effective forms of organization, methods of rallying and forming educational groups (T.E. Konnikova, L.I. Novikova, M.D. Vinogradova, A.V. Mudrik, O.S. Bogdanova), the development of principles and methods for stimulating collective activity (L.Yu. Gordin, M.P. Shultz), the development of educational functions of the collective and self-government in it (V.M. Krotov), \u200b\u200bthe development of pedagogical instrumentation for the activities of the collective (E.S. Kuznetsova, N. E. Shchurkova).

The modern concept of the educational collective considers it as a kind of model of society, reflecting its inherent relations, its characteristic atmosphere, the system of human values \u200b\u200badopted in it. The children's team is seen as a model that reflects relationships today society and its development trends. At present such questions of the theory of the collective are being investigated as: mass, group and individual in the collective; the problem of collective goal-setting; the formation of the social orientation of the individual and the development of the creative individuality of the team members; identification and isolation in a team in their unity; unity of pedagogical leadership, self-government and self-regulation; trends in the development of the collective as a subject of education.

The role of the children's collective in personality development Children's collective is the main base for the accumulation of positive social experience by children. With admission to school, a child becomes a member of many collectives, some of which he chooses himself. The team opens up opportunities for the accumulation of experience of collective behavior in positions of subordination, active opposition and leadership. This should lead to the formation of such socially valuable qualities as citizenship, humanism, initiative, responsibility, social justice. The team forms such personal characteristicsas self-esteem, level of aspirations, self-esteem. In collective life, the intellectual and moral orientations of the individual, her civic position are formed. In a team environment labor activity stimulates the manifestation of mutual responsibility, mutual assistance, education in children of collectivism and a creative attitude to work.

Physical culture and health and artistic and aesthetic activities stimulate the exchange of spiritual values, the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality. These activities contribute to the emotional development of children, evoking feelings of collective empathy, empathy, a shared sense of the emotional and moral atmosphere and its co-creation. The team opens up opportunities for the practical development of democratic forms of organizing life. A pedagogically oriented team creates favorable opportunities for the formation of a socially valuable personality and the manifestation of its individuality.

Stages and levels of development of the children's team Stages of development of the team according to A.S. Makarenko The first stage - the sole requirement of the teacher should act as a means of uniting the collective. The group is not yet a collective. When a major style and tone appears in a group, the quality level of all types of objective activity and the allocation of an active asset, we can say that the group becomes a collective. The second stage - the asset should be the main vehicle of the requirements for the personality. This is where the parallel action method comes into play, since the teacher has the opportunity to rely on the group of students who support him in his requirements. The categorical requirement at this stage should become the requirement of the team. The third stage is the emergence of a system of self-government of the collective: the presence of collective bodies and the empowerment of them with real powers. It is with powers that responsibilities and the need for self-government arise.

Stages of development of the team according to L.I. Novikova 1) The stage of team building; 2) The stage of transformation of the team into a tool for the education of all students; 3) The stage when the correction of social experience and the development of the creative individuality of each pupil becomes the most important concern of the collective.

Levels of development of the children's collective 1. Group - conglomerate - the lowest level of collective formation; a group of previously unknown children who found themselves in the same space and at the same time. Their relationships and interactions are situational and superficial. If a group gets its name, then it becomes a nominal group, with specified goals, activities, conditions for interaction with other groups. 2. Group - association - this is the group in which the initial unification took place, the children assumed the status of the primary collective, the goals of each person in the group are projected by the task. 3. Group - cooperation is a really and successfully operating organizational structure with high level group preparedness and cooperation. 4. Group - autonomy is a group with high inner unity in all substructures and general qualities. The process of separation, standardization, internal fusion and cohesion takes place in it.

5. Group - corporation - false collective; it is a closed, isolated group, opposing itself to other groups. 6. Group - collective - a group that enters into intergroup communication and interaction, an organic part of a wider community.

Basic conditions for the development of the children's collective 1) Various types of activities of schoolchildren act as the most important means of forming a collective. 2) The activities of pupils should be built in compliance with a number of conditions: skillful presentation of requirements, the formation of a healthy public opinion, the organization of exciting prospects, the creation and multiplication of positive traditions of collective life. 3) Organization of promising aspirations of pupils - the law of movement of the collective. 4) Organization of self-government. 5) Accumulation and strengthening of traditions.