Labor efficiency in quality. Research of the effectiveness of human activity in the labor process. According to the level of use of reserves, there are

"Psychology of Labor" - A REFERENCE on labor psychology and employment psychology. JOB SEARCH is a type of activity for the purpose of employment. Distinguish between absolute and relative P.P. … Author.

"Labor education" - What is labor education? “Labor has always been the basis for humanity and culture. D. Ushinsky. What is labor? Formation of a system of labor education in a boarding school. Therefore, in educational work, work should be one of the main elements ”A.S. Makarenko.

"Division of Labor" - +. Collaborative work makes better use of labor. Vertical integration... The main branches of the production sphere. Primary sphere. A high degree of specialization of production and the ability to work on individual orders. More opportunities for personal initiative, creativity, and reasonable risk.

"Discipline of Labor" - Source labor law -Labor Code RF (Labor Code of RF 2002). Labor law is an industry that regulates relations in the field labor activity... For an indefinite period (most frequent). For the duration of a certain job. For a certain period, no more than 5 years (contract). You can get a job from 16 years old (with parental permission from 14 years old).

"Labor activity" - Material production activity of a person. Modern worker. The labor of people in material production is of particular importance. On the contrary, initiative is evidence of high professionalism. Initiative and dedication are interconnected. Strict adherence to technological norms is called technological discipline.

"Labor motivation" - Professionally motivated employee. Lack of necessary information. Lack of psychological and organizational support. 2. Formation of a certain motivational structure of a person. The dynamics of demotivation. Motivation theory. Demotivation stages. 10. Requirements for effective system information.

There are 15 presentations in total

Almost everyone works to secure and improve their lives. The work uses mental and physical abilities. Today, in the modern world, labor activity is more extensive than it was before. How does the process and organization of labor take place? What types are there? Why does a person refuse to work? Read the answers to the questions below ...

The concept of work

Work is mental and physical efforts used to achieve a certain result. Man uses his abilities for consistent labor and his conclusion. Human work is aimed at:

1. Raw materials (a person works with them to bring them to the final result).

2. Means of labor are transport, household inventory, tools and equipment (with their help, a person makes any product).

3. The cost of living labor, which is the salary of all personnel in production.

A person's labor activity can be both complex and simple. For example, one plans and controls the entire process of work - this is mental ability. There are workers who record indicators on the counter every hour - this is physical work. However, it is not as difficult as the first one.

Labor efficiency will be improved only when a person has certain work skills. Therefore, people are accepted for production not by those who have just graduated from the university, but by those who have experience and skills.

Why does a person need work

Why are we working? Why does a person need work? Everything is very simple. To meet human needs. Most people think so, but not all.

There are people for whom work is self-realization. Often such work brings minimal income, but thanks to it, a person does what he loves and develops. When people do a job they like, then the work is better. Career also refers to self-realization.

A woman who is fully dependent on her husband goes to work only in order not to degrade. Household life often "eats up" a person so much that you start to lose yourself. As a result, you can turn from an interesting and intelligent personality into a domestic hen. Such a person becomes uninteresting to those around him.

It turns out that the work activity of the employee is the essence of the personality. Therefore, you need to assess your abilities and choose the job that not only brings income, but also pleasure.

Types of work

As mentioned earlier, a person uses mental or physical abilities to work. There are about 10 types of labor activity. They are all varied.

Labor activities:

Physical labor includes:

  • manual;
  • mechanical;
  • conveyor labor (work on a conveyor belt in a chain);
  • work in production (automatic or semi-automatic).

Types of mental work include:

  • managerial;
  • operator's;
  • creative;
  • educational (this also includes medical professions and students).

Physical work - performing labor with the use of muscle activity. They can be involved in part or in full. For example, a construction worker carrying a bag of cement (muscles in the legs, arms, back, torso, etc. work). Or the operator writes the readings into the document. This involves the muscles of the arms and mental activity.

Mental work - reception, use, processing of information. This work requires attentiveness, memory, thinking.

Today, only mental or physical labor is a rarity. For example, they hired a builder to renovate an office. He will not only make repairs, but also calculate how much material is needed, what is its cost, how much the work costs, etc. Both mental and physical abilities are involved. And so at every job. Even if a person works on an assembly line. This work is monotonous, the production is the same every day. If a person does not think, then he cannot perform the right actions. And so it can be said about any type of labor activity.

Labor motive

What prompts a person to do a certain job? Of course it is financial side... The higher the salary, the better man trying to do his job. He understands that a poorly done task pays worse.

The motivation for work is not only in monetary terms, there are also non-material aspects. For example, many people will be happy to work if you create a friendly atmosphere in the team. Frequent turnover at work cannot create warmth among employees.

Some workers have social needs. That is, it is important for them to feel the support of their leaders and colleagues.

There is a type of people who need attention and praise. They should feel that their work is in demand and they are not putting their efforts into work in vain.

Certain employees want to self-actualize through work. They are ready to work tirelessly, the main thing is to give them a boost.

Therefore, each employee needs to find the right approach so that they have the motivation for work. Only then will the work be done quickly and efficiently. After all, every person needs to be encouraged to work.

Organization of labor activity

At each production or enterprise, a certain system is established by which a person's labor activity is calculated. This is done so that the work does not get lost. The organization of labor activity is planned, then recorded in certain documents (diagrams, instructions, etc.).

The work planning system specifies:

  • workplace workers, its lighting, equipment and activity plan (for work, a person must have all the necessary materials);
  • division of labor;
  • methods of work (actions that are performed in the process);
  • reception of labor (determined by the method of work);
  • working time (how much the employee must be at the workplace);
  • working conditions (what is the workload of the work performer);
  • labor process;
  • quality of work;
  • discipline of work.

To have high productivity in the enterprise, it is necessary to adhere to the planned organization of work.

Labor process and its types

Each work takes place with the help of a person. This is the process of labor activity. It is divided into types:

  • by the nature of the subject of labor (the work of employees - the subject of work is technology or economics, the labor activity of ordinary workers is associated with materials or any details).
  • by functions of employees (workers help to produce products or maintain equipment, managers monitor the correct work);
  • on the participation of workers in the level of mechanization.

The last parameter can be distinguished:

  1. Process handmade (machines, machine tools or tools are not used in labor activity).
  2. The process in machine-manual work (labor activity is performed using a machine tool).
  3. Machine process (labor activity occurs with the help of a machine, while the worker does not apply physical force, but monitors the correct course of work).

Working conditions

People work in different fields. Working conditions are a number of factors that surround a person's workplace. They affect his work and health. They are divided into 4 types:

  1. Optimal working conditions (1st grade) - human health is not getting worse. Managers help the employee maintain a high level of work.
  2. Acceptable working conditions (2nd grade) - the employee's work is normal, but health periodically deteriorates. True, it is already normalizing by the next shift. According to the documents, harmfulness is not exceeded.
  3. Harmful working conditions (3rd class) - harmfulness is exceeded, and the employee's health deteriorates more and more. Hygiene standards have been exceeded.
  4. Dangerous working conditions - with such work, a person runs the risk of contracting very dangerous diseases.

For optimal conditions, the employee must breathe clean air, room humidity, constant air movement, room temperature must be normal, and it is desirable to create natural lighting. If all the norms are not observed, then a person gradually receives harm to his body, which will affect his health over time.

Quality of work

This category is the most important for work. After all correct work affects the volume and quality of products. The workforce requires professional skills, qualifications and experience. These qualities make it clear what kind of work a person is capable of. Very often people at enterprises are not fired, but first trained, over time improving their qualifications.

First of all, a person himself must be aware of responsibility in work and approach it with high quality. If you show your literacy and professionalism, then the management will decide on advanced training and promotion. Thus, the quality of work is improved.


It can be concluded that a person needs to work for several reasons. It is advisable to choose labor activity according to your abilities and sympathy. Only then will the work be done with dignity and quality. It is imperative to pay attention to working conditions. Always remember what your health depends on. In the process of work, be very careful, since it is possible that work-related injuries, which entail not only problems for the employee, but also for the management, are possible. For successful, high productivity, adhere to all the rules and regulations by which the enterprise operates. Always leave all problems at home, and go to work with a smile, as if on a holiday. If the day starts with a good mood, then it will end as well.

The concept of efficiency and labor efficiency

The efficiency of a particular activity is usually understood as the degree of achievement of a particular goal, correlated with the degree of rationality of spending the resources used in this case. In this way, labor efficiency Is the relationship between labor productivity and cost efficiency.

Determination of labor efficiency is of great practical importance for developing strategies and tactics in addressing issues of ensuring the successful operation of enterprises in market conditions. This process of finding the best solutions in different areas labor activity in order to achieve better results while reducing the cost per unit of these results can be called efficiency of labor, that is, the efficiency of labor results in an increase in labor efficiency.

The increase in labor efficiency is very important condition increasing real incomes. In developed capitalist countries, labor efficiency is seen as the only source of real economic growth and progress. Currently, in the context of growing competition in the global market, any country must maintain a competitive level of labor efficiency, at least in key sectors.

The multidimensionality of labor efficiency as a socio-economic category requires consideration following indicatorsexpressing its essence:

· Labor productivity;

· Quality of work.

Labor efficiency indicators

1. Labor productivity and methods of its measurement
Labor productivity characterizes the efficiency of labor costs in the sphere of material production. The measurement of labor productivity is carried out by comparing the results of labor in the form of the volume of products produced with labor costs, expressed by the average number or hours worked.

Depending on the direct or inverse relationship of these values, there are two indicators that determine labor productivity: production and labor intensity. The first expresses the growth of labor productivity through an increase in the volume of products produced per unit of time or per one average employee; and the second characterizes the same phenomenon by the economy of labor expended on the output of a unit of output.

Generation (B) - the amount of products produced per unit of time, or per one average employee or worker per year (quarter, month):

where ABOUT -volume of products produced;

T -hours worked during production, hour;

Haverage headcount workers (workers), people

The absolute value (level) of production does not give a complete characteristic of labor productivity, and it is also impossible to compare the absolute level of output in the production of various products. Therefore, labor productivity can only be compared by production dynamics:


where I in - production growth index;

In the report- production in the reporting period;

In bases- production in the base period.

Depending on the units in which the volume of production is measured, there are three methods for determining the output:

· Natural;

· Cost (monetary);

· Labor.

Using natural method, the volume of products produced is measured in pieces, tons, liters and other natural units of measurement, therefore the method is used only when producing homogeneous products (for example, in the extractive industries). If an enterprise or a workshop produces several types of homogeneous products, then production in kind is determined in conventional units in proportion to the labor intensity of these types of products or by comparing the most important characteristics of the consumer value of products.

Advantages of the method:differences in prices do not affect, changes in material consumption of products do not affect.

Disadvantages:does not take into account the quality of products, changes in the volume of work in progress, changes in the specific weight of the volume of cooperative deliveries.

Cost method the definition of production is used in enterprises producing dissimilar products. In monetary terms, output can be calculated by commodity or by standard pure products.

Development of commercial products (in wholesale prices) in monetary terms is the simplest method for calculating labor productivity, but its dynamics depends not only on the results of the work of a given team, but also on changes in other factors that affect the price of products. Therefore, with a change in the assortment of products, the cost of raw materials and materials, the volume of cooperative supplies, an inflationary increase in the price of products, the output in monetary terms, calculated by marketable output, does not correctly reflect the dynamics of labor productivity.

The volume of products produced can also be assessed in terms of normatively pure products. Under regulatory clean products its value is understood at constant wholesale prices of the enterprise minus material production costs (raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, purchased semi-finished products, outside services).

Advantages of the method calculation of production for standard-net production:

· Comparability of the levels of labor productivity at enterprises with a variety of products and organizational and technical conditions of its production;

· Elimination of the distorting influence of assortment shifts, the share of cooperative deliveries, etc.

When labor method, production is determined in standard hours. This method is used mainly in individual workplaces, sites, workshops, when producing various and unfinished products that cannot be measured either in kind or in monetary terms. With unchanged rates, output in standard hours rather accurately characterizes the change in labor productivity. For example, if in the base period the workers completed work in the amount of 60,000 standard hours, having worked at the same time 52,000 man-hours, and in the reporting period they completed work in the amount of 67,000 standard hours, while working 55,000 man-hours, then we can say that growth output was 5.58%.

The limitation of this method is due to the fact that it is based on the use of unchanged norms, while the norms should be systematically revised as the organizational and technical measures are taken. In addition, the norms of time are set in many enterprises only for the main workers-pieceworkers and do not characterize the labor costs of other workers.

Another indicator characterizing labor productivity is labor intensity of a unit of production ( THOSE) - costs of working time for the production of a unit of output. It is calculated by the formula:

where ABOUT - the volume of products produced in natural units.

Depending on the composition of the labor input costs of working time, the following types are distinguished:

· technological complexity (THOSE those . ) - includes all labor costs of the main workers;

· labor intensity of production maintenance (TE about . ) - is determined by the labor costs of auxiliary workers in the main shops and all workers in auxiliary shops and service industries;

· production labor intensity (TE pr . ) - includes labor costs of all workers:

TE pr. \u003d TE tech. + TE about;

· labor intensity of production management(TE control . ) - labor costs of managers, specialists and other employees attributed to employees;

· total labor intensity (TE n) - is determined by the labor costs of all employees of the enterprise:

TE n \u003d TE tech. + TE vol. + TE control ...

In addition to the above classification, labor intensity can be normative, actual and planned.

· Standard labor intensity (standard hour) - the cost of working time for the production of a unit of production, established according to the current norms of time, service, staffing table (THOSE norms).

· Actual labor intensity (man-hour) - the actual costs of working time for the production of a unit of production in a given period. It is calculated by the formula


where K vnf is the actual rate of implementation of the norms.

· Planned labor intensity (man-hour) - the planned costs of working time for the production of a unit of production. Calculated by the formula


where TO vnp - planned rate of fulfillment of norms.

2. Quality of labor
If labor productivity characterizes labor efficiency from the quantitative side, then the qualitative side of labor efficiency is determined by the quality of labor, which can be considered from the point of view of two criteria:

· labor productivity - ensuring the competitiveness of products and high quality of the work performed, services for the entire set of consumer properties;

· cost efficiency - measures of labor intensity and productivity of the use of material resources.

Labor intensity - This is the degree of labor intensity in the production process, measured by the expenditure of physical and nervous energy of a person per unit of time. The intensity of labor depends on the technology used, the use of available production opportunities and on the attitude of a person to work.

Productivity the use of material resources can be determined by the indicators of the ratio between the growth rates of labor productivity and the growth of its capital, electricity and power supply. These indicators to some extent characterize the degree of efficiency of economic development, the influence of scientific and technological progress and other factors on the growth of labor and production efficiency in general. Thus, high labor productivity can be achieved at the cost of excessive labor intensification or high expenditure of material and financial resources.

Labor efficiency growth factors

The growth of labor efficiency, including labor productivity, is a very important condition for raising real incomes. That is why it is very important to know how you can achieve a high level and constant growth of labor efficiency, what are the factors that influence this process, and what are its reserves.

In production conditions labor efficiency growth factors Is a set of reasons (circumstances) that contribute to a change in the cost of producing a unit of products, works, services and, on this basis, a change in the level of labor efficiency.

Labor efficiency growth factors are diverse and can be classified according to many criteria. The classification of factors is needed in order to determine the nature of their influence on the functioning of the economy, to identify the relationship between individual factors, to determine the quantitative growth of labor productivity due to a particular factor.

According to the level of action, the factors of growth of labor efficiency are divided into 4 groups:

1. national economic;

2. industry;

3. regional;

4. in-house.

On a methodological basis, the factors can be grouped into the following groups:

1. Scientific and technological - factors associated with scientific and technological progress, that is, with the introduction of new technology, progressive technology, use automated systems management, development of new types of raw materials, materials. At the same time, an increase in labor efficiency may be due to a decrease in the labor intensity of products, an improvement in working conditions, and an improvement in product quality.

2. Organizational -factors associated with improving the organization of production, labor, management. An increase in labor efficiency, in this case, can occur as a result of:

· Reducing the loss of working time, strengthening labor discipline, expanding the service area (improving the organization of labor);

· Reducing the duration of the production cycle (improving the organization of production);

Elimination of unnecessary management links, consolidation of departments
(improving the organization of management).

3. Socialfactors reflecting the quality level of personnel, the attitude of employees to work, social working conditions. The influence of these factors on labor efficiency can be established on the basis of reducing the loss of working time for reasons depending on the employee, from the degree of his participation in creative rationalization work at the enterprise, from the expansion of the volume of work assigned to the employee, from the reduction in staff turnover.

The basis for planning productivity growth is a plan to improve production efficiency, which should reflect all organizational and technical measures. For each activity, the effectiveness should be calculated in the form of either a decrease in the labor intensity of products, or a relative saving in the number of personnel. On the basis of the relative savings in number, the increase in labor productivity for each factor and, in general, for all groups of factors is determined by the formula

where PT increase in labor productivity,%;

E h i relative savings in the number of i-th factor, people;

n the number of factors for which planning is made;

H n - the estimated number of personnel required to perform the planned volume of work, provided that the base output is maintained, people. Determined by the formula

H n \u003d H bases · I o

where H bases - number of personnel in the base period, people;

I about- index of growth of production volume compared to the base period. Determined by the formula:

where ABOUT the volume of production, respectively, in the planned and base periods.

Labor efficiency growth reserves- these are underutilized opportunities for its efficiency, which characterize the degree of resource use. Reserves are real opportunities to reduce losses or eliminate them completely.

The most common classification scheme for labor efficiency growth reserves is the scheme proposed by G.A. Prudensky:

· In relation to the product and the participant of labor;

· By the level of use of reserves;

· By the time of realization of reserves.

In relation to the product and the participant of labor, there are:

· Reserves for reducing the labor intensity of products (the possibility of reducing the cost of manufacturing products of this type);

· Reserves of the working time fund (the possibility of full use of the working time fund by reducing both whole-day and intra-shift downtime);

· Reserves for improving the personnel structure (reducing the number of auxiliary workers and employees, as well as changing the personnel structure on this basis).

The following are distinguished by the level of use of reserves:

· National economic reserves (rational distribution of productive forces, priority development of promising industries, equalization of the level of socio-economic development of individual regions);

· Sectoral reserves (specialization, concentration of production, improvement of equipment and technology, improvement of the organization of production, labor and management in this industry, etc.);

· Intersectoral reserves (using the capabilities of one industry to increase labor productivity in others: strengthening intersectoral production ties, timely and accurate fulfillment of contractual obligations, etc.);

Regional reserves (better use of equipment and available labor on the basis of a more complete and rational location of production facilities, the use of established forms of inter-production cooperation, an active exchange of advanced production experience and scientific and technical information, the use of the most rational operating modes at individual enterprises, a unified policy in the field wages, social protection of the population, etc .;

· Intra-production reserves are associated with the improvement and most efficient use of technology, labor, as well as the reduction of various kinds of losses and unproductive use of labor. These reserves are of particular importance, since all considered groups of reserves are ultimately used directly at the enterprise.

The reserves are subdivided according to the time of realization:

For the current ones, the implementation of which is envisaged during the planning period (usually within a year) and is not associated with fundamental changes in the organizational and technical level of production;

· For promising, i.e. used for the next five years or more and associated with significant capital investments and fundamental changes in the organizational and technical level of production.

This division is conditional, because in the current period, technical measures can be carried out (commissioning of new equipment, new productions, mastering new types of products), the period of which coincided with the given period of time, and the development of large investments aimed at these purposes was carried out in for a number of years. Naturally, this will have an impact on the organizational and technical level of production.

Labor efficiency programs

To ensure a high level of labor efficiency, enterprises must maintain high quality products, master new products and technologies, guarantee proper working conditions and maintain profitability at an acceptable level. You can achieve these goals using labor efficiency programs.

These programs presuppose a continuous process of strategic forecasting, operational planning, constant monitoring of the effective use of labor productivity growth factors, a constant study of internal reserves for increasing labor productivity and creating conditions for their implementation. Labor efficiency programs should be developed both at the macro level and at the enterprise level.

On state level the labor efficiency program assumes the following areas of work in this area:

Ensuring the socio-economic orientation of scientific and technical policy for the creation of new types of products, technologies and means of production through the development and strict observance of requirements effective workattractive to a person in terms of content and conditions, which should be reflected in investment policy and in stimulating the work of researchers and developers;

· Strengthening the role of organizational factors in increasing labor efficiency through the development of regulations, materials and recommendations for a comprehensive solution of issues of organization and technology of labor activity in the field of research, production and management;

· Determination of socio-economic priorities in the development of structural policy and the placement of productive forces in order to support entrepreneurship, the development of economic ties between industries and regions, as well as foreign economic relations;

· Creation of economic and social conditions to ensure the effectiveness of systems for raising the qualifications of all categories of workers, to enhance the motives and incentives for highly productive work, to improve social working conditions and, on this basis, increase labor efficiency.

On regional (sectoral) level the labor efficiency program includes the following areas:

· Ensuring a flexible scientific and technical policy, taking into account industry characteristics, identifying priority areas for the region's economy in the development of technology and means of production;

· Coordination and support of work to improve the organization of labor;

· Formation of a structural policy, assistance in the establishment and maintenance of cooperative economic ties between enterprises, the formation of a financial policy to stimulate the effective operation of enterprises;

· Strengthening the role of social factors: improving the qualifications of workers, improving social working conditions, and developing social infrastructure.

On enterprise level the labor efficiency program consists of directions (subprograms) by efficiency factors.

Evaluation of the efficiency of the winders was carried out on the basis of a study of the nature of the dynamics of their performance.

The study of the nature of the dynamics of the working capacity of the winders was based on a number of theoretical provisionsdeveloped by Soviet and foreign researchers. According to these provisions, the working capacity of a person during the working day is not a value

stable, it is characterized by phase development. The main phases of working capacity are considered: a) the phase of working in or increasing working capacity, which can last from several minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the specifics of labor and its organization, as well as on the individual characteristics of a person; b) the phase of high stable performance can be maintained for 2-2.5 hours or more, depending on the complexity and severity of labor; c) the phase of the decline in working capacity, due to the development of fatigue. The ratio of these phases in time determines the nature of the dynamics of working capacity. Performance assessment criteria are production and psychophysiological indicators.

Evaluation of the efficiency of the dynamics of the working capacity of the winders was determined on the basis of the four types of dynamics of labor productivity identified by V. S. Raevsky.

Type I is characterized by a gradual increase in labor productivity over a period of several minutes to 1.5-2 hours, its stabilization at high level within 1-2 hours and a subsequent decrease due to developing fatigue.

Type II - the highest labor productivity in the first hour of work and its decrease in the subsequent hours of the first half of the shift.

Type III - multiple fluctuations in labor productivity (increase and decrease) throughout the shift.

Type IV - a high rate and steady rhythm of labor productivity from the first minutes and throughout 4 hours of the working day. ...

V.S.Raevsky classifies the I, II and III types of labor productivity dynamics as ineffective.

The study of the operability of the winders was carried out on 10 female workers selected from 15 who performed "high" winding. The surveyed female workers were divided into two groups according to a number of similar indicators: age, general education, level of work in this specialty, and performance indicators. The first group consisted of five young female workers who had worked for 4-5 years; the second - out of five middle-aged workers who worked

20-25 years old. The dynamics of the working capacity of each winder was studied at least 6 times on different days of the week during a full work shift.

The production indicators took into account the time spent on the manufacture of one unit of production and their distribution in the process of work, as well as the variability of the time spent on the execution of one unit of production during the working day.

For psychophysiological indicators of working capacity, changes in the nature of movements observed in the process of activity were taken. These indicators were allocated on the basis of the assumption about the reflection in the coordination of movements of the changes that occur in the main mental and. psychophysiological processes under the influence of work. These include indicators characterizing the violation of the rhythm of movements during the manufacture of one product (fluctuations in the speed of the machine and the time spent on winding the layer), the nature and dynamics of errors made by the employee during the working day.

The quantitative indicators of the dynamics of the workability of the winders were processed by the methods of graphical and statistical analysis: the arithmetic mean, mean errors and rank correlations were calculated, the reliability of which was established for a significance level of 0.05.

When processing the obtained data on the time spent on the manufacture of one winding and the construction of the performance curve, only the time spent on the elimination of "permanent" interference 3 was taken into account. The "permanent" disturbances included malfunctions due to the change of the bobbin, which, as a rule, occurring in the manufacture of each winding, provided for by the technology, and malfunctions due to errors made by the rewinder.

A graphic analysis of the performance curves revealed in their character a discrepancy with the regularities of phase change. Frequent fluctuations reflecting

3 Interferences, which were rare and insignificantly influenced the dynamics of the winder's performance, did not take into account the increase in time spent on the manufacture of one winding, did not always allow us to distinguish a period of stable performance, in those cases when it stood out, its duration was short, about 40-60 minutes ...

These data, as well as the results of statistical processing of timing in terms of the average time spent on the manufacture of one winding (M), indicators of diversity (standard deviation a and coefficient of variability - v),the quantitative indicator of errors, the elimination of which took up to 10% of useful working time, as well as comparative graphic and correlation

analysis of the dependence of changes in the performance curve on errors, which revealed a fairly clear correlation between the increase in the time spent

by winding the winding, and by errors (for example, Fig. 10), made it possible to determine the nature of the performance dynamics. Such dynamics of working capacity belongs to the third ineffective type of labor productivity (according to the classification of V.S.Raevsky), the main characteristic of which is the multiple fluctuations in labor productivity throughout the entire work shift. In winders, these fluctuations arise, as it was found, as a result of erroneous actions and arrhythmic regulation of the speed of winding the wire, which often and sharply changes (for example, from 1720 to 860 rpm), which leads to a violation of the rhythm of the winding of layers and to an increase in their time. executions, for example, from 6 to 12 s. The revealed changes in the rhythm of work, according to our assumption, are a kind of regulation of the coordination of actions performed by female workers, aimed at maintaining continuity production process... In those cases, when the regulation is disturbed, there are serious changes in the motor sphere (delayed or hasty, or inadequate movements appear), which we observed in the winders, leading to errors. Impaired coordination of the actions performed are caused by violations in coordinated work, actualized in the activity of mental and psychophysiological functions, arising from the deterioration of the functional state of workers. Thus, changes in the processes of visual perception due to an increase in the duration of fixations and an increase in the number of corrective eye movements are one of the reasons for impaired sensorimotor coordination and weakening of attention functions: attention is distracted from the main object of labor, its stability is disturbed, and the ability to concentrate decreases. Due to the violation of the distribution of attention, emotional stress increases and the possibility of timely implementation of the spatio-temporal assessment of actions until the end of the layer winding decreases. It is these phenomena that reduce the ability of the employee to work effectively.

So, the sanitary and hygienic working conditions, features of the organization of the workplace, high-speed

The mode of work and vocational training turned out to be the reasons that negatively affected the functional state of female workers and thereby influenced the efficiency of their work. So was established diagnosisthe reasons for the low efficiency of work of winders, which corresponded to the original task of this study. But this diagnosis was not symptomatic (that is, it was not limited to identifying signs of any specific "disease"), but rather the nature of the identified syndrome, reflecting a whole complex of unfavorable factors that negatively affect a person in the process of exercising professional activity... Therefore, the diagnosis we made in this study was the material for building a program for a further comprehensive solution to the issue of increasing the efficiency of the winders, since a whole group of specific psychological, engineering-psychological and sanitary-hygienic tasks was identified, each of which required a special purposeful solution. In general, all the tasks identified were a single set of goals for optimizing the activities of the winders of medium-sized transformers of the 2nd workshop of the electric plant. V.V. Kuibyshev. This made it necessary to solve them in terms of ergonomics.

The corresponding complex of works was carried out on the basis of the psychological characteristics of the professional activity of the winders by a whole group of different specialists: psychologists, hygienist, engineer, anthropologist, engineering and technical workers of the workshop and the department of technical equipment, whose joint work resulted in ergonomic research. As a result, the plant was given specific recommendations on: organization of the training process; organization of the workplace; organization of the work regime of winders producing "high" winding, some of which were tested in production conditions (for training and working regime) and accepted by the plant for implementation.


Any economic activity is aimed at achieving a result,

effect. the effect Is an action, a result that is characterized by a certain quantitative value. Obtaining a result is always associated with certain costs. The ratio of the result to the costs, which is carried out to achieve it, is called efficiency.

results economic activity most often displayed in terms of production and profits. Therefore, the most important performance metrics are productivity and profitability.

Labor productivity can be measured relative to all economic resources that are involved in the production process, or to individual resources: materials, production assets, labor, energy, etc. In the analysis of the efficiency of production activities, the analysis of labor efficiency is of great importance.

Labor efficiency - This is an economic category that characterizes the productivity of human labor in any sphere of economic activity and reflects all the component aspects: quality, quantity, intensity, productivity, profitability, normative working conditions and safety, internal assessment of the employee's work, his behavior. The level of labor efficiency is characterized by a system of indicators that complement each other.

In the areas of material production such indicators can be: type of product, nomenclature and range of products, total amount of products per unit of working time, volume of products in monetary terms, labor costs per unit of production.

In the field of intangible production indicators of labor productivity are: the type and volume of the result, its scientific or artistic value, relevance, timeliness, convenience, attentiveness, as well as the volume of activity in monetary terms and the cost of work per unit of volume of activity.

The measurement of the efficiency of the total aggregate labor of society in many countries of the world is carried out according to indicators such as the gross national product, which is the market value of all final goods and services produced by national enterprises over a certain period.

Labor efficiency criterion is the degree of compliance of the achieved level of production with the needs of society in socially useful goods and services.

Measure of efficiency determined by the possibilities of society, the availability of production resources and the degree of their use.

The essence of the problem of increasing labor efficiency is to achieve the set goal with minimal cost living and materialized labor, to this is due to the growing needs of citizens for goods, services and other socially useful goods and the need for their constant satisfaction with limited production resources.

Increasing labor efficiency is associated with the main goal of society - ensuring constant and high rates of economic growth based on an increase in the total volume of the country's real GNP, including GNP per capita.

Labor efficiency is a complex socio-economic category that has different aspects.

The economic aspect. Forms of manifestation:

- the volume of output per unit of labor. Indicators - labor productivity;

- profit from a certain type of activity to labor costs. Indicators - labor profitability.

Psychophysiological aspect. Forms of manifestation - the impact of the labor process on the human body. Indicators - not harmful, favorable working conditions and labor safety; the content of labor and the optimal boundaries of its distribution; general development of physical, mental forces and abilities of a person in the labor process; elimination of the negative impact of the working environment on working conditions.

Social aspect.The forms of manifestation are the harmonious development of the employee. Indicators - professional development of the employee; expansion of the production profile; strengthening of social and political activity.

In a broad sense, an increase in labor efficiency means constant improvement by people of all aspects of economic activity, constant finding of opportunities to work better, to produce more high-quality consumer goods with the same or less labor costs.

9.2. Labor productivity and profitability

In modern scientific and educational literature, there are two approaches to defining the essence and content of labor productivity.

Performance characterized by the ratio of the volume of production to the corresponding costs of labor, materials, equipment, energy, as well as the ratio to the total cost of resources.

Labor productivity - it is an indicator of its effectiveness, efficiency, which is characterized by the ratio of the volume of products, works or services, on the one hand, and the amount of labor expended on the production of this volume, on the other.

Labor productivity is the efficiency of useful labor, which determines the efficiency of its application (use) in a specific period of time.

Labor productivity can be assessed on the scale of: society, region, industry, enterprise, organization, shop, production site, team and individual worker.

IN practical activities when analyzing and planning labor productivity, it is assumed that it is a category that shows economic efficiency, the effectiveness of living labor, which can be displayed by direct indicators - the production and labor intensity of products.

Production Is a direct indicator of the level of labor productivity, which is determined by the amount of products (works, services) produced by one employee per unit of working time and is calculated by the formula:

where: W - production; IN

Q is the volume of products manufactured; V

T is the cost of working time (average number of employees)

At an enterprise, output can be determined in different ways, depending on what units are used to measure the volume of production and labor costs.

Methods for determining production at enterprises:

Natural method;

Conditionally natural (conditionally accounting) method;

Labor method (as a measure of production, its labor intensity in standard hours is used, i.e. the rate of labor costs);

Cost method

If the volume of production is measured natural indicators (in pieces, tons, meters, etc.), then the corresponding indicators of labor productivity are called natural. Natural indicators are accurate, very clear and eloquent, however, they have a significant drawback: the impossibility of applying to dissimilar products. If an enterprise produces several types of similar products, the volume of output can be expressed in conditional natural indicators, which lead different products to the same dimension (for example, different types of fuel are converted into a conventional fuel with a heat generating capacity of 7000 kcal / kg).

In a market economy, the value of natural indicators is significantly reduced, since the dominant role in all aspects of economic life is played by cost indicators. Cost we call production indicators, in which the volume of production is measured in monetary units. These indicators are the most universal, they allow you to compare labor productivity in the production of fundamentally different goods. If we take the value indicator of net production as the volume of production, then the growth in product quality and its need in the market will be taken into account.

Performance indicators depend not only on the volume of products produced, but also on the unit of measurement of working time. Working hours can be expressed in different ways: hour, day, quarter, year.

Labor intensity relationship:

∆PP \u003d Зt х 100/100 - Зt

where, ∆PP is the increase in labor productivity in%;

Зt - decrease in labor intensity of products in%

Labor intensity- the inverse indicator of the level of labor productivity, which is characterized by the amount of working time spent on the production of a unit of products (works, services) and is calculated by the formula:

Q \u003d T / V

Where Q is the labor intensity of the product

T - labor costs

V - production volume

Relationship with labor productivity (output):

Зt \u003d ∆PP x 100/100 + ∆PP

For planning and analysis of labor at the enterprise, different types of labor intensity are calculated.

Technological labor intensity Тm is determined by the labor costs of the main workers - both pieceworkers and time workers. Calculated for manufacturing operations, main parts, assemblies, finished products.

Service complexity To is determined by the labor costs of auxiliary workers who are engaged in servicing production.

Production labor intensity Тн shows the labor costs of the main and auxiliary workers to perform a unit of work.

Labor intensity of TV control is determined by the labor costs of managers, specialists, technical executors.

Each of these indicators of labor intensity can be normative, planned (design), actual.

Standard labor intensity is determined on the basis of labor standards: time rates, production rates, service time rates.

Planned labor intensity differs from the standard by the amount of labor costs reduction planned in the current period due to the implementation of organizational and technical measures.

Actual labor intensity - this is the sum of already accomplished labor costs for the performed amount of work or the release of manufactured products.

1. Significance of labor productivity growth.

2. Indicators and methods of measuring labor productivity.

Theme10. Wages and functioning mechanism


1. Modern approaches to understanding the essence of wages (salary)

(socio-legal and economic approach, aspects of the socio-economic category of salary).

2. Functions of wages and principles of its organization

(reproductive, social, stimulating, optimal, regulating).

3. The mechanism for organizing labor remuneration in the market system (state

regulation, contractual regulation, factory mechanism).

4. The essence of the main elements of remuneration in organizations (tariff

system, forms and systems of wages, bonus systems).

5. The main provisions of the organization of remuneration in developed countries

(independence in the choice of forms and systems, personal interest, validity of the tariff system, preferential use hourly pay labor, the spread of labor rationing, the individualization of labor income, tuition fees, etc.).