Cost-effectiveness of marketing workforce. Development of measures to improve the marketing of personnel at the enterprise Determination of the effectiveness of marketing measures for personnel

Personnel marketing is considered in 2 aspects. In a generalized sense, HR marketing is a philosophy or strategy for human resource management. The staff acts as internal for the staff and external for a potential employee as a “client” of the company.

In fact, all interaction at the personnel level is "sold" to the existing personnel: the concept of management, conditions and principles of work organization, effective interaction of personnel, intra-firm communications and communications, career growth and labor incentives.

In the narrow sense, personnel marketing is a type of administrative activity aimed at identifying and covering the need for quantitative and qualitative staffing.

Their difference is the way the process is organized. In the first case, personnel is viewed as a link in the intra-company marketing system. In the second - as a structure that is managed by a special department of the company. Both concepts acquire the same meaning in the process of coordinating corporate tasks and strategies.

Why do you need personnel marketing

The main purpose of personnel marketing activities is to establish control over the labor market. With its help, recruiting work forcethus, the goals of the enterprise are achieved.

HR marketing is used to:

  • analysis human resources by age, sex, qualifications, unemployment rate, income, supply and demand;
  • identification of technological changes that affect productivity, the nature of the work performed, equipment work place, the need for advanced training;
  • taking into account social needs in order to identify stimulating factors labor process;
  • review of legislation on labor relations and labor protection;
  • identifying advantages and disadvantages personnel policy competitors for use for the benefit of the enterprise;
  • accumulation of financial resources to ensure the labor process that ensures the development of the company;
  • analysis of human resources and key indicators: seniority and qualifications, staff turnover, personnel reserves, the possibility of quick replacement of the labor unit.

Disadvantages of HR Marketing

  • High spending on employee search (announcements in the media, open house day, attracting students through outdoor events, printing brochures and booklets, periodicals).
  • The need for investment in retraining and additional education of personnel.
  • Blind selection of new staff, often lacking the required qualities.
  • Tension within the team, competition and struggle for promotion.
  • It is necessary to adapt new workers to working conditions and the team, familiarization instructions.
  • The psychological climate of the team and the work environment is the reason for the high turnover of staff.
  • Moral incentives for an employee (promotion, public praise) are perceived as collective rejection or envy.
  • The importance of constant monitoring of the labor market and the performance of departments.

The pros of HR marketing

  • The ability to select a candidate for a position from an already established team, with professional knowledge and the necessary experience.
  • Economic measures effectively affect productivity and relationships within the team.
  • Thanks to the promotion (not replacement) of positions, jobs are created for newcomers.
  • Lack of spending on personnel search for personnel reserves (archives, staffing table).
  • The ability to quickly fill a position for an experienced employee.
  • The team is more united in the absence of a democratic personnel policy.
  • A wide range of applicants for the position with experience and knowledge gained in their previous job.

Personnel marketing functions

In personnel marketing, it is customary to distinguish 2 main functions - communication and information.

The information function is manifested in the creation of databases and information that are used for recruitment and workforce planning in the future.

The information function is based on the following sources:

  • Training methodology, curriculum of a specific university, training center for training and retraining of personnel, labor exchange.
  • Analytical materials government agencies in the field of employment by industries, enterprises, specialties.
  • Information and analytics from labor exchanges.
  • Periodicals covering issues of employment, unemployment, employment, personnel management.
  • Advertising materials for companies conducting periodic recruiting.
  • Transfer of oral information to employees during interviews, at general meetings.

The communication function involves communication with existing personnel or a potential employee through the creation of a certain image of the enterprise, as well as business communication as part of a workflow that coordinates the work of the entire enterprise.

The communication function is based on:

  • Segmentation and formation of target groups to identify qualitative and quantitative criteria for personnel: demographic, psychological, social, economic, behavioral, cultural.
  • Improving internal relations within the company, conversations with staff, identifying needs for more comfortable work, creating an image of management, professional advice and creating clubs of interests, holding social and sports events, holidays and celebrations.
  • Organization of promotional and presentation events for a potential employee: cooperation with institutes, organization of industrial excursions, advertising in educational institutions.
  • Organization of public relations for the formation of a positive image of the company. For this, sponsorship events are used, actions in support of protection environment, logo and brand advertising, interviewing, conducting promotions in newspapers and magazines, job fairs, presentations in schools.

The essence and principles of HR marketing

The essence of marketing lies in the formation of human resources through the analysis of the labor market and creation of the company's own image. Thanks to this, the company covers the need for the reproduction of labor resources.

Personnel marketing, like any science, is based on the principles:

  • scientific character: the achievements of science in the field of management, psychology and sociology are used;
  • complexity: internal and external factorsaffecting the planned indicators;
  • humanism: personnel is seen as the main link production process, any employee is considered valuable;
  • prospects: the production plan is calculated based on technological capabilities and the number of employees;
  • optimality: the personnel marketing strategy takes into account effective methods of influencing employees;
  • efficiency: in any situation, problems are solved according to the standards set in the company, which are improved and adjusted in accordance with changing conditions;
  • consistency: HR marketing objectives align with the main goals of the company;
  • individualization: personal and work needs of employees are taken into account.

Levels and types of HR marketing

According to the level of personnel marketing, they are distinguished into strategic and operational. Their activities differ only in the time of implementation, or rather, in its result (up to 1 year or more) and the content of the process phases.

Process phases strategic marketing are:

  • identification of the number of personnel required by the enterprise for a certain period of time;
  • labor market and labor market analysis, personnel segmentation;
  • definition of target groups;
  • determination of the position of each employee.

The process phases of the operational marketing of personnel are:

  • implementation of activities and plans outlined in an already existing team;
  • audit and accounting of employees, communications and tools feedback for better coordination of activities.

Personnel marketing has a varied structure:

  1. External focuses on the external labor market and is designed to create an image of a decent employer.
  2. Internal is implemented within the enterprise for personnel management purposes.
  3. Mass forms a general approach to personnel within the framework of the assigned tasks.
  4. The target affects target groups: youth, women, foreigners.
  5. Replacement marketing involves carrying out activities for the replacement of positions through retraining or additional education.
  6. Mix Marketing examines various factors and conditions that are prioritized for each employee.

HR Marketing Tools

  • Observation.
  • Interview.
  • Interview.
  • Focus group.
  • Questioning.
  • Testing.
  • Database (HRMS - Human Resource Management Systems - human resource management systems).
  • Ads.
  • Recruiting agency.
  • Informal communication with applicants.
  • Recruiting staff.
  • Cooperation agreements with institutions.
  • Employment Service.
  • Job fairs.
  • Competitions for filling vacancies.

What tasks does personnel marketing solve?

  • The introduction of science at the production and management level.
  • Determination of personnel search costs.
  • Creation of the image of the organization.
  • Labor market analysis.
  • Identification of industry competitors.
  • Determination of employee preferences.
  • Development of proposals for staff.
  • Forecast of investments in equipment and jobs.
  • Planning training programs.
  • Search for ways to attract personnel.
  • Counting the size of the state under certain circumstances.
  • Development of a recruiting company.
  • Interaction with the media, training centers, universities and colleges.
  • Structuring posts and evaluating their effectiveness.
  • Organization of mass events of the company.
  • Personnel training.

Personnel Marketing Goals

  • Covering the need for human resources (business).
  • Optimization and profitability of all personnel costs (economic).
  • Optimal use of labor resources.
  • Activation of the human factor at work.
  • Recreation in the employee of such qualities as loyalty and respect for the company.
  • Firm development and economic growth.

What are the main areas of marketing personnel

The concept of personnel marketing believes that the key to achieving the goals of the organization is to determine the needs and requirements of the labor market. Therefore, there are two directions in personnel marketing: passive and active.

Passive involves creation organizational structure, which conducts activities to identify staffing needs and recruit applicants for the position.

Active marketing is aimed at strategic objectives and instills employees' consciousness of economic thinking. Measures are being actively carried out to create a corporate spirit and culture, develop personnel, introduce participatory management, and evaluate the effectiveness of each employee. In practice, these methods have nothing to do with the administrative component of marketing.

The main stages of marketing activities in the field of personnel

  • Stage 1. Determination of the number of workers for each position or department, taking into account equipment and capabilities. Calculating the need for personnel for the future.
  • Stage 2. Analysis of the behavior of applicants in the labor market. Segmentation of the labor market to identify target groups. Analysis of the attractiveness of the workplace. Determination of research methods.
  • Stage 3. Identification of competitors in the labor market. Economic and behavioral analysis of firms in the market.
  • Stage 4. Analysis of active partners (system).
  • Stage 5. Analysis of internal resources and capabilities that can attract staff.
  • Stage 6. Determination of own positions in the labor market.
  • Stage 7. Development and implementation of a target personnel marketing plan.

Development personal plan marketing personnel take a long period and require knowledge and experience.

Implementation of marketing personnel in the organization

Implementation of personnel marketing in an organization is carried out in two ways. The information function is performed by employees of various departments and involves the constant analysis of data in order to simplify and bring it into an accessible form. After processing, the data is used on demand.

The communication function is considered universal, since each employee interacts at a different organizational level. At the same time, the image and recognition of the company completely depends on the activity of managers who control the work process. They work directly with representatives of the media, educational institutions and employment services, draw up contracts and negotiate an estimate.

Forms and types of personnel marketing control

With the help of personnel marketing control deviations from the plan are established, their cause is eliminated and the main goal is achieved.

In general terms, control is preliminary, current and final. They are associated with a certain period marketing of personnel and allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented measures, as well as identify errors at the planning or implementation stage. Consequently, there are various forms of control:

  • control of premises;
  • implementation control;
  • metacontrol (all-encompassing).

Evaluating the effectiveness of personnel marketing

The effectiveness of personnel marketing activities is their economic effect.

There are two ways to calculate the effectiveness of marketing personnel (HR).

1. HR \u003d HR budget / enterprise turnover, where:

  • HR - the amount of the wage fund, personnel marketing costs (training, advertising, partners, information);
  • turnover - gross income or turnover in value terms.

2. HR \u003d HR Investment / Profit.

You can also calculate the effectiveness of personnel marketing per employee. To do this, the HR marketing budget is divided by the number of active positions for the period (average headcount).

Methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of marketing workforce

The most general economic category characterizing marketing activities in the labor market is the profit received by the enterprise. It is at the enterprise level that the consumption of labor takes place and the results of the marketing policy of all subjects of the labor market are revealed.

The ability of an enterprise in market conditions to ensure sustainable profit making on the basis of high profitability of personnel labor is characterized by factors of economic productivity of labor, which can be summarized in three groups. The first group includes factors that characterize the product of labor (the volume and quality of goods, works and services produced), the second group includes factors that characterize the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, the degree of their employment and the level of remuneration; the third group of factors characterizes the structure and level of costs that form the cost of products (works and services), compared with the level of market prices. System analysis of all these factors in their interrelation should serve as the basis for the formation of a mechanism for increasing the level of economic results of the aggregate labor of the enterprise, as shown in Fig. 26.

Fig. 26. The mechanism for increasing the level of economic results of the total labor of the enterprise personnel

Product of laborshould be considered from a volumetric and qualitative point of view. In modern economic science and practice, the generally accepted unit for measuring the volume of production at the macro level is the gross domestic product (GDP), defined as the difference between output and intermediate consumption, i.e. as value added, which is calculated by summing up the primary income of enterprises as a result of their production activities. In other words, the product of labor of the enterprise's personnel, in terms of the volume of products (works, services) produced, is a component of GDP, which excludes the repeated counting of production results when they are integrated by levels. On the basis of value added, profit is calculated by deducting recoverable costs associated with the purchase of materials, goods and services, wages of employees and taxation of income.

Personnel, their employment and wages. This group of interrelated factors is functionally determined by the volumetric and qualitative characteristics of the product of labor. In practice, there is no direct proportionality here, since in last years decline rate industrial production outstripping the decline in the number of employees by almost 5 times, and in general GDP by 8 times. This situation testifies to the artificial retention of personnel with the help of administrative leaves, the introduction of various forms of part-time employment and other measures, which formally means a decrease in labor efficiency, since less and less output falls on one remaining employee. And this leads to two negative consequences. First, the level of remuneration is declining, since the volume products sold is reduced much more than the number of personnel, which is predetermined by a decrease in the profitability of their labor. Secondly, a decrease in labor efficiency leads to an increase in the cost of production, which, with a minimum necessary level profitability is caused by an increase in prices for the offered goods and a decrease in effective demand for them.

Product cost and product price. The economic results of the labor of all personnel of the enterprise in the process of production of products (works, services) are directly reflected in the structure and level of costs that form its cost, and outside the enterprise - in the level of the price of goods at which the products are sold on the market. Both of these categories are interrelated.

Based on the analysis of the most general indicator characterizing the economic results of the total labor of the enterprise employees, i.e. profit, you can establish a number of private criteria that reveal the results obtained from the point of view of the interests of the employee, enterprise and society. These criteria include: the level of remuneration and income of employees; the level of personnel employment, the efficiency and profitability of labor, the level of profitability of the enterprise, the degree of economic freedom of the enterprise; dynamics of consumer demand and its satisfaction; employment rate of the working-age population, unemployment rate; indicators of labor potential development, etc.

All these criteria in their totality and interrelationships are formed to a certain extent under the influence of the general economic situation, characterized by the level of taxation, inflation, unemployment. In particular, the framework of the economic freedom of the enterprise is limited by that part of the profit that remains at its disposal after paying taxes and other deductions, the amounts of which are established by the authorities. executive power at the federal, regional and local levels. With excessively high taxes, enterprises are unable to allocate funds for the development of production. As you know, up to a certain level, the growth of taxation contributes to the accumulation of funds for the growth of GDP, but further growth of taxes leads to the opposite results.

Based on a generalization of the theoretical views of Western economists, the work graphically presents the relationship between interest (i.e., the interest rate on capital), income, unemployment and inflation in modern economic systems (fig. 27).

The first graph, the IP (investment and savings) graph, shows the equilibrium points of investments (I) with different interest and savings (C) and different levels of income. The lower the percentage, the more investment and the higher the income. The higher the income, the more savings for investing funds. The steepness of the negative slope of the IP curve depends on the sensitivity of investment spending to changes in the interest on capital and capital productivity. Equilibrium of the capital market or the upward LC graph (a function of preferred liquidity, i.e. convertibility to cash) is achieved by the capital demand graph (K) at different interest rate levels and available in cash at various levels of income and a given position of money from the financial authorities. With an increase in the level of income, employment increases (Graph II), with an increase in unemployment, income decreases (Graph III), and the rate of inflation also decreases (Graph IY).

Fig. 27. The relationship between the interest rate on capital, income, unemployment and inflation in modern economies

The most common economic category that characterizes marketing activities in the labor market is the profit received by the enterprise. It is at the level of the enterprise that labor force is consumed and the results of the marketing policy of all subjects of the labor market are revealed. The ability of an enterprise to provide
sustainable profit making on the basis of high profitability of personnel labor is characterized by factors of economic performance of labor, which can be summarized in three groups. The first group includes factors that characterize the product of labor (the volume and quality of goods, works and services), the second group includes factors that characterize the quantitative and qualitative composition of personnel, the degree of their employment and the level of remuneration; the third group of factors characterizes the structure and level of costs that form the cost of products (works and services), compared with the level of market prices. A systematic analysis of all these factors in their relationship should serve as the basis for the formation of a mechanism for increasing the level of economic results of the total labor of an enterprise.
The product of labor should be viewed from a volumetric and qualitative point of view. In modern economic science and practice, the generally accepted unit for measuring the volume of production at the macro level is the gross domestic product (GDP), defined as the difference between output and intermediate consumption, that is, as value added, which is calculated. by summing up the primary income of enterprises as a result of their production activities. On the basis of the value added, profit is calculated by deducting the reimbursed costs associated with the purchase of materials, goods and services, wages of employees and taxation of income. ... ... Personnel, their employment and wages. This group of interrelated factors is functionally determined by the volumetric and qualitative characteristics of the product of labor. In practice, there is no direct proportionality here, since in recent years the rate of decline in industrial production has outstripped the decline in the number of employees by almost five times, and in general GDP by eight times. This situation testifies to the artificial retention of personnel with the help of administrative leaves, the introduction of various forms of part-time employment and other measures, which formally means a decrease in labor efficiency, since less and less work is done per one remaining employee. And this leads to two negative consequences. Firstly, “* s, the level of remuneration is decreasing, since the volume of products sold ... is reduced, the number of personnel remains their labor. Secondly, a decrease in labor efficiency leads to an increase in the cost of production, which, at the minimum required level of profitability, causes an increase in prices for the goods offered and a decrease in effective demand for them.
Product cost and product price. The economic results of the labor of all personnel of the enterprise in the process of production of products (works; services) are directly reflected in the structure and level of costs that form its cost, and outside the enterprise - in the level of the price of goods at which products are sold on the market. Both of these categories are interrelated.
Based on the analysis of the most general indicator characterizing the economic results of the aggregate labor of employees of the enterprise, i.e., profits, it is possible to establish a number of particular criteria that reveal the results obtained from the point of view of the interests of the employee, the enterprise and society. These criteria include: the level of wages and incomes of workers; the level of personnel employment, the efficiency and profitability of labor, the level of profitability of the enterprise, the degree of economic freedom of the enterprise; dynamics of consumer demand and its satisfaction; the level of employment of the able-bodied population, the level of unemployment; indicators of labor potential development, etc.
All these criteria in the aggregate and interconnections are formed to a certain extent under the influence of the general economic situation, characterized by the level of taxation, inflation, unemployment. In particular, the framework of the economic freedom of the enterprise is limited by that part of the profit that remains at its disposal after paying taxes and other deductions, the amounts of which are established by the executive authorities at the federal, regional and local levels. With excessively high taxes, enterprises are unable to allocate funds for the development of production. As you know, up to a certain level, the growth of taxation contributes to the accumulation of funds for the growth of GDP, but a further increase in taxes leads to opposite results.

Unlike developing countries, one of the most important factors determining the potential russian enterprises, is the skill level of the personnel. High level basic education allows enterprise specialists to quickly learn, master new professions and acquire the skills necessary to work in market conditions. Thus, the availability of qualified personnel is a significant advantage contributing to the competitiveness of enterprises.

The skill level of personnel plays the most important role in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises. This problem can be solved in two ways: the first is to improve the qualifications of the existing personnel, and the second is to replace the personnel with new, more qualified ones. At first glance, personnel replacement is the most simple and efficient way... However, experience shows that this is not entirely true. Firstly, today it is not easy to find a qualified employee who is able to act in the existing conditions, especially to carry out changes that require serious knowledge and experience. A more realistic way to solve the problem of personnel qualifications is to retrain existing employees, despite the fact that this is a more evolutionary and lengthy process. Considering the above, retraining can be carried out mainly in two ways: firstly, it is intensive, practically oriented training courses (trainings), and secondly, training in special training courses. factories.

In LLC " Electricity of the net»We will invite a specialist who will conduct educational trainings, we will also send young employees from all areas for training. Training will take place in training centers for advanced training, and all this at the expense of the organization.

Socio-economic efficiency of the proposed event

The most important quality indicator social production is its effectiveness. Distinguish between social and economic efficiency. Socio-economic efficiency - the effectiveness of production in comparison with production resources and social needs. Social performance reflects social outcome management activities and characterizes the degree of use of the potential of the team for the implementation of the mission of the company.

Production efficiency is an objective economic category that characterizes the degree of achievement of general and individual results from the optimal use of all enterprise resources.

Economic efficiency is the achievement of the optimal value of profit for the development of the enterprise on the basis of the consistent implementation of the principle of responsibility to society. When evaluating economic efficiency The following generalizing indicators can be used for the personnel development project. Net present value:

Where P is the economic results of the implementation of measures for the billing period, rubles;

K is the cost of implementing measures for the billing period, rubles.

Table 3.4

Data on economic results and costs of implementing activities

NPV \u003d 5 million rubles. / (1+ 0.08) No. - 300 thousand rubles. \u003d RUB 4,329,629

We send 25 young specialists for advanced training, therefore, 300 thousand rubles. / 25 people we get 12 thousand rubles, this is the amount of training for one employee.

2. The index of profitability (ID) is the ratio of the amount of reduced income to the amount of capital investment and is calculated using the following formula:

НС - the present value of cash flows;

And - the amount of investments aimed at the implementation of the project (with a difference in the timing of investments, it is also reduced to the present value).

If the value of the profitability index is less than or equal to 1, then the project is rejected, since it will not bring additional income to the investor.

Table 3.5

Data on economic results and costs in 3 stages

ID \u003d (1200000 + 800000 + 3000000) / (120000 + 50,000 + 130,000) \u003d 16.7

3. Payback period (Current) - the minimum time interval T \u003d K / Dh

T is the payback period of the project, years;

K- full amount of expenses for implementation investment projectincluding costs for research work;

Дч - net income at the first stage of the investment project implementation.

T \u003d 300000/1200000 \u003d 0.25

Thus, in this work, the proposed project of the event is generally effective both from a social and economic point of view. The personnel development project will significantly increase work efficiency.

In accordance with international standards, each state must proclaim and implement as main goal active policyaimed at promoting full, productive and freely chosen employment. It should be carried out in order to stimulate economic growth and development, improve living standards, meet labor needs, eliminate unemployment and underemployment (paragraph 1 of article 1 of the ILO Convention No. 122, paragraph 1 of the ILO Recommendation No. 122).

Employment policies should promote, first, full employment, that is, to aim to ensure that there is work for all who are ready to start and looking for work. Second, this policy should aim to ensure that such work is as much productive. Third, this policy must ensure the existence of freedom employment choice and the broadest opportunities for every worker to receive training and use his skills and abilities to perform work for which he is suitable, regardless of race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, foreign origin or social origin (paragraph 2 of Art. 1 ILO Convention No. 122, paragraph 1 of the ILO Recommendation No. 122).

In accordance with international standards, the promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment should be considered a means of ensuring in practice the realization of the right to work, and the full recognition by the state of the right to work should be linked to the implementation of economic and social policy (p. 1-2 of the ILO Recommendation No. 169). Employment policies should take due account of the stage and level economic development, the relationship between employment goals and other economic and social goals. It should be carried out using methods appropriate to national conditions and practice (paragraph 3 of article 1 of the ILO Convention No. 122, paragraph 1 of the ILO Recommendation No. 122).

The promotion of full, productive and freely chosen employment should be a top priority and integral part economic and social policy of the state and its plans to meet the basic needs of the population (paragraph 3 of the ILO Recommendation No. 169). The state should pay particular attention to the most effective means of increasing employment and production. The policies and programs developed by the state should be aimed at promoting production growth and equitable distribution of basic goods and services, as well as income throughout the country in order to meet the basic needs of the population (paragraph 4 of the ILO Recommendation No. 169).

The peculiarity of the marketing of the labor market, in contrast to the marketing of consumer goods, means of production, services, is manifested in the specific features of the marketing object. In this regard, in parallel with the productive results of the study of the "supply-demand" relationship for labor, the study of the phenomenon "socio-political system of employment", described and introduced into scientific circulation by a Polish economist M. Kaway.He identified three functions of the socio-political employment system:

  • 1) economic - the creation of a social product;
  • 2) income - a means of earning labor income;
  • 3) public - a means of satisfying social needs for work, professional aspirations.

Labor productivity as a result of employment depends on the parallel implementation of these functions. From the standpoint of the socio-political system of employment, the problem of unemployment is not the prerogative of the employment service and the unemployed himself, but presupposes political will for its solution, the creation of a legal framework and information space and the formation of public opinion.

The socio-political system of employment is a multi-level interacting set of state institutions and social connections, mediating the reproduction of labor. Concept

No. 9. - P. 78.

The “socio-political system of employment” is close to the term “macroeconomic policy in the labor market” (Die Arbeitsmarktpolitik).

In Russia, programs to promote employment of the population usually highlight the following policy areas: targeted encouragement of employment and rehabilitation of citizens in particular need of social protection;

  • promoting employment of graduates educational institutions;
  • assistance in temporary employment of citizens;
  • promoting the development of self-employment and entrepreneurial initiative;
  • vocational training of unemployed citizens and the unemployed population;
  • vocational guidance;
  • income support for unemployed citizens and citizens at risk of dismissal.

Segmentation of the labor market makes it possible to single out the “critical zone of the labor market”, covering that part of the economically active population that found itself in a difficult financial situation due to lack of work or low wages. In its structure, the following sub-zones are distinguished by contingents of persons:

  • unemployed;
  • unemployed, without the status of unemployed, but with a per capita income below the subsistence level;
  • working full-time but receiving wages below the subsistence level;
  • partially unemployed citizens without additional earnings, with a per capita income in the family below the subsistence level.

For a long time, the Russian employment policy was implemented in a clearly narrowed version. The object of the current Law of the Russian Federation "On employment in Russian Federation”Until now it is not employment, but officially registered unemployment. The created conditions of employment are only background, the entire russian law is aimed at social protection of the unemployed population.

The world is gaining an understanding of the employment policy as a tool for the fullest realization of the labor potential of the population, and measures to help the unemployed are only a fragment of this policy. Thus, the document prepared by the International Center for Economic Growth puts the following strategic goals of employment policy on a par with the reduction of unemployment:

  • fuller use of underutilized labor;
  • creating productive and well-paid employment opportunities;
  • investing in human capital to increase individual productivity combined with adaptation technological processes to the capabilities of employees;
  • stimulation of adaptation mechanisms to market requirements (first of all, assistance in the development of industrial and social infrastructures).

Employment programs, for example, in Japan are implemented in three main areas:

  • 1. Stabilization of employment or prevention of unemployment (services for stabilizing employment) - protection of the insured from losing their jobs, improving conditions of employment and expanding employment opportunities.
  • 2. Development of professional skills (services for developing employees capability).
  • 3. Growth of welfare of employees (services for the welfare of employees) - improvement of the working environment for employees.

Employment insurance in Japan is compulsory, applies to all employees regardless of industry, number of employees in the company and form of ownership. Insurance is voluntary only in small enterprises in agriculture, forestry, and fisheries with less than 5 workers.

International sources labor law invite the State to pursue policies and measures which, taking into account national law and practice, should:

  • promote adaptation to structural changes at the global, sectoral and local (enterprise) levels, the provision of other work to workers who have lost it as a result of structural and technological changes;
  • keep a job or facilitate the provision of other work for workers affected by the sale, transfer, closure or relocation of a company, enterprise or equipment (paragraph 10 of ILO Recommendation No. 169).

Among the general principles of employment policy, special attention is paid to the provisions that express the requirements for the validity, clarity and publicity of such a policy, indicate its orientation to the development of people's abilities, establish the obligation to provide assistance to the unemployed and underemployed, proclaim the cooperation of representatives of entrepreneurs and workers , reflects the need to coordinate employment policy with the general economic and social policy, including economic planning, programming as a means of policy implementation (para. 6 of Recommendation No. 122). Using methods appropriate to national conditions and to the extent that conditions permit, the State:

  • a) determines and periodically revises, within the framework of coordinated economic and social policy, the measures that need to be taken to achieve the goals of the employment policy;
  • b) take such steps as may be necessary for the application of these measures, including, where appropriate, the development of programs (Art.2 of the Convention 122).

Achieving the social goals of employment policy requires its coordination with other measures of economic and social policy, in particular with measures related to:

  • investment, production and economic development;
  • growth and distribution of income;
  • social security;
  • fiscal and financial policies, including fighting inflation and foreign exchange policies;
  • promoting a more free movement of goods, capital and labor between countries (paragraph 2 of the annex to Recommendation No. 122).
  • See: Kawai M. System of counteraction to unemployment in the period of transition to a market economy. - 1994. -
  • See: Policies and Programs for Social and Human Development. Experiences from Developing countries. A Document of the International Center for Economic Growth / Prep, by A. Sancho. - S. Fransisco, 1995, -P. 25.