Interaction styles. Types and styles of interaction. Formal business communication style

Types of interaction when communicating

The interactive side of communication- this is a conventional term denoting the characteristics of those components of communication that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities.

If the communicative process is born on the basis of some joint activity, then the exchange of knowledge and ideas about this activity inevitably presupposes that the achieved

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mutual understanding is realized in new joint attempts to develop further activities, to organize it. The participation of many people at the same time in this activity means that each must make his own special contribution to it, which allows us to interpret the interaction as the organization of joint activities. During it, it is extremely important for the participants not only to exchange information, but also to organize an “exchange of actions”, to plan common activities. With this planning, it is possible to regulate the actions of one individual by "plans that have ripened in the head of another", which makes the activity truly joint, when its carrier is no longer a separate individual, but a group. Thus, the question of which "other" side of communication is revealed by the concept of "interaction" can now be answered: the side that fixes not only the exchange of information, but also the organization joint action,allowing partners to implement some common activity for them. Such a solution to the issue excludes the separation of interaction from communication, but also excludes the identification of them: communication is organized in the course of joint activity, "about" it, and it is in this process that people need

i can exchange both information and the activity itself, that is, develop forms and norms of joint actions.

Each situation dictates its own style of behavior and actions: in each of them a person “presents” himself in different ways, and if this self-presentation is not adequate, interaction is difficult. If a style is formed on the basis of actions in a particular situation, and then mechanically transferred to another situation, then, naturally, success cannot be guaranteed. There are four main styles of action: ritual, imperative, manipulativeand humanistic.

1. Ritual style of action.Using the ritual style as an example, it is especially easy to show the need to correlate the style with the situation. The ritual style is usually determined by some culture. For example, the style of greetings, questions asked at the meeting, the nature of the expected answers. So, in American culture, it is customary to answer the question: "How are you?" answer "Excellent!", no matter how things really are. It is typical for our culture to answer “in essence”, moreover, not to be ashamed of the negative characteristics of our own being (“Oh, there is no life, prices are rising, transport is not working”, etc.). A person accustomed to a different ritual, having received such an answer, will be puzzled how to interact further (Petrovskaya, 1983).

2. Imperative style- is an authoritarian, directive form of interaction with a communication partner in order to achieve control over his behavior, attitudes and thoughts, forcing him to certain actions or decisions. In this case, the partner is the passive side. The ultimate unveiledthe goal of imperative communication is to coerce a partner. Orders, instructions and requirements are used as means of influencing. Areas where imperative communication is used quite effectively: “boss - subordinate” relations, military charter relations, work in extreme conditions, in emergency situations.

3. Manipulative styleis a form of interpersonal interaction, in which the influence on the communication partner in order to achieve their intentions is carried out secretly.At the same time, manipulation presupposes an objective perception of a communication partner, while it is hidden the desire to gain control over the behavior and thoughts of another person.In manipulative communication, the partner is perceived not as an integral unique personality, but as a carrier of certain properties and qualities "necessary" for the manipulator. However, a person who has chosen this type of relationship with others as the main one often ends up becoming a victim of his own manipulations. He also begins to perceive himself in fragments, switching to stereotyped forms of behavior, guided by false motives and goals, losing the core of his own life. Manipulation is used by dishonest people in business and other business relationships, as well as in the media when it implements-

xia concept of "black" and "gray" propaganda. At the same time, the possession and use of means of manipulative influence on other people in the business sphere, as a rule, ends for a person with the transfer of such skills to other areas of relationships. Relationships built on the principles of decency, love, friendship and mutual affection are most destroyed by manipulation.

4. Humanistic style of interaction.It is possible to single out those interpersonal relationships where
the imperative is inappropriate. This is an intimate-personal and marital relationship, children's
parental contacts, as well as the entire system of pedagogical relations. Such relationships are called
dialogical communication.Dialogue communication within the framework of a humanistic style is equal
subject-subject interaction, aimed at mutual knowledge, self-knowledge of partners in
communication. It allows you to achieve deep understanding, self-disclosure of partners, creates conditions
for mutual development.

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It is important to draw a general conclusion that the dismemberment of a single act of interaction into such components as the positions of the participants, the situation and the style of action, also contributes to a more thorough psychological analysis of this side of communication, making a certain attempt to link it with the content of the activity.

The interactive side of communication is a conditional term denoting the characteristics of those communication components that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities.

If the communicative process is born on the basis of some joint activity, then the exchange of knowledge and ideas about this activity inevitably presupposes that the achieved mutual understanding is realized in new joint attempts to further develop the activity, to organize it. The participation of many people at the same time in this activity means that each must make his own special contribution to it, which allows us to interpret the interaction as the organization of joint activities.

During it, it is extremely important for the participants not only to exchange information, but also to organize an “exchange of actions”, to plan common activities. With this planning, it is possible to regulate the actions of one individual by "plans that have ripened in the head of another", which makes the activity truly joint, when its carrier is no longer a separate individual, but a group. Thus, the question of which "other" side of communication is revealed by the concept of "interaction" can now be answered: the side that fixes not only the exchange of information, but also the organization of joint actions , allowing partners to implement some common activity for them. Such a solution to the issue excludes the separation of interaction from communication, but also excludes the identification of them: communication is organized in the course of joint activity, "about" it, and it is in this process that people need to exchange both information and the activity itself, that is, to develop forms and norms of joint action.

Interaction styles

Each situation dictates its own style of behavior and actions: in each of them a person “presents” himself in different ways, and if this self-presentation is not adequate, interaction is difficult. If a style is formed on the basis of actions in a particular situation, and then mechanically transferred to another situation, then, naturally, success cannot be guaranteed. There are four main styles of action: ritual, imperative, manipulative and humanistic.

1. Ritual style of action.Using the ritual style as an example, it is especially easy to show the need to correlate the style with the situation. The ritual style is usually determined by some culture. For example, the style of greetings, questions asked at the meeting, the nature of the expected answers. So, in American culture, it is customary to answer the question: "How are you?" answer "Excellent!", no matter how things really are. It is typical for our culture to answer “in essence”, moreover, not to be ashamed of the negative characteristics of our own being (“Oh, there is no life, prices are rising, transport is not working”, etc.). A person accustomed to a different ritual, having received such an answer, will be puzzled how to interact further.

2. Imperative styleis an authoritarian, directive form of interaction with a communication partner in order to achieve control over his behavior, attitudes and thoughts, forcing him to take certain actions or decisions. In this case, the partner is the passive side. The ultimate unveiled the goal of imperative communication is to coerce a partner. Orders, instructions and requirements are used as means of influencing. Areas where imperative communication is used quite effectively: the “boss - subordinate” relationship, military charter relations, work in extreme conditions, in extraordinary circumstances.

3. Manipulative styleis a form of interpersonal interaction in which the influence on a communication partner in order to achieve their intentions is carried out secretly. At the same time, manipulation presupposes an objective perception of the communication partner, while the hidden desire is to gain control over the behavior and thoughts of another person. In manipulative communication, the partner is perceived not as an integral unique personality, but as a carrier of certain properties and qualities "necessary" for the manipulator. However, a person who has chosen this type of relationship with others as the main one often ends up becoming a victim of his own manipulations. He also begins to perceive himself in fragments, switching to stereotypical forms of behavior, guided by false motives and goals, losing the core of his own life. Manipulation is used by dishonest people in business and other business relationships, as well as in the media when the concept of "black" and "gray" propaganda is implemented. At the same time, the possession and use of means of manipulative influence on other people in the business sphere, as a rule, ends for a person with the transfer of such skills to other areas of relationships. Relationships built on the principles of decency, love, friendship and mutual affection are most destroyed by manipulation.

4. Humanistic style of interaction.It is possible to single out those interpersonal relationships where the use of the imperative is inappropriate. These are intimate-personal and marital relations, child-parent contacts, as well as the entire system of pedagogical relations. Such relationships are called dialogical communication. Dialogue communication within the framework of the humanistic style is an equal subject-subject interaction with the goal of mutual knowledge, self-knowledge of communication partners. It allows you to achieve deep understanding, self-disclosure of partners, creates conditions for mutual development.

It is important to draw a general conclusion that the dismemberment of a single act of interaction into such components as the positions of the participants, the situation and the style of action, also contributes to a more thorough psychological analysis of this side of communication, making a certain attempt to link it with the content of the activity.

In psychology, such a concept as interaction is revealed as the actions of people directed at each other. Such actions can be considered as a set of certain actions aimed at achieving their goals, solving practical problems and implementing value guidelines.

The main types of human interaction

Various types of interaction are distinguished depending on the situation that caused it. This is what gave rise to the emergence of their various classifications.

The most common classification is based on performance.

Types of interaction in the process of communication

  1. Cooperation- this is such an interaction in which its participants reach a mutual agreement on how to act to achieve common goals and try not to violate it as long as their spheres of interest coincide.
  2. Competition - This is interaction, which is characterized by the achievement of their personal or social goals and interests in conditions of opposition of interests between people.

The types of interpersonal interaction often determine the nature of the relationship between people. The division into types can be based on the intentions and actions of people, which indicate how each of the participants in the interaction understands the meaning of what is happening. In this case, 3 more types are distinguished.

Types and types of interactions

  1. Additional.Such interaction, in which the partners calmly and objectively relate to each other's position.
  2. Intersecting. Interaction, during which the participants, on the one hand, demonstrate a reluctance to understand the position and opinions of other interaction partners. At the same time, on the other hand, they are actively showing their own intentions in this regard.
  3. Latent interaction. This type includes two levels at once: external, expressed verbally, and hidden, manifested in a person's thoughts. It assumes either a very good knowledge of the participant in the interaction, or your sensitivity to non-verbal means of communication. These include the tone of voice, intonation, facial expressions and gestures, in general, everything that can give a conversation a hidden meaning.

Styles and types of interaction, their features

  1. Cooperation. It is aimed at full satisfaction of partners in the interaction of their needs and aspirations. Here one of the above motives is realized: cooperation, or competition.
  2. Counteraction.This style presupposes orientation towards one's own goals, without considering any interests of the other party involved. The principle of individualism is manifested.
  3. Compromise. It is realized in the partial achievement of the goals and interests of both parties.
  4. Compliance.It involves sacrificing one's own interests to achieve the goals of a partner, or giving up small needs in order to achieve any more significant goal.
  5. Avoidance. This style represents withdrawal or avoidance of contact. In this case, the loss of one's own goals is possible to exclude a gain.

Sometimes activity and communication are viewed as two components of the social life of a society. In other cases, communication is designated as a certain side of the activity: it is included in any activity and is a part of it. The very activity appears to us as a condition and basis for communication. Moreover, in psychology, the concept of "interaction" "communication" are at the same level as "personality" "activity" and are fundamental.

Types of interaction in psychology play a huge role not only in interpersonal communication, but also in the process of human development and, as a result, society as a whole. Without communication, human society would not be able to fully function, and we would never have reached such heights of socio-economic development as now.

The main characteristics of interaction are manifested in different ways based on the conditions and situations in which the participants in the pedagogical process interact, which allows us to speak of a variety of types of interaction. There are various grounds for classification.

· Interactions prioritize by subject and object to subject:

- personality - personality (student - student, teacher - student, teacher - teacher, teacher - parent, etc.);

- collective - collective (junior collective - senior collective, class - class, student collective - pedagogical collective, etc.).

Each of these types has its own characteristics based on age: the same-age and unequal-age interaction, interaction in the team of younger and older students, etc.

· Celebrate directand indirect interaction.

Direct interaction characterized by direct impact on each other, indirect the same directed not at the person himself, but at the circumstances of her life, its microenvironment. For example, a teacher, organizing collective cognitive activity, interacts directly with consultants, on whose activities the participation of other students in the work depends. Consulting his assistants, the teacher directs their attention and actions to each student, gives advice on how to include his comrades in the work. Through consultants, the teacher corrects the activities of other children with whom interaction is carried out indirectly.

The basis for the classification of interaction types can also be:

- the presence of a goal or its absence - a special goal can be set in the interaction, then it is customary to call it purposeful; or the goal may be absent, and then they speak of spontaneous interaction;

- the degree of controllability - controlled, semi-controlled, uncontrolled; controlled - purposeful interaction, accompanied by systematic information about its results, allowing you to make the necessary adjustments in subsequent interaction; semi-controlled - ϶ᴛᴏ also purposeful interaction, but feedback is used from case to case; uncontrollable - ϶ᴛᴏ spontaneous interaction;

- type of relationship - "on equal terms" or "leadership"; for interaction “on equal terms” the subject is characteristic - subject relations, activity from both interacting parties; with "leadership" - activity on the one hand.

In practical work, characterize the interaction optimally, efficiency, frequency and sustainability... Different approaches to the classification of types of interaction are not mutually exclusive, but once again emphasize the multidimensional and multifaceted nature of this process.

We took the nature of the interaction as a basis for the classification, highlighting the following three features:

- the attitude of the interacting parties to the interests of each other,

- the presence of a realized common goal of joint activities,

- the subjectivity of the position in relation to each other in interaction.

· Various combinations of these signs give certain types of interaction: cooperation, dialogue, agreement, custody, suppression, indifference, confrontation.

This typology is applicable to the characteristics of the interaction of participants in the educational process at all levels: teacher - student, student - student, teacher - teacher, etc. The most effective type of interaction for the development of the team and personality is the collaborative type of interaction, which is characterized by:

- objective knowledge, relying on the best sides of each other, the adequacy of their assessments and self-assessments;

- humane, benevolent and trusting, democratic relationships;

- the activity of both parties, jointly conscious and accepted actions, a positive mutual influence on each other, in other words, a high level of development of all its components.

Cooperationparticipants in the educational process - ϶ᴛᴏ joint determination of the purpose of the activity, joint planning of future work, joint distribution of forces, means, subject of activity in time in accordance with the capabilities of each participant, joint control and evaluation of the results of work, and then forecasting new goals and objectives.

All people differ in the style of communication - stable characteristics in communication in different situations. Communication styles significantly determine human behavior when interacting with other people. The specific choice of a particular style of communication is determined by a number of factors, among which the following are important: the purpose of communication, the situation in which it is carried out, the status and personal characteristics of the interlocutor, his worldview and position in society, the characteristics of the very form of interaction.

The nature of the content of the interaction, as already noted, depends primarily on the speech means of communication, which form an essential logical-semantic line in communication. The leading characteristic of the modern style of communication is the brevity and simplicity of constructing phrases, speech construction, the use of everyday or professional colloquial vocabulary, peculiar speech cliches, templates and stamps.

In professional speech communication, as a rule, the following styles of communicative interaction are used: formal business, scientific, journalistic, domestic (colloquial).

Formal business communication style

The formal business style of speech is conditioned by the practical requirements of life and professional activity. It serves the sphere of legal, managerial, social relations and is implemented both in writing (business correspondence, regulations, office work, etc.) and orally (reporting at a meeting, speaking at a business meeting, official dialogue, conversation, negotiations) ...

In the formal business style, there are three sub-styles:

  • legislative;
  • diplomatic;
  • administrative and clerical.

Each of the listed sub-styles has its own specifics, communicative forms, speech cliches. Thus, a memorandum, a note, a communiqué are used in diplomatic communication; receipt, certificate, memorandum, power of attorney, order, order, statement, description, extract from the protocol - in the administrative and clerical style; law, article, paragraph, normative act, prescription, agenda, decree, code, etc. - in the legislative style.

The business style of communication requires the utmost accuracy of speech, which is achieved primarily by the use of terms, both widespread and highly specialized. The terms most often mean:

  • title of documents: resolution, notification, overgrowth, agreement, contract, act and DR;
  • names of persons by profession, status, function performed, social status: teacher, judge, sales manager, broker, company president, investigator, psychologist, commercial director, marketer, accountant, etc .;
  • procedural moments, for example: to carry out an examination, conduct an interrogation, seizure, certification, make an assessment or perform some professional actions (inform, prepare a report, write a certificate, etc.).

Business style requires objectivity of information... The expression of the subjective opinion of the person who composes the text, the use of emotionally colored vocabulary, vulgarisms is unacceptable in documents. This style is characterized by compact presentation, conciseness, economical use of language means (KIA - short and clear). According to psychological studies, half of adults are unable to grasp the meaning of spoken phrases if the phrase contains more than 13 words. In addition, if a phrase lasts more than 6 seconds without a pause, the thread of understanding is cut off. A phrase with over 30 words is not audible at all.

The official sphere of communication, repetitive standard situations, a clearly limited thematic range of business speech determine its standardization, which manifests itself not only in the choice of language means, but also in the forms of documents. In them, generally accepted forms of presentation and a certain location of structural and compositional parts are required: introductory part, descriptive part, regulatory and summarizing parts.

In business speech, speech cliches and speech patterns are widely used, for example:

  • to express our recognition - we apologize for ...;
  • expressing requests - we really count on your help in ...;
  • expressions of approval and consent - I completely agree with your opinion ...;
  • end of conversation - I believe that today we have discussed all our questions ...

The business style is the most common in everyday practice of formal communication. The more employees follow this style, the more order, mutual understanding and organizational culture in the organization.

Scientific communication style

The language of science is used in business communication of people engaged in scientific, research and pedagogical activities, developing objective knowledge about objects and phenomena, ideas and laws of reality, revealing their laws. The scientific style is typical for scientific treatises, articles, theses, reports, dissertations, scientific papers, as well as for presentations at conferences and symposia, at seminars and lectures.

The main form of thinking in science is a concept, therefore the content of scientific interaction of participants in such communication requires the most accurate, logical, unambiguous expression of thoughts.

The main characteristics of the scientific communication style include the following:

  • abstract generalization (considered; they say; as seen; often; often; as a rule; quite often; in most cases; most frequent; extremely; etc.);
  • the consistency of the presentation of information in the form of judgments and conclusions, strong arguments;
  • abstract vocabulary (exist; are; consists; used; used; and
  • etc.);
  • instead of the pronoun "I", the pronoun "We" is more often used (for example: it seems to us; we think; in our opinion; as our experience shows; according to our observations; we adhere to the point of view; etc.);
  • impersonal sentences (for example: it is necessary to note; it should be noted; it is possible; it is possible to draw a conclusion; as practice shows; it should be said; etc.);
  • complex sentences (conditional clauses with the conjunction "if ..., then" and subordinate clauses with the conjunction "while").

In a scientific style, the individual compositional parts of the text are usually arranged in a logical sequence. For this, a variety of techniques are used, for example enumeration: firstly, secondly, thirdly; or " first there was this, then that ..."; or " if so, then it follows ...". For the bundles within the text, such speech constructions are also used as: however; meanwhile; while; Nonetheless; so; according to e .; hence; in addition; turn to ...; consider; it is necessary to focus on ...; so; in this way; in conclusion, let's say; all of the above leads to a conclusion; as we can see; Summarizing; should be said.

The scientific style of communication is more effective in the professional environment of scientists and educators, with participation in research or scientific-practical conferences and symposia, where people are united by a certain level of competence and there is a need to exchange scientific achievements. At the same time, the use of a scientific style, for example, when teaching a lesson or delivering an educational lecture, as practice shows, does not give the necessary positive result, moreover, it is poorly perceived by the audience. We also note that the scientific style allows for the possibility of reading written materials (dubbing), but the perception of such a text by ear is difficult. In order to increase the effectiveness of the perception of a scientific message in recent years, poster presentations and illustrations of speeches using multimedia have become common.

Publicistic speech style

Any public speech can be classified as publicistic: oral - speech, report, lecture, speech at a meeting or at a rally, interviews on television or radio; or written - an article (note) in a newspaper, a review of a professional book. The journalistic style (from Lat. Publicus - public), as a rule, serves the sphere of public relations: political, ideological, economic, cultural. This style of speech is widely used in the mass media, in propaganda and campaigning actions, in elections.

The main characteristics of the journalistic style of communication are as follows:

  • informativeness of the message, its documentary and factual accuracy, collectiveness, officiality of the materials used;
  • real life phenomena and facts (verified, documentary sources); the novelty of facts, based on real situations, events, news from the field, eyewitness accounts;
  • book-abstract means (for example, words such as: activity, discussion, research, understanding, dominates, relate, process, concept, system, in demand, testifies, assumed, carried out, means, requires, affects, etc.);
  • addressing techniques, that is, the speaker's words should be directed to a specific person (or group). This, in turn, presupposes feedback - questions and answers (“I am addressing you, students!”, “You sitting in this hall,” “Guys!”); availability of information for the audience; expressiveness, increased emotionality, artistry. The facts used in the text of speech, as a rule, are assessed by the speaker, commented on, interpreted; sayings of famous people, anecdotes and historical
  • incidents (from Lat. casus - a complicated, confusing case), as well as proverbs, aphorisms, artistic images, repetition of words, metaphors, comparisons, quotes, illustrations;
  • laconic speech. To reduce the text, the so-called distillation is used (from the Latin disillitio - distillation, separation) - careful editing and reduction, selection of all unnecessary, extreme stylistic refinement of thoughts;
  • humor, wit, irony. In a public speech, they are, in principle, permissible, at the same time, merciless ridicule, evil sarcasm, incorrect statements addressed to specific persons are not always appropriate, and sometimes even act destructively (for example, such statement by Bernard Shaw addressed to the speaker as: “I would really wanted to take you seriously, but that would be a grave insult to your intellect. ").

In a public speech, care must be taken when using information that can be attributed to slander and defamation (from Latin diffamare - to disclose, denigrate, deprive of a good name), in the form of hatred, ridicule, alienation, contempt, as well as when the case is compromised, the profession of that or another person, his position (from the French compromettre - to harm someone, undermine the reputation, good name).

In addition, it is not recommended to speak negatively about age, sex, territorial, racial, sexual and other affiliations or preferences of people sitting in the audience;
speaking directly in front of the audience, scoring the text and eye contact, while usually using a variety of non-verbal means of communication: facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonation of the voice, changing the rhythm of speech, pause, exclamation, smile, etc.

Thus, all three styles are in demand and are practically used in professional communication to achieve certain goals.

Conversational style

Unlike business styles, colloquial speech serves the sphere of informal relations, which occur not only in everyday life, in a family, in a friendly circle, but also in a professional environment. Spoken language, as you know, performs the function of interpersonal communication, therefore it most often manifests itself orally, in a dialogue, in which speakers often participate spontaneously. Preliminary deliberation in such communication is not

Since spoken language contributes to self-expression, the manifestation of individual personality traits, insofar as it is emotionally colored. Non-verbal means of communication and expressive body signals play an important role here. In addition, everyday everyday vocabulary is widely used in informal communication: vernacular, words of subjective assessment, expressively emotionally colored statements, as well as abbreviations (Peter, reading room, hostel), slang (“ damn», « i trudge"), Colloquial and everyday phraseology (" goal like a falcon», (« runs like crazy», « like snow on your head», « stubborn as a donkey», « where the hell were you”Etc.), verbal interjections (shmyak, Skok, shmyg), various particles (this one, let me see, well, that's it, after all, etc.). Interrogative, motivating and exclamatory sentences are widely practiced. This style of speech, of course, can only be used in certain situations. Thus, observance of style rules and norms will allow each person to correspond to the image of a business person and achieve the desired results on the basis of cooperation of joint efforts, convergence of goals and cooperation. Is provided.