Spring birds: which ones arrive first in the spring. Summary of GCD Compilation of the story "How birds meet spring" outline of a lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic What bird is welcomed in spring

Nature arranged the way of life for birds that many of them migrate all the time from one habitat to another, and this happens due to changes in weather conditions. Since the temperature regime greatly affects the vital activity and reproduction of birds, they usually leave their native lands when winter comes, and return back in spring, in March-May.

Arrival of birds after wintering always means one thing: the cold receded and gave way to warmth. And here it becomes interesting for many to find out which birds arrive first in the spring.

Which birds arrive first

Many do not even suspect that all migratory birds follow a specific arrival schedule, and each species strictly follows it. It is also interesting that they all return to their former place of residence and even to their previously built nests. If something happened to the nest during the absence of the feathered owners, then the latter settle down anew, after which they breed their offspring.

So, in what sequence do spring birds arrive:

What other birds fly in the spring

Speaking of spring feathered messengers, do not forget about such like a nightingale and a swallow.

First, it is worth saying about the nightingales, because it is these who are recognizable by how wonderfully they can sing. And despite its very inconspicuous appearance (this bird is gray with a brownish tint), the nightingale has a charming voice that bewitches everyone, without exception.

Swallows are another bright symbol of spring. These birds do not know how to sing like nightingales, but they love to settle closer to people, often equipping their nests in the entryway, under balconies and eaves of houses. They can also often be seen in gorges above rivers.

Arrival calendar of spring birds

For many, many years, people have been watching the arrival of birds from the warm regions of their native places, and ornithologists, thanks to scientific research, were able to draw up a calendar of the arrival of birds:

  • rooks return from 18 to 20 March;
  • March 25-April 6 - starlings arrive;
  • April 1-10 - finches, larks, swans and blackbirds arrive during this period;
  • April 11-20 - ducks and geese, cranes and gulls return to their homelands;
  • end of April - redstarts, forest pipits, foams;
  • first half of May - swallows and flycatchers arrive;
  • swifts and nightingales usually return in mid-May;
  • the orioles return at the end of May.

In addition to certain periods of time in which birds return to their native lands, there are also certain routes along which they make their way.

Interesting signs associated with the arrival of birds in spring

Arrival of spring birds - it is always a sign that winter has receded and spring and warm weather are ahead. And it has long been customary to associate their certain behavior with some signs, for example:

It was with the melting of snows and the merry whistling of birds the arrival of spring... Schoolchildren begin to make birdhouses in labor lessons, and the first swallow's nests begin to appear under the roofs of houses.

Goal: summarize and systematize children's knowledge about spring.


Strengthen children's ideas about seasonal changes in nature (spring), understand and see signs and signs of spring, generalize ideas about the relationship between living and inanimate nature in spring; to consolidate the ability to perform thread applique.


To develop the ability to think logically, reason, analyze, draw conclusions, expand and activate the dictionary, develop memory, attention.


To foster a good attitude towards nature, a culture of verbal communication with each other, with a teacher.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about spring (seasonal changes, the life of animals and birds), viewing illustrations, reading fiction, memorizing poetry, signs, proverbs, walks in the forest.

Materials and equipment:

An envelope, pictures with signs of spring, a flower, a drawing paper depicting the outline of the sun, a laptop, a presentation "Animals and Birds in Spring", pictures "Wintering and Migratory Birds", a model of a birch, a toy - a bird, clothespins, twigs, a recording of "Voices of Birds" phonogram of cheerful music.

For application: Whatman sheet with a picture of a forest, silhouettes of animals made of cardboard, finely cut colored threads (reel), napkins, oilcloth, glue, glue brushes.

The children go up to the teacher who is holding a large envelope. Everyone gets up around the table. The teacher opens the envelope and lays pictures with signs of spring on the table.

Educator: Guys, a letter was brought to our kindergarten today. Who is this letter from? (From the spring.) Why did you decide that? What are the signs of spring? Take the spring flower, name the sign of spring.

Playing with a flower "Signs of Spring"

Children pass a flower to each other, naming a sign of spring.

Educator: Right. We have been waiting for her arrival for a long time. Tell me, what spring? Every word about spring will be a ray of the sun (shows the image of the sun without rays). The more we choose the words, the more rays our sun will get, the warmer it will be.

Game "Spring Helpers"

Children call words, draw a ray.

Educator:Do you guys want to go for a walk in the spring forest? (Yes.) Then let's go!

Educator:Here we are. Let's say hello to the forest.

Physical education "Hello, forest"

Hello, forest, beautiful forest (Spread your arms wide to the sides.)

Full of fairy tales and wonders! (Turns left and right with outstretched arms.)

What are you making noise about with foliage

On a dark, thunderous night? (Hands are raised up, swinging to the right - to the left.)

Who is lurking in your wilderness?

What kind of beast?

What bird? (Children gaze into the distance, turning right and left.)

Open everything, don't hide it. (Spread your arms wide to the sides, shake your finger.)

You see - we are ours. (Hands up, and then press your palms to your chest.)

Educator:What do you hear ? (Birdsong.) How do birds behave in spring? (Birds return from the south.) To find out which birds have come to us, guess the riddles.

The answers are accompanied by a slide show.


It pierces the soil with its beak,

Harmful - he will eat, he is great!

And his name is ... starling .

The legs are long, the nose is long,

What did he bring for dinner?

Snakes, snails, frogs.

For loved ones … storks.

In the spring, here and there

The song is sung merrily:

"Ah, swing, swing, swing,

Came to us ... rooks ».

Hiding among the branches

Sings gloriously ... nightingale.

No, he does not sleep on the window,

The bird is called a cat. Oriole .

Everyone knows this bird

She grabs on the fly

Flies, grasshoppers, crickets,

Butterflies, dragonflies, bugs.


If he wants, it will fly straight

He wants - it hangs in the air

Falling like a stone from the heights

And sings in the fields, sings. Lark.

The rope stretched across the skies.


Educator: Well done boys! Now let's play: we will split into two teams. One team selects migratory birds, the second - wintering ones. Children come to the table where the pictures are.

Didactic game "Migrants - wintering"

Educator: Guys, you all did the job. Now remember and tell me, what do birds do in spring? (They build nests, breed chicks.)

Educator: Do you know what the chicks are called in different birds? Let's remember.

Didactic game "Who has who?"

At the cuckoo - cuckoo .

At the starling - nestling.

Rook - rook.

The stork - stork.

At the swan - swan.

At the crane - crane.

Educator:I suggest you get some rest.

Finger game with clothespins "Let's help the birds build a house"

The teacher puts a toy under the birch - a bird. To the accompaniment of cheerful music, children use clothespins - "beaks" to carry twigs to the bird, from which it will build a nest.

Educator:Spring is welcomed not only by birds, but also by animals. Let's tell you what the animals are doing during this period.

A slide appears on the screen - "Bear ».

Educator:What's going on in a bear's life? (Answers.) What animals are still awakening? (Hedgehogs, badgers.) Slide - hedgehog, badger.

Children talk about the life of these animals in the spring.

Educator:What can you tell us about the hare? Slide hare.

Children's answers.

Educator: Who else changes the color of the coat? (Squirrel.) Slide - squirrel.Tell us about her. How do these animals greet spring? Slide - wolf, fox.

Children's answers.

Educator:That's right guys. The winter hibernation of animals ends. The bear leaves the den with the grown cubs and wanders through the forest in search of food. All other forest animals also have babies. In adult animals, molt begins - winter wool is replaced by summer. But the hare and the squirrel even change the color of the fur coat.

Physical education "Wild animals"

Let's get up, we need to rest (Movements are performed according to the text.)

Shake our fingers.

Come up, handles, up,

Move your fingers -

So wiggle your ears

Gray bunnies.

We sneak quietly on our toes

Like foxes roam the woods.

The wolf looks around

And we'll turn our heads.

Now we sit down quieter, quieter -

Let us be quiet, as if in the holes of a mouse.

The bear walked through the forest

Trampled and growled.

He wanted very much honey,

And I didn't know where to get it.

Educator:So our walk in the spring forest has ended - it's time to return to kindergarten. In memory of our walk, let's make a picture of the forest.

Children walk over to the easel and contemplate the painted forest background.

Educator:What do you see? ( Forest.) Who is missing in the picture? ( Forest animals.) Let's put them in this forest: we will make an applique from threads. But first, let's remember the sequence of work. First, you need to select the silhouette of the animal and the thread according to the color of the animal's fur to make the applique, then glue the silhouette image, put the threads on the glue surface and press firmly to the base with a napkin, shake off the rest of the threads. After that, glue the eyes, nose on the muzzle and glue the animal to the overall picture of the forest.

Children make an applique made of threads "Animals in the Forest".

Educator:What good fellows you are! Now we really see a real forest here with its forest inhabitants. This picture will remind us of our spring walk.

Drawing up a story on a topic"How birds meet spring»

Objectives: reinforce children's ideas about traits spring in inanimate nature; show the connection between spring changes in inanimate and wildlife; summarize children's knowledge about spring changes in life birds; develop observation skills, compare, analyze, draw conclusions; foster interest and respect for nature; summarize the idea of birds(appearance, habitat, etc., their diversity; remember with children the division into migratory and wintering ones based on the connection between the nature of the food and the method of obtaining it; activate dictionary: migratory, insectivorous, granivorous, carnivorous, waterfowl, singing, arrival, reproduction.

Methodical techniques:

Reading story, conversation, riddles; didactic game "Tell me a word", "Inquiry Office", "Migratory and wintering birds» ; viewing illustrations; collective and individual narration, dynamic pause.


Illustrations and photographs featuring birds, flocks of birds.

Graphic model - beak birds.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction;

Learning vocabulary « Spring» ;

Consideration illustrations and pictures on the topic under study;

Walking observations;

Drawing, application, modeling on the topic « Spring» , « Birds» .

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment. Development of auditory attention, perception.

A game "Tell me a word".

I open the buds I water the crops.

In green leaves. The movement is full.

I dress the trees, My name is…. Spring.

What changes in inanimate nature occur in spring?

- Guess the riddle:

Dreams of a spider at night When it arrives - things are bad.

Miracle Yudo on a bitch: Who is the spider afraid of?

Long beak and two wings. Have you guessed? It… bird.

Today birds invite us to their nests.

2. Drawing up a story on a topic"How birds meet spring» . Development of dialogical speech.

Remember guys the hallmark birds? (The body is covered with feathers.)

By plumage, we usually recognize bird... And how are they different? (Body shape, beak, plumage color, voice).

Which birds we call migratory, and which wintering ones?

Distribute picture pictures birds into two groups and give each group a common name. (Birds migratory and wintering).

Guys, why are many birds fly away from us in the fall? (Lack of food - insects, reptiles).

What allow birds return to their native lands in spring?

Each flight bird returns to his native land at a certain time.

Guess riddles.

All flight blacker birds,

Cleans arable land from worms

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And called bird…... Rook.

Rooks are among the first to arrive. They are not afraid of cold weather. And until the fields are cleared of snow, the rooks, together with the crows, search for grain and food remnants near human dwellings. Then they start building nests. The rook brings twigs and the rook builds a nest. Then they change, but do not leave the nest unattended, otherwise another pair will take it.

He winds his nest in the field,

Where the plants stretch.

His song and flight

We entered the poems. (Lark).

This bird light brown with dark streaks. In Russia, in the middle lane, for a long time people determine the arrival spring on the first song of the lark.

Finally flew to us

Our best singer.

Day and night long

He sings. (Nightingale).

Nightingales sing especially well when lilacs are blooming. Nightingales sing most actively before the appearance of chicks. Then the father of the family will not be up to singing - it is necessary to help the female to feed the chicks.

He lives on the roof of the house.

He flies to hunt

Follow the frogs to the swamp. (Stork).

It is popularly believed that the stork brings peace and happiness to the house on the roof of which it settled. Scientists have recently made opening: it turns out that storks can sleep on the fly.

On the six-palace

There is a singer in the palace

And his name is ... starling.

With a wide and important step, incessantly bowing and looking around, the starling walks behind the plow, pulling out the earthworms. The starling is a mockingbird. He knows how to convey everything he hears. In his concerts, you can hear not only the voices of others birdsbut also the croaking of frogs, the growling of a dog and the meow of a cat. Among the people say: I saw a starling - know spring at the porch.

The teacher exposes a painting depicting starlings.

Come on guys carefully consider the picture and make a story about starlings according to plan:

1. What do they look like birds.

2. How do they arrange their nests?

3. How the offspring are taken care of.

We listen to 2-3 children with a story about birds.

Since ancient times people have great respect, love and care for birds... Many riddles, fairy tales, nursery rhymes and fables live among the people. Let's listen to some of them.

Where are you, where are you, swallow

Did you fly all day?

She braided the golden braid of the sun.

Our Lyubitsa can't sleep

Come to us, stork- bird,

With a quiet slumber, with a sound sleep,

A blackbird sweeps the yard with a broom - a blackbird is waiting for guests today,

For his birthday

Worms for treats.

We will treat you with grain

Let's drink some water.

Come to us, stork- bird.

There was a holiday in Russia - met spring that day... They baked cookies in the shape of larks. They climbed onto the roofs of huts and sang: "Oh, you larks, larks, come to us, bring us a warm summer, spring red».

And now every year we celebrate the Day birds at the end of March - before the arrival of starlings. Tell me guys what role do they play birds in human life? What can a person do for birds and what shouldn't I do?

They returned home from distant lands birds:

Blackbirds crackle, crossbills, tits cry.

It's time to go to bed, and the birds are chattering.

They are not just shouting, they are building houses for themselves.

3. Dynamic pause. Coordination speech with movement.

Drops dripped loudly (jumping in place,

All the icicles were crying (shake our head, pressing our hands to our cheeks).

The sun is shining brightly (hands up, stretching,

We icicles are hot (fanning ourselves).

Water is already flowing from us (slope down,

We will melt forever (straighten up).

4. Lesson summary.

Didactic game "Inquiry Office"... Help desk workers need to know a lot about birdsto answer all questions. I will ask questions, and you, as employees of the bureau, will answer. For each correct answer you will receive a token "Friend birds» .

What kind birds live here? (Images of a lake, meadows, forests, bush) .

Whose nest is this?

What each of us can do to help birds?

Well done guys, you did a good job today. We played and talked actively and kindly. Well come up with a small story on a given topic.


In the spring the sun is bright, radiant, warm, affectionate, affectionate.

In spring, the sky is high, clear, blue, clear.

In spring the clouds are light, cirrus, fluffy.

In spring, long, sparkling icicles hang from the rooftops.

In spring the grass is young, light green, tender.

In spring, green, sticky buds swell on the trees.

In spring they arrive: rooks, swallows, starlings.

March April May.

Early spring.

blue - children clap

Earthy - children clap.

The other is that children are clapping.

Period - children clap.

They wave their arms and jump.


Stroke hands, noses.

Waving their hands



Arrival of birds, Spring, Birds in spring.

The artist depicted spring.

It became warm outside.

The bright spring sun is shining. The sky is clear, light, blue, high, bright, spring, clear, radiant.

Trees wake up in the spring. They have buds and young green leaves. The buds are sticky, green, odorous.

The earth thaws in the spring. The earth is soft, loose, warm.

The grass is young in spring, light green, silky, tender, fragrant.

The apple tree will bloom.

Migratory birds.

Swallow, starling, siskin, cuckoo, rook, nightingale, thrush.







This is a nest with chicks.

The nest is made of thin twigs and straw.

A black rook with a purple tint brought a worm in its large, thick beak. Rooks reach out to the worm with their beaks. She found him in the garden while rummaging in the ground.
On a birch branch sits an emerald-purple starling with numerous white specks. He sings a song. The birdworm carries a feather in its beak. She makes a nest in the birdhouse.

Sharp-winged swallows fly high in the sky. They will build nests too.

This is how birds greet spring.

Good, joyful.

It is best to start the story with a description of nature. Let's say what the sun, sky, trees, earth, grass.

Then we will talk about migratory birds and what they do.

We will tell you what mood the picture evokes.

1st child. Spring has come. It got warm. The bright spring sun is shining. The sky is clear, light, blue, high, clear, radiant, spring, bright. Trees wake up in the spring. Buds and young green leaves appeared on the trees. The buds are sticky, green, odorous. The earth thaws in the spring. It is warm, soft and loose. The grass is young, light green, silky, tender, fragrant. Yellow dandelions have blossomed in the grass. Apple trees bloomed in the garden.

2nd child. Migratory birds have arrived. On a birch - a nest with rooks. The nest is made of thin twigs and straw. A black rook with a metallic purple hue brought a worm in its powerful thick beak. Rooks reach with their beaks to the worm. In the garden, rooks dig in the ground and look for worms.

3rd child. On a birch branch sits an emerald-purple starling with numerous white specks. He sings a song. The birdworm carries a feather in its beak. She makes a nest in the birdhouse. Sharp-winged swallows fly high in the sky. They will build nests too

4th child. ... The picture is painted in light colors and evokes a joyful mood.

The child repeats the whole story.

Birds in the spring.