Improvement of methods for assessing human resources. Improvement of human resources of LLC AmurVladplus. Improving the personnel certification process


The article discusses the construction of an analytical system for a comprehensive assessment of the state of the personnel potential of a design organization. The role of the influence of the competitive environment on the development of the organization is investigated. The dynamics of personnel indicators largely depends on the state of the market, on the situation in the country's economy, on the measures and methods of survival and development of an enterprise in a constantly changing external environment. In turn, the competitive environment and its formation in the modern world is the basis for the development of market relations. The need to integrate marketing into the management process is reflected. As a result of the analysis, weaknesses in human resources management are identified and proposals are developed to improve the organization's human resources. In particular, the authors note that it is possible to develop the personnel potential of an organization through effective replenishment and improvement of the quality level of personnel, a qualified level of incentives and motivation of employees, and innovative awareness of the personnel service. The enterprise needs to pay due attention to the organizational structure, personnel policy, marketing and the general development program of the company in the current state of development of the market and the country's economy.

project organization

human resources

frame analysis

market management

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Modern market conditions dictate to any enterprise the conditions for survival in high competition, which include increased requirements for production efficiency, the introduction of modern means and methods of management, both by companies and by production processes that increase the competitiveness of the goods and services offered. Currently, the most attention is given to complex concepts focused on the overall quality of activities and on personnel development. Since the main reserves for increasing the efficiency of activities have been exhausted, more subtle mechanisms for identifying reserves are required. Much attention should be paid to economic analysis in identifying these reserves and in achieving the assigned tasks.

The analysis helps to identify the compliance of the personnel potential with the company's strategies, to evaluate the performance of not only the enterprise, but also the divisions, as well as individual employees, developing recommendations for a more rational use of employees, taking into account their psychological characteristics. Through personnel analysis it is possible to work out an economic strategy for the development of an enterprise, to identify reserves for increasing production efficiency, to determine the causes of problems and possible methods for their elimination.

Let us analyze human resources using the example of the design and construction company "Development" LLC, founded in 1992, which carries out commercial and residential construction in the city of Izhevsk.

The construction company Razvitie LLC is characterized by a linear management model. A linear organizational structure of management is characterized by the presence of a leader in each structural unit who is endowed with all powers and exercises sole leadership over employees. The structural unit of the design organization, which is shown in the figure, consists of an administration and twelve departments.

The most basic component of the workflow of any organization is the workforce. The personnel of the company is a part of the personnel, which includes the main (full-time, permanent), as a rule, qualified workers.

By the nature of the functions performed, industrial production personnel (PPP) are divided into four categories: workers, technical executors (employees), specialists and managers.

Consider the changes that have occurred in the staff of the studied organization over the past three years. To do this, we will determine what share each category of employees makes, compare the number of personnel by year, and give a description of the educational level and wages.

As a result of an analysis of the organization's staffing table over the past three years, it can be concluded that the organization has a relatively small staff.

In 2014, compared to 2013, the following changes took place in the structure of the workforce: the total number of employees increased by 33% (by 20 people), including due to the increase in administrative and managerial personnel by 5 people, specialists by 5 people and key employees for 8 people. Based on this, we can conclude that the company began to develop.

The dynamics of the number in 2015 compared to 2014 is the opposite. The staff decreased by 18 people, including 3 people from the administration, 12 people - specialists, 3 people - main workers. According to the data in the table, it can be concluded that the number of specialists and key workers has decreased, which is associated with a reduction in the amount of work.

Characteristics of the educational level of employees of LLC "Development" is contained in table. 2.

The structure of the company "Development"

Table 1

Labor force structure

table 2

Educational level of personnel, people

Each employee is a specialist in his field and has the appropriate education. In the studied organization higher education have 42.5% of the staff. Compared to 2013, the proportion of workers with higher education was 39%. 6% of the company's employees improved their qualifications in 2014, while in 2013 the proportion of such employees was only 5%. In 2015, 43.5% of employees have higher education, 25.8% - secondary vocational, 30.6% - complete secondary. 3 employees improved their qualifications.

One of the key tasks in personnel management is to further improve the professional level of Razvitie LLC specialists. personnel training is part of the overall development strategy of the Company. The opportunity to improve the qualifications of personnel is an incentive for any employee to further productive work, i.e. is one of the types of staff motivation.

The analysis of the salary level in this organization allowed us to estimate it as the average for the region.

The calculations of the coefficients used to assess the personnel potential of the organization are given in table. four.

Table 3

Labor force movement in Razvitie LLC, people

Table 4

Calculation of coefficients used to assess the human resources of the organization


Calculation formula

Coefficient values

Coefficient of dynamics of the number of employed Kd

Kd \u003d (Chp - Chuv) / Chsr

(13 - 4)/60 = 0,15

(35 - 5)/80 = 0,375

(2 - 36)/62 = -0,548

Coefficient of dynamics of the number of personnel Kdchs

Kdchs \u003d DCh / Chsr

(80 - 60)/80 = + 0,25

(62-80)/62 = -0,29

Ratio of turnover for the reception of workers Kpr

Kpr \u003d Chprin / Chbsh

Dismissal turnover ratio Кв

Kv \u003d Chuv / Chsr

Personnel turnover rate Кт

CT \u003d Chuvszh / Chsr

(2 + 2)/60 = 0,067

(2 + 3) /80 = 0,063

(10 + 6) /62 = 0,258

Personnel constancy coefficient Kp

Kps \u003d Chg / Chsr

Legend: Чп - the number of received employees; Chuv - the number of employees who quit; ДЧ - fluctuations in the average payroll; Chsr - average payroll; Chprin - the number of personnel hired; Chbsh - the average number of personnel; Chuvszh - the number of those who quit voluntarily and for violation of labor discipline; Chg is the number of employees who have worked all year.

The headcount dynamics coefficient shows an increase in the headcount in 2014 compared to 2013 by 25% and its decrease in 2015 compared to 2014 by 29%.

The turnover ratio for the hiring of workers shows an increase in newly hired employees in 2014 by 22.1% compared to 2013 and a decrease in 2015 by 40.6% compared to 2014.

The turnover rate for layoffs shows a decrease in layoffs for the analyzed period: in 2014 by 0.4% compared to 2013,? and an increase in 2015 of 51.8% compared to 2014.

In 2014, the staff turnover rate decreased by 0.4% compared to 2013, in 2015 it increased by 19.5% compared to 2014.

Comparing the indicators of turnover by hiring and dismissal, we can conclude that 2013 and 2014 were more successful, but turnover was still high, the team was unstable and unstable. In 2015, there was a crisis at the enterprise, and there were many more people who were laid off. Excessive turnover causes significant economic losses, and also creates organizational, personnel, technological, psychological difficulties.

The staff constancy coefficient should tend to 1.0. It shows that there is a staff turnover at the enterprise during the analyzed period. The most typical reasons for dismissing employees of their own free will, as a rule, are dissatisfaction with the conditions and organization of work, low wages, remoteness of the place of residence from the place of work, and poor relations with the employer.

Let's analyze the lost time using the formula

Пв \u003d (Пт / 100)? Чп? Фв,

where Pv is the loss of working time due to turnover; Fri - a possible increase in labor productivity (the increase in labor productivity achieved in the organization is taken); Chp - the number of employees hired during the year; Фв - the estimated fund of the working time of one worker per year.

Such losses are characterized by a possible decrease in the productivity of newly hired workers in comparison with the average for the organization. According to sociological research, the output of a newly hired employee in the first month of his work is below average by about 1/3, in the second month - by 10%.

Suppose that the growth in labor productivity in the organization for the year is 5.8%. 114 people were admitted to the organization, the number of days worked by one worker was 230.5. The calculated values \u200b\u200bof the loss of working time for this case are significant, therefore, measures are needed to efficiently use working time and increase staff motivation. It is necessary to work with personnel, apply the principles of incentives and motivation, analyze the applied principles and draw appropriate conclusions.

In turn, the company is trying to increase employee satisfaction by creating a healthy working atmosphere in the team, organizing technically equipped workplaces. Also, the company carries out systematic work with personnel, with a reserve for nomination, which is based on such organizational forms as preparing candidates for nomination according to individual plans, training in special courses and internships in relevant positions.

The company has certain requirements for its employees. These include the following: professionalism, high literacy, communication skills, the ability to absorb information, enthusiasm, as well as dedication to their work.

Making a conclusion about human potential, we can conclude that the company needs to provide stable places for personnel, because the increased staff turnover reduces the efficiency of activities. It is possible to develop the personnel potential of an organization through effective replenishment and improvement of the quality level of personnel, a qualified level of incentives and motivation of employees, and innovative awareness of the personnel service. The company needs to pay due attention to the organizational structure, personnel policy, marketing and the general development program of the company in the current state of development of the market and the country's economy.

For the formation and development of human resources, the necessary components are: availability of an effective scientific infrastructure of the organization: high-quality potential of scientists and specialists; availability of scientific schools and technologies; scientific groundwork in the form of intellectual property; use of marketing tools to transfer innovative technologies to the market for products and services.

The dynamics of personnel indicators largely depends on the state of the market, on the country's economy, on the measures and methods of survival and development of an enterprise in a constantly changing external environment. In turn, the competitive environment and its formation in the modern world is the basis for the development of market relations. Solving competitiveness problems is becoming a kind of strategic resource for the entire Russian economy. This problem is relevant in all industries, including the construction industry.

The management of a market-oriented organization should be based on the principle of integrating personnel marketing into the management process, i.e. activities aimed at providing the company's human resources. It is marketing that allows the systems for managing the production and economic activities of various entities to achieve the necessary flexibility, adaptability, strategic maneuverability, without which it is impossible to function in a dynamically developing market environment.

A comprehensive assessment of the company's personnel potential is the most important element of personnel management. The organization's personnel is the main resource, on the efficiency of which the results of the organization's activities directly depend.

Bibliographic reference

Grakhov V.P., Mokhnachev S.A., Frolova V.P. ANALYTICAL SYSTEM OF COMPREHENSIVE ASSESSMENT OF THE HUMAN RESOURCES OF A PROJECT ORGANIZATION // Fundamental Research. - 2016. - No. 2-1. - S. 135-139;
URL:\u003d39895 (date of access: 04/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Improving the human resources of AmurVladplus LLC

For a more rational use of personnel at AmurVladplus LLC, first of all, it is necessary to carry out certification of working personnel in order to identify the potential and suitability for the positions held.

Not only personnel department employees, but also heads (heads) of departments take part in certification. An important aspect of the organization by personnel and the requirement for certification is the need for a good knowledge of the direct supervisor not only of his immediate subordinates, but also of employees who occupy positions in the organizational hierarchy at several levels below. It is advisable that the manager, standing two levels higher, should review the marks given by the immediate manager and, taking into account the employee's reaction, recheck and approve them. In cases where the performance and potential of the employee exceed the standards, another approval at a higher level may be required.

The effective collection of information, especially on the assessment of labor, can be facilitated by the involvement of all employees of the unit in which the certification takes place, and employees who directly interact with this unit as experts.

Taking into account the objectives of certification, namely: assessing the level of labor efficiency and the conformity of workers to their positions, as well as identifying promising employees for their training and promotion, two components of certification can be distinguished:

  • · Assessment of labor;
  • · personel assessment.

Assessment of labor aims to compare the content, quality and cost of labor with the planned. The planned work result is presented in the cards, plans and programs of the organization's work. Assessment of labor makes it possible to assess: quantity, quality, intensity of labor.

When certifying managers, it makes sense to conduct not only an assessment of the work of each of them, but also to organize special procedures for assessing the work of the department headed by him (for this it is advisable to involve information from related departments of the organization, as well as external partners and clients with whom this department interacts).

Personnel assessment aims to study the degree of preparedness of the employee to perform the specific type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential for determining growth prospects (rotation).

It is especially useful to use simultaneously both types of employee performance assessment that affect the achievement of results, i.e. based on labor results and quality assessment.

The choice of a candidate for this or that organization is associated with his own goals, plans and characteristics, as well as with the current situation. For a HR manager, understanding how a person is looking for a job can help organize the most effective recruiting process:

Organization of the process of attracting a candidate for a position

Potential candidate actions

HR Manager Tasks

Step 1. Determine the ultimate goal of career promotion and the sequence of jobs on the way to this goal.

Which allows you to consider the proposed places in the organization in terms of the option of the final or intermediate workplace

Analyzing the labor market and identifying possible segments, whose representatives, from his point of view, may strive for goals that are adequate to the corporate culture of the organization and a specific workplace (at a certain stage of their career). An attempt to reconstruct the goals that the person you are looking for should strive for.

Step 2. Determine the current sources of information about the proposed jobs.

This allows the candidate to choose both the most informative, trusted by the media, as well as oriented in a certain way (by specialty, by status level, etc.)

An analysis of the methods of obtaining information most suitable for your potential candidate.

Assessment of the influence of various media on the segment of the labor market from which it is possible to attract a candidate.

Step 3. Analysis of the proposed jobs, comparing them with each other by:

  • Industries,
  • Types of companies,
  • The proposed functions,
  • · Other grounds.

Narrowing down the range of proposals to a few that should be considered more closely. The candidate forms the so-called competitive list and compares the conditions offered in different organizations based on the specifics of his own motivation: in terms of the amount of remuneration, if possible, job growth, professional development, etc.

Analysis of competitive offers and development, if necessary, of ways of arguing for your company.

Guess additional parameters that may be important to your potential candidate. In order for this to be possible, it is necessary to reconstruct the specifics of the motivation of the person the organization is looking for - what he should be focused on in the first place: finance, growth, development, certain guarantees, etc.

Step 4. Analysis of the candidate's own capabilities. This allows you to build the most successful argumentation when passing the selection procedures

Flexible approach when negotiating with the candidate. The ability to change functional duties, status in the event of a promising candidate. Assessment of candidate prospects, career design

Step 5. Constant monitoring in the process of career growth for the advancement from one job to another, tracking new job offers and changes in personal capabilities. This step is not a situational action - it is rather a general attitude that can be implemented.

In LLC AmurVladplus, most often only six criteria are used to assess personnel: qualifications, personal qualities, education, professional skills, work experience and compatibility with others. And the proposed form of the assessment sheet is more extended and complete, on the basis of which the employee's assessment will be more objective, and therefore fair.

It is advisable to carry out certification no more than once every 2 years. However, to monitor the performance of staff, especially if simplified assessment procedures are applied, every six months. Again, it should be noted that along with the informatization of technological processes for personnel management in LLC AmurVladplus, it will be possible to carry out certification procedures every six months. And not only. If labor assessment procedures are well formalized, assessment activities can be carried out more often, for example, at the end of each week, month, quarter. These measures in themselves are not attestation, but can be used in the course of attestation and provide essential information about the dynamics of the labor efficiency of employees and departments as a whole.

It is advisable to conduct interim assessments of labor efficiency during the end of the probationary period (after 2-3 months of work), after 6 and 12 months of work.

Careful control during the employee's entry into the position is designed to speed up the adaptation process. Strict control and assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the employee's activities allow him to provide him with the necessary assistance and quickly correct shortcomings. At the same time, the correctness of the appointment decision is checked. With regard to rank-and-file executives, low-level managers, such an answer should be received within a few months, with respect to middle and top managers - no later than a year.

Another goal of shortening formal appraisals during this period is to impose high standards on the worker. It is in the first months of social adaptation of the employee that the norms of behavior and the foundations of his future activities are laid. In the future, the work standards instilled in the employee are sought to be consolidated and maintained using the already regular annual assessment procedure.

When developing the principles of certification, it is necessary to be guided by the main goals in the field of work with personnel. If the organization is focused on identifying and rewarding people who are able to accurately perform a given activity, then within the framework of certification it is important to analyze how fully and in accordance with the rules the work was performed, whether there were any complaints, in which areas the most frequent mistakes. If an organization is focused on identifying people capable of professional and job growth, then it is necessary to develop procedures for assessing the business and personal qualities of the growth potential of employees.

To improve the work on the formation of the personnel reserve in LLC AmurVladplus, it is necessary to take into account the following important points when drawing up the reserve lists:

  • · The categories of positions that are basic for creating a reserve for the head of a specific subdivision (department) should be determined, the differentiation of the reserve depending on the characteristics of the organization and the technology of activity should be taken into account;
  • · It should be possible to select deputy managers (chiefs). When selecting candidates for the reserve of deputy managers, the determining factor should be the opinion about their prospects for further growth in the career ladder in all the assessed qualities;
  • · The personal responsibility of managers for the rational placement of a certain category of personnel should be determined.

So, certification should be a large-scale process, covering the entire organization, which is carried out by employees not only of the personnel service, but also heads of departments (middle managers).

Another important point when working with personnel, it helps a new employee to adapt to the conditions of work in AmurVladplus LLC.

In domestic companies, the work on personnel adaptation, in fact, is going through a period of its formation. Unfortunately, the importance of measures for vocational guidance and adaptation of workers in our country has not been taken seriously enough by personnel services for a long period. Many organizations, both government and commercial, do not even have basic adaptation programs. At the same time, there is a large foreign experience the use of adaptation techniques, which only recently began to be adopted by domestic personnel officers.

Nevertheless, in AmurVladplus LLC the personnel adaptation process is ignored.

Therefore, in AmurVladplus LLC, the adaptation process should be built from the very foundation. First of all, it is necessary to create a commission, develop and implement an adaptation program at the initial stage of candidates.

Stage 1. Acquaintance with production peculiarities, corporate culture, personnel of AmurVladplus LLC, etc. A beginner is offered a minimum list of regulatory documents to study within two weeks. After this period has expired, the "newbie" is invited to an interview with the members of the commission, who initially assess the level of knowledge he has acquired in the archival field. During the interview, the employee asks questions to the members of the commission about the aspects of the activities of AmurVladplus LLC that are not clear to him. After an interview with the members of the commission, the candidate goes to an appointment with the director, where he sets out his vision of the current state of affairs in AmurVladplus LLC and proposals for improving the quality of its work.

Stage 2. Practical acquaintance of the new employee with his duties and requirements, which are presented to him by OOO AmurVlvdplus. The personnel adaptation specialist familiarizes newcomers with personnel policy, working conditions and rules, explains the tasks and requirements for work.

The orientation program includes a number of small lectures, excursions, workshops (work at separate workplaces), training in occupational safety and health. The members of the commission set specific tasks for the “newcomer” chief to perform during the trial period and give recommendations on how to accomplish the tasks.

Stage 3. A mentor is assigned to the beginner.

Stage 4. The members of the commission evaluate the employee according to the results of adaptation. The curator draws up his description and evaluates his work during the trial period.

Within 2 months after the admission of a new employee, the director of the enterprise or his deputy should receive it and answer all the questions that have arisen, and possibly listen to job offers.

The developed, albeit rather schematic, project of personnel adaptation of LLC AmurVlvdplus will allow, with its further improvement, to create an effective adaptation system that ensures a decrease in staff turnover, an increase in labor productivity, and motivation.

Thus, the competitive method gives wider opportunities in the implementation of the process of selection and selection of personnel, and also gives better results compared to the existing one in the company (family ties, by recommendation). Competitive selection will increase the company's personnel potential and adequately assess the level of newly hired employees, as well as those already working in the company.

Personnel assessment helps to solve other problems:

  • · Identification of potential opportunities of an employee with the aim of his promotion;
  • · Stimulation of professional development and professional growth of employees;
  • · Formation of professional human resources.

Elections are the simplest and most traditional way, in which the opinion of the majority is taken into account and special preliminary tests of candidates are not carried out. Their compliance or non-compliance with the vacant position is determined by the personnel commission on the basis of the study of official (educational diplomas, certificates) and unofficial documents (characteristics from the management, recommendations), interviews. Information about the candidates is brought to the meeting of the collective, before which the applicants present their messages. Preference is given to one or another candidate by voting, the procedure of which is previously agreed upon (simple majority, 2/3 of the number of voters, etc.).

The advantage of the method is speed and the ability to take into account the opinions of team members. The disadvantage is subjectivity and the impossibility of insuring against mistakes, since the voting majority has to trust the information obtained from the characteristics of the candidate or, at best, trust their subjective opinion based on observing the candidate's behavior, his speech and answers if the speech is organized.

In addition to elections, you can recommend the use and method of selecting candidates for leadership positions. This is a way in which the decision on the candidate's compliance is made by a personnel committee headed by the immediate superior or a person appointed by him. This method is most suitable for high-level management positions, where, along with professional competence, great importance is attached to the candidate's ability to establish relationships with partners of different levels, as well as the ability to be compatible with higher management and subordinates.

When evaluating the selected candidates, the personnel commission, in addition to analyzing documents and their characteristics, conducts interviews, sometimes structured interviews are used and candidates are subjected to psychological testing.

The advantage of the method is an individual approach and the opportunity to obtain more substantiated information about the professional and personal qualities of candidates. However, it is slow and requires prior preparation.

It should be noted that the described method is also not without a lack of subjectivity, to make a decision about a candidate based on the first impression, without taking into account the information received during the further interview. Errors often stem from a tendency to rate a candidate in comparison to the previous candidate's impression.

At the same time, a structured interview (a pre-prepared questionnaire increases the reliability of the interview results.

The best result can be achieved by designing the interview with the candidate in such a way that it includes elements of all types of interviews. Such an interview requires a certain experience and multilateral preliminary preparation from the person conducting it, but it allows to evaluate the candidate fairly objectively and comprehensively.

It is not enough for modern personnel services only to issue orders and instructions, to store personnel information. They should gradually turn into centers for the development and implementation of a work organization strategy, the purpose of which is to increase the labor, creative efficiency and activity of personnel, develop and implement programs for personnel development, ensure fair remuneration, etc.

The way to improve the personnel management system at AmurVladplus LLC is to increase its organizational status - from the status of a “personnel department” to the status of a “human resources management department”, in which it will become professionally strong, structurally interconnected with other personnel management departments.

The new HR management system presupposes a highly developed corporate culture based on the mutual responsibility of the employee and the employer, the desire of all employees of the corporation to make it a “better company” by supporting the initiative at all levels of the organization, constant technical and organizational innovations, and open discussion of problems.

LLC "AmurVladplus" does not pay attention to the formation of a single corporate culture. The corporate culture allows:

unite employees into a single team, which increases productivity, productivity and labor efficiency several times;

create a system of effective moral incentives. Meeting basic human needs in the field of professional activity (achieving excellence in the profession, influencing other people, being recognized by colleagues, the opportunity to realize oneself) contributes to the desire to work actively, and not only for the sake of a salary.

Among the motives that motivate employees of the organization to work efficiently and efficiently, the following can be distinguished:

meeting the needs for vital material and spiritual benefits;

self-determination and self-affirmation of the individual;

social interaction.

Sufficient motivation of employees to work in an organization positively interacts with their job satisfaction, which contributes to the stability and well-being of both employees and the organization as a whole.

Based on various studies, it can be concluded: if a manager is interested in the development of the organization's activities, is interested in convincing all employees that their organization is the best, he must change and develop employee motivation, and this in turn leads to a change and improvement of the corporate culture.

So, to improve the efficiency of human resources management at AmurVladplus LLC it is necessary:

  • · Constant participation in the management of not only personnel services, but also the head;
  • · A clearer distribution of functions between all participants in personnel management and coordination of their actions;
  • · Creation of an appropriate regulatory and methodological base regulating the activities of each of the participants in the management process;
  • · Determination of priorities in work with human resources;
  • · Strengthening and expansion of the personnel service;
  • · Formation of a unified corporate culture.

Topic: Improving the human resources of the organization

Type: Thesis | Size: 83.70K | Downloaded: 372 | Added 03/26/09 at 06:15 | Rating: +63 | More FQPs and diplomas



1.1. The concept of human resources. 7

1.2. HR policy and organization of HR management of the organization. eleven

1.3 The essence and role of vocational training. Methods for improving the qualifications of personnel. 22

1.4. Professional development of managers and specialists. 31



2.1 a brief description of organization MDOU "KINDERGARTEN №354" 37

2.2. Analysis of the human resources potential of the Kindergarten №354. 52

2.2.1. General characteristics of the personnel of the MDOU "KINDERGARTEN №354" 52

2.2.2. Assessment of the human resources of the preschool educational institution "KINDERGARTEN №354" 57


3.1. Problems of personnel development in the organization of the Kindergarten No. 354 60

3.2. Activities for the formation of human resources in the organization of the preschool educational institution "KINDERGARTEN №354". 61

3.2.1. Professional development of management personnel. 61

3.2.2. Professional development of teachers. 66




In today's fast-paced market environment, organizations can only succeed if they can take their way of working to the next level.

Improving the training of workers, raising the level of their professional qualifications are among the most important elements of the complex of work in a market economy. The main task modern system training and advanced training of workers is to overcome the inconsistencies prevailing in the past in the training of personnel in professions and qualifications and balanced satisfaction of the needs of a particular production, taking into account the prospects for its development in qualified workers. This is due to the need for a scientifically grounded determination of the real needs of production in qualified personnel of the required quantity and quality.

Scientific and technological progress in modern conditions affects the entire system of productive forces, affecting primarily a person as the main productive force of society with his ability to work, create material wealth, changing the content and conditions of labor activity, the place of man in production.

In addition, STP gives rise to new industries and deepens the specialization of production. This causes the emergence of new professions and specialties and at the same time leads to the disappearance of professions associated with the dying out type of production and labor. Intensification with the use of robots, automated systems of machines, electronic and microprocessor technology changes the functional content of labor. More and more complex functions with increased consumption of mental energy (calculation, control, management, maintenance of machines and monitoring of their work) are becoming increasingly important in automated production. All this leads to a change in the professional and qualification composition of employees.

The highest technical level of production with the rigidity of the technological law requires the correspondence of the labor force and the means of labor, the advance of the growth of workers' qualifications as a prerequisite for the effective use of new technology.

Also, in the conditions of modern production, the importance of the psychological factor of the labor force, the intellectual activity of the employee, the growth of his production and general culture, the ability to perceive and process scientific information is increasing. In turn, the growth of the cultural and technical level of the working people is one of the most important conditions for ensuring the progressive process of society. Another important point is the characteristic feature of modern production, the use of computers, which requires further improvement of personnel training for mastering this technique.

Thus, in the conditions of the transition to a market economy based on scientific and technical progress, new, higher requirements are imposed on workers, their professional training, technical and economic knowledge.

At the same time, the personnel management system ensures the continuous improvement of methods of working with personnel based on the use of the achievements of domestic and foreign science and advanced production experience. The essence of personnel management, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influencing the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use. A person in the management system is the leading link in all processes that make up the activities of an enterprise: it all starts with the search for people who are suitable for a particular job.

Personnel management occupies a leading place in the enterprise management system and is considered the main criterion for its economic success. Methodologically, this area of \u200b\u200bmanagement has a specific conceptual apparatus, has distinctive characteristics and performance indicators, special procedures and methods - certification, experiment and others; methods of studying and directions of analysis of the content of labor of various categories of personnel.

The main structural unit for personnel management and advanced training is the personnel department, which is entrusted with the functions of hiring and firing employees, as well as organizing their training, advanced training and retraining. To carry out the latter functions, training departments or technical training departments are often created. Personnel management services, while still having a low organizational status, are professionally weak. As a result, they do not perform a number of tasks related to personnel management and ensuring regulatory environment his works. If earlier, in the conditions of the command-administrative system, these tasks were considered as secondary, then during the transition to the market they came to the fore, and each organization is interested in their solution.

Relevance of the topic of work. The situation that has arisen in our country, associated with a change in the economic and political systems, simultaneously carries both great opportunities and serious threats to each person, the stability of its existence, introduces a significant degree of uncertainty in the life of almost every person. The formation and development of the personnel potential of enterprises in such a situation acquires special significance: it allows to generalize and implement a whole range of issues of human adaptation to external conditions, taking into account the personal factor in building an organization's personnel management system. Therefore, it is necessary both to ensure transformations at the macro level and prepare managers to work in a new way.

The purpose of this work is the consideration of the formation technology and development of human resourcesbut a specific enterprise.

Respectively main tasks works are:

1) study theoretical foundations human resources management of the organization;

2) analysis of the personnel potential of the organization's personnel;

3) determination of ways of formation and development of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

Research object in this work is the staff.

Research subject is the process of formation and development of the personnel potential of the enterprise.

When writing the work, both domestic and foreign literature on this issue, a number of periodicals and the legislation of the Russian Federation were widely used.


1.1 The concept of human resources

The term " potential"In its etymological meaning comes from the Latin word potentia, which means latent possibility, power, strength. A broad interpretation of the semantic content of the concept of "potential" consists in considering it as "a source of opportunities, means, stock that can be activated, used to solve a problem or achieve a certain goal; the possibilities of an individual, society, state in a certain area. "

The concepts of "potential" and "resources" should not be opposed. Potential is a "generalized, collective characteristic of resources, tied to place and time."

The concept " human resources»Reflects the resource aspect of socio-economic development. Human resources can be defined as the totality of the abilities of all people who are employed in a given organization and solve certain problems.

The concept of potential in this case is used in the sense of a hidden opportunity, ability, strength that can manifest itself under certain conditions.

Human potential is understood as a measure of the abilities and capabilities of employees to materialize their knowledge and skills in order to ensure the viability and development of the company. Personnel potential is formed by the integration and dynamics of such moments and aspects of a person's life as personal properties; general performance; professional and qualification knowledge, skills, experience; creative inclinations, ability and personality orientation. The reproduction and growth of human resources, as well as the degree of labor efficiency corresponding to it, depends not so much on any one element, but on their integration, as well as their balance both for an individual and for groups of workers.


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Chief Accountant

Chief Engineer

Site manager

Head of HR department

Head of transport

Cleaning lady


Main staff

Figure 2.1 - Organizational structure of LLC NPP "Put Service"

The main technical and economic indicators of the enterprise for the last two years are presented in table 2.1.

2.3. Analysis of technical and economic indicators

Table 2.1 - Main technical and economic indicators

LLC NPP "Put Service"

Indicator name

Change in the indicator 2008 to 2007

Volume of products and services sold

Number of employees






Main staff



Production per 1 employee



Wage fund





Support staff



Average annual salary





Main staff



Full cost price.

profit from sales


The analysis of the indicators in Table 2.1 shows that during the reporting period, the proceeds from the sale of products by the firm LLC NPP Put Service increased by 58% or. 34,171.8 thousand rubles and in 2008 made up. 92,735.6 thousand rubles (Fig. 2.2)

Figure 2.2 - The main technical and economic indicators of the activities of LLC NPP "Put Service"

Such a sharp rise in the volume of sales of products was caused by an increase in employees by 7 people, as well as an increase in labor productivity by 44.3% or 360.5 thousand rubles. compared to 2007. This indicator increased as a result of a 26% increase in wages compared to 2007.

Turning to the indicators characterizing the efficiency of the enterprise, it can be noted that profitability in 2008 fell by 1.4% compared to 2007, this was facilitated by an increase in cost, and as a result, an increase in costs by 1 ruble. products sold.

Thus, it is obvious that negative changes have taken place in the enterprise, the impact of which on the enterprise as a whole can be assessed as satisfactory.

2.4 Analysis of the use of labor resources of LLC NPP "Put Service"

The human capital of an enterprise is the main resource, the quality of products, the efficiency of the enterprise, and its competitiveness depend on the quality and efficiency of its use.

The composition and quantitative ratios of individual categories and groups of employees of the enterprise characterize the structure of personnel. The personnel of the enterprise engaged in the main activity are industrial and production personnel.

PPP workers are divided into two main groups - workers and employees. Workers are subdivided into main and auxiliary. In the group of employees, the following categories of workers are distinguished:

Leaders are persons empowered to make management decisions and organize their implementation.

Specialists - workers engaged in engineering, economic, accounting, legal and other similar activities.

Officials themselves are employees who prepare and execute documents, account and control, housekeeping and office work.

Provision of labor resources of LLC NPP "Put Service" can be characterized by the data given in table 2.2.

The volume and timeliness of all work, the degree of use of equipment, machines, mechanisms and, as a consequence, the volume of production, its cost, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the provision of an enterprise with labor resources and the efficiency of use.

Table 2.3 - Provision of the enterprise with labor resources




Main staff

The data from Table 2.2 can be presented more clearly in the form of a diagram in Figure 2.3 and Figure 2.4.

Personnel structure of LLC NPP "Put Service"

Figure 2.3 Figure 2.4

2008 2007

For the organizational characteristics of OOO NPP "Put Service", it is necessary to determine its availability with labor resources. The utilization rates of labor resources are determined in dynamics over the past 3 years and are summarized in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3.-Indicators of the use of labor resources


Calculation formula

Average headcount

NPR \u003d number of employees by month / 12

Staff turnover rate

CT \u003d excess turnover / average payroll x100%

Reception turnover ratio \u003d Number of received / average number x100%

Frame stability factor

Kstab \u003d number of employees / average number of employees x100%

During the period under review, the total number of employees at the enterprise increased by 9% or 7 people. This increase was due to an increase in the number of specialists and key personnel (installers). The number of leaders and MOPs remained unchanged. The increase in the number of specialists (by 2 people or 4%) and op (by 5 people or by 31%) is associated with an increase in the volume of work in 2008 compared to 2007. The number of managers for the year has not changed, this is also due to the management structure of the organization.

2.4.1. Analysis of the qualitative composition of labor resources of the enterprise LLC NPP "Put Service"

Table 2.4 - Analysis of the qualitative composition of the labor force of the enterprise


Reporting period


Specific weight,%

By age:

18 to 25

25 to 35

36 to 50


By gender:


By education level:

Secondary special

Unfinished higher


By work experience:

Up to 1 year

5 and more


Having examined table 2.4, we can conclude that the company has workers aged 25 to 35 years and their share in 2008 was 67%. Male workers prevail at the enterprise and their number in 2008 increased by 6 people and their share amounted to 64.5% of the total number, or 51 people out of 79. Women at the enterprise in relation to 2008 to 2007 increased by only 1 person.

Considering the level of education of employees, it can be noted that personnel with higher education prevails, this indicator can be considered positive, because its share of the total number of employees in 2008 is 60.8%. The share of those working with secondary specialized education is also increasing, it is mainly the main personnel (installers, adjusters), this is also associated with an increase in the level of services provided.

Analyzing the length of service of employees, it can be noted that 48 employees have worked at the company for more than 5 years and their share in 2008 is 60.8%, this indicator indicates that the company is dominated by experienced personnel.

We will clearly reflect the age structure of OOO NPP Put Service.

Figure 2.5 - Age structure of LLC NPP "Put Service"

From these figures, it can also be noted that LLC NPP "Put Service" is not very actively replenished with young personnel, although the share in 2008 in relation to 2007 increased by 5%.

Figure 2.6 - Educational level of employees

It is clearly seen that the number of employees with a secondary specialized level of education is growing, by 2008 compared to 2007 it increased by 4%, and the proportion of personnel with higher education is decreasing. So if the number of employees with higher education was 65%, then by 2008 this percentage dropped to 61%.

2.4.2 Analysis of staff turnover

Table 2.5 - Analysis of staff turnover of LLC NPP "Put Service"

Indicator name


Total number

Including on their own

Total turnover ratio

Reception turnover ratio

Firing turnover ratio

Employee replacement rate

Staff turnover rate

The analysis of the movement of workers in the enterprise is carried out by calculating the following coefficients:

1. Coefficient of total turnover:

K TOTAL OB \u003d CH PR + CH UV / CH SP * 100

TO GENERAL OB 2007 \u003d (10 +1) / 72 * 100 \u003d 15.2

TO GENERAL OB 2008 \u003d (7 + 1) / 79 * 100 \u003d 10.1

2. Reception turnover ratio:

K OB.PR \u003d CH PR / CH SP * 100

K OB.PR 2007 \u003d 10/72 * 100 \u003d 13.8

K OB.PR 2008. \u003d 7/79 * 100 \u003d 8.8

3. Ratio of turnover on disposal:

TO OB. SEL. \u003d H UV / H SP * 100

K OB.VYB 2007 \u003d 1/72 * 100 \u003d 1.38

K OB.VYB. 2008 \u003d 1/79 * 100 \u003d 1.26

4. Employee replacement rate:

TO PLAYBACK \u003d CH PR. / CH UV. * one hundred

TO PLAYBACK WORK. 2007 \u003d 10/1 * 100 \u003d 1000

TO PLAYBACK WORK. 2008 \u003d 7/1 * 100 \u003d 700

5.Career turnover:

TO TEK. \u003d HH ON SESS. DESIR. / H SP * 100

TO TEK 2007 \u003d 1/72 * 100 \u003d 1.38

TO TEK. 2008 \u003d 1/79 * 100 \u003d 1.26

Based on the above table, we can see that the turnover rate for layoffs decreased by 9%, this indicates that the company is reducing such indicators as staff reduction or violation of labor discipline, unfair pay structure, long or inconvenient working hours, poor working conditions.

A positive factor is that the staff retention rate has increased by 70%, which means that employees who have worked for a long time do not leave and new people come to the organization and employees who have come to the organization want to stay in it in the future.

2.4.3. Analysis of recruitment and selection of personnel

Based on a comparison of the human resources plan with the number of personnel already employed in the organization, the HR service determines the vacancies that need to be filled. If such places exist, the recruitment process begins, consisting of several stages: detailing the requirements for the vacant job and the candidate for its occupation, selection of candidates, selection of candidates and hiring (see Appendix).

Hiring begins with a detailed definition of who the organization needs. The basis of this process in LLC NPP "Put Service" is the preparation of a job description, i.e. a document describing the main functions of the employee occupying this workplace. The job description is prepared by the personnel management service together with the head of the department in which there is a vacant position: the head of the personnel management service enters his knowledge of the process of creating the job description, and the head of the department - the requirements for a specific workplace.

To facilitate the selection of candidates, a qualification card has been created, which describes the main characteristics that an employee must possess in order to successfully work in this position. The card is prepared by the head of the department and employees of the personnel management service based on the job description and is a set qualification characteristics (general education, special education, special skills - knowledge of foreign languages, computer skills, the ability to draw, etc.), which an “ideal” employee holding this position must have (see Appendix).

The use of a qualification card enables a structured assessment of candidates (for each characteristic) and comparison of candidates with each other.

Having determined the requirements for the candidate, HR staff begin to attract candidates using several methods:

1. Search within the organization... Before entering the labor market, they first try to search among their employees, posting vacancies on the stands of the company, contacting the heads of departments with a request to nominate candidates and analyzing personal files in order to select employees with the required characteristics.

2. Announcements in the media... To attract candidates, he places ads in specialized newspapers and headings. The advantage of this method is a wide coverage of the population at a relatively low initial cost. And the disadvantage is the flip side of the advantage: a huge influx of candidates, most of whom do not have the required characteristics.

But there is no one-size-fits-all method for selecting candidates, so HR staff use different methods depending on the vacant position.

Selection of candidates is the basis for the next stage - the selection of future employees of the organization, which begins with an analysis of the list of candidates in terms of their compliance with the organization's requirements for future employees.

The primary selection task is to identify a limited number of candidates with whom the organization could work individually. At this stage, HR staff conduct individual interviews with selected candidates. The purpose of these interviews is to assess the degree to which the candidate fits the portrait of the “ideal” employee, his ability to fulfill the requirements of the job description, his ability to adapt in the organization, etc.

On the basis of interviews (with an employee of the personnel management service, and then with the head of the unit), the candidate is selected who is most suitable for this position.

After that, the selected employee is hired for a trial period (from 1 to 3 months), giving the management the opportunity to evaluate the candidate directly at the workplace without undertaking obligations for his permanent employment. If, after the expiration of the probationary period, the management has no complaints about the new employee, he is accepted for a permanent job.

The company has also developed measures for the development of personnel, raising their qualifications.

2.4.4. Analysis of the formation of the personnel reserve of management

The training of the personnel reserve of management at LLC NPP "Put Service" is reduced to the development of skills and abilities necessary for employees to effectively fulfill their job duties or production tasks in the future. In practice, systematic training programs are most often used to prepare executives for promotion. Successful management training, as well as education in general, requires careful analysis and planning.

Through performance appraisal, an organization must first determine the capabilities of its managers. Then, based on the analysis of the content of the work, management should establish what abilities and skills are required to perform duties in all line and staff positions in the organization. This allows the organization to find out which of the leaders has the most appropriate qualifications for certain positions, and who needs training and retraining. Having resolved all these issues, management can develop a timetable for preparing specific individuals targeted for possible promotion or reassignment.

Leadership training is mainly aimed at ensuring that managers acquire the skills and abilities required to achieve the goals of the organization. Another consideration, inseparable from the previous one, is the need to meet the needs of a higher level: professional growth, success, testing one's strength. Unfortunately, many organizations do not provide sufficient capacity to meet these needs through increased accountability and promotion. Research has shown that graduates of ministerial business training courses noted a large discrepancy between their personal expectations for growth and promotion and what they were actually given. If these expectations are of great importance to a person, then he usually quits this job. There is no need to talk about the undesirability of fluidity management personnel due to the high cost of hiring and adapting them in the organization. Replacing such an employee can cost several of his monthly salaries.

Management training methods

Management training can be carried out through the organization of lectures, small group discussions, analysis of specific business situations, reading literature, business games and role-based training. Variants of these methods are courses and seminars organized annually on management problems. Rotation through the service is another widely used method. By moving a grassroots leader from department to department for a period ranging from three months to one year, the organization acquaints the new leader with many aspects of activities. As a result, the young manager learns about the various problems of different departments, understands the need for coordination, informal organization and the relationship between the goals of different departments. Such knowledge is vital for successful work in higher positions, but it is especially useful for managers at the lower levels of the management hierarchy.

In one study, a close relationship was found between the level of requirements in the process of training new managers and their subsequent promotion. Those persons who were faced with more difficult tasks from the very beginning developed higher working qualities and turned out to be better prepared for future tasks than those who were given less difficult tasks. The first group of managers also advanced faster.

Career advancement

Career management programs help organizations make the most of their employees' capabilities and empower employees themselves to make the most of their capabilities.

A formal career management program empowers individuals to perceive their work in an organization as "a series of movements across different positions that contribute to the development of both the organization and the individual." This is important because research suggests that people tend to be passive about their careers. They tend to have other people initiate important decisions about their careers rather than their own interests, needs, and goals. According to the authors of publications and researchers working in the field, the result of promotion programs is greater dedication to the interests of the organization, increased productivity motivation, reduced staff turnover and better utilization of workers' abilities.

2.4.5. Analysis of the status of certification of specialists of the enterprise

Personnel certification is - 1) a method for assessing the organization's personnel; the manager periodically evaluates the effectiveness of the performance of job duties using standard criteria; 2) personnel activities designed to assess the level of work, qualities and potential of the individual to the requirements of the work performed; 3) the procedure for determining the qualifications, level of knowledge, practical skills, business qualities of an employee and determining the degree of their suitability for the position held. The purpose of personnel certification is to increase the efficiency of using the organization's personnel potential; based on its results, a decision is made to maintain or change the certified position or the system of motivation for his work, the need for additional training.

One of the main requirements for certification procedures is the objectivity of the employee's assessment. Objectivity, as a rule, is opposed to subjectivity, which is quite often considered evil, leading to irreparable mistakes. The fear of such mistakes often leads to the fact that they try to get rid of subjectivity in all possible ways.

Subjectivity, as a rule, is associated with the individual characteristics of a person's personality. The problem of individual differences is discussed in detail and widely studied in psychology. The answer to the question about the importance of manager's subjectivity for personnel certification should be sought in management psychology. This choice is determined by the fact that the relationship leader - subordinate and leader - group has always been the subject of research and study of the above-named branch of psychology. And at the same time, any theory becomes practical if you see life behind it.

The task-oriented leader is primarily interested in achieving success in the task at hand, at the risk of having poor interpersonal relationships with subordinates. For him, success in solving a problem is a way to increase self-esteem.

An interpersonal leader sees relationships as a means to advance and gain the respect of group members. When evaluating employees, managers of various personality and style types are also guided by various characteristics of the latter. For example, when evaluating the least preferred employee, managers focused on interpersonal relationships gave him higher ratings than managers focused on task.

Subjectivity, therefore, in this model can be represented as a willingness to appreciate and notice one thing without noticing the other. It follows that the subjectivity of the manager in the certification of personnel can lead to a one-sided, in everyday speech subjective, perception of the employee and, as a consequence, to incorrect personnel decisions. It is this reason that underlies numerous techniques aimed at increasing the objectivity of the results obtained.

A manager's position of power is characterized by the degree to which the position held allows the manager to “force” his employees to obey his demands and agree with his leadership. This can be manifested in such characteristics as the ability to control the actions of subordinates, the use of various ways to stimulate their activity.

Thus, the subjectivity of the manager on the one hand can lead to a one-sided assessment of the employee. On the other hand, the subjectivity of the leader in certain situations is the key to effective leadership. However, here the question arises: what does the effectiveness of management have to do with it when we talk about personnel certification and the influence of a manager's subjectivity on the accuracy of an employee's assessment? How are the procedures for attestation of personnel and the management of a team of subordinates interconnected?

Everyone knows that the main task of personnel certification is to assess the compliance of the level of work, quality and potential of the individual with the requirements of the activity performed. However, such an assessment is not made for the sake of the assessment itself. It is carried out in order to make the correct personnel decision on the reward (punishment), relocation or training of employees on its basis.

In other words, the main goal of attestation, as well as other personnel activities, is to bring the human resource in line with the firm's strategy.

Employees of all titles and categories are subject to certification in accordance with the order of the General Director of OOO NPP Put Service "On the approval of the nomenclature of positions."

Certification of employees can be regular (regulatory) and extraordinary.

The result of the certification of employees is the establishment of the compliance of their professional and personal qualities, as well as the results of their activities, with the qualification requirements presented to the employee of this position in accordance with the qualifications of the work they perform. The main characteristic of an employee's qualifications is its complexity and quality, which are assessed based on the content of labor (function).

The certification commission gives one of the following assessments of the activity of the person being certified to the degree of his suitability for the position:

Corresponds to the position held;

Deserves promotion;

Deserves to be enrolled in the reserve for promotion;

Corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work and implementation of the recommendations of the commission with re-certification;

Does not correspond to the position held.

Table 2.6

Results of certification of personnel of LLC NPP "Put Service"

2.5. Analysis of the organization of remuneration

and material incentives for employees of the enterprise

The management mechanism in the field of labor is based on the following criteria: determination of the optimal ratio of centralized regulation of wages and the rights of the organization in the field of remuneration; level determination minimum wage; development of a methodology for collective bargaining regulation of distribution according to work.

In LLC NPP Put Service, the main point of all work in the field of material remuneration of the organization's employees is to determine the measure of labor and the amount of its payment. The development of optimal ratios in wages of varying complexity is the most important point in the wage differentiation system. This approach ensures that the size of wages is consistent with its quality indicators. It is about fair remuneration for work. The level of remuneration in the organization must be such that its employees do not envy the employees of competing firms, otherwise the management of the firm will face such a phenomenon as labor migration. To prevent this from happening, the following requirements are observed in the system of remuneration and labor incentives:

Pay based on performance. Payment according to work (the formula "to each according to work") has a double interpretation. Labor can be understood as either its result or costs (amount of labor). The principle of “labor cost” guaranteed an individual wage, but did not regulate it. Regulation is taking into account the costs and results of labor. Hence the conclusion: you need to pay not according to work, but according to its results;

Confidence and security of employees. The salary should be such that employees have a sense of confidence in the future and they would be protected from any changes both in the external and internal environment - in the organization. The task is for employees to focus their maximum attention on solving the main tasks of the organization: they should not be distracted by financial problems associated with the material support of themselves and their families. Guaranteed wages should provide them with this;

The stimulating and motivating aspect of the salary. The remuneration system should include effective incentives and motivations. Employees are given the opportunity to receive more than just a fixed wages... In this regard, additional payments are introduced that are directly related to their specific achievements;

Additional (incentive) forms of payment for personal contributions. In addition to the basic salary, the organization establishes various benefits for the best workers. This serves as a kind of assessment and recognition by the organization of the particularly high-quality work of the employee. Additional forms of remuneration include discounts on firm merchandise, food subsidies, education costs, health care, life insurance, and the like.

At present, the wage rate system consists of a wage scale and rate and qualification reference books. The wage rate of the first category is determined on the basis of the minimum wage and serves as the basis for further differentiation of wages by professional and qualifying groups of workers using the wage scale. The tariffs established for these groups represent a social guarantee of the minimum wage of employees of appropriate qualifications, taking into account the legally established duration of their working hours, their fulfillment of labor standards and the duties assigned to them.

The unified wage scale is built in the form of a scale of qualifications and remuneration of workers - from workers of the lowest qualification level to the heads of the highest legislative and executive bodies of the republican level. In this case, the differentiation of tariff rates (salaries) is carried out only on the basis of the complexity of the work and the qualifications of workers.

Accounting in wages of such factors of its differentiation as working conditions, its severity and intensity, the importance of the spheres of its application, the quantitative and qualitative results of individual and collective labor, is carried out through other elements (forms) of the organization of wages. In this regard, LLC NPP Put Service uses the following forms of payment and labor incentives: hourly wages, net piecework, lump-sum and bonus wages.

Time wages are determined by the length of the working time, excluding labor productivity. However, it should be borne in mind that in this case the employee receives a salary not just for his presence at work: a certain (normal for this category of employees) output is expected from him:

Time wage \u003d amount of time worked * hourly wage (2.1)

Time wages apply where production cannot be measured. Its disadvantages are that it is difficult to achieve high labor productivity from workers (there are no incentives to increase it) - it is necessary to spend additional time to control the costs of working time.

The noted shortcomings can be eliminated to some extent with a net piece-rate pay. In this case, the employee receives a salary depending on the output: either a certain cash rate is paid per unit of output (lump-sum wages), or a specific time task is given per unit of output (time-piece wages). Piecework wages are best used for monotonous jobs that are easily tracked in time and quantity. As a disadvantage of piecework wages and its varieties, it should be noted that, as a rule, the quality of work is not high and labor safety is ignored. In pursuit of quantitative results, qualitative indicators are often ignored.

Bonus wages. Along with time-based and piece-rate pay, employees are paid additional remuneration, i.e. premium. Bonus conditions are usually stipulated in the employment agreement.

Thus, in OOO NPP Put Service, employee income consists of several parts:

The minimum rate is set in accordance with the tariff system of remuneration (1st category and tariff coefficient);

The base rate is set based on the qualifications of employees based on the description of labor functions and the state of the labor market;

The variable part of the remuneration is additional. It is a flexible remuneration system based on the participation of employees in the profits of the organization and the distribution of its income. The profit-sharing system involves the creation of a certain mechanism for the distribution of additional income received as a result of an increase in labor productivity in the department where the employee works. This is not just a new pay system. It is based on a new approach to assessing the professional suitability of a particular person.

Profit-sharing payments are not one-time bonuses or excess payments. This is the movable part of the payroll, closely related to the final results. The experience of OOO NPP Put Service shows that the use of flexible systems of participation in the profits of an organization can significantly increase the level of remuneration while increasing its productivity .

The indicators of the use of labor resources include the number of workers and indicators of its change, the structure of the number of personnel by profession, qualifications, age, working hours, labor productivity and its growth rate, and the wage fund (see Table 2.7).

When analyzing labor indicators, the actual data for the analyzed period is compared with the planned and for the corresponding period of the previous (base) year.

Table 2.7

Indicators for analysis and effectiveness

use of labor resources



Growth rates,%

Volume of services rendered, thousand rubles

Average annual number of workers, people

Average annual cost of OPF, thousand rubles

Average annual cost of active part of OPF, thousand rubles

Average annual output per employee, thousand rubles

Daily output of one worker, rubles

Number of days worked in a year, days

Working time fund per year, days

Technical downtime, days

Actual shift duration, per hour

Scheduled shift duration, per hour

Salary for work performed, thousand rubles

Payments by regional coefficients, thousand rubles

Deductions for social needs, thousand rubles

Premiums, thousand rubles

Total labor intensity of work, man-day / thousand rubles

The capital-labor ratio of the worker, thousand rubles / person

Mechanical labor ratio of a worker, thousand rubles / person

The analysis of the implementation of the labor plan includes an analysis of the organization's labor resources by comparing the planned and actual average number of employees, an analysis of the professional and qualification composition of workers. With a general provision of workers, an organization may have a shortage of workers in certain specialties and qualifications. To analyze the latter factor, the average wage category of workers is determined, which is compared with the required category for the planned structure of work, analysis of the qualifications of engineering and technical workers - in terms of technical education, length of service, etc., analysis of labor productivity in terms of output.

Labor productivity is a synthetic indicator that reflects all factors of production: the availability of contracts, organization of production and labor, the introduction of new equipment and technologies for the production of work, the use of modern materials and their quality, the availability of transport, the sufficiency of workers and their qualifications, the location of facilities, etc. .d.

Labor productivity is sometimes determined by the cost of working time to complete a unit of work volume, i.e. labor intensity, as well as production per employee per unit of time.

Therefore, depending on the units of working time used in the analysis, the indicators of labor productivity (annual, monthly, daily, hourly) are determined. Depending on the purposes of the analysis, the volume of work can be in natural units of measurement and in the value of the estimate.

To identify the reserves for increasing labor productivity, the analysis is made of the loss of working time, the reasons for which are violations of labor discipline, poor quality work performance, staff turnover, industrial injuries, disruptions in material and technical support - technical downtime.

The increase in the output of one worker in 2008 compared to the baseline occurred as a result of an increase in the number of actually worked working days per worker, but to an even greater extent it was ensured by the introduction of office technical measures to increase productivity there: the use of effective materials, structures and products, development complex mechanization and automation of production; improvement of production methods, improving their quality.

One of the methods for assessing production efficiency is the analysis of the ratio (leading or lagging) of the rate of increase in labor productivity in comparison with the rate of increase in wages, carried out by calculations using the formulas:

K zp / v \u003d T mzp / T mv (7)

where: the growth rate of the annual output of one worker - T mv \u003d (V a year - V b year) * 100 / V b year;

the rate of growth of the annual wage of one worker - T wage \u003d (wages a year - wages b year) * 100 / wages b year;

In a year and In b year - respectively, the values \u200b\u200bof the output of one worker achieved in the analyzed and base years, rubles;

ZPR a year and ZPR b year - the same salary per worker per year, rubles.

For CJSC PSP Energia (data taken from Table 6):

Thus, we can say that for CJSC PSP "Energia" the value of this indicator is satisfactory.

2.6. Analysis of the implementation of the cost plan,

profit and profitability

The cost of a product is a cost estimate of natural resources, raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, fixed assets, labor resources, as well as other costs of production and sale used in the production process. The aggregate of costs is generally defined as production and sales costs.

Let us analyze the change in the cost of the generated heat energy (table 2.8).

Table 2.8

The structure of sales of products and services of LLC NPP "Put Service" for 2007 - 2008.

List of products


Installation of gas equipment tr.

Maintenance of gas equipment tr.

Sale of gas equipment tr.

Manufacturing of assembly projects (gas) tr.

Manufacturing of assembly projects (water) tr.

Heating system installation tr.

Boiler room launch


Analysis of the data shown in Table 2.8 leads to the following conclusions.

It is possible to note certain trends in the structural change and the ratio of the share of conditionally fixed and conditionally variable costs in the total costs of production (Table 2.9).

There is a tendency towards a decrease in the share of conditionally fixed costs and, consequently, the share of conditionally variable costs in the total costs of heat production is growing. This circumstance is explained by the fact that the higher growth rates of costs for material and energy resources. It is also necessary to note the high growth rates of production costs. In 2007, they amounted to 126% in relation to 2006, or an absolute increase of 55,276 thousand rubles. In 2008, this figure is already 160% in relation to 2007, or an absolute increase of 160,761 thousand rubles. For the three analyzed years, production costs increased 2.03 times and amounted to 424,889 thousand rubles in 2008. This circumstance is explained by two reasons. On the one hand, there is an increase in production volumes due to the connection of new capacities, on the other hand, tariffs for energy carriers for production are growing rapidly.

Table 2.9.

The share of fixed and variable costs in the total cost of production

Analysis of profit and profitability of production is the main one for assessing the financial results of an enterprise.

The initial data for the analysis are given in table 2.10.

Table 2.10

Dynamics of profit and profitability of heat production

As follows from Table 2.10, the mechanism for generating these indicators is as follows.

1) the price of products is regulated by the state and, in general, is unpredictable;

2) reducing the cost is unprofitable for the manufacturer of products, since it will inevitably entail a decrease in subsidies from the budget;

3) an increase in the volume of production is not possible, since such enterprises cannot increase it of their own free will, and there is also no normal market situation when one user will expand the volume of his production by displacing others.

In connection with the above, factor analysis of the dynamics and composition of profit and profitability loses its significance, since the amount of budget subsidies used to cover losses of economic activity is regulated by the state and is not constant.

In order to enhance the activities of the enterprise, the following activities are proposed in the diploma work:

1) improving the professional education of the personnel of the enterprise;

2) improving the system of remuneration and material incentives for employees;

3) improvement of the process of certification of personnel of the enterprise.


The essence of the proposed measures to improve the efficiency of using the personnel potential of OOO NPP Put Service is presented in the table

Table 3.1

The essence of the proposed activities

Name of the event

What is the purpose of the event

Improvement of professional education of the enterprise personnel

Professional development and training of specialists in new and traditional areas in order to increase the efficiency of their functions

Development of a system for securing specialists at workplaces

Increasing employee interest in the results of their work

Improving the personnel certification process

Encouraging high performance, changing the behavior of an employee whose performance does not fit into established standards

3.1. Improving the professional education of the enterprise personnel

Training of highly qualified specialists in new and traditional areas is a priority problem in the field of personnel policy. It should be suggested:

1) training of young specialists for work through the magistracy of individual universities of the country, including basic universities for training personnel for industry enterprises;

2) training of young specialists in new areas;

3) sending personnel for retraining to the leading universities of the country with a focus on obtaining knowledge in the field of management, which will allow using the high scientific potential of training in solving the most important problems of the industry development.

The implementation of these priority goals during the period under review should be supported by appropriate staffing. According to the assessment of the staffing of the scientific and technical policy given in the concept, in the next five years at least 29 specialists in new scientific areas should be trained for the enterprise. Employees sent for retraining undergo a mandatory competitive selection, which is carried out in

a form that allows you to determine the educational and professional level of persons admitted to the competition.

The average cost of studying for a master's degree is 180,000 rubles per year. At the end of the training for a job that previously required 31 hours, the technologist with the help of new knowledge completes in 22 hours. Due to this, the company saves 5278 rubles. per week, and for the year - 253,200 rubles. Thus, we calculate all the necessary data to determine the return on investment in professional development for 10 employees:

ROI \u003d Value Added / Invested (3.1)

ROI \u003d 2532000/1800000 \u003d 140%

As a result, we find out that the ROI in training is 1.40%. Such an indicator is not supernatural for effective learning projects using new technologies. When comparing the situations of storing the amount spent for a year of study in a bank at 12% per annum and investing in advanced training of one employee, we get next result return on investment (Figure 3.1):

Figure 3.1 - Return on investment spent on training an employee of LLC NPP "Put Service"

The figure shows that already in the fourth year, the employee starts working for the enterprise with a positive effect, increasing the income of the LLC for another four years. After the seven-year period, it is recommended to carry out the next refresher process. This is primarily due to the aging of funds, both morally and physically.

In conclusion of the work carried out, the management of the LLC is offered the following recommendations for improving the conduct of personnel policy:

1) introduce additional positions for two HR assistants;

2) restructure the activities of the personnel department;

3) implement a process for analyzing the quality of the organization's personnel;

4) ensure a systematic exchange of information between different levels of management on personnel issues;

5) introduce a unified system of continuous professional training of specialists and top management personnel;

6) introduce a personnel information system;

7) reform the certification system according to the proposed principle;

8) purposefully train highly qualified specialists in new and traditional areas.

Enterprise managers must realize the need to abandon the traditional personnel policy based on authoritarian principles and move to a human resource management policy, the formation of a new organizational culture that is human-centered and provides for the maximum involvement of personnel in the affairs of the company, encouragement of initiative and self-discipline. It is highly recommended to pay more attention to the latest developments in the area of \u200b\u200bpersonnel policy and use newest technologies to interact with the most important strategic resource - human resources.

3.2. Development of a system for securing specialists at workplaces

According to the data of the internal analysis carried out by the employees of the personnel department of the LLC, it was revealed that the main reasons for the dismissal of specialists are:

1. relatively low wages;

2. dissatisfaction with the team (sometimes with the leader);

3. the unstable position of the worker in the factory;

4. lack of perspective.

In order for the employee to gain a foothold in the workplace, we suggest that managers pay attention to some of the nuances of this issue.

First, the economic aspect.

One of the main ways to secure a specialist in the workplace is material incentives:

1. Cash.

First of all, this is wages - compensation for the labor contribution of workers to the activities of the plant. It is necessary to correctly assess the work of a specialist and express it from a financial point of view, without causing damage to either the organization or the employee himself.

However, if someone is not satisfied with their financial situation, this does not mean that the manager should raise his salary. This problem can be solved by lump sum payments in the form of bonuses, compensations, as a reward for the work performed. The material incentive fund, formed from the profit of the enterprise, will allow, first of all, to qualitatively change the direction of material incentives. This applies to both RS&S and workers. To create a FMP, it is necessary to solve the following issues:

1.Education of FMP;

2. Distribution of FMP by directions of use;

4. Determination of the size and scale of bonuses.

The size of the FMP created at the enterprise depends mainly on the results of the enterprise. This dependence is the basis for creating an effective material interest of the collective in increasing production efficiency. In the practice of enterprises, FMP is formed on the basis of fund-forming standards. In this case, there are two methods for the formation of FMF:

1. For the rate of production growth;

2. From the mass of profit.

In the first case, two fund-forming standards are taken into account - one is the growth of profit (sales of products), the other is for the level of profitability:

Mo \u003d F * (KP + Kp * R), (3)

where Mo is the material incentive fund, formed subject to the fulfillment of the profit and profitability plan;

F - salary fund for all personnel;

KP is the standard for the formation of FMP for each percentage of profit growth;

Кр is the standard of education of FMP for each percentage of growth in the level of profitability;

P - profitability.

In the second case, one fund-forming standard is established - for the level of profit:

Mo \u003d Pr * Km, (4)

where P is the profit of the enterprise;

Km is the standard for the formation of FMP from the mass of profit.

It should be emphasized that the unreasonable size of the FMP can lead to a non-optimal combination of economic interests of the enterprise (for example, to a decrease in investment activity). It is proposed to set the standards for fund-forming indicators so that the maximum size of the FMP was at the level of 10% of the wage fund. Now this ratio is 5.4%.

The development of provisions on bonuses for workers from the FMP is preceded by the distribution of the FMP by areas and categories of workers. This makes it possible to create the interest of employees of all categories in achieving the highest work results in all indicators. It is proposed to spend FMP in the following areas:

1. One-time encouragement of employees who distinguished themselves in the performance of particularly important production tasks;

2. Remuneration based on the results of work for the year;

3. Current bonuses (table 3.2);

Table 3.2

Current bonus

After the FMP is defined and divided into directions, it should be divided into two parts within each direction: into the bonus fund for workers and the fund for bonuses for engineers and employees.

2. Non-monetary.

It is also possible to improve the position of a specialist by providing him with vouchers, free treatment, free meals, through payment of transportation costs, referrals to training at the expense of the plant.

These methods of material incentives, which are focused on solving the economic problems of a specialist, are aimed at the fullest realization of the available labor potential of the employee, affecting his personal interests.

Secondly, the psychological aspect.

The way a person feels internally in the workplace. A competent leader must convey to everyone his need and importance in the affairs of the plant. LLC works not only thanks to the main workshops, but also by the forces of other auxiliary and service divisions. Each specialist, fulfilling his duties, contributes to the development of the plant, and every employee should know this.

For a comfortable psychological state, it is necessary to apply non-financial incentives, which implies the actions of the manager to encourage or punish the employee, as well as the use of incentive methods that are not related to the direct expenditure of funds.

The actions of the head can be:

· personal example;

· Individual and public praise;

· Support in difficult situations and approval in case of temporary failures;

· Confidential discussion with the employee of violations and deviations from the desired results, which ends with the fixation of agreements;

· Public rewarding of those who distinguished themselves with certificates of honor, valuable gifts;

· Improvement of the organization and working conditions (for example: through the improvement of the material equipment of the workplace, the choice of an acceptable mode of work for a specialist);

· Enrollment in the reserve of leading personnel;

· Career advancement.

Third, the social aspect.

An important factor affecting the stability of an employee is his social position in the team. With social lack of demand, the specialist will naturally look for a more comfortable environment, a more loyal leader.

To meet the social needs of workers in the process of collective labor, one should:

1. to give them such work that would allow them to communicate in the process of work;

2. hold periodic meetings with subordinates;

3. to inform about innovations and affairs of LLC NPP "Put Service";

4. try not to destroy the informal groups that have arisen, if they do not cause real damage to the plant or to an individual;

5. know each of your subordinates personally.

To meet the employee's need for recognition (self-respect and respect from others), you can:

1. offer more meaningful work;

2. to appreciate and encourage the results of work achieved by him;

3. to oblige with additional rights and powers;

4. provide training and retraining that enhances the level of his competence.

The leader needs to pay special attention to negative relationships in the team. In this case, it is necessary either to eradicate hostile relations, by smoothing out conflict situations and preventing them, or transfer the specialist to another job, thereby changing the work collective.

Here are the main aspects that a manager should pay attention to in order to secure a specialist in the workplace. However, a positive result can be achieved only by considering all the nuances in a complex, comparing the interests of the employee with the interests of the LLC.

Many workers who had worked for quite a long time and quit due to dissatisfaction with wages, having learned about the upcoming payments, chose to return to the plant, which had a very good effect on the quality of the products, i.e., the volume of rejects decreased.

If we assume that after the satisfaction of certain needs of workers, people with experience and skills will return to the extent possible, then there will be no reasons for dismissal, the specialist of the enterprise will gain a foothold in the workplace.

Determining the economic efficiency of measures to improve the retention of specialists in the workplace is an important factor in determining the feasibility of their implementation.

Determination of the annual economic effect of workers (E g).

Then the annual economic effect will be:

Where: H D - Number of employees before release

The size of the annual economic effect

E g \u003d (16 * 9847-12 * 11488.2) * 12 \u003d 236323.2 rubles. or 236.32 thousand rubles.

3.3 Improving the personnel appraisal process

This section proposes an improved (in comparison with the existing one) methodology for assessing personnel - an interview.

I propose to divide the contingent of the attested into 3 groups. The first group will consist of specialists of all directions and heads of primary labor collectives, the second group will include the so-called middle managers (heads of workshops, sections, departments, etc.); the third group will include chief specialists, heads of structural divisions and their deputies.

Based on the results of certification, an expert assessment of a specialist is calculated. For the conclusion of the attestation commission, the total score scored by the attested is used:

65 points and above - corresponds to the position held and can be recommended to the reserve for filling a higher position;

65-62 score - corresponds to the position held, but is not subject to promotion;

52 score and below - corresponds to the position held, provided that the recommendations of the certification commission are fulfilled or does not correspond to the position held.

Based on the results of certification, an order of the General Director is issued, which approves the results of certification of workers of the plant, decisions on changes in the placement of personnel, enrollment of promising workers in the reserve for promotion, positively certified employees are encouraged.

The main methods of the proposed certification are given in the Appendix.

Practical implementation of the proposed proposals and recommendations for changing the personnel policy, making additions and changes to the existing collective agreement will increase the efficiency of using the personnel potential of ZAO PSP Energia, make it more perfect, meeting the current and future goals and objectives of the enterprise. According to research, competent and timely performance of personnel certification can increase the return on personnel by at least 10-15%. Having determined the costs of certification at the enterprise at 100 thousand rubles, and the profit growth for the first year after certification is 9264.4 * 0.15 \u003d 1390 (thousand rubles), we find that the net economic effect will be 1390-100 \u003d 1290 (thousand rubles).

The results obtained in the design part are summarized in a table

Table 3.3

Assessment of the socio-economic efficiency of the proposed activities


The determining factor affecting competitiveness, economic growth and production efficiency is the presence of human resources in the company, capable of professionally solving the set production tasks. To effectively manage personnel in business, an enterprise needs a holistic system of work with personnel, which allows you to manage them from the moment of hiring to the end of a career.

Until recently, the role of human resources in strategic planning has been ignored. With the current rapid changes in technology, along with economic pressures and declining productivity, enterprise management is increasingly beginning to integrate its human resource management with the definition of long-term strategy. Analyzing the trends in work with personnel in the near future, one can see that strategic aspects are becoming more and more important in performing the functions of personnel management, however, the classic traditional tools for working with personnel, such as planning in the field of personnel, attracting labor, and improving the qualifications of personnel, remain. , personnel administration.

In LLC NPP Put Service, a flexible personnel management system is created, focused on the operation of the enterprise in market conditions. The functioning of this system, which includes the solution of complex management, labor, financial and economic, socio-economic, educational and many other problems, in modern conditions is impossible without a concept that defines the main provisions of personnel policy in business:

1) creation of uniform principles of strategic management and personnel development in the industry;

2) integration of personnel policy in strategic planning of enterprises, taking into account personnel work at all levels of management;

3) introduction of new methods and systems of training and retraining of personnel;

4) development of economic incentives and social guarantees;

5) protection of the rights and guarantees of employees of LLC NPP "Put Service", work with representatives of labor collectives;

6) research of problems in the field of human resource development.

The personnel management strategy at NPP Put Service LLC reflects a reasonable combination of the economic goals of the enterprise, the needs and interests of employees (decent wages, satisfactory working conditions, opportunities for the development and realization of employees' abilities, etc.). Currently, conditions are being developed to ensure a balance between the economic and social efficiency of the use of labor resources.

Human resources are the greatest asset of the company. It strives to create all the conditions, and the staff strives to work most efficiently. With this management structure, the advantage of a linear structure in the form of the principle of one-man management remains, and the advantage of a functional structure in the form of specialization of management. The number of employees at the enterprise has been steadily growing over the past 6 years, which is primarily due to the constant growth in production and sales of products.

LLC NPP "Put Service" has its own personnel policy. Its principle is: "The best personnel is the best company, the best company is the best personnel." The company selects personnel for following criteria: Decent, proactive, highly professional, honest and committed to the ideas of the company. The company considers the main criterion in working with personnel to be a fair attitude towards all its employees, regardless of their gender, social status and kinship. When planning and organizing work, the manager determines what exactly should be done by this organization, when, how and who, in his opinion, should do it. The director, in order to effectively move towards the goal, coordinates the work and makes people carry it out.

The managers of NPP "Put Service" LLC must realize the need to abandon the traditional personnel policy based on authoritarian principles and move to a human resource management policy, form a new organizational culture that is human-centered and provides for the maximum involvement of personnel in the company's affairs, encouragement of initiative and self-discipline ... A well-chosen workforce is one of the main tasks of the enterprise. It should be a team of like-minded people and partners capable of realizing, accepting and implementing the plans of the company's management. It alone is the key to business success, expression and enterprise prosperity.

The management of LLC NPP "Put Service" is offered the following recommendations for improving the conduct of personnel policy:

1) to introduce additional positions of two HR assistants, since the HR inspector is physically unable to cope with a large amount of work;

2) to restructure the activities of the personnel service, since the structure of the personnel department, the qualitative composition and the level of remuneration of its employees do not correspond to the tasks of implementing an active personnel policy;

3) introduce the currently absent process of qualitative analysis of the personnel of the enterprise;

4) for active personnel management, ensure a systematic exchange of information between different levels of management on personnel issues;

5) further underestimation by the first managers of the value of retraining and advanced training of personnel at ODO "600" is unacceptable. I propose to introduce a unified system of continuous professional training of specialists and top management personnel;

6) when combining the activities of divisions, an inconsistency of work technologies is revealed, for a solution I recommend introducing a personnel information system;

7) at the present time at the enterprise of the company there is an established system of attestation of personnel, which, to a large extent, has preserved the features of the pre-reform model of the economy. It is necessary to reform the certification system according to the proposed principle;

8) purposefully train highly qualified specialists in new and traditional areas. The training of highly qualified specialists in new and traditional areas is a priority problem in the field of the company's personnel policy. It is necessary to purposefully invest in the development of the professional and technical level of personnel training in order to further achieve the goals set by the management.

On the basis of the analysis carried out, the identified reserves and the tasks set, a system of directions for improving the personnel policy of the enterprise is presented in the work, which will allow during 2009-2011:

· Create the necessary motivational potential to attract and retain highly qualified young specialists at the enterprise;

· Will provide quick and effective adaptation of new employees at the enterprise with their assimilation to the production and corporate culture adopted at the enterprise;

· Will create conditions for the further effective development of professional and personal data of personnel, ensuring an increase in the efficiency of the labor process, an increase in the level of theoretical training and practical skills of employees of various levels;

· Will create the potential for the use of new technologies, the introduction of technological improvements, the modernization of technological processes at the enterprise, which in the future will ensure a more complete implementation of the factors of intensity of the use of labor resources.

The main effect of the implementation of the proposed directions is rather strategic in nature and is intended to ensure the full use of favorable external opportunities and strengths of the enterprise to improve the efficiency of its functioning. However, as the main result in the perspective of 1-2 years, other things being equal, it is possible to predict the implementation of the production reserves identified in the analysis finished products, and a corresponding increase in the net financial result of the enterprise.

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24. Savkova E. Manipulation in management. // Personnel manager. Personnel Management. - 2005. - No. 11, 12. - P. 81.

25. N.V. Samoukina Personnel management: Russian experience. - SPb .: Peter: Peter print, 2003 .-- 236 p.

26. Stishenok I. Motivational incentives of employees of the organization. // Personnel manager. Personnel Management. - 2005. - No. 11. - P. 77.

27. Strekalova N.D. Personnel Management: A textbook for the specialty "Management of the organization". - SPb .: Publishing house of the St. Petersburg Humanitarian University of Trade Unions, 2004 .-- 156 p.

28. Sychev K., Panchenko T., Panchenko A. Humanities as a method of personnel policy. - Publisher: M., Kislorod, 2007, 224 p.

29. Torshina K. Career and motivation // Personnel management, 2006, No. 8,121s.

30. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Enterprise personnel management. - 4th ed. - M .: Delo, 2007 .-- 270 p.

31. Feonova M.R. Personnel management: a methodology for analyzing the quality of the workforce. - M .: Nauka, 2001 .-- 516 p.

32. Higir B.Yu. Unconventional methods of personnel selection and assessment. - Edition 2, supplemented and revised. - M .: Personnel Management, 2006. - 84p.

33. Shapiro S.A. Motivation and stimulation of staff. - M .: GrossMedia, 2005 .-- 224 p.

34. Schneider B., Schmitt N. Personnel for the organization: a scientific approach to the search, selection, assessment and retention of employees. 2nd edition, supplemented and revised. - M .: Personnel Management, 2006. - 98p.

Attachment 1

Layout of the letterhead for the interview for the position of manager

The date ___________

2. Comments _________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

3. The interview was conducted by _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________

4. For a vacant position _____________________________ ________________________________________________________

5. Surname, name, patronymic. Date of Birth

6. Address, phone number

7. Are you working now? If so, how soon can you take up duties? What is the relationship with the company where you work now?

8. Why do you want to fill this vacancy? (what is the main reason - prestige, safety, income?)

9. Work experience.


10. Company.

11. City.

12.From ____ to ____ (working hours)

13. How did you get a job? (Has the applicant expressed confidence in getting jobs?)

14. What is the essence of the work at the beginning? (is it possible to use the experience of the candidate in the previous places of work to work in this position?) What salary were you paid in the beginning?

15. How has work changed over time? (how much progress did the applicant have at that job?)

16. What were you doing at work at the time of your dismissal? (what responsibility was the applicant?) Salary at the time of dismissal?

17. Chief __________ His position __________ What is he? (How did the candidate get on with his superiors?) How closely did he watch you? What power did you have (do you have)?

18. How many people were under your command? What did they do? (is the applicant a leader?)

19. To what extent could you use your initiative and judgment? (was the candidate actively seeking responsibility?)

Appendix 2

HR manager professiogram

Position name - manager for personnel management, labor productivity.

General description of the workflow. The manager performs responsible administrative work to manage the activities of the personnel of the organization Stroykomplekt LLC. He is responsible for planning and managing HR programs, which include recruitment, competitive interviews, employee appraisal and appointment, promotion and transfer to positions, making recommendations on changing the status of employees in the organization, and creating a system for distributing information among employees. The manager works under the overall control of line management, while he can take initiative and have an independent opinion on the implementation of the tasks assigned to him.

Actions inherent in the manager's workflow:

1. Participates in general planning and decision-making for the creation of a unified and effective personnel service.

2. Explains the policies of the organization at different levels through the distribution of newsletters, organizing meetings and personal contacts.

3. Conduct interviews with candidates for positions, assess their qualifications and compliance with applications.

4. Consults with chiefs on issues related to his activities, including problems of appointment to the post; enrolls employees who have passed the probationary period to positions; relocates and fires permanent employees.

5. Organizes testing of employees.

6. Develops personnel training systems.

7. Develops a performance appraisal system and trains managers on how to evaluate the performance of subordinates.

8. Maintains personnel documentation.

9. Performs other duties related to his activities.

Manager workplace specification

As an example, here is the HR manager workflow specification:

1. Preparation and work experience. Must have extensive experience in this profession. Work experience is at least six years.

2. Education. A four-year college or university specializing in human resources, business management, or industrial psychology.

3. Knowledge, skills and abilities. Must have knowledge of the theory and practice of personnel management, including selection, appointment and evaluation of employees.

4. Degree of responsibility. Leads a department consisting of three employees specializing in HR management.

Feonova M.R. Personnel management: a methodology for analyzing the quality of the workforce. - M .: Nauka, 2001.

Efimova M.R. Statistical Methods in production management. -M .: Finance and statistics, 2008.- P.7.

Burkov V. N., Irikov V. A. Models and methods of management of organizational systems. - M .: Nauka, 2004 .-- P. 135.

Andreev S. V. Insolvency (bankruptcy) of enterprises. Problems and ways of reforming the economic human resources: Textbook. manual. - M .: RTC, 2006.- S. 151-152.




In a market economy, the goal of any organization is to obtain the greatest profit while minimum costs... Therefore, heads of enterprises face complex problems of increasing the efficiency of the organization.

One of the links in a market economy is the labor market. It is a system of social relations in the interaction of the interests of employers and hired labor. The main function of the labor market is to ensure through the sphere of circulation the redistribution of labor in the national economy.

A special place in the struggle to achieve the competitiveness of the organization in the market is occupied by the HR-management system, which is implemented in personnel technologies. To make a profit and improve the company's activities, it is necessary to identify how fully the organization's labor and financial resources are used. All over the world, they have come to recognize the decisive role of the main productive force - man, the capabilities and abilities of each worker, individual groups and society as a whole to carry out and improve labor activities, significantly increase its efficiency. Employees of any organization are a resource through which its competitive advantage in the market can be achieved, because it is people who are carriers of technologies that realize the strategic goals of the organization and, in many respects, the effectiveness of this process.

One of the main reasons for the socio-economic development and competitiveness of any enterprise is the provision of qualified labor force, as well as the degree of its motivation. An analysis of the labor potential of workers logically precedes the elaboration of a development strategy for the enterprise.

human resources travel agency

Interpretation of the concept of "potential" consists in considering it as a source of opportunities, means, stock that can be activated, used to solve a problem or achieve a certain goal; the possibilities of an individual, society, state in a particular area. Thus, the terms "potential", "potential" mean the presence of someone (be it an individual person, the workforce of an enterprise, society as a whole) latent, not yet showing opportunities or abilities in the relevant spheres of their life.

To achieve maximum use of the organization's labor resources, it is necessary to build effective system personnel management, which is possible subject to the implementation of a rational personnel policy and strategy.

This topic is relevant because the effective work of an enterprise, in conditions of market relations, is impossible without creating a mechanism for managing the development of its personnel potential, as well as scientific study of methods of personnel support. Due to the low level of professional training at enterprises, the theoretical development of socio-economic mechanisms for the reproduction of enterprise specialists is especially significant. The problem of human resources management at enterprises is of an interdisciplinary nature, which necessitates the use of integrated approaches in its solution, taking into account economic, sociological, psychological and other factors. A comprehensive analysis of the relevant scientific literature has shown that insufficient attention is paid to the problems of managing the personnel potential of enterprises, the concepts, practice and prospects of its development, the creation of sources of funding for staffing, the system of search and selection of personnel. There is practically no methodology for the development and creation of an effective HR management system at enterprises.

The purpose of this course work is to develop a program for the development of the personnel potential of the enterprise on the example of ChTUP "Vileons-tour".

In accordance with the set goal, the following tasks were identified:

· Define the basic concepts, characteristics and essence of human resources.

· Consider the main factors affecting the formation and development of human resources.

· To study the main directions of activity of ChTUP "Vileons-tour" and its organizational structure of management.

· Analyze the state of the personnel potential of the enterprise at the moment.

· Develop measures to develop the human resources of the research enterprise.

The object of the research is the personnel potential of Vileons-tour private unitary enterprise.

The subject of the research is the process of formation and development of human resources at the enterprise.

Chapter 1. Human resources: essence, composition and assessment methods

1.1 The essence of the concept of human resources

The person in the organization of the hospitality and tourism industry is its main resource. This is due to the fact that the employee of the enterprise is part of the service, and all manufacturing processes depend on the person who provides it.

In the science and practice of personnel management, the concept of "human resources" was used instead of "personnel". Such a change is associated with a rethinking of the role and place of a person in production activities in the era of scientific and technological revolution and the attitude to him not only as an "animated" factor of production, but also as a person with inherent interests, motivation, psychology, values, entrepreneurship, etc. ...

Under human resource understood the main wealth of any society, the prosperity of which is possible when creating conditions for reproduction, development, use of this resource, taking into account the interests of each person... The concept of "human resources "more capacious than" labor resources "and" personnel ", since it contains a set of socio-cultural characteristics and personal-psychological properties of people. The specifics of human resources, in contrast to all other types of resources (material, financial, information, etc.) ) is as follows:

· people are endowed with intelligence, therefore, their reaction to external influence (control) is emotionally meaningful, and not mechanical; the processes of interaction between the subject of management and people are two-way;

· as a result of possessing intelligence, people are capable of continuous improvement and development, which is the most important and long-term source of increasing the efficiency of any society or individual organization;

· people choose a certain type of activity (production or non-production, mental or physical) consciously, setting certain goals for themselves.

One of the main elements that make up the human resource is the labor resource. Labor resources represent the able-bodied part of the country's population, which, due to psychophysiological and intellectual qualities, is capable of producing material goods or services. TO labor resources include people both employed in the economy and not employed, but able to work. The psychophysiological and intellectual qualities of a person necessary for the implementation of useful activities depend on age, which acts as a kind of criterion that makes it possible to allocate labor resources from the entire population. According to the established statistical practice, the labor force consists of able-bodied citizens of working age and citizens working in the country's economy younger and older than working age.

Personal potential - is a set of professional knowledge, skills and abilities that determine professional competence (qualification potential); working capacity (psychophysiological potential); intellectual, cognitive abilities (potential for personal development and creativity); the ability to cooperate, collective organization and interaction (communication potential and leadership potential); value orientation (moral potential). Categories of qualification and psychophysiological potential are combined into a single category labor potential, and the potential for personal development, creativity, communication potential, leadership potential and moral potential - in the category motivational potential realization of personality.

Labor potential - it is a set of physical and spiritual properties of an individual that ensure the ability to achieve certain results of production activity under given conditions. It includes such personality characteristics as a person's abilities and inclinations, his state of health, efficiency, endurance, type of nervous system; the volume of general and special knowledge, work skills and skills, which together provide the ability to work of a certain quality.

Motivational potential - this is the level of civic consciousness and social maturity, the degree of assimilation by the employee of the norms of attitude to work, value orientations, interests, needs, demands in the world of work and the degree of their implementation.

The labor and motivational potentials of an individual determine the ability to work of a certain content and complexity, the depth and versatility of his general and special knowledge, production skills and experience, as well as the ability and desire to improve in the labor process, the ability and desire to solve new problems arising from changes in production.

The totality of the personal potentials of the employees of the enterprise has its own group potential of the system, i.e. human resources.

Personnel potential - This is the possible quantity and quality of labor that the enterprise has at its disposal at the level of development of science and technology it has achieved. Human resources, being an integral part of production potential, can be measured both quantitatively and qualitatively.

The quantitative aspect of human resources determined:

· organizational structure of enterprise management; the number of employees of the enterprise and its dynamics; the amount of working time worked by employees of the enterprise for a certain period;

· the level of labor intensity of workers.

The qualitative side of human resources determined:

· the style and methods of management used by the manager;

· health status, level of development and physical capacity of employees;

· educational level of employees; professional and qualification level of employees. The personnel potential of an enterprise is a complex, complex concept. A number of structures can be distinguished both in the work collective of the enterprise and in its human potential: functional, organizational, socio-economic, informational and role-based.

1.2 The main ways of developing human resources

Organizations have a constant need to ensure high productivity of workers. Many organizations also care about the overall quality of the workforce. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to recruit and select the most qualified, capable workers.

Consider four possible learning methods (including both acquiring new knowledge and retraining).

Discipleship.This method is a combination of on-the-job and off-job training. It requires the cooperation of mentors in the workplace as well as government services.

Apprenticeship is a training and learning period that includes both formal classroom teaching and hands-on training in the workplace. The period of such training can be up to several years. The weak point of the apprenticeship system is that the time allotted for it is predetermined, and it does not take into account the individual differences that appear during the training period.

Preliminary training.With this method, students study in a work environment that mimics a work environment. An example is a simulator that simulates a cockpit for training airliner pilots.

On-the-job training.This is the most common method: the employee is placed in a real work situation, the work and the secrets of skill are shown to him by an experienced worker or foreman. This method is especially preferred by managers due to the nature of their work.

The most important methods of training in the workplace: the method of increasing complexity of tasks, changing the workplace (rotation), directed gaining experience, production instruction, using workers as assistants, the method of delegating (transferring) part of functions and responsibilities, etc.

Tutoring and discussion.One of the best and most used techniques for training new managers is that successful experienced managers train newcomers. This approach not only provides an opportunity to learn, it requires a real delegation of rights, which creates a sense of trust.

Retraining.The main feature of retraining programs is that they provide a partial preliminary experience for the person preparing in the future to take a certain place, since he does part of the actual work of the one who is currently charged with these duties. This intermediate position is called differently in different organizations: assistant, understudy, joint management or apprenticeship for managers.

Translations and rotation.In this case, trainees move through a whole sequence of activities to expand their experience. Enterprises can make travel plans, including functional and geographic movements.

Advocates of this approach argue that it broadens the mind of a leader, accelerates the advancement of highly qualified specialists, initiates many new ideas, and accelerates the growth of firm efficiency.

Off-site training.In this case, classes take place in classrooms, Sunday schools, or elsewhere. Businesses with the largest training programs often use this method.

According to curriculum managers, if the purpose of advanced training is to acquire new knowledge, then it is best to use software computer training. On the other hand, if training is aimed at improving skill in the field of problem solving, then it is best to use intensive training technologies (business games, case studies).

When organizing advanced training for management personnel, personnel services employees should pay most attention to intensive learning technologies (ITO), since they allow students to acquire, first of all, applied knowledge, skills and abilities and provide an opportunity to receive training in the field of people management in a short time.

These methods of theoretical training include, first of all, seminars and various courses to improve the qualifications of personnel.

Seminars.The curriculum can include a variety of training activities: leadership seminars, technical and non-technical special seminars, specialist teacher training, technical administration courses, information events, etc.

Training and advanced training of managers and specialists is carried out at the enterprises on a differentiated basis. The content of the work of all seminars and events is linked to production requirements.

The objectives of the seminars and their content are based on the experience and the actual level of knowledge of the employees. The workshop leader informs the participants in full about the goals, activities and methods of the workshop.

Workshop participants develop materials based on agreed goals and independently or as part of groups. At the same time, the leader of the seminar intervenes in the work only when the participants want it or if he notes deviations from previously agreed tasks.

Training activities are focused on helping to solve production problems. The central place in training events is given to the consolidation or expansion of professional knowledge, skills, abilities, as well as the development of employees' motivation for training.

The main forms of conducting classes are the modeling of practical situations, the study of experience and models, the control of results according to the principle of structural elements. It is also practiced in firms to agree on the goals and specific content of the seminar with their participants.

Control in the educational process is carried out in the form of systematic reports on the individual stages of training for each day of the seminar, as well as after its completion.

Advanced training courses.They must be carried out in a specially designated room so that nothing distracts the listeners from the learning process. In the learning process, teaching aids are needed, stands must be arranged, a comfortable workplace must be provided, there must be sufficient lighting, i.e. so that everything is conducive to work. One of not the last tasks in the learning process is to create a favorable atmosphere in the student-teacher relationship. The course leader is understood here as a facilitator and not as a speaker. It facilitates the learning process of the course participants by encouraging individual work and sometimes providing information on the subject of the discussion.

New techniques and methods of communication are implemented with mutual support, development of feedback.

The attitude towards criticism is encouraged. All of this is intended to foster cooperation that provides a solution to the problem.

Software training.At present, it is generally accepted that after graduating from an educational institution, a specialist annually loses an average of 20% of knowledge. The professional knowledge of management personnel is rapidly becoming obsolete due to radical socio - economic reforms and technical and technological development.

Practice has established that in order to maintain knowledge at the required level, a manager must devote at least 4-6 hours a week to studying the latest achievements in the field in which he is directly involved. This is where computer-assisted training can help - this is the most popular method of apprenticeship training, with the learner at the center. It provides an opportunity to study the content of the subject in small doses, gradually, requiring a frequent reaction from the student and immediately informing him of the degree of correctness of his answers.

The main characteristics of computer learning are as follows:

training is carried out without the presence and intervention of a teacher;

the learner learns on his own and according to his own understanding (at the same time, there is a feedback, since the learner receives immediate assessments informing about his progress).

Computer-aided learning software is also used to conduct expert assessments business and personal qualities, testing.

Distance learning.The rapid progress of technology makes it possible to organize the process of training and retraining of specialists faster and better. The development of modern telecommunication technologies makes it possible to introduce a lot of new things into the existing forms of education. At present, these innovations are singled out as an independent form of education - distance learning, which is based on the principle of distance learning and full-time / distance learning, but with the use of technical means that allow, with a significant territorial distance of the student and teacher, to achieve high efficiency in direct and feedback. The most perfect and promising organization option distance learning is the use of technologies of global or local corporate information computer networks (The Internet).

Education abroad.The internationalization of science, economy and society as a whole necessitates the development of professional training for specialists not only within the country, but also abroad. Based on this, great attention is paid to collecting and generalizing the experience of studying abroad, as well as to practice management work in other countries.

An exchange of experience in vocational training is essential.

The need to send specialists abroad increases with the increase in the number of enterprises. However, this is only true for large enterprises. Small and medium-sized enterprises, although they are interested in this problem, do not always have the necessary funds for this.

Large enterprises not only send specialists to study abroad, but also develop special programs advanced training. About 50% of all programs offer internship and temporary work abroad. The rest of the programs mainly include seminars, refresher courses and training landings. The structure of the curriculum depends on the duration of training, the size of the group.

1.3 The main forms and methods of assessing the human resources of the organization

At the present stage of development of business technologies, the key resources of any organization, along with financial, informational, technological, are human resources. Enterprises compete, including on the level of professional development of their employees - their knowledge, skills, and abilities. For the most reasonable and efficient use of this resource, it is necessary to properly assess it. Various systems, methods and techniques for personnel assessment allow us to identify and reveal the potential of each employee and direct this potential to the implementation of the company's strategic goals.

Personnel assessment is not always clear and formalized. However, with the development of the analysis of business processes, a more attentive attitude to the strategic development of companies, formalized assessment systems based on strategic objectives companies.

A little later, a more detailed (based on an assessment of the effectiveness of each employee) system appeared Management by Objectives (MBO) - performance management. The essence of this approach is that a list of key tasks (work criteria) is formed for the employee in a single standard. This standard, as a rule, includes the name, description and weight of the task, as well as the planned and actual indicators of its implementation (indicating the corresponding units of measurement) in the general list of tasks of the control object. In this case, it is very important that the performance of each task is measurable. At the end of the approved period, the employee and the manager evaluate the achievement of each goal (usually in percentage) and the entire personal plan of the employee.

System " 360 degrees" was created to improve the objectivity of the assessment. It is assumed that during the assessment procedure colleagues, managers, subordinates and customers of the employee are interviewed; this leads to a decrease in the subjectivity of assessment. The procedure is carried out in several stages: assessment criteria are determined, questionnaires are compiled, a questionnaire is conducted, at the end the results are analyzed and a plan for the development of insufficiently developed competencies is developed.

It is important to correctly define the assessment criteria, which may not be the same for different positions. For each position, its own circle of competencies is determined with pre-developed indicators for assessment - behavioral examples. The advantage of this rating system is its relative simplicity. However, it should be borne in mind that when conducting a large-scale study, the process of processing the obtained data becomes difficult. In addition, clearly defined assessment criteria are needed. In addition, you should properly organize the collection of information, informing people about the purpose of testing.

For Belarus, the traditional assessment system is certification ... It was used at enterprises even in Soviet times. Unfortunately, attestation is grossly underestimated as a rating system. In fact, it is very similar to other foreign methods, however, being an extremely formalized and regulated procedure, it lags significantly behind in relation to the methods used - the legislation does not keep pace with the development of assessment methods. As a result, in modern conditions of the absence of a single standard for positions, certification becomes possible only in budgetary institutions.

Conventionally, all methods of researching an organization can be divided into three main approaches: empirical, engineering and humanitarian. Personnel assessment methods are most related to the empirical approach, since they are based on the dissemination of successful industry or functional experience, the use of precedent experience in decision-making. In most cases, the evaluation is a comparison of the characteristics obtained during the study with the characteristics of the "reference sample". The methods of empirical research are usually divided into quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative methods can be characterized as formalized and massive. Formalization is expressed in the focus on the study of strictly defined analyzed variables, given in advance, and their quantitative measurement. A high level of formalization of quantitative methods is associated with their statistical processing.

The most common quantitative method is questioning ... During the questioning process, the employee / candidate for a vacancy is invited to answer in writing the questions presented in the form of a questionnaire - questionnaire. Due to its ease of use and processing, the questionnaire can be used both separately and as a component of almost all types of an integrated personnel assessment system. According to the form, the questions in the questionnaire are divided into open, suggesting a free answer, and closed, the answer to which consists in choosing one (or more) of several statements proposed in the questionnaire. One of the many options for using the questionnaire is to collect information about the real business and personal competencies of an employee within the framework of the "360 degrees" assessment system. In this case, the questioning of his manager, colleagues, subordinates and clients significantly saves the time of both the respondents and the employee who is processing the data received.

One of the types of questionnaires used to assess personnel are personality questionnaires - a class of psychodiagnostic techniques designed to determine the severity of an individual's certain personality traits. In form, they are lists of questions, while the subject's answers are presented quantitatively. As a rule, this method is used to diagnose characteristics of character, temperament, interpersonal relationships, motivational and emotional spheres. For this purpose, specific techniques are used. Here are the most popular of them: multivariate personality questionnaires (designed to describe a wide range of individual personality characteristics), questionnaires of motivational characteristics, questionnaires of mental well-being (the level of neuropsychic adaptation, anxiety, neuropsychic stability, neurotization, social adaptation is assessed), questionnaires self-attitudes (the characteristics of the employee's attitude to himself are studied), temperament questionnaires, value questionnaires (used to study the value-semantic sphere of the personality), questionnaires of emotional characteristics, tests for behavior activity.

It should be noted that many of the above methods were originally developed and used in clinical psychology and only then began to be used in enterprises to assess personnel. However, most of these methods have not been sufficiently adapted for assessing employees, therefore, in order to use them in organizations, a specialist with a sufficiently high level of knowledge in the field of psychology is needed.

Another important method staff assessments are ability tests ... They are a specially selected standardized set of tasks that serve to assess the potential ability of a person to solve various problems. Any type of intelligence test can be considered a test of ability. To identify specific abilities, for example, for certain types of activity (medicine, technology, law, education, etc.), special tests are developed. Perhaps the most common among the methods used in personnel assessment are those aimed at identifying the professional abilities of employees.

It should be noted that many of the known aptitude tests do not provide enough material to make predictions based on them. They provide limited information that needs to be supplemented with information from other sources.

In contrast to quantitative methods, qualitative research methods are distinguished, which are non-formalized and aimed at obtaining information through in-depth research of a small volume of material. One of the most commonly used methods is interview .

The interview method is distinguished by a strict organization and unequal function of the interlocutors: the interviewer (the specialist who conducts the interview) asks questions to the respondent (the evaluated employee), does not conduct an active dialogue with him, does not express his opinion and does not openly reveal his personal attitude to the questions asked and the respondent's answers ... The task of the interviewer is to minimize his influence on the content of the respondent's answers and to ensure a favorable atmosphere of communication. The purpose of the interview from the point of view of the interviewer is to get answers from the respondent to the questions formulated in accordance with the objectives of the study (qualities and characteristics of the person being assessed, the absence or presence of which must be identified).

It is customary to distinguish several types of interviews based on various parameters. The most used in personnel assessment are the following types.

Biographical interview focuses on the candidate's past career. It is based on the assumption that past behavior is an indicator of future behavior. Biographical interviews focus on the work experience and work style of the person being assessed. Job information is collected in reverse chronological order. The interview assesses the degree of importance of the employee's current work for the organization and his competence in terms of meeting the requirements for a particular position. In this case, you should ask the right questions and observe the same conditions for all assessed. In practice, the questions are based on "employee requirements," which list the individual characteristics required to successfully complete the job. The advantage of a biographical interview is that it meets the expectations of the candidate (employee) and gives him the opportunity to prove himself in the best possible way. Nevertheless, this same factor can cause bias in the assessment. The effectiveness of such an interview also depends on how well the questions relate to the job criteria.

Behavioral interview contains a structured checklist of questions developed regarding experience or aptitude in specific areas or in relation to job-related criteria. These criteria are identified in the process of analysis, the subject of which was the work and behavior of successful employees. The main advantage of the behavioral approach is that it deals with skills that are important for the job. On the other hand, such an interview can be time-consuming, since all important aspects of the work must be discussed during it. In addition, since the interview is focused on the process of doing a certain job, it is easy to overlook important questions regarding the general training of the candidate / employee.

Situational interview based on the construction of certain situations and the proposal to the evaluated employee to describe the model of his behavior or a way out of this situation. In the assessment process, the employee tries to give socially desirable answers, that is, those that he considers socially correct. During the interview, it becomes possible to assess how these views correspond to the values \u200b\u200bof the organization, accepted models of behavior, as well as the work that the employee performs.

Projective interview based on a special structure of questions in such a way that they ask the employee / candidate to evaluate not himself, but people in general or some character. Projective techniques are based on the fact that a person is inclined to transfer his life experience and attitudes to the interpretation of the actions of other people, as well as to fictional situations, characters, etc. In a projective interview, an employee is less likely to provide socially desirable responses. However, the process of conducting a projective interview is very time-consuming, the data obtained is rather difficult to process. In addition, professional and personal qualities interviewer.

One of the main qualitative methods of personnel assessment is also traditional document analysis ... It is believed that the documents are or may be reliable evidence of the phenomena occurring in reality. In many ways, this applies to official documents, but it can also apply to unofficial ones. Analyzing documents means converting the original form of information contained in the documents into the form necessary for the evaluator. In fact, this is nothing more than the interpretation of the content of the document, its interpretation. In the process of document analysis, CVs, recommendation and cover letters, educational documents (diplomas, certificates, qualification certificates), research and journalistic works, etc.

There are methods that contain features of both qualitative and quantitative methods. First of all, this applies to business cases ... A business case is a comprehensive description of the situation in which a real company once found itself. The case, as a rule, describes the external environment and internal environment companies, as well as their changes over time. The events faced by managers, like the actions of the latter, are presented in the order in which they actually happened. But the most important thing is that the case formulates a problem that one or another employee of the company had to solve. The accuracy and fidelity of the choice of a typical working situation and the professionalism of creating a business case determine the reliability of the forecast when using this method. On the one hand, the method is based on the pragmatism of the proposed options for solving business problems, on the other, it is possible to identify a system of non-standard approaches to solving typical situations, which determines the degree of employee creativity.

At the current stage, most personnel evaluators are striving to create complex systems for assessing enterprise personnel, including a sufficiently large number of techniques in order to minimize errors in the assessment process. However, first of all, it is important not only to bring together several methods, but to adapt them to the conditions existing in the organization, and often - when it comes to foreign methods - and to the conditions of Russian reality. The professionalism and experience of a specialist who manages the assessment process is of great importance here, since the implementation of this task, in addition to the relevant personal qualities, requires knowledge and competencies in the field of psychology and an understanding of business processes, goals and specifics of the company's activities.

Chapter 2. Research of the personnel potential of the enterprise on the example of ChTUP "Vileons-tour"

2.1 Basic information about the company "Vileons Tour"

The name "Vileons-tour" came about as a result of combining the capital letters of the director of the company, Vitaly Leontievich Samokhovets. The company "Vileons" was founded in 2002 as an agency engaged in transport passenger transportation or the provision of transport to individuals. In the Brest region, the company was one of the most demanded agencies. In 2007, the Vileons company began to engage in tourism activities and, at the moment, competes with other travel agencies in Pinsk, such as Vetrov Rose, Alye Parusa, Chris, 4 Seasons, Voyage Tour, "Lilia-tour" and "Azaria-tour". The main specializations of the company are Bulgaria, Greece, Crimea, Turkey, Italy and the Maldives. We are constantly working to open up new directions. The travel agency is engaged in the development of incentive-, congress-, sports and other types of tourism, as well as actively selling air tickets online.

The goals of "Vileons Tour" are to further increase the efficiency of the company and its competitiveness in the market, which implies targeted work in four directions:

· managing market expectations by strengthening loyalty to the company's product and conducting effective measures to further increase the brand awareness of "Vileons Tour";

· improvement of the company's performance indicators due to higher sales volumes and differentiation of the tourist product, constant monitoring of the current state of affairs in the market and prompt adjustment of plans;

· improving the quality of company management through effective planning and improving the accuracy of forecasts of performance results.

· work according to the highest international standards, the introduction of innovative tourism technologies, without which forward movement is impossible.





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