Types of management of modern organizations. The main types of management. The main types of management

Scientific management - based on the application of scientific approaches and principles, modern methods development and adoption of management decisions at different stages of the object's life cycle.

Information management - the type of functional management, the system for providing the control subsystem with quality information for decision-making and operational management. Basic requirements: application the latest technology and technical means; ensuring the possibility of coding information through the use of block diagrams, graphs, diagrams, dependencies for disclosing materials, ensuring the quality of information, reliability, sufficiency, timeliness.

Organizational management - a type of functional management, revealing questions of the theory of organization, research of management systems of a company, organizational behavior of a person. Basic requirements: knowledge of the essence of the laws of organization, tendencies of construction, functioning, development and withering away of various organizational structures.

Marketing quality - a type of functional management, characterizing the issues of quality theory, research of competitive advantages in quality, construction and functioning of quality systems, certification tests and certification. Basic requirements: application of scientific approaches to product quality assurance; quality certification; application of the foundations of standardization and metrology; product quality management system in accordance with international standards (ISO 9000 series).

Development of a management solution (RUR) - a type of functional management, revealing the theoretical and practical issues of RHR and its implementation on various management issues. Primary requirements; classification of SD, parameters and conditions for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of management decisions, ensuring the comparability of alternative options, taking into account risk factors and uncertainties when making management decisions.

Investment management - type of functional management, revealing theoretical and practical issues of selection and justification of investment areas, organization and development of implementation investment projects... Primary requirements; classification of investment directions, priority of innovative investment in terms of transition economy, classification of investment projects and technology of their development, feasibility study of investment projects, registration, coordination and approval.

HR management - reveals theoretical and practical issues of personnel management using administrative, economic, socio-psychological methods. Basic requirements: determination of the place of personnel management in the entire management system; knowledge of the principles and methods of personnel management and the use of scientific approaches; the ability to draw up a psychological portrait of a person, assess the business qualities of a manager, form teams, identify formal and informal leaders; selection, training and retraining of personnel; labor motivation system; legal and methodological resource support; scientific organization of labor (NOT); styles of leadership and management of stress and conflict.

Financial management - a type of functional management, revealing theoretical and practical issues of ensuring sustainability, reliability, progressiveness and efficiency of management financial institutionsas well as the finances of the organization. Basic requirements: application of scientific approaches and management principles to financial activities organizations; a system of financial indicators for the application of analysis and synthesis of the formation of financial indicators; methods of marketing and forecasting in financial management. Types, structure and content of the balance sheet, tax and credit policy.

Strategic management - a type of functional management, revealing the theoretical and practical issues of forming an organization's strategy. Basic requirements: management of product development cycles, development of a management solution strategy; analysis of competitive advantages; the methodology for the formation of the company's strategies, the method for improving the quality of the goods, the strategy of resource saving and organizational and technical development of the company.

Innovation management - a type of functional management, revealing the theoretical and practical issues of organizing R&D of technological preparation of the production of innovations, their sale and service in order to increase competitiveness and efficiency. Basic requirements: evolution of technical structures, classification of innovations and their coding; mechanism for supporting innovation; personnel management in an innovative organization, comprehensive support and the formation of a portfolio of innovations and innovations.

Production management - a type of functional management, revealing theoretical and practical issues of planning and creation of production. Basic requirements: structure and content of the production management system; types of leaders; personality and team; groups and their importance, organization of preparation for production of new products.

There is also social environment management, banking, tax, administrative, emergency management, risk management, international, tourism, hotel industry.

4. Stages of development of management as a science. School of Management.

Scientific management concept (20-30s of the 20th century).

In the USA, management is developing as a science and an independent type of activity. The founder of the concept of scientific management is Frederick Taylor. He wrote the book "Principles of Scientific Management", after the publication of which management began to be considered an independent field of research. Taylor substantiated and articulated the conclusion that management work is a specific specialty and that an organization as a whole benefits from a group of employees who focus on what it does best.

At this stage, an approach was determined from the position of various schools of management:

School of scientific management

Classical (administrative) school

School about human relations and behavioral science

Quantitative School (School of Management Science)

Initially, management began to develop as a theory of production management, and then transformed into a theory of managing the activity behavior of people.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts: "management", "management" and "leadership".

Manual - goal setting of the organization and management.

The main goal of management- ensuring harmony in development, that is, the coordinated and effective functioning of all external and internal elements of the organization.

The task of harmonization in relation to the organization has an internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) aspects.

  • development trend of the organization;
  • specific national factors of economic development.

The composition of the main categories of management:

  • objects and subjects of management;
  • management functions;
  • types of management;
  • management methods;
  • management principles.

Management subjects, managers- managers of various levels who hold a permanent position in the organization and are empowered to make decisions in certain areas of the organization.

The "manager" category applies to:
  • leaders of the organization;
  • heads of structural links and profit centers;
  • organizers of certain types of work (administrators).

Types of management- special areas management activitiesassociated with solving certain management problems.

On the basis of the object are distinguished general and functional management (fig. 1.1).

General or general management consists in managing the activities of the organization as a whole or its independent economic links (profit centers).

Functional or special management is the management of certain areas of the organization or its links. For example, innovation, personnel, marketing, finance, etc.

Figure: 1.1. Objects and types of management

On the basis of content, distinguish regulatory, strategic and operational management.

Regulatory managementprovides for the development and implementation of the philosophy of the organization, its business policy, determination of the position of the organization in the competitive market niche and the formation of common strategic intentions.

Strategic managementinvolves the development of a set of strategies, their distribution over time, the formation of the organization's potential for success and the provision of strategic control over their implementation.

Operational management provides for the development of tactical and operational measures aimed at the practical implementation of the adopted strategies for the development of the organization.

Management methodsis a system of rules and procedures for solving various management problems in order to ensure the effective development of the organization.

Management principles- these are general patterns and stable requirements, subject to which the effective development of the organization is ensured.

The following principles are among the most important principles of effective management:
  • integrity;
  • hierarchical ordering;
  • target orientation and optimality;
  • a combination of centralization and decentralization;
  • democratization.
There are several approaches to management:
  • process approach: management is considered as a process, for example, planning, organization, motivation, control;
  • systems approach : goals, tasks are indicated in an indicative form. A goal tree is built, where the system is divided into subsystems, for example, an organization - into divisions (Fig.1.2):

Figure: 1.2. Goal tree

Systems approach

This is the direction of the methodology of special scientific knowledge and social practice, which is based on the study of objects as systems.

A systematic approach contributes to the adequate formulation of problems in specific sciences and the development of an effective strategy for their study.

System - a set of elements that are in relationships and connections with each other, which forms a certain integrity, unity. When defining the concept of a system, one must take the closest relationship it with the concepts of integrity, structure, connection, element, relationship, subsystem, etc.

Basic systemic principles:
  • integrity (the fundamental irreducibility of the properties of the system to the sum of the properties of its constituent elements and the intolerance of the last properties of the whole; the dependence of each on its place, function, etc. within the whole);
  • structure (the possibility of describing the system through the establishment of its structure, that is, the network of connections and relations of the system; the conditionality of the behavior of the system not only by the behavior of its individual elements, but by the properties of its structure);
  • relationship between structure and environment (the system forms and manifests its properties in the process of interaction with the environment, being at the same time the leading active component of the interaction);
  • hierarchy (each component of the system, in turn, can be considered as a system, and the system under study in this case is one of the components of a wider, global system);
  • multiple descriptions of each system (due to the fundamental complexity of each system, its adequate knowledge requires the construction of many different models, each of which describes only a certain aspect of the system).
The most important principles of the systems approach (system analysis) are as follows:
  • the decision-making process should begin with identifying and clearly articulating specific goals;
  • it is necessary to consider the whole problem as a whole, as unified system and identify all the consequences and relationships of each particular decision;
  • it is necessary to identify and analyze possible alternative ways to achieve the goal;
  • the goals of individual subsystems should not conflict with the goals of the entire system (program);
  • ascent from the absolute to the concrete;
  • unity of analysis and synthesis, logical and historical;
  • identification in the object of different quality connections and their interactions, etc.

Let's consider the elements of the "black box" principle of the system approach.

With a systematic approach based on marketing research First, the parameters of the output - of a product or service - are formed: what to produce, with what quality indicators, with what costs, for whom, in what time frame, to whom to sell and at what price. These questions are answered simultaneously. The output must be competitive in terms of regulations.

Then the login parameters are determined: what resources and information are needed for the process. The need for resources and information is predicted after studying the organizational and technical level of production of the system (level of technology, technology, organization of production, labor and management) and parameters external environment (political, economic, technological, social, etc.).

Systems are open and closed.

Open system Is a system that is fed from the outside by any energy or resources.

Closed system has a source of energy (resources) within itself. Examples of closed systems: a working clock with an internal energy source, a working car, an airplane, automatic production with its own energy source, etc. Examples of open systems: a calculator or a solar-powered radio (energy comes from outside), industrial enterprise, factory, firm, company, etc.

It is obvious that business organizations cannot exist autonomously; to carry out their activities, supply, sales, work with potential buyers, etc. are necessary. That is why it is legitimate to refer them to large open systems.

One of the options for the systems approach is the situational approach, which focuses on the fact that the application of various methods and approaches to management is determined by the situation. Since the significant internal and external factors for different organizations are very diverse, there is no single, "best" way to manage an organization. The most effective method a particular situation is the method that best suits the given situation.

Concept and types of management functions

Management functionsdetermine the stable composition of specific types of management activities characterized by the homogeneity of goals, actions or objects of their application.

They have common tasks and areas of management work, the composition and offer of which is least dependent on the specifics of a particular organization (its industry, size, organizational and legal form, etc.).

Differentiation of management functions allows highlighting individual tasks and types of management activities and regulate sound rules and procedures for their implementation.

Management review as the totality of the process of interrelated functions, it provides a synthesis of various schools of scientific management and the possibility of implementing a situational approach when making management decisions.

Different management concepts provide for a wide variety of composition and content of management functions.

With a systematic consideration, it is possible to distinguish three groups of management functions, which are the most common for all types of organizations and any conditions of functioning (Figure 1.3):
  • general management functions;
  • social and psychological functions of management;
  • technological management functions.

Figure: 1.3. Management functions system

Common functions managementreflect the content of the main stages of the process of managing the organization's activities at all hierarchical levels.

Successful management in any organization must include the following general functions:
  • formation of goals;
  • planning;
  • organization;
  • the control.

Functions are often added to them: motivation, coordination, management.

Socio-psychologicalmanagement functions are associated mainly with the nature of industrial relations in the team. They contain two kinds of functions: delegation and motivation.

Technological management functions define two main types of activity that make up the content of the labor technology of a manager at any level of the hierarchy: decisions and communications.

General, socio-psychological and technological functions complement each other, create an integral management system that allows you to differentiate methods and techniques of managerial influence on the activities of an organization, to specialize management bodies and the work of individual managers.

In general, the area of \u200b\u200bactivity called firm management can be divided into separate functions, which are concentrated in three main groups:
  • general management (establishing regulatory requirements and management policies, innovation policies, planning, work organization, motivation, coordination, control, responsibility);
  • enterprise structure management (its creation, subject of activity, legal forms, relations with other enterprises, territorial issues, organization, reconstruction, liquidation);
  • specific management areas (marketing, research and development, production, personnel, finance, fixed assets).

If the structural aspects of the enterprise are defined, then all management functions are divided into general and specific.

Control function - a type of activity based on separation and cooperation of management and characterized by a certain homogeneity, complexity and stability of the impact on the object from the side of the subject of management.

The function of managing and establishing the scope of work for each function is the basis for the formation of the structure of the control system and the interaction of its components.

General functions are distinguished by stages (stages) of management. In accordance with GOST 24525.0-80, these include:
  • forecasting and planning;
  • work organization;
  • motivation;
  • coordination and regulation;
  • control, accounting, analysis.
The functions allocated by the field of activity are called specific. GOST recommends their typical composition:
  • prospective and current economic social planning;
  • organization of work on standardization;
  • accounting and reporting;
  • economic analysis;
  • technical preparation of production;
  • organization of production;
  • control of technological processes;
  • operational management of production;
  • metrological support;
  • technological control and testing;
  • sales of products;
  • organization of work with personnel;
  • organization of labor and wages;
  • material and technical supply;
  • capital construction;
  • financial activities

The nature and composition of management functions

General and specific management functions are closely related and represent different sections of the management field (Fig. 1.4).

Figure: 1.4. Control field

If you remember the model production process, then the last scheme can be expanded to three-dimensional (Fig. 1.5).

Figure: 1.5. Control scope

Content of the innovation management process

Common functionsreflect the procedure for managing the activities of the organization. They are equally necessary in the framework of strategic and operational management.

Management process in accordance with the schematic diagram of general subject functions, it begins with the formation of a system of goals and objectives of the organization's activities on certain period time. Then the planning of activities aimed at achieving the established development goals is carried out. The implementation of the planned activities requires the creation of certain organizational structures, the involvement of performers, the coordination of their work in time and space. Successful implementation of the planned activities within the framework of the adopted organizational structures requires accounting, constant monitoring of the progress of ongoing processes and regulation of the organization's activities. Each of a pair of interrelated common functions is a closed loop of managerial decisions, functioning in the cycle "goal - means" (Fig. 1.6).

Figure: 1.6. Relationship between general management functions

In the first contour "goal - planning", the planning process is completed provided that the planned activities and planned resources, of course, ensure the achievement of the established development goals. Otherwise, it is required to adjust the originally formulated development goals.

At the second stage, in the "planning - organization" contour, the search for such organizational solutions is carried out that would ensure the unconditional and most effective implementation of the established planned targets.

In the third loop "organization - control" in the adopted organizational conditions, continuous monitoring of the progress of the planned targets and the development of decisions aimed at eliminating emerging disagreements is carried out.

Composition and content of social and psychological functions of management

Socio-psychological functions of management provide the regulation of relations between people arising in the process of functioning of the organization.

Socio-psychological aspects of management in modern conditions often become a decisive specific factor of success business activities organizations.

The socio-psychological functions of management include delegation and motivation.

Both of these functions make it possible to determine the composition of tasks and powers of each of the participants in the ongoing processes and to form the most favorable conditions for its activities, stimulating the receipt of high results.

Delegation as a management function, means the process of delegating tasks and defining the competence of an individual or group of people who take responsibility for their implementation.

Tasks formulate the final and intermediate results of the activity of the participant or the head of the unit.

Competence means the limited right of an employee or department to use the funds and resources of the enterprise to perform specified tasks.

A responsibility means the obligation of a person or unit to perform assigned tasks within the framework of the powers presented, that is, rights and resources.

Motivation as a management function means the process of stimulating all participants in the organization's activities, aimed at achieving the established development goals of the organization.

Motivation is associated with the use of a number of specific categories and concepts related to both an individual person and a group of people, that is, an organization.

Needs Is a fundamental category of classical and modern concepts of motivation, meaning a conscious feeling of lack of something or its absence.

Motivation in the motivational mechanism, it is a manifested desire to satisfy perceived needs, that is, the motives of purposeful activity.

The motivations of a person and a team are manifested in motivational behavior, that is, behavior aimed at the realization of conscious and accepted motives.

Striving to achieve a goal becomes a stimulus for all activities of an employee or team.

Stimulus in the motivational mechanism, it is the result towards which the incentives of the employee's activity are directed. Evaluation of the achievement of this result by a person is felt through the reward received.

Reward Is a material or moral (psychological) assessment of the result of satisfying a need, that is, of the entire process of motivation. Reward as an assessment can be external (from the manager, organization) and internal (as a self-assessment of job satisfaction).

Composition and content of technological management functions

Technological management functions characterize the content of processes and management methods.

They include two main components: communications and solutions.

Communications in management, it is the exchange of information in the preparation and implementation of management decisions.

Communication as a management function deals with the rational organization of information flows in the enterprise for the purpose of effective management innovative processes... The main tasks of communication in management are as follows:
  • determining and planning the need for information for each level of management in the enterprise;
  • organization of information support for the management system at the enterprise;
  • the formation of rational methods and procedures for the preparation and implementation of management decisions;
  • development and implementation of progressive information technologies in innovation management at the enterprise;
  • coordination and control of management decisions, ensuring executive discipline at the enterprise;
  • development and implementation of a unified technical policy in the field of information technology in enterprise management.

Management solution constitutes one of the main tools for the development and implementation of an effective management concept in an organization.

Management solution - it is the choice of the state and behavior of the management system that is expedient from the point of view of the accepting option. The composition of the main decisions on management functions is presented in table. 1.1.

Basic requirements for management decisionsare as follows:
  • target orientation (decisions should be aimed at achieving certain development goals);
  • hierarchical subordination (manager's decisions must correspond to the powers delegated to him);
  • validity (decisions must have an objective justification of rationality);
  • targeting (decisions should be oriented in space and time, that is, they should be directed to a specific performer and limited in time);
  • security (solutions should include necessary resources and establish the sources of their receipt);
  • directiveness (decisions must be binding on the executor and be of a planned nature).
Table 1.1 Composition of the main decisions on management functions

Management function

Typical management decisions

Setting goals

  • Acceptance of the enterprise mission
  • Formation of target parameters
  • Adoption of the strategic concept of the enterprise
  • Approval of the target parameters of the project



  • Establishment of an enterprise
  • Choosing the organizational and legal form of the enterprise
  • Acceptance of the organizational structure of the enterprise
  • Approval of regulations on enterprise services and job descriptions
  • Creation of new or abolition of existing divisions of the enterprise
  • Opening a branch or subsidiary of an enterprise

The control

  • Assessment of the state of work on the project
  • Assessment financial condition enterprises
  • Analysis of the work of services and divisions of the enterprise
  • Order to change the timing of work on the project
  • Establishing the procedure for assessing the activities of performers
  • Assessment of the implementation of the strategic concept of the enterprise

All types of management are interrelated, since a manager performs administrative functions, manages personnel, participates in the choice of goals for his activities and means of achieving them. For example, the director of a small business and even more so an individual entrepreneur himself performs all or most of the functions. Only with an increase in the size of the organization does it become possible to assign them to various employees or management departments. However, in all cases, it is advisable to distinguish and analyze the types of management, since they are characterized by special means and methods of management, skills and techniques.
Growth social production in the twentieth century. stimulated the development of management as a science. This is evidenced by the publication in the current century of the first textbooks, the creation of specialized educational institutions for the study of management, the use of mathematical methods in solving its problems, etc. At present, this growth continues and is reflected in the structuring of management. Such structuring occurs according to the following features:
- an object of management, for example banks, personnel, commodity flows, stocks, technologies, etc .;
- the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, for example, commercial or non-commercial organizations, general partnerships, companies with limited liability, joint stock companies, holdings, financial and industrial groups, etc .;
- area of \u200b\u200bactivity such as manufacturing, intermediation, commercial transactions, finance, insurance, etc .;
- types of management, for example, traditional, systemic, situational, socio-ethical, moral-ethical (Japanese), stabilization; strategic, promising, current, operational; one-time, cyclical, continuous (process approach), etc.
Therefore, within the framework of management as a scientific discipline, such areas as personnel management, financial management, strategic and operational management, bank management, etc. are being intensively formed.
It should be noted that the goal of management for commercial organizations can be:
- receiving maximum profit for the current period of time or during the market cycle of the product, the required amount of profit;
- gaining a larger market share;
- maximization of the share price, etc.
Production management objectives can be expressed in alternative requirements:
- minimization of costs for manufacturing a certain amount of products;
- maximization of the number of manufactured products;
- maximization of equipment load;
- ensuring uniform loading of equipment with restrictions on such parameters of the production process as the annual fund of equipment operation time, equipment underload, throughput equipment, etc.
Depending on the goal pursued by management in a given situation, its corresponding types are distinguished.
On the one hand, the classification of management types precedes the analysis and identification of factors that are important for the classification, and on the other hand, it is based on various combinations of these factors for different types management. This makes it possible to assess the possibility of both theoretical and practical development of a certain type of management due to the development of certain factors on which it is based.
The use of this classification allows the manager, when solving practical problems, to choose the type of management corresponding to the conditions of the problem. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the time spent on finding the most suitable management techniques. There are three methodological approaches in management: traditional, systemic, situational.
Traditional approach develops and uses management principles and rules suitable for any organization. The traditional approach understands management as a fairly simple one-dimensional interaction of people and (or) organizations. It proceeds from the assumption that all control objects are the same and react identically to influences.
Systems approach focuses on how parts interact in an organization and emphasizes the importance of examining each part in the context of the whole. The main elements of the systematic approach are the entrance to the system (incoming resources), the process of converting the incoming resources into a product, exit from the system (product), feedback (knowledge of the result influencing the chain in the opposite direction).
Situational approach is based on the fact that in the management of an organization there is no only one set of principles (rules) that could be used in all situations.
In systems engineering, a situation is understood as the following interconnection of elements:
- "state of the controlled object";
- "disposable control actions";
- "consequences of control actions".
In accordance with this, two types of management can be distinguished: social and ethical, moral and ethical.
Moral and ethical (or Japanese) refers to personnel management with a paternalistic attitude towards employees (including life-long employment) with significant use of moral incentives, learning in the process practical activities through staff rotation and so on in Japan.
Socio-ethical management is aimed at reducing the likelihood of making decisions that can lead to unacceptable damage to financial, technological, technical, personnel, external and internal structures of objects falling into the sphere of influence of the decisions made. At the same time, the object of activity is chosen as a result of social and ethical marketing, and operations are considered that do not have as their goal to cause unacceptable damage.
Objects falling into the sphere of influence of the decisions made at different levels of the hierarchy can include:
- individuals, such as consumers, intermediaries and staff;
- legal entitieseg suppliers, intermediaries, consumers;
- nature and society as a whole, if their dependence is significant.
Socio-ethical management can be used to manage social processes, ensure the safety of life, legal regulation and other areas of life.
Depending on the time of the onset of the consequences for the object of management and the environment, two types of management are distinguished: strategic and operational.
However, this classification is not complete enough. This is evidenced by its inconsistency with the classification of plans. In turn, the need for correspondence between the types of management and planning is due to the fact that management includes planning, motivation, organization, and control as components. Therefore, management can be viewed as a tool for the implementation of relevant plans, and the types of management cannot be less than plans. Moreover, it seems natural that the type of management, when classifying according to the time of occurrence of the consequences for the control object, should correspond to the type of plan. For example, strategic, long-term (business plan, long-term plan), current, operational management.
Strategic planning is a set of actions and decisions taken by management that lead to the development of specific strategies designed to help an organization achieve its goals. Strategic planning is implemented through resource allocation, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination and organizational strategic foresight.
Strategic management is the management process of creating and maintaining strategic alignment between the goals of the company, its potentialities and chances in the market for goods and services.
The strategic plan of the company determines on the basis of which directions and programs the organization will build its activities, proceeding from the available resources, and setting out the tasks of these directions.
Prospective management aimed at the implementation of business or long-term plans. The goals of business planning is to clarify the goals and objectives of certain areas, taking into account a deeper study of the external environment and the capabilities of the company. The development of a long-term plan of the enterprise is carried out after making decisions on the production of a certain product, production volume, etc. In this case, the object of planning is the production process of the product as a whole.
Depending on the frequency of decision-making, the following can be distinguished: management of one-time decisions, cyclical decisions, a continuous chain of frequent decisions (process approach).
One-time solution management applies when deciding on big problems and when it is impossible to set a date for the next decision regarding this problem. Examples of such decisions at the country level can be the decision on the country's entry into NATO or the CIS. At the individual level, an example of such a decision would be the decision to marry.
Cyclic decision management used to solve problems with a known cycle. An example of cyclical decision management can be that once a year decisions are made on the execution of the current year's budget and the adoption of the budget for next year.
Process management, considering management as a process, takes place when the need for decision-making arises at random moments in time on unrelated problems so often that the process is considered continuous. The management of large NSOs (country, territory, etc.) can be considered process management in that part of it that cannot be attributed to one-time or cyclical management. This is due to the fact that a certain number of managers independently of each other make decisions that are aggregated (hierarchically combined) into some resulting management with corresponding consequences.
In our opinion, for a more complete understanding of the types of management and their role in the organization's management system, the following types of management can be distinguished: strategic; investment; financial; industrial; innovative.

  • 1. Let's start with strategic management. It is needed in order to plan and ensure the implementation of long-term tasks that are created for a period of more than 1 year. This can be the management of the construction of a large facility, the business plan of an organization, or even well-known the state budget next year. In order for the plan to be executed exactly and on time, there are people who control and manage the performers. As a rule, this creates a whole group of managers, the main task of which is to lead the execution of the strategic plan. Moreover, it is important to understand that far-reaching plans are very approximate, they do not give clear instructions, so managers need to think about how best to fulfill a certain prescription. For example, it was ordered on the second floor of the business center to locate 6 offices, a toilet and a manager's office, but in what order and how to do this, the responsible managers who carry out the management decide.
  • 2. The second type of management is tactical management, it is also medium-term. This includes all plans for which a month to a year has been allocated. For example, it can be a restructuring of departments in an enterprise, a marketing campaign, etc. To perform such tasks, new groups can be created or cases are entrusted to existing ones (marketing department, labor protection department). The directions in these plans can be both approximate and accurate, so the manager is still required to be able to think and make the right decisions.
  • 3. Operational leadership is the last type of management. Its characteristics are as follows: an operational plan is created with time for its implementation no more than a month, entrusted, as a rule, to a small manager or immediately to an executor, after which it is put into action. These include planned and unscheduled checks, small projects at the enterprise, etc.
  • 5. Approaches The effectiveness and quality of managerial work is determined, first of all, by the validity of the methodology for solving problems, ie. approaches, principles, methods; without good theory, practice is blind. However, to date, only some approaches and principles are applied to management, although more than 13 scientific approaches are currently known:
  • 1. Integrated. When applying an integrated approach, technical, environmental, economic, organizational, social, psychological, political and other aspects of management and their interrelationships should be taken into account. If you miss one of them, then the problem will not be solved.
  • 2. Integration. An integration approach to management is aimed at researching and strengthening the relationships: - between individual subsystems and elements of the management system; - between stages of the life cycle of the control object; - between control levels vertically; - between control levels horizontally.
  • 3. Marketing. Provides for the orientation of the control subsystem in solving any problems on the consumer: - improving the quality of the object in accordance with the needs of the consumer; - saving resources from the consumer by improving quality; - saving resources in production due to factors of the scale of production, scientific and technical process (STP); - application of the management system.
  • 4. Functional. The essence of the functional approach to management lies in the fact that the need is considered as a set of functions that must be performed to satisfy it. After establishing the function, several alternative objects are created to perform these functions and the one that requires the minimum total cost for life cycle object per unit of useful effect.
  • 5. Dynamic. When applying the dynamic approach, the object of management is considered in dynamic development, a retrospective analysis for five or more past years and a prospective analysis (forecast) are performed.
  • 6. Reproductive. This approach is focused on the constant resumption of the production of goods, services to meet the needs of the market in comparison with the best technological object in this market.
  • 7. Process. Considers management functions as an interconnected management process, is the total sum of all functions, a series of continuous interrelated actions.
  • 8. Normative. The essence of the normative approach lies in the establishment of management standards for all subsystems of the management system. The standards should be established for the most important elements: - target subsystem; - functional subsystem; - providing subsystem.
  • 9. Quantitative. The essence of the quantitative approach lies in the transition from qualitative assessments to quantitative using mathematical statistical methods, engineering calculations, expert assessments, scoring systems, etc.
  • 10. Administrative. The essence of the administrative approach lies in the regulation of the functions of rights, duties, quality standards, costs, duration, elements of management systems in regulations.
  • 11. Behavioral. The purpose of the behavioral approach is to assist the employee in realizing their own capabilities based on the approach of modern behavioral sciences. The main purpose of this approach is to improve the efficiency of the firm by increasing human resources. Behavioral science will always improve the efficiency of both the individual employee and the firm as a whole.
  • 12. Situational. Concentrates on the fact that the suitability of different management techniques is situational. Since there is such an abundance of factors both in the company itself and in the external environment, there is no better single approach to managing an object.
  • 13. Systemic. With a systematic approach, any system (object) is considered as a set of interrelated elements that have an output (goal), input, connection with the external environment, feedback.

The most important principles: - The decision-making process should begin with identifying and clearly formulating specific goals; - the necessary identification and analysis of possible alternative ways to achieve the goal; - the goals of individual subsystems should not conflict with the goals of the entire system; - climbing from the abstract to the concrete; - the unity of analysis and synthesis of the logical and the historical; - manifestation of different quality connections and interactions in the object.

Management in a simplified sense is the ability to achieve set goals using labor, intelligence and the motives of other people's behavior.

The concept of "Management" can be viewed from 3 points of view:

1. Management is a type of activity for the management of people, i.e. function

2. Management is an area of \u200b\u200bhuman knowledge, i.e. science helping to fulfill this function;

Management is an independent type of professionally carried out activity aimed at achieving in market conditions, the intended goals through the rational use of material and labor resources using principles, functions and methods economic mechanism management. Essence - to manage everything: production, finances, personnel, resources to streamline the management system, from the initial situation - to the improvement. results.

The goal of management is the desired future state of the object of management - the organization. The ultimate goal management as a practice of effective management is to ensure the profitability of the enterprise by rational organization production process, including production management and development of technical and technological base. Main tasks: organization of production of goods and services, taking into account the demand of consumers on the basis of available resources; transition to the use of highly skilled workers; incentives for employees; determination of required resources and sources of their support; development strategy development and implementation; definition of development goals; development of a system of measures to achieve goals; real control over the effectiveness of organizational activities.

Management as a kind of practical activity has two main tasks:

1. tactical (maintaining the stability of the functioning of the organization and all its elements);

2. strategic (development and its transfer to a qualitatively new state).

These tasks are solved within the framework of three types of management:

1. general (setting goals, working out a strategy, ways of development, solving organizational issues, control);

2. linear (management of the current work of the main and auxiliary divisions);

3. functional (management of the solution of general company problems, planning, scientific research, etc.).

Depending on the period for which the management activity is oriented, current, advanced (prospective) and controlling management are distinguished.

Current ensures that the parameters of the corresponding object are maintained within the permissible deviations in real time.

Advanced (prospective) management is associated with forecasting, planning and implementing innovations taking into account risk.

Supervising management aims at correcting and overcoming the negative consequences of decisions made in the past.

The subject of management study is a special kind organizational relations between people in the form of information exchange and associated with the management of business and economic processes.

Management as a science describes and analyzes these relations, identifies the factors influencing them, directs its efforts to study the nature of managerial work, identify the conditions for its effectiveness, establish cause-and-effect relationships in the process of making managerial decisions.

Back in the 50-60s. of the last century in Europe and the USA the idea of \u200b\u200bmanagement as a universal discipline with a single, undivided object dominated. Today there are several such facilities, and their number continues to grow. The corresponding types of management are "responsible" for these objects.

Organizational management manages the processes of creating an organization, forming or transforming its structure, management mechanism; development of norms, regulations, rules, instructions, etc.

Production management ensures the effective implementation of the main activity of the enterprise (in accordance with the technology) by directing it in the right direction, coordinating the subjects and resources. Moreover, the term "production" here can be understood in a broad sense, as referring to an enterprise of any sphere (plant, bank, agricultural firm).

The objects of production management are setting goals, choosing a strategy, planning, optimizing the volume and structure of product output, organizing the labor and technological process, regulating them, eliminating failures and malfunctions, monitoring, managing people, stimulating, placing personnel, etc.

Supply and sales management manages the processes of concluding business contracts, purchasing, delivering and organizing the storage of raw materials, materials, components, as well as manufactured goods, their pre-sale preparation, sending to customers.

Innovation management carries out innovation management, coordination and control scientific research, applied development, creation

prototypes of goods and services, their introduction into production; formation and evaluation of plans and programs of innovative activities, organization of their resource provision; stimulating creativity.

Marketing management knows perhaps the most important and complex area today economic activity organization - behavior

firms on the market. With its help, the study of the latter is carried out, the assessment of the current and prospective conjuncture, the selection of target markets, the formation of sales channels, the development of pricing and advertising policies, etc.

Personnel management solves the problems of selection, placement, training, development, advanced training of personnel; develops reward and incentive systems; Responsible for creating a favorable moral and psychological climate, improving working and living conditions, maintaining contacts with trade union organizations and resolving labor disputes and conflicts.

Financial management deals with the preparation of the budget and financial plan of the organization; the formation and distribution of the fund of its monetary resources, investment portfolio; assessment of the current and future financial condition. Elements financial management are the tax authorities who are looking for legal ways to optimize the amount of taxes paid by the organization, as well as risk management.

Account management manages the process of collecting, processing and analyzing data about the organization's work; their comparison with the initial and planned indicators, the results of the activities of other organizations in order to timely identify problems, open reserves and ensure the full use of the existing potential.

2. Principles of management: content and classification.

General principles management:

principle of scientific validity of management - a scientific approach to management requires a continuous, comprehensive study of the entire set of factors affecting the effectiveness of the organization's functioning, the subsequent application of the knowledge gained in management practice;

systems approach principle - a systems approach requires managers to view the organization as a set of interrelated, interdependent and constantly interacting with each other elements, such as people, structure, tasks and technologies that are focused on achieving different goals;

optimality principle - establishes the requirement to achieve management objectives with a minimum investment of time and money. This principle is inextricably linked with the principle of flexibility of management, the practical implementation of which allows to ensure the timely adaptation of the organization to the changing conditions of the external environment or its rapid restructuring in accordance with new goals of functioning;

principle of regulation - all processes taking place in the control system must be strictly regulated. In other words, any organization should develop an extensive system of rules and regulations that determine the procedure for the functioning of both the organization as a whole and its individual structural units;

formalization principle - provides for the formal consolidation of the norms and rules for the functioning of the organization in the form of orders, instructions and orders of the head, as well as in the form of provisions on specific structural divisions and job descriptions.

Application of the principles of regulation and formalization allows you to streamline the process of the organization's functioning, make it more systematic, rational, reliable and predictable.

It should be remembered that any socio-economic system is created and functions to achieve certain specific goals, therefore, the principles that govern the organization's managers should be selected individually in each specific case based on the goals of functioning.

2.K private principles controls include the following:

priority principles goals; structures over functions in existing organizations; a subject of management over an object of management in emerging organizations; object of control over the subject in operating organizations;

principles of conformity delivered goals of allocated resources, management and subordination; production efficiency and economy;

principle of optimal combination of centralization and decentralization of production and management;

principles of building the organization process (predominant focus on achieving the set goal; an integrated approach to the study of controlled and uncontrollable factors affecting the organization process; ensuring the objectivity of the process; optimal and complete information Support process; strict regulation of operations and procedures at all stages of the designed process; compliance of the process properties with the technical, economic, social and organizational resources of the organization);

principles of organization and implementation management accounting (continuity of the enterprise; use of uniform units of measurement for planning and accounting; assessment of the performance of both the enterprise as a whole and its structural divisions separately; continuity and repeated use of primary and intermediate information for management purposes; formation of a system of indicators for internal reporting of the organization; application budget method of inventory and cost management; completeness and analyticity, providing comprehensive information about accounting objects; frequency, reflecting the production and commercial cycles of the enterprise established by the accounting policy;

principles of system formation personnel management (the adequacy of the functions of personnel management to the goals of functioning; the priority of the functions of personnel management; the optimal ratio of intra- and infra-functions of personnel management; prompt response to changes in the specifics of the functioning of the organization; potential imitations (temporary retirement of individual employees should not interrupt the process of functioning of the organization); situational approach; compatibility; combination; compensation; dynamism).

3.K special principles management, as noted above, include management principles specific types activities, namely:

investment management principles (focus on long-term prospects; availability of objective information about the state of the stock market; adequate and timely response to changes in the investment environment, etc.);

risk management principles (loyalty to risks; forecasting; insurance; reservation; minimizing losses and maximizing income);

technology management principles (focus on improving the efficiency of the use of fixed assets; optimization of technological processes, etc.);

principles for creating effective organizational structures (the priority of the organization's orientation to the needs of the market; the creation of structural units according to the target criterion; the minimum required number of management levels; the creation of necessary conditions for employees to show initiative, etc.).

The principles of management develop over time, improve, and concretize. Their evolution is due to fundamental changes in the concept of management, which was adhered to in a particular society at a certain point in time.

3. Management functions: concept, content, classification.

The essence of any theory or purposeful activity, including management, is manifested in functions (lat. Functio - duty, scope of activity, purpose, role).

Management functions can be understood as:

Purpose of management activities in general;

One or the other common taskthat needs to be solved (such a problem happens

Main and supporting, such as planning and motivation);

A relatively independent type of managerial action;

A certain area of \u200b\u200bmanagement, isolated as a result of the division of managerial labor, where specific decisions are made.

The general functions of management, reflecting its content, were formulated in 1916 by A. Fayol. As such, he singled out organization, planning, coordination, control and management. Today, motivation, information and development can be added to them.

The main function of management is planning in the broadest sense of the word.

Planning - main function management, which provides for forecasting, defining goals, strategies, policies and tasks of a particular formation; means making a conscious decision about what works, how, to whom and when

Organization as a function of management is aimed at the formation of control and controlled systems, as well as connections and relations between them, ensuring the orderliness of the technical, economic, socio-psychological and legal aspects of the activities of each business entity.

Motivation is the process of motivating employees to perform well in order to meet their needs and achieve the goals of the organization

The control is a system for monitoring and verifying the compliance of the enterprise with established standards and other regulations, identifying deviations from decisions taken and determining the reasons for their failure.

Coordination as a function of management, it is a process aimed at ensuring the proportional and harmonious development of various aspects (production, technical, financial, etc.) of an object at optimal costs of legal, financial and labor resources.

Adjustment is a type of management work, the purpose of which is to overcome the contradiction between organization and disorganization, order and factors that violate this order

If the structural aspects of the enterprise are defined, then all management functions are divided into general and specific.

General functions are distinguished by stages (stages) of management. In accordance with GOST 24525.0-80, these include (ALSO A. Fayolem):

Forecasting and planning;

Work organization;


Coordination and regulation;

Control, accounting, analysis.

The functions allocated by the field of activity are called specific. GOST recommends their typical composition:

Long-term and current economic and social planning;
- organization of work on standardization;

Accounting and reporting;

Economic analysis;

Technical preparation of production;

Organization of production;

Technological process control;

Operational production management;

Metrological support;

Technological control and testing;

Sales of products;

Organization of work with personnel;

Organization of labor and wages;

Material and technical supply;

Capital construction;

Financial activities.