List of product products of innovative products. Formation of the production program for the release of high-tech products

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    But develop high-tech Production base. Location ... Competitive product; -promotion to the market and implementation product Plants ... purchased product. Table 4.1. Calculation economical efficiency Perfection ...

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    An indispensable assistant B. promotion Goods on ... to a new high-tech. Held... product. The most important indicators economical efficiency Production is the complexity, material intensity and durability. Analysis economical efficiency ...

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    Before manufacturers high-tech product There is a task of receiving ... the participation of the enterprise in promotion innovative project serves ... effective use of their creative and production opportunities in the interests of socio economic ...

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    Manufacturer high-tech Equipment for collecting, ... product, consumer awareness about product Enterprises. Definition efficiency ... Economical efficiency promotion Observation systems Most primitive calculation economical efficiency ...

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    ... product ... high-tech ... efficiency promotion It has two values: economical efficiency and psychological influence of measures promotion on the buyer (psychological efficiency). Economical efficiency promotion - this is economic ...

Registration No. 27584.

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 4 Federal Law July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services separate species legal entities"(Meeting of Legislation Russian Federation, 2011, N 30 (Part 1), Art. 4571) order:

to approve the accompanying criteria for the assignment of goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products by industries relating to the established sector of the activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Minister D. Manturov

Criteria for assigning goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products

I. Criteria classifying goods, works, services for innovative products

1. Consumer properties (including functional characteristics) Goods are new and (or) superior consumer properties (including functional characteristics) of previously produced goods.

2. In the manufacture of goods, first implemented results of research, development and technological works are used.

3. Consumer properties of goods are improved compared to existing analogues or, in the absence of direct analogues, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including how to increase the competitiveness of the goods, or a new way of applying a product that allows you to expand its area of \u200b\u200buse.

4. In the manufacture of goods, only new or upgraded technological equipment, technological processes or technologies previously not used in production are used. this product, or new materials, allowing to improve technical and economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the manufactured goods.

5. When performing the work and the provision of services, the first implemented results of research, development and technological work are used, which were not previously used when performing similar works and provide similar services.

6. Performance and service provision is associated with changes in manufacturing processusing new or upgraded production equipment and / or software, new technologies.

7. The work is performed and the service in the area in which previously similar work and the service was not applied.

8. Work and service are a new, previously not fulfilled and not provided.

9. When used in the production of goods, fulfilling the work, the provision of services for the results of intellectual activities subject to legal guard.

10. When used in the production of goods, the performance of work, the provision of new scientific and technical, constructive or (and) technological solutions.

II. Criteria for the classification of goods, works, services for high-tech products

11. Product, work, the service is carried out accordingly, it is carried out and turns out to be enterprises of high-tech industries.

12. Goods, work and service is performed, performed and turns out to be using the latest samples. technological equipment, technological processes and technologies.

13. Product, work, the service is carried out accordingly, is performed and it turns out to with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.


The innovative products are recognized by the goods, work and service in accordance with one or more criteria specified in paragraphs 1-10.

High-tech products are recognized by goods, work and service with all the criteria specified in paragraphs 11-13.

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

On approval of criteria

And (or) high-tech products by industry,

Referring to the established field of activities of the Ministry

Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 N 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services with certain types of legal entities" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 30 (Part I), Art. 4571) I order:

to approve the accompanying criteria for the assignment of goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products by industries relating to the established sector of the activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.



Assigning goods, works and services to innovative products

And (or) high-tech products

I. Criteria for the classification of goods, works, services

to innovative products

1. Consumer properties (including the functional characteristics) of goods are new and (or) superior consumer properties (including functional characteristics) of previously produced goods.

2. In the manufacture of goods, first implemented results of research, development and technological works are used.

3. Consumer properties of goods are improved compared to existing analogues or, in the absence of direct analogues, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including how to increase the competitiveness of the goods, or a new way of applying a product that allows you to expand its area of \u200b\u200buse.

4. In the production of goods, only new or upgraded technological equipment, technological processes or technologies previously not used in the production of this product, or new materials, allowing to improve technical and economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the produced goods.

5. When performing the work and the provision of services, the first implemented results of research, development and technological work are used, which were not previously used when performing similar works and provide similar services.

6. Performance and provision of services is associated with changes in the production process, the use of new or modernized production equipment and / or software, new technologies.

7. The work is performed and the service in the area in which previously similar work and the service was not applied.

8. Work and service are a new, previously not fulfilled and not provided.

9. When used in the production of goods, fulfillment of work, the provision of services for the results of intellectual activity subject to legal protection.

10. When used in the production of goods, the performance of work, the provision of new scientific and technical, constructive or (and) technological solutions.

II. Criteria for the classification of goods, works, services

to high-tech products

11. Product, work, the service is carried out accordingly, it is carried out and turns out to be enterprises of high-tech industries.

12. The goods, work and the service are carried out accordingly, is performed and turns out to be using the latest samples of technological equipment, technological processes and technologies.

13. Product, work, the service is carried out accordingly, is performed and it turns out to with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.


Innovative products are recognized by the goods, work and service in accordance with one or more criteria specified in paragraphs 1 - 10.

The product, work and service are recognized by high-tech products by all the criteria specified in paragraphs 11 - 13.

Document's name:
Document Number: 1618
Type of document: Order of the Ministry of Industry and Commission of Russia
Accepted Ministry of Industry District of Russia
Status: Suitable
Date of adoption: November 01, 2012.
Start date: March 31, 2013.

On approval of criteria for assigning goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products by industries relating to the established field of activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation "

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation


On approval of criteria for assigning goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products by industry related to the established field of activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011, N 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services with certain types of legal entities" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 30 (Part 1), Art.4571 )


To approve the accompanying criteria for the assignment of goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products by industries relating to the established sector of the activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.


in the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
March 11, 2013,
registration No. 27584.

Criteria for assigning goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products

I. Criteria classifying goods, works, services for innovative products

1. Consumer properties (including the functional characteristics) of goods are new and (or) superior consumer properties (including functional characteristics) of previously produced goods.

2. In the manufacture of goods, first implemented results of research, development and technological works are used.

3. Consumer properties of goods are improved compared to existing analogues or, in the absence of direct analogues, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including how to increase the competitiveness of the goods, or a new way of applying a product that allows you to expand its area of \u200b\u200buse.

4. In the production of goods, only new or upgraded technological equipment, technological processes or technologies previously not used in the production of this product, or new materials, allowing to improve technical and economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the produced goods.

5. When performing the work and the provision of services, the first implemented results of research, development and technological work are used, which were not previously used when performing similar works and provide similar services.

6. Performance and provision of services is associated with changes in the production process, the use of new or modernized production equipment and / or software, new technologies.

7. The work is performed and the service in the area in which previously similar work and the service was not applied.

8. Work and service are a new, previously not fulfilled and not provided.

9. When used in the production of goods, fulfillment of work, the provision of services for the results of intellectual activity subject to legal protection.

10. When used in the production of goods, the performance of work, the provision of new scientific and technical, constructive or (and) technological solutions.

II. Criteria for the classification of goods, works, services for high-tech products

11. Product, work, the service is carried out accordingly, it is carried out and turns out to be enterprises of high-tech industries.

12. The goods, work and the service are carried out accordingly, is performed and turns out to be using the latest samples of technological equipment, technological processes and technologies.

13. Product, work, the service is carried out accordingly, is performed and it turns out to with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.


The innovative products are recognized by the goods, work and service in accordance with one or more criteria specified in paragraphs 1-10.

High-tech products are recognized by goods, work and service with all the criteria specified in paragraphs 11-13.

Electronic document text
prepared CJSC Codex and drilled by:
Russian newspaper,
N 59, 03/20/2013

On approval of criteria for assigning goods, works and services to innovative products and (or) high-tech products by industry related to the established field of activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Document's name:
Document Number: 1618
Type of document: Order of the Ministry of Industry and Commission of Russia
Accepted Ministry of Industry District of Russia
Status: Suitable
Published: Russian newspaper, N 59, 03/20/2013
Date of adoption: November 01, 2012.
Start date: March 31, 2013.

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 4 of the Federal Law of July 18, 2011 No. 223-FZ "On the procurement of goods, works, services with certain types of legal entities" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 30, Art. 4571; Russian newspaper, № 3, January 11, 2013) I order:

1. To approve the accompanying criteria for assigning goods, works, services to innovative and high-tech products for the purpose of forming a procurement plan for such products.

2. Control over the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Minister Fedyukina I.I.

Minister D.V. Livanov


Criteria for assigning goods, works, services for innovative and high-tech products for the purpose of forming a plan for purchasing such products
(approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 1, 2012 No. 881)

1. The innovative products include goods, works and services that satisfy the aggregate criteria:

1.1. Scientific and technical novelty.

1.1.1. This criterion for goods is characterized by the following features:

characteristics of goods (according to the functional purpose, constructive implementation, the composition of the materials and components used, the area of \u200b\u200buse) are fundamentally new or significantly different from the characteristics of the previously produced similar goods;

consumer properties of goods are improved compared to existing analogues or, in the absence of direct analogues, there are qualitatively new consumer (functional) characteristics, including how to increase the competitiveness of goods, or a new way of applying a product that allows you to expand the use of such a product;

the goods, the release of which is based only on the application of new or modernized technological equipment, technological processes or technologies previously not used in the manufacture of this product, or new materials, allowing to significantly improve technical and economic, competitive, ergonomic, consumer and other indicators of the produced goods.

1.1.2. This criterion for work, services is characterized by the following features:

the provision of services is related to significant changes in the production process, the use of new or modernized production equipment and (or) software, new technologies;

work, services are fundamentally new, previously not performed, which come true;

works, services are performed, turn out to be in the area in which previously similar works, services were not applied.

1.2. The introduction of goods, works, services.

goods, work, service are applied, have practical application;

goods, work, the service is introduced in one or several industries.

1.3. Economic effect of the sale of goods, works, services.

This criterion is characterized by the planned positive economic effect of the sale of goods, works, services (in comparison with existing analogues) at stages life cycle Products.

1.4. The scientificness of goods, works, services.

This criterion is characterized by using the work of highly qualified intellectual labor, the results of intellectual activities subject to legal protection and (or) new (over the past three years) of scientific and technical, constructive or (and) technological solutions.

2. The high-tech products include goods, works and services that satisfy the aggregate criteria:

2.1. Conformity priority areas development of science, technologies and technology in the Russian Federation.

This criterion is characterized by the use of the work of research and development work, the implementation of the results of research and development works, and (or) the list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, appropriate for the development of science and development July 7, 2011 No. 899 "On approval of priority directions for the development of science, technology and technology in the Russian Federation and a list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation" (Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, No. 28, Art. 4168).

2.2. High-tech goods, works, services.

This criterion is characterized by the following features:

goods, work, the service is made, are carried out, turn out to be enterprises of high-tech sectors of the economy;

product, work, the service is carried out, are carried out, turn out to be using the latest samples of technological equipment, technological processes and technologies;

product, work, the service is carried out, are implemented, it turns out to with the participation of highly qualified, specially trained personnel.

Overview of the document

There is an official website where information on orders for the supply of goods, work, the provision of services is placed. From 2013 to 2015, procurement plans for individual lawlinks of innovative, high-tech products are posted on this site for a 3-year term. It is, firstly, about state corporations, state-owned companies, natural monopolists. About organizations carrying out regulated activities in the field of electrical, gas, heat, water supply, drainage, wastewater treatment, utilization (disposal) of solid household waste. About unitary enterprises, autonomous institutions, as well as economic societiesin which the share of Russia, region, municipal Education In the aggregate exceeds 50%. Secondly, about subsidiaries of economic societies, in whose authorized capital, more than 50% of shares in the aggregate belongs to the specified legal entities. Third, about subsidiaries of economic societies, in the authorized capital of which more than 50% of shares in the aggregate belong to those subsidiaries.

Criteria for attributing to innovative and (or) high-tech products are determined federal bodies executive power. Since 2015, the purchase plan for such products, drugs is posted by the customer on the official site for a period of 5 to 7 years.

In this regard, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia approved the criteria for the classification of goods, works, services to innovative and (or) high-tech products in order to form its procurement plan.

Innovative products include the goods, work and services that satisfy aggregate following criteria: Scientific and technical novelty; implementation; economic effect implementation; Scientificness. To high-tech - those that meet the combination of the following criteria: compliance with the priority directions of development of science, technology and technology; High tech.

It is determined what characterizes each criterion is characterized.