The main resource of innovation management is. Innovation management in personnel management - types and functions of innovation management. Control questions and tasks

The process of managing innovations begins with the formation of a system of goals and objectives of innovation activity (or project) for a certain period.

The goal in innovation management is the desired result of the organization's activities in the form of a certain innovation, implemented in a given time frame and with limited resources, aimed at the qualitative development of the enterprise. The goal of innovative activity, therefore, should establish certain benchmarks that ensure a noticeable increase in all elements of the production and economic system of the enterprise, overcome the resulting technological gap, acquire a new quality of potential for a given period. The innovative goal of the organization, on the one hand, is the result of forecasts and assessment of the situation, and on the other hand, it is a limitation for the planned innovative activities. To meet this dual challenge, the innovation goal formulation must meet the following requirements:

  1. have a specific expression;
  2. be sufficiently strictly time-oriented, i.e., set the period for the implementation of the desired results;
  3. be achievable;
  4. the various goals of innovation must be interrelated and consistent.

The purpose of innovation management is to ensure the long-term functioning of an enterprise, a firm based on efficient organization innovative processes and ensuring high competitiveness innovative products... Criteria for the effectiveness of innovation processes in an enterprise, in a firm in modern conditions there are economic parameters that make it possible to measure the costs of innovative activities with income from the sale of innovative products. Profitability, profitability is not a goal, but essential conditions and the result of the embodiment of innovation. The implementation of innovative activities is associated with internal and external costs. Management is designed to ensure the efficient and consistent functioning of all external and internal elements. It is the coherence in the development of the organization that is the main task of innovation management. Internal consistency means the coordination of all internal structural elements of an enterprise, a firm. Harmony is achieved through the creation of a special system of in-house innovation management, which allows:

  • develop a strategic innovation concept;
  • determine thematic areas of activity and the formation of innovative projects and programs;
  • to build an organizational structure and structure of innovation management;
  • to plan manufacturing processes and implementation of innovative products;
  • ensure selection and placement of personnel, effective use of the organization's potential;
  • carry out the calendar distribution of work;
  • create a creative atmosphere and high motivation for intellectual work.

Exogenous (external) coherence (harmonization), implying the alignment of the organization with supersystems environment, is implemented through special procedures for targeting innovation activities and taking into account restrictions external environment.

In innovation management, exogenous harmonization provides for the solution of the following tasks:

  • formation of long - and short-term goals of innovation;
  • organizing and conducting marketing research;
  • taking into account the economic situation and planning environmental protection measures;
  • evaluation and use of progressive experience and advanced achievements of competitors;
  • organization of cooperation in innovative programs;
  • taking into account consumers' demand and objective trends in scientific and technological progress.

In terms of content and duration, the harmonization of the organization's activities has a strategic and operational form. The first contributes to the long-term survival of an enterprise, a firm and is provided by strategic management aimed at the formation of strategic innovative goals and projects. The second acts as a means of implementing the chosen development strategy and is provided by the organization's operational management systems.

The means of achieving innovative goals is the innovative development of all elements of the production and economic system of the organization. The innovative type of development is characterized not only by the predominantly used innovation-factors, but also by the innovative goods and services produced, as well as by a set of conditions that guarantee the reproduction of the innovative strategic direction of the economic system development on an ongoing basis. These conditions include: a special structure of the enterprise, which includes scientific departments, their active resource support (including venture capital); the formation of an entrepreneurial economic zone; new relationships with academic institutions; special offensive development strategy; developed innovation management; focus labor motivation on the reproduction of innovations and their effective use.

The transition to an innovative type of development is objectively predetermined by a number of circumstances. First, since the world market for goods and services is full, you can only take a place in it by forming your own niche of the market for a qualitatively new product. Second, the competitiveness of an innovative product or services, the technology of their production are the most important components of the integrated property of the economic system - economic stability in an uncertain market environment. Third, the innovative type of development is most consistent with the growing global trend of individualization of needs and, consequently, consumer properties of goods. Fourthly, modern competition is in a special relationship with its opposite - monopolization. This ratio is becoming more and more dynamic, which requires a specific innovative strategy of behavior in the market and largely predetermines the stability of an economic entity on it.

The innovative type of development is characterized by the interaction of various stages of a single scientific and reproduction cycle "science - production - market - consumption" in their specific sequence and proportional relationship in order to meet the constantly changing effective demand.

The innovative type of development leaves a special imprint on management, its goals, functions, forms and methods, sources of capital, structure, forming an autonomous core in its composition - innovation management, directing and regulating the entire set of innovation and investment processes in the economic system, providing a complex integration of science , production and market.

Hence the conclusion: the innovative type of development is characterized by the continuous complex predominant use of systemic scientific and technological innovations by managers as the main factors for ensuring the sustainability of the life of economic entities, the reproduction of innovative goods and all initial conditions on a continuous basis.

The management of economic systems moving to an innovative type of development is designed to solve a number of problems, sometimes contradictory and, at first glance, even mutually exclusive:

  • constant updating of the range of products;
  • renovation and creation of production systems;
  • increasing the efficiency of production and marketing activities, first of all, increasing labor productivity, creative efficiency and staff activity, reducing all types of costs;
  • development and implementation of the strategy and tactics of the struggle for leadership based on the concentration of efforts and resources in the most promising areas of development of technology, technology, needs, niches and market segments;
  • subordination of the activities of all divisions of production systems to the regime of a complex reproductive innovation conveyor;
  • combining the flexibility and adaptability of small-scale production with high efficiency, low costs and high labor productivity in mass production.

The coordinated solution of these tasks by managers ensures the progressive, proportional, effective development of the organizational system, its economic sustainability and safety. Moreover, as the analysis shows foreign experience, managers are focusing their efforts on four priority areas:

  1. transformation of the technical and technical base, including the use of complex mechanization and automation of production and management;
  2. formation of a new human resources, including professional development, creative activity of each employee;
  3. renewal of all forms and methods of management, including the organization of labor and production;
  4. creating an effective motivational atmosphere in working with personnel, ensuring a loyal attitude to the company, corporation, region of each participant in the reproduction process.

Considering innovation management at the micro level, i.e. at the level of the organization, the following main stages of work:

  1. development of scientific and technical policy and innovation strategy of the enterprise;
  2. research and development (development of new and modernization of manufactured products, technical re-equipment of production, development of rationalization proposals);
  3. complex preparation of production;
  4. organization of the release of innovative products or the operation of technical innovations.

The main criterion for the effectiveness of innovation management as an integral part of general management is the improvement of general indicators of financial and economic activity.

Private criteria at various stages of innovation management can be:

  • the consistency of the innovation strategy with the general corporate and business strategy of the enterprise;
  • reduction of time and costs for R&D and complex preparation of production;
  • growth of sales volumes, profits and profitability of production in the organization of commercial activities.

A) in the management of preparation for the production of new products;

b) in quality control of new products;

c) in reducing the risk of the company's functioning and in creating comfortable conditions for employees.

14. Object in innovation management:

a) are innovation, innovation process and economic relations between participants in the innovation market;

b) there may be one or a group of specialists who, by means of various techniques and a method of management influence, carry out the purposeful functioning of the control object;

c) both answers are correct.

15. Factorial approach in innovation management:

a) considers innovation management as a set management functions and management decision-making processes;

b) considers science and technology as one of the most important factors in the development of the country;

c) there is no correct answer among those given.

16. What may cause the need to restructure a research organization:

a) the interests of ministries and departments;

b) dynamics trends industrial production;

c) the state of the market environment;

d) there is no definite answer.

17. Innovation performs the following functions:

a) reproductive; investment; stimulating;

b) motivating, coordinating, planning;

c) all answers are correct;

d) there is no correct answer.

18. The objects of management in innovation management are:

a) innovation;

b) innovation process;

c) economic relations between participants in the innovation market;

d) all listed options are correct;

e) there are no correct answers among those given;

f) options a and c are correct.

19. What is not expected in the implementation of innovation management:

a) purposeful search for ideas for innovation;

b) organization innovation process;

c) buying new goods;

d) promotion and implementation of innovations in the market;

e) all of the above options are correct;

f) there is no correct answer;

g) options b and d are correct;

20. Coercive methods are:

a) the methods by which the controlling subsystem affects the controlled subsystem;

b) methods aimed at saving resources, improving the quality and competitiveness of goods and services in accordance with the ideology and development policy of the country;

c) methods based on the study of the psychological portrait of a person, the motivation of her needs, which are physiological, spiritual and social needs;

d) graphic-analytical methods for managing the processes of creating (designing) any systems;

e) methods based on the decomposition of the whole into elements and the subsequent establishment of relationships between them;

f) methods to assess the work of the company, determine deviations from the planned indicators, establish their causes and identify reserves;

g) methods for obtaining scientifically grounded options for the development trends of quality indicators, cost elements and other indicators;

h) all of the above options are correct;

i) there is no correct answer among those listed;

j) options b and g are correct.

Test 2.

1. Which of the following applies to the initial stage life cycle:

a) development technical specifications Research work;

b) conducting development work;

c) preparation of production.

2. What can be the form of completion of fundamental research:

a) scientific publication;

b) drawing development;

c) development of a prototype.

a) theoretical and experimental research;

b) development of working design documentation;

c) applied research.

4. The conservative method of choosing a new product is typical for:

a) capital-intensive industries with an increased share of special low-liquid assets;

b) for innovative projects with long-term low financial attractiveness;

c) for financially efficient product projects;

d) answers a and b are correct;

e) there are no correct answers.

5. Direct methods of financing innovative projects do not imply:

a) obtaining a non-targeted loan with the condition of providing proof of solvency;

b) obtaining a targeted loan with the provision innovative project;

c) self-financing;

d) purchase and rent of material and technical assets;

e) there is no correct answer among those given.

6. Indirect methods of financing innovative projects do not imply:

a) the acquisition of a license for the technology incorporated in the innovation project;

b) placement of shares and other types of securities with payment in the form of deliveries;

c) attraction labor resources with payment in the company's securities;

d) applying for an innovative loan for the implementation of a start-up project;

e) there is no correct answer among those listed.

7. The research stage is that:

8. The design stage is that:

a) innovation from an idea “grows” to a certain serially applicable model;

b) new Product or a new technology as a result of research search and selection gets its "birth" in the form of an idea;

c) the development process is fully completed (there is a "decline" in creative activity) and the innovation is ready for the commercialization of mass sales;

d) the sample "matures" to a finished product and can be produced on an industrial scale.

9. The conceptual stage is that:

a) an innovation “grows” from an idea to a certain serially applicable model;

b) a new product or new technology as a result of research search and selection gets its "birth" in the form of an idea;

c) the development process is fully completed (there is a "decline" in creative activity) and the innovation is ready for the commercialization of mass sales;

d) the sample "matures" to a finished product and can be produced on an industrial scale.

10. The distribution stage is that:

a) an innovation “grows” from an idea to a certain serially applicable model;

b) a new product or new technology as a result of research search and selection gets its "birth" in the form of an idea;

c) the development process is fully completed (there is a "decline" in creative activity) and the innovation is ready for the commercialization of mass sales;

d) the sample "matures" to a finished product and can be produced on an industrial scale.

What are the main economic entities operating in the commodity form of the innovation process?

a) subdivisions of one organization;

b) producer (creator) and user;

c) investor and manufacturer.

Non-profit (non-profit) organizations are engaged in research activities related to public and administrative functions. Which sector of science (activity) should they be attributed to?

a) to the state.

b) entrepreneurial.

c) to a private non-profit.

13. An innovative enterprise is:

a) an organization within which the right to make decisions is distributed down to the lower management structures.

b) a kind of organization that achieves the goals of its functioning through innovation.

c) the type of organizational structure, built in accordance with the types of work performed by individual departments.

d) an independent economic entity created for the production of products, the performance of work and the provision of services in order to make a profit.

e) the form of cooperation with partners.

f) all of the above options are correct.

G) there is no correct answer.

h) answers a and e are correct.

14. Innovator-leaders are innovative organizations:

a) initiators of innovations.

b) aimed at creating a specific new product.

c) creating innovations on the basis of a new way of applying previously made discoveries and inventions.

15. Innovative enterprises are called venture capital firms because:

a) are organized for the implementation of a newly launched innovative project.

b) are high-risk.

16. The emergence and development of integrated systems for managing the innovation process:

a) increased the influence of market factors on the strategic position of the firm.

b) turned the development and implementation of innovations into a continuous management process.

c) expanded the geographical scope of the organization.

17. Acquisition of an operating firm specialized in the implementation of some innovative project is considered from the investor's point of view as a way to start his venture innovative venture, because together with the acquisition of the firm, the investor is transferred:

a) the rights to its new technology.

b) rights under the contracts concluded by the firm.

c) the previously assumed obligations of the company.

d) all three first answers are correct.

e) the need to bear the costs of further investment in the promotion of new technology.

f) the prospects for receiving firm income from the commercial implementation of technology.

h) all answers are correct.

18. In the 80s of the XX century. the rapid development of scientific and technological progress led to the transition to a new management system, which implies:

a) the cycle " scientific research - production - sales ”as a linear process.

b) separation of the management of the innovation process into an independent object of management.

c) horizontal links between R&D departments, production and sales.

d) the first and second answers are correct.

e) the second and third answers are correct.

19. The financial and industrial group is:

a) voluntary association of independent industrial enterprises, scientific, design and other organizations in order to increase the efficiency of any type of activity based on collective entrepreneurship.

b) an organizational structure that combines industrial enterprises, banks, trade organizations, interconnected by a single technological cycle to increase the competitiveness of goods and services.

c) an organizational structure that allows the creation of new generations of equipment and technology on the basis of a union of enterprises from different industries.

20. The distinctive features of holdings are:

and) management company, which is at the head of the holding, forms the technological chain, determines the composition of the participants.

b) the liability of the participants for the results of their activities only with the property that they voluntarily transferred for collective use.

c) economic dependence of subsidiaries.

d) excessive attention of government agencies.

Test 3.

1. Transnational corporation characterized by:

and) high level concentration of production and differentiation of products.

b) deeply specialized production.

c) achieving optimal transportation costs for the sale of products.

d) all answers are correct.

e) the first and second answers are correct.

goalis the final state, the desired result that any organization seeks to achieve. The goal sets certain benchmarks for development for a given period of time. On the one hand, the goal acts as a result of forecasts and assessment of the situation, and on the other, as a constraint for the planned innovative activities.

The goals of innovation management boil down to finding a new technical solution in the field of creating an invention, conducting R&D, organizing serial production, simultaneously preparing and organizing sales of products, introducing a new product on the market, gaining a foothold in new markets with the help of more high Quality and the competitiveness of the product.

The implementation of these goals involves taking into account various kinds of factors, among which the following can be distinguished:

market orientation of innovation,

matching innovation goals of the enterprise,

the enterprise's susceptibility to innovation,

availability of a source of creative ideas at the enterprise,

economically sound system of selection and evaluation of innovative projects,

effective methods management of innovative projects and control over their implementation,

individual and collective responsibility for the results of innovation.

Principles of innovation management:

innovation is critical to the survival of the enterprise and must be managed accordingly;

resources allocated to R&D are justified only to the extent that they lead to the achievement of the set goal.

To identify the factors that ensure success requires constant analysis of the implemented and implemented innovations; improving the efficiency of investments in R&D.

Innovation management involves the implementation of the following tasks (works):

o development and implementation of a unified innovation policy;

o development of projects and programs of innovation activities;

o preparation and consideration of projects to create new pylon products;

o control over the progress of work on the creation of new products and on its implementation;

o financial and material support of innovation projects;

o preparation and training of personnel for innovative activities;

o the formation of target teams, groups that carry out the solution of innovative projects.

The list of tasks that can be solved in the process of managing innovations is quite wide and may differ in relation to product innovations and technological innovations. So, in relation to product innovations, the main tasks that need to be solved will be: research of sales markets and possible ways to implement new products, research of resource markets; forecast of the characteristics and duration of each stage of the life cycle of a new product; analysis of the patent purity of a new product and methods of ensuring it, determination of methods for protecting a new product; identification of subcontractors for the project of creating a new product; search for options for cooperation with potential competitors in the implementation of technically complex products and high-risk innovations.

These tasks also include: analysis of costs, prices, taking into account the volume of production and sales of a new product to obtain target profit; evaluation of the effectiveness of an innovative project and its attractiveness for investors, ways to attract investment; identification of possible technical and commercial risks, their minimization, insurance methods; determination of effective marketing strategy, the choice of the organizational form of creation, development and placement on the market of a new product; evaluation of ideas for the creation of new products, management of personnel engaged in the development and production of a new product, creation of a favorable climate and corporate culture.

Of the many tasks solved by innovative management, its main task can be formulated - achieving profitability (benefits) from the implementation of innovative activities.

The state of the innovation system, when the effective and coordinated functioning of all its internal and external elements is ensured, is called harmony. Therefore, the main target step of innovation management is to achieve harmony in the development of an innovative enterprise.

Control functions innovative management in general can be defined as the types (directions) of activities necessary for the management of a particular object.

There are two groups of functions of innovation management:

1) main functions;

2) supporting functions.

The main functions are planning (strategic, current, operational); organization; motivation; control. The main functions of innovation management are common to all types and any conditions of innovation, they reflect the content of the main stages of innovation management.

The providing functions of innovation management include functions that contribute to the effective implementation of the main functions: socio-psychological and technological or procedural functions. Socio-psychological functions of management are associated with the state of production relations in the team. There are two types of them: delegation and motivation.

Delegation- a set of management decisions that contribute to the rational distribution of work on the management of innovative processes and responsibility for their implementation between the employees of the management apparatus.

Motivation- creating a system of moral and material incentives for employees of the organization, ensuring their professional level and career opportunities, i.e. creating conditions that influence human behavior. A rational balance of delegation of authority and motivation of performers' work is the main condition for successful management in innovation.

Providing also includes technological functions that allow for the implementation of basic and socio-psychological functions and include the preparation, receipt, processing and transmission of information for the successful promotion of innovations.

All the listed functions of innovation management are interconnected, complement each other, create an integral functional system of innovation management.

Innovation as an economic category is an object of influence from the economic mechanism. The economic mechanism affects both the processes of creation, implementation and promotion of innovations, and the economic relations arising between producers, sellers and buyers of innovations. The place of origin of these relations is the market.

The impact of the economic mechanism on innovation is carried out using certain techniques and a special management strategy. Taken together, these techniques and strategies form a kind of innovation management mechanism - innovation management.

Innovation management is a set of principles, methods and forms of management of innovation processes and relations arising in the process of innovation movement.

  • 1) as a science and art of innovation management;
  • 2) as a type of activity and a process of making management decisions in innovations;
  • 3) as an apparatus for managing innovations.

Such a deep understanding of the essence and principles of innovative management contradicts the narrow scope of the functional concept. The new methodological and scientific orientation of innovation management is based on the qualitative originality of the theoretical level of knowledge and its decisive role in the accumulation of the wealth of society. With the innovative orientation of economic growth, the models of the research process for the creation of new scientific knowledge and the procedure for the emergence of new intellectual products firmly occupy a dominant place. From this point of view, innovation management acquires institutional significance, which implies the inclusion in its concept of both the structural design of the innovation sphere and the management system


innovation, consisting of specialized management bodies, and the presence of a special institute of managers, empowered to make decisions and be responsible for the results of innovation.

Innovation management is based on the following key points.

  • 1. Purposeful search for an idea that serves as the foundation for this innovation.
  • 2. Organization of the innovation process for this innovation. This involves carrying out a whole organizational and technical complex of work to transform an idea into an object (a new product, a materialized form of operation), ready for promotion in the financial market and for sale.
  • 3. The process of promoting and implementing an innovation on the market is a whole art that requires a creative approach and active actions of sellers.

In innovation management, two levels should be distinguished. First level presented by the theories of social management of innovative systems and focuses on the development of strategies for innovative development, socio-organizational changes, as well as other economic and socio-philosophical concepts that explain the mechanism of functioning economic system... it strategic innovation management.It aims to develop strategies for the growth and development of an organization.

Second level innovation management is an applied theory of organization and management of innovation activities, and therefore has a functional applied nature and provides a scientific and methodological basis for developing practical solutions to improve management, analyze innovation activities, apply the latest techniques and methods of influencing personnel, technical and technological systems, on product and financial flows. it functional (operational) innovation management.It aims to effectively manage the development, implementation, production and commercialization of innovations. The task of the innovation manager is to ensure the optimal functioning of the production operating system, synchronize functional subsystems, improve the personnel management system and exercise control.

Strategic and operational innovation management interact and substantively complement each other in a single management process. So, if strategic management concentrates on the most important problem and structural areas, then operational management covers all areas of the enterprise, its functional subsystems, structural elements and all participants in innovation.

Innovation management performs certain functions that form the structure of the management system.

There are two types of innovation management functions:

  • 4) functions of the subject of management;
  • 5) the functions of the control object.

The functions of the subject of management include: forecasting, planning, organization, coordination, motivation, control.

Functions and types of innovation management are shown in table. 2.3.

Table 2.3

Functions and types of innovation management




functional (operational)


Forecasting the strategy of development and growth priorities

Forecasting new products and services


Expansion into new market sectors

Improving the quality and competitiveness of goods


Strategic decisions on the goals, mission and development of the company

Operational solutions for the development, implementation and production of innovations


Ensuring the unity of strategy and tactics of activity

Coordination of work of all links of the control system


Providing the firm with dynamic growth and competitiveness

Ensuring high labor productivity, high quality products, updating production


Monitoring the fulfillment of the company's mission, its growth and development

Control of performing discipline and quality of performance

The functions of the subject of management are general form human activities in the economic process. These functions are specific management activities... They consistently consist of collecting, organizing, transferring, storing information, developing and making a decision, transforming it into a team.

Forecasting function (from the Greek. prognosis - foresight) in innovation management covers the development for a long term of changes in the technical, technological and economic state of the control object as a whole and its various parts.

The result of such activities is a forecast, that is, assumptions about the possible direction of the corresponding changes. A feature of predicting innovations is the alternativeness of technical and economic indicators incorporated in the process of creating an innovation. Alternativeity means the need to choose one solution from mutually exclusive possibilities.

In this process, it is important to correctly identify the emerging trends in scientific and technological progress and trends in consumer demand, as well as marketing research.

Foresight-based innovation management requires the manager to develop a certain sense of the market mechanism and intuition, as well as the ability to make flexible emergency decisions.

The planning function covers the whole range of measures for the development of planned targets in the innovation process and their implementation in practice. Planned tasks contain a list of what needs to be done, determine the sequence, resources and time of work required to achieve the set goals. Accordingly, planning includes:

  • setting goals and objectives;
  • developing strategies, programs and plans to achieve goals;
  • definition necessary resources and their distribution by goals

and tasks;

Communicating plans to everyone who has to fulfill them and who carries them

responsibility for their implementation.

Scheduling is the main management function on which all other functions depend.

The function of an organization in innovation management is reduced to uniting people who jointly implement an investment program based on any rules and procedures. The latter include the creation of governing bodies, the construction of the structure of the management apparatus, the establishment of the relationship between management units, the development of guidelines, instructions, etc.

The coordination function in innovative management means the coordination of the work of all links of the management system, the management apparatus and individual specialists. Coordination ensures the unity of the relationship between the subject and the object of management, smoothness and efficiency of the organization's team.

The function of motivation in innovation management is expressed in encouraging employees to be interested in the results of their work to create and implement innovations. The purpose of motivation is to create incentives for the employee to work and encourage him to work with full dedication.

The control function in innovation management consists in checking the organization of the innovation process, the plan for creating and implementing innovations, etc. Through control, information is collected on the use of innovations, on the course of the life cycle of this innovation, changes are made to investment programs, the organization of innovation management. Control involves the analysis of technical and economic results. Analysis is also part of planning. Consequently, control in innovation management should be considered as the flip side of innovation planning.

Innovation management consists of the following actions:

  • setting strategic and tactical goals;
  • developing a system of strategies;
  • analysis of the external environment taking into account uncertainty and risk;
  • infrastructure analysis;
  • analysis of the firm's capabilities;
  • diagnosis of the actual situation;
  • forecasting the future state of the firm;
  • search for sources of capital;
  • search for patents, licenses, know-how;
  • formation of innovation and investment portfolios;
  • strategic and operational planning;
  • operational management and control over scientific developments, their implementation and subsequent production;
  • improving organizational structures;
  • management of technical and technological development of production;
  • personnel management;
  • financial management and control;
  • analysis and evaluation of projects of innovations;
  • selection of the innovation process;
  • evaluating the effectiveness of innovation;
  • procedures for making management decisions;
  • studying the market situation, competition and behavior of competitors, finding a niche in the market;
  • developing strategies and tactics for innovative marketing;
  • research and management of the formation of demand and distribution channels;
  • positioning innovations in the market;
  • formation of the company's innovative strategy in the market;
  • elimination, diversification of risks and risk management. Innovation management ensures following results:
  • focusing the attention of all performers on activities within the innovation cycle;
  • organization of strict interaction between the performers of its individual stages, directing their work towards achieving a common strategic goal;
  • finding or organizing the development of intelligent products necessary to create innovations;
  • organization of control over the progress of work throughout the entire innovation cycle - from product development to product sales;
  • periodic assessment of the results of work at individual stages as necessary condition to make a decision on the feasibility of continuing or terminating work on individual projects.

The general scheme of organization of innovation management is shown in Fig. 2.1.

Figure: 2.1.

Organization of innovation management is laid down already during the creation and implementation of innovation, i.e. in the most innovative process.

The innovation process serves as the foundation of strength, on which the effectiveness of the use of innovative management techniques will depend in the future. It defines the main idea of \u200b\u200binnovation, the characteristic features and specifics of the functioning of a new product or new operation, the features of their creation, implementation and promotion on the market, a set of measures to effective promotionand what techniques should be used to diffuse a particular financial innovation.

At the second stage of the organization of innovation management, the goal of managing this new product or operation is determined. The goal is the result to be obtained. The goal of innovation management can be profit, attracting money, expansion of the market segment, exit (i.e. capture) to new market, absorption of other institutions, raising the image, etc.

Innovation is closely related to risk and risky capital investments. Therefore, the ultimate goal of innovation is to justify risk, i.e. receiving maximum profit for all your expenses (money, time, labor). Any action associated with risk is always purposeful, since the absence of a goal makes a decision associated with risk meaningless. The purpose of a venture capital investment should always be clear.

The next important stage in the organization of innovation management is the choice of an innovation management strategy. The correct choice of innovation management techniques depends on the correctly chosen management strategy, i.e. their effectiveness and efficiency. In these two stages, an important role belongs to the engineer, manager, analysts, experts and consultants. The main subject of management is the manager. He has two rights: choice and responsibility for this choice.

The right to choose means the right to make a decision necessary to achieve an intended goal. The decision should be made by the manager alone. To manage innovations, specialized groups of people can be created, consisting of analysts, consultants, experts, etc. Each of these people performs only the work assigned to him and is responsible only for his own area of \u200b\u200bwork.

These workers can prepare a preliminary collective decision and take it by simple or qualified (ie two-thirds, three-quarters or unanimous) majority of votes.

However, only one person should finally choose the option for making a decision, since he simultaneously assumes responsibility for this decision, for its implementation, for its effectiveness, etc. Responsibility indicates the interest of the decision maker in achieving the goal set by innovation management.

When choosing a strategy and methods of innovation management, a certain stereotype is often used, which is formed from the experience and knowledge of a manager acquired in the course of his work, from the information received, the results of analysis and evaluation of this information made by analysts, consultants, experts. A big role in making effective solution the manager's intuition plays, i.e. his flair, insight and experience. The presence of stereotyped situations gives the manager the opportunity to similar situations act promptly and in the most optimal way. In the absence of typical situations, the manager must move from stereotyped decisions to finding optimal, acceptable solutions for himself.

Approaches to solving problems of innovation management depend on the management goal, specific management tasks and can be very different. Therefore, innovation management has multivariate, which means a combination of standards and originality of combinations, flexibility and uniqueness of certain methods of action in a particular situation.

Innovation management is highly dynamic. The efficiency of its functioning largely depends on the speed of reaction to changes in market conditions, economic situation, etc. Therefore, innovation management should be based on knowledge of standard management techniques, the ability to quickly and correctly assess the specific situation in the country, the state of the market, the place and position of a given producer on it, as well as the ability of the manager as a professional to quickly find good, if not the only correct solution in a given situation at a given time.

There are no ready-made recipes in innovative management and cannot be. He teaches how, knowing the techniques, methods, ways of solving certain problems, to achieve tangible success in a particular situation.

Important stages in the organization of innovation management are the development of an innovation management program and the organization of work to carry out the planned work. A program is a plan. The innovation management program is an agreed-upon timeline, results and financial support a set of performers' actions to achieve the set goal.

An integral part of innovation management is the organization of work to implement the planned action program, i.e. definition certain types activities, volumes and sources of funding for these works, specific performers, deadlines, etc.

Also, an important stage in the organization of innovation management is control over the implementation of the planned action program.

Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation management techniques are no less important. When analyzing, first of all, it is necessary to evaluate the following: whether the methods used helped to achieve the set goal, how quickly, with what efforts and costs this goal was achieved, whether it is possible to use innovation management methods more effectively.

The final stage in the organization of innovation management is a possible adjustment of innovation management techniques.

Innovation management as a process of managing cardinal changes in labor products, means of production, services and other innovative activities is one of the main directions in the development of social production.

Control questions and tasks

  • 1. What is the difference between innovation and innovation?
  • 2. Name the functions of innovation.
  • 3. Name the properties of innovation.
  • 4. What is the classification of innovations for?
  • 5. What are the main features of the classification of innovations.
  • 6. What are the key points of innovation management?
  • 7. What is the essence of strategic and operational innovation management?
  • 8. What are the main actions of innovation management.
  • 9. What results does innovation management provide?
  • 10. What are the main stages of the organization of innovation management.

new combinations of factors of production

2. Economist S. Yu. Glazyev highlightsfive technological orders:

    new textile technologies

    steam power technologies

    electric power technologies

    petrochemical technologies and power engineering of internal combustion engines

    technologies of informatics and microelectronics

3.Based on average industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of N.D. Kondratyev lies:

change of the active part of the capital (machine tools, vehicles and etc.)

4. Long industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of N.D. Kondratyev lies:

change of the passive part of the capital (buildings, structures, communications, transmission devices, etc.)

5.Based on short industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of N.D. Kondratyev lies:

market conjuncture changes in relation to certain types of products

6.Scientific theory developed by N.D. Kondratyev, which has found its direct application in the innovation theory:

theory of long waves, or large cycles of the conjuncture

7.Scientific theory, developed by J. Schumpeter, which found its direct application in innovation theory

theory of long, medium and short business cycles

8. The duration of short industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of N.D. Kondratyev:

3 - 3.5 years

9. The duration of long industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of N.D. Kondratyev:

40 - 60 years old

10. The duration of average industrial cycles, in accordance with the theory of ND Kondratyev:

11. The development of railway transport has become the core of the ### technological order:

12. Alternative directions of innovation, carried out in a holistic innovation management system:

product innovations


modification of products (including services)

13. An application for an emerging idea of \u200b\u200bsomething new that requires attracting the attention of participants in the innovation process to organize work at all stages and stages of the innovation cycle is ...

innovative idea

14. The result of the practical implementation of the innovative idea is manifested infinished product changes

15. Legal regulation of the innovative activity of the innovative macro-environment is a component in the organization ...

innovative macroenvironment

16. The main practical goal of innovation management:

increasing the innovative activity of the organization

17. A comprehensive characteristic of innovation activity, including the degree of intensity of the actions taken and their timeliness, as well as the ability to mobilize the potential of the organization:

Innovative activity

18. NOT elements of the innovation system

basic innovation strategies

19.NOT components of the innovative macro environment (distant environment):

resource provision of the innovation process

20. NOT components of an innovative microenvironment (close environment):

organizational innovation culture

21. NOT components of an innovative internal environment:

infrastructure for innovation

22. Strategies that ensure the gradual build-up or stabilization of the organization's innovative potential:

extensive development

staff development

23. Strategies that provide the opportunity to dramatically increase the innovative potential of the organization:


integration development

intensive development

24. Strategies to provide an opportunity to bridge the growing technological gap in the organization:

innovative development

r&D development

25. Strategies that provide an opportunity to acquire a new quality of the innovative potential of the organization:

staff development

integration development

26. The system of interaction between innovators, investors, manufacturers of competitive products (services) and developed infrastructure is called innovative

27. The desired result of the organization's activities, achieved on the basis of the implemented innovation in limited time and with limited resources is called innovative

purpose of organizing

28. The quantitative and qualitative definition of the results of the development of an organization in the form of acquiring new qualities of its activities, products of labor and its state, as a rule, is expressed in the form of an innovative

activities (m.b. programs) organization

29. The resources and organizational mechanism assumed or already mobilized to achieve an innovative goal or strategy form

innovative potential of the organization

30. Types of innovation potential are NOT distinguished in innovation management


31. Project innovation potential is ...

opportunities that can be realized within the framework of an innovative project

32. the instrument with which the organization's innovation goal is structured is called


33. The first stage of the innovation life cycle:

innovation creation

34. The second stage of the innovation life cycle:

mastering (introducing) innovations

35. The third stage of the life cycle:

commercialization of an innovation (market launch)

36. The fourth stage of the innovation life cycle:

consumption of an innovation (including updating other products or technologies)

37. The fifth stage of the innovation life cycle:

consumer purchase of an innovation

38. The first stage of the product innovation life cycle:

R&D to create a product

39. The second stage of the product innovation life cycle:

technological preparation and organization of serial production of the product

40. The third stage of the product innovation life cycle:

large-scale product release

41. The fourth stage of the product innovation life cycle:

decrease in production volumes and termination of product production

42. The first stage of the life cycle of technological innovation:

R&D technology

43. The educational function assigned to engineering centers as organizational forms of innovation:

training of a new generation of engineers with the necessary qualifications and a broad scientific and technical outlook

44. Strategic economic zones in an organization are components:

external microenvironment

45. The second stage of the life cycle of a technological innovation:

industrial technology development (2)

46. The third stage of the life cycle of a technological innovation:

technology dissemination and replication

47. The fourth stage of the life cycle of technological innovation:

purchase of innovation by the consumer (4)

48. Commercialization of innovation:bringing innovation to the market

Commercialization of innovation - this is attracting investors to finance activities for the implementation of an innovation (part of the innovation process) based on participation in future profits in case of success

Commercialization of innovation:

The process of ensuring the commercial use of innovations in the market

49. The process of routinizing technology includes:

Routinization - mastering innovation processes in stable, constantly functioning elements of objects.

50. Organizations based on major US universities at financial support governments to stimulate the development of new technologies:

Engineering Centers

51. The research function assigned to engineering centers as organizational forms of innovation:

research of fundamental laws underlying engineering design of fundamentally new engineering systems

52. The main purpose of the business incubator functioning:

creation of conditions that ensure an easy start, rapid development of SMEs, high survival of enterprises.

53. Types of business incubators that are NOT organized in practice:

non-profit (non-profit) organizations

54. Management and implementation of a complex of innovative projects are organized in the form ...

Innovative programs

55.Separate innovation projects in innovation programs are interconnected:


56. Directions according to which individual innovation projects in innovation programs should be coordinated

By terms, performers and resources

57. An organization that cannot become a subject of an innovation program:organization of infrastructure

58. Leverage in innovation:the use of borrowed funds with a fixed interest to increase profits is one of the principles of the manifestation of the "leverage"

59. "Venture" is ...

an investment company that works exclusively with innovative enterprises and projects (startups).

Small company to solve innovative projects

60. A "venture company" is ...

form of organization of risk-based enterprises testing or implementing an innovative idea

61. The discounting operation in determining the profitability of innovative projects consists ofin bringing future costs to current . The following data are used to calculate the discount coefficient: 1) on the profitability of alternative projects; 2) the level of the risk premium; 3) the level of inflation.

62. Risks related to the risks of legal support for an innovative project of creating a joint venture to extract rare earth metals from waste and scrap: underestimation of the specifics of the procedure for exporting rare earth metals abroad.

63. Risks related to the risks of a commercial proposal for an innovative project for the construction of toll high-speed highways:

1) errors in assessing the potential road capacity

2) significant excess of the estimated cost of work

3) non-fulfillment by suppliers of obligations to supply road surfaces of proper quality

64. Ranking is ...

ranking is a kind of rating. Rankings are held in the investment sector of the economy, insurance, real estate, etc. The rating assessment method is based on the ranking of risk factors according to the degree of their influence on the results of innovation.

1) questioning

2) interview

3) test tests

66. Expert methods of risk analysis are mainly used if

the information available for analysis is not sufficiently relevant and representative.

67. Expert methods of risk assessment:

1) brainstorming

2) questioning

5) interview

Expert judgment method - comparative characteristics of the risk level are compiled here, ratings are determined, analytical expert reviews are prepared.

68. Risk-free innovation projects in terms of quantitative risk assessment

1) there is not a single factor that could negatively affect the course and results of innovation

2) upon realization of which the probability of occurrence of risk situations is practically equal to 0

3) the only possible result of the implementation of the innovation

69. The most expected result of an innovative project, calculated taking into account its risks, is determined ...

according to the mathematical expectation formula as the sum of the products of possible results by the probability of obtaining these results

70. The higher the variability indicator, the higher the risk level of the project

71. The risk index characterizes:

probability of a risk situation

72. The risk price indicator characterizes:

the most expected result of an innovation, its usefulness

73. A "risk-free zone" is ...

Risk-free zone - an area in which zero or negative losses are expected (excess of profit).

74. Risks that can be attributed to the commercial risks of an innovative project:

Scientific and technical risks, Risks of legal support of the project, Risks of commercial proposals

75. Net risks of an innovative project - risks, ...:

related to objective circumstances beyond the control of the decisions made

76. Speculative risks of an innovative project - risks, ...

related to the divergence of interests of the company and society

77. Static risks of an innovation project - risks,

the occurrence of which or the consequences are characterized by relatively constant values \u200b\u200bof indicators

78. Dynamic risks of an innovation project - risks, ...

the occurrence of which or the consequences are characterized by constantly changing values \u200b\u200bof indicators

79. The investor's credit risk when implementing an innovative project is ...

80. The innovator's credit risk when implementing an innovative project is ...

failure of the innovator to pay the principal and interest for the loan provided, as well as the late payments under the loan agreement

81. The method of analogies in the management of an innovative project is used for ...

development of scenarios for the implementation of an innovative project

82. Elements NOT included in the innovation doctrine:

the subject of innovation as a factor of production undergoing changes

83. Refers to venture capital:

investments attracted in the form of issuance of shares of venture capital companies and with potentially higher growth rates of market value compared to the average market dynamics

84. Identification of the risks of innovative projects consists incomparison of indicators of measures of risk and usefulness of innovation.

85. The Monte Carlo method when analyzing the risks of an innovative project is used for:

1) determining the most significant risks of an innovative project (+)

2) determining the impact of risk situations on the final result of the project

86. The operation of cumulation of risks in the implementation of innovative projects consists in

concentration of the danger of the simultaneous occurrence of events that entail large payments of insurance compensation.

87. The indicator of the measure of risk in innovation characterizes ...

1) pessimistic assessment of the possible result of the implementation of the innovation

2) the mathematical expectation of losses as a result of a risk situation

88. The Lorentz curve is used to estimate the indicator ...

income at different times or between different population groups

Used to assess the indicator - the level of risk.

89. The coefficient of concordance during the examination of the risks of an innovative project shows:

to what extent the experts' opinions agree with each other, that is, they belong to the same general set of assessments

90. The standard deviation (coefficient Z) when assessing the risks of an innovative project is calculated based on ...

statistics necessary for a qualified judgment on the sufficiency of the profitability index

91. The factor that determines the accuracy and reliability of the results when carrying out an examination of the risks of an innovative project

qualification of experts, independence of their judgments, as well as methodological support for the manifestation of expertise

92. The effect of financial leverage is ...change in the profitability of equity, obtained through the use of borrowed funds

93. The organization's freedom of maneuver when raising borrowed funds depends on ... differential and leverage

94. The effect of financial leverage is formed by ...

1) exceeding the return on assets over the cost of attracting borrowed funds to increase the return on equity

2) increasing the profitability of own funds

95. Mortgage debt is included in ...

long-term liabilities

96. Own circulating assets are ... the difference between current assets and current liabilities of the enterprise.

97. the Miller-Orr Model is used to control ...

company cash

funds on the current account

98. The type of fund, the operating structure of which corresponds to the investor's right to submit a daily demand to the management company for the redemption of the investment share:

Closed-end corporate fund

99. Permissible postponement of the submission of documents confirming the payment of shares from the moment the registrar makes an entry entry on the personal account of the owner of investment shares:

there is no delay

100. Investment share:

is a registered securityand certifies the owner's right to present the management company with a demand for the redemption of the share

101. If Altman's Z-score is less than 1, 8 ...

the estimated probability of bankruptcy is very high

102. Expenses do NOT affect cash flow:

Cash flow - the difference between the amounts of receipts and payments of funds for a certain period of time. For example, Not affected: disposal of fixed assets

103. Additional issue of shares:

increase in the authorized capital through the issue (issue) of an additional number of shares.

104. To assess the market value of an organization, indicators are used:

Financial and economic, Actual, Normalized indicators

105. The efficiency of using equity capital is characterized by the indicator:

return on equity

106. Correct definition of a full license to use industrial property:

the patentee may assign, i.e. transfer the received patent under the contract to any person, while losing the right to use it

107. Payment under an exclusive license agreement, received at a time, after the licensor has transferred the technical documentation for the license object to the licensee:

lump-sum payment

108. Payment under a non-exclusive license agreement received in a lump sum after the license object reaches its design capacity:

lump-sum payment

109. Payments under a license agreement received monthly as a percentage of sales of products released under a license:

110. Payments under a license agreement received monthly in the form of fixed deductions from a unit of sales of products released under an exclusive license:

fixed royalties

111. The maximum period of validity of a patent for an invention, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Patent Office, is ...

112. The maximum period of validity of a patent for an industrial design, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Patent Office and possible extension, is ...

fifteen years

113. The maximum period of validity of a patent for an industrial design, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Patent Office (excluding the possibility of extension):

114. The maximum period of validity of registration of an appellation of origin of goods, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Patent Office (excluding the possibility of renewal:

115. The maximum period of validity of registration of an appellation of origin of goods, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Patent Office and possible renewal:

116. The maximum period of validity of a registration certificate for a utility model, counting from the date of receipt of the application by the Patent Office (excluding the possibility of renewal):

the publisher, whose name or designation is indicated on the work, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is considered the representative of the author and in this capacity has the right to protect the rights of the author and ensure their exercise.

118. In the absence of proof to the contrary, the author of the work shall be considered a person ...

119. Subjects of related rights are:

performers, phonogram producers, broadcasting or cablecasting organizations

120. A trademark is protected by the following norms:

RF Law "On Trademarks, Service Marks and Appellations of Origin of Goods"

121. Invention is ...

a technical solution that is relatively new to a particular organization

InventionIs a new technical solution to the problem that raises the existing level of technology. In a narrow sense, an invention is a technical solution recognized as an invention.

122. A utility model is ...

a new, industrially applicable technical solution in its external features resembles an invention, but is less significant from the point of view of the prior art

- constructive implementation of means of production and consumer goods, as well as their component parts.

123. An industrial design is ...

it is an artistic and constructive solution of a product that determines its appearance, which along with the technical level determines the level of competitiveness of the product.

124. "Innovation doctrine" - ...

a system of basic provisions developed by the leadership of the state (region, industry, large corporation) and determining the state policy in this direction.

125. The classification of risks of innovative projects is ...

distribution of risk by categories, subspecies, groups and subgroups and other levels. It is because of the variety of risks of innovative projects that the classification of risks is carried out not according to the end-to-end, but according to the block principle. Risks can be external, internal and mixed.

126. The essence of the method of analogies in risk management of an innovative project:

is the development of a risk management strategy for a specific innovative project based on the analysis of a database on the implementation of similar projects and similar conditions for their implementation (the state of the external environment).

127. The decision tree method for analyzing the risks of an innovative project is based on the risk model:

A spatially oriented graph reflecting the sequence of decision making and the conditions for their implementation, assessing intermediate results taking into account their conditional probability

128. The Dupont formula is a factor model that expresses the dependence of profitability ...

From turnover, liquidity and capital structure

129. Functions of the state that are implemented in the implementation of state innovation policy:

Creation of favorable economic conditions for innovation activity, financing of fundamental research and search for scientific research, organization of support for priority areas of development of science, technology and technology

130 ... When assessing the risk of an innovative project, the coefficient Z is the standard deviation ...

will show that swing range, which was inherent in the profitability I in the studied past and which will have to be compared with the "safety factor" in a reliable assessment of the project efficiency, i.e. with the project profitability index

131. The financial and operational needs of the organization are ...

the difference between the funds immobilized in stocks and customer debts and debts of the enterprise to suppliers; is the difference between current assets and current liabilities of the enterprise

132. External growth rate of the organization - growth rate ...

world economy, dynamics of world oil prices, world demand and export volumes of Russian hydrocarbons, processes of integration and Russia's accession to the World trade organization, the scale of payments on external debt

133. Internal growth rate of the organization - growth rate

the intensity of economic reforms, the rate of liberalization and price increases of natural monopolies, inflation dynamics, the rate of real ruble appreciation, the dynamics of gross domestic product, the scale of capital export, government spending

134. The correct definition of a simple (non-exclusive) license to use industrial property is:

A simple license (non-exclusive) provides for the transfer to the licensee of the rights to use the intellectual property object, while the licensor retains the right to independently use the license and issue similar licenses to other interested parties

135. Correct definition of formal (preliminary) examination of an application for a patent for an invention:

Formal (preliminary) examination consists in checking the availability of the necessary documents , compliance with legal requirements for them, the relationship of the declared proposal to the objects that are granted legal protection.

136. Correct definition of substantive examination of an application for a patent for an invention (patent examination):

Patent examination - an examination carried out by a national patent office in order to verify compliance with the patentability requirements of a proposal contained in a patent application, to establish compliance with the requirements of unity of invention , utility model or industrial design, as well as for solving a number of other issues related to patenting.

ideas, concepts, principles, methods, processes, systems, methods, solutions to technical, organizational or other problems, discoveries, facts, programming languages.

138. A license to use intellectual property is ...

a special permit for the implementation of a specific type of activity subject to mandatory compliance with licensing requirements and conditions, issued by the licensing authority to a legal entity or individual entrepreneur

139. A patent is ...

a document certifying the state recognition of a technical solution as an invention and securing the exclusive right to this invention to the person to whom it was issued (the patent holder).