Internet technology akado. New tariff from Akado Telecom "Super Stars" Star Set Plus Docsis 3.0

Purchased in support, refuse to return money and it after 11 years of monthly payments of Ulug. I took the router (2800r at once 65r / month to a monthly fee for 4 years). Connected man, extremely incompetent, when the connection could not go to the settings of the router and the Internet did not work, and he didn't give me a paper that I took it, hinting that he was in a hurry, I said that it would not work yet , I will not sign anything and after 30 minutes after the connection, the Internet somehow earned it, for he just did not know what's the matter and somewhere called to recognize. Router I spent 16 days normally worked out of them only 2 days, and at the same time almost daily communication with the support, which did not help anything. After 16 days I called on the replacement of the Master router (what would they take another new router) with the condition that if it does not come to connect it, then they will take a new router and connect the old one (which I also bought them), I The phone was confirmed that everything will be free. The man came and he did not come out of anything, he connected the old one and everything worked, but after he gave me paper about paying services for 480 rubles, saying that you just need to call support and explain the situation, well, I signed on nonsense, but by calling I was told that money written off from my personal account would not be returned to me, since I signed paper. Router for the word Master took and after 5 minutes I returned to give it to me, as you need to make a request for a refusal of services. I phoned and agreed on the refusal, I was told that the money would be returned to the front account when passing the router of their person who himself would nourish and take the router. Man came and took, but when I called to learn about the return of funds, I was refused, referring to the fact that I was returned after 16 days, although I was told on the phone that they would take and return money, but in fact, did not give anything, taking into account that they were Masters in technical support and the one who came could not make so that the router would work properly. As a result, the situation was like this - I replaced my old working router to a new non-working, paid for it 2800r, more than the crescent set with barely working internet and spending a bunch of time to communicate with support and search for solutions on the Internet, paid 480r for being returned to me The old router (although they talked on the phone that it is for free) and the only one where they went to meet a 50% discount on the following month, which I didn't need to the word, since I'm already with a new Internet. P.S. Akado's return is just a terrible, the most accessible 20 Mbps so that I am even glad that I happened, for now I have a return of 170 Mbit / s and a jump 220 Mbit / s per 100 rubles more expensive and all this is on Wi-Fi without interruptions.

Another 3-4 years ago, the cable operator firmly knew that the best solution for providing TRIPLE PLAY (television, Internet access and telephony) is a television cable network with a reverse channel for data transmission using DocSis technology. Such a concept of cable networks was supported by everything without exception manufacturers of CATV equipment, providing the possibility of equipping the entire active distribution equipment with passive or active reverse channel modules. In accuracy, following such a concept, a huge number of large and small cable networks were built in Russia. Not in all built networks, the reverse channel was actually used, but the potential ability to activate the reverse channel is available from almost any cable operator using equipment such as Teleste, Wisi, Hirschmann, Arcadan, Fuba, C-Cor, GL, Vector and many others .

In Russia, there are examples of quite successful commercial projects Triple Play, performed precisely on such technology, for example, in Kostroma, many thousands of subscribers of the Cable Nine-Volga branch of Centradelecom receive not only multi-program cable TV and the Internet, but also a telephone service using cable modems, with telephone adapters. It would seem that by introducing the Triple Play service pack (or, more often, Double Play, i.e. without telephony) on the basis of at one time the advanced technology DocSis 2.0, the cable operator could not feel quite confident in the market. However, in the last 3-4 years, the market situation is rapidly changing, and in the new conditions the cable operator, which has a classic HFC network with a reverse channel, is already clearly inferior to operators with a higher technological level.

Recently, not only in Moscow and other major cities of Russia, but also in small regional and district centers Competition in the market of broadband access services extremely aggravated. If several years ago, operators were enough to "capture" the most attractive territories and geographically divided the zones of influence, now the situation is already quite common practice when several multiservice operators operate at once. Moreover, large companies We start expansion or buy regional players, counting faster to cover the market.

We list briefly essential trends on russian market broadband services that have already occur or expected in the very near future:

  • tightening competition even in small settlements;
  • access to regional markets of large all-Russian players;
  • mass consolidation (combination, absorption) of operators;
  • a significant increase in the speed of access and quality of service provision;
  • the emergence of new services (HDTV, VOD, content on request, etc.);
  • the emergence of new business models, penetration into the television advertising market of products and services of non-mask (target) demand, etc.

Naturally, in conditions of such acute competition, the best perspectives have operators providing subscribers and corporate customers the most advanced level of broadband access. In connection with the increased modern requirements of the market, the widespread construction of metroethernet networks, providing the subscriber who was unprecedented earlier access speed of 100 Mbps, and large corporate customers can connect directly to the IP highway, in which speeds range from 1 to 10 Gb / s. Such high access speeds make it possible to provide a variety of previously inaccessible services, for example, IPTV in high-resolution format immediately for several TVs in the apartment, network ultradynamic games and much more.

It is clear that the multiservice operator, building its network "from a clean sheet," has good reasons to build a network using the "Optics to House" technology with a parallel gigabitethernet network, physically combined in a common building infrastructure with a television network, simply speaking, for each logical The network is highlighted in its fiber in the main optical cable. But in what situation there is a cable operator today, which has long built his broadband network On the basis of far from obsolete technologies with developed infrastructure and the reverse channel and inserted considerable funds to its construction? Could it provide subscribers the speed of access commensurate with the proposals of METROETHERNET operators? Can he provide the latest ultra-free services on the basis of extremely high access speeds?

Honestly responding to these questions, we must state that today in conditions of such acute competition and the appearance of the latest advanced access services cable operator, which has a new version of DocSis, i.e. Docsis 2.0, can no longer answer modern requirements Market. Using the DOCSIS version of the version is not higher than 2.0, deployed from most operators, it is impossible to achieve data transfer rates of more than 55 Mbps on a fairly large group of subscribers, and in fact for one user - no more than 25 Mbps.

The cable operator begins to achieve today that DOCSIS 2.0 technology sets restrictions on the development of additional services, namely high-speed and ultra-high-speed Internet access, IP telephony, etc. Under the conditions of rigid competition with MetroETherNet operators, the cable operator is experiencing increasing difficulties, having no speed of access to the subscriber as the main argument, but more accessible tariffs, i.e. In any case, reduces its income. In addition, the HFC network requires significant staff efforts to bring it to normal condition and maintaining in humiliated state in most cases. Thus, the cable operator on one side continues to carry significant operating costs, and on the other hand, can not make an adequate competitive offer.

In the current situation, he actually has 2 ways:

1) or look for all existing opportunities for a significant increase in access speed, without changing the architecture and infrastructure of the network, that is, to use much as much as possible, as we will see on, DOCSIS technology reserves;

2) or become an Ethernet operator, i.e. Build a parallel Ethernet network and operate at once 2 networks, producing significant capital investments and increasing the operating expenses, which dramatically reduces today's profits and moves back to the future payback period.

Generally speaking, for the CATV operator, it is quite logical to use exactly the technology that the community of large cable operators and manufacturers of telecommunications equipment, namely the DOCSIS standard. The authors, honestly, have never heard that, for example, Comcast would quite seriously consider the issue of moving to MetroetherNet, as, however, no one heard that any major Ethernet provider felt even the middle cable or telephone operator in North America. Those. In the US or, say, in Germany, using the cable operator of another technology, except DocSis, namely Metroethernet, PON, etc., is considered anti-abnormal. A natural approach is considered when the cable lies and is used until a broadband signal can be completely successfully transmitted.

Also, recently, the operators are increasingly moving to digital television broadcasts, while using complexes to provide services, in no way interacting with each other, except that are within one rack and using the same network. The generalized solution scheme used by operators in this case is presented in Fig. one.


So, how is a far cable operator can move the technological limitations of the Docsis 2.0 standard? The answer lies on the surface - not so long ago, blinder the efforts of the CABLELABS consortium, the newest standard appeared - Docsis 3.0 With its European version of EURODOCSIS 3.0, which, apparently, solves all the urgent questions and, as usual, does not require the construction of a new network. Moreover, all subscriber devices already installed in subscribers can continue to be used with new DOCSIS 3.0 stations, although they will work with them according to its previous version.

The main advantage of DOCSIS 3.0 is the ability to combine several frequency channels, providing much higher access speeds. Explaining the principle of operation of a new standard, usually lead a graphic illustration showing that when combining several frequency channels, a kind of "pipe" is formed a much larger diameter than the "pipe" of a separate channel. So, the combination of 4 frequency channels in Downstream allows you to reach speeds over 200 Mbps.

So, the most important differences between the 3rd version of DocSis from the 2nd are to unite channels (Channel Bonding) downstream and in the union of the Upstream channels. DOWNSTREAM Channel Combination is the most an important feature Docsis 3.0 and today is supported by a number of cable modems manufacturers. Already today you can purchase custom modems that support combining, for example, 3 DOWNSTREAM channels, i.e. Today you can give a subscriber to 150 Mbps, see Fig. 2. And this is something. This is exactly what knocks out the trumps from the hands of competitors of the skirting operator! In addition, Docsis 3.0 provides:

Fig. 2.

  • extended Multicast functions;
  • iPv6 support;
  • support improved AES encryption method;
  • additional control functions.

Features each version of DocSis for access speed, see Table. one.

Also cablelabs made innovative changes to the CMTS architecture. Now in the new QAM standard, modulation is physically separated from Docsis Mac. The CMTS station is still between the Master IP and telematic services on the one hand, and user modems on the other; The difference is that physically the DOWNSTREAM modulation unit is separately. This concept is called M-CMTS (Modular Cable Modem Termination System), see fig. 3, and this gives a lot of advantages.

Table №1


SpeeddOWNSTREAM, Mbit / s

Speedupstream, Mbps

Docsis 1.0 (EURODOCSIS 1.0)

38(55) 2,5(2,5)
Docsis 1.1 (Eurodocsis 1.1) 38(55) 10(10)
Docsis 2.0 (Eurodocsis 2.0) 38(55) 30(30)
Docsis 3.0 (EURODOCSIS 3.0)

160 or more
(220 or more)

120 or more (120 or more)

First, it effectively reduces the cost of downstream-modulation. Secondly, finally, you can combine digital broadcasting from IP through one QAM. Moreover, manufacturers are unleashed by hand to implement DVB processing options on one platform.

At the moment, many manufacturers have stated that they support new standardBut so far no one has implemented all the features of DocSis 3.0, so all the implementations are called "PREDOCSIS 3.0". However, the main task is to provide compared to DocSis 2.0 many times higher speed of incoming subscriber traffic (from 100 Mbps) - CMTS stations in the PREDOCSIS 3.0 version are successfully solved. Further Upgrade until the full version 3.0 will be programmatically. In the view of the authors, the most impressive results in the practical implementation of DOCSIS 3.0 systems have two vendors from the USA: Bigband Networks and Casa Systems.

The first vendor is Bigband Networks, unlike all other vendors, provides support for a new standard based on its DOCSIS 2.0 CUDA 12000. Thanks to the innovative Meshflow architecture, which ensures the processing of all traffic not in the nucleus, but distributed by station modules, which ensures Unclear and enhanced reliability and availability of the entire system, new features of DocSis 3.0 are conceptually easily combined with CUDA 12000 and thereby make it possible to make just upgrade software to DocSis 3.0, all available interface modules can be used in M-CMTS and on. Especially lucky those who have already acquired CUDA 12000 and installed them. For these operators, migration in Docsis 3.0 will be the easiest and most cost effective. It is very difficult on the equipment of other vendors.

Fig. 3.

The second vendor is Casa Systems, which provides an extremely high DOWNStream and Upstream density in one-time device. In particular, such a configuration is supported as 32 DS × 16 US. Such high density is achieved thanks to the applied innovative solutions and high engineering art engineers. In fact, at the moment, this is the only Pizza Box manufacturer for Docsis 3.0. It is advantageously distinguished by this platform that it is used and under DOCSIS, and under DVB, and under IPTV. It is so universal solution that it is difficult to choose an equivalent to him. Most likely, it will be a whole rack with different telecommunications equipment, as well as with many software solutions. This solution is really unique also by the fact that the operators choosing the MetroETherNet network construction path can use such a device and subsequently, after a complete transition to Ethernet, as a scrambler and a QAM modulator for broadcasting in DVB. It should be noted that, in contrast to many others, the two producers mentioned are not limited to declarations of readiness for the release of CMTS Docsis 3.0 in some happy future, and already really place orders for the production of such CMTS.

For example, Bigband Networks currently supplying and installing the M-CMTS modular head station to a large cable operator Multikabel (Holland), which is the first company in the world, a practically deploying data network based on DocSis 3.0. At the same time, CASA Systems offers a flexible and effective solutionproviding DOCSIS, as well as QAM-modulation in conjunction with PSI / Si-processing, CAS Symulcrypt support, etc. On one compact 1U compact platform !!! Thanks to this solution, the operator may acquire one platform under both tasks, as well as flexibly adjust the strip under the service as needed.

Now and implement IPTV through this platform, incl. And through DocSis, absolutely real. This, for example, refers to such a service as "video on request", a strip of which can be highlighted in QAM. Deploying the M-CMTS platform makes it possible to use the UEQ (Universal Edge QAM) more efficiently. To obtain new advantages of DOCSIS 3.0, you must purchase a new modem. Not every user wants to pay for it. It is easier for this to make a small business, for which the price of the question is small compared to new features, while the majority of subscribers will weigh and reflect. Nevertheless, this technology allows cable operators to keep up with the times and more effectively disappear from the pressure of competitors. For example, M-CMTS manufactured by Bigband Networks and CMTS C2200. Casa Systems makes it possible to offer cable operators on one chassis of access speed over 100 Mbps with subscribers with DOCSIS 3.0 modem and speed of about 25 Mbps, who has the current generation modem.

Deploying the same M-CMTS architecture as the initial stage of movement strategy to DOCSIS 3.0, allows cable operators to grow as the market needs - add capacity and functionality for the availability of demand.

Thus, the new standard gives cable operators the ability to develop a DOCSIS standard, to offer high-speed access over 100 Mbps on its basis now, successfully competing in the market for access services, offering a range of services requiring a wide band, incl. DVB and IPTV on the same platform using a flexible M-CMTS architecture. By purchasing now solutions based on a preliminary version of PREDOCSIS 3.0, subsequently without replacing the hardware operator can go to the completed DOCSIS 3.0 standard, only changing software. This allows you to effectively protect the investments invested in the construction of the HFC network.

In our opinion, only with the advent of the third version of Docsis, this technology has done a truly strong jerk forward, ensuring the introduction of new high-speed services, previous versions only tried to adapt the RTV networks for Internet access, using its percentage resources on 5 just as a person Uses the meager part of the capabilities of its brain. Docsis 3.0 allows you to use the RTT network at full power.

Connect the Akado Comkor services in Moscow and the Moscow region at a new rate - "Stars plus!" for 610 rubles / month. The kit includes the Internet 200 MB / s + 173 TV channels, equipment for renting for 0 rubles. Free connection On the day of application - +74995530001!

We propose to connect the ACTD to the Internet and digital television ethernet technologies and eurodocsis. In the new tariff combined ultra-speed wired and wireless Internet, digital and HD-television at a reasonable price. A Wi-Fi-Router of the Great Class "Prepare" is attached to the package, as well as a CI-CAM-module or HD telepreteral for renting for zero rubles.

The tariff acts indefinitely, the price will remain unchanged forever. Connect 200 MB / s, adjust the 173 television channels in the home TV - and pay for all 610 rubles / month.

What services can be connected at the "Star Plus!" Tariff?

Connection for free

Internet at a address for 200 MB / s. Speeds are more than enough to solve any network tasks with a stable connection. To connect a sufficiently available television flap. And the main thing is all the work on the connection is free!

TV equipment to choose

173 channels digital televisionincluded in the rates "Stars" and "Akado Antenna". Many of them can be viewed in HD format using a TV console provider issued. You are offered the most popular TV projects, different on topics and genres. Any model of TV equipment is provided free! Take advantage of the unique opportunity for 0 rubles per month to use the SD / HD tuner or the CI-self-module from the provider. All models are supported modern formats Broadcasts provide the highest image quality and sound. The time of use of devices at the rate is not limited.

Router for free

Wi-Fi connection is carried out through the provider router. The router model chooses a client taking into account the type of connection:
- Humax or Technicolor for the Docsis network. Its market value is 4299 rubles, Akado offers it in perpetual use for free;
- TL-WR841N or TL-WR840N for Ethernet network. The price of models - 1800 rubles, they are reliable and maintain high (up to 300 MB / s) connection speed.

We offer subscribers "Akado Comkk" connect to the address high-speed Internet, as well as digital TV in the Tariff "Stars Plus!" - +74991107111. The provider will provide the Internet line with 200 MB / s and 173 digital TV channels along with necessary equipment. Cost tariff plan - 575 rubles / month. FOREVER! Your apartment will be free connected to the network on the same day when you leave your application.

In the pack "Stars plus!" You will receive the best set of services for tempting low price:

200 MB / s Docsis / Ethernet + Premium Router Wi-Fi + 173 TV channel + TV equipment for the choice of the client (CI-CAM module or HD-prefix) \u003d 575 rubles / month.

At a reasonable cost of the package, the subscriber will not experience problems when working, communicating and leisure on the Internet, will receive access to the most popular TV channels, the set of which will satisfy the tastes of any viewer.

  • 200 MB / s - High speed for Internet surfing, download files, viewing video and online games. It is an opportunity to work and learn without leaving the house, rest and be able to get the necessary information at any time.
  • Premium Wi-Fi-Router will allow any family member to access the network regardless of the device with which it works. The model provided supports the exchange rates up to 300 MB / s. Which specifically choose, solves the subscriber. Also, the choice affects the connection type:

    - In the DocSis network, the provider uses Technicolor and Humax models. At the cost of 4299 rubles to subscribers of tariff "Stars plus!" Paying nothing!

    - The Ethernet network offers TL-WR841N and TL-WR840N devices. These models are 1,800 rubles, however, for subscribers who connected the stars plus! ", It is provided free of charge.

  • 173 digital TV channels are the most rating and demanded from the Russian and foreign audiences of the station. The set includes the channels of the "Stars" tariff and the services of Antenna Akado. Movies and music, news and travel, sports and culture, hysiginals of history and mysticism, achieve human mind and video for adults. Everything that can be wished to "digit" and HD!
  • Equipment for receiving digital TV is free - any model for choosing a client (CI-self-module or HD tuner). All devices support modern broadcast formats, provide high quality images and sound. You can consult about the nuances of models from the Akado operator.

Hurry to connect the tariff "Stars Plus!" At Moscow and Moscow region - +74991107111!

In Moscow.

Akado Telecom has the most branched multiservice data network in Moscow and the Moscow region. The company provides services in Moscow, Zelenograd, Solnechnogorsk, Troitsk, Domodedovo, Schelkovo, Krasnogorsk, prominent, Lyubertsy, and in a number of other cities, including cottage villages. The total length of the network communication lines exceeds 22,500 km: more than 80% of Moscow buildings and more than 1 million Moscow apartments are connected to the Akado Telecom network. Also, the AKADO group includes Internet providers and cable TV operators in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk regionas well as in Minsk.

To date, Akado Telecom cooperates with many state organizations, providing them with high-quality communication services. Clients of the company are the Moscow government, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Central Assembly of Moscow and the Moscow Region, the metropolitan departments of the Federal Treasury and the Federal Tax Service, Moscow United Energy Company, Mosgortrans, Mosvodokanal, Mosenergo, State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Justice, Supreme Court and state officerkontrol of the Russian Federation.

Telecommunication services "Akado Telecom" enjoy both secondary and small businesses and large corporations: Sberbank of Russia, Bank of Moscow, Moscow United Energy Company, Russian Post, M-Video, Moscow Airports Vnukovo and Domodedovo.

Something incomprehensible

For a moment of connection, less than a day passed. The "Star Plus" tariff is connected - 150 TV channels and a speed of 100 m / bits per second. As for TV - channels are grouped according to the incomprehensible principle, the inscription "encoded" often appears. When a call to the support service, a young man named Maxim in a semi-chimney manner explained to me that it turns out that the channels are designed for the maximum number of consumers and their list was not done specifically for me, so it is my problems. As for the velocity of the Internet - below every criticism, it does not reach even 10 Mbps - and this is a day after the connection. In technical support, I was offered to see the second frequency - by 5 GHz, because, they say, at a frequency of 2, 4 GHz works many Wi-Fi networks and may interfere. And their modem allegedly broadcasts at frequencies and 2.4, and 5 GHz. I did not find the second frequency, as I told the technical support operator, which said - that my computer does not support this frequency. In response to my phrase that I have a fresh laptop at a hundredmaking and he supports everything, he laughs and said that I'm sorry, they say, the WAPS on the modem provided by us, are the factory settings, and we will now try to update them. If it does not help - we will look for other ways to solve the problem. Well, what is there to say? I was connected in not to solve problems, but in order to get a TV and use the Internet without any problems to watch TV and use the Internet that, with the mediation of the AKADO provider, is a very complex and non-hospitality, full of hassle. I refuse to do this provider and I do not recommend it in the longlen, let them come and take their equipment, looking for masochists, who like that the speed of the Internet is ten (!!!) times lower than the stated that the list of channels of Urain is uncomfortable, and the channels themselves, which canals themselves They are included in the list provided - a bunch of repeats, with a dozen telemon shops, a few culinary .... In short, in all the parameters Akado - the utmost ending. During the day of use - already had the impressions of both quality and technical support.

Eurodocsis-connection on the street / address of Moscow - from 300 Mbps plus Wi-Fi router!

Moscow Akado Provider offers an urgent connection to the unlimited Internet broadband access. Leave an application for the connection of AKADO Wi-Fi ACSW on the dedicated line and low tariffs - from 300 rubles / month. Connection - free of charge, during the day, a Wi-Fi router - for rent for 0 rubles. Akado Comcor - the leading provider of Moscow, connecting Internet subscribers in Moscow at high-speed Ethernet eurotechnologies and DocSis 3.0. Go to the network for "successful" tariffs for 150/200 Mbps / s from any home gadgets. Modern models of routers from Akado (Technicolor / Thomson) support 300-Mbit-mbit Internet speeds and go to customer property after one and a half years of continuous use.

Internet from Akado Provider - This is the maximum speed and prospects for each user!

  • Home Internet Commk Akado - Benefits
  • Free connection at a convenient time - specify in the application when we accept the masters. We will arrive in the morning or late in the evening, on the weekend / holiday / weekday, you do not have to change your schedule.
  • Unlimited Wi-Fi ACS on high (up to 200 Mbps) speeds, the ability to get a router to property without expenses.
  • Unique, modern connection technologies - Akado Provider Single in a metropolis that works according to the EURODOCSIS standard. Guarantee available prices and high-quality Internet.
  • Connecting on a television wire is the minimum intervention in the home interior.

Connect the selected akado tariff for free and use it with comfort!

What is home internet akado

Router for free

Tariff "Stars HD"

** in supply for 499 rub. / Month. Rent a television HD console for subscribers of any network and rental Wi-Fi router for 50 rubles / month for Ethernet subscribers. Services are provided at the request of the Subscriber. Other options for installing equipment Specify from the operators.
In the cost of Proposition 499 rubles / month. A discount is taken into account 200 rubles / months from the basic cost of the Tariff "HD stars" on the "Triple Benefit" shares. The action is valid only for new Internet service subscribers and CTV (these services were not connected in the last 6 months). The promotion discount is provided per month of connection and the following two.

Basic tariff cost - 599 rub / Mes
The composition of the tariff: the Internet at a speed of up to 150 Mbit / s (direct channel) / up to 15 Mbps (reverse channel), TV-stard TV channels, Wi-Fi Router rental.
If the tariff fails with the equipment for rental equipment will be charged according to the current tariffs for the rental of this equipment.

For subscribers of the Ethernet network:
Basic tariff cost - 549 rub / Mes
The composition of the tariff: a symmetrical Internet channel at a speed of up to 100 Mbit / s, the package of TV-stars HD.

Mandatory technical conditions To order the tariff on any site of the AKADO network:
- availability of the equipment subscriber to view digital TV
- Service "Antenna Akado", the cost of the service - 191 rubles / month.
For new subscribers "Akado Antenna" a month of connection, the service is not paid, the next month is 1 rub / month within the framework of "testing" services.

Tariff "Vector 75"

* For HFC network subscribers (DOCSIS 3.0 standard): Internet speed: direct channel 75 Mbps, reverse channel 7.5 Mbps. The presence of Wi-Fi equipment DOCSIS 3.0 standard is a prerequisite for the tariff order. The cost and composition of the promotion services are formed by providing a 99% discount on the rental Wi-Fi router for successful rental for the entire service life. A discount on the action "Successful rent" is not available on all tariffs: in the event of a change in the tariff, it is necessary to specify the possibility of preserving a rental discount within the new tariff. Basic cost of the tariff 498 rub.

For subscribers of the Ethernet network: Internet speed is 75 Mbps, a symmetric channel. Rent a Wi-Fi router for 50 rubles / month is included in the actual offer and is provided at the request of the subscriber. Basic cost of the tariff 449 rub.

Tariff "Vector 150"

Additional Information

For HFC subscribers (DOCSIS 3.0 standard): Basic cost of tariff 598 rub. Internet speed: direct channel 150 Mbps, reverse channel 15 Mbps. The presence of Wi-Fi equipment DOCSIS 3.0 standard is a prerequisite for the tariff order. Formed due to the provision of a discount of 99% for renting a Wi-Fi router on a successful rental shares (provided for the entire use of the service) and discounts 200 rubles / months from the basic cost of the tariff for three months on the "Triple Benefit" shares. A discount on the "Successful rent" shares is not available on all tariffs: in case of a change of the tariff, it is necessary to specify the possibility of preserving the discount on the action "Successful rent" within the new tariff.

For subscribers of the Ethernet network: Basic cost of the tariff 549 rub. Internet speed: straight channel 100 Mbps, symmetrical channel. Cost and composition of proposal for action formed due to the provision of discount 200 rubles / months from the basic cost of the tariff for three months on the "Triple Benefit" shares and Wi-Fi rent Router for 50 rubles / month included in the actual offer (provided at the request of the subscriber).

Promotion "Triple Benefit" Valid only for new Internet services subscribers (the service has not been connected in the last 6 months). As part of the promotion, a discount is provided 200 rubles / months from the basic cost of the tariff. The period of providing a discount on the promotion: the month of connection and the following two.

Line of tariffs "GPON"

Tariffs are available for new and existing subscribers.

Internet connection on the GPON network is possible only when installed on the territory of the subscriber of technological equipment - the GPon Terminal "Akado".

The speed of 150 Mbps is not guaranteed when using Wi-Fi-connection, as well as using old FAST Ethernet network cards. To implement this speed, support is required to support the Wi-Fi 802.11n or Wi-Fi 802.11ac not only on the part of the modem / router, but also on the part side of the subscriber.

GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) Network "Akado" - a plot of network "Akado" in MKR. Kurkino, on which the connection of the Internet "Akado" service is not available on other technologies (Docsis 3.0. Or Ethernet)

GPON Terminal "Akado" (Optical Network Terminal or "Optic Terminal") technological equipment, ensuring the connection of subscribers for optical fiber and having built-in Wi-Fi.

  • The GPon Terminal "Akado" is established by the Subscriber in the "Technological Rent" within the tariff for the connection of the GPON Internet. The technological rental of the GPON terminal is not charged.
  • The GPon Terminal is installed inside the subscriber's room and is an integral part of the AKADO GPON network. In case of refusal of the Internet, the equipment must be returned to the company.
  • In the case of the release of the terminal, due to the fault of the Subscriber, the penalty for the equipment breakdown is 5000 rubles.