The head of the organization activity requirements. Requirements for a modern leader. Basic qualities required by a manager

The individual management style comes out of different correlations in the implementation of such qualities of a leader as economic, organizational, moral and ethical, pedagogical and professional abilities. Features of the style of each leader are formed depending on which of the five named components dominates in his personality.

The main factors that characterize the leadership style can be identified:

Requirements for managers in relation to their competence, efficiency, responsibility, personal qualities, morality, character, temperament, etc .;

The specificity of the system - its goals and objectives, management structures and management technology, manager's functions;

The working environment - the technological level of production, the form of labor organization, the availability of material resources;

The peculiarities of the team being led are its structure and level of preparedness, the nature of the relationships that have developed in it, its traditions and values.

The style of work determines not only the activities of the manager, it directly affects all aspects of the system's activities and directly on subordinates.

In the most common classification, there are 3 main management styles: democratic, authoritarian, liberal.

Democratic or collegial management style. Organizations in which this leadership style prevails are characterized by a high degree of decentralization of powers, active participation of employees in decision-making. An atmosphere is created in which the execution official duties becomes attractive, and the achievement of success is a reward. The leader focuses on the capabilities of his employees, on their desire to creative activity, prepares and makes decisions when active participation staff, creates the necessary conditions for the timely execution of work, carries out a fair assessment of the results of the work of each employee, material and moral incentives.

The democratic style as a typical form includes different options:

communication style: employees are free to express their opinions but must ultimately follow directions.

consultative style: the manager makes a decision only on the basis of detailed information and after its joint discussion, employees carry out the decisions in the development of which they participated.

autonomous style: employees decide for themselves, they are not limited by the framework, but control and responsibility remain with the manager.

management style with a joint decision: the manager sets the problem and constraints, and the employees themselves decide on further actions; the manager reserves the right to veto.

The authoritarian or administrative style of management is characterized by the excessive centralization of the leader's power, his adherence to one-man management, and the independent solution of most management problems. In practice, such a pronounced style is rare today. Sometimes an autocrat in the eyes of unorganized workers can appear as a simple leader, acting according to a clear plan and implementing it despite all obstacles. In the conditions of market relations, a purely administrative style of management becomes unacceptable, but in the short term it can be applied with efficiency.

dictatorial style: employees are forced to follow single orders under the threat of sanctions.

autocratic style: the manager has an extensive management apparatus

The liberal management style is characterized by the lack of personal initiative of the leader and the unwillingness to take responsibility for management decisions, especially those associated with a certain risk. Leader liberal type overly cautious and inconsistent in his daily actions, in relationships with subordinates. Such a leader is superbly polite, ready to listen to any criticism addressed to him, but is not inclined to follow them. He is not demanding enough and does his best to please all employees.

There are many reasons for the emergence of a liberal leader. By their nature, such leaders are indecisive, good-natured people, afraid of quarrels and conflicts. They underestimate the importance of the team's activities and the fact that the team needs them. But it may turn out that this is a highly creative person, captured by some sphere of his interests, but devoid of organizational talent. For this reason, the duties of a leader are overwhelming for this leader.

This is the characteristic of the three main management styles, however, in real practice, every modern executive manager should be able to use the style that is most effective for a given production situation.

The leader is not a profession, it is a social and production role, the social position of a person in this particular team.

For successful management of a work collective, a leader must have a certain set of qualities, which are subdivided into business, political and moral.

Business qualities are characterized by the presence of the head of high scientific, technical and economic training and knowledge in the field of state legislation, pedagogy, organizational skills.

Political qualities are manifested in his socio-political activities, the involvement of workers in the management of production, the eradication of bureaucracy, concern for the ideological education of workers.

Moral qualities characterize the leader in terms of morality, humanity, decency. At the present time, we are moving to a new management philosophy, a new management paradigm, which is predetermined by a cardinal change external environment enterprises (tougher competition in sales markets, shrinking sales markets due to the increased mass of competitors, a reduction in material and raw materials, the presence crisis phenomena etc.).

All this requires new, adequate to modern conditions, management systems at the enterprise level and imposes strict requirements on the personal qualities of the leader. Requirements for the position may coincide with the personal attitudes and abilities of a person, and then this activity is for him and for the people he leads. But if he strives for leadership, and the position does not correspond to his aspirations, this manifests itself in a person's dissatisfaction with his work and causes emotional tension with all the ensuing consequences.

If he holds the position of a leader, but according to his socio-psychological indicators (character traits and abilities) does not correspond to this role, then this is a problem not only of his personal ambitions, but also of the efficiency of the entire team led by him.

So administrative activity is based on a universal set of personal properties that provide organizational skills, the ability to subordinate and lead people, to integrate labor process, make independent decisions, while exercising subordination in relation to higher structures. In this case, part of the specialties fades into the background and begins to play a secondary role.

Effective leader

We all work, and we are not indifferent to who leads us. This section is not just about the leader in general, but about the effective leader.

Any organization, enterprise can be considered in two ways: as formal and informal. According to these two organizational structures types of human relations are inherent: formal and informal.

Relations of the first type are official, functional; relationships of the second type are psychological, emotional.

Leadership is a phenomenon that takes place in the system of formal relationships. The leader is appointed from the outside, by the higher management, receives the appropriate authority, has the right to apply sanctions (both production and negative). The role of the manager is predetermined, the range of functions is stipulated. Social influence in a group is realized through official channels, inherent in the moment of a certain subordination of relations. Leadership is a means of coordination, organization of relations between team members.

Relations of the second type are informal (psychological, emotional). At the head of these relations in the team, a leader is put forward, as it were, "one of us." And it is no coincidence that leadership is able to move into leadership, the leader becomes a leader. There are many examples of such transformations in the past and present.

The choice of criteria for evaluating the performance of an "effective leader" is not easy. In the very general view all possible performance criteria are subdivided into two classes: psychological and non-psychological.

A leader is considered effective if the team headed by him has high indicators according to the listed psychological and non-psychological criteria of group effectiveness.

With regard to the personality of the leader, you can use the classification proposed by the American psychologist M. Shaw (1971). Following the logic of his reasoning, the personality of the leader can be "decomposed" into three classes of components:

1. Biographical characteristics.

2. Abilities.

3. Personality traits of VA Rozanov. Psychology of management. - M .: ZOA "Business School", 2000. S. 23 ..

L. Iacocca wrote: “If a person at the age of 65 can still work and do his job well, why should he retire? The retired manager has worked in the firm for a long time and knows everything about it. For many years he has comprehended a lot ... If a person is physically healthy and is eager to do his job, why not use his experience and knowledge? " Siegert V., Lang L. Leader without conflicts. - M., 1990 .-- S. 48. But the history of the development of entrepreneurship shows that at the origins of the creation of the largest industrial giants of our time, very young people often stood - A. Morite, A. Hammer. Therefore, the age of the leader does not matter.

Another characteristic of the leader's personality is gender. The track record of a contemporary woman is not surprising: director, boss, diplomat, etc.

Nevertheless, traditionally research in the field of management psychology is focused on the male leader, since at all times (except for the distant matriarchy) men clearly dominated among leaders as public serviceand in business. There is no unequivocal assessment of this problem in management psychology.

So far, it is difficult to say who is more effective as a leader: a man or a woman.

In contrast to age and gender, socioeconomic status and education are extremely important for leadership. The fact that educational level plays an important role in the career of a leader is emphasized by many authors (L. Iacocca, R. McNamara, A. Morita). At present, in our country, many managers have diplomas in two specialties (engineering, economic and social sciences), knowledge of a foreign language is emphasized.

The objective factors of effective leadership include status in society. Research unequivocally confirms the direct relationship between occupation leadership positions from the social origin and status of the person. F.E. Fidler: “The best way to become a president of a company is to be born in a family that owns the company” Aksenenko Y. N., Kasparyan V. N. Sociology and Psychology of Management. - Rostov-n / D .: Phoenix, 2001. S. 416 .. History knows many and opposite examples. So the way "up" in the leadership is not ordered to anyone.

Abilities are divided into general - intelligence and specific (knowledge, skills, etc.). Intellect from the Latin intellectus - understanding, in a broad sense - the totality of all cognitive functions of a person and perception to thinking and imagination.

A schematic possible chain of communication "intelligence of the leader - the effectiveness of leadership", including intermediate variables, is shown in the diagram below. Here is one of the real options for interpreting the content of this figure: insufficient motivation and experience of the leader, poor support from subordinates (group) and tensions with a superior boss result in a decrease in the influence of the leader's intelligence on the effectiveness of his activities.

According to the terminology of the famous psychologist B.M. Teplova, there is a practical intellect no less necessary for a leader. These thoughts are extremely relevant today. They help to better understand why high school graduates in terms of academic performance are often far from successful in managerial careers. The whole point is that in the functions of a manager, the work is close to practical, and in the educational activities of a student - mainly of a theoretical direction. Hence the difference in the requirements for different components of intelligence: practical and theoretical mind.

For a leader, specific personality abilities are simply necessary, which are important for the successful implementation of management activities, these are special skills, knowledge, competence, awareness.

Numerous studies have been devoted to elucidating the influence of certain qualities on the effectiveness of leadership. R. M. Stogdill (USA) summarized the results of 163 such works, trying to establish the presence and "nature of the relationship between individual traits and the success of the leader" Aksenenko Yu.M., Kasparyan V.N. Sociology and Psychology of Management. - Rostov-n / D .: Phoenix, 2001.S. 416 ..

These include: dominance, self-confidence, emotional balance, resistance to stress, creativity, striving for achievement, entrepreneurial spirit, responsibility, reliability in completing the task, independence, sociability.

leader psychological personality quality

There is no doubt that the effectiveness of the institution is largely determined by the effectiveness of the managerial activities of its head. The concepts of "effective management", "effective leader" have become firmly established in the lexicon of modern management practice, unfortunately, as well as "ineffective management", "ineffective leader".

In the 30s. XX century from the standpoint of the so-called "theory of traits", the first attempts were made to create an image of an effective leader by identifying common best leaders aggregates of personal qualities. However, the results of a large number of studies devoted to the definition of these qualities were very contradictory: in many cases, effective leaders were distinguished by intelligence, knowledge, responsibility, activity, reliability, social participation, but in other situations they showed different qualities. The fundamentally important conclusion that the scientists came to was that a person does not become a leader only because he has a certain set of personal properties, i.e. there are no personal qualities that are uniquely associated with the effectiveness of a person's activity in the role of a leader. Neither intelligence, nor decisiveness, nor will, nor any other quality are guarantees of success, just as lack of any qualities does not necessarily lead to failure.

In education, the effectiveness of managing a general education institution is often associated with the term managerial culture of the leader.

K.M. Ushakov reveals the concept of "culture" in relation to the organization as:

A system of relationships that includes many subsystems or special relationships, used by a group of people or human society to determine behavior in different conditions and circumstances; - a system of ideas, values, rules, norms, customs, beliefs, habits, traditions, codes, knowledge, uses, practices, laws, signs, etc., known and shared by members of society and transmitted through generations within society;

A combination of reactions, external and internal motives that society perceives as correct for a long time;

A structured system of patterns of thinking and behavior that characterize the community;

The tendency to behave in a certain way in society;

Collective mentality, collective mental programming.

In line with such a vision of culture, it makes sense to talk about both the requirements for the modern head of the organization and the style of his management activities, which is one of the components of management culture.

In accordance with the considered ideas about the modern leader and culture, a number of the following requirements are presented to the leader, formulated by M. Woodcock and D. Francis on the basis of research to identify the main factors affecting effective management.

1 . The ability to manage yourself and your time - integrative ability, which includes: balance between personal and professional requests and needs; rational and efficient use of time, in general, and work time, in particular; effective ranking of cases; appropriate communication with others; having self-esteem; skillful "escape" from stress.

2. Having reasonable personal values - basic life positions that allow the modern leader to make correct judgments about what is important and what is not, and to make the right management decisions.

3. Having clear personal goals, orienting the leader to specific cases and their results and making it possible to rank the forces, time and other resources of managerial activity.

4. Continuous personal growth, development based on knowledge of oneself and one's individual capabilities, which implies the allocation of time for development, a positive attitude towards obstacles, an assessment own experience, self-confidence, response to career changes through professional development management.

5. Ability to effectively solve problems, assuming a constant focus on solving problems, choosing adequate methods, using a systematic approach, identifying those responsible for the problem, clearly setting the goal of everyone's work, establishing criteria for determining success, skillfully handling information, effective planning, allocating time for analysis, effective coordination of the team's work.

6. Ability to innovate - integrative ability of a leader, including a positive assessment of the creative approach in other people, belief in one's own creativity, the ability to identify factors that hinder creativity, persistence in solving problems, the ability to break with tradition, the need for change, the use of a systematic approach to solving problems and selecting innovative ideas by their decision, the ability to learn from mistakes, the desire to take risks.

7. The ability to influence others characterized by the ability to correctly assess others, establish relationships, clearly express thoughts, the presence of a realistic idea of \u200b\u200bone's own “I”, confident behavior, the desire to be persistent, the ability to “hear” another, the desire to understand him.

8. Knowledge of modern management approaches, presupposing knowledge of management styles and personal style, changing management style depending on the needs and situation, the ability to get from people everything that they can give.

9. Ability to lead (skillfully use human resources) - a formed and developed ability of a leader. It includes an understanding of one's own role and the factors affecting the performance of this role, the adaptation of the management style to changes in society, systems approach analysis of work, qualified delegation of authority and creation of positive feedbacklooking for employee revitalization and success criteria.

10. Ability to train and develop subordinates - a special skill of the leader associated with his educational functions. The leader should strive to create a positive learning environment in the team, analyze the training needs of employees, systematically evaluate employees, know the strengths and weaknesses of subordinates, set goals that require efforts, and use development opportunities in the process.

11. Ability to form and develop working groups, characterized by the presence of management skills, the creation of a favorable psychological climate, interest in the results of work, the correct selection of workers and a clear distribution of responsibilities between them, support for the personal development of subordinates, the formation of effective intra-collective relations, the use of conflicts for constructive purposes, the encouragement of workers who take risks, the presentation of high requirements for subordinates.

Management theorists have identified a set of individual qualities for effective management of people. Let's consider these qualities in more detail.

1. Adaptive mobility -inclination to creative forms of activity, continuous deepening of knowledge; intolerance to inertia, conservative manifestations; the desire to teach others; desire for qualitative changes in the organization and content of their own activities; willingness to take reasonable risk; striving for innovation; expanding the scope of their powers; self-control, enterprise, etc.

2. Contact- sociability, extroversion (focus on the outside world and activities in it); interest in people; high level claims in the field of interpersonal relations, the ability to win over people, see oneself from the outside, listen, understand and convince people; ability to look at conflict situation through the eyes of the interlocutor.

3. Stress tolerance- intellectual and emotional security in problem situations; self-control and sobriety of thinking when making collective decisions.

4. Dominance- authority, ambition, striving for personal independence, leadership under any circumstances and at any cost; readiness for an uncompromising struggle for their rights; ignoring authorities; self-esteem, adjacent to high self-esteem, an overestimated level of aspirations; courage, strong-willed character.

The activity of the leader is, first of all, the management of the processes of coordination of various types of activities in the organization and the analysis of the dynamics of the process within the group and the management of this dynamics.

The main managerial functions of the head include: planning (forecasting), organization, motivation (goal setting), regulation and control. They were discussed in the previous chapters.

As a result of the examination by psychodiagnostic methods of hundreds of the best modern leaders, psychologists call the following signs:

Ø Strong-willed - able to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

Ø Persistent - knows how to take reasonable risks. He is patient, ready to do monotonous, uninteresting work for a long time and well.

Ø He is initiative and prefers to work without petty care. Independent.

Ø Mentally stable and does not allow himself to be carried away by unrealistic proposals.

Ø Adapts well to new conditions and requirements.

Ø Self-critical, soberly evaluates not only his own successes, but also failures.

Ø Demanding towards himself and others, knows how to ask for the assigned work.

Ø Critical, able to see weak points in tempting offers.

Ø Reliable, keeps his word, you can rely on him.

Ø Durable, can work even under overload conditions.

Ø Being receptive to new things, he is inclined to solve unconventional problems by original methods.

Ø Stress-resistant, does not lose self-control and performance in extreme situations.

Ø Is optimistic about difficulties as inevitable and surmountable obstacles.

Ø Resolute, able to independently and timely make decisions, in a critical situation to take responsibility for himself.

Ø Able to change behavior depending on conditions, it can demand and encourage.

Feeling the situation and subordinating emotions to the cause, the leader must be able to "turn on" necessary qualities... Even when working conditions are abnormal and people around you are not sympathetic.

The difficulty also lies in the fact that a true leader has to combine the opposite qualities. For example, a leader should be able to:

Ø Think broadly, staying within the exact knowledge of the subject.

Ø Understand and use opposing points of view while staying true to your principles.

Ø Do not give in to other people's pressure and at the same time do not lose supporters.

Ø Accept new ideas without engaging in fruitless projecting.

Ø Disagree while maintaining normal relations with opponents.

Ø Take risks and make mistakes as little as possible.

Ø Be polite and tactful while being exacting.

It is imperative for the modern leader to be a good psychologist. It is not so much about special knowledge as about the knowledge of those with whom it deals. To successfully cooperate with a person, you need to clearly understand such qualities as:

Ø The degree of sociability, i.e. ability to maintain business relationship with partners, regardless of their nature.

Ø Behavior in order to predict his actions to a certain extent.

Ø Business and professional qualities,

Ø And finally, its potentialities and conditions in which they can manifest themselves.

Control styles

1. Authoritarian - excessive use of power, inability to use management methods, intolerant attitude towards criticism, misuse of specialists, inability to listen to the opinions of others, therefore initiative is extinguished in the work collective, an unfavorable climate is created, personnel turnover begins, and there is no social satisfaction.

2. Democratic - relies on the consent of the work collective in decision-making, it provides complete information, takes into account the opinion of employees, responds correctly to comments, therefore, the work collective strives for self-government and self-control.

3. Liberal - does not interfere in the affairs of subordinates, avoids solving problems, builds friendly relations with subordinates.

6. Resolving the conflict

Using administrative methods of influence

Resolving business conflicts can be done using purely administrative methods that a manager can apply.

Clarification of requirements. The manager seeks to formulate as clearly as possible the conditions for completing the assignment: what exactly needs to be done and who is personally responsible for the work. This way of regulating conflicts is effective in cases where subordinates have experience and discipline. If employees do not have the required level of professionalism, this way conflict regulation may not be effective.

Formulation of the task. Among the subordinates there are people of different temperaments, different levels of knowledge and experience, who have different attitudes towards work and the leader himself. When issuing a production order, these points must be taken into account.

"I ask you to". The leader formulates the task in the form of a request and a wish, based on the objective necessity of its implementation. It is assumed that the subordinate is executive, obliging and loves what he does. This form issuing a task is acceptable in cooperation with highly qualified specialists who are conscientious about their work.

"I would advise doing this." Here, a mild form of personal influence on a subordinate is used. This form of assignment can be effective only with an experienced leader who has indisputable authority in the team. In this form, one should interact with executive subordinates who have a lack of experience and professional knowledge, for example, young specialists or employees who, for one reason or another, have a long break in work.

"You are instructed to do it." The task is formulated with a sufficient share of the leader's personal influence. In this form, tasks should be issued in a situation of high responsibility, time constraints on the task.

"I command you." The leader applies his administrative influence and pressure. Close monitoring is expected. This form of assignment is effective for non-obligatory employees who are not inclined to adhere to strict discipline.

“I categorically order you to complete this task. In case of non-compliance, the following measures will be taken against you ... ”. This form of assignment is used for violators labor discipline... Strict regular monitoring is envisaged.

The system of punishment and reward. In the sphere business interactions effective orders and orders of the head to deprive the offending employee of the bonus. And as a reward for successful work - gratitude, various ways of material incentives, promotion.

Formula for negative evaluation. In order for a negative assessment of a subordinate's actions to be effective, the manager's statement should contain four main parts.

The first part: recording the overall positive assessment of the employee as an employee and a person.

Second part: formulating a critical assessment.

The third part: recognizing that the employee is a good professional, despite the fact that he made a mistake.

Fourth part: building a positive perspective for the future.

Research by M. Woodcock and D. Francis made it possible to identify a number of requirements that will affect management activities in the coming decades. These include:

1. The changing complex environment requires leaders to be able to effectively manage themselves and their time.

2. In connection with the erosion of traditional values, the modern leader is required to be able to show his personal values.

3. Since there is a huge opportunity for choice, the leader is required to be precise in defining both the goals of the work performed and his own goals.

4. Continuous support for their own growth, development through continuous learning.

5. The ability to solve problems quickly and efficiently becomes the most important quality of the leader.

6. Leaders must be resourceful and flexible to react to changes in the situation, that is, they must master the techniques of strategic management.

7. Due to the difficulties of traditional hierarchical relationships, effective management requires the use of skills to influence people, without resorting to direct orders.

8. Since many traditional methods management have exhausted their capabilities, new, more modern management techniques are required. It is necessary to master different approaches in relation to their subordinates.

9. Each leader is required to use human resources more skillfully.

10. The increasing scale of change requires the development of new approaches and the fight against the possibility of their own "obsolescence".

11. The leader must be able to create and improve groups that can quickly become inventive and effective at work.

Leadership styles

Leadership style is a set of typical, relatively stable methods of influencing managers on subordinates to effectively perform managerial functions, and thus the tasks facing the socio-economic system.

Leadership style is a way of making decisions and delegating tasks to executors. The best style is the one that produces the best results. The leadership style is expressed, therefore, in what methods the leader encourages the team to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to him, how he controls the performance of his subordinates.

Leadership style is closely related to management methods. The functional purpose of these concepts is identical. The method of leadership is a set of methods and techniques of purposeful influence of the head on employees and work collectives, ensuring the coordination of their actions. Method is a completely objective concept that exists outside and independently of the leader. The leadership style is also basically objective, but it is mediated by the individual qualities of the leader. Method and style are closely interrelated, since the method is the content of the style, and the style can be considered a form of implementing methods. AT practical activities the head uses the following groups of methods: organizational, administrative and legal, economic and socio-psychological.

The style is formed under the influence of objective and subjective factors. The objective terms of the style can be summarized as follows:

Regularities of management;

Specificity (functional purpose) of the sphere specific activities;

Socio-psychological traits of performers (age, gender, qualifications, profession, interests, needs, etc.);

Management hierarchy level;

Methods and techniques of management used by higher managers.

Subjective terms of style (personal qualities of the leader):

Intelligence and general culture of the leader;

Level professional competence;

Character traits and temperament;

Inherent moral values;

Ability to be attentive to the requests of subordinates;

The ability to unite a team, create an atmosphere of passion for work, etc.

Consequently, in the style of leadership, one should distinguish, on the one hand, its general objective basis, and on the other hand, the methods and techniques of exercising managerial functions characteristic of a given leader.

The objective component that develops between the leader and the subordinate. The complexity and diversity of these relationships predetermines the high variability of specific leadership styles, which can be classified according to various criteria. The most common is their classification based on the nature of the relationship between the manager and the subordinate. From this point of view, it is customary to distinguish three most general styles of leadership: directive (authoritarian, command-administrative), democratic (cooperative), liberal (free, conniving, non-interference).

The salient features of these types of leadership styles are:

Signs of the order of distribution of duties;

Methods for preparing, making and organizing the implementation of decisions;

Contact forms with performers;

Monitoring the activities of subordinates.

DirectiveThe (authoritarian) style is distinguished by excessive centralization of power, adherence to one-man management in hypertrophied forms, autocratic resolution of the majority of not only major, but also minor issues in the life of the collective, deliberate limitation of contacts with subordinates. The leader is an autocrat, dogmatic, certainly thirsts for submission to his will, does not tolerate objections and does not listen to other opinions, strictly controls the actions of subordinates, requires punctual adherence to his instructions. He does not tolerate criticism and does not admit his mistakes, he is of the opinion that administrative penalties are the best way to influence subordinates. He works a lot, can take risks, but prudently, in dealing with people, he is sometimes unrestrained, or even rude, but not necessarily.

Democraticstyle, in contrast to the authoritarian, presupposes: providing subordinates with independence, commensurate with their qualifications and performed functions; involving them in such activities as setting goals, evaluating work, preparing and making decisions; creating the prerequisites necessary for the performance of work and a fair assessment of their efforts, respecting people and caring for their needs. A democrat leader personally deals with only the most important and complex issues, leaving his subordinates to decide all the rest, reacts reasonably to criticism, does not shrink from responsibility for his own decisions and for mistakes of executors. Encouraging the initiative of subordinates and emphasizing his respect for them, he gives instructions not in the form of instructions, but in the form of suggestions, advice or even requests; takes into account the opinion of subordinates, control is exercised not alone, but with the involvement of members of the team itself.

The democratic style encourages the creative activity of subordinates, contributes to the creation of an atmosphere of mutual trust and cooperation, discipline is transformed into self-discipline. The real power and authority of a democrat leader increases, as he rules without rough pressure and attributes of administrative influence. The division into superiors and other employees is less strict, management is carried out in cooperation, and employees are empowered to make decisions.

Liberal the style is characterized by a lack of scope in work, lack of initiative, constant expectation of instructions from above, unwillingness to take responsibility for decisions and their consequences, especially when they are unfavorable. The liberal leader interferes little in the affairs of his subordinates and does not show much activity; he mainly acts as an intermediary in relations with other collectives. He is very careful, inconsistent in actions, easily amenable to the influence of others, is inclined to yield to circumstances, he can cancel earlier without serious reason decision, easily gives out unfulfilled promises.

The liberal leader irregularly and poorly controls and regulates the actions of subordinates, is very polite in communication, but is not able to implement the proposals of subordinates.

This or that type of leadership is usually not found in its pure form. AT real life in the behavior of almost every leader, there are common features inherent in different styles with the dominant role of any of them.

Control questions

1. Who is called a leader?

2. What is management function "Leadership"?

3. What is the difference between the activities of functional and line managers?

4. What are the main tasks of the leader?

5. What qualities should a leader have?

6. What are the requirements for a modern leader?

7. Which of the groups of leadership qualities is the most important?

10. How are leadership methods different from leadership styles?

11. What are the dimensions underlying the definition of different leadership styles?