Recommendations for improving the efficiency of the personnel management system. Improving staff performance in any industry. Liberal type of control



1.1. Personnel management and production efficiency

2.2. Analysis of staff staff




The orientation of the economy to the market relations radically changes the approaches to solving many economic problems and primarily those related to man. Therefore, it is clear that the attention is paid to the concept of management, in the center of which is the person being considered as the highest value. In accordance with it, all management systems are aimed at a more complete use of employee's abilities in the production process, which is the basis for the effective activity of the enterprise (organization, firms). Indeed, the use of a real factors of production depends on the level of development of the employee, the totality of its professional knowledge, skills, skills, abilities and motives for work.

New approaches to the decision of economic problems predetermine the need for setting certain courses to train specialists in the field of management, economics and sociology of labor, the content of the practical activity of which is labor relations at the enterprise (in the organization, firm), selection, alignment, assessment and development of personnel, efficient use their employment potential.

The relevance of the chosen topic of work is due to the need to study the organization of the enterprise personnel management process and its subsequent improvement, determination of the role of management in society.

The subject of research in the work is the staff of LLC 2000 Karat.

The goal of the work is to consider solving the problem of improving the organization of personnel management of the enterprise 2000 Karat LLC, which is the object of study in this work, to determine the effectiveness of managerial decision-making on personnel management.

Based on the goal, the following tasks are solved in the work:

Explore theoretical issues of personnel management and organization efficiency;

Give a characteristic, consider the principles and methods of personnel management at the enterprise;

Consider the activities of LLC 2000 Karat for 2001-2002;

To conduct an analysis of the organization of personnel management of LLC 2000 Karat.

The development of these issues is linked to the conduct of effective management policies at each enterprise, a thorough study of which will allow you to choose certain improved personnel management options.

The practical significance of the issues under consideration is that recommendations on improving the efficiency of staff management of the enterprise will find their application in the enterprise's personnel policy, will allow to introduce more progressive methods of personnel management of the enterprise, to improve the results of LLC 2000 Karat in general.

1. Personnel management as an organization's effectiveness factor

1.1. Personnel management and production efficiency

The establishment of the market today has set a number of new tasks, the solution of which is impossible on the basis of old ideas, approaches and methods. Special acute in this regard, today I have acquired recruitment of personnel work. In industry, as in other areas of the economy, the problems of intensifying production, increasing its effectiveness, the best use of expensive and scarce resources have been published, began to acquire key importance for the survival and adaptation of enterprises to the new economic situation.

The use of NTP capabilities and improving production efficiency is currently more than ever before, depending on the degree of participation in these processes of all manufacturing workers: from the worker to the director. Modern technology and production require not only high qualifications and performing disciplines of workers, but also their creative participation in production, finding reserves of its rationalization.

In recent years, many enterprises have used in their daily practice of the system of competitive replacement positions and the election of managers, increase the cost of training personnel, trade guidance, actively cooperate with consulting centers on personnel issues, etc. Measures are taken to improve the personnel management system as a whole in the country. However, to improve the preparation of enterprises to work in the conditions of the market of these measures is not enough. In a short time, it is necessary to rebuild the entire system of working with personnel - evaluating and certification of personnel, selection, training and advanced training, work with reserve frames for senior positions. At the same time, it is necessary to seriously increase the professional level of employees of personnel services themselves, strengthen the real responsibility of the heads of all ranks for identifying, developing and efficiently using the potential of their subordinates.

The company's management is the science of the methods of rational organization and management of the company. This is a system for predicting the production and sale of goods and services to ensure the competitiveness of the company, program-targeted management, increasing the profit, satisfying demand. The main management tools that ensure the coordination of the activities of divisions of different levels to achieve the general objectives of the organization are: planning, organization, motivation and control. Management is a flexible, dynamic process that is constantly corrected by the economic situation. Management today is an organic unity of marketing and innovation.

Modern management is mainly not so much the science and practice of management, how much art management of people. Each person, as you know, is individual and it needs a special, individual approach if the manager wants this employee to reveal all its potential.

Development of the workshop management concept is the task of the manager. The main task in this area is that the manager should create conditions for the implementation by each employee of potential opportunities, excitement in people enthusiasm, the desire to fulfill the tasks set to them in the best possible way. In the literature on management, it is not rarely notes that success in business is almost completely predetermined by the skill of the manager to work with colleagues, his personal qualities, the ability to effectively lead people. In this regard, the management's ability to organize the work of the team is optimal, the ability to communicate with each employee based on modern requirements and find the necessary tool for human impact to solve problems in each particular case.

In many russian firms Currently, the processes of improving the management system are currently transformed in relation to changes in the external environment, new directions and business tools are mastered, an adequate response to changes in market conditions is becoming increasingly characteristic. In many enterprises, managers seek to improve the style and techniques of management, introduce more advanced methods of working with personnel, raise the level of personnel work. However, there is a number of not solved while problems. In many Russian companies, employees have no fundamental motivation for effective activities, they do not assume full responsibility for the adoption and implementation of management decisions, do not identify themselves with the company, do not understand the objective need to achieve the unity of personal interests and interests of the firm. A large number of employees do not get professional knowledge and desire to constantly expand them. Not all employees are able to comprehensively assess the consequences of decisions made, and is not able to adequately respond to changing circumstances.

Quite often, specialists firms are focused on the practice of their competitors than on independent analysis Situations in the market. This is a tangible risk factor and can bring tremendous damage due to the unpredictability of the Russian macroeconomic environment. There are also many drawbacks in organizing the work of companies, for example, there is no established interaction between units, links between departments are carried out, as a rule, through the management of the company. Employees who do not have a constant intellectual and information assistance to colleagues from other divisions are aware of themselves only by representatives of a single link, and not a particle of the Corporation as a whole. Therefore, their work reflects the narrow interests of the team of the division, and not the strategic interests of the company. Because of the current situation, leaders account for all the main work, especially in a strategic plan, to take over, focus on organizations, coordination and control, instead of paying more attention to analyzing, forecasting, planning, stimulating labor.

Modern management creates prerequisites for solving the most important problems. Among its capabilities: Improving the professional training of employees, the establishment of interaction between the company's divisions, strengthening the role of all links of the company in solving everyday tasks, expanding the strategic components in the work of the company's managers.

The most important goal of personnel management is to use the personal potential of each employee, which is a comprehensive characterization of the employee's ability to act as an active subject of production activities. The personal potential of the employee has a complex structure and is distinguished by the structural unity of all its elements (Fig. 1.1).

The criterion for the development of the personal potential of the employee is the qualitative characteristics of the impact of physical and intellectual forces, the creative energy of the employee in the process of labor. This return finds its specific expression in the labor activity of a person, its attitude towards work as a higher vitality. In turn, the level of development of personnel potential of the enterprise is determined by the level of development of the personal potential of each employee and the level of efficiency of its use in accordance with the established goals.

As research shows, when achieving an optimal level of development of personnel potential of an enterprise (organization), the number and structure of personnel meet the needs of the production and management and complexity of solved tasks; Frame qualifications level ensures high quality decisions and their speedy implementation; Physical data and individual-psychological characteristics of personnel correspond to the specifics of a particular activity.

Fig. 1.1. Structure of the personal potential of the employee

This means that in organizing work with personnel at the enterprise, the program should be mastered by the mechanism of management of labor (individual, psychophysiological, etc.) by human activity in strict accordance with the principle of effective use of the personality potential of the employee.

The principle of efficient use of a person's personal potential underlying personnel management at the present stage is implemented in three main areas:

1. Creation of the necessary conditions for the comprehensive development of person's personal potential.

2. Ensuring the conditions for the most complete mobilization of the potential of enterprise employees to achieve tasks facing them.

3. Permanent and systematic development of professional qualities of workers in accordance with the long-term development tasks of production.

Increasing the values \u200b\u200bof the subjective factor in modern conditions A new way to the role of the role of personnel management in improving production efficiency. The main directions for which this impact is carried out are varied: careful selection, selection and evaluation of personnel in accordance with the requirements of the position or workplace; Special training, training and training; Continuing training in accordance with the needs of knowledge updates; Strengthening the real limitation of wages and other remuneration from labor results.

The fact that the production, social development and education of people is a single process speak about the impact of managing personnel on the efficiency of production. Therefore, the accounting of the social characteristics of the management facility and the impact on them to increase the results of the functioning of a particular enterprise is one of the leading management tasks, and, in particular, such a function, as personnel management. Specific sociological studies in personnel management allow:

Solve issues related to the regulation of the process of becoming an experienced, qualified employee - the choice of profession, adaptation in the enterprise, the formation of a certain attitude towards work, etc.;

Take into account the socio-psychological aspects of the selection and placement of personnel;

Study interpersonal relationships in the labor collective;

Evaluate the demographic structure of the collective;

Study satisfaction with labor;

Apply the means of socio-psychological impact on the personal life of the employee (life, leisure) to maximize the activation of the personal potential of working.

A prerequisite for effective personnel management at the enterprise is an understanding of the participants of the employment process of the goals and means of their achievement. We are talking about the formation of a mechanism that allows working at the enterprise equally effectively influence both the development of plans for activities and the choice of methods and ways to implement drawn up plans. The correct functioning of such a mechanism is possible under the condition of a well-established system of communications at the enterprise, which provides a clear understanding of every worker of its functions as in person labor processand in the activities of the production team as a whole. At the same time, it is important to ensure full and timely informing the personnel management service about the degree of perception and the fulfillment of labor tasks by each participant in the production process. In other words, communication serve here as a tool, with which the personnel management service has the ability to influence all participants in the employment process.

The scientific literature in the field of personnel management is recommended for the priority of socio-economic and socio-psychological methods of personnel management over administrative. Management should be aimed at the implementation of staff cooperation and administration in achieving the goals supplied to the firm. The principle of collegiance in management is increasingly used when managers work closely with each other, associated with cooperation, interdependence and mutual assistance.

The main management is to stimulate workers to develop their abilities for more intense and productive labor. The manager should orient subordinates to the problems facing the company, ranging them to significance, help the disclosure of people's abilities, send efforts, concentrate them on the most important thing, to form a group of like-minded people around them.

In the company, one of the main sections of the manager, determining the achievement of strategic success, is the creation of elastic self-adjusting structures, which are usually referred to as a team. The team is a carefully formed, self-organized team, well-managed, quickly and efficiently responding to any changes in the market situation, the decisive all tasks as a whole.

When forming a command to fully be taken into account the following:

Each team member must fully realize the goal set before the team. It can be achieved in the best possible way when the whole team is involved in the formation and clarification;

The team should work as a single organism, the responsibility for the results should also be collective, and not individual;

Any participant in the team is obliged to constantly improve their qualifications to possess universal knowledge and work skills. This contributes not to just creative and efficient work on its site, but also allows the interchangeability of team members. At the same time, the team cannot dictate their will their will - each retains independence;

All team members have equal rights in its work, plan their career activities, participate in planning the activities of the entire team and each team member;

As in any team, the duties of each team members are specified, and in the process of performing planned tasks, the distribution of functions, as a rule, is constantly changing;

The selection of participants in the team is carried out primarily on psychological compatibility;

The command management is carried out collectively. The head carries out coordination functions and represents the interest of the team in the external environment.

The most optimal is the work of several such commands. This should function as a whole, its board, a team of each management or department.

Creating an effectively valid team is advisable to start with the creation of temporary groups of workers to carry out specific works and tasks that have a search nature, the formation of new services. Such a team may include specialists from different divisions. Participation in such work will be the main burden for each specialist. The specialist does not lose touch with his unit, despite the fact that the most important functions at the place of main activity are removed from it. All members of the working group take an active part in creating a new service, develop the concept of activities, help to select workers, etc. On this basis, the kernel of the team is formed, its leader is revealed, a strategy of activity is produced.

1.2. Socio-economic efficiency of personnel work

In modern literature on personnel problems, there is mainly the unity of the opinion that personnel management is focused on both economic and social goals. Therefore, a double bunch of goals called economic and social efficiency is based on the basis. The initial item is the following consideration: when making decisions in the field of personnel management, both the economic aspects and the needs and interests of employees should be taken into account.

Economic efficiency in personnel management means achieving the objectives of the organization (for example, the production of goods) by using employees on the principle of cost-effective consumption of limited funds. This principle is implemented with the most favorable relationship between the result of labor and the scale of its use (labor productivity) and, accordingly, with the most favorable relationship between the results of the work of personnel and personnel costs (labor efficiency).

Social efficiency is implemented in the form of expectations, the needs and interests of employees who are diverse. This includes, for example, good wages, pleasant working conditions and opportunities for personality development.

Objectives determine areas of activity. They characterize the state to the achievement of which the decision was sent. The criterion for the quality of the solution is the degree of achievement of the goal. In order for the goals to perform their guide function, they must be clearly formulated and succumbed to the operationalization (i.e., to determine the degree of achievement of the goal).

To determine the directions and consequences of actions in the field of personnel management, it is necessary to find out:

Who and what economic goals in relation to personnel want to achieve and which of these goals become the objectives of the organization;

How economic and social efficiency is specified;

From which the achievement of these goals depends and how much they can be used as a guide for practical activities;

How compatible with each other are compatible with each other and what solutions are possible in their incompatibility (interest balance).

The unity of the economic and social efficiency of working with personnel is unanimously recognized by all specialists. There are two approaches to the definition of direct economic efficiency: some tend to believe that personnel costs are inevitable evil, concomitant with small economic efficiency, others agree that personnel costs are self-sufficient and rather favorable component of any production. The essence of the first approach: "Personnel - costs", and the second: "personnel - resource." Both approaches in general can be described as follows:

Assessment of economic efficiency of personnel activities covers all multifaceted, multifaceted work with personnel and managing this process. It is important not only to predict the cost of the entire complex of personnel processes, but also to determine the directions of rational use of financial and material resources. First of all, it is necessary to assess the economic efficiency of learning, which is a multifunctional process that affects the various components of the activities of enterprises and the entire industry.

Table 1.1.

Approaches "Personnel - Costs" and "Personnel - Resource"

A special place in this assessment should take: the situation with the personnel of economic leaders and specialists whose activities largely determines the strategic potential of the industry; current and future results of enterprises and organizations; current and future costs associated with the activities of enterprises and organizations; The level of risk both when making decisions by the head and with the incompetent actions of the employees subordinate to him.

However, the study of existing materials has shown that assessing the effectiveness of personnel activities, including in relation to economic leaders, requires such a large number of source data (statistical, expert, probabilistic, etc., special techniques and standards), which is currently not It is impossible with a sufficient degree of accuracy to conduct an assessment and it can only wear a purely approximate nature.

Special research and scientific and methodological developments are needed to create a regulatory framework, special tools, software. In this case, it is necessary to keep in mind that the concept of the results of the system is rarely unequivocal. So, if we are talking about the employee training system, the result may be evaluated either by economic consequences of improving the level of knowledge and skills (skills) of specialists, or by changing the social level of employees, or by some other parameters.

In terms of the work of economic leaders, the assessment may be given on the basis of the effectiveness of managerial labor - the socio-economic category characterizing the effectiveness management activities By implementing the goal of management before and after training. The classic method for determining the economic efficiency of labor productivity is the ratio of economic results to labor costs. In addition to the economic, in assessing the effectiveness of labor, the social effect of working conditions determine the social activity of the team, which manifests itself in a qualitative aspect of activities and increase (quantifying) economic effect. The direct assessment of the work of economic executives cannot be done, and the indirect assessment is composed of a certain contribution of the head in the final indicators of the management object.

An assessment of labor is carried out at the cumulative costs, the basis of which are the costs of the time required for the execution of cases in the management process.

The labor efficiency of the economic leader is estimated before and after training, allows you to identify internal reserves of improving production efficiency.

Measuring costs and results is usually carried out using criteria for economic efficiency. When evaluating the effectiveness and cost of training, retraining and advanced training, the following complements to the total approaches should be taken into account.

1. Possible goals of calculations to determine the economic efficiency of the learning process are:

a) determining the optimal amount of training costs in the total cost of production;

b) making decisions on the development of forms and teaching methods;

c) Comparison of the economic efficiency of training with the economic efficiency of other possible investments of the enterprise, ensuring comparable increase in the efficiency of the functioning of the main production.

2. As it follows from the general approach, in general, the economic efficiency of any event conducted on any object is determined by the relationship between indicators describing the full result of the object being studied after the start of the event, and indicators characterizing the total costs associated with the activities of the object (also After the start of the event).

3. Economic efficiency of training and training (PEVM, office equipment, etc.) is determined by the relationship between the total costs of organizing and carrying out the training process and the financial results of training, expressed in the form of an additional increase in the useful results of the enterprise, increasing its potential, reducing costs Ensuring the functioning of the enterprise, the risk level of its functioning.

4. Costs in connection with training are addressed from: additional training costs (the content of the training center, the fee for training specific employees, wages of workers who replace students for the period of study with the separation from work); costs of improving the wages of workers who have improving their qualifications as a result of training; Saving costs for compensation for damage from the development of negative events due to errors in the actions of workers related to the lack of qualifications before learning.

5. The relationship between the learning process and the change in the performance of the enterprise is expressed in a number of factors reflecting the change in motivation, functional behavior and special interactions of employees who have been trained.

The results of learning include:

An increase in the speed of operation (reaction to abnormal situations, etc.);

Expansion of the horizons, an increase in the number of options under consideration when making decisions with senior workers and specialists, which affects the optimality of decisions made;

Reducing losses from improper assessment of the situation and improper actions of employees;

Preventing damage from the unforeseen onset of undesirable events and situations, restricting the distribution of the so-called "chains of undesirable development of events";

Reducing the likelihood of accidents and breakdowns of equipment, threats to the life and health of people;

Strengthening the corporate consciousness of workers, rapprochement of personal interests of employees with the interests of the company;

An increase in the ability to coordinated awareness of joint activities in decision-making;

The exchange of information between employees of various enterprises passing training together, the spread "horizontally" best practices, other innovations.

6. System of indicators, quantitatively expressing changes functional characteristics, motivation and social behavior of past training, includes indicators characterizing the effect of learning on the result (income), and indicators characterizing costs associated with maintaining the training system. To calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the allocated indicators, the data of accounting and statistical reporting should be used, as well as estimates of experts.

The overall effect of training and advanced training is manifested in the form of an increase in the result of the activity of the system (income), as well as in the form of cost savings on compensation for the effects of erroneous actions or solutions. The expansion of the number of analyzed options is associated with the need to pay more attention to the coordination of employees. The search for non-standard solutions brings not only benefits, but also losses from inconsistency of participants in general work. Therefore, in the curriculum itself, training and training of mutual reconciliation of actions should be provided.

To assess the effectiveness of learning, simplified approaches of the calculation can be developed. One of them consists in wider use of expert data, searching for a general assessment. For example, the indicators used can be considered as expert and are determined directly without further structuring. In this connection, the objectivity of the assessment is reduced with a significant simplification of its calculation.

If there are statistics on the most important indicators, it is also possible to apply factor analysis methods to predict the economic efficiency of certain events, including training and re-abroad of employees. QUESTIONS OF ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF PERMAL ACTIVITIES require additional research and development, as they are more diverse and, in essence, cover the entire process of formation and development of managers, human resources management.

2. Personnel management efficiency

2.1. Brief description of the organization

Limited Liability Company LLC 2000 Karat has been operating since 2000. The main activities of the enterprise is the implementation of auto parts. The authorized capital of the enterprise is 800 thousand rubles. The Company operates in compliance with the Civil Code, the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Societies" and the Company's Charter.

According to the company's charter, the main objectives of the Company are the most complete and qualitative satisfaction of the needs of enterprises and citizens in products, works, services produced by society and obtaining their profits as a result of their activities.

The mission of the enterprise is an individual approach to each order and attentive attitude towards each client.

The main principles on which the activities of OOO 2000 Karat are being built: professionalism, openness to cooperation, a constant search for the most effective decisions, desire for development, responsibility for their actions.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is presented in Fig. 2.1.

The enterprise is characterized by a hierarchical organizational structure, built according to the functional principle. The highest link management is the Director-General. He is subject to the following services: Accounting (heads chief accountant), SPE (internal audit service, planning and analysis, sales department (sales) and the department of warehousing operations (by the commercial director).

CEO (1)

Human Resources Department

Head of Department (1)

Specialists (2)


Commercial Director (1)

Secretary (1)

Chief Accountant (1)

Accountant (2)

Cashier (1)

Sales department

Head of Department (1)

Head of Sales Department (1)

Storekeepers (5)

Sales Managers (7)

Dressups of goods (3)

Manager (1)

Loader (1)

Controller (1)

Brigadier (1)

Fig. 2.1. Organizational structure of enterprise management of LLC 2000 Karat.

Disadvantage organizational structure Enterprises are the availability of managers in the staff schedule (in Fig. 2.1 see. Sales Department), which are not subordinate to any employee. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the positions of managers for professionals.

2.2. Analysis of staff staff

Analysis of the provision of labor resources of the enterprise "2000 Karat" LLC in accordance with the norm is presented in Table. 2.1:

Table 2.1

Analysis of the company's security by labor resources.

On the report (2004)

According to plan (2004)

In fact for 2003

In fact, in percent

According to the report (2004 (9 months))

In fact for 2003 (9 months)

In fact, in percent (2004 (9 months)

According to the report (2005)

According to plan (2005)

In fact, in percent

According to the report (2005 (9 months))

In fact, in percent (2005 (9 months)

According to the report (2006 (9 months))

In fact, in percent (2006 (9 months)

To the previous year

To the previous year

To the previous year

To the previous year

To the previous year

Including primary activity


Sales specialists

Workers warehouses

The data analysis of the table allows us to conclude that the number of personnel of the organization the names of the growth trend throughout the period under consideration. For 2005, the number of personnel has increased 28%. The number of sales specialists in 60%, warehouse specialists by 43% and employees of accounting and internal control services by 25% are increased. An increase in the number of personnel is associated with the expansion of the company's activities, an increase in sales. At the same time, the comparison of actual data with the planned revealed a lack of sales specialists (2 people) and movers (1 person). In practice, this leads to an increase in the load on personnel, the fulfillment of additional duties that do not meet job descriptions and an increase in working hours. At the end of the 9th months of 2006, the company has a lack of employees in the amount of 14.3% of the total number. There is a lack of specialists in sales, warehouse and accounting workers. Analysis of the number of personnel According to these articles for 2003 - 2005, it shows that the employee's data has always gripped. It should also be noted that the enterprise always the actual number of personnel was lower than the scheduled number. In 2003, the disadvantage was 4 people, in 2004 - 2 people, in 2005 - 3 people. According to the results of the enterprise for the 9 months of 2006, the actual number of personnel is below the planned indicator for 5 people. This situation suggests that the company has difficulty selection of personnel, it is possible that the staff are not satisfied with their work and the system of motivation in the enterprise and therefore dismissed, another reason may be the lack of due efforts of the management of the enterprise for the formation of corporate culture, which could promote the formation of prestige of work on this company. In the process of analysis, it is necessary to study the change in the structure of the staff of the enterprise in the following indicators:

Table 2.1

Analysis of changes in the structure of labor resources.

Staff structure

Plan 2003-2004

For 9 months of 2003

For 2003.

For 9 months of 2004

For 2004.

Plan 2005-2006

For 9 months of 2005

For 2005.

For 9 months of 2006

Number, people

Number, people

UD. weight, %

Number, people

Number, people

Number, people

Number, people

Number, people

Number, people

Number, people

Including primary activity


Specialists under the manual (lawyer, secretary)

Sales specialists

Specialists of the warehouse

Economic accountants, auditors, personnel specialists

Service personnel (movers)

Analysis of the structure of staff composition allows us to conclude that in 2005 the greatest share (40%) falls on warehouse specialists, 31% fall on sales professionals, 19% - managers, 16% are other specialists. For 2005, the share of warehouse specialists and sales specialists increased by 12%, while the share of accounting workers and internal control services and personnel specialists only by 4%, and the share of the service personnel has not changed. As of October 1, 2006, the proportion of managers in the enterprise increased to 20%, the share of sales specialists to 27%, the share of warehouse specialists declined to 17%. These changes in the structure are associated with a decrease in the total number of personnel for 2 people, a reduction in the number of warehouse specialists for 3 people and an increase in the service personnel for 1 person. If you analyze changes in the structure for 2003-2005, we can conclude that the proportion of individual categories of employees as a whole was constant, but changed due to the dismissal of specialists. At the same time, it should be noted that the actual structure of the number never corresponded to the planned.

For 2005, 10 new employees were adopted, the number of 3 people who were abolished, and experts worked the whole year amounted to 19 people. The main reasons for dismissal is dissatisfaction with wages, non-normalized working day and the absence of career growth prospects.

The turnover coefficient for employees (CPA) amounted to:

Cop \u003d KPP / SchP \u003d 10/32 \u003d 0.31,

where kpp is the number of accepted personnel;

Schpa is the average number of personnel.

The turnover coefficient for the disposal of workers (Cove) amounted to:

Cove \u003d KUP / SCHP \u003d 3/32 \u003d 0.09

where the POP is the number of those who quit workers.

The ratio of the consistency of the personnel (CPOS) amounted to:

COSD \u003d kg / schp \u003d 22/32 \u003d 0.59

where kg is the number of workers who worked the whole year.

The calculated values \u200b\u200bof the indicators on the turnover of staff for 2003-2006. Presented in table. 2.3.

Table 2.3.

Personnel traffic performance.


2006 (9 months)

Adopted new employees for the year, gearbox

The number of abolished employees, kope

Number of employees worked all year, kg

Average number per year, schpa

Coefficient of turnover of employees, Cop \u003d CPP / SCI

The turnover coefficient for the disposal of workers, Cove \u003d Coup / Schp

Personal constancy ratio, COSD \u003d kg / skip

According to the calculations of the performance of personnel, it can be concluded that these indicators tend to improve. The turnover coefficient of reception decreased from 0.25 to 0.06, the coefficient of retirement turnover decreased from 0.29 to 0.13, and the exponent of the personnel was increased from 0.44 to 0.8.

Dynamics and analysis of payments to employees of the enterprise is presented in Table. 2.4. The number of employees of the enterprise increased unevenly, but in general increased with 27 people. In 2003, up to 30 as of 01.10.2006. Fund wages In all the periods under consideration, there was a tendency to increase. In 2004, the growth rates were minimal, because This year declined the number of personnel for 2 people. In subsequent years, the growth rate of wages was significantly higher, due to the increase in the number of personnel, the wage indexing, the introduction of a new bonuse system. For 2003-2005 Foundation for wage increased by 41%.

Table 2.4.

Analysis of payments to employees of LLC 2000 Karat in 2003-2006.


Absolute values

The growth rate of absolute values%

for 9 months 2003, thousand rubles.

for 9 months 2004, thousand rubles.

for 9 months 2005, thousand rubles.

for 9 months 2006, thousand rubles.

2004 by 2003

2004 (9 months) by 2003 (9 months)

2005 (9 months) by 2004 (9 months)

2006 (9 months) by 2005 (9 months)

All staff

Average number Total. personnel, people

Funds for the labor of all personnel on the PHOTS for the reporting year, thousand rubles.

The average salary of all personnel on phot, thousand rubles. per month

Accrued social payments to all personnel for the inc. Year, thousand rubles.

The average monthly payments of a social character on one employee of the entire personnel for the inc. Year, thousand rubles.

Average payments for all all personnel not caused by the wage system, thousand rubles.

Average monthly payments per employee of all personnel, not caused by the wage system, thousand rubles.

Total payments on wages and other sources of all personnel (GFTA + deductions for social needs + other payments), thousand rubles.

The average monthly salary of one employee of all personnel for all payments for the inc. Year, thousand rubles.

According to the data presented in Table. 2.4 It can be concluded that the growth trend is maintained and in 2006 for the first 9 months of 2006, the wage fund increased by 11% compared to the same period last year. and reached 14 that payments to employees for 2003 - 2005. Rose by 38%, and the wage fund increased by 41%. The average monthly salary on the wage foundation in 2005 amounted to 25.75 thousand rubles, which is more than 2003 by 19%. The average monthly salary for all payments amounted to 27.77 thousand rubles, which is 17% more than 2003 indicator. The tendency to increase payments to employees of the enterprise, as in the wage foundation, the same in other payments are preserved in 2006. According to the results of the work of the enterprise for the first 9 months of 2006, the average monthly salary amounted to 30.25 thousand rubles, which is 1% more than the same period of the previous year. The average monthly income for the 9 months of 2006 has practically not changed compared to the same period of the previous year and amounted to 32.37 thousand rubles.

Analysis of the Structure of the Wage Fund of the enterprise 2000 Karat LLC is presented in Table. 2.5.

According to the data presented, it is possible to conclude that there is a timeless payment of labor in the enterprise. In 2003, the proportion of the time-premium wage was 86% in the total value of the wage foundation. In 2005, the share of the time-premium wage decreased to 79%, and at the end of the 9 months of 2006 its share was 80%. Thus, it can be concluded that the role of a piece-premium form of remuneration in the enterprise increases. Specialists of the sales department are working on piecework and premium wages.

Table 2.5

The share of permanent and variable parts of wages of different categories of staff of LLC 2000 Karat in the annual wage foundation in 2003-2006.


Absolute values \u200b\u200bin 2003

The proportion of the indicator in the GFT for 2003

Absolute values \u200b\u200bin 2003 (9 months)

Share of the indicator in the GFTA for 2003 (9 months)

Absolute values \u200b\u200bin 2004

The proportion of the indicator in the GFT for 2004

Absolute values \u200b\u200bin 2004 (9 months)

Share of the indicator in the GFT for 2004 (9 months)

Absolute values \u200b\u200bin 2005

The proportion of the indicator in the GFTA for 2005

Absolute values \u200b\u200bin 2005 (9 months)

The proportion of the indicator in the GFTA for 2005 (9 months)

Absolute values \u200b\u200bin 2006 (9 months)

Share of the indicator in the GFT for 2006 (9 months)

Funds for the work of the whole personnel on the photo for the inc. Year, thousand rubles.

Including premium

Complete-premium payment

This increase is due to the fact that employees of the enterprise are more interested in wages, which depends on their individual results.

In order to strengthen the material interest of employees in the fulfillment of plans (tasks), the qualitative and timely fulfillment of their implementation, compliance with labor and production discipline at the enterprise is paid various awards. The 2000 Karat LLC has a provision on the award of employees for the work for the month.

The following can be attributed to the shortcomings of the current system of payment and stimulation of labor:

There are no clear criteria defining in what cases a bonus is paid and in what size;

The clear criteria for determining the parameters of the calculation of a piece of salary of the sales department of the sales department are not identified;

There is no mechanism for calculating the wage fund depending on the work performed, and the quality of their execution;

The person responsible for assessing the results of the labor of employees of the enterprise is not defined.

2.3. Economic Evaluation of Personnel Management Efficiency

The growth rate of labor productivity should be ahead of the growth rate of wages, so it is important to determine the production efficiency coefficient (the rate of labor productivity growth rate to the payroll rates) (CEP):

CEP \u003d IPT / IZP

where the IPT is a labor productivity index;

AZP - wage index.

The economic effect of savings on wages is defined as follows:

E \u003d FZPF * (1 - (1 / CEP))

where FZPF is the actual wage foundation.

This indicator determines the amount of external recalculation in connection with the change in the ratio of productivity growth and wages.

Table 2.6 presents data and calculation of indicators for the analyzed periods:

Table 2.6.

Determination of the efficiency of the motivation and stimulation system.


2003 (9 months)

2004 (9 months)


2005 (9 months)

2006 (9 months)

The average annual number of personnel, people.

Annual wage fund, thousand rubles.

Commodity turnover, thousand rubles.

Central monthly salary, thousand rubles. / person

Monthly labor productivity, thousand rubles. / person

E, thousand rubles.

Thus, according to the data submitted, it can be concluded that the incentive system used at the enterprise during 2003 2005. It was quite effective. In 2004, the rates of labor productivity exceeded the rate of wage growth by 17%, in 2005 - by 24%, for the period 2003-2005. In the enterprise, due to the rate of growth in labor productivity over wage growth rates, savings were obtained in the amount of more than 3 million rubles. At the same time, it should be noted that at the end of the 9th months of 2006, the opposite picture was observed. Wage growth rates exceeded the growth rate of labor productivity. Thus, it can be concluded that the applied system of motivation at the enterprise has ceased to be perceived properly by employees.


Currently, transformations in forms and management methods, organizational structures aimed at stimulating enterprise and the development of market relations of enterprises with different forms of ownership is often not effective and does not reach the goals. One of the main reasons for this is the weak security of the necessary reforms of the necessary personnel capable of unconventional, at a high professional level to solve complex tasks of the transition to a market economy. Resolving this problem should be promoted by a well-thought-out system of working with personnel.

Investments in human resources and recruitment work are a long-term factor in the competitiveness and survival of the company. Managing people is important for all organizations. No people have an organization. Without necessary people No organization will be able to achieve their goals and survive. Man is an essential element of the manufacturing process at the enterprise.

Based on the study of the system of personnel management system, 2000 Kararat LLC, you can give the following recommendations. In order to improve the staff management at the enterprise, 2000 Karat LLC it is advisable to revise the regulation on the payment and stimulation of labor in the organization. This is due to the fact that the current situation is mainly focused on the establishment of general principles of bonuses. It needs to register specific indicators for each category of workers on the basis of which the size of the award is determined.


    Gromova O.N., Svistunov V.M., Mishin V.M. Organization of managerial labor. - M.: Infra-M, 2003.

    Yegorzyn A.P. Personnel Management. - N. Novgorod, Nimb, 1996.

    Ivanov G.V. Technology application of the method of interviews when selecting personnel. - M.: Journal "Handbook on Human Resources Management", No. 6, June, 2002.

    Kibanov A. Ya., Mamed-Zade, G. A., Rodkin, T. A. Personnel Management: Labor Regulation. Textbook. - M.: Exam, 2003.

    Kibanov A.Ya. Personnel management basics. - M.: Infra-M, 2003.

    Magagura M.I. Personnel selection and human resource management organization. // Personnel Management. - 2000.- №7.

    Meson M., Albert M. Heduri F. Fundamentals of management. - M.: Case, 2002.

    Nikitina N. Sh. The method of selection of personnel on a vacancy based on fuzzy indicators / N. Sh. Nikitin, E. V. Burmistrov // University Governance: Practice and analysis. - 2004. - № 3 (31). P. 98-103.

    Odegov Yu.G., Zhuravlev P.V. Personnel Management. - M.: Finstatinform, 1997;

    SAMYGIN S. I., Zaynalabid M. S., Makiyev Z. G., Obukhov D.V. Basics of personnel management. - M.: Phoenix, 2002.

    Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Management staff management. Uch. - Pratte. pos. - M.: Case, 2003.

See Read more: Human Resource Management. M.: Infra-M, 1997; Odegov Yu.G., Zhuravlev P.V. Personnel Management. M.: Finstatinform, 1997; Yegorzyn A.P. Personnel Management. N. Novgorod, Nimb, 1996.

* This work is not scientific work, is not a final qualifying work and is the result of processing, structuring and formatting the collected information intended for use as a source of material during self-training work.


Chapter 1. Theoretical Fundamentals of Personnel Management in a Modern Organization

1.1 Personnel Management in Modern Conditions: Concepts, Essence, Goals, Tasks, Functions

1.2 Personnel Management System in Organization

1.3 Efficiency of the personnel management system in the organization

1.4 Personnel Management Problems in Government Organizations

Chapter 2. Analysis of the personnel management system in the management of social protection of the population of the Verkhneuralsky municipal district

2.1 General Characteristics of USG and Analysis of the main performance indicators

2.2 Analysis of the personnel management system in Uszn Verkhneural Municipal District

2.3 Evaluation of the effectiveness of the personnel management system in Uszn Verkhneuralsky Municipal District

Chapter 3. Events to improve the effectiveness of personnel management in the management of social protection of the population of the Verkhneuralsky municipal district





In the conditions of the formation of a market economy in our country, issues of the practical application of modern personnel management forms will be of particular importance, which make it possible to increase the socio-economic efficiency of any production.

The success of the work of the enterprise (organization, firms) provide workers engaged in it. That is why the current enterprise management concept implies the allocation from a large number of functional areas of management activities that is related to the management of personnel component of the enterprise personnel.

With all the variety of existing approaches to this problem in various industrialized countries, the main most common personnel management trends are the following:

formalization of methods and procedures for selection of personnel;

development of scientific criteria for their assessment;

scientific approach to the analysis of managerial staff;

nomination of young and promising workers;

increasing the validity of personnel solutions and expanding their publicity;

system linkage of economic and government solutions with basic elements of personnel policy.

Of great importance for effective personnel policy is the analysis of the characteristics of the labor market. Internal production features of the enterprise, organizations or firms, such as the goals of the company's development, the trends of its management style, the specific nature of the tasks solved, the specifics of the working groups, etc. Also must be taken into account to ensure the effectiveness of personnel policies.

In personnel management, as a rule, use all factors that increase the efficiency of the use of employees, including having psychological nature and facing their values, interests and needs.

Personnel management, being a significant composite management system as such - is key to the success of any enterprise. It is estimated that on average, the leader spends on employee management - (personnel or personnel), which is up to 80% of its working time.

One of the main social needs of society in transition economy It is the improvement of management systems of all levels and activities. Among measures to improve management systems in Russia, it seems to me, in the first row, undoubtedly, it is necessary to increase the effectiveness of managing the most important resource - personnel of organizations and enterprises.

The object of graduation qualifying work (hereinafter WRC) is the extensive social activity of the management of social protection of the population of the Verkhneural Municipal District (hereinafter Uzzn).

The subject of this work is the personnel management system operating in this organization.

PCR goal - learning theoretical aspects The functioning of the personnel management system in the modern organization and the development of recommendations for improving the effectiveness of the current personnel management system in USSN.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks of WRR:

1. Consider the theoretical foundations of the personnel management system.

2. Analyze the features of this system in the management of social protection of the population of the Verkhneuralsky municipal district.

The methodological base of this WCR was the works of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists in the field of management, the economy and sociology of labor, personnel management such as Kibyanov A.Ya., Svaechana N.V., Pugachev V.P., Cheekov VP and MN. Dr.

Sources of information served scientific, methodological, educational literature, materials of periodicals and specialized Internet sites on management issues, documents for the management of social protection of the population of the Verkhneuralsky municipal district.

The structure of WRC consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of literature and applications.

Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the personnel management system in a modern organization

1.1. Personnel management in modern conditions: concepts, essence, goals, tasks, functions

Basic concepts

The definition of "personnel management" can be formulated as a process of systemic, systematicly organized, with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social management mechanisms, the impact on the personnel of the organization with a view to both ensuring the effective operation of the operational process and meeting the needs of personnel in their professional and personal development.

That is, "personnel management" is the process of influencing the organization or acting in it personnel service At its staff with the help of a set of special methods aimed at achieving certain goals.

Personnel management is based on the following source positions:

1. The need to close personnel planning with the organization's development strategy (firm);

2. Quantitative estimation of costs for work with personnel and their influence on economic indicators;

3. Determination of the desired package of compensation for efficient work in the labor market.

Human management as a management function is designed to combine, coordinate, link and integrate all other functions into a single integer. This is achieved by the implementation of the principles of working with personnel, their interaction. The principle is understood by the scientific principle (the basis, rule), which, when deciding, must be taken into account or observe (Table 1.1).

Suggests the most efficient and cost-effective organization of the personnel management system, reducing the share of the management system in total costs per unit of products, improving the efficiency of production. In the event that, after measures to improve the personnel management system, the costs of management increased, they should overlap the effect on production activities

Progressiveness Compliance of the personnel management system in advance foreign and domestic counterparts

Perspective in the formation of the personnel management system should consider the development prospects for the organization


When forming the personnel management system, it is necessary to take into account all the factors affecting the management system (communication with higher authorities, contractual relations, the state of the management facility, etc.), and cover all areas of working with personnel


Timely decision-making on analyzing and improving the personnel management system, warning or promptly eliminating deviations


Multivariate study of proposals for the formation of the personnel management system and the choice of the most rational option for specific production conditions.


The simpler the personnel management system, the better it works. Of course, this eliminates the simplification of the personnel management system to the detriment of production.


The development of measures for the formation of the personnel management system should be based on the achievements of science in the field of management and, taking into account the change in the laws of development social production In market conditions


In any vertical cuts of the personnel management system, hierarchical interaction should be provided between the control links (structural units or individual managers), the fundamental characteristic of which is the asymmetric transmission of the "Down" information (disaggregation, detail) and "up" (aggregation) on the control system


In any horizontal and vertical cuts of the personnel management system, rational autonomy should be provided. structural units or individual leaders


The interactions between the hierarchical links vertically, as well as between the relatively autonomous units of the horizontal personnel control system, should be generally agreed with the main objectives of the organization and synchronized in time

Sustainability To ensure the sustainable functioning of the personnel management system, it is necessary to provide special "local regulators", which, with deviation from a given goal of the organization, put a particular employee or division into a unprofitable position and encourage them to regulate the personnel management system


Personnel management, both vertically and horizontally, can be carried out on various channels: administrative and economic, economic, legal, etc.


The beginning of all work is to establish for a long period of direction, pace and proportions for the development of production related changes in the structure of personnel

Remuneration is based on the results of individual labor and the effectiveness of the organization (group)

Selection and placement

To ensure the effective functioning of organizations in it, a system of selection, recruitment and arrangement of frames should be developed. Development, training, movement and promotion of employees is carried out in accordance with the results of their labor, classification, ability, interests and needs of the organization

Effective employment

Related to business needs, individual labor productivity, abilities and qualifications. Individual problems are solved quickly, fairly and efficiently

Principles of organization of work with staff

The temporary disposal of individual workers should not interrupt the process of implementing any functions. For this, each employee of the personnel management system should be able to imitate the functions of a higher, lower employee and one - two employees of their level

The optimal ratio of managerial orientations dictates the need to advance the orientation of personnel management functions on the development of production compared to the functions aimed at ensuring the operation of production


Considered in two directions: as a concentration of efforts of employees of a separate unit or the entire personnel management system on solving the main tasks or as a concentration of homogeneous functions in one unit of the personnel management system, which eliminates duplication


The division of labor in the personnel management system (the work of the managers of specialists and employees is allocated). Separate divisions are formed specializing in the implementation of groups of homogeneous functions


Involves the simultaneous execution of individual management decisions, increases the efficiency of personnel management

Adaptability (flexibility)

Means the adaptability of the personnel management system to the changing goals of the management object and its working conditions

Continuity involves the general methodological basis for carrying out work on improving the personnel management system at different levels and different specialists, the standard design

Continuity Lack of breaks in the work of employees of the personnel management system or divisions, a decrease in the time "tracking" of documents, downtime technical means control, etc.

Rhythmic Performance of the same work in different intervals and regularity of repetition of personnel management functions

Technological Unity The personnel management system must have a conceptual unity, contain a single available terminology, the activities of all divisions and managers should be built on uniform "supporting structures" (stages, phases, functions) for various personnel management processes


The personnel management system should provide maximum amenities for creative processes of substantiation, developing, making and implementing solutions by man. For example, selective printing data, special design of documents with the allocation of essential information, etc.

Collectivity management

Professional managers work closely with each other and are associated by the Uzami cooperation and interdependence, accounting to the management staff

In more detail, the structure of personnel management includes the following activities:

resource planning is to develop a plan to meet human resource needs and necessary for this cost;

recruitment recruitment - the creation of a reserve of potential candidates for all positions;

selection - Evaluation of candidates for jobs and the selection of the best from the reserve created during the recruitment;

definition of wages and compensation - development of the structure of wages and benefits in order to attract, hiring and preserving personnel;

career guidance and adaptation - the introduction of hired workers in the organization and its division, the development of employees of an understanding of what the organization expects from them and what kind of work it receives a well-deserved assessment;

training - development of personnel training programs in order to effectively fulfill work and its promotion;

evaluation of work activity - development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to an employee;

raising, decrease, translation, dismissal - development of methods for moving employees as a larger or less responsibility, developing them professional experience by moving to other positions or plots of work, as well as procedures for the termination of a hire agreement;

training leadership personnel, promotion management-development programs aimed at developing abilities and improving the efficiency of labor personnel;

labor relations - the implementation of negotiations on the conclusion of collective agreements;

employment - Development of Equal Employment Opportunity Programs.

Providing employment guarantees for personnel makes any firm more profitable and competitive, especially if the stabilization strategy staff is used as a means to increase flexibility in personnel management, creating conditions for the close interaction of employees and maintain the most qualified staff.

Personnel management goals

There are certain differences between goals and functions.

The goal is a state to which the function is striving - this is an actual action.

The formation of the personnel management system involves, first of all, the construction of the "Tree Tree", and the objectives of the employees and the objectives of the administration, ensuring their smallest contradictions, the identification of the role and place of personnel management in providing the main goals of the enterprise (organization, firms).

The goals of the management of the staff of the enterprise (organization) are:

improving the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;

improving the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profits;

ensuring the high social efficiency of the functioning of the team.

Personnel management tasks

Successful completion of the goals required requires solving such tasks as:

ensuring the needs of the enterprise in the labor force in required volumes and the required qualifications;

achieving the reasonable relationship between the organizational and technical structure production potential and the structure of labor potential;

full and efficient use of the potential of the employee and the production team as a whole;

providing conditions for high-performance labor, high level its organization, motivation, self-discipline, developing an employee habits for interaction and cooperation;

consolidation of an employee at the enterprise, the formation of a stable team as a condition for payback to the funds spent on labor (attraction, personnel development);

ensuring the implementation of the desires, the needs and interests of employees regarding the maintenance of labor, working conditions, the type of employment, the possibilities of professional qualifications and official promotion, etc.;

coordination of production and social tasks (balancing of the interests of the enterprise and the interests of workers, economic and social efficiency);

improving the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals in reducing labor costs.

The effectiveness of personnel management, the most complete implementation of the goals of the goals largely depend on the selection of options for building the personnel management system itself, the knowledge of the mechanism of its functioning, the choice of optimal technologies and methods of working with people.

Personnel management is carried out in the process of performing certain targeted actions and suggests: identifying the goals and main directions of work with personnel; determination of funds, forms and methods for implementing goals; organization of work on the implementation of decisions made; coordination and control of the implementation of the outlined activities; Continuous improvement of the system of working with personnel.

When the overall organization strategy is conscious, it becomes possible to establish individual personnel management functions that will be combined with this strategy in the best possible way.

Personnel management functions are the main directions of this kind of activity, focused on satisfying certain needs of the enterprise.

In modern literature there are quite a lot of personnel management functions, including:

1. Personnel planning (including strategic planning), determining the need for quantity and quality of employees, as well as their time. Frame planning is usually considered as the source function of personnel management, since it is ahead of all of its functions by time;

2. Determination of recruiting methods, attract personnel. The implementation of this function implies answers to questions: where to find the necessary workers, how to attract them to this enterprise, how many people take from the outside, and how much inside? In the case of the creation of a new enterprise, this function is taken into account at the stage of determining the location of the enterprise, since it does not have the opportunity to find the required amount of labor in the desired qualification;

3. Marketing staff. It is aimed at ensuring the demand for jobs in this enterprise from the best practitioned people, primarily highly qualified specialists and managers;

4. Selection, assessment, selection and employment of employees. The importance of this function is determined by the growing cost of labor and an increase in the requirements for the employee;

5. Adaptation, training and advanced training of employees, their development. Today it has become essentially a continuous process accompanying a person throughout his labor life;

6. Career planning, providing professional employee growth. This feature allows you to fully and more efficiently use the potential of the employee;

7. Personnel motivation. Motivation is achieved primarily through ensuring the coincidence of organizational and personal goals;

8. Human management. It "as a function of managing the personnel is intended to combine, coordinate, interrelated and integrate all other functions into a single whole";

9. Management of personnel costs. This suggests the counting of how much attraction, training, design, assessment, personnel pay, social spending, etc., as well as the correlation of the costs of profit, which employee's work brings;

10. Organization of the workplace. This feature takes into account various factors affecting the economic and social efficiency of the employee: its qualifications and individual qualities, equipment and technology, staff only, the whole work situation;

11. Ensuring the optimal schedule of work. A clear execution of this function allows you to maintain the optimal labor rhythm of the organization, save significant funds, increase satisfaction with the stay at the enterprise;

12. Liberation of personnel. This feature includes not only the announcement of the dismissal of the employee and the design of the relevant documents, but also various forms of adapting the number of employees and their use to the needs of production;

13. Personnel workshop- collection, storage and accounting of personal data, experience, advanced training, etc. This, so to speak technical function necessary to effectively use personnel;

14. Management of information about employees. Modern organization is impossible without establishing systematic dissemination of information;

15. Assessment of the results of the activities and employment potential of the staff. This feature is manifested in assessing the results of work and certification of employees;

16. Monitoring personnel, provision of discipline and organizational order. This feature implies not only the impact on the part of executives, but also the development of self-control officers;

17. Conflict management. It involves the creation in the organization of climate, excluding the emergence of destructive conflicts, as well as constructive, relatively painless conflict resolution;

18. Legal regulation of labor relations. Personnel management is based on the use of labor legislation and organizational standards, usually recorded in the company's charter;

19. Establishing partnerships and cooperation with trade unions, the councils of labor collectives and other organizations affecting personnel;

20. Ensuring security, labor protection and employee health. This assumes both control over the situation in the workplace and the accounting of individual requests and wishes of workers related to the state of their health;

21. Social security of employees;

22. Planning and development of organizational culture, ensuring assimilation by employees of ethnic norms, goals and values \u200b\u200bof the enterprise, respect for its traditions, development between workers of relations between mutual respect, goodwill, cooperation and support, etc.;

23. Ensuring the reputation of the company, its positive perception by customers, public and institutions of power;

24. Consulting linear managers in personnel issues. This feature is performed by staff staff;

25. Participation in the development of the company's strategy and, in particular, in strategic planning personnel. Representatives of personnel management directly participate in the definition of the most important, promising goals and objectives of the company.

The listed functions do not exhaust all their list. They are partly superimposed on each other. However, their transfer gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe content of personnel management as a specific type of managerial activity and the subject of personnel management science.

In real life, all personnel management elements are in collaboration: its subjects with the help of various methods and tools are performed by employee management functions necessary for the organization, implementing the goals of economic and social efficiency. Personnel management as a relatively independent management area is developing and enriched in the development of society and business organizations.

1.2 Personnel Management System in Organization

The company must be manageable. Management can be effectively implemented only if there are employees and structural divisions in the enterprise.

The structure of the enterprise's management directly depends on its general organizational structure. Availability at enterprises functional units and divisions leads to a multi-level management system. Each level of management is a certain level of solutions and responsibilities for them, a certain level of authority, control and coordination actions. Control levels are ordered, correlated with each other, are in a hierarchical and cooperation relationship.

Usually allocate three levels of enterprise management (Fig. 1.3), which are presented in the form of a hierarchical control pyramid.

Lower link leaders (operating leaders) are persons managers managers directly carrying out production functions.

Middle executives are managers of large divisions, departments or enterprise services.

Supreme executives are responsible for making decisions regarding the enterprise as a whole or its main part.

The main provisions of the personnel management system

The personnel management system is the formation, use, stabilization and control (Fig. 1.4).

The formation (formation) of the organization's personnel is a special stage, in the course of which the foundation of its innovative potential and the prospects for further increasing is laid. This stage is an extremely important thing in the life cycle of a new enterprise. From the timely and complete solution of socio-economic and organizational tasks, its effective work depends largely. The rejection of the number of personnel from the scientifically substantiated need of an enterprise in it, both to the smaller and most side affects the level of labor potential. This means that both the deficit and surplus personnel are equally negatively affected by the employment potential.

Thus, the purpose of the formation of personnel is to minimize the reserve of unrealized capabilities, which is due to the incompression of potentially formed in the process of learning abilities to work and personal qualities with the possibilities of their use when performing specific species works, potential and actual employment in quantitative and qualitative terms.

The staff of the formation of personnel is designed to solve the following tasks:

Establishing the ratio of the number of employees with various professional-qualifications and socio-demographic characteristics to achieve maximum conformity between the structures of work, jobs and personnel;

Ensuring the optimal degree of loading of workers in order to fully use their employment and increase the efficiency of their labor;

Optimization of the structure of workers with various functional content of labor.

The basis for solving these tasks may be the basic principles of the use of personnel in the organization:

compliance of the number of employees of the work performed;

coordination of the employee with the degree of complexity of its labor functions;

the conditionality of the structure of the enterprise personnel with objective factors of production;

maximum efficiency of working time use;

creating conditions for continuous advanced training and expansion of the manufacturing profile of workers.

Personnel Management Functions

Considering the process of personnel management as a holistic system, you can select the main elements that implement the following functions:


planning sources of recruitment of frames;

public awareness of the recruitment and dialing time;

the amount of funds allocated for training and housing and domestic construction, and others;


a complex of conditions and factors determining the use and consolidation of personnel;


ensuring the creation of a training and material base and the development of personnel.

Conducting this work will already provide the project to identify the main elements of the structure of labor potential, interrelated with a feasibility level of production.

In turn, each of these systems is also comprehensive and includes a number of functional subsystems (Fig. 1.5).

Each of these subsystems can be represented as a group of individuals and one person, depending on the scale of the organization itself and the degree of personnel policy. The main purpose of the presented specialization is to clearly formulate the tasks and management functions in general and individual administrators in particular; In a clear understanding of the mechanism of impact on labor resources.

Under the management of personnel resources, usually understand the entire set of organizational measures aimed at the optimal formation of the team and the full use of its abilities in manufacturing process (Policy of the selection and hiring of workers, career development, motivation, promotion, dismissal from work, retirement, leadership in the team, culture, relationships and communications, development of the collective, creative situation, training personnel, conflict management). To achieve success in the company, the company must have stable personnel.

The personnel management system is a complex of goals, objectives and main activities, as well as different species, forms, methods and the corresponding management mechanism aimed at ensuring the continued increase in the efficiency of production, labor productivity and work quality. It consists of several subsystems performing the appropriate functions: subsystem of selection and personnel arrangement; professional professional education, professional skills; subsystem of labor quality and methods of its assessment; Labor motivation subsystem.

All of them are associated with a single goal of the enterprise - an increase in labor productivity based on the maximum possible implementation of potential abilities of employees. All subsystems are aimed at ensuring that these abilities are completely revealed.

The purpose of the study is to analyze different methods and methods of personnel management, as well as explained which or characterically apply the methods of improving management efficiency in one or another position of the enterprise.

In accordance with the purpose of the following objectives of research:

  • Analysis of the theoretical foundations of management methods;
  • Analysis of the characteristic features of management techniques;
  • Development of recommendations for choosing management strategies in different types and positions of companies.

Structural consists of the following sections: administration, a list of methods of known researchers in the field of management and managers, conclusion, the list of used sources.

The relevance of research.

To date, we have a period of enormous changes in the economy, innovations in management, forms and methods of organizing enterprises. But the right office is the key to the success of the organization of labor and the best way Increase the level of efficiency, because it helps to achieve the main objective of the enterprise's profit.

One of the most famous dictators said: "The decisive component is shots." Indeed, it is worth noting that human labor plays an important role in the structure of the organization. It is human capital (work) and the potential are the main advantage of the organization for which the struggle among the companies is.

The managerial specialist is obliged to be interested. scientific papers and analyze them in order to know as needed and is necessary to manage frames so that it is effective, since the management process is complex, and the modern manager before accepting a management solution faces a huge amount of alternatives and it does not always manage to make the right decision . And in order to understand what organization of the organization to choose, you need to analyze a large number of management methods.

Control styles

So, I allocated 19 types of management.

A managers who prefer the authoritarian type of manual, independently assumes responsibility for the result of its own solution. It is biased to evaluate the result obtained. The creative abilities of subordinates and their initiative are getting out of interest.

The main advantages of this method are:

1) the indicator of the highest performance of activities is to control.

2) the absence of any kind of conflicts.

3) order and working discipline

4) Fast organization of work

This type of management is considered one of the best if the organization's organization is insufficient.

But on the other hand, it is worth noting that this type is inherent in the progressive climate in the team, from the point of view of psychology: people are not satisfied with the work, the situation among employees - is the cause of stress affecting health. This type of control can be justified only in critical, extreme positions.

2. Liberal control type.

The characteristic of this type is usually inherent: minimum control and maximum democracy. The opinion of the head is not put in priority, the employees have the right to solve the tasks independently, in the future getting less effective performance. The bad atmosphere in the team leads to conflicts.

This type of head is inherent in the characteristic as an uninteited or misinterpretation.

Pros of this control method:

1) All employees participate in the decision, that is, the whole team.

2) Calm, unprotected atmosphere.

3. Democratic management type.

The theory says that if favorable conditions and employees are provided with work, management, the majority of employees themselves will initiate and impose obligations. The manager, prone to a democratic type of management, considers it necessary to make decisions after analyzing this problem, listening to other opinions, views, points of view. The problem of tasks is taken under control of the head and subordinates, which helps to achieve high results, cohesion, initiative to employees. It is worth noting that the execution of this type of control is possible then and only when there is a high level of intellectuality, talent in the field of organization, psychological abilities at the managers.

4. Type targeting targets and people.

There are 2 criteria for this method of management:

1) The orientation is made on the relationship among employees.

2) There is a target orientation.

The manager who makes the target orientation puts into priority care of achieving the management goals and the development of remuneration methods for well-done work. Invested all its efforts and is not worried about the relationship among employees. That is why the type of such leadership is similar to authoritarian.

One of the most important managerial goals in the orientation to the subordinate is care of the state of employees. Raise the level of effectiveness is interconnected with satisfaction of subordinates (all are created the necessary conditions In order to communicate). This type of control is similar to democratic.

5. Type of control to the degree of aimed at goal and employees.

There are two types of managerial aims: per person or target. In turn, 4 management methods are allocated here (it all depends on the explication of a certain feature):

1) based on participation

2) Consultative-Democratic

6. The type of management-oriented management, which stands above by position, to lower employees.

Severe seven types of management aimed at the managerial, which stands above by position, or on subordinates:

1) solutions that employees perform are accepted by the managers;

2) The managerial explains its own solutions so that the lower employees perform;

3) The manager accepts its own conclusions, but must take into account the opinions of subordinates;

4) The manager makes an offer to the prior conclusion of any question in order to change the decision after discussing it with employees;

5) The manager fully explains the problematic question, during which headers the advice from employees, and then makes its own choice of solving the problem;

6) The manager establishes a certain framework with which subordinates can independently make conclusions;

7) Substrast employees and the managers take the final decision of the issue together.

Researchers allocate five methods of this management, from consultative and authoritarian to the complete adoption of personnel participation in the management process.

1) The managers independently fulfills the task based on the data that he has;

2) The manager independently fulfills the task based on data from the subordinating employees;

3) The manager independently solves the problem after he was listening to ideas from subordinate employees;

4) The managers independently makes decisions on any questions after discussing it with subordinates, discussing all ideas;

5) the verdict for any questions is made by the team where the managerial players the role of heading;

Management's performance depends on many factors, a universal type of management in a priori no.

The control type selection model was developed by the authors of the theory, the types in it are interconnected with the assessment of the conditions:

The level of complexity of the problem;

Availability of experience in performing similar tasks;

The absence or presence of a preferred solution;

Conflict opportunity

8. This type of management considers the dependence on the degree of accounting for the interest of employees and production.

The authors of this type of management have developed the concepts of leadership and put forward the type of management, whose dependence is taken into account from the interests of employees and production. Before you evaluate this type of management, you need to take into account the two most important criteria: interest in employees and interest in production. They allocate 4 management methods.

1. The management team is usually considered as the most efficient management method, and it is recommended for use, as it allows employees to work together.

2. The management of the authorities occurs when the managerial is aimed at the effectiveness of tasks.

3. Centristian government can be seen when the managers make the same emphasis to undergoing employees and production.

4. Weak management means that there is no philosophy of the leader.

9. Type of management "Path-goal".

This type defines 4 management methods.

1. Support type (landmark is done per person). The manager manifests interest to the needs of employees and does everything to exist all the conditions for well-being, it tries to be friendly and open, creates a very convenient atmosphere for work, relationship with employees as with equal.

2. The instrumental management method (landmark is placed on the purpose). The manager clarifies the subordinate that they are obliged to perform.

3. Management type that encourages solutions to employees. The managers exchanged data with subordinates (information that he has) is discussing any questions, after which, the joint efforts make a conclusion.

4. Type of control, the reference point is made on solving problems. The manager sets for employees clear, clear, but high planks (an example is: the task to improve product quality)

10. Life cycle theory.

According to the theory of life cycle, in this type of management there is some dependence on the "maturity" of the performing: their desires to achieve the tasks, education and experience, the desire to take responsibility for all their actions. Depending on these variables, four management methods are allocated.

1. "Give orders." It implies a combination of target aims and human relationships. This type of management is appropriate if employees do not want or not the opportunity to take responsibility for certain questions, goals, and if there is a need for instructions and supervision. The type of attraction to the task does not find this type of subordinate support, as this does not coincide with their needs.

2. "Sell". This type of management implies the same managerial orientation of both the task and the relationship of employees. Subordinates wish to perform work efficiently, but they do not have the opportunity due to the shortage of abilities. This type of management involves support for employees enthusiasm and necessary training.

3. "Participate." It applies only when employees have the opportunity, but do not want to be responsible for solving the problem. In such a situation, their motivation is advisable due to the involvement of problems. This type is focused on human relationships.

4. "Delegation". Provides performing the highest possible freedom of action, takes place for use in mature teams. At the same time, the managerial can be focused on a task for human relationships or to provide problems to employees.

11. Type of management that determines the dominance of typical components.

The so-called "extreme" styles:

1) Connorative

2) Group


Dominance 2 variables (transition types):

1) collegial-directive

2) connorative-directive

3) collective-connoisse

The identity of the components has a mixed style.

To classify the secondary, each type is divided into subsequent subtypes:

Effective, manifested, unaffected.

For mixed and subsequent styles, a huge range of management techniques is characterized, these types are more variable. The manifestations of the type also depends on the managerial degree of professionalism: the lowest style is characterized by the mixed style, and for the average, the directive, on average and the highest is characteristic of the extreme.

12. Types of management that reflect personal qualities of the managerial and how it refers to employees.

Types of management - integrative characteristics of the managerial work, which reflects his personal qualities with employees. In the database, you can classify several factors:

Egocentric / Social Orientation




Stress tolerance

Managers use mixed elements of methods depending on personal qualities, such as a question, goals, employee features.

The formation of the type of control is under the influence of the work style. The method does not depend on the hierarchical level of management and from knowledge: perfectly have the ability to manage managers, preferring liberal, authoritarian management type. With an authoritarian method of management and negatively, with a liberal method, the effectiveness is interconnected with the low-level leaders.

13. Management method as a highlight of the employee managers interaction.

The researcher creates the concept of the leadership method as usual manifests the behavior of the management of the managers with subordinates, and which are formed both in the objective and under the subjective conditions of management, personal special features of the managerial.

In the presence of structural analysis Activities allocated management situations with employees:

Selection of goals

Adoption of conclusions

Group management

Select ways of motivation

Realization of control

Motivation inertia, activity

Establishing good employee relationships

Installation of feedback with employees

Full power over information flows

Interaction with social enterprises

In this management method, 2 components are highlighted: focus on production and on relationships in the team.

14. Variables of management types - managerial managerial features and its personal qualities.

Allocate the so-called "stages of managerial work" as the type of management (the implementation of manual functions) and his personal qualities. The following blocks of variables were allocated:

Public and psychological managerial functions

Features of the cognitive sphere

Village qualities

Performance in different activities

The developed type self-assessment technique makes it possible to determine the level of performance of managers and predict certain forecasts.

15. The type of management, determined by the hierarchical individual characteristics of the subordinate.

The database of the psychological content of the type of control is determined by the hierarchical features of the individual.

Significant with personal, special qualities of the managerial and public psychological peculiarity Team. Personal qualities of the management type is characterized by a combination of 3 traits, which are divided into "communicative", "cognitive", "regulatory" side of the head of the managerial work.

16. Reaction style and communication style.

Distinguish two types of controls.

1. Type of communication:

Cooperating (desire to perform a higher level of task together with employee subordinate)

"Uncontracting" style of communication (the managerial is trying to create minimal contact with the employee).

Subordinate (here is the superiority over the employee)

Democratic - constructive (desire to associate the benefit of work and subordinates)

Passive reaction style (the managerial does not show inertia from the point of view of the interests of work, nor in terms of employee interests)

17. Reflective and Command Management.

1. Reflective management is associated with the transfer of motivation, and not instructions on the basis of which employees themselves make a choice of action methods. Managers who make a landmark on the question believe that employees are obliged to strive to solve the indications obtained in the best possible, and the most productive is the method of motivating the creative initiative subordinates. Such managers can change the decision.

2. Command Guide, making orientance for execution, aimed at managerial work, which are predominantly character, which is performed with limited features Employee activity. Managers that make a landmark require a clear execution of the instructions obtained and usually it is more convenient to use the command impact method that guides the execution in a clearly specified framework, rejecting the advice of employees.

18. Management of managers to ethical standards and law.

Three types of control are distinguished, everything depends on the management relationship to ethical standards and the law.

1. Immoral control.

The manager rejects ethics and norms by law, justifies its own actions in the interests of the enterprise in order to achieve, uses every opportunity.

2. Amoral control.

The managers does not register its work in terms of moral content.

3. Moral control.

The managers in his work makes a guide to the laws, rules that are complemented by ethics.

19. Adaptive management type.

Performance operates managers who have the opportunity to behave diverse depending on the requirements. The use of adaptive type of control is suitable in fast-growing schemes.

Practical part of the study.

As an example of my work, we will take the statistics of European private enterprises.

This statistic shows which average personnel management (management type), choose the leaders of these enterprises in order to increase the efficiency of personnel management.

Table 1 - Statistics used management types in EU countries.

From this data, we can see that in European countries all management methods are used from the above 19 types. The most used type of management number 6. (management type-oriented management, which is standing above by position, to lower employees). In second place Types No. 3 and No. 9 (Democratic Management Type.) (Type of Management "Path-Goal".). In third place Types number 7 and No. 18 (the method of management from advisory-authoritarian adoption of staff participation in the management process.), (Management of managers to ethical standards and law.)

Conclusion, the conclusion of the proceed

After the study done, we know that the subordinate management system is a set of tasks, activities, methods aimed at ensuring a continued increase in the level of efficiency of labor productivity and the quality of work performed.

After my analysis of 19 types of management techniques, you can draw conclusions, thanks to which we have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich management methods must be applied in various enterprise conditions (both from the point of view of the psychological climate in the team and the economic situation of the company).

At this stage of the development of management and the economy, it is believed that the effectiveness of economic techniques is approximately twice as much as psychological, but the latter is given more preference, since personnel are individuals who have their views, needs, values \u200b\u200band personal characteristicsthat must be taken into account in order to achieve a better indicator.

Improving the efficiency of personnel management has entered the fore in the beginning of the 21st century.Previously, the person's personality in the process of production was not attached to such a value, because the leaders did not seek to increase the efficiency of the work of a separate person, about the motivation of employees, the leadership also did not think. With the domination of the planned economy, the differences between the qualifications of employees were not given. On the contrary, at the factories, factories sought to take low-qualified employees in order to save on payout costs.

Personality in the system of market relations

With the transition to a market economy, the state thought about a person as a major unit, which participates in the organization of work. The fact that the staff management at the enterprise contributes to the consolidation of the general efforts of all employees, which is a positive effect on the work of the enterprise as a whole. After all, the development of personnel contributes to the development of the entire organizational structure of the enterprise. Only in this case it is possible to move to the formation of a market economy. Today, management seeks to take into the staff of universal employees with high qualifications, which themselves will be controlled by production. Also, the staff is accepted by managers specializing in personnel management who know how to increase production efficiency, achieve maximum performance and affect employee motivation.

Ways to improve the efficiency of the company: Economic and social

Conditionally, ways to increase the efficiency of personnel management at the enterprise can be divided into economic and social. The first are associated with the material stimulation of employees of the organization. It may be financing, providing economic independence to the organization's team. The latter suggests that the employment team of the organization and the company should independently dispose of the profit, that is, its salary. In this case, the direct interest of each employee is traced in increasing production revenues.

Another group accounts for social methods of improving staff efficiency. They consist in social impact on employees. To do this, you need to know the psychological basis of management, as well as a separate personality. Support on the personal features of each individual member of the team entails work to meet its needs. If the employee is satisfied, he will qualitatively perform his work, respectively, the positive effect will affect all the enterprise. Thus, mutual benefit is obvious.

In addition to improving the efficiency of management and mutual benefit, an initiative is needed emanating from the company's management. It has been proven that the employee works better and more efficiently, if he understands that his leadership appreciates. For employee, stability is important, interest. Particularly effective is the promise of career growth and wages. However, it is worth understanding that these promises need to be restrained, otherwise the team will be disappointed in its leadership.

An element of cooperation between the staff and management of the company is important. Employees need to be explained that the team and its leadership at different levels seek to the same - to increase the efficiency of production and improving their own material condition. Accordingly, they must act together, together. Otherwise, not achieving a positive effect. It is desirable that the employees "have come" to such a decision independently, as they say, "Doserie". This directly stimulates personnel to develop creative abilities, encourages improving performance.

Such methods for increasing the efficiency of personnel management contribute not only to personal interest, but also raising the level of responsibility. Accordingly, employees of the organization will be more interested in the qualitative performance of their work.

This approach to personnel management was called humanistic, it is opposed to technocratic. During operation, the humanistic approach has justified itself to fully. If the technocratic approach sets its purpose to support technical resources, then the humanistic has a social orientation. In Russia, such an approach to improving the efficiency of personnel management came from the United States and Europe. It turned out to be effective for the economy of the transition period. Foreign economists were the first to make recommendations to improve the efficiency of personnel management.

In enhancing the effectiveness of personnel, an important role is played by the assessment of the achievements of each individual employee or group of employees.

In this case, it becomes clear to whom it should be guided by the leadership, to whom it is worth investing their forces, who to stimulate to improve the quality of production. The most effective methods for determining the importance of each employee are certification and testing. The passage of certification is also positively affected by raising the qualifications of employees.

Ultimately, the ways to increase efficiency for each organization are selected individually.

Managing any organization as a social facility of a different scale and profile of activities is conditionally divided into two types: management of the organization's activities, taking into account its interaction with the external environment and human management (personnel) working in the organization.

Obviously, as the first type of management of the organization is deactivated at the stage of stabilization of the economy, the problem of managing people will become more and more pressing. The reason is that, ultimately, the competitiveness of products, its low cost and high quality with all the production of production solves high-performance, high-quality work workers of all categories. It was not possible to organize such labor until recently. Obviously, within the framework of strategic management, it is necessary to radically solve this problem in the near future. But for this, it is necessary to find exactly the tool that will allow you to connect to a single in-extermining target node and results in order to implement a powerful targeted motivation of the active labor of personnel - both managers and ordinary employees.

Such a tool is an assessment of labor activity, which, according to Western scientists and practitioners, is "not any additional measure, but the main link in personnel management." Unfortunately, all the assessment systems developed and applied in the Soviet times (starting from the Saratov system of non-defective labor, the Lviv system and ending with the CTT, KTV, etc.) did not receive significant distribution and did not give the intended effect not only because of a suburban economy management system, but And your own imperfection.

So, the cornerstone of the formation of the organization's management mechanism through the management of the organization's personnel is to develop an assessment of the labor of all without exception of categories of workers. It is this assessment at this stage that special attention will be paid to, including in the part of the links of the organization's goals and the level of their achievement by each group (division, link) and a separate employee, using non-standard approaches to the formation of its parameters, including specific experience, developed countries.

2.3 integrity of the personnel management system

Organizations exist to achieve goals facing them. The extent to the implementation of these goals shows how effectively the organization is operating, that is, how efficiently it uses resources at its disposal. And the efficiency of the organization as a whole develops from the efficiency of using each of the organizational resources, including each employee.

Naturally, employees of the Organization Nonodynakovo fulfill their production responsibilities - in any organization there are leaders, outsiders and middle peasants. However, in order to carry out this differentiation, it is necessary to have a unified system of regular assessment of the performance of each employee of its official functions. Such a system increases the efficiency of personnel management of the organization through:

Positive impact on the motivation of employees. Feedback has a beneficial effect on the motivation of employees, allows them to adjust their behavior in the workplace and achieve an increase in productivity;

Professional learning planning. The assessment of personnel makes it possible to determine the shortcomings in the qualifying level of each employee and provide measures to correct them;

Planning professional development and career. Evaluation of employees reveals their weak and strong professional qualities, which allows to prepare individual development plans and effectively plan a career;

Decisions on remuneration, promotion, dismissal. A regular and systematic assessment of employees provides the leadership of the organization the opportunity to make informed decisions on the increase in wages (the remuneration of the best employees has a motivating effect on their colleagues), an increase in position or dismissal. In the latter case, the presence of a documented information about the systematic unsatisfactory fulfillment by a dismissed employee of its official duties greatly facilitates the situation of the organization in the case of a trial.

The above-mentioned advantages obtained by the organization using the personnel assessment system are fully implemented in the objectivity of the assessment, the openness of its criteria, complying with the strict confidentiality of the results, the active participation of the employee. Compliance with these principles is achieved due to:

Universality of the evaluation system. The personnel department is developing a unified evaluation system for the whole organization and provides a uniform understanding and application of this system in all divisions;

Establish standards and evaluation standards. For this organization it is necessary to determine what determines the success when working in this position, i.e. Select critical factors. For this, a method of analyzing jobs is used, consisting in a thorough study of the functions carried out by a certain position and is allocated from their number of the most important in terms of achieving objectives facing it;

Selection of assessment methods. In order to effectively assess the work of the employee, it is necessary to have easy to use, reliable and exactly characterizing critical assessment factors. As estimates, both quantitative indicators (time, performance, costs, etc.) and high-quality characteristics given by the human assessment - "good", "bad", "above average", etc. Naturally, quantitative estimates are preferable to both in terms of their accuracy and objectivity regarding the estimated employee. However, in real life, it is not always possible to use quantitative assessments for many posts, so organizations are often forced to use subjective assessments.

Create an assessment system equally balanced from the point of view of accuracy, objectivity, simplicity and clearer is very difficult, so today there are several personnel assessment systems, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages, but the most common is, of course, the system of periodic personnel certification.

Certification is the process of assessing the effectiveness of the execution by an employee of its official duties, carried out directly by the head. Certification includes several stages and is essentially a continuous process.

In the center of the attestation process, a certification interview is a meeting of the head with a certified employee, during which the results of the employee's work takes place for the past period, the assessment of this work, both the manager and the employee himself, is approved by the employee's work plan for the prospect. Attestation interview plays a very important role in the certification process, so it requires careful training, both from the employee and from the head. Many companies specifically teach their employees to how to conduct a certification interview. As studies show, the success of the interview depends on 80% of the leader who holds it and 20% of the certified employee.

The main elements of the head preparing are: weighted and based on objective facts assessment of the execution by an employee of its functions, carried out with regard to job description and an employee's individual plan for an expired period, a thought out of an employee's development plan for the next period, a detailed interview plan.

Preparation for the interview of the certified employee is to assess its own work for the past period (using the assessment methods provided for by attestation procedure), drawing up an work plan for the next period, as well as a list of issues that he would like to ask his leader.

The most old and most common method of certification is the method of standard estimates. The head fills in a special form, assessing the individual aspects of the employee's work during the certification period according to the standard scale.

This method is characterized by simplicity, small costs and accessibility. To certify the employee using the standard estimates, the head does not require special training, no significant time or other resources. The use of this method also provides uniformity of certification of all employees.

However, the method of standard estimates suffers from a number of serious shortcomings. First, the certification holds one person - the head, which involves a high degree of subjective and unilateral assessment. Secondly, the standard scale does not take into account the peculiarities of the professional activity of each individual employee, which may affect the quality of the assessment.

To overcome these disadvantages, some organizations have improved the standard estimates as follows: the form of assessment (somewhat expanded and in-depth) is filled with the leader himself, but a specialist in managing human resources, which is pre-conducting a detailed interview with the leader, discussing the work of the certified employee over the past period. When using this method of certification, the degree of objectivity of the assessment is increasing through the use of a professional consultant in this field. Also enhances the uniformity of estimates within the organization, since the filling of the form is carried out by the same person.

At the same time and this method It is possible to completely overcome the subjectivism of the estimates. At the same time, this method is more expensive.

Another fairly common variety of methods for assessing certified employees are comparative methods. When using them, the head compares one employee of its unit with others. When ranking, the head "builds" his employees in a comparative chain - from the best to the worst. According to the results of work for the attestation period. Comparative methods are a very simple way to certify employees. They are easy to apply and easy to understand. However, these methods are too unilateral and are approximate for the assessment made with their help applied to personnel development purposes, etc.

Certification methods discussed above are traditional for most modern organizations. They are quite effective in large hierarchical organizations operating in a fairly stable external environment, although not defined deficiencies are not deprived. The dissatisfaction of many organizations traditional methods of certification prompted them to start active search for new approaches to staff assessment. There are several directions in the development of unconventional methods. First, new methods of certification consider the working group (division, brigade, temporary team) as the main unit of the organization, focus on the evaluation of the employee with its colleagues and the ability to work in the group. Secondly, the assessment of a separate employee and the working group is made taking into account the results of the whole organization. Thirdly, not only the successful implementation of today's functions is taken into account, as the ability to professional development and the development of new professions and skills.

Non-traditional methods of certification began to spread quite recently - 15-20 years ago, so they are still often called experimental to their number belong to the "360O Certification" method, psychological methods of certification.

The final choice of personnel assessment methods for each particular organization is a unique task, which can only be solved by the organization of the organization itself (possibly with the help of professional consultants).

Leading companies do not associate their long-term progress with one program, strategy, tactics, mechanism. The behavioral norm, symbol or speech of the head. Their success is determined by the agreed work of all components.

External conditions whose compliance is necessary to effectively function the personnel management system.

Knowledge and use of these (and other) methods is a necessary, but insufficient condition for successful management of human resources. Methods are means, a kind of bricks, of which each organization should build its building of the personnel management system. In order for this building to be comfortable and durable it is necessary to comply with a number of conditions:

* Orientation on the purpose of the organization;

* compliance with the state of the external environment;

* Compatibility with organizational culture:

* internal integrity;

* participation of the management of the organization;

* Availability of motivated and qualified specialists.

On all the above conditions of effective personnel management, the previous chapters were stated in previous chapters, but in the final chapter it seems appropriate once again to specifically consider them.

The effectiveness of the functioning of any organization management system * is determined by its contribution to the achievement of organizational goals. This is the more fairly in relation to human resources management, permeating all areas of the organization and affecting the effectiveness of other management systems - if the sales system is not perfectly perfectly, this is a reflection of ineffective personnel management, since there are no those people in the sales department, they are not motivated enough. Professionally prepared, etc.

So, the personnel management is effectively as far as successfully employees of the organization use their potential to implement objectives facing it; those. How much these goals are achieved. The approval of this situation as an unshakable postulate (one of the basic values \u200b\u200bof the organization, if you please) is the most important condition for the creation effective system Personnel management. Unfortunately, for many organizations, the opposite tendency is characterized - to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel management, with the help of specially created indicators: employee satisfaction, personnel flow, spent hours spent on vocational training. These potentially important indicators taken from the objectives of the Organization of the Organization of the Organization. The development of this trend contributes (at the same time being its consequence) and the widespread idea that human resource management specialists are far from the main activity and practically do not have any influence on it.

However, alternatives to linking personnel management systems with the objectives of the Organization, or rather an alternative is the inefficient use of human resources, the inability to achieve organizational goals, crisis and dying of the organization. In order to ensure the required conformity of the organization can use the following techniques and methods:

Periodic audits of existing personnel management systems from the point of view of their compliance with the objectives of the organization (providing the required organization of production behavior). Such revisions must be carried out in the case of a change in the company's development strategy;

Attract human resource management staff to develop and revise the strategic short-term plans of the organization. Inform the department of human resources in detail about the purposes of organization and progress in their implementation;

· Ensure the permanent participation of the Organization's top management in the development and revision of personnel management systems:

· Evaluate (including material remuneration) The work of the human resources department based on the results of the organization's work (degree of achieving organizational goals).

The external environment in which the organization operates is in constant movement - appliances and technology, customers, competitors change. People themselves change - real and potential employees of the organization. Personnel management systems that combined with the external world five years ago may be in a state of acute conflict with it today. The organization must constantly monitor the degree of this inconsistency and make adjustments to its systems in order to prevent the crisis. Significant technological innovations (such as modem communications, Internet, mobile phones), social and political changes (the elimination of communism in Eastern Europe, carrying out democratic elections, new labor legislation can serve as precursors of the coming change. Indicators of the need for change (i.e., the actual non-compliance of the personnel management systems of the state of the external environment) is an increase in yield and absenteeism, a decrease in performance, the emergence of conflicts of employees with the administration, and the organization with government agencies.

In the case of the reorganization of personnel management systems that do not correspond to the state of the external environment, the organization's leadership may face another conflict generated by the rejection of new methods of the organizational culture of the company. Such a conflict may be no less painful and destructive in its consequences. Therefore, the conformity of personnel management systems of organizational culture is also a prerequisite for the effective functioning of the latter. In practice, organizations can reduce the risk of conflict between management methods and organizational culture due to:

* accounting for organizational culture at the stage of creating personnel management methods and the use of elements of the existing organizational culture as a basis for introducing new methods;

* clarification of the need and inevitability of change to all employees of the organization (creating a sense of a crisis situation - "It's impossible to live further");

* Explanations of the benefits and advantages that new methods will bring each employee and the organization as a whole;

* trial introduction of new methods in one of the divisions of the organization in order to work out and evaluate the impact on employees of the organization;

* a targeted campaign to change the culture of an organization, including performances of managers, publishing in intra-corporation publications, mass events, etc. Therefore, when creating personnel management systems, management should take into account such a factor as the presence of a specific culture of the organization. To "take into account" the presence of organizational culture in practice means building the personnel management systems in such a way that they use (strengthened) positive (from the point of view of the chains of the organization) of this culture and, on the contrary, neutralized features that prevent the implementation of organizational purposes.

The task of managing human resources is the formation of the production behavior of its employees, which ensures the achievement of organizational purposes. As we have seen the desired production behavior is determined by two main factors - the desire (motivation) and the ability of the employee to perform the required functions. The mechanism of human motivation is very complex, so the employee's desire to fulfill the necessary production functions affect all personnel management methods. The same is true of the ability of an employee defined, primarily at the stage of selection and developed by the organization in the process of vocational training, depending on feedback and remuneration of the employee received from the organization. Therefore, the integrity of the personnel management system is the most important condition for effective management of employees of any organization. If the system of selection and development of organizations of the Organization oriented to achieve strategic goals, in-depth knowledge of the business, a wide range, the ability to absorb and use new knowledge., And feedback and remuneration systems note special professional skills, accuracy in the implementation of individual plans, the organization's employees receive contradictory " Signals "What behavior is assessed by the organization, which adversely affects their performance.

The organization can achieve the integrity of the personnel management system due to:

* clear definition of own objectives of the organization and their communications to all its employees;

* detailed modeling of the "ideal" production behavior for all positions (employees) of the organization;

* coordination in the work of human resources service units;

* Permanent interaction of human resources specialists with linear managers directly by managing staff.

Efficient staffing is impossible without the active and permanent participation of top management of the Organization in determining the tasks of personnel management arising from the objectives of the organization, modeling the production behavior, creating and implementing personnel management systems, assess their effectiveness. Since people are the most important organizational resource The head of the organization must pay the bulk of its time to managing people. Unfortunately, this is happening not in all modern organizations, especially on the lower floors of the hierarchy - at the level of shops, brigades, groups. This noticeably reduces the effectiveness of personnel management in the organization as a whole, as executives are the most important tool for implementing personnel management methods, and insufficient attention on their part to these issues is transformed into poor quality management quality.

The organization can achieve a higher degree of participation of managers in personnel management at the expense:

* Effective communication, which includes clarification of the need and the benefits of the participation of linear managers in managing personnel on the last language, costs, profits, performance, etc. Unfortunately, quite often personnel specialists are not well understood in the specifics of the organization and cannot be explained by the language familiar to the leaders;

* Attracting managers to participate in "attractive" for them forms of working with personnel - conducting interviews with candidates, training activities, management of individual projects. This will allow them to acquire the experience of direct participation in the development and application of personnel management methods and will provide the opportunity to make a more objective understanding of personnel management at all; Special training personnel management, which makes it possible to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthis organization's management function, which is appropriate for today, and develop practical skills to work with personnel.

In an ideal organization, there is no place for the department of human resources - personnel management is fully carried out by the heads of units. However, in real life today, almost every organization needs an internal mini-organization that is exclusively engaged in this issue. To the Human Resource Management Service, as a mini-organization, you can apply all those management methods that were described in this book. We will briefly focus on three aspects, in many respects determining the efficiency of the department of human resources of the modern organization: organizations, personnel, evaluation system.

As experience shows, modern organizations practically cannot do without a special division engaged in developing, implementing, control (assessment), adjusting personnel management systems. The name and forms of this unit can be different, the main one in terms of the effectiveness of personnel management of this mini-organization should be the ability to constantly improve, change and update in accordance with the change in the needs (objectives) of the organization. Moreover, the personnel management must be changed in anticipation of changes in the objectives of the organization, in the definition of which its representatives should play the most active role.

The rod of any organization is the people working in it that must be managed as well as employees of other functions. It is the staff of the human resources service (and not the structure of the department) ensures the functioning and updating of the organization's personnel management systems. Among the many qualities that personnel management specialists should have, in modern conditions, the following four play a key role.

1. Knowledge of business (organization of organization activities). Employees of the human resources department must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe needs of the organization's clients, the driving forces of the industry, to understand the specifics of industrial activities, its financial aspects, to see the strategic development prospects. These knowledge will allow them to deeply understand the targets facing the organization (and participate in their definition), simulate production behavior, develop personnel management systems and evaluate their effectiveness.

2. Professional knowledge and skills in the field of personnel management. This book, which, primarily, is devoted to this book and which makes employees of the department of human resources to those who are - experts in the field of personnel management. The main elements of professional knowledge in the field of human resources correspond to the components of the personnel management system - selection, vocational training and development, assessment, compensation to employees, as well as include knowledge and skills in the field of creating and managing processes and procedures, communication, communications, administration.

3. Leadership. And management of change. Human resources service plays a key role in managing the modern organization, so its employees must have critical qualities for this process - to determine the direction of development of the organization, formulate goals, develop methods to achieve these goals and implement them into the organization, effectively overcome resistance to change. For this, personnel management specialists need professional skills in planning, developing and analyzing alternative strategies, decision-making, efficient communication, creating working groups, motivating employees, conflict resolution.

4. Ability. To learning and development. In the modern world, not only computers and cars are obsolete, but also knowledge in the field of personnel management. Therefore, the ability to continuously update professional knowledge and skills is critical quality for human resource specialists - only people who have mastered this art can manage the process of continuously updating professional knowledge of personnel knowledge of the entire organization.

Each organization even uniting the most qualified and motivated workers needs a evaluation system. Such a measurement system is needed and the department of human resources. How repeatedly said the work of this unit should be assessed to the degree of achievement of the organization's goals. However, this indicator needs an addition - assessing the costs of achieving these goals. The real efficiency of the personnel management system can only be determined from the comparison of the degree of implementation of the goals with the means spent on it. The integral indicator (efficiency at the level of the organization) is transformed into many others at lower levels showing the efficiency of personnel management or individual systems or personnel management subsystems - selection, training, etc.

Personnel management as a tool for improving the effectiveness of activities on the example of ZAO Kraft Foods Rus.

Consider the personnel management system on the example of a large russian enterprise (ZAO Kraft Foods Rus).

The company has a department for human resource management (personnel department). Here is the main activity of the department

1. Evaluation of the need for staff

2. Development of job descriptions

3. Search and recruit staff

4. Training and certification of employees in order to replace vacancies due to their own personnel resource.

The competence of the department includes the development of employee motivation systems and the development of wages of employees of all levels, the creation of systems of additional benefits and social guarantees in addition to the obligatory under the chat (voluntary medical insurance of employees and their families, insurance against accidents at work, high rates on travel expenses and T .d.). This makes an attractive company for employees, reduces personnel fluidity and greatly facilitates the search for personnel on vacant positions.

The system systemically conducts training and certification of employees. There is a scale of wage growth, or the grades scale. In accordance with the interval in which the value of the certification indicator was, wage indexing is carried out. Therefore, the employee's salary can grow not only simultaneously with career growth, but also depending on the level of its competence and the duration of work in the company. The employee is interested in not changing the place of work and develop their knowledge and skills to improve the quality of their work in this firm, which directly affects the efficiency of the enterprise.


Personnel management, given the considered categories, which characterize it can be determined as an organization to ensure the organization with the necessary number of employees of the required qualifications and quality in general, their motivation, training, development and use for business (primarily economic), as well as social efficiency.

Having a complete and meaningful definition of personnel management, we can consider and analyze the history of personnel management.

So, we see that personnel management is rooted deeply in history and began to develop since the emergence of collective labor. And since then it has developed continuously. At various times, there were various concepts of personnel management, in their work we analyzed the modern concept.

The basis of the organization's personnel management concept is currently constituting the growing role of the personality of the employee, knowledge of its motivational installations, the ability to form them and direct in accordance with the tasks facing the organization.

Having studied the concept, history of the development of personnel management and its modern concept, we can consider personnel management as a factor that has a significant impact on the efficiency of the enterprise.

In order to improve the efficiency of its activities, the organization should use the principles of personnel policy when building a personnel management system. Based on the principles, we can allocate ways to increase the efficiency of personnel management.

The above methods of motivation create confidence in the workers in the future, awareness of their significance to the organization, increase the sense of responsibility, as a result of which labor productivity is growing, its quality increases, the personnel turnover decreases, which generally affect the efficiency of the organization. The company in accordance with the tasks assigned, on the basis of the above methods, creates a holistic personnel management system aimed at the optimal efficiency of the enterprise.

Personnel management is not a set of disposable actions, but a permanent process aimed at maximum realization of the company's goals. The personnel management system must be holistic, stable and constant.

Thus, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of the organization's activities directly depends on the personnel management system.


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Table: Comparative Characteristics of Management Methods

Signs of management methods

Group management groups

methods of coercion

methods of motivation

methods of belief

1. The generally accepted name of a group of methods, approximately relevant to the new group



Socially psychological

2. Substance of methods

Directive, discipline

Optimization of motifs

Psychology, sociology

3. Purpose of management

Implementation of laws, directives, plans

Achieving the competitiveness of issued objects

Achievement of mutual understanding

4. Control structure

Adaptive to situations

Adaptive to personality

5. Form of ownership, where methods are mostly applied


Corporate, Private, State and D.R.

6. Subject of impact

Collective, individual



7. Form of influence

With the help of regulatory documents


Management of socio-psychological processes

8. Basic requirement for subject when applying methods

Performance, Organizations

Professionalism in this area

Psychological stability of the personality

9. Needs to satisfy the methods of methods

Physiological, security


All needs

10. Type of organizational structure for which these methods are mostly acceptable.

Linear, functional

Problem-target, matrix



Top down

Vertical (top down and bottom up)

Vertical and horizontal

12. The level of management hierarchy, where methods are mostly applied.

Higher and middle

Highest, medium, low

13. The nature of managerial information

Quality, deterministic

Quality, stochastic

Complex (as a quality factor), stochastic

14. Manual style characteristic of this group of methods



15. Type of temperature of the control entity (supervisor), most adequate to this group of methods

Phlegmatic person



16. Same relative to the control object (artist)


Phlegmatic, choleric


17. Type cup of all accepted management solution

Decisions based on strict compliance with regulatory documents and directives

Solutions based on modeling and comprehensive justification

Decisions based on judgment, intuition, the experience of the person hosting them

18. Specific methods and management methods

1. State regulation of the economy.

2. Standardization and certification.

3. Monitoring the ecosystem.

4. Regulatory and methodological control of the control system.

5. Planning, accounting and control

1. Economic stimulation.

2. Analysis of costs, quality and other parameters of systems (working time photography, timing, survey, testing, factor analysis, etc.).

3. Economic and mathematical modeling.

4. Balance Methods

1. Monitor socio-psychological processes.

2. Modeling of socio-psychological processes.

3. Psychotechnology.

4. Moral stimulation