Make plans for social studies. Consider the grading scheme. Thesis form of the disclosure plan of this topic

Greetings to all the many readers of the site! Today we will disassemble very interesting topic in social studies: writing plans. In this post will be given already FINISHED WORKS, and at the end of this post will be given a task to consolidate the material. By the way, I recommend subscribe to new articles so you don't miss anything interesting.


What is Truth?

Kinds of truth

- absolute;
- relative.

Truth criteria

- consistency of accumulated knowledge;
- the presence of formal logic;
- experimental confirmation.

Cognition as an activity aimed at achieving new knowledge.

The variety of ways of knowing the world

1) Definition of cognition;

2) Forms of knowledge
- sensual;
- rational.

3) Types of cognition:
- mythological;
- everyday;
- scientific;
- artistic;
- social.

4) Levels of scientific knowledge
- Empirical;
- Theoretical.

Bank as a financial institution

1) The scope of the bank
- attracting free money;
- providing money on credit.

2) Organization of a modern banking system
- the upper level is the central bank;
- Lower level: - commercial Bank and since

3) Functions of the Central Bank

- Stabilization;

- Structural.

4) Ways of influence of the state on economic mechanism
- Direct
- Indirect regulation

5) Mechanisms of state regulation of a market economy
- fiscal policy;
- monetary;
- legal regulation.

6) Basic theoretical concepts (* optional item)
- monetarism
- Keynesianism.


1) Definition;

2) Types of inflation
- Demand inflation;
- Supply inflation.

3) Types of inflation depending on the topic of price increases
- Creeping;
- Galloping;
- Hyperinflation.
4) Causes of inflation
- growth of government spending and mass lending in the event of money emission;
- monopoly of large firms on price determination;
- depreciation of the currency when high level import;
- an increase in state taxes, duties, etc.
5) Deflation - decline general level prices.

These are the plans for society, dear friends! Now try to make plans for the topics yourself:

1. Social institution

2. Socio-demographic problems.

3. Conformity and deviant behavior

See you in the next posts!


Write a title paragraph... Below will be the numbered points of the plan.

Read the first paragraph and express in one phrase what you are talking about. For example, you read a textbook and the first paragraph talks about Newton's discoveries. IN plan no details and nuances are needed. It is enough to indicate what can be found at the beginning paragraph: "Newton's first law".

Similar to the second step, work through the remaining paragraphs. Points of the plan on the signs of settlements along highways. It is written: the city of Moscow. And you can go in the indicated direction. So it is enough to look at the plan to understand what the paragraph is about.

Read the text and separate the semantic parts with a pencil, ignoring the paragraphs. In the same physics textbook, five or six paragraphs can be devoted to Newton's first law, another six or seven paragraphs to Newton's second law, and the remaining nine paragraphs to Newton's third law. Then the paragraphs devoted practical examples... Accordingly, the paragraph can be divided into four semantic parts: three parts about Newton's laws and the last one with problems. And you can single out by meaning and each task - do it at your discretion.

Express in one phrase what is being discussed in each semantic part. It will turn out short outline paragraph... If you wish, some points of the plan can be divided into sub-points. For example, do in plan four main sections, as in the fifth step. The last, fourth can be called "Tasks and Exercises". And make sub-items in which to write the names of the tasks.

Choose another long paragraph to work on and make an outline similar to steps 5 and 6, but without using pencil marks. Now work will go faster: read and write the plan right away.


  • how to make a task plan

Every student who enrolled in any educational institution after school is faced with the need for a synopsis. The large amount of information that the teacher expounds in a couple becomes terrifying after small notes of school lessons.

New students have to adapt to a new way of presenting and recording. Some people follow the path of least resistance and just listen to the lecture, the second option is to use a tape recorder. However, all these methods will not help during the passing of the test or exam, just for the preparation a complete, understandable lecture notes.

It is very difficult to write down literally everything that the lecturer expounds, he does not dictate, but tells and explains the material, the student's task in this case is to formulate the information so that after reading the notes he himself and other people understand what was being discussed. There is a saying in the student community - "A good summary is already" 3 "in the exam." Writing lectures on paper not only helps to prepare for tests, but also contributes to better memorization initially - visual memory is triggered when writing.

How to write a synopsis correctly?

There are several popular ones, like a synopsis:

  • try nicely and neatly, if the readability of the entries is low - there is no point in them;

  • make margins in a notebook so that you can make notes, corrections, date the lecture;

  • write the date and plan of the lecture, then it will greatly help in finding the right topics and for passing;

  • use graphic methods of highlighting text: markers, colored pens, underlines, tables, graphs, etc.;

  • use abbreviations - both generally accepted and independently invented, the main thing is that they are unambiguously understandable when reading;

  • if the information is not clear, it is better to ask again immediately or put a question mark in the margins and leave a little space for comments, so that later, when preparing for delivery or at a seminar, ask the teacher and supplement the topic;

  • the text should be divided into paragraphs or semantic sections so that the information when reading is better perceived;

  • it is advisable to write the abstract by hand, without using technical devices such as scanners or copiers, a missed lecture copied from a classmate's synopsis will settle in your head better than a copier pasted into your notebook, in addition, as you rewrite, questions on the topic may arise that you will need to ask;

  • when taking notes on your own from textbooks, you should write out the main theses and thoughts briefly and to the point.

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To prepare for the lesson, the teacher pursues certain tasks, uses methods and techniques, equipment, additional materials, develops tasks for students. But how do you remember all this? This helps him plan- abstract , in which in accordance with the requirements modern techniques teaching teacher outlines the sequence of actions during the lesson.


Checkout title page abstractand:
- determine the topic and number of the lesson in accordance with the curriculum and your calendar and thematic plan;
- indicate the type (lesson in studying new material, lesson in generalizing and systematizing new knowledge, combined lesson, etc.) and type (seminar, laboratory work, test, etc.) lesson;
- formulate the most accurate goal of the lesson, and then use it to formulate didactic tasks: educational, developmental, educational;
- list the materials and equipment that will be used: scales, pipette, reagents, projector, television camera, cards for independent work, tables, reproductions of paintings, etc.
- make a sketch;
- make in the form of a table: 1 column - the name of the lesson stage, 2 - techniques and methods that you intend to use, 3 - time in minutes for each lesson stage.

Write down the entire course of the lesson in stages (depending on the type, some may dominate others or be absent altogether):
a) organizational moment;
b) checking homework;
c) updating and comprehensive testing of knowledge;
d) the stage of obtaining new knowledge;
e) consolidation of the acquired knowledge;
f) repetition of the passed material;
g) generalization and systematization of new knowledge;
h) information about homework.

At each stage, use the abstract to describe what you intend and what you expect from the students. Here, draw the necessary diagrams, circuits, make links to visual and didactic materialsthat will be needed - everything that will help restore the course of the lesson in your memory.

IN plan paragraph the key ideas of the text and the step-by-step development of thought are briefly expressed. Having a plan in front of your eyes, it is easy to remember and retell the material of the textbook, prepare for exams. To practice creating an outline, select a small paragraph of 15-20 paragraphs or less. In the future, you can go to texts of any size.

The basic skills for drawing up a plan are laid in the early stages of training in the lessons of the Russian language, literature, history. However, many graduates in the social studies exam are poorly proficient in this skill. Simply put, there is no transfer of a skill formed while studying another subject. Therefore, you must first know what types of plans are. Special attention should be paid to the peculiarities of a complex plan, to the content-logical connections of the subordination of its points and sub-points.

The necessary conditions for drawing up a plan on a topic are:

1) the correct designation of its boundaries (inclusion in a more general issue and isolation in it),

2) a fairly complete understanding of its various sides and aspects.

Consider these conditions on a specific topic "Labor relations".

A series of questions will help clarify them, for example:

1) what more general topic this topic can include (for example: “Legal regulation labor relations»);

2) what place does this topic occupy in a broader issue (what are the features legal regulation labor relations between employer and employee);

3) what range of issues does the topic cover (the concept of labor relations, legal status employee and employer, social partnership in the world of work, employment and employment).

The next step is the selection of positions corresponding to a single basis, and the construction of formulations in their logical subordination. As a result complex plan this topic can acquire the following form:

1. The concept of legal relations.

2. The rights and obligations of the parties to labor relations:
a) the rights and obligations of employees;
b) the rights and obligations of employers.

3. Employment contract:
a) the content of the employment contract;
b) the order of conclusion;
c) the procedure for terminating an employment contract.

4. Work time and rest time.

5. Wages.

6. Discipline of work.

Consider the grading scheme.

The wording of the points of the plan is correct. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic. The structure of the response follows the complex type plan. 2
The formulation of the plan is correct.
Certain issues relevant to this topic have been omitted.


Some formulations of the points of the plan are incorrect. Taken together, the points of the plan cover the main issues of the topic.
The structure of the response follows the complex type plan.

The plan does not cover the proposed topic.


The structure of the response does not match the complex type plan.

Maximum score 2

From these instructions it follows that the points of the plan must be correctly formulated in terms of their relevance to the given topic. The plan should most fully reflect the content of the topic. It is necessary to adhere to the structure of a complex type of plan, otherwise the answer will be evaluated only 0 points

So, we see that when performing task C8, not only knowledge of the content is tested, but also the ability to build the logic of the content. The graduate must be able to formulate the points of the plan. And for this it is necessary to select the required material.
We will compose an algorithm for a complex plan on the topic "The state is a political institution."

First of all, you need to define social institution... Remember what a state is. The next step will be to define the characteristics and functions of the state. It is necessary to include in the plan and material about types, types and classifications. But in conclusion, one can include in the plan the question of the peculiarities of the modern state.

And how one of the options could be such a plan:

1. The concept of a social institution.

2. The essence of the state:
a) the state is a public authority;
b) the difference between the state and non-state political organizations.

3. Forms of the state:
a) the concept of the form of the state;
b) forms of government;
c) forms of government;
d) the forms of the political regime.

4. Functions of the state:
a) concepts of state functions;
b) classification of state functions;
c) internal and external functions of the state.

5. The peculiarity of the state in the modern world.

Obviously, such a scheme can be applied to almost any topic. The point of drawing up a plan in our case is to present the proposed specific topic in its entirety and correlating its various aspects.

Gusarova Lyudmila Cheslavovna,
teacher of history and social studies of the highest category
MBOU "Secondary School No. 12"

Since 2010, the structure of the examination work has included an assignment - to draw up an answer plan on a given topic. This task involves testing the ability of graduates to structure the material of the social studies course, highlight key positions studying each of the topics, if necessary, concretize them with subparagraphs.

A plan is understood as a clear sequential presentation of parts of the content of the studied issue (or text) in brief formulations reflecting the theme and / or the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe corresponding fragment, the variety of its semantic connections.

How to plan an answer on a given topic?

There are several types of plan: name, question and thesis. The naming plan consists of social science concepts and elements of their content. Content elements are usually specified in subclauses. A question plan is a list of questions, answering which the speaker reveals the content of the topic. The subparagraphs indicate the elements of the content of the answer to the questions. The thesis plan consists of theses of the verbal structure. A thesis is a briefly formulated main provision of a paragraph of a text, lecture, report, etc.

There are two types of task 28.

The first type of task 28 involves drawing up an answer plan for any one aspect of a wide topic. In this case, it is advisable to start drawing up a plan with the disclosure of a broader concept, and then move on to the aspect that needs to be considered.

For example, task 28: You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The ecological crisis as a global problem of our time." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

In this case, in the topic on which the plan is to be drawn up, two concepts are named: "ecological crisis" and "global problems", since the ecological crisis is only one of the global problems. Consequently, it is with the concept of "global problems" that one should begin the disclosure of the topic indicated in the assignment.

The nominative form of the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The concept of global problems.

2) The essence of the ecological crisis and its relationship with other global problems.

b) consumer attitude to nature;

4) Manifestations and consequences of the ecological crisis.

five). Ways to overcome the environmental crisis:

b) the use of scientific achievements to reduce emissions into the environment;

Question form for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) What are global problems?

2) What is the essence of the ecological crisis? What is its connection with other global problems?

3) What are the causes of the environmental crisis?

a) growth in scale economic activity people;
b) consumer attitude to nature.

4) What are the manifestations and consequences of the ecological crisis?

5) What are the ways to overcome the ecological crisis?

a) the introduction of tough sanctions for environmental pollution;

in) the international cooperation in solving environmental problems.

The abstract form of the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) Global problems - a set of problems that arose before humanity in the second half of the 20th century and on the solution of which the existence of human civilization depends.

2) The essence of the ecological crisis lies in the disruption of the ecological balance on the planet as a result of the increased negative impact of production on nature. The ecological crisis is associated with other global problems:

a) climate warming leads to the melting of polar ice and an increase in the level of the World Ocean, which in the future may change the contours of the continents, swallow islands and archipelagos, which endangers the environment of existence of individual peoples;
b) the population of all countries and continents suffers from pollution of the atmosphere, soil, rivers and the World Ocean by industrial and household waste (hunger, disease, etc.);
c) extermination certain types animals affects not only local ecosystems, but in its distant consequences upsets the balance of the global ecosystem.

3) Causes of the ecological crisis:

a) humanity, having called into life powerful productive forces, cannot always put them under its reasonable control, because level public organization, political thinking and ecological consciousness, spiritual and moral orientations are still very far from the requirements of the era;
b) in the sphere of material production, the consumption of natural resources has increased. During the second half of the 20th century, as much mineral raw materials were used as in the entire previous history of mankind.

4) Overcoming the ecological crisis is possible only as a result of raising the ecological consciousness of people, which implies:

a) overcoming the consumer attitude to nature;
b) creation of waste-free production facilities;
c) international cooperation in solving environmental problems.

It is preferable to draw up a plan in a title or question form, drawing up a thesis plan will take much more time, and the time is limited (from 2 to 8 minutes).

The second type of task 28 involves drawing up an answer plan on a narrow topic. Example: "Activity as a way of human existence":

1. The concept of activity.

2. Differences between human activity and animal behavior.

3. Structure of activity:

a) purpose
b) funds
c) actions
d) result

4. Main activities:

a) practical
b) spiritual

5. The role of activities in the life of society and individuals.

  1. mentally imagine all the material studied, revealing the content of the proposed topic;
  2. divide it into parts according to the meaning, in each of them define main idea;
  3. head these parts, choosing headings, replace verbs with nouns;
  4. in each part, highlight several provisions that develop the main idea;
  5. check whether the points and sub-points of the plan are not overlapped, whether the subsequent point of the plan is related to the previous one, whether the main content of the topic is fully reflected in them;
  6. make adjustments if necessary;
  7. remember that the outline should cover the main content of the topic;
  8. in the headings (paragraphs and subparagraphs of the plan), it is undesirable to repeat similar formulations.

Is there a model for making a plan?

The main thing is to mentally present the studied material and consistently present the content of the proposed topic.

Here is a sample diagram that can help students plan:

  1. First, you need to identify the subject of the proposed topic. There are several options for this: 1) What is ... 2) Concept ... 3) Definition ...
  2. Then, if possible, highlight the following points: 1) The reasons for the emergence (appearance, development) ... This point can be detailed in separate subparagraphs, listing these reasons. 2) Approaches to the definition of the concept ... (essence ...), for example: Theories of origin ... Views of thinkers on ... This point also needs to be detailed in subparagraphs, listing these approaches.
  3. Further, highlight the characteristic features (signs; features; main elements, etc.) ... Also detail in subparagraphs.
  4. Functions ... (detail in subparagraphs).
  5. Types (types, forms, structure, classifications, criteria, factors) ... (detail in subparagraphs).
  6. Meaning (role, consequences, trends, etc.) ...
  7. Features (problems, traditions, etc.) ... in modern society (world).
  8. Solutions.

Details in subparagraphs should be 2-4 points.

Algorithm for drawing up a plan on a topic:

1. Concept, essence ...

2. Characteristic features (signs):


3. The most important tasks, main functions:


4. Forms, types, types of classification:


5. Features (problems, specificity) in the modern era

6. Problems of formation (development features) of an object in modern Russia.

At the end of the lesson, after studying the topic, I usually give my students task 28 - using a textbook and a synopsis, draw up a plan for a detailed answer on the topic studied. First, we draw up together, then we disassemble the plans drawn up by the students, as a result, the students themselves draw up a plan in the lesson or at home. This is how graduates learn to work on a plan.

Changes in the KIM USE in 2018 compared to the KIM in 2017: the assessment system for task 28 has been revised; the maximum score has been increased from 3 to 4.
Task 28 (demo version of the KIM USE - 2018): You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Political parties". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

As you can see, the wording of the task remains the same. The graduate, as before, must complete the following steps:

  1. identify the questions (points of the plan) that are mandatory for the disclosure of the proposed topic (at least three);
  2. think over the wording of the points of the plan so that they correspond to the given topic;
  3. draw up a complex plan, detailing at least two points of the plan in subparagraphs;
  4. check whether its clauses (subclauses) "work" to reveal a given topic, if they are not formulations of an abstract-formal nature that does not reflect the specifics of the topic;
  5. check the correctness of the wording.

The assessment system for task 28, like the KIM USE 2015-2017, consists of two parts.

The first part contains traditional explanations for the expert about what is taken into account when analyzing the answer; one of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic and a list of mandatory items.

(other formulations of the answer are allowed, without distorting its meaning) Points

When analyzing the answer, it is taken into account:

  • compliance of the structure of the proposed answer with a complex type plan;
  • the presence of points of the plan, allowing to reveal the content of this topic in essence;
  • the correctness of the wording of the points of the plan.

The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not included in the assessment.

1. The concept of a political party.

2. Features of political parties as public organizations:

a) the presence of the program;
b) the existence of the charter;
c) the presence of an organizational structure;
d) the presence of a party apparatus, etc.

3. Functions of political parties in a democratic society:

a) representing the interests of most social groups;
b) political socialization;
c) participation in elections (electoral), etc.

4. Classification of political parties:

a) by ideological basis (liberal, conservative, socialist, etc.);
b) on an organizational basis (mass, personnel);
c) in relation to the current policy (ruling, opposition);
d) in relation to the law (legal, illegal).

5. Types of party systems:

a) one-party system;
b) a two-party system;
c) a multi-party system and its varieties.

6. Political parties in modern Russia.

A different number and (or) other correct wording of points and sub-points of the plan are possible. They can be presented in denominational, question or mixed forms (I think the best option answer - drawing up a plan in the naming form. Such a plan reflects in its paragraphs and subparagraphs the entire content of the topic under consideration, and, which is very important, its preparation will not require a lot of time on the exam, unlike the plan in the abstract form).

The presence of any two of 2, 3 and 4 points of the plan in a given or similar in meaning formulation will allow to reveal the content of this topic in essence. Of these, one point must be detailed in subparagraphs; the other item may not be detailed OR be a sub-item.
As you can see, from the given first part of the criteria for changes, the wording of the positions on the presence of the points of the plan, allowing to reveal the content of this topic in essence, was touched. A simpler formulation is proposed - through the “presence of items”, and not through their “absence”, as was the case in the previous edition.

IN new edition there is an indication that the points of the plan mentioned in the approximate answer can be presented in this or similar formulation.
The second part includes universal criteria for assessing the assignment.

The formal changes affected, first of all, the structure (abandonment of a complex assessment system based on the interconnection of three aspects in favor of assessing the assignment according to three independent criteria) (according to such criteria, task 29 is evaluated).

So, the plan drawn up by the graduate is checked according to three criteria (in order not to be confused with the evaluation criteria for assignment 29, the criterion number includes an indication of the assignment number and the ordinal number of the criterion: 28.1, 28.2; 28.3).

Criterion 28.1 - topic disclosure - is associated with items, the presence of which will allow to disclose this topic in essence. This criterion is 2-point. The maximum score is set in a situation if the plan contains two such points and one of them is detailed in subparagraphs. If the plan contains one item, the presence of which will allow you to disclose this topic in essence, and this item is detailed in sub-items, then the graduate receives 1 point. All other situations are scored 0 points.

Criterion 28.1 is defining. If according to criterion 28.1 (topic disclosure) 0 points are given, then 0 points are given for all other evaluation criteria.

Criterion 28.2 - the number of points in the plan - is associated with the requirement of the assignment that the plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs. Compliance with this requirement is estimated at 1 point, all other situations - 0 points.

The wording of the points of the plan, which are abstract and formal in nature and do not reflect the specifics of the topic, are not included in the assessment.
In order to more accurately differentiate graduates, criterion 28.3 was introduced - the correctness of the wording of the points and sub-points of the plan, according to which the answer without errors and inaccuracies in the wording of the points and sub-points of the plan is estimated at 1 point. In this case, the bonus principle is implemented, plans with errors and inaccuracies are scored 0 points.


1. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Electoral system". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

1. The concept of the electoral system.

2. Components of the electoral system:

a) suffrage;
b) the electoral process.

3. Basic principles of democratic suffrage:

a) equality;
b) universality;
c) secret ballot;
d) immediacy;
e) competitiveness;
f) freedom of elections.

4. Stages (stages) of the electoral process:

a) setting the date of elections;
b) the formation of electoral districts and precincts;
c) the formation of election commissions;
d) compilation of voter lists;
e) nomination and registration of candidates;
f) election campaigning;
g) voting and determination of results;
h) financing elections and providing reports on the spending of funds for these purposes.

5. Types of electoral systems:

a) majority;
b) proportional;
c) mixed (majority-proportional).

6. Features of the electoral system of the Russian Federation.


  1. Unified State Exam in Social Science. Demo option control measuring materials of the unified state examination of 2018 in social studies. FIPI.
  2. Liskova T.E. Guidelines for teachers based on analysis typical mistakes participants of the 2017 USE in social studies. M. 2017.
  3. Kishenkova O.V. Unified State Exam 2018. Social Studies: We Pass Without Problems! M. Eksmo, 2017.
  4. Markin S.A. Unified State Exam. Social science. Performance of tasks of the part S. M .: Airis-press, 2011.

So you've worked on another topic and want to test yourself? There is nothing better than trying to build a complex plan - doing task 35. We believe that working with task 35 is the most effective method repetition of material. Take the formulation of the codifier and build your plan! For example "Socialization of the individual".

Here's an example of a plan:

35. "Socialization of the individual".

1. The concept of "individual"

2. Signs of personality:

- worldview

- consciousness

- statuses and roles

3. Institutions of socialization:

- church

4. Agents of socialization:

- parents

- priests

- teachers

Rules for writing an assignment 35.

So, let's look at the plan.

1. We have 4 points, not 3, as the task is formulated. Why? As, I advise you to be on the safe side here, as in any written assignment for the exam. An extra point will save and keep the maximum score if one of the points is not counted.

2. We have shown our understanding of the main term of the proposed topic - . All of our points cover this concept.

3. Socialization is a process, so we started with and ended with (the result of the socialization of the individual).

4. It is easiest to start a plan with a concept. We, as we see, do not paint it. We just show its availability. disclose the remaining points.

5. Show understanding of specifics:, school, parents.

6. One point of the plan follows from another. 3rd - from 4th, correspond to: family - parents, church - priests.

7. We build the entire task in a column, not in a line. Show the expert that we are detailing points in sub-points.

How to build complex three-part plans in task 35?

We gave an example of a two-part plan for social studies USE (individual - personality). But what about more complex plan designs? For instance:

35. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Realization of prestigious human needs". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

The principle is the same: choose the most important (broad) concept, and begin to deepen it, reaching the least important. Let's prioritize the volume of terms: 1) person 2) (type by) 3) Their implementation.

At the same time, feel the theme. It seems that you can start with the concept of "person", but the essence is in needs, we start with them!

Now, starting from the concept and types of needs, we begin to build a complex plan:

1. The concept of "need"

2. Types of human needs according to A. Maslow:

a) physiological

b) existential

c) social

d) prestigious

e) spiritual

3. Prestigious needs:

a) power

b) wealth

c) career

4. Ways of realizing prestigious needs:

a) joining a political party

b) doing business

c) passing refresher courses

We show knowledge of the theory (according to Maslow). Again, the 4th point follows from the 3rd, showing the knowledge of social reality. How to get power? How to make wealth? How to make a career? We answer these questions clearly and concisely!

And the last thing. It is not worth building more than four points, be able to stop in time. Firstly, on the Unified State Exam in social studies, every minute is precious (the task of part C will still have to be rewritten for a clean copy). Secondly - the more the content of the answer - the more chances of an error.

And now the task for self-training:

35. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The role of financial institutions in the economic system." Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in sub-points.

We are waiting and discussing your answers in the comments and in our group.