How the title page of the project is written. How to make a title page in a Word. Research Paper Page Options

In this section, we will consider existing design requirements research work students, performed individually under the guidance of a teacher (educator) or a group of schoolchildren (pupils) educational institution.

In this section, we will define research paper design rules for schoolchildren of any grade, as well as for pupils of a preschool educational institution (kindergarten).

Let's give an example and a sample of project design in primary school, on the world around, mathematics, Russian language and literature, history, biology, physics, computer science, chemistry, english language, in geography and other subjects.

We will show an example and a sample of the design of the research work of schoolchildren, the requirements and rules for the design of project pages, title page, headings, abbreviations and formulas in the design of the project, correct design of drawings, graphs, diagrams, tables and photographs.

The presented requirements and rules for the design of research work (project) are applicable for schoolchildren of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 10 and 11 grades, as well as for preschool educational institutions (kindergartens).

Research Paper Settings

Any research work or project of a student is drawn up on A4 sheets on one side.
  • left margin - 20 mm
  • right - 10 mm
  • top - 15 mm
  • bottom - 15 mm

The text of the research work (project) is typed in font Times New Roman.

Font size 14 .

Line spacing - 1,5 (one and a half).

Aligning text on a page - in width.

Paragraph indents are required with a value at the discretion of the author. The text of the research project should be well readable and well formed.

Title page of research work and project

The writing and design of the student's research work begins with the design of the title page.

We provide an approximate design of the title page of the research paper.

Research project pagination

The research paper should be numbered at the end of the page. On the first page, the number is not put, the numbering is put and continues from the second page. The page number is located at the bottom center.

It is not allowed to use frames, animation and other elements for decoration in the design of research work.

Research Titles

The section heading is printed in bold, with a capital letter and no period at the end. Word wrap in headings is not allowed. An indent of 2 spaces is made between the text and the title.

Each chapter of the research paper is formatted from a new page. Chapters are numbered with Arabic numerals (1., 2., ...). In the numbering of a paragraph there is a chapter number, a point, a paragraph number (for example, 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., Etc.).

If the paragraphs contain clauses, then the clauses are numbered with three digits separated by a dot, for example, 1.1.1., 1.1.2., Etc., where the first digit is the chapter number, the second is the paragraph number, the third is the clause number.

Abbreviations and formulas in the design of research work

The text does not often use abbreviations other than the generally accepted ones (DI Alekseev Dictionary of abbreviations of the Russian language - M., 1977).

When surnames are mentioned in the text of the research project famous people (authors, scientists, researchers, inventors, etc.), their initials are written at the beginning of the surname.

If you use formulas in the text, give an explanation of the symbols used (for example: A + B \u003d C, where A is the number of sweets for Masha, B is for Dasha's sweets, C is for total sweets).

Project application design

Figures and photographs, graphs and diagrams, drawings and tables should be located and executed at the end of the description of the research project after the List of used literature on separate pages in the appendices (for example: Appendix 1, Appendix 2, ...). On these pages, the inscription Appendix 1 is located in the upper right corner.

Drawings, photographs, graphs, diagrams, drawings and tables

Figures in appendices are numbered and signed.
Their name is placed under the picture (for example: Fig. 1. Feeder for tits, Photo 1. Forest in winter, Graph 1. Change in the sales parameter, Diagram 1. Dynamics of wheat growth.

The tables in the annexes are also numbered and titled. Tables use single spacing for lines of text. The numbering and title are located below the table (Table 1. Student performance at school).

When registering a research paper, at the end of the sentence, which refers to the application, write (Appendix 1). A prerequisite should be the presence of the application itself at the end of the research work or project.

If you need arrange creative project , then for this we recommend using

Title page, title page - first page educational work, reveals student details and topic. It is used for an essay, term paper, thesis, report,. It indicates information:

  • Name of the student
  • Specialty
  • Educational institution
  • Work theme
  • The type of work
  • Year of completion
  • Inspector data

The design of the title page in accordance with GOST is regulated by the standard 2.105-95. It was adopted in 95 and to this day is the main standard for how to issue title page abstract and other works (coursework, diploma, control). This GOST is valid in all CIS countries, including:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Kazakhstan

Download samples of the title page.

Cover sheet margins:

  • left margin: 30 mm;
  • right margin: 10 mm;
  • top margin: 20 mm;
  • bottom margin: 20 mm.

What font should be on the title page.

The guest specifies a font size of 14 for all fields, except for the table of contents and the title of the work. Usually Times New Roman or another sans serif font. All data except student information is centered.

Instructions - 6 steps for the correct design of the title page in accordance with GOST.

Depending on whether you make a title page for a control, coursework, diploma or essay, the completeness of the information will be a difference. But there is a number of mandatory data that are indicated for each job. The title of the title page contains the name of the ministry and the educational institution.

Step 1. Ministry of Education

We indicate the ministry of education of your country (14 font, capital letters)

Step 2. Univer.

Followed by the full name and form of ownership of the educational institution (14 font, capital letters)

Step 3. Department.

After that, we indicate the department (14 font)

Step 4. Type of work.

After that, depending on the type of work, in capital letters (16 font, bold Bold):

    • TEST
    • ESSAY

Step 5. Topic of work.

Full topic name, classic spelling 16 font, bold, lowercase

Step 6. Data of the contractor and the inspector

The data of the executor and the examiner for different works are formatted differently, but always have 14 font sizes and lowercase letters. Here are some examples ○ Sample for a diploma

○ Sample for coursework

○ Sample for control work

○ Sample for abstract

Can they lower the mark for incorrect registration of the title

Cover page design is important point on any subject and is part of the standard control. If a teacher has accepted a job in which the title page is incorrectly drawn up, he has no right to reduce the score for this, because in this case, the work was reviewed and approved by the reviewer.

Which universities are suitable for

These rules are GOST. Therefore, they are universal and suitable for any university in Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries. If in principle you do not want to redo it when the teacher requires it, you can refer to GOST 2.105-95. in which it is clearly spelled out for whom and how it works.

Is the design different for different items?

The sample title design does not depend on the subject. All of its elements can remain the same and only the name of the item can change. Exceptions are tests, which in some subjects may need a title page for a notebook. This is a regular A4 sheet folded in half. We have a separate material where you can download given sample or arrange it yourself.

Is the design different for specialties?

The specialty does not matter at all. All elements remain unchanged, except for the specialty, which needs to be changed for the current one.

When performing design work in social studies, one should adhere to generally accepted rules when preparing design, research work or abstracts. At the top of the title page, the name of the educational institution (school) should be indicated, in the middle part the topic should be indicated, below - information about those who completed the work (class, last names and first names of students), last name, first name and patronymic of the head. The place and year of registration are shown in the middle of the bottom design work (for example, Krasnodar-2014).

Sample title page:

The structure of the project work includes an introduction, a main part and a conclusion.

1. Introduction.The introduction describes the relevance of the chosen topic (why did you choose this topic? Why is this problem so acute in society? How will your project be useful?), The goals and objectives of your project work. The goal sometimes partially overlaps with the topic (for example, to draw up a plan for an action "Help your neighbor"). To achieve your goal, you need to identify questions that you will find answers to in the course of project work. Formulate these questions in the form of specific tasks (for example, to draw the attention of children, parents and teachers to the problem of homeless animals; develop activities aimed at helping orphans, etc.). In the introduction, you can also indicate the timing of the project (for example, the timing of the action "Help your neighbor" September-December 2014. September-October: making gifts in technology lessons by students of grade 6; November: preparing a concert; December: visiting children with disabilities at home, giving gifts, invitations to a concert, holding a concert at school).

2. Main part includes detailed description your research on the project; activities that you plan to carry out within the framework of the project (for example, describe in detail how you will organize a visit to an animal shelter: 1) prepare announcements for the collection of funds and useful things for the shelter, place them on stands at the school; 2) organize a collection point for things, collect and sort things; 3) using class teacher organize a trip to the shelter; 4) go to the shelter, hand over things; 5) interview the employees of the shelter, take photos; 6) issue a train report; 7) post the report and photos on the school website and in school newspaper). Distribute responsibilities among the students in the class and list them in the main part.

3. Conclusion. In the final part, the expected results of the project are prescribed, you draw conclusions. Conclusions should correspond to the goal and objectives of the project (for example: during the project work, a plan for the "Help your neighbor" action was developed). The number of conclusions should coincide with the number of goals and objectives, or be more. If there are fewer conclusions than goals and objectives, then it is considered that some task has not been completed.

List of sources and literature is located on a separate page in alphabetical order. An example of registration.


First you need to decide on the type of project.
Projects are of the following types:
Practical oriented. The project is aimed at solving specific problems, can be used in the life of a class, school, microdistrict.
Research project... This view resembles scientific research.
Informational. The project aims to collect information and provide it to the public.
Creative. The project product will be a poster, a video, a theatrical performance, a sports game.
Role-playing. The result will be, for example, a court hearing.

There are special requirements for project design.
Introduction. In this part, it is necessary to indicate the goals, objectives, relevance of the project. It is recommended to use cliché phrases: "The theme of my project ...", "I chose this theme because ...", "The purpose of my work ...", "The project product will be ..."
Main part. This part should cover the topic of the project and should be broken down into smaller chapters. Examples of phrases used in the main part are such phrases "I started my work with the fact that ...", "Then I started ...", "I ended the work with the fact that ..." problems ... "," To cope with such problems, I ... "," But I still managed to achieve the goal of the project, because ... "
Conclusion. You can use the following phrases: "Having finished my project, I can say that the tasks that I faced have been completed ..."

To fully and competently start working on a project, you need to follow the following steps:
Choosing a topic and clarifying the name.
Collection of information (books, magazines, observation, experiments).
Manufacturing of a project product (model, drawing, cards, experimental results).
Project writing.

Useful advice

It is better to arrange the presentation of the project in the form of slides. In this case, the horizontal arrangement of information is more pleasant for perception. It is best not to leave the presentation sheets white, but use a blue, gray or green background.


Today it is not difficult to obtain funding for the implementation of a certain idea, especially a social one. Numerous competitions for grants at the municipal, regional and all-Russian levels are held throughout the country, dedicated to different topics and providing different amounts of funding. Start preparation the project it is necessary from its description, which has a traditional structure that can be easily rebuilt for a specific competition, each having its own application form.


annotation the project - introductory part of many grant application forms. She introduces the members of the commission of the granting organization to the main provisions the project in abbreviated form. Therefore, it is one of the most basic components of the description the project and after developing everything the project reflecting the most important events, expected results and originality the project... In terms of volume, the annotation takes from one third to half.

Often the project they begin with the formulation of the problem, the solution of which is aimed at its implementation. Here you can find statistical, facts that speak about the relevance of the selected topic, the developments of your organization in this direction, the prerequisites for the development of this the project. This section takes on average one page of printed text.

Next, you should write down the goal and objectives the project... If the goal is of a broader meaning and should overlap with the topic for which you are preparing an application, then the tasks should be feasible, interrelated and logically include a number of activities described below. This section may also have target groups the project, which will be positively influenced by its implementation.

An important part of the description the project is a phased plan for its implementation. Traditionally, the stages are divided into preparatory, main and final. Usually it is filled in in the form of a table and contains a list of activities, the timing of their implementation, a description of the positive results for the target groups and responsible persons. Some managers start out on a project by developing this part of it, in which case other sections are completed faster and easier.

Final section of the description the project contains the expected results as a result of its implementation and its development. Expected results can be categorized as qualitative or quantitative, with a more binding nature. Information about further development the project must convince the members of the commission that this direction is not one-time and will develop in the future.

Useful advice

In addition to the description, the project submitted for the competition contains information about your organization, an estimate and its justification. To make your project more likely to receive support, you need to be interested in other organizations. It can be state structures or others non-profit organizationswho will not only write letters in support of it, but also take part in its implementation.

If you do not want the children in the group entrusted to you not to get bored, so that conflicts do not arise between them, entrust them with work on common project... Working together smoothly, they will gain teamwork skills that will come in handy in adulthood.


Choose which project to work on. It will be best if they have to create something. It is desirable that the object, on the creation of which they have to work, was not only interesting, but also durable. It can be large (with an area of \u200b\u200bseveral square meters) terrain layout with backlight.

Find out which of which. You will surely find a few guys with design skills, working with tools, and some even talented organizers, leaders. In accordance with the identified skills, distribute among the roles c. If it turns out that one or the other with the task assigned to him does not cope well, offer him to try another role.

Remember that joint work on a common project does not completely exclude the occurrence of a conflict. Participants can argue about how to best design the object of creativity, the best technology to apply when creating it, etc. Teach them to find a compromise, to yield to each other. Or offer them, say, to complete part of the layout (if work is underway) in one technique, and part in another.

It is clear that the children in the group do not have the full skills and knowledge to work on a project. Patiently answer all their questions, give them hints yourself if necessary. Vigilantly monitor how children work, without being distracted by anything extraneous for a minute. Pay particular attention to safety issues. Under no circumstances raise your voice to children.

When you get the finished result, do not forget to praise the children. Be sure to find for the object of creativity of children at the permanent exhibition of children's works available at the institution. To prevent small spectators from damaging it, install transparent fences around it.


  • how to create a child

There are many types of projects, between which there are quite significant differences. A project is understood as a description or a detailed plan of future activities, which is aimed at achieving a certain result or goal. This can be the creation of a unique product or service that is limited by certain resources and has a certain risk. Preparing a project is called design.


The project has several characteristics that are unique to it. These characteristics determine whether this activity is a project.

The project should stimulate the achievement of certain results. They can be financial indicators on certain period, or the release of certain products. It is important to understand that launching something new is a project and the manufacturing process is a program.

The development of the project is carried out sequentially, since any project is limited in time, and therefore it goes through certain steps. These phases are limited to the content and objectives of the project, which are set at the outset.

For development project activities other factors have a great influence. For example, depending on the cultural environment (mores, ethical standards) the content of the work will also change. A large role can be played by the political or the environment if the work is carried out taking into account these features (, local resources, political situation).

The project clearly defines the goal, considers all the limitations of the activity and has a goal to achieve the uniqueness of the result. Unlike any other process, the project is final and defined through constraints.

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Do not confuse process and project. A process is a specific activity that is not limited to a specific time frame.

The title page is perhaps the most important part of the course project. Of our school years into adulthood, we transferred many expressions, such as "the cover of the notebook is your face!" or "they are greeted by their clothes." It is not hard to guess that the title page of the course project is the very same "clothes" and the same "your face".

There are various requirements for title pages - both local (university) and general (GOST). At the end of this material, you can download a sample title page of a course project that meets the current GOST standards and the requirements of most universities.

The title page, while not being a key parameter according to which the leader gives an assessment, nevertheless carries important information not only about who is the author of this creation, where he came from and who taught him everything. But also the degree of literacy and accuracy in the design of the title page of the course project speaks about the student's organization, his neatness and attitude to the established requirements, as well as his ability to handle modern text editors.

We mentioned programs for working with text for a reason: submission of works is carried out in electronic or printed form, and, therefore, the design is inevitably embodied in the notorious text editors. Needless to say, the title page is also drawn up in this kind of programs, which is an exciting business and, at the same time, fraught with various difficulties.

How to draw up a title page of a course project

We will explain in detail and, most importantly, show you how to arrange the title page of a course project in the good old Word. We know a lot of tricks, the use of which is aerobatics in the design of title pages.

To begin with, let's repeat the old elementary truths. The title page contains information about:

  • which ministry of our country does your educational institution belong to;
  • full name of your place of study;
  • the name of the faculties and departments where you are happy to study;
  • category of work (in our case - course project);
  • the name of the project, indicating the discipline within which the research was conducted;
  • information about the author of the work - about you (surname and initials, course, group);
  • information about scientific advisor, where, in addition to his surname and initials, his academic degree must be indicated;
  • the city where you study;
  • the year in which your course project was written.

Of course, it is easier and wiser to ask your supervisor for a sample title page. However, not everyone is ready to provide a sample, and if they do, then in words or in printed form. While the biggest challenge is creating a title page in a text editor.

How to make a title page in a Word

Before you start creating a cover page for your course project, first, make sure that your page is oriented like a book page, and second, that the fields are set up as normal.

So let's go.

  1. At the top of the page, you need to create a table consisting of a single cell. Only the bottom border of the created table should be left.
  1. Next, using the Caps Lock key, you need to change the case of letters to uppercase. After exhibited the following parameters: font - Times New Roman, size - 14 pt., line spacing - single, indentation after the paragraph - 6 pt., alignment - in the center.

Then the first line is typed:

  1. To set the following lines, you need to change the font size from 14pt. by 12 pts. Disabling the Caps Lock key, go to the next line:

  1. Moving from the table to the main part of the sheet, you need to indent 30 pt. Then type the name of the institute (if available). Then you need to specify a new value for the top margin - 0 pt. and type the name of the direction, and below (with the same indentation at the top) write the name of the department to which your course project is submitted.
  2. On the next line, you need to indicate the type of work we are doing. Therefore, retreating 30 pt. down and pressing the Caps Lock button, we type the COURSE PROJECT. Then, using forced line break, you must specify the topic of work and the discipline to which the topic belongs, as follows:

  1. Further, information about you is written out - about the author of the work. Having retreated 30 pt. down, you need to indicate the group (or course) and your initials and surname In this case, your name is separated from the information about the group or course by pressing Tab and brought to the right edge of the sheet.
  2. The next line is also separated by 30 pt. Only the word "Manager:" is written on this line. Below, without separating the lines, the position and academic degree of the teacher are indicated, and then, with the same Tab key, his initials and surname move to the right edge of the sheet.

  1. The final point in the design of the title page is the indication of the city and year. This information is entered into the "Special header and footer of the first page", where the city and year are written either with a comma or a dash - all according to the requirements of your place of study.

Sample title page of a course project in accordance with GOST