Will a greenhouse of 100 square meters bring profit? Own business: Greenhouse business with high profitability. Types of fuel for heating the greenhouse - which is more profitable

Growing and selling vegetables, herbs in the winter season is great businesswhere you can make good money. In addition to the fact that the first vegetables are always 50-100% more expensive, in winter this figure almost doubles.

In order to implement such a task, first of all, it is necessary to take care of the quality of the shelter, where the vegetation will actually be grown. A winter greenhouse as a business must be thought out to the smallest detail. And how to build this business so that in the first 2-3 seasons to go to the "plus" - in our article.

Disadvantages and advantages of the idea

Since growing vegetables in a greenhouse requires not only special endurance, but also the creation of suitable conditions, understanding the principles of agriculture, one should be prepared for the fact that a lot of effort and money will have to be spent on the implementation of such a task in order to get the desired profit. Just like any business plan, growing vegetation and vegetables in a winter greenhouse has its own advantages and disadvantages. But above all, you need to love and understand this matter so that the minuses turn into pluses.

The assortment can be anything. The main thing is to determine the sales market

The main benefits of greenhouse vegetables include:

  1. Minimum costs in the first stages. Starting such a business is possible even from scratch, with a very limited budget. Thanks to this, there is an opportunity to raise their business to almost everyone who wants to make money on the greenhouse business. This is provided that there is a site and it is possible to build a greenhouse on it, even from scrap materials.

In order for this venture not to be covered with frost in winter, there must be a spacious room with heating, high-quality coating and the ability to ventilate without the risk of destroying the growth.

  1. Fast payback. It is enough to work well and wisely, and in less than a year all the costs of building the structure will pay off.
  2. The presence of a constant demand for grown products. In the cold season, homemade vegetables are very popular not only among supermarkets and private outlets, but also among ordinary people - neighbors, friends, colleagues. Therefore, a year-round harvest is in any case a profitable business.

In addition to the fact that you have the opportunity to sell products that are grown in a greenhouse in winter, you can also use it yourself, being content with homemade and very cheap, compared to purchased, vegetables. Firstly, this is a quality that you have followed yourself, and secondly, it helps to save a lot of money on the purchase of expensive vegetables and herbs.

You can even grow grapes if it will generate income in your region

Since we are talking about the advantages of such a business plan, in fairness it is worth noting the disadvantages of growing vegetables and herbs in a greenhouse in winter. These include:

  1. Financial costs that must be constantly invested to ensure high-quality lighting and heating of the greenhouse structure. In this case, the organization of a winter greenhouse and its maintenance will cost you a fairly substantial amount.

The running costs of heating, lighting and fertilization should definitely be included in the business plan to assess the reality of this case specifically for you.

  1. Seasonality of sales. Since in summer everyone has the opportunity to grow vegetables on their own land plot, and supermarkets and retail outlets can purchase products from larger enterprises, this season the demand for vegetables and herbs grown in a closed garden will be extremely low. Although some companies prefer to cooperate with private farmers, so there is a chance to organize sales in the warmer months.
  2. Working alone. Due to the fact that a winter greenhouse as a business in our case is a private matter, then, accordingly, all organizational issues that arise will need to be resolved independently. These include:
  • search for a sales market;
  • delivery and delivery of products;
  • bookkeeping;
  • purchase of fertilizers and other necessary related consumables for growing vegetables in a greenhouse.

But, despite the fact that the entire cycle of growth and collection of vegetables and greens in winter in a greenhouse shelter, as a business plan, is characterized by a number of disadvantages, this is a very profitable investment for both novice gardeners and more experienced farmers. To do this, you need to know how to grow vegetables and a greenhouse and have a small initial capital.

What to grow?

In order to implement the task, first of all, you need to clearly define what exactly will be grown and sold in the future. Most often grown for sale:

  • flowers;
  • berries;
  • vegetables;
  • greens;
  • heat-loving exotic crops (for example, citrus fruits).

The climatic conditions in the greenhouse shelter must correspond to the nature and characteristics of specific plants or species when it comes to assortment.

In order not to idle the territory, you can grow several crops at once or alternately

Also keep in mind that if vegetables, in principle, allow for some interruptions in watering or temperature changes, then flowers or exotic fruits are unlikely to withstand such poor-quality care. And this can significantly affect the return on investment just started.

Even before choosing crops, you need to understand exactly what the optimal conditions should be (temperature, lighting, watering), whether you are able to provide them without interruption, and what are the costs of connection and monthly current.

VIDEO: A visual experiment on the percentage of forcing green feathers from a high-quality turnip

Where to grow?

This agricultural business should be started by building a greenhouse shelter. You can build such a structure from scratch both on your own and with the help of professionals.

Buildings for the development of green business are conventionally divided into several types:

  • annexes to the house or detached structures;
  • ground or buried;
  • by design features - arched, with a gable or sloping vault.

Constructions in the form of an extension to the house are convenient to work with, since you can get into it directly through the house. Also, this option is convenient in that it is possible to organize heating in the greenhouse without any special difficulties, taking it out of the house. True, the presence of one closed part of the structure, which is adjacent to the house, reduces the level of illumination of the plants, which may not have the best effect on the grown products.

A free-standing greenhouse located on a plot of land, if, of course, is located in a well-lit place, will receive much more sunlight than in the previous version. But in this case, you need to take care of the heating and lighting device in an independent building.

The advantages of a buried greenhouse are that it sinks into the soil by at least 1 meter (it all depends on the climatic conditions in the region where the business plan will be implemented). In this case, heating will be cheaper, and interruptions in the operation of the heating system and irrigation will not bring a complete loss of the crop.

Greenhouse material

When building a winter greenhouse as a business object, you need to carefully choose the material for such a structure. Most often, such consumables are used for such purposes:

  1. Glass

Long-lasting, but at the same time heavy material for the construction of a greenhouse shelter, which requires strengthening the frame part. It transmits the sun's rays well and creates the so-called greenhouse effect, but at the same time glass greenhouses are not able to retain heat for a long time at night, which requires additional heating.

  1. Polyethylene

Cheap material that will last about three years (we are talking about high-quality PET).

  1. Cellular polycarbonate

The highest quality of all samples is the material that is widely used by private farmers in conducting green business. It keeps heat well, lets in sunlight.

Due to the cellular structure of the covering material, the heat does not leave the room so rapidly, and the plants are not damaged in the midday sun.

The choice of material largely depends on the initial capital and the scale of the building. Since we are talking specifically about the winter variety of the greenhouse, it is best to build an arched structure with double polycarbonate. This will provide high-quality thermal insulation.

You will learn more about how to build an insulated winter structure in the article "".

Soil and growing conditions

After building or retrofitting a greenhouse structure, you need to prepare the soil. It all depends on how the vegetation will be grown:

  • in the beds;
  • on raised ridges;
  • in hanging pots.

The type of product also affects the soil preparation process. Therefore, be sure to check which soil is suitable for your chosen crop.

In order for the growth of vegetables in the greenhouse to be not only profitable, but also convenient, make high beds, raising them above ground level by 50-70 cm.And as an interlayer, you can install pipes with a heat source (water or air), an electric cable or make warm beds based on biofuel.

Horse manure has proven itself best as a biofuel. It keeps the temperature for a long time, but does not overheat the root system.


To obtain a good harvest, you need to provide the seedlings with adequate lighting and a suitable microclimate. In the winter season, daylight hours are not enough for the cultivation of most greenhouse crops, so you should take care of additional lighting, which can be fluorescent lamps.

For a covered garden, you need to drip LED lamps. They transmit up to 70% of the spectrum of sunlight, and are cheaper to operate.


As for heating, it can be organized by means of such devices:

  • oven;
  • air heaters, fan heaters;
  • cable electric heating;
  • IF heaters;
  • boiler (gas or solid fuel).

Organization of sales

Sell \u200b\u200bself-grown vegetables, flowers, etc. You can do it yourself by renting a retail space. You can also conclude an agreement with supermarkets. True, it is quite difficult to implement this task.

Approximate estimate

Important "building blocks" of the greenhouse business

So that you understand what amounts are in question, we bring to your attention an approximate estimate of such a business plan:

  1. Construction of the shelter and its complete arrangement - 500 thousand rubles.
  2. Additional labor resources represented by employees (with large volumes of plant cultivation) - 70 thousand rubles.
  3. Purchase of seedlings, fertilizers, fuel and other necessary consumables - 40 thousand rubles.

From the words of entrepreneurs for one month, the profit is about 400 thousand rubles. Now calculate how much you can earn on such a green business per season. I wish you success in all your endeavors!

VIDEO: Successful greenhouse business

When starting any business, first of all, one must take into account the natural advantages. It would never occur to anyone to build an elite hotel in a God-forsaken village, or to grow melon at the North Pole. This is exactly the case with greenhouse business... It is foolish to build a greenhouse in an open field, even if land rent there costs a penny, or high in the mountains, etc.

Ilya Nikolaevich Odintsov categorically began his story with such a statement. He is from the Rostov region, lives in a small industrial city. He is fifty-six years old, an automatic engineer by profession, in Soviet times he worked at a large chemical plant. In the early years of perestroika, Odintsov “raked in money” in a cooperative at the plant - he packed detergent powder in bags, then “drove” used cars from Germany, then converted into a “shuttle”, now he grows cucumbers and radishes on his own greenhouse farm. Calls himself a "greenhouse millionaire".

So, we are his guests. A small mansion made of Italian bricks, covered with blue metal tiles, is visible behind a high fence made of corrugated board. There is a brand new crossover in front of the gate. One feels that the owner is firmly on his feet. He invites into the yard, and the first thing that catches your eye is the absence of trees on the site - only greenhouses... Between them are concrete paths and intricate metal-plastic pipes.

- How did you come to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe greenhouse business?

- It all started in 1998. Then I brought clothes from Turkey. As in a nightmare, I remember that August, when the dollar went up three times. To pay off debts, he sold a new foreign car and gave away all his savings. At that time, there were only imported tomatoes in stores, and they also tripled in price. This hooked me, and the idea came to organize a greenhouse economy, fortunately, that the house had six acres of land.

- You still have greenhouses on the site in front of the house ...

- I have been breeding cucumbers in greenhouses for twelve years now and I am sure that you should not get involved with this business if you do not have your own plot at the house. In this case, the game is not worth the candle, except for pleasure.
Then Ilya Nikolaevich showed his farm. Greenhouses he built two types - frame, long, twenty meters, up to the fence; in width - 2.5 meters, and pitched, with a depression.

The first, somewhere, a quarter of the total area of \u200b\u200bgreenhouses. They are located just behind the mansion. Ilya Nikolayevich uses them to grow early varieties of cucumbers. Steel wire frame, 0.9 meters above the ground, covered with foil. At first glance, it seems that this is an ordinary greenhouse, but it is not. The entrance to the greenhouses is wooden, triangular, like a cellar. So it is, the steps lead down into a meter deep trench, dug along and reinforced with boards, along which you can walk without bending. Ilya Nikolayevich descends into the passage and easily, now from the right, now from the left, reaches the extreme seedlings in order to pull out weeds and barren flowers.
- Why did you decide to make such a deep trench, and not increase the height of the greenhouse, for example, up to two meters?

- Building a two-meter high greenhouse is not very profitable - you can't heat it in winter, the volume is large. The wind can also break, and you need a lot of film. And the highest income is in winter and early spring.

- Are you planning the harvest for the New Year?

- No. Just in January, I just plant it, otherwise there won't be enough light for normal growth. Nowadays seedlings in pots are in vogue, but I have adapted to grow from seeds, it is cheaper at times. If the soil is good, new, disinfected, then the seeds germinate well, most importantly, they must be well protected from weeds.

- For normal growth, not only light is needed, but also warmth, especially in winter.

- You see, - Ilya Nikolaevich pointed to two pipes laid at the edges of the greenhouse, - this is heating. From a home boiler. Cucumbers are very capricious, like ladies. Germinate at above +18 C, but ideal for them is +25 ... + 28 C. At this temperature, seedlings appear in as many as three days, and at +16 ... + 18 C - only after a week. Then, however, the range is wider, from +18 ... + 26 C. If the temperature is below +12 ... + 14 C, then the fruits do not ripen at all. It is quite difficult to comply with this regime, when the temperature outside in winter ranges from minus 15 to plus 15. As a former Kipovets, I (a specialist in control and measuring instruments) installed a relay alarm with a bell in the house. I follow the temperature regime carefully, like small children. "

- How do you water your plantations?

- I water constantly, cucumbers love water ( Ilya Nikolaevich pointed to transparent tubes through which water was flowing). First, I use hoses with millimeter holes, then I change them to those in which the diameter of the holes is three millimeters. Water is supplied to the hoses after turning on the corresponding tap located in the house, and then through these holes it flows strictly under the plant stem.

- I can't see the tomatoes. Why? After all, it was they who pushed you into this business.

- Come on. I tried it. Tomatoes do not like when it is very humid, maximum 60%. They need to be ventilated, and regularly. And if the frost is minus twenty? Freeze immediately. And if you don't ventilate, they will hurt. True, there are varieties, apparently genetically modified, that grow without problems, and even beautiful in appearance. But the taste is disgusting. There are many of them in the bazaar. But for me the most important thing is quality and naturalness. This is why buyers respect me, so I'm not going to grow such dubious tomatoes. Well, to close the topic of the choice of culture - I will say this, life itself will tell you what to grow. It's like choosing a wife. One likes smart, another is good with a beautiful, and the third - wives, like gloves. Apparently, my love with tomatoes did not work out. Although, to be honest, it's my greenhouses, they do not have comfortable ventilation, this, I think, is the main problem.

- But another red, or rather pink, vegetable stuck with you.

- Are you talking about radishes? This culture is very undemanding to heat, but loves light. I grow it under glass frames. Radish grows at + 3-4 C, although it “loves” +16 C. An ideal winter culture that does not die even if the temperature in the greenhouse suddenly drops to -6 C. Another advantage of radish is a short growing season: it ripens in 25- 35 days (round varieties) and 30-40 days (long varieties). Given that radishes are not picky about the soil, the cultivation of this vegetable does not apply to labor-intensive agricultural technologies. In winter and early spring, this product is in demand.

- Is the greenhouse business profitable?

- Now let's estimate. Look, from one square meter I shoot 100-150 cucumbers for two months. This is about 10-15 kilograms, which I sell to wholesalers at a price of 80 rubles per kilo. It turns out about a thousand rubles per square meter, or 40 thousand s greenhouses... Ten greenhouses bring a "dirty income" of four hundred thousand rubles. Minus the cost of fertilizers, soil, seedlings, heat and water, and as a result, two hundred thousand rubles for February-March remain "clean". In spring, the income is about half. In the summer and fall, my profit from cucumbers is at the level of fifty thousand per quarter.

- Do you plan to modernize your greenhouse facilities in the future?

- Of course, I will modify it. I will slowly start buying greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate, and I will remove the frames under which I grow radishes. I have already planned one new greenhouse this year. This will be done in a comprehensive manner, simultaneously with the introduction of drip irrigation, as well as modern lighting and heating. I will also equip greenhouses systems automatic control temperature and humidity, fortunately, that I gained fat. And I'll try the tomatoes again. The demand for them is great. My goals are quite ambitious: to bring the winter harvest to four hundred cucumbers per square meter.

- Ilya Nikolayevich, many of our readers will clearly be hooked on your experience, and they will also decide to try their hand at greenhouses. What parting words tell them?

- First of all, we must learn that this business does not have a universal formula for success, because each region of our huge country has its own climatic features that determine the policy of an agribusiness. Well, in general, in Russia agriculture and animal husbandry will be controlled by new Russian farmers. Look, the world cannot live without Russian grain. If you had said that twenty years ago, you would have laughed. The same will happen with potatoes, then with meat. Remember what Petr Arkadyevich Stolypin said: "Give the state twenty years of peace, internal and external, and you will not recognize today's Russia."

Unlike a greenhouse, the size and heating system make it possible to organize the entire cultivation cycle of a particular crop. Inside greenhouses, the radiated heat from the sun and heating pipes warms up the plants and the soil. The air heated from the inner surface is trapped inside the structure by the roof and walls.

Example of profitability

It happens that the profitability of the greenhouse business reaches 50% or more. In the video below, for a farmer doing flower business in greenhouses, the following figures are given:

  • Investment amount - 1,500,000 rubles;
  • Area - 220 sq. m .;
  • Production capacity - 50,000 flowers;
  • Business payback - 2 years;
  • The profitability of the greenhouse economy is 50%.

On greenery, the profitability of the farm can reach even higher rates, especially of the dill growing business.


Along with a good payback, this business also has high risks due to the fact that plants do not forgive mistakes. This is not just a production where products can be easily and quickly reworked. In the agricultural business, a mistake can lead to a complete loss of the crop and this cannot be fixed in a couple of days. To fix it, you will have to wait for a new crop, which can be obtained only after many weeks and months. Therefore, it is advisable for novice farmers to start from scratch with a small farm, even at home. On a small scale, you can gain experience, thanks to which you can then develop your business into a large greenhouse complex.

Main crops in the greenhouse business

Mainly farmers grow the following crops:

  • Vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and peppers. Tomatoes and cucumbers are the most popular greenhouse vegetables.
  • Herbs and herbs: parsley, dill, green onion, basil, mint, rosemary, sage. The first three of them are popular everywhere and the most profitable for the greenhouse business.
  • Salads: romano, chinese, lettuce, sorrel, celery, spinach, arugula, corn.
  • Mushrooms... Oyster mushrooms are often grown in greenhouses. However, much light is not required for mushrooms, and sometimes it is even destructive, therefore, for example, for the same oyster mushrooms in greenhouses, the light level is lowered.
  • Flowers: roses, tulips, lilies, orchids, carnations ... Read more about this in the article about.
  • Seedlings for sale... Mainly vegetables are grown for seedlings.

Video of what a mushroom farm looks like:

Beneficial insects for greenhouses

For disease prevention and pest control, beneficial insects are used in the greenhouse business. To control pests in greenhouses, entomophagous mites are used. During the day, one female of such ticks destroys up to 5 thrips or up to 15 whitefly larvae.

  • Fitoseyulus persimilis (Phytoseiulus persimilis) - kills various types of ticks.
  • Ambliseius Andersoni (Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) Andersoni) - first emphasized on different types tick, then begins to feed on young thrips larvae, fungi, pollen and secretions.
  • Ambliseius californicus (Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) californicus) - the main purpose is to prevent certain types of ticks (cyclamen, carmine, spiderweb and others). In their absence, it begins to feed on thrips, various small insects and plant pollen.
  • Ambliseius cumeris (Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) cucumeris) - used to control thrips, especially tobacco and western flower thrips, and to protect crops from ticks of the Tarsonemidae family.
  • Ambliseius degenerance (Neoseiulus (Amblyseius) degenerans) and Amblyseius swirskii - focuses on whitefly eggs and larvae, and then switches to young thrips larvae or small insects.

Greenhouse farms use bumblebee colonies for pollination of crops grown in greenhouses. The use of bumblebees helps to increase yields by 30% without using any chemical fertilizers. They do not bite, do not require special care. When using bumblebees, the probability of pollination of plants increases up to 100%, which helps to increase not only the yield, but also its quality. For greenhouses up to 100 sq. m2 is enough for one family.

Bumblebee families are sold in similar boxes

All of these insects are freely sold on the Internet or any specialized firm.

Industrial greenhouses

In the greenhouse business, special industrial greenhouses are used, which make it possible to get an unprecedentedly rich harvest in a relatively small area. The quality and quantity of products does not depend on the influence of external factors, which makes this business more and more popular and in demand, especially in the northern regions of the country.

More and more farms have appreciated the advantages and prefer the greenhouse method of growing, which significantly increases the profitability of the business.

Features and distinctive features of an industrial greenhouse

Distinctive features:

  1. Much larger than normal.
  2. The use of special heating systems, thanks to which you can achieve a rich harvest several times a year and reduce downtime.
  3. They have a much larger area than ordinary ones.
  4. The structure is of considerable height.
  5. Structures with several tiers and floors are allowed.
  6. In difficult climatic conditions, capital building materials are used as the main material for the construction of a greenhouse.
  7. Combination of artificial and natural light source.
  8. Using electronic systems tracking, sensors.

The most technically equipped greenhouses are located in the greenhouses of the Netherlands. They are self-contained covered fields. Sometimes the area of \u200b\u200bsuch greenhouse structures exceeds a couple of thousand square meters.

An example of a robotic greenhouse in Tyumen:

For the cultivation of vegetable and berry crops, not only the standard soil method is used, but also innovative methods, for example, hydroponics. The essence of hydroponics is that the root part of the plant is not in the soil, but in an enriched artificially created substance, where moisture and fertilizers are supplied. Thanks to this method, as well as the balanced supply of nutrients, greenhouse farms in Holland reap colossal yields that cannot be obtained with conventional cultivation on soil.

Whole concerns are engaged in the development and production of innovative equipment for equipping such greenhouse complexes. Such business equipment is responsible for heating, water supply and for controlling the microclimate in the greenhouse.

In such complexes, a multi-level heating system is carried out. Underfloor heating is installed. Special equipment synthesizes and supplies carbon dioxide to the closed complex, which is an irreplaceable compound in the life of plants.

The Dutch greenhouse and equipment manufacturers have proven themselves to be the best and supply all over the world.

Domestic producers of greenhouse complexes quickly adopt the innovative achievements of their foreign colleagues and easily implement them. At the same time, our products for business are much cheaper than imported ones. During its production, the climatic features of our region, generally accepted building codes are taken into account and, accordingly, all equipment undergoes adaptation revision.

In modern greenhouses of a domestic manufacturer for greenhouse farms, it became possible to grow plants using racks, hanging systems, when the plants are arranged in several tiers. Such complexes use an artificial light source. Thanks to this, the business becomes year-round, because you can get equally rich harvests regardless of the season, as well as from the climatic zone.

Serial models

Manufacturers of this type of product for small businesses and private households have developed and introduced into production the most popular and demanded models of greenhouses. Such structures can be divided into several subspecies:

  • tunnel type;
  • multi-tunnel, additionally equipped with a gallery;
  • block, having several spans;
  • garden centers.

All complexes are designed and manufactured in accordance with generally accepted domestic building standards.

Medium-sized greenhouses, as well as private owners of small plots of land, prefer tunnel type greenhouses.

Industrial complexes can have different coverage:

  • film;
  • polycarbonate.

A frame made of various materials and shapes can be used:

  • arched type;
  • gothic form;
  • upright walls;
  • upright walls, reinforced additionally.

The width of such structures can vary from 3.5 to 12 meters, depending on the size of the farm where it will be used.

Greenhouses series "Farmer"

This type of construction is intended for growing vegetables, berry crops, seedlings on an industrial scale in greenhouse farms.

Distinctive features of the "Farmer" series for business:

  • the frame is made of a durable profile (galvanized). Bolts are used as fasteners;
  • arcs are fastened with beams for strength;
  • the shape of such a greenhouse can be arched or gothic;
  • the height of the complex reaches 4 meters;
  • width varies in the range of 3.5-7.7 meters;
  • the set includes swing gates, which are easily installed on the end of the structure;
  • at the request of the customer, manufacturers can install windows for ventilation;
  • as a covering, polycarbonate is used, which has a honeycomb structure with good light transmission. At the request of the customer, polycarbonate of various thicknesses can be used. The choice of thickness depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire complex, on the wind load in the region where the greenhouse is installed, etc. Fastening of polycarbonate is carried out using a polyscrape (fastening sheets together) and brackets (fastening directly to the frame).

This complex allows greenhouse farms to do business, regardless of their growth and season.

The Farmer's convenience also lies in the fact that the structure can be installed both on the foundation and on open ground (if it is possible to dig in the support posts).

Greenhouse construction from scratch

Choosing the best location

To get the maximum possible yield in the greenhouse business and at the same time save energy resources, it is necessary to correctly position the structure relative to the cardinal points. For example, for the southern regions of the country, the optimal location of the greenhouse is strictly from north to south. For the northern regions - from west to east.

Site selection criteria:

  • The place of the future greenhouse should be perfectly flat.
  • If the region has an increased wind load, it is imperative to provide for the construction of structures that are aimed at reducing the wind speed (shields, fences, etc.). Such complexes will provide protection from snow drifts.
  • Provide for the drainage of water, which can accumulate during precipitation and cause irreversible negative processes (destruction of the foundation, corrosion, the development of pathogenic bacteria, fungi).
  • Provide for the possibility of artificial water supply to the greenhouse complex.
  • Is it possible to supply electricity to the complex.
  • Check the soil for its fertility, additionally use special mixtures, fertilizers, etc.

All these points need to be thought over and planned so that in the future, in the process of operation, there are no difficulties.

Criteria for choosing a greenhouse project

Before ordering a drawing project for a greenhouse, you need to decide what specific crops will be grown in it, what requirements it should meet. Such a greenhouse structure is being built for many years and such work as drafting a project, construction is better to entrust to professionals with experience in this area of \u200b\u200bbusiness.

Such organizations will offer greenhouse farms ready-made projects that meet their requirements. It is much cheaper than developing a project from scratch. Almost all manufacturers can purchase a ready-made model and assemble it at a selected site.


In order for an industrial greenhouse to function for many years, it must be installed on a pre-prepared foundation.

The advantage of using it:

  • fixing the entire structure;
  • minimizing the penetration of excess moisture;
  • weeds do not enter the greenhouse.

The material from which the foundation can be made:

  • The greenhouses are medium in size - piles, blocks, tiles, bricks.
  • Large structures - concrete, timber.

Frame features

Large-area industrial greenhouses for business are made in the shape of an arch or have a gable shape. Such structures provide the highest possible strength and stability for large-scale greenhouse structures with several tiers.

The frame is made from the following types of material:

  • Hat profile... A distinctive feature is the simplicity and speed of installation. But it must be borne in mind that the structure may collapse due to the accumulation of snow;
  • Profile pipe... During installation, welding can be used, which significantly speeds up the process and helps to withstand the accumulation of snow;
  • Corner... Fastened together with bolts. The corner undergoes additional anti-corrosion treatment. Withstands large snow deposits.

The frame must be fixed on a previously prepared foundation, in which anchors or studs are mounted. This will give additional strength and stability to the entire structure. Minimizes loosening.

Which covering material to choose?

The following types are used as a covering material in greenhouses:

Cellular polycarbonate

The most commonly used material for industrial greenhouses.

Its advantages for the greenhouse business:

  • ease of installation. Its installation does not require special skills and the involvement of expensive equipment;
  • durability, reliability;
  • resistant to mechanical damage, shock.
  • has good light transmittance;
  • available in various thicknesses. You can pick up the best option for a specific object.


Advantages of glass as a covering material:

  • good light throughput;
  • some types of glass have increased strength indicators (for example, greenhouse glass);
  • the ability to order glass that will be molded into molds of a certain size. This significantly increases its strength.

Polyethylene film

As a covering material, the film has been used for many years. This is facilitated by its low cost and good light transmission capabilities. But it has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • in the process of fastening, the material often breaks and loses its shape;
  • deformed under the influence of the wind (stretched, torn);
  • in some cases, it needs to be changed annually (for example, in regions with increased wind load).

Heating and heating the greenhouse

As a source of heat for heating, at low temperatures, boilers (solid fuel, gas, etc.) can be used in greenhouses. They heat the water that circulates through the piping system and transfers heat to the radiators. This provides heating, both of the soil itself and of the air masses.

Electric heaters can be used as additional heating. But they do not warm up the soil, and the temperature drops rapidly after turning them off. Also, such heat sources are energy-intensive and costly for business.

Modern greenhouses use infrared radiation in their complexes. Such heaters can be installed under the ceiling and simulate the sun's heat, when the soil warms up, the plants themselves, and only then the air. This heat source mimics natural sunlight. Plants under an infrared heater produce rich yields even in winter. But such a system is very expensive for business, both in installation and in maintenance.

Various soil heating systems are often used.

Regulations and GOSTs

Standard for vegetables, fruits and herbs:

  • GOST R 57976-2017: Fresh fruits and vegetables. Terms and Definitions.

Color standards:

  • GOST 18908.1-2019 Cut flowers. Roses. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.2-2019 Cut flowers. Chrysanthemums. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.4-2019 Cut flowers. Shabo carnation. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.7-2019 Cut flowers. Tulips. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.8-2019 Cut flowers. Gerbera. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.3-73 Cut flowers. Repairing carnation. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.5-73 Cut flowers. Peonies. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.6-73 Cut flowers. Asters. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.9-73 Cut flowers. Daffodils. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.10-73 Cut flowers. Gladioli. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.11-81 Cut flowers. Callas. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.12-81 Cut flowers. Lilies. Technical conditions
  • GOST 18908.13-81 Cut flowers. Hippeastrum. Technical conditions
  • GOST 20453-90 Potted flowers. Implementation requirements
  • ... Peasant farming is more profitable in the sense that you can apply for certain other fruit and berry crops

In addition, agricultural tax is the most profitable compared to other tax regimes. It is 6% of income, and losses of past periods can be written off against payment. A farm can even be organized by one family member on his own behalf. If the rest will act as members of peasant farms, then they will have to pay contributions to pension insurance.

In this article, you will find practically ready business plan greenhouse facilities and an overview of various options, as well as some technologies for growing greenhouse products. So is the greenhouse business profitable? We will find the pros and cons of this idea and find out how quickly this project will pay off.

Greenhouse business plan: calculate the profitability

Let's say right away: the greenhouse business should be started only in the southern regions.

Experts have calculated that it is more profitable to transport the grown products to the northern regions than to pay for electricity or gas to heat the greenhouse. Ready business the greenhouse plan should take this into account when calculating the profitability of the enterprise.

However, you should know that it will be profitable to transport finished products only when you have well-established logistics. Usually large firms that are engaged in the cultivation of vegetables and herbs, equip their "possessions" in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, where not only the length of the day is longer and warmer, but also cheaper work force and earth. In addition, according to media reports, the administration of these regions allocates subsidies 50% for the opening agriculture.

According to experts, for "going to zero" it is necessary that the profitability of the greenhouse business is at least 20%.

You should take care of the sales market in advance, negotiate with the owners retail chains and conclude contracts for the supply of their products. It is possible to arrange the delivery of greenery to customers.

A ready-made business plan can include the following pros and cons of greenhouse cultivation:

The pluses include:

  • small costs of organizing a business;
  • fast payback;
  • demand for products from retail outlets and the population;
  • the ability to use fresh products ourselves.

The disadvantages include:

  • expensive electricity (you can save on it by using wood heating);
  • seasonality of business;
  • the need to solve the problem of delivery to the buyer and preservation of the presentation of the product.

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Greenhouse economy: what to grow?

The most profitable, according to experts, is growing flowers. In second place is greenery. And the least profitable is growing vegetables. Currently, the most common cultivation of greens: onions, parsley and lettuce. Greens are not particularly difficult to grow, do not require as much heat and light as vegetables, and they are almost always present on the dinner table.

A greenhouse business plan should start with the following questions:

  • choice of growing system;
  • selection of the number of greenhouses and their total area;
  • choice of greenhouse cover.

The most common and less costly growing system is hydroponics. It automates the growing process and makes it faster. At the same time, the plants are in a "glass" with water, where fertilizers and nutrients in liquid form enter through the tubes.

The disadvantage of such a system is that such greens have a watery taste and a picky buyer will always distinguish green bundles grown in the country from "hydroponic" plants. Nevertheless, 90% of the market is occupied by hydroponically grown greens.

Hydroponics advocates argue that vegetables grown in the soil accumulate higher levels of pesticides.

There are intermediate technologies between soil and hydroponics. They allow you to achieve the taste of "ground" vegetables. This is achieved by adding real soil and peat to the nutrient solution containing the plants.

And finally, there are convenient mobile beds in which the highest quality vegetables grow.

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Greenhouse and its covering

In addition to the method of growing greenery, a lot of controversy raises the question of what is better to use as a greenhouse cover: glass or polyethylene?

Glass allows a lot of heat to pass through, it is not economical, and in too sunny regions it can cause plant burns. In addition, thin glass cannot be used in the greenhouse. At least it should be 6 mm, this glass costs a lot of money.

Polyethylene also has its drawbacks: it does not transmit as much light as glass, it is short-lived. You can also use polycarbonate and acrylic, which eliminate the disadvantages of polyethylene.

Setting up a greenhouse business is not a new idea. However, with a competent organization, a "green" business can bring a very good income. Where to start a greenhouse business and how to overcome obstacles on the path of a budding entrepreneur? We will talk about this and much more in this article.

Weigh the pros and cons

In greenhouses, greens and vegetables grow rapidly, in some regions they harvest 3-4 crops per year. Therefore, such a business, in fact, cannot be unprofitable. Nevertheless, in addition to its advantages, it also has a number of disadvantages. Let's consider both in the table.

Benefits of running a greenhouse

Business disadvantages

Greenhouse business-simple. Greenhouses are being built quickly. Starting a business can be done in a couple of months

Selling grown products is very problematic, therefore, a constant search for consumers and markets is required

Possibility to receive subsidies from the state. For example, the administration of the Krasnodar Territory provides subsidies for starting up a business in the field of agriculture in the amount of up to 50%

Seasonality of prices and high competition require careful research of the local market

Business can be set up in a small area required for greenhouses. Sometimes 2-3 acres are enough. Saving on rent if you have your own land or rent it far from the city

Decent monthly costs for electricity, water, as well as their implementation and connection

Fast payback (from 1 to 2 years) distinguishes any greenhouse business

Where to begin?

For a budding entrepreneur, it is extremely important to have a rough picture or an action plan that contributes to the success of the greenhouse business. It is important to think over many points related to the organization of the greenhouse economy, but first of all it is worth paying attention to solving three primary issues:

  1. What to grow? Taking into account the favorable weather conditions in a small number of regions, price forecasts, it is advisable to grow vegetables and herbs. These plants are very unpretentious, do not require much maintenance, any greenhouse business will benefit from them. Flowers are the choice of many professionals. Exotic plants and flowers are the most profitable direction in the greenhouse business. But it is always associated with risk and high costs. It is recommended that a beginner starting a greenhouse practice on greens (onions, lettuce, parsley).
  2. Who to sell to? This is a question that must be resolved before building or purchasing a greenhouse. Before starting all work, it is important to establish contacts with buyers. The more guaranteed points of sale you have, the better, because if one wholesale buyer refuses to buy the grown, then there will be another.
  3. What type of greenhouse to install: summer or winter? What materials and how much to buy? Many people choose quick-build greenhouses. More suited specifically for business, but they are not cheap. Some aspiring entrepreneurs build from scrap materials, and then renovate and equip the farm as they earn. Regardless of how much you are going to invest, it is wise to plan your budget in advance.

Business specifics

There are three branches in the greenhouse business: growing vegetables, flowers and greenery; there are greenhouses for each direction. According to experts, the maximum income from them can be obtained in a sufficiently hot climate, it is desirable that the winter temperature is not lower than -5 degrees. Frosty winter is a serious risk, in order to avoid it, you will have to invest additionally in the purchase of materials for insulation. The losses from the cold winter will be many times greater than the cost of transporting products to the northern regions.

The beginning entrepreneur will have to choose a direction: a seasonal or permanent greenhouse business. Where to start planning? If you are going to be engaged in seasonal cultivation of plants, then a regular business is suitable. A permanent business is based on special industrial premises with protected ground, with year-round heating and lighting.

Calculate in your head all expenses and estimated incomes, think over financial risks, other significant questions are almost impossible without a business plan. It helps to identify and solve many problems during the preparation stage. How to correctly develop a business plan for a greenhouse complex?

Sections of the business plan

A greenhouse business plan can include several sections. It takes into account natural and climatic conditions, all aspects of a particular business:

  • Activity overview or resume.
  • Description of the business.
  • Description of products and services.
  • Market and industry analysis.
  • Production plan and
  • Sales plan.
  • Financial and investment plan.

What to write about in a business plan?

Let's give a detailed justification of the project in the table.

Activity overview or resume

The business plan provides for the opening of a greenhouse farm, which will carry out the cultivation, harvesting and subsequent marketing of agricultural products (greenery, vegetables or flowers, etc.). The individual entrepreneur was chosen as the organizational and legal form. The advantage of this form is simplified bookkeeping, simplicity of settlements with counterparties and tax reduction. The project is assessed as successful, as there is a fairly high demand for agricultural products in the region

Business Description

IN this section it is recommended to describe in detail all the objects that will be included in the greenhouse economy. The business plan should contain a description and diagrams of future building structures and planned engineering and technological communications. It is necessary to calculate the needs for heating, gas, water. For example, it is planned to open a greenhouse farm of five greenhouses, the total area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 600 m 2, the size of the greenhouse is 20 x 6 m

Description of products and services

The greenhouse business is created for the cultivation of agricultural products and their sale to buyers wholesale and retail. At the preparatory stage, it is worth deciding on the future assortment that will be presented in the greenhouse. Most often these are herbs and vegetables. At this stage, you have to choose a growing method, traditional or innovative, such as hydroponics. When selecting an assortment, it is important to take into account the demand and the general specifics of this industry in your region, for this we are working on the following section

Market and industry analysis

A greenhouse business plan, as a rule, contains a detailed description and features of the regional (regional, district) greenhouse market. In addition, it is extremely important for the success of the whole business to find potential wholesale buyers, evaluate sales opportunities, and report on work with wholesalers. The business plan specifies not only future buyers, but also their planned purchase volumes

Production plan and organizational plan

  • Acquisition or lease of a land plot.
  • Construction of greenhouses.
  • Carrying out all the necessary communications.
  • Recruiting staff if necessary

Sales plan

Before starting all activities to organize a greenhouse business, it is necessary to draw up a sales plan. It is necessary to think over what the circle of buyers will be, and, if possible, establish links with agricultural bases, shops, supermarkets, food markets and other counterparties.

Financial and investment plan

Is the greenhouse business profitable? On this question the financial plan will help answer. To calculate the amount of profit and the break-even point, it is necessary to keep track of upcoming income and expenses, to understand the features tax accounting and other indicators

Financial plan

The basis financial plan is the forecasting of forthcoming income and expenses, without which the greenhouse business cannot become successful. In addition, the entrepreneur will have to independently maintain these articles, calculate the planned and actual profit, net profit, break-even point and other indicators. To create a plan and keep records, it will be convenient to divide all costs into one-time, fixed and variable:

  • One-time costs are expenses that will have to be carried out once, as a rule, at the initial stage (purchase of greenhouses, cars, water supply, electricity, etc.).
  • Fixed costs are usually monthly expenses paid by the businessman in equal amounts (land rent, employee salaries, water supply, electricity).
  • Variable costs - costs that arise periodically in different amounts (repair of greenhouses, purchase of fertilizers, fuels and lubricants (fuel) for product delivery).

Based on detailed cost information, we can calculate the total cost for each month and for the whole year. To simplify the work, a table will help, in which we select columns for each month and columns for types of expenses.

It is significant that in a number of regions 2-3 harvests per year are obtained, and in some of them 4 harvests per greenhouse farm. The business plan makes it easy to calculate the planned income. For this, it is important to know market prices and harvest volumes per square meter. Incomes will appear only after the sale of a ripe crop and depend on the type of product and its price on the market.

Let's take a greenhouse business based on greenery as an example. Let's make an approximate calculation for green onions. In the supermarket, a bunch of onions costs up to 30 rubles in spring, about the same cost is for 1 kg of onions on the base. From 100 to 120 bulbs are planned to be planted in a 1 m 2 greenhouse. You can get from 100 to 120 bunches of onions from 1 m 2. So, 1 m 2 of the greenhouse will bring up to 3000 rubles. Subtract expenses from income and get a profit. Let's say we have already incurred one-time costs. There remained the cost of heating and watering the greenhouse and others, which amounted to 2,500 rubles per m2:

3000 - 500 \u003d 2500 rubles.

We multiply the profit from 1 m 2 by the total area of \u200b\u200b150 m 2:

2500 × 150 \u003d 375 thousand rubles.

After deducting the amount of taxes, we get a net profit, which will show how successful the greenhouse business is, whether it is profitable to invest our money, time and effort in it. Thus, the payback of a greenhouse business for growing greenery, if correctly calculated, can be several months. The constant search for clients will allow the entrepreneur to make a profit in the first year of work, so the profitability of the greenhouse business is quite acceptable.

Investment plan

The investment plan contains an investment or investment scheme for all stages of business development, the amount of initial capital. The first investment will be a greenhouse. The businessman receives project documentation for it and all external networks. It is important to know how much all the pieces of equipment cost. It is necessary to plan funds for the construction of greenhouses, connection to networks (electricity, water supply), purchase of equipment and planting material. These investments are included in the running costs incurred by the businessman until the first profit from the greenhouses.

Which greenhouse to choose?

Before purchasing a greenhouse, you have to decide on its type. The type of greenhouse depends on climatic conditions, assortment and specifics of the farm:

  • Summer light greenhouses are simple and set up in a couple of hours. This type of building is erected in a few hours. The summer version of greenhouses is mostly used as protection against prolonged rains or pests.
  • Winter-type greenhouses that allow sunlight to pass through will help create and maintain the necessary microclimate. Therefore, they are more suitable for growing any kind of plant, including flowers.

Greenhouse materials

The creation of a temperature regime suitable for plants is expensive. A cheap greenhouse will not be able to maintain the desired temperature for a long time. It is important to consider the choice of material that will be used in its construction. The following types of materials are popular today:

  • Glass. For a very long time, the greenhouse business at home was built on one of the main materials in this business - glass. It was used to create insulated greenhouses that could be successfully operated until late autumn. Glass transmits up to 90% of the light. But for the cold winter months, it is not suitable, regardless of whether additional insulation is used. Glass has such a disadvantage as fragility, low temperatures can destroy it. And the cost of glazing will be rather big. Therefore, this material is suitable for temporary use.
  • Polyethylene is a material used for a long time in many types of greenhouses. Its plus is its low price compared to other materials. But a significant drawback is the small bandwidth. Many plants will need additional light sources. The greenhouse will have to be opened in acceptable weather to allow sunlight to reach the plants. The material is characterized by low strength and low heat capacity, therefore it is suitable exclusively for summer greenhouses.
  • It is impossible to imagine a home greenhouse business without polycarbonate. It is a product of modern technology, 250 times stronger and 8 times lighter than glass. Its heat capacity is several times higher than that of glass and polyethylene. Only polycarbonate is the ideal material for winter greenhouses. The maximum light penetration is ensured by the polycarbonate roof of the greenhouse with a thickness of no more than 9 mm. The walls can be thicker. When choosing a polycarbonate greenhouse, it is important to know that it is produced in two types: monolithic and honeycomb. Cellular polycarbonate has more advantages, since it is much more transparent and warmer than monolithic. Cellular polycarbonate is recommended for greenhouse business.


The greenhouse economy is a business that must constantly develop and improve. High competition in industries lowers profit margins. New technologies appear, but at the same time the cost of equipment is growing. Therefore, a businessman should be able not only to sell what he has grown, but to navigate the market, use innovations and expand the business.