How to make a flower business. How to open a profitable color store. Flower Pavilion - Huge Competition

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If you walk on any city, you can see that the flower business today is quite great popularity. Each settlement has several small trays and large salons. And then many have a question as to whether the flower business is beneficial and how much. Can the color selling a worthy profit in such a tough competition? Actually yes! But only if you open the flower business in stages and approach this issue responsibly and competently. To do this, it is necessary to correctly determine the type of product, find a good place to implement it and attract customers. In this case, the profitability of the business can reach a decent level in a short time.

On the way to success

Trade in flowers can be very profitable if it is developed. An even more profit can receive a businessman who will set out its own production of products, that is, it will grow on their own colors. However, such a development of events is possible exclusively for those who can fully calculate and feel all the subtleties of this type of occupation. Flower business It has some nuances, namely the peculiarities of the product itself, which has a small implementation period. For this reason, it is necessary to purchase everything necessary equipmentto extend this period.

To obtain a good result, there is no need for huge investments, but to spend on a certain equipment for flower business and the right room will still have, since this product is considered rather whimsical. To make a business successful, you need to offer customers only a quality product, and for this there should always be fresh live flowers. If the entrepreneur does not have the opportunity to grow products for sale independently, you need to find reliable suppliers. It is especially important that the supply system does not make failures at the moments of increased demand, that is, holidays.

An important factor is the skill of the businessman to create a favorable setting for customers. From what atmosphere will reign in the outlet, largely depends the desire of buyers to return here. A competent approach and a clear calculation is a very important component of any business, but the sale of flowers is both creative occupation, so you need to love your business and do with inspiration.

If a businessman has a good deal with taste, he will be able to properly choose the product range and place the room. It is important to take care of advertising, since this moment is one of the most important expenditure.

How to organize a flower business?

If a person is going to do his own business for the first time, he should read special literature as to how to organize a flower business and deal with questions russian legislation. It is best to register as an individual entrepreneur, since for retailers in this case will be the best conditions. If organizational issues understand independently it will be too difficult, it is worth seeking help for professionals, which for a certain fee will help to establish and conduct business.

If a novice entrepreneur decided to open a flower business, where to start - the first question he asked himself. Starting with the definition of your own niche. When it comes to colors, you need to choose the location correctly trading pointTo avoid excess competition. It is necessary to take into account that this place should be crowded. It is best to look at the districts near schools and professional educational institutions.

Next, you should find a good reliable supplier. At this stage, difficulties occur. Often, entrepreneurs have to fill a lot of cones before it turns out to find a good supplier. Flowers need to be bought in a timely manner, but with a slight margin. This is especially important during the holidays. In this case, a warehouse with appropriate equipment should be provided in the commercial premises.

With regard to how to start a flower business, the first stage provides for mandatory investments in advertising. Only so people will be able to learn about the new store. Further it depends on the quality of products, price and level of service. If all this is on high level, regular customers will be much. It is possible that in the future you will have to even expand the business and hire assistants. Sellers in the flower salon must be people creative, energetic and sociable.

A store

If the entrepreneur already has experience in conducting commercial activities, it will be much easier for him to determine the amount of work that he can afford. Another thing is novice businessmen. If there is no serious experience, you should not immediately invest large amounts in the business on colors. It is better to start with a small outlet, that is, to become a representative of the smallest business.

With a minimum of attachments, you can even organize your own store in the worldwide network. It is quite convenient and recently enjoys considerable popularity. It is enough to organize a storage room, to establish a timely delivery for constant replenishment of the warehouse, and after receiving orders via the Internet and deliver flowers to buyers. Earnings will depend on the quality of products and the efficiency of couriers.

Several large investments will require their own salon. Here it is already necessary to spend not only for the rental of warehouse, but also for registration commercial premises. Exotic plants recently enjoy considerably popular. Moreover, it is possible to sell not only cut flowers, but also plants in pots, as well as related products. In the period between the holidays, such a product is a considerable percentage of revenue. Some entrepreneurs go even further and complement flower business products for holidays and gifts. You can highlight a few shelves for toys and put a rack with postcards to receive additional income and attract even more customers.

One of the most common types of outlets for the sale of colors is the department in the pavilion. As a rule, they are in crowded places, but surrendered for a reasonable rent. Thus, the pavilion will bring good income at low costs.

A classic option can be called a flower shop. It can be equipped on the first floor of a residential building or to build a separate building. Investments in this case will be essential, as everyone will have to be properly equipped. As a rule, there are enough space in stores, so you can offer customers a large assortment Products. It is better that these are flowers from expensive to economical options to attract as much customers as possible.

Equipment costs

In order to organize your trading point for the sale of colors, huge investments will not need. However, if in the plans of a businessman to engage in the implementation of fashionable exotic plants, they will need to create the desired microclimate for long-term storage. If the task of the point will only trade with flowers and bouquets from ordinary varieties, expenses will be significantly less. In addition to the products, you will need wrapping paper for bouquets, ribbons and special tools.

The room itself must be equipped with air conditioning, refrigerator, special racks and a plant for processing plants. Na great demand Enjoy roses and carnations. Depending on seasonality, other options can be purchased, for example, tulips or asters. Considerable popularity in last years Orchids began to use.

Location of a trading point

As for that, it is beneficial to sell colors, it largely depends on how correctly the trading point is located. If the territory is a passing and crowded, it is a huge plus. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of competitors. It happens that in one place there are several stores with similar products, which already reduces the level of profitability at times.

Experts argue that the most favorable places for trading colors are areas near restaurants and concert halls, near schools and other educational institutions.

Often, flower shops can be found at the intersections of lively streets and stops. Such places are well suited for trafficking in flowers, as it is easy to drive to the car.

Will flower business promising?

If a person is going to invest a certain amount of money, he should know how to open a flower business and be sure that it will bring some profits. As for the sale of colors, then the prospects are very large, since such products will always be in demand, and at certain days a year from customers there is no pen. However, the trading point brings good profits, you must be able to properly store and sell flowers.

Considering that plants are very whimsical products, you need to contact it extremely carefully. Moreover, a considerable percentage will be on write-off, and without it can not do. However, the purchasing cost of flowers is small, so you can make such an outcome that will cover costs many times. And then it becomes very important correct supplier's choice.

If you organize a trading point of medium size, you can make 50-100 thousand rubles. This is enough for the purchase of normal equipment and purchasing products for the first time. With a competent approach, good results can be achieved, and the business will pay off quickly. At first, it is best to work on your own in order to make the most in all the nuances of the flower business, and after, if necessary, you can hire assistants.

Investments: Investments 2 000 000 - 3,500 000 ₽

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Investments: 400,000 - 800,000 rubles.

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Investments: from 1,500,000 rubles.

Stabilized plants, mosses and floral compositions are widely used worldwide for interior interiors, banks, hotels, shopping centers, car dealerships, reception, showcases, exhibition stands, conference rooms, any public premises, as well as apartments, cottages, villas. However, in the cities of Russia, this niche is completely free, and you have every chance to take leadership positions in our region. ...

Investments: 65,000 - 99,000 rubles.

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Investments: from 500,000 rubles.

Vega Flowers is a young, rapidly developing franchise based on uniqueness and uniqueness, as well as the absence of a complete analogue of its product, a stabilized bouquet from Vega Flowers, which retains the properties of natural freshness over the years, without requiring watering and care. It is absolutely environmentally friendly and hypoalgengen. Such a miracle is possible due to the replacement of water in the plant itself ...

Investments: from 250,000 rubles.

Terrafiori company. Absolute imitation of live colors. Founded in 2012. Flowers from ecological silicone is a unique product, innovation in the world of flower decor! Business geography - the whole of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries. The advantages of these colors: fully transmit the form, color and even tactile perception of living plants; Dust resistant; Do not require care; Frost-resistant; Hypoallergenic; Big, constantly replenished assortment (roses, ...

You will learn about all the advantages and disadvantages of flower business. It is advantageous whether to sell flowers, how to choose a room for a store and make it properly to make it, what expenses should be prepared?

Hello, dear readers "Startapoff"!

Business on sale of colors not only brings stable earnings, but also delivers aesthetic pleasure. Flower bouquets will always be in demand - while people will celebrate, love and make each other gifts.

Flower Business - Golden Core or Empty Time

Among my friends there are two families engaged in greenhouse growing flowers and their sale. Dramed flowers they started more than 10 years ago. Sell \u200b\u200broses, carnations, gladiolus, tulips, lilies, oaks. Some products in their stores are purchased for resale.

Analyzing their experience, I concluded that the sale of flowers is not easy, time-consuming, but very profitable business With a properly established sales system and spent growing technology.

Confirms my assumptions about the profitability of this type of entrepreneurship forecast of rising prices for floral products from RBC:

Advantages of flower business

On the opening of a color store of 20 square meters. Meters on average takes 330,000 rubles. These expenses on average pay off for 5-6 months of the store. Forecast net profit At the end of the year, work will be 660-680 thousand rubles.

Consider the main advantages of this type of activity.

Small start-up capital

The amount of starting capital required to open the case depends on the scope of which you are aimed. Start with a small stall to feel the market situation.

Easy to open business

The procedure for opening your case in this area is simple. Look for a suitable place to trade, place required documents, buy the first batch of goods, make yourself advertising and start working.

On the "promotion" you will leave for several months. Make a beautiful showcase, promotional inscriptions, offer affordable pricesTo attract buyers and gradually increase the revolutions.

If necessary, business is easy to close, or rather, to implement. Just offer it to those who are looking for a ready-made flower business.

Big trading markup

Experts argue that the average surveillance for flower products comes to 150%. On holidays (before March 8, September 1, the school last call), when the demand for bouquets is especially great, it exceeds these indicators.

Confirms the opinion of experts the level of prices for bouquets in different Russian cities, relevant for 2017:

Possible difficulties

Each novice businessman on the way rests problems and difficulties.

In the "flower case" they are as follows:

  1. Plants are demanding on storage conditions, so you have to take care that the room is optimal humidity and comfortable temperature.
  2. Perishable goods. A large risk of obtaining a poor-quality party, which will quickly determine.
  3. Cyclic demand. Maximum demand for bouquets in March, May and September.

To avoid difficulties, analyze the market (demand buyers, a range of competitors), plan procurement in advance, look for reliable suppliers, expand the product range to stabilize sales throughout the year.

How many Russians spend on flowers per year?

Another forecast for 2018-2019 on the basis of statistics of the past 8 years from RBC:

How to sell flowers - possible ways to implement the goods

The adjacent sales is the key to the success of any business.

We will analyze the pros and cons of 4 ways to implement colors.

Flower pavilion

Such pavilions are located in crowded places: at the metro stations, in the underground pedestrian crossings, near markets.

A plus - Big passability of buyers, guaranteeing good turnover.

Minus This method is a big competition, small trading area. In addition to you, other entrepreneurs work in the pavilion. To compete with them, pick up the range, come up with the original packaging of bouquets.

Pavilion - great ideaIf you are growing plants yourself and you have the opportunity to offer fresh cut samples every day. Freshness and quality of your products Customers will not be ignored.

Flower boutique

From the pavilion it is distinguished by a large shopping area and a more diverse assortment. Here you can put not only freshly cut flowers, but also ready-made decorated bouquets, interesting kashpo, plants in pots, equip workplace Florist, as well as offer small souvenirs or gift packaging services to customers.

pros- it is promising, stable businesswhich brings good income.

Minuses Method - High cash costs for opening. Rent a boutique more expensive to rent a pavilion. The payback period is more.

Online store

This method is suitable for a large city, in the conditions of which the service delivery service to the office, to the house, the restaurant is especially valuable and convenient.

pros The method - the presence of a real trading point is optional, it is possible to work according to the principle of dropshipping.

Minuses - You need experience in real sales, sales experience via the Internet, the adjustable delivery system.

Online store is an excellent method of promoting a real floral boutique. It also suits professional flowes engaged in greenhouse growing roses, carnations, gerberas and other varieties.

The main thing is to establish Internet marketing. Use instagram accounts in other social networks, personal acquaintances, as well as announcements on online shopping sites.

City markets

According to the consulting company Eventus Consulting, the share of flower stalls and pavilions accounts for 66-70% of sales.

pros - High turnover, fast payback. Lease costs shopping place and the purchase of equipment and products will pay off within 3-4 months.

Minuses- Small shopping area, limiting the range. Sell \u200b\u200bflowers on the market - practically the same thing that selling on the street.

The method is convenient for greenhouse owners, as well as for those who do not have a big starting capital to open the store.

Step-by-step opening of the flower business - where to start?

Determined with floral business format from scratch: pavilion, stall, boutique or online store?

It's time to consider each stage of opening your own business and embody it into life.

Step 1. Business registration

If you are going to make money by selling bouquets at the airport, in the park, near the restaurant or in the park from the hands, the registration of the enterprise you will not need. To open the boutique, rent a trading place on the market or in the pavilion at the subway without official design you can not do. To sell colors, select an IP with a simplified taxation system.

According to the OKVED, several codes correspond to this type of activity:

  1. 47.76.1 — retail Plants, colors and seeds.
  2. 47.78.3 - Trade of folk fishing subjects, souvenirs.
  3. 74.10 - activity in the field of design.
  4. 64.12 — courier activity.
  5. 82.92 — packaging of goods.

If you are planning to expand the activities of the enterprise, specify the entire list of codes during registration.

Documents required for work:

  • permission to trade;
  • sanitary and production control program;
  • contracts for disinsection, deratization, disinfection;
  • contract for maintenance of air conditioning and air ventilation;
  • contract for disposal and export of solid household waste;
  • internal store documentation;
  • resolution of the sanitary and epidemiological service;
  • quality certificates for each type of product.

Step 2. Selecting the room for the store

The success of trade depends on the place where the store is located. Consider crowded areas: in shopping centers, in the pavilions at the subway, at public transport stops, in the central district of the city, office center, in the basement floor of the residential building (on the first line of the road).

Most the best way Slide your business - a small separate building, but the rental of such a room is more expensive than the rental of the "point" in the mall or the pavilion.

Economy option for the first time - Tonar or auto drive on wheels.

Step 3. Selection of suppliers

Even if you found the perfect supplier with a flawless product, do not limit it to its services. It is advisable to have three proven suppliers so that in the case of force majeure you do not remain without the product.

Choosing suppliers, focus on prices, quality and assortment they offer, consider different commercial offers.

Step 4. Purchase of equipment

Minimum set of equipment: tables, showcases, shelves, racks, refrigerators. Also need inventory: scissors, secateurs, tape, packaging materials, materials for floristic design. Do not forget about the cash register. It is optional for IP, but its presence increases buyers' confidence.

For flower products are extremely important climatic conditions: Optimum humidity, temperature and ventilation. Without a good split system, several humidifiers and heating, it is impossible to create optimal conditions.

Step 5. Decorative section of the sale point

Your product gives aesthetic pleasure, so the showcase and shelves should be appropriately decorated. Never leave placing flowers in sight. They spoil the shop window and the impression of the store.

Select the interior in bright colors. Order aluminum painted racks for the placement of goods. Install daylight lamps so that the color of packaging and products are not distorted.

Stop bouquets from different varieties of plants in a shop window. Your salon should be not only bright, but also stylish.

Council of professional florists: Preparation and design of a bouquet takes a few minutes. So that buyers do not fall on while waiting for the order and did not leave the store while you collect a bouquet, print a few crosswords, tasks or logical games on the printer.

Spread them on the counter or table. Put a couple of chairs. Waiting for the order will pass for the client unnoticed, and your creative will be appreciated.

Step 6. Placing advertising

Make a catchy sign called. Maximum use your showcase. In addition to the exhibited flower arrangements, place information about prices or promotions on it. The table-stopper works well, on which every day with chalk you will write advertising text with the cost of roses, carnations, asters, chrysanthemums, or other varieties, or discount and promotions.

Use all the options for advertising on the Internet. Place an ad on shopping sites, use YouTube for video reviews of your product, Floristics recommendations. This will improve confidence in you as a specialist in your industry. Do not forget about the capabilities of the "Sarafan Radio". Such advertising is often more efficient than other ways.

Step 7. Purchase of goods and start sales

For the pavilion, stall, Tonara is the optimal range - freshly cut chrysanthemums, roses, carnations, gerberas, tulips.

Expand the range of potted products makes sense if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is more than 30 square meters. In small shops, house-building plants, by observing experts, sold poorly, only occupying a useful area.

If the area is more than 30 squares, not only live plants in ceramic or plastic pots, but also soil and fertilizers for cultivation, as well as a wide range of cut colors, including rare and exotic ones, are appropriate. Expand the range of famous rose varieties from the nursery.

Complete Showcase souvenir products: soft toys, balloons, postcards.

Basic articles costs

The opening of his case implies starting costs: payment of rental of premises, purchase of goods, wages Personnel, purchase of the necessary equipment.

What time will it cost and on what can save?

Renting and repairing the premises

The rental price depends on the square of the kiosk or the store, as well as the place where it is located. The closer the point to the passage visited by places more money We'll have to spend. Optimal area: 30-45 squares.

Flower boutique requires the appropriate interior. Be prepared to invest in the painting of the walls, the purchase of beautiful lamps, the backlight of the showcase, the decorations for the walls.

Purchase of equipment

Equipment costs are also dependent on the area of \u200b\u200bthe store and business format. For example, the subway pavilion does not need a cash register, but it is necessary to a large salon. On average, you will have up to 160 thousand rubles for the purchase of shopping and climatic equipment.

Salary of employees

For work, you need 1-2 florist and 2 sellers.

If you have chosen this direction of activity, you probably like to compose compositions with your own hands, you know a sense in combination of colors, selection of packaging. We work the seller or florist yourself. This is a good savings at the start plus a way to feel all the nuances and the subtleties of the market.

Purchase of flowers

On the primary purchase, you will go up to 50,000 rubles on average. Do not buy large parties from the start. Take a little of each plant grade and agree with suppliers about the delivery of a fresh batch if you quickly sell.

Details The store opening costs are displayed in the table:

Name Number, Price 1 pc., Rub. Total cost, rub.
Furniture, Equipment, Tool
Split system for air conditioning 1 16 000, 00 16 000, 00
Refrigerated Showcase for Store 1 50 000, 00 50 000, 00
Floral desktop 1 7 000, 00 7 000, 00
Chair 1 1 500, 00 1 500, 00
Security system 1 35 000, 00 35 000, 00
Laptop (computer) 1 25 000, 00 25 000, 00
Plastic vases 40 100, 00 4 000, 00
Tools and means for decorating bouquets 1 15 000, 00 15 000, 00
Legal registration of the enterprise
Registration fee 1 800, 00 800, 00
Printing, opening an account in a bank, etc. 1 3 000, 00 3 000, 00
Marketing and advertising
Signboard 1 25 000, 00 25 000, 00
Neuming 1 6 000, 00 6 000, 00
Promotion of the site, groups in social networks 1 30 000, 00 30 000, 00
Flowers, plants 1 80 000, 00 80 000, 00
Permanent costs: rent, salary, light, water, etc. 1 90 000, 00 90 000, 00
TOTAL: 388 300, 00

How profitable to lead such a business - reviews of floral businessmen

The owners of the flower business converge in the opinion that it is a time-consuming, but profitable business. The main secret of yield is a thorough planning of each action. To unwind and achieve success, you need not only to analyze every step, but also to show a creative approach, try to surprise, interest the client.

Profitable kiosks and pavilions are not focused on one type of goods. Expansion of the range, offer of various services, such as flower delivery, sale of plants from a greenhouse, gift sets Increase the purchasing audience.

According to the reviews of the owners of this business, it is better not to start its organization from scratch, but to buy a ready-made enterprise with an accumulated client base, already prepared by the premises. Further improvement of the trading point, new items in the range, raising the level of service - the key to stable profits.

An example of an urgent business idea in this industry: Vending sales automation or machine installation with bouquets.

Read more about Floromats See in the video:


Is it profitable to sell the flower products? The experience of my acquaintances shows that yes.

Today, business on colors is very popular with novice businessmen. Many are interested in what to start the flower business, the profitability of the flower shop and the possibility of creating this business from scratch in a small town or at home.

You can start it as with minimal investments, and enter "with a swing", putting a round sum. The cost of business on colors depends on the city, the selected format, features of the range and services. Based on this, write a common business plan and calculate the profitability of the flower store so that it reflects reality, it is impossible. In this article, we will look at the nuances and risks, the pros and cons of floral business from scratch depending on its chosen form, which will help the reader get a general idea, form your opinion and individually predict the profitability of the flower business.

No one will challenge the fact that there are very few people in the world, which are completely indifferent to the colors. And, passing by the showcase of a flower store, we involuntarily slow down the step and stop to admire the bright buds of flowers, baskets with floral compositions, ready bouquets. Many, especially women, dream of a florist's work or about their small colors store, and maybe about the big salon, or about the online store. After all, to give people a holiday every day - great! Why start a flower business?

If you decide to engage in this type of activity, first of all you need to get acquainted with his three risky features, without considering which many entrepreneurs quickly go to a loss and closes:


Flowers are not growing with the same stability and do not have a fixed price. round year. In order to competently make an assortment in the store and calculate the costs of subsequent purchases, you need to study the varieties of colors, the periods of their appearance in the markets. So, a universal flower is a rose that is popular and is available in purchasing all year round. But you will not fill in one rosy. In the spring, you should orient your range on all sorts of tulips varieties, closer to Mai purchasing cloves. In the summer, the greatest variety of seasonal colors is a chamomile, gladiolus, alstromeria, which allows you to expand the range. Also in the summer it is necessary not to miss peonies whose season is extremely small, and the demand is large enough. In the fall, in addition to those who appeared chrysanthemums should purchase soils, fertilizers, pots, since this is the time of transplanting room colors. Winter is the most expensive period for procurement, frost-resistant callas, lilies, orchids are purchased. It is better not to plan the launch and opening your business for the winter, if you start from scratch.

Orientation and sufficient information is the necessary aspect that will help you to be competitive in the market, especially in a small town.

Dependence on holidays.

The "golden" days for flower skills are generally accepted holidays, such as February 14 (Valentine's Day) and March 8 (International Women's Day). If the business is built illiterately, the flower shop survives exclusively at the expense of such celebrations and makes about 10% of its annual turnover on such days. This is especially felt in a small town with a stronger store - a competitor.

Inalienability of colors from festive traditions is a big plus in favor of flower business. So, the family can save a child to school on the new Race, but will not send it the first of September without a teacher's colors, and the bride can take a wedding dress for rent instead of buying, but will never give up the wedding bouquet.

It is not necessary to forget that the presence of an excitement during the holidays has several pitfalls: the prices of wholesale bases are pre-increasing, and the delivery of goods can be trapped, and not sharp work of sellers and couriers distributing your product can provide discontent, negative reviews and subsequent Customer outflows. Therefore, business owners should be especially for a check and keep everything under strict control, and beginner businessmen open from scratch not before the holiday itself, but a little in advance to establish a work scheme.

Perishable goods.

Flowers are an extremely short-lived product. The average life expectancy of the flower under the proper temperature mode is about twenty days. Since the prevailing part of the goods goes from abroad, a cut flower lives most of the life left on his way to the store (especially if the store works with dealers, and not with direct deliveries). There are several technologies for the transport of colors and options for receiving them from wholesale: buying dry flowers with subsequent "sneak" of their or colors in the water that are immediately ready for sale, but will live much less.

After entering the seller there is no guarantee that the flower will buy quickly. Today there are no fixed terms of the suitability of colors and the return of the spoiled product, as in the product sphere. The testimony of working businessmen regarding the number of written spoiled goods fluctuate: from 10% to 50% of overall goods. The profitability of the flower shop directly depends on this indicator.

There are the following ways to solve this problem:

  • reducing the price of flowers left for long, and, in extreme cases, selling costs. It is better to go to zero than in minus. An additional advantage of this option out of the situation will be the availability of goods and, accordingly, attracting new customers. The main thing to teach your vendors to be honest to warn about the briefness of the purchased goods instead of assurance in its freshness, so as not to spot the reputation of your store;
  • use of probiotics, preservatives, citric acid and other additives. These funds really help the flower look fresh and hold out to the sale, but kill the natural immunity of the flower itself. After the buyer will put flowers in conventional water, the bacteria from it will quickly win the flower, which can also be bad to affect the store's reputation.

As a novice businessman choose the desired flower business format

There are several format options for floral business. It is necessary to determine what initial capital you have. Trade in colors requires certain investments. From this will depend on the format of trading colors.

Flower business at home from scratch.

Lies in independent manufacture and selling bouquets.

Flower business at home - where to start? First you need to master the art of floristics, after completing the courses of florists (which are very many on the Internet), read a certain amount of literature on the colors and rules for compiling compositions, combinations of colors, ways of laying bouquets, stretch and fill the hand. After mastering the necessary skills, you can start making bouquets to your relatives, familiar, colleagues at work. Showing the taste and fantasy, putting the soul, you give a bouquet. In the case of high-quality execution, he will remember not only a person who is intended a gift, but also guests, after which the "sarafined radio" will make her job. To promote business at home, it is necessary to use social networks (VKontakte, Instagram, Facebook). It is necessary to create pages dedicated to your work, to fill them with high-quality content, make photo reports and advertise the necessary audience. The more people see your masterpieces, will appreciate them and write comments, the better.

This format has its pros and cons.

The advantages include what you yourself build your working time, You are at home, compositions and bouquets are performed on request. Such a business does not require greater starting capital, equipment and premises, hiring staff. For colors, you can select the shelf in the home refrigerator, and in the cold time it is stored on the balcony. No need to purchase an assortment in advance, which, in turn, insures you from writing off, taking into account the fact that the flowers refer to the perishable goods.

However, out of this flows and cons - flowers are bought in retail, which automatically reduces profits and profitability when selling bouquets. Customers can be extremely confident Internet users, which makes profit from the work of non-permanent. Your client will not be able to pre-look at and feel purchased goods, which increases the risk of returning orders. Therefore, this format of flower business is rather a hobby that brings minimal income. Although, manifesting the effort and diligence, your hobby will be able to bring good profits and become a "training field" before the release of its goods in the off-line, if, having accumulated a certain experience and stinging the hand on the compilation of bouquets, your desires and ambitions will prompt you to develop further.

Floral stall / kiosk / pavilion.

The most common flower business format is small shopping areas with a small assortment of goods. The main role in the profitability of this form of flower business plays the choice of place. It should be crowded and passing. Location options: transition, stop, metro station, market, that is, the places of constant cluster of the people. You should focus on the buyer with medium or below average income. The goods are purchased mainly in intermediaries and local producers and is mostly rose, chrysanthm and seasonal flowers. The cost of the flower and packaging should be low, which is reflected in profitability.

This format also has its pros and cons.

Plus, large investments are not required. So, the purchase of a small amount of goods, minimum equipment. Rent of the modest room is also not high. On holidays, there is a sharp increase in demand for goods, which helps to go out in a plus and beat the attachment.

But, in the rest of the time the profitability of such a larchka is 25-30%. Host itself and watchman, and seller, and accountant. You can take the work of the implementer. With a professional florist, taking into account the limited range of colors, does not make sense. A completely small share of profits brings packaging flowers.

Competition is very big. If you set out the goal of starting a flower business from scratch in a small town, you should win at competitors with quality, the right choice of place for trading, the maximum expansion of the range of services. The main thing is to strive for - the opening of a network of such pavilions. This will help make your services recognizable, expand the range and start purchasing goods in large parties in direct suppliers, which will affect the freshness and price of flowers.

Flower shop.

The main difference between the flower shop from the foregoing forms of business - the presence of a large area. Accordingly, the answer to the question "How to start a flower business" in this case will provide for large investments.

The first thing to be done is to make a business plan and choose a wicked passing place, buy refrigeration equipment, where vases with cut flowers will be stored, the tables on which bouquets will be collected and packaged, racks for the accompanying goods, computer technique etc.

The shop implies the presence of a florist. It will be performed simultaneously and the seller's function, or it will be two different people - to solve you. The selection of personnel should be taken very seriously. From the quality of services performed by employees, the reputation of the store will depend on, and therefore sales and development of regular customers.

The profitability of the flower shop is increased by selling additional goods. It can already be not only cut flowers in a bouquet, a and composition, boxes and a basket of flowers, created by florist, flowers in pots, seedlings, empty pots, all kinds of fertilizers, soil, seeds, decorative stands for flowers and much more. Also, the presence of a large area allows you to enter related services: gift packaging, sale of all souvenirs, postcards, manufacture of helium balloons. This will significantly increase sales.

By the cons of such a shop, it applies that it requires high costs and investments and, accordingly, more slowly pays off. But at the expense of a large number of accompanying goods and a wider range of the shop gives a fairly stable profit.

Flower boutique.

The opening of the flower business in the boutique format requires significant investments and costs. But the return is much higher, due to the work of professionals and customer solvency. After all, such bouquets belong to the "premium" class and are created for wealthy people.

It should be found at the central street or in a large shopping center. It must be appropriately decorated. Better if it is a designer project. Mandatory attributes are beautiful name And tastefully decorated showcase, expensive furniture made under the order, industrial and high-quality refrigeration equipment.

It is not enough that the seller in the flower salon was smiling and placing to himself. A florist professional is needed with a lot of skills, which is not only well versed in colors and knows how they are combined in color, but also deliberates in traditions and subtleties. Namely, what plants are not taken to put in one bouquet, which bouquets on etiquette are suitable for a child, a young girl or a woman, a man, a friend or boss, which bouquet is appropriate to give depending on a certain event and so on. The range when choosing this format should include exotic, rare flowers, losses in the write-off of which naturally emerge much higher.

Goods purchased in boutique must necessarily have a label this placeFor the buyer acquires not only the flower, but also the prestige associated with it.

If the main question is for you - how to start a flower business from scratch, then this business option on colors cannot approach large investments.

Corporate orders in flower business.

Regardless of what format of floral business you choose, corporate orders can bring, which include small bouquets-compliments to employees, huge baskets with flowers to the event, the design of the room to any event.

Flower boutique and store chances to find a large corporate client are much higher than that of the pavilion, or in a person who has opened the flower business at home. But it is worth an effort in search.

It can be a small cafe, where on tables by agreement on mutually beneficial conditions will be your small bouquets or large wedding agency, regularly attracting you to the design of tables, premises and wedding arches with floral compositions.

Working with the corporate client can bring a profit at a month that the month does not get, selling bouquets in retail.

Equipment for flowers

As we see, different forms of playing flower business determine the list of equipment. Consider the most common items in which the need arises:

Cooling equipment.

Nobody wants to get a rose as a gift, let the most beautiful, on a long leg, but with raspberry petals and faded leaves. Therefore, opening your business in color trafficking, you need to take care of the equipment, which will be designed to keep the freshness of the flower as long as possible. In business at home, you can use the home refrigerator.

In other cases, the room can be equipped with air conditioning supporting a certain temperature. The power of the air conditioning system depends on the size of the room. These systems can work both on air cooling and on heating it. But the air conditioner retains the temperature of 16 degrees, and the cut colors are best stored at temperatures up to 6 degrees.

The best way out, although the most expensive, are refrigerators that allow you to create an optimal temperature for flower storage. They are different power, single-chamber or two-chamber (more accomplished). The main criterion when choosing is the ability to create and maintain the optimal temperature for storing the flower.

  1. Racks and showcases for flowers. They can be any form. Step, pyramid shape or shaped slide. The main thing is capacity and stability. But, since the flowers are constantly poured and sprayed, the material for the rack must be strong and moisture-resistant.
  2. Tables. These are jobs for the seller and florist. The table is necessary for packing bouquets and creating compositions from flowers. It must be made of high-quality material, to be even and stable. The optimal parameters for the table 120 to 80, height - 75 cm. It is desirable that the table is in the field of vision of buyers. Watching the work of the florist, for the process of creating bouquets, visitors are evaluated by professional skills of workers, and for potential buyers, creating a beautiful bouquet is advertising.
  3. Equipment that can be added.

The store can also be equipped with a thermal veil. Usually it is located at the entrance to the store. Used so that the weather outside does not affect climate in the store.

For southern light-loving plants, it will be useful to purchase phytolamba. They warm the flowers at any time of the year.

In addition to all the above-listed floral business, you need blades, secateurs, splashes, watering cans, plastic vases for flowers and much more. Also at the opening of the store should not forget about the elements of the decor, packaging paper, packages, baskets, ribbons, and so on.

All materials and equipment must be high Quality. After all, the conditions for storing colors and their comfortable content will ensure an increase in storage duration. And this will entail an increase in profits and profitability, a decrease in business payback.

Discount cards.

It is necessary to take care of the manufacture of discount cards for customers. This will allow you to re-access customers to you and troubleshore phone number database. In the future, they will be able to notify SMS messages about the presence of shares, the receipt of fresh goods, new products, as well as congratulate on holidays and with other pretexts to remind themselves.

When opening a floral pavilion, a shop or boutique, you need to choose trade software. The dimensions of all installations depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The market of commercial equipment is very diverse. Furniture can be purchased as ready in specialized companies and under the order. Use industrial refrigeration chambers or ordinary refrigerators, as in supermarkets for product storage - depends on your financial capabilities.

How to organize floral business in matters of hiring staff

The organization of staff structure directly depends on the selected form of flower business, as well as from your mood to directly participate in the work or exclusively to control the work of hired personnel.

Consider the basic units of personnel:


This is a designer and the creator of your bouquets. He must be in love with a delicate taste, to deal with colors (science of combination of colors), to own ways and generally accepted rules for the preparation of bouquets, interested in new products and fashion trends in the world of colors. Today, the post "Florist" is an officially registered specialty. There is a huge set of floristry courses, including those who pass online. It should not mindlessly take a florist who has many certificates about their passage. You should double-check the conditions for their receipt and reputation issued to their institutions. Since the florist is a creative profession, it needs talent and intuition, and not exceptionally gained knowledge. In the interview it is worth checking the ability of an employee in practice, make it an order, give several requirements such as a real buyer, and appreciate the actual performance of work, the presence of taste from the applicant.

In the free compilation of compositions, the florist should also take care of the goods, take care of the latest form and long life of plants.


There are people of creativity and sales people. Florist is not always a good seller. Depending on the size of your business, it can be suitable for a separate unit - the seller who will communicate with visitors, count buyers, respond to phone calls. He must be able to attract the client's attention, to lean it to buy goods. To enhance the incentive to bring profit to your store. It is recommended to hire the seller on a small bet and the percentage of the revenue received.

In most cases, the seller acts as an accountant and administrator. If there is a page of the page on the Internet, it is the seller who puts the range of goods to the network, responds to comments and accepts Internet orders.


Today, there are almost no flower shops that do not have delivery services. it an integral part of Flower business. Depending on the scale of the created case, or a separate unit is hired - a courier with its car, which is engaged in the delivery of bouquets, or a contract with a driver. For example, with a taxi driver who is ready to deliver flowers on the meter, or, if this is the market, there are several pavilions with flowers in a row, by agreement you can hire a common driver at all.


Flower accounting obeys general rules for trade enterprisesThe sale of colors in the store is regarded as retail. It can lead it as an owner or seller (by prior arrangement) and the hired accountant. Usually, a accountant leads several enterprises, thanks to which the payment of their work occurs under the contract and does not require a high monthly salary.

Security guard.

Do not forget about the costs associated with the sale of a store under protection. If the store is a round-the-clock, the security feature is performed by the night seller.

How to open a flower shop and receive income in the shortest possible time.

None of the holiday costs without beautiful bouquets that guests are in a hurry to hand the culprit of the celebration.

But there are still weddings, anniversaries, corporate banquets, in which it is customary to decorate the hall with flower compositions. Add to this dating lovers, because the ardent young men who wish to bestow their lady heart with fresh roses or daisies, and you will understand how profitable this type of business is.

If you are looking for a niche for yourself in business activities, it will not be superfluous, how to open a flower shopWhat start-up capital in this business is needed and how profitable this type of business is.

Answers to your questions you can learn from this article.

Capital investments: 500,000 - 600 000 rubles.
Business payback - from 1 year.

Advantages of the opening of a flower shop

Not beneficial in demand for entrepreneurs ...

Many Deltsi are afraid to contact such a delicate product. Yes, and this market is really filled to sufficiently, because, where not to look, everywhere there are grandmothers, offering uncomplicated bouquets, grown by hand, then flower kiosks with a small and inexpensive range of goods, then pathetic markets, where they sell bizarre compositions at exhaust prices.

And yet the opening of the flower store can be profitable and profitable businessbecause it has many indisputable advantages:

  1. No need to have a lot of money in order to run this startup.
  2. You should not be a florist or have an agricultural education to become the owner of a colors store.
    Your business is a business, and the rest will provide specialists.
  3. In order to open your flower shop, you do not need huge areas, which means that the rental of the premises will not be ruined.
  4. Flowers will always be a chassis, while people celebrate the birthdays, fall in love, marry, give birth to children, that is, they live in a normal life.
  5. This type of business itself implies Creative, you can invent more and more new competitive advantages and increase client base.

Competitive advantages of your colors store

Business started from scratch does not promote huge earnings at the startup stage. While you will not have a wide client base, you can not dream about super-profit.

To attract many customers, you need to come up with something profitable can be distinguished from competitors. Alas, competition in this form of business is quite serious, so you have to try.

Fortunately, possession of a flower shop allows you to form many competitive advantages.

For example:

  • Lead reasonable pricing policy.
    Do not overestimate the cost of flowers, but put a sufficient markup so that the business remains profitable.
  • Offer a good range of goods to the client.
    You must have floral compositions for every taste and wallet: small inexpensive bouquets for schoolchildren and students, luxurious roses or orchids for secured customers, intricate compositions for originals, etc.
  • Conduct shares on holidays: March 8, Valentine's Day, September 1, etc.
    For example, "Three bouquets at the price of two", "buy a bouquet and get a postcard as a gift", etc.
  • Think over the loyalty program for regular customers.
  • Organize delivery service for those who cannot personally give a bouquet.
  • To take care that sellers and florists working in your flower shop were most of the friendly, smiling and competent.

Disadvantages of the opening of a flower store

This type of business, like any other, implies the presence of not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Often, entrepreneurs do not want to engage in the opening of a flower shop for a number of reasons.

The most common is:

  1. Perishable goods.
    Even clothes have a shelf life, leaving the fashion. But the enjoyed clothes, at least, can be sold at discounts.
    With flowers, such an action is quite difficult to carry out: few people want to acquire semi-dimensional flowers, albeit at a low price.
  2. Seasonality of this type of business.
    For example, summer is considered a low season on sales, but on holidays, the flower goods will fly instantly. But after all, pay taxes, salary to employees, there is and dressing always needed, without binding to the season.
  3. When ordering large parties, you can get a defective product hidden among quality colors.

And yet these shortcomings of the opening of the flower shop can be compensated, if not to order the goods more than you can sell, do not waste all profits, and it is enough to save enough to work through low sales seasons, work only with proven suppliers.

Features of the flower shop

"If you want milk, do not sit on a stool in the midst of pastures, waiting until the cow is suitable for you and substitute your urch."
Richard Branson

The flower shop is also a business, so it functions according to the laws of business activities. The more customers, the greater profit.

And yet the flower business has its own nuances that need to be considered before the start of activity:

  1. The most beloved flowers of Russians, however, as Ukrainians and Belarusians, are roses.

    In pursuit of originality you can not ignore the tastes of the consumer.
    Be sure to need, depending on the season, have a chamomile, gerbera, freesia, lilies, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, dahlias, asters, alfromeries, irises, carnations.

  2. The range of flower shops is similar.

    You are unlikely to find some extraordinary flowers with competitors, so make focus on original colors, creating interesting compositions, a variety of colors, sale not only ready-made compositions from cut colors, but also plants in pots.

  3. March 8, September 1, February 14 - the days of large earnings for sellers of colors.

    No one will condemn if these days you will thoroughly raise prices.
    But in the summer period will have to tighten the lines, as the colors at this time acquire much less.

  4. Sale of colors can not be called wasteless.

    15-20% of the discarded plants are considered the norm. Do not be upset about this.

  5. In order to keep the freshness of your goods as long as possible, you should install special refrigeration equipment in the flower shop.

    It is not cheap, but will help further reduce costs.

4 ways to make money on sale colors

Your flower shop is a conditional name for business. Most often, entrepreneurs who wish to sell such a beautiful and delicate goods, open these types of outlets:

    Flower pavilion.

    This is the most profitable option for those who do not have a big starting capital, because, in fact, you need to rent only a trading point in a crowded place, for example, a big shopping center, underground transition, etc.
    If you choose an unsuccessful place for trading, where there will be some people, then risk riskling.

    It is also important to consider the low level of solvency of the future clientele, therefore, by purchasing goods, give preference in low-cost colors. Special equipment or decor in the flower pavilion is not required.

    Actually flower shop.

    Here you already have to invest much more money and rent a small commercial premises, decorating it to your taste.

    Due to the fact that you will have a trading area, you can sell not only cut flowers, but also ready-made composed compositions, plants in vases, etc.

    The clientele of flower shops is middle-weight people, so do not make huge bizarre compositions in advance. They can be made from scratch to order.

    Flower boutique.

    This is a little pathetic institution for customers who appreciate not only the quality and range of goods, but also the interior, level of service, etc., so you have to make money in your flower boutique.

    With the assortment of goods, too, you can experiment: buy from suppliers as a classic and exotic plants.

    To pacify his fantasy in the preparation of flower compositions either do not have to.
    Flower boutique is not necessarily open right in the center. If you are beneficial to different from competitors, then for your products will come to remote areas.

    Online store colors.

    Here, in addition to renting the premises and the purchase of refrigeration equipment will have to be spent on creating a site.

    Another disadvantage of this type of business is the impossibility of getting a random client, since the purchases are made upon prior order. To increase the profitability of the flower online store, it is recommended to combine with usual.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a color store

The main components of the incarnation of this type of business is the room, its decor, the purchase of equipment, the establishment of connections with suppliers and recruitment.

In addition, it will be necessary to officially register your flower shop and advertise it to get the first customers.

To start the startup, you will need no more than 4-5 months if you can negotiate with all government agencies.

Registration of a colors store

Of course, you will have to register your enterprise as IP, and to be registered in the tax service.

A special license is not opening a flower store from zero to receive no need, but to get the approval of the fire service and the SanEpidemstancy that the indoor you chose meets all the norms.

The cost of registration of the enterprise varies from 30,000 rubles and higher.

All these procedures should not take you more than 2 months.

Placing a flower shop

For the start of the business, it is not necessary to purchase or rent a premises of a huge area. You will be enough for 30 square meters. m.

Not only the trading room, but also at least one household room, where the staff will rest and change the staff, where you can store some of the products, etc., as well as the bathroom.

Rent one square meter Even in small cities - expensive pleasure.

In the regions, the cost of the monthly rental of the premises will range from 25,000 rubles. In major cities, this amount may be higher in two, or even more than once.

In addition, consider that if you want to place your flower shop directly in the center, and this location will certainly affect the business, then renting the premises will cost even more expensive.

If the state of the room you find is not too good, then it will have to make repairs. If you repair the hall for a flower store there is no need to decorate it so as to attract the attention of buyers, it will be accurate.

Fortunately, the flowers themselves are an excellent decoration, so much money to waste the interior will not have to spend.

Flower Store Equipment

In addition to trading furniture (counter, racks) you will have to equip household premises at least a minimal set of furniture: cabinets for dressing staff, table, chairs, etc.

Remember that the flowers are perishable goods, so much better they are preserved in the cold. You can purchase a special refrigerator for the storage of goods, although the usual industrial refrigeration chambers are also suitable.

Flower shop staff

Flowers are always needed, so it is desirable that your store worked without weekends, for example, from 10.00 to 22.00.

To do this, you will have to hire several sellers so that they work shifts.
If you have registered a small flower shop (about 30 m.), You can do with one seller on shift. If they were aimed at more large enterprise, It is worth thinking about hiring two sellers to shift.

To create original floral compositions, you need to hire a professional florist, but to reduce the cost of a new venture and allow it to climb to the feet, you need to hire a seller who knows how to make, albeit simple, but beautiful bouquets.

Therefore, for opening a flower store you need such staff:

While your business has not to bring big profits, you should not hire a driver who will bring flower products from suppliers (you can make delivery directly to the office) or take it to your customers to the house.

Above this post should think later when the business will fall on his feet.

Accounting and store management you can do yourself.

Flower Suppliers

If you do not plan to build a greenhouse and grow flowers for sale yourself, then you will need suppliers.

The most popular suppliers of flower products in Russia is the "Mytishchi Soviet Soviet of decorative gardening", Sovzhoz "South" and CJSC Agrofirm "Kosino".

Perhaps you will open a new supplier who will arrange you in all respects.

Flower store advertising

Of course, the most popular way to attract customers is good service and selling quality products.

If your business is just starting to function on the market, then use ads for its advertising, rollers on local radio and the Internet ( social networks, city forums). And you should also invest money in a colorful sign, which will immediately attract the attention of customers.

How much money is needed to open a colors store

So, if you wonder: "How much is it worth opening a flower shop?", Then all about all you will need start-up capital in the amount of at least 500,000 - 600 000 rubles.

Article expenditureAmount (rub.)
TOTAL:550 000 rub.
Registration of enterprise30 000
Rental of premises and repair100 000
Purchase of furniture and cold. Equipment200 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods50 000
Salary employees (per month)60 000
Advertising30 000
Additional expenses50 000

We offer to watch a selection useful Soviets From the expert:

when and how best to open a color store,

what should I pay attention to?

Profit from the opening of a colors store

Prepare for the fact that the floral, like any other type of business, will not first bring fabricated profit, so lay down the cost of renting a hall and salary staff (at least for the period up to 3 months) in the amount of starting capital.

Once your business gets to your feet, then the income will automatically rise.

Download Ready Business Flower Store Plan With quality guarantee.
Business plan content:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the facility
5. Marketing Plan
6. Technical and Economic Equipment Data
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and Economic Justification of Investments
10. Conclusions

Flower Shop Revenue Calculation

As you can see, with a favorable scenario, the flower shop begins to pay off after 3-4 months of work. Expected profit: 20 000 - 50 000 rubles per month.

Of course, with such monthly income, you should not expect your business to pay off earlier than in a year of successful activity.

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Flower business seems attractive for many novice entrepreneurs. In order to start earning, it is necessary for quite a few starting capital. And income during the holidays can be impressive. However, everything just seems at first glance. Flower business requires considerable time and strength. And so that the case really brought profits, it is also necessary to understand the proposed plants.

The basic principle

People most often enter the flower shop in a good mood. The task of the business owner is not only to maintain the positive location of the client's spirit, but also to sign it. Flowers in the cabin should always have an attractive aroma and view. The seller must be benevolent with the client. The ability to attract the buyer is a good feature. You need to be able to guess consumer desires, recommend the buyer the most suitable bouquet for a specific case.

Flower business is elegant and sophisticated. There is no place for bad mood and unfriendly handling. If the entrepreneur behaves correctly, he will also have to earn good. The markup range is usually 90-150%. And to open a small shop, no more than 7000 y will be required. e. Quickly quickly can be promoting the flower business. Where to begin? First of all, it is necessary to determine the format of your own business. There are several options for money on colors. It can be a small floral stall on the street, shop, real boutique or online store of colors. All four business formats have their advantages and disadvantages. We will try to figure it out.

Flower pavilion on the street

Small stalls or pavilions with flowers can be found almost near each metro station, in transitions and multiplied streets. A disadvantage of such a format of keeping his case is a huge competition. Two sellers can be only meter from each other. But customers will always be abound. After all, it is usually necessary to work in such a format where there is always a huge stream of people. Get the regular customers do not always manage. At the same time, the flowers are perfectly sold not only on weekends and holidays, but also in labor weekdays. The main segment is young people who are rushing on a date. Relying on it, you can put a floral pavilion near a small square or park. After all, it is here that you can most often meet lovers.

It will take a little effort if you need to open floral business from scratch. Entrepreneurs show that all preparatory work takes no more than a month. All you need to do is to agree on renting a place, find colors suppliers and purchase a tent or pavilion. Here it is necessary to take into account the choice of a place where the sale will be made. If you have to sell flowers on the street, preference is worth giveing \u200b\u200bto the heated pavilion. Otherwise, the flower business will turn into a seasonal. Save winter plants require special care. Yes, and the seller will not be able to stay outside at temperatures below zero.

It is worth remembering that the flowers are a product that very quickly loses its appeal. Therefore, the trading pavilion can stand enough long enough if the entrepreneur provides a good turnover. The more people pass by the trading point, the better. And the work stands on the eve of the holidays. At this time, sales will be the largest. Next, people will already know about the flower pavilion and will return to it again the next time. To further increase the number of customers, you can run advertising. During the first month of work, let the hired employee distribute passers-by leaflets with detailed information about the store.

Full flower shop

This option will suit those entrepreneurs who have a starting capital of at least 7000 y. e. It is worth choosing a room with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 30 m 2. The more place will be in the trading room, the better. This allows you to significantly expand the product range. Additionally, you can offer customers in pots in pots, artificial decor, accompanying materials to care for garden plants. The more product range, the greater income will bring flower business. Owners show that buyers come for one plant, and much more goods will be carried away.

If one seller can work in the pavilion, then there must be several in the store. One specialist must be responsible for drawing up bouquets. It can be a trained officer who has non-standard thinking. Can be created both ready-made bouquets for sale and under the order. The most sought-after segment are floral compositions for the wedding. This is not only a bouquet of the bride, but also decorations for the banquet room. You can additionally create a catalog with works made earlier. The client, coming to the store, will be able to pick up the most suitable option.

The opening of the flower business in the store format will require some effort and financial costs. As in the previous case, you will have to find a suitable place for trading. It is also necessary to pay attention to the activities of competitors. You should not open the store, if a hundred meters already have a similar one. People will probably contact the flower, which works longer.

Floral boutique

Most interesting ideas Flower businesses are associated with the opening of the floral boutique. Everything should be perfect here. This is not only a placement of flowers in the room, but also the design of the most interior, appearance Seller consultants, a catalog for the choice of products, etc. The finished flower business will bring a huge income if the boutique is in a big city. For the provinces, this format is not quite suitable. The fact is that professional florists work in such places. They create their masterpieces from expensive varieties. It is clear that ready job It will also cost a lot. Only units are ready to give an impressive amount of money for a perishable product. In a small town, it will work unprofitable for such a principle.

In order to open a floristic boutique, you should have the amount of starting capital at least 20,000 y. e. For work will have to rent a large room. Shopping room There must be at least 60 m 2. To make a business really profitable, it is worth carefully selected by employees. To work in the boutique, you will need: administrator, accountant, several florists, sales assistants and cleaners. If everything is organized correctly, will bring about 3000 y per month. e. net income flower business. Owners show that this is enough for the investment to have paid off during the year of fruitful work.

Entrepreneurs who have a flower boutique can enter corporate clients. In this case, the income will be an order of magnitude increased. Only the design of the banquet hall for the wedding can replace the week of operation of a simple flower shop. All you need is to establish connections with restaurants in which events are regularly held. In the future, the flower business can be expanded. The network of boutiques in the big city will bring really good profits.

Online store color

With the development of information technology, more and more businessmen refuse to traditional their own business. The floristry sphere is no exception. Already successfully operates several flower shops that offer their products in real time. Today, the delivery service of bouquets is very sought-after. This is connected with an acute shortage of time. People constantly rush somewhere. And some simply leaned once again to go to the store. The order can be issued before using a home or office computer.

The least costly is like floral business. Where to begin? First of all, you need to choose a room in which flowers will be stored for future bouquets. It can be a room with a square from 10 m 2. An important point It is room temperature. In order for plants to be able to live longer, the air temperature should be no more than 18 degrees Celsius.

Order potential customers will be able to arrange over the Internet. Without your own site, the flower business from scratch cannot be started. Entrepreneurs show that the portal should be colorful. Only in this case, he can attract a large number of visitors. Trust the creation of an Internet resource worth a real professional. You can find a lot of interesting proposals for creating any sites for the minimum price. You should not believe. It is better to contact a good web studio that works on the market for no first year. For a quality site will have to pay about 1500 y. e. This is the largest cost of expenses. Next, the entrepreneur is only worth buying flowers to create bouquets and start work.

Flower Store Equipment

First of all, there will be high-quality furniture on which vases will be with flowers and ready-made bouquets. Exist special companieswhich offer trading equipment for different species Business. It is worth remembering that the beginning of the flower business involves the attraction of a large number of visitors. And you can interest people only by the colorful interior and the professionalism of the sellers. The highlight of the commercial premises can be designer shelves with flowers. The manufacture of furniture for the store is better to entrust the creative person or team of professionals.

It is worth remembering that cut flowers have limited time Storage. To extend your life, you will need to purchase special refrigerators and freezers. You can buy a budget option - an industrial refrigerator. Such equipment is widely used in grocery supermarkets For storage of meat, cheese, sausages and milk. The refrigerator in the flower shop should be in warehousehidden from visitors. People are more pleasant to think that Rosa went on sale directly from Holland or Sweden. At the same time, few people guess that the plant requires special storage conditions.

Flower shop specialists

The personnel question in the flower sphere is quite acute. The selection of personnel is worth paying special attention. From the professionalism of sellers depends on how quickly the investments will be able to pay off. Only people with non-standard thinking and developed fantasy can work in a flower shop or boutique. In addition, employees must have certain skills and cognitions in the field of care for various plants. The seller not only creates design bouquets under the order, but also advises buyers. If the consultant is benevolent, the client will surely want to return to the store again.

It is possible to get a special education on floristry courses. Spend them almost in any large city. The necessary information can also be found in real time. But the crust, telling that the person graduated from courses, does not give a guarantee of professionalism. The specialist should love his job. Flowers require gentle and careful circulation.

The ability to sell is another positive quality of a specialist working in a flower shop. The consultant should be able to attract a visitor. And to stimulate sales, the entrepreneur can use a special payment scheme. Not only the standard rate per working day is set, but also the percentage of realized products. An employee wants to sell more to get more money for his work.

Flower business from scratch is worth starting not only with the selection of qualified florists and sellers. You will also need an accountant and administrator. If this is an online store, do not do without courier and driver. The main qualities of any employee must be decency and honesty. In relation to the workers, the entrepreneur should also behave benevolently. Understanding between the working and employer - pledge successful business in any sphere.

Choose an assortment

Depending on what kind of work format was chosen by the entrepreneur, it is worth choosing an assortment. First of all, living cut plants will be presented in any store, pavilion or boutique. Without them, floral business is impossible. Is it profitable to sell plants if there is no suitable place to store them? A good income will be only if a good turnover is provided. In this case, it makes no sense to acquire expensive cut roses, asters and lilies.

How to open flower business from scratch? Initially, it is necessary to negotiate with suppliers. It is much easier to work through intermediaries. it special organizationswhich buy flowers with a large wholesale abroad and organize delivery to their own warehouse. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to come here and choose the most suitable plants for sale. This option of cooperation can be beneficial for the owners of small pavilions and shops. But the owners of floristic boutiques, which plan to implement a large amount of products, it is worth making a deal with foreign partners directly.

In the range of flower shop or boutique there may be not only cut flowers or ready-made bouquets. Very many buyers are fond of indoor plants. Such products should also be offered. The seller must know the full information about the flower in the pot, as well as how to care for him. After all, many plants have an impressive price. And the flower can die in just a few days if you put it in an inappropriate place or forget to pour several times.

Additionally, in a flower shop you can sell postcards, soft toys, special chemistry to care for plants, fertilizers, decor, artificial bouquets, etc.

Special remedies against plants

Even with high-quality refrigerators and freezing cameras, flowers can fade enough quickly. This is due to the rapid reproduction in a humid environment of pathogens bacteria. Without special chemistry to care for plants in a store, it is not necessary to do. How to open a flower business, not knowing about special powder probiotics? Initially, it is worth studying all the information about the care of plants, even if the work will be engaged in specially hired employees. Probiotics are useful microorganisms that can be used to combat pests. Special powder can be purchased at a price of about 600 rubles per 100 g. This quantity is enough to care for the colors within a month.

In addition to probiotics, special mineral additives, antibacterial agents, mangalls, aspirin, as well as citric acid can be used in the store. However, it is impossible to overdo it in the matter of care of plants. The problem is that all listed funds are able to kill the native immunity of the flower. After the buyer puts the plant into conventional tap water, it quickly fades. Therefore, special chemistry can be offered to the client when selling. Especially since the cost of powder has a very low.

Let's summarize

So how to start the flower business from scratch? To begin with, it is worth making a plan of action. We must remember the benefits and disadvantages. The mark-up margin is more than 100%. This makes it easy to earn already in the first months. However, plants - a perishable goods. In addition, specialists celebrate seasonality of this type of business. Good flowers are sold before holidays and in the summer months. In winter, it is very difficult to earn even for renting the premises.