Common diseases of budgerigars and their treatment. How to cure a parrot - useful tips for bird owners How to find out that a parrot is sick

Appearance and the behavior of the perroque testifies to his well-being. The main signs of a healthy parrot:

  1. The plumage is bright, smooth, shiny.
  2. The look is focused, curious, eyes are open.
  3. The bird chirps, cleans the feathers for himself and his partner.
  4. Voskovitsa has an attractive appearance.
  5. The legs are shiny and look graceful.
  6. The bird often bites food in large portions.

Signs of a sick parrot

An attentive amateur bird watcher notices that something is wrong with the perroke, due to the changed behavior and the following pathological signs:

  1. Depressed state. The bird sleeps a lot, its eyes are closed.
  2. Laughing.
  3. Change in color, consistency, volume of droppings.
  4. Dirty, disheveled, littered plumage.
  5. Hyperemia, darkening, peeling of the wax.
  6. Conjunctivitis.
  7. Stratification of the beak.
  8. Loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea.
  9. The parrot drinks too often or very rarely.
  10. Breathing is difficult, the beak is constantly open, there is a cough, sneezing.
  11. Growths are formed on the paws, jaws, wax.
  12. The joints are thickened, hot.

Control measures

The owner of a parrot should try to provide first-aid assistance before seeking help from an ornithologist veterinarian.

If a respiratory illness is suspected, the following actions are recommended:

  • heating the cage with a table lamp;
  • instead of drinking, the bird is offered chamomile broth. It is unstable, so the contents of the drinker are renewed every 100–120 minutes;
  • inhalation with eucalyptus oil;
  • if the parrot does not eat, they acquire chick food and are fed from a syringe;
  • in severe cases, give a drop of Baytril or an analogue antibiotic.

If the bird has carried it, the situation is corrected by introducing a sorbent. The optimal solution is to dilute Enterosgel with water and pour it into the bird's beak with a syringe with a removed needle.

If growths are found on the legs, jaws, and wax, it should be assumed that the culprit of the ailment is the Knemidokoptes mite. In this situation, it is necessary to use aversectin ointment.

Fractures or other injuries are considered a likely cause of tremors with simultaneous coughing. If veterinary care is not available, limbs are splinted, but the effectiveness of the surgical procedure performed by a non-specialist is questionable.

Disease prevention

Therefore, it is necessary to use professional feed. high Quality... In such a situation, there will be no need for fortification. To meet the need for micro and macro elements, you need to use a mineral stone, attaching it to the wall. The bird itself will use it as much as it considers necessary.

The state of health of a parrot is evidenced by its appearance. Funny birds rarely get sick, and almost always through the fault of their owners, who could not or did not want to provide the parrot with comfort and hearty food. An amateur ornithologist needs to get a first aid kit in order to be able to provide the pet with first aid.

Vision is the main sense that helps any bird to correctly navigate in space and get food. In addition to the fact that parrots have eyes located so that the angle of coverage is almost 360 degrees, their vision is also colored.

Because of this, parrots perceive objects in the world almost like people. Unlike cats or dogs, these birds are able to see their reflection in a mirror.

Imaginary friend

But no matter how much the parrot looks at himself in the mirror, he will never understand that this human invention only reproduces his own reflection.

The highly developed intelligence of the bird, coupled with excellent eyesight, gives the parrot the illusion that its relative is sitting in the mirror. Therefore, the further relationship of the parrot and his "imaginary friend" depends only on the nature of the bird itself.

Parrot behavior

Parrots, like many living things, need care and constant attention. By nature, they are laid to live in packs and constantly communicate with their family. If the owners do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to their pet, then a mirror can help out in such a situation.

Having seen its relative in the mirror, the parrot will in any case begin to "establish communication" with him. The outcome of such a contact may be different.

The bird can recognize in its reflection a new friend or girlfriend. In this case, the parrot will start caring for his "passion" and talk to her for hours: tweet, whistle and even growl.

There is another option for the development of events: the parrot will perceive the reflection as its rival and will begin to fight with it. This is especially possible if there are two parrots in the cage - a female and a male. In this case, the mirror can cause an unsuccessful "marriage" of parrots.

You need to carefully monitor the behavior of the parrot after a mirror appears in its cage. In the event of a conflict, the accessory should be removed, otherwise this may lead to the bird getting sick and plucking its own feathers.


Thus, a mirror for a parrot is not an ordinary toy like swings and bells, but a living bird: friend or foe.

The only unexpected moment for the owners may be the parrot's unwillingness to communicate with them. Some individuals are so keen on communicating with their own reflection that they do not leave the cage, even if the door is constantly open.

Therefore, it is recommended to spend as much time as possible with the bird for the first time (1-2 months), letting it get used to your hands, voice and learn a few words with it. After that, there is no need to be afraid that the bird will prefer the "looking-glass friend" to its own owner.

Many diseases of budgerigars are caused by their owners. The well-being of domesticated pets can be affected by both poor cleaning in the cage or in the room where the bird lives, and improperly balanced nutrition. Due to the lack of proper conditions of detention, the immunity of parrots weakens, which contributes to the development of various diseases. In this article, we will look at common diseases in wavy pets, their symptoms and treatments.

Differences between a healthy bird and a sick bird

Some avian diseases are not yet fully understood by scientists. However, budgies living at home often suffer from diseases known to science. This allows you to quickly find the cause of the disease and start treatment in a timely manner.

But in order to understand in time that a pet is sick, it is necessary not only to know what diseases birds have, but also to be able to recognize their symptoms. In this case, you do not have to think in panic what to do if the parrot does not eat all day in a row and sits at the bottom of the cage, ruffled. In order not to lose your beloved bird, it is better to cure it at the first sign of illness.

Before we tell you how to treat budgies, we will teach you how to distinguish a healthy pet from a sick one. The behavior of a bird in which everything is in order with health is active. She makes various sounds, climbs the cage, going about her business. The appearance of the pet is rather neat - he himself is happy to do his own hygiene.

A sick parrot sits at the bottom of the cage or constantly sleeps on a perch on two legs. Disheveled and disheveled, he may not eat anything and refuse to communicate with you. The parrot does not fly, he has for a long time observed.

If you notice at least one sign, your pet may be sick. Now you need to figure out what exactly is happening with the budgerigar. The diseases we have just looked at can lead to complications. Doubt whether a person can become infected is not worth it - it can.

Both humans and birds are capable of contracting the same disease. Tuberculosis, chlamydia, psittacosis - this is what you can get from parrots. But not only these bird diseases exist. Let's take a closer look.

Common diseases

Problems associated with poor conditions of detention

Thinking about why the budgerigar sneezes or crouches, we can not immediately understand the reason for this behavior. Healthy pets do this if they have just cleaned their feathers, are going through a natural process, and are enjoying themselves. And some talents in this way parody their masters.

But if a parrot has been sneezing for a long time, constantly laughing, it means that he is experiencing some discomfort. There may be several reasons:

  • the air in the room is too dry;
  • the bird is allergic;
  • cold.

Due to the poorly regulated microclimate in the room where the parrot lives, dry air can be irritating airways birds. As a result, she begins to sneeze and giggle. The same symptoms can occur if she has an allergic reaction, for example, to a fungus, which may be contained in the dust from under the husks of the grains.

If the reason for the malfunction in the pet's well-being lies precisely in this, then it is necessary to improve its quality and completely revise the bird diet - to temporarily transfer the parrot to another species. If he stopped behaving this way, then you are on the right track.

If the room where the budgerigar is located is too cold or the cage with the pet hangs in a draft, then this state of affairs can lead to a cold in the bird. If you are wondering why the budgerigar is inflating, then check indoors first. It should be about twenty-five degrees.

If a bird has a runny nose, eyeballs are inflamed, then try to warm your pet as quickly as possible with a forty to fifty watt lamp. Does the bird keep puffing up? Perhaps the cause is an inflammation of the goiter in budgies.

Goiter problems

The bird can ruffle and sit in one position, not paying attention to the worldif her goiter is inflamed. And she continues to eat, but very little. If you feel the place of the swelling, then a bad-smelling liquid comes out of the parrot's mouth. And the pet itself can begin to regurgitate half-digested food.

Female parrots are especially prone to this disease. The female loses a lot of strength during and during the period. A monotonous diet does not restore her health, but, on the contrary, breaks the coordinated work of the body.

Also, the cause of goiter inflammation can be poisoning with toxic substances, poor quality food or water, infections. As a result, various fungi and microorganisms accumulate in the goiter in a bird, causing discomfort at first, then bloating and, and in an advanced case, it.

Other complications

Poor nutrition can lead to a disease such as megbacteriosis, when yeast progresses in the bird's stomach. As a result, the parrot vomits and bloody diarrhea opens.

Due to constant diarrhea, the pet's cloaca may swell, this indicates that the disease is becoming chronic. Death is possible, therefore, at the first signs of deterioration in his health, immediately contact your veterinarian.

A disease such as lipoma in budgerigars arises from an excess of fat in its diet. It looks like a lump and is a benign tumor. Often a swelling appears under the tail of a bird or in the area of \u200b\u200bthe front of the keel. If the lipoma is small, it may disappear if the poultry diet is balanced. A large tumor will have to be removed by a doctor. After the operation, the parrot will have to inject an antibiotic.

Various head injuries or poisoning from house plants, cigarette smoke, specific kitchen fumes and other toxic substances can cause convulsions in the budgerigar. Obvious signs: the bird's legs have failed, it lies and shakes. Also, this condition is possible with problems with the brain or nervous system. If it's a stroke, then the parrot may not survive. In any other case, only the intervention of a veterinarian can save the situation.

Lack of hygiene

In some cases, the reason for the next common bird disease may be not only poor conditions of detention, but also the lack of basic hygiene procedures. One of the diseases is called inflammation of the coccygeal gland.

The coccygeal gland is responsible for secreting a specific secretion that birds use to lubricate and protect their plumage. Uncleaned dust and dirt in the cage or in the room, or the inability to bathe leads to the fact that the excretory ducts of the gland are gradually clogged. As a result, the secret accumulates, hardens and the gland becomes inflamed.

If you notice that the pet is constantly nervous and tries to peck at the inflamed gland and nearby places, it has dirty feathers with elements of secretion with blood, immediately take the bird to a doctor. Do not self-medicate, only a veterinarian can help your parrot.

Also, the coccygeal secretion contributes to the preservation of the stratum corneum, therefore, when it becomes clogged, diseases of the beak in budgies may appear. If a pet accidentally injures its beak, then without a secret it will be difficult for it to restore the cornea. As a result, the beak can begin to exfoliate and collapse.

We considered another cause of bird beak disease and the method of its treatment in the article.

Was your parrot sick? How did you cope with the disease?

Parrots rarely get sick, but trouble can happen to them. There are symptoms that can accurately reflect a particular disease. In this case, the sooner you notice something was wrong, the more likely it is that you will have time to help your feathered pet in time. In order to notice the symptoms in time, the owner must know his bird well, namely, what is characteristic for it and what is not. Only human attention and care can guarantee the bird a healthy and joyful life.

Signs of a healthy bird:

Active and cheerful

Sings and chirps

Smooth and shiny feathers

A good appetite

Not lingering sleep

Sits on one leg while sleeping

Symptoms of a sick bird:

Poor appetite

Labored breathing

Clouded eyes

Apathy, inactivity

Rapid and intermittent breathing

Lingering sleep

Sleeps on two legs

The reasons for the negative state of the bird can be very different. If you are a beginner among bird lovers, then it is better not to rely on your own opinion, but to seek help from your veterinarian, taking some droppings with you for bacterial research. The specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Bird diseases can be roughly divided into three groups:


* Most often they arise as a result of improper nutrition of a parrot or poor-quality care for it. The most common disease in this section is vitamin deficiency. The reasons for them are the monotonous feeding of the parrot - one type of food (for example, only dry mixtures or only cereals, etc.). The manifestation of the disease will be different - depending on what vitamin is lacking (they are divided this way: vitamin A deficiency, vitamin B deficiency, etc.).

* Traumatic injury. Fractures and sprains of varying severity most often occur when safety standards are not observed during bird flights around the apartment. It is imperative at this time to close windows with curtains (tulle), cover mirrors, watch out for open doors and lockers. These injuries are then very difficult to treat, since some kind of ointment becomes the main remedy, which is applied to the damaged surface. Parrots begin to pluck oiled feathers, inflicting new wounds on themselves. In addition, with their strong beak, they tear off the bandages applied to the splint fractures, thus causing complications. In general, indiscretion on your part will bring you a lot of trouble.


They arise as a result of the fact that specific infectious agents enter the bird's body. Most often, birds become infected with stale food (a musty grain mixture with mold) or by accidentally eating the droppings of a sick bird (if not everything is organized correctly in the cage, otherwise it would be impossible).


There are many diseases that are dangerous for the person himself, for example, salmonellosis. If you notice deviations in the behavior of your bird, if there are at least a couple of signs that we indicated above, do not wait, contact a specialist so that everything does not end sadly.

In Russia, the most popular among bird lovers are budgerigars. Let's consider the most common diseases of parrots using the example of symptoms in budgies. In general, wavy animals living in cages and aviaries have a fairly strong resistance, but they can also pick up an infection. The disease manifests itself in them most often within one day. Birds become lethargic, lose their appetite, sleep a lot, stop twittering and singing songs, "talking" individuals stop "talking". The feather becomes dull, disheveled, brittle; breathing is difficult. You should also pay attention to the beak: a healthy horny cover should be smooth without cracks and stratification. The same inspection recommendations apply to the horny surface of the paws.

Consider the most common diseases, their symptoms and treatment methods.


One of the most common diseases among budgerigars. It is caused by chlamydia bacteria. Symptoms:

Edema of the connective membrane of the eyes

Runny nose

Profuse discharge from the anus

Loss of appetite


Antibiotic treatment.


It is caused by salmonella, a coliform bacteria. Most often, infection occurs through contaminated food and water or through the droppings of already sick birds. The disease progresses rapidly: severe dehydration occurs due to intense diarrhea. Even if the bird has survived the acute stage, the disease becomes chronic and the bird becomes a carrier, and therefore potentially dangerous to others. The disease is in most cases incurable (there is only a small chance at the initial stage). IMPORTANT!!! The disease is dangerous to humans, so all precautions should be taken when dealing with a sick bird.


Alternating diarrhea and constipation

Poor appetite

Long sleep

Painful reaction to touch

Rapid weight loss

When treating a disease, in addition to taking medications, a prerequisite is disinfection of the cage or aviary, as well as everything that is inside: perches, toys, feeders, etc.


Simply put - scabies. The disease affects the head, legs, beak and eyebrows. Symptoms:

The beak becomes as if speckled with small depressions

Inflammation of the skin around the beak and eyes

Overgrowth of the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe toes

The scales on the fingers grow to gigantic sizes

Lethargy and apathy

Labored breathing

Treatment takes place within one week. It is necessary to treat non-feathered parts of the body with an oil solution and an aerosol preparation "Arpalit" - feathered parts of the body. At the end of the treatment, it is necessary to remove the dead layer of the horny integument, carefully process all instruments, and disinfect the cage / aviary.


It is a joint disease caused by accumulation of uric acid salts. In addition to the joints, the kidneys and other internal organs are affected. In the absence of the necessary treatment, the bird may die within 3-4 days (it is customary to count from the day the first nodule appears). The reason most often becomes improper nutrition, namely the abundance of human homemade food unusual for a parrot. Symptoms:

The appearance on the paws of white nodules with reddened veins around the joints and tendons (they cause severe pain to the pet)

General weakness, apathy, fatigue

Alternating loss of appetite and sudden onset

Treatment begins primarily with the removal of painful nodules in the legs. The formation is punctured with a disinfected needle and the liquid accumulated there is removed (squeezed out). Proteins of animal origin are completely excluded from the diet. In addition, the birds are prescribed drugs that help dissolve uric acid salts.

Parrot diarrhea

Diarrhea most often becomes the cause of the death of budgerigars, since the owner cannot always correctly determine the cause of diarrhea. Only when the bird does not lose appetite and activity during diarrhea, it can be assumed that the cause of the malaise was some kind of food. Only in this case you can self-medicate. If the bird has lethargy, drowsiness, persistent diarrhea, an urgent need to contact a specialist. Treatment for diarrhea caused by poor diet:

Crushed activated carbon

Twigs of fruit trees

Phthalazol (in small doses)

Exclusion from the diet of cabbage, lettuce, plantain and other green food.

If you take proper care of your pet, monitor nutrition and do not engage in unjustified self-medication, then your pet will live with you a long, happy and rich life.

Your budgie, constantly delighting with its irrepressible energy and funny fussing around the apartment, suddenly calmed down sharply, does not show interest in life?

A genetically inherent feature of parrots to hide their ailment, which helps to survive in wildlife, at home can create a significant problem if the owner is not sufficiently aware and attentive to his pet. Therefore, in order to avoid serious consequences that can end in disaster for the bird, you should know the most characteristic symptoms that not everything is in order with the health of the parrot.

How to determine by behavior that a bird is sick

Changes in the behavior of a parrot are not always symptoms of a disorder in her health and require treatment. Don't postpone if the budgerigar:

  • sleeps too much;
  • sits huddled in the corner of a cage or on a perch;
  • indifferent to everything that happens, allows you to pull yourself together;
  • is silent or makes sounds that are not characteristic of him: wheezing, whistling, plaintive squeak;
  • refuses food, is indifferent to favorite treats;
  • lost a lot of weight;
  • breathes heavily, makes certain sounds when inhaling and exhaling;
  • shows anxiety of a different nature: itching continuously, shaking its head;
  • drinks often and in large quantities;
  • spits up constantly;
  • has stopped looking after feathers or does it untidy;
  • shows impaired coordination, convulsions, lameness.

External signs of bird disease

The main indicator of the health status of a bird is plumage. A sign of health is straight, shiny, clean, smooth and tight-fitting feathers. At the slightest change in these indicators, disheveled, dirty, or you should immediately consult a doctor.

In a healthy bird, the beak is clean, shiny, without neoplasms, and has an even color. Any deviations from this, cracks, compaction, rapid growth of the beak, discharge from the nostrils indicate a disease.

A sign of the disease may be red, swollen eyes, profuse lacrimation or purulent discharge from them, discoloration or uniformity of the iris, itching around them.

A parrot should be treated immediately if the skin on non-feathery areas, in particular on the paws, flakes, becomes bumpy or swollen, changes color and turgor, cracks or growths appear on it.

The loss of feathers, their excessive pollution, inflammation and swelling of the skin around the cloaca can be a sign of a disease of the internal organs.

Litter is an indicator of a parrot's disease

Healthy parrot droppings have a uniform consistency, greenish-brown color. A veterinarian's consultation is necessary if the litter:

  • changed color or consistency;
  • includes blood, mucous membranes, watery blotches, undigested food;
  • has a strong fetid odor.

The owner of the budgerigar should understand that the content of the pet significantly determines its state of health. Only with proper care, proper diet, regular hygiene procedures and the creation of the necessary psychological environment, the bird will live a long and happy lifeprotected from many dangerous diseases.