Competitions for the masquerade ball. Party in the style of Masquerade Ball: script, outfits, decoration and contests. Entertainment at the ball

Scenario BALL MASKARAD-2013

1. Good evening! Good New Year's Eve!
We are delighted to welcome you to a wonderfully decorated room on this New Year's Eve! The most beloved, most long-awaited, wonderful New Year holiday! So we gathered in this hall to spend the old year and celebrate the arrival of the New 2013 ... year! I hope you haven't forgotten to bring your good mood, your most charming smiles.

2. Finally, there is a holiday at school
Finally a carnival.
And, believe me, not in vain

Everyone expected him!
There will be contests, jokes,
Awards, prizes.
Disco very soon
He will tell us: “Don't slow down!

1. We are tired of learning.
So go ahead! to the masquerade!
But at the beginning, Happy New Year
Congratulations to all the guys!

On New Year's Eve with love
We send greetings to you.
We wish you happiness and health
And new joyful victories!

2. By silver white powder
The old year is being taken away!

On a quiet New Year's night.

May the New Year be a fairy tale
Will quietly enter your house,
And happiness, joy, kindness and affection
Will bring you a gift with him!

1. This can happen on New Year's Eve
A fairy tale will come to your house
Approaches carelessly, knocks on the door
And hope will ignite.

2. New Year is a fairy tale!
New Year is a joy!
New Year is a miracle and everyone is waiting for it. We will now show you one of these miracles. ... We did not sleep for more than one night and we prepared a fairy tale for you, do not blame me, somehow it is not in tune, for this fairy tale is in a new way.

High school student:

ABOUT! New Year is coming soon! Bought some khlopushechek, we'll shoot at New Year's Eve. Let me try one. ( Pulls the lace, the firecracker explodes A person looks like an astrologer appears)
High school student: - Who are you? Where did it come from?
Wizard: -From your crackers, dunce! In fact, I am a wizard from the 18th century, I can fulfill any of your wishes.
High school student: -Not a fig for myself, but why one desire? In fairy tales, wizards fulfill several wishes.
Wizard: -You understand inflation, there are not enough funds, the limits are cut, the energy potential is only enough for one desire per month.
High school student: - Yes. We need to think about what to order this. No matter how much money you order, it will end someday. You need power. In, I came up with, I want to be a big boss.
Wizard: -As you wish. Abracadabra, sim-salonym. Now you are the king.
High school student: -How is the king? What are you doing? Well, I asked you to become a director.
Wizard: - You see, I'm actually from the 18th century, and I don't know who the director is, but the king, I know.
High school student: - Ugh, you are a club! The director is the head of the enterprise. Let's fix it soon.
Wizard: - I can't, the limit is over, I can only next month.(leaves)
High school student: - Here the devil, what to do. I don’t understand the devil in this royal affair. Anyway! As the song says: Suddenly the door creaked like in a fairy tale. So, I'm coming out now!
The song suddenly, like in a fairy tale, the door creaked)
Happiness is suddenly in silence
Knocked on the door
Can't you come to me
I believe and do not believe
Snow was falling, dawn was floating,
Autumn drizzled
So many years, so many years
Where have you been?

Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked
So I go out now
I never dreamed about it
What if I knew
I taught something somewhere in school
Only forgot everything
If only it was not in vain
Everything in the world was not in vain
It was not in vain.

Now it has come, now it has come true
Happiness without an answer
I happened to be a king
Me in this world
The one who waits will take it all away,
No matter how life beats
If only everything is everything
It was not in vain
(The king's servant runs in, he is the clerk-clerk. Falls to his knees, bangs his head on the floor .. The wizard disappeared.)
Royal servant: - Oh, tsar-father, they did not order to execute, order to have mercy, where did you your Majesty disappear, here you are not wearing the royal clothes, the Basurmans did not undress in any way, your Majesty, oh, they did not order to execute.
King: -Yes, okay, get up, what's your name?
Royal servant: -Lord have mercy! He lost his memory. Fedka they call me the tsar-father, with your tsar's mercy I serve as a clerk and assistant, they have forgotten in any way.
King: -Yes. Something with my memory has become, not otherwise than sclerosis.
Royal servant: -You just order the tsar-father, we will cut off the head of this Sclerosis in a moment.
King: -Oh and darkness! The village is not asphalted. No need to execute anyone.
Royal servant: -And, the Tsarina, how longed for you, the tsar-father, in her little lamp toils, all her eyes wept!
King: - Queen? In Business! I wonder how she is? Come on, beauty! Let's call her syudy!
Royal servant This minute, sir, this minute ...!(The king's servant leaves; the queen enters.)
Queen: -Oh! Thank God the living king-father. For three whole days, as he disappeared and neither hearing nor spirit, we did not even think what to think.
King: - Disappeared, but I did not disappear, Where then is the real king?(Addressing the queen) - My mother was absent on state affairs, I was on a business trip, to exchange experience.
Queen: -All you are in business and in worries, the tsar father .....
King: -Well, you think it's easy for us kings. Not enough money, Inflation, taxes, meetings, press conferences, consensus, ugh, you must have turned something wrong .. Well, how are things at home?
Queen: -Yes, it's time to marry the sons of the princes. Adults have become!
King: It's crazy, I also have grown-up sons! I'm still young myself. (Addressing the queen.) -Well, call them syudy.
Three princes enter., Line up)
King: -Yes. The king had three sons (goes to the elder, slaps on the shoulder) -The senior smart was a fellow, (goes to the middle,) middle son this way and that, (to the younger) - the younger is not like a fool. That's what my sons have to get married, go look for brides. How is it in the fairy tale? Well, you go to the merchant's yard, you go to the boyarsky, and you know in the swamp for the frog.
Junior prince: -Yes, I don’t want a frog, then run after her to the distant kingdom, help her out from Kashchei. I'll look for something else, more interesting.
King -Well, go, go. New Year's Eve is coming soon, we ought to arrange for the ball. Fedka, let’s order there that the New Year was in the first category, there Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, order.
Royal servant: -OKH, they didn’t order to execute them, but to have mercy on the tsar, father, we have trouble. All the heralds in Russia rode off to look for you, there is no one to send for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.
Tsar: Eh, if I were in my time, now I would order at least two Snow Maidens with Santa Claus on the Internet.(a girl with pigtails appears, very modernly dressed)
King Who are you?
ICQ: ICQ - instant message - a product of new technologies!

Royal servant: What? What product?

King: Quiet! The people are not educated! This is class! Here you are, then here you will call Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden! Well ... and what are you standing? ..
ICQ: So you need to send me!
King: Well ... so ... go already ... otsedova ... in the end!

(on the stage of the Snow Maiden, preening, ICQ appears)
Snow Maidens: And who are you going to be ?! Where did it come from ?!
ICQ: ICQ, I am an instant message - a product of new technologies! Message to you Snow Maidens.
Snow Maidens: (hesitantly) What product?
ICQ: New technology product! Together with Santa Claus, they are urgently awaiting you in a fairy tale to celebrate the New Year.

Snow Maiden; What? Both? Ah, we have been waiting for this message for a long time!
ICQ: The message has been delivered, I hasten to inform you about the delivery ...
Snow Maidens: So what are you worth? Run!

ICQ. So, you have to send me!

Snow Maidens: Well, get out of here!

ICQ Another thing, I'm already running!(ICE runs away)
(There is a conversation between the Snow Maidens Snegurochka 1 and Snegurochka 2.)
Snow Maiden 1: Where are you dressing up? A!
Snow Maiden 2: How where? New Years is soon. Let's go with Santa Claus to congratulate children on the holiday, give gifts.
Snow Maiden 1: Why did you decide that you were the one to go to the holiday? We are both granddaughters of Santa Claus, both Snow Maidens!
Snow Maiden 2: I am younger. I have to go. Why do we need such junk as you on a holiday!
Snow Maiden 1: You better look at yourself, he will also bring me a present for a holiday! It would be better if the snow piled up!
Snow Maiden 2: Is this what, am I worse than snow or what? The snow will melt, but I will stay!
Snow Maiden 1: Yes, such a present, as you, as it is drawn, can not be erased, no bulldozer can be turned, you can’t go around on a crooked mare!
Snow Maiden 2: You know what, my elder sister, the Snow Maiden is a veteran! Don't turn up your nose. When Grandfather Frost comes, he will judge us. Let him say who he wants to take to the holiday!
Snow Maiden 1: Listen! Let's call him! Santa Claus we are waiting for you!(3 times)
Snow Maiden 2. Well, and that you were a fool, you work the old fashioned way. According to the modern it is necessary. Learn!(knocks on the door) Hear. Grandpa, good to snore! The company is waiting!

Snow Maiden 1. Wow! It worked!(A sleepy Santa Claus appears with a bag of gifts on his back).
Santa Claus: I slept for almost a whole year, although there was a lot to do. It's time to go to work: go and congratulate you on the holiday, give gifts.

Snow Maiden 2. Grandfather, well, everything is good, we have heard about it a hundred times.

Santa Claus. And what are you so rude and gloomy today, what happened, what happened?
Snow Maiden 1: Yes, Grandpa, some here believe that they can make any holiday happy with their presence. To be, so to speak, an incredible gift!
Santa Claus: What for? They have already given me gifts. Look - a whole bag!(Places the bag in a conspicuous place).
Snow Maiden 2: Grandfather, don't worry! The fact is that I believe that the youngest, the most blooming of us should go to the holiday with you.
Snow Maiden 1: And my centuries-old experience, seniority, you do not take into account at all? Just imagine, you come, a new, unfamiliar face, the children will not recognize you, they will be frightened yet. And I’m a completely different matter!
Santa Claus: Granddaughters, don't quarrel!
Snow Maiden 2: Well, Grandpa! It's a shame. I waited for a whole year, I prepared congratulations for a whole month, dressed up ...
Snow Maiden 1: I was on a diet all day ...
Snow Maiden 2: And you did make-up all day, smeared the wrinkles ...
Snow Maiden 1: It was I who covered up the wrinkles, it was me ... Yes, I ...(Santa Claus grabs the bag and runs away, and the Snow Maidens rushed after him)

Snow Maiden 1.2 ... Grandpa, wait for us!
(The king is sitting, flirting)
(Aska appears in a comical step)
ICQ: I would like to inform you that the addressee has read the message you sent ... read ... read ...
King: I hear! Not deaf! Class! The process has begun, we will wait for our dear guests!
Queen (walking around ICQ)Still, she's kind of strange!
King: Don't be afraid, it's not real, electronic. Well, go away! Do not interfere with state affairs!

King Hey Fedka, go syudy! .. Listen. Is there a wizard in our state? And, then, have I forgotten something?
Royal servant: But what, the king-father, is there! .... only he is very stingy?
King. So what are you standing for. Get the stingy syudy!(An old familiar wizard appears)
King: Yeah, it's clear, again you are an old friend.

We have already summoned Santa Claus and the Snow Maidens ourselves, and you let us organize something funny, festive, magical!

Wizard: - I can't, I told you the limit is over.
King -That's bad luck, well, think of something.
Wizard: - I don’t know, only next year!
King: -What !!! I'm not going to babysit you. I give you 20 minutes, think about what to do, if you can’t think of it, I’ll tell you to execute. (The wizard bows and leaves, sons and brides appear,
the eldest and middle son-brides are modern in fashionable clothes. And the youngest has a whole harem from the East, all in burqas.)

King: Wow! So the sons with their brides have come!
Senior prince
Here is the acquaintance Tsar-father is Zemfira. Singer!

(Zemfira bows and sings.)

I was looking for you
long years
looking for you
dark courtyards
in magazines, in the cinema
among friends
the day I found
lost her mind

looking for you
at night-chami-chami-chami-chami ...
Tsar - Yes, of course, a little extravagant, but how do you know how to live.
Middle son: (introduces his fiancee) Here is my tsar-father Allochka, he beat off from Kirkorov or from Galkin, well, okay, in general, it doesn't matter ... who... (Tsarevich and Alla Borisovna also sing)
Be with me a boy, a fluffy bunny,
Fragile baby or don't be with me.
Be a master with me, be a gangster with me
I'll be a girl, or don't be with me.

Whether or not, do something.
Whether or not, whether or not. (2 times.)
King -Well, you give it, son, but she is already good for you as a grandmother.
Alla Borisovna: (Outraged) But although you are a king, I ask you to be more polite with the prima donna, by the way, I look younger than your queen.
King: -Well, God live with you as you want. (Turns to the third.) What is your team?
Younger son: -Yes, I want to start a tsar-father a harem, come on Gulchatay, Zulfiya, and the rest, Lord, I have already forgotten how, open the faces and show the tsar-father.
Harem belly dance)
King: -Well, you really are a fool or not a fool, What a fig, you have so many of them! - I suppose the same number of mothers-in-law?
Younger son: Well, mother-in-law, the nannies are still on the road, they will arrive tomorrow.
King: - Well then, deal with them yourself, don't go to me to complain.(Santa Claus and Snow Maidens appear)

King: Oh, here is Santa Claus! and as many as two Snow Maidens?
Santa Claus: Forgive me, Father Tsar, I brought up my granddaughters poorly, and I don’t want to tell how they swore. They don't want to give in to each other!
King. God bless them, let both be at the holiday, rather than neither.(The wizard returns)
King: Well, the magician-sorcerer is not financed, have you come up with something?
Wizard: -Yes of course! Here she is, she knows what to do next.
Well, the Tsar is all right, the Tsarina is nearby, the sons have found their chosen ones, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, even with two appeared on time! But the holiday does not end there, but continues! Let us dear artists, we all wish the people a Happy New Year in chorus! And you, dear spectators, applaud our artists, they played well! And let's continue our entertainment program!

The time has come
which all the kids are waiting for.
Call Snegurochka and Santa Claus here!

We will tell them poems for them,

We will sing songs to grandfather

Now let's get together

We will call them together!

Let's shout together, together, loudly:


Santa Claus:

Congratulations to all children.

Happy New Year to all guests.

I'm ready to start dancing

Together with you even now.

Become guys

Hurry to the round dance

Song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Snow Maiden

We were in a hurry to see you not in vain ...
To congratulate you, friends!
To your holiday tree
We came from afar.
We walked together for a long time
Through the ice, through the snow.
All the days passed, not knowing laziness,
We did not go astray.
Santa Claus

And celebrate the new year, friends
We can't live without a song
We will sing about the tree now,
And let's go around her.
Come honest people!
The tree is calling us.
Become a round dance
Let's meet the New Year with songs!

Snow Maiden

_____________________________________ congratulates the 9th grade with the song.

Santa Claus:

December day is wonderful today.

And the frost doesn't care, and the snowflakes are circling

In a whirlwind of kind smiles and songs.

Snow Maiden:

Came to us again today

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

This holiday is New Year's

We were looking forward to!

The old year ends

Nice good year.

We will not be sad -

After all, a new one is coming to us.

COMPETITION (2 participants-m. And d. From each class) "Fork"

You will need: FORKS (one for each participant), threads. Each of the participants is tied to the belt of a fork (To increase the complexity, it is better to tie at the back). The complexity of the task depends on how long the thread will be. In any case, all players must have forks attached at the same level. Under the cheerful music, the players should (who is faster), facing each other, hook with forks. The couple who completes the task wins

Santa Claus

I guys are Santa Claus,

Your New Year's guest.

Don't hide your nose from me

I'm kind today.

And they don't call me in vain

The grandfather of the children,

I bring gifts:

Dolls, sleds, books.

My beard is gray

And eyelashes in the snow.

If I came here -

Let's have fun.

Snow Maiden: We invite everyone to a quick dance.

Santa Claus:

Frequent forest, blizzard field

This holiday is coming to us.

So let's say together:

"Hello, hello, New Year!"

Happy New Year

And with all our hearts we wish

Much health to all of you:

Both big and kids.

Snow Maiden:

Our holiday will be wonderful

We brought you again

Many dances, many songs -

You can't sing or dance everyone!

And now it's time to congratulate the 11th grade. Grade 11 performs with _____________________________

Santa Claus

The New Year is in a hurry to go around the entire planet.

Cheerful tramp, he is always on the road!

Snow Maiden

Turn away a little - and now he is not there,

But, believe me, he must come to you again!

Competition (2 people - m. And d.) "Dance with a ball"

Each couple is given one ball, which they put between themselves and, holding them with their bodies, perform a dance. You cannot touch the ball with your hands. It will be a lot of fun if you prepare the music in advance, "chopping" it from different styles and tempos. It is advisable to start the competition with a slow melody, then replace it with rock and roll, polka, lambada, folk dances, making the task more difficult for the participants. Those who dropped the ball leave the game.

Snow Maiden: Grade 9 performs with _____________

A quick dance is announced.

Santa Claus

New Year! Happy New Year!

May happiness smile at you many times!

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you!

Snow Maiden

And this wonderful mysterious holiday.

He pours gifts from generous handfuls.

He blows up loud crackers, prankster,

And gives us new friends and guests.

Competition (1 person) "Sledding" Tie a piece of cardboard to a string, put a balloon on it. Run, dragging these impromptu "sledges" behind you so that the ball does not fly off the cardboard.

Competition (1 person each). "Snowflakes" You need to blow on a flying feather, which will symbolize the first snowflakes falling to the ground. Within 30 seconds, the feather should not fall to the ground.

Competition. (for 1 person) The host asks the contestants to put an empty matchbox on their nose. It is necessary, exclusively with the help of facial expressions, without helping with your hands, to remove the box.
Princess and the Pea Competition

Quick dance

Grade 11 is performing _____________________________________________________
Santa Claus

On New Year's Eve with love

We send greetings to you.

We wish you happiness and health,

And new joyful victories!

Snow Maiden:

On silver white powder
The old year is being taken away!
May all who wants to be fulfilled
On a quiet New Year's night.

It's time to say: "See you again"

The New Year's carnival is over.

As a guest, we visited the guests of the heart,

Everyone has been in a wonderful fairy tale.

D.M ... See you soon in the next New

(Snow and D.M. Leave, and they were seen off with firecrackers, fireworks)

And now the New Year's disco

Tatiana Pichugina
"New Year's Masquerade". Scenario of a New Year's party for the older group

(Strike of the clock, introduction group"Diskoteka Avaria"

Song « New Year» )

Children jump around the tree, stand around the tree

1child: Near the Christmas tree today

Everyone is happy to celebrate the holiday.

Hello holiday new Year,

Our funny

All: Masquerade!

Round dance: "Hello, winter-winter"

2 child. Snow is falling outside the window

Fluffy snow new Year.

There is music and laughter in the hall

Masquerade with us today.

3 child. Gathered friends, girlfriends

A wonderful tree!

Different masks around

And there will be many surprises.

4 child. We've been waiting for this day for a long time

Have not seen each other for a whole year

Sing along, the rings under the tree

New Year's round dance.

Song - round dance "New Year"

5 child. Green, fluffy

In a snow coat -

A Christmas tree came to the holiday

In a frosty winter.

6 child. Where is Santa Claus now?

Has he forgotten about us?

We are all waiting for him for a long time -

We'll invite Grandfather to the tree.

All. One two Three! One two Three!

Santa Claus come to us!

To the music group"Diskoteka Avaria" Santa Claus enters.

D. M. Hello, children! Hello guests!

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness, joy!

I was with you a year ago -

I'm glad to see everyone again!

Come on together, guys,

Let's get up in a round dance

With song, dance and fun

Let's meet the New Year with a song!

Round dance "Santa Claus" ("By you…")

D. M. Well, and the tree, what a miracle

So decorated beautifully

They're waiting, guys, they can't wait

Let the lights on the tree be lit!

All. 1,2,3! 1,2,3! Shine the tree with lights!

The tree lights up.

7 child. Here it is our Christmas tree

In the blaze of radiant lights!

She seems to be more beautiful than all

All greener and more luxuriant.

Round dance song "Herringbone" ("Himself ...")

Santa Claus is dancing to the loss.

D. M. Here are those times., Without embellishment

I danced, danced, danced, lost my mitten.

Child. Grandpa, here she is

Ran away from you

Catch up with the mitten

Play with us!

A game "Mitten"

Santa Claus (angry.) Wow, I'll freeze it!

Round dance game "We are not afraid of frost"

The children sit down.

D. M There is one game for you

I'll read poetry now

I'll start, you carry on

Answer in chorus

It's snowing in the yard

Holiday is coming soon ...

Children. New Year!

D. M. Branches rustle weakly

The beads are bright ...

Children. Are burning

D.M. and the toys swing

Beads, stars

Children. Crackers!

D.M. And the top, beautifying

It shines there as always

Very bright, large

Five-winged ...

Children. Star.

D. M. Well, guys, well done, you know how to write poetry

Child. Santa Claus, where is your granddaughter Snegurochka?

DM And then, really, where is she? I don't understand in any way

Maybe lost in the woods? Let's try to look for her.

Help magic staff,

Take us into a fairy tale.

A child comes out in a Wolf costume.

Wolf dance

D. M. Gray Wolf, are you looking for someone?

Wolf. Looking for a girl

D. M. So small and pretty

DM Isn't this my granddaughter, the Gray Wolf?

Wolf. My girl with a basket, and in it pies.

D. M. Can we go together?

Wolf. No, Frost, you and I are not on our way!

(sits down in his place)

Santa Claus goes behind the tree. Little Red Riding Hood comes out.

Little Red Riding Hood's Song

After the song, DM leaves from behind the tree.

D. M. Who are you? What is your name?

Cr. Hat. Everyone calls me Red Riding Hood.

Cr. Hat. No.

D. M. Sorry. Goodbye, Cr. Hat.

Cr. Shap. Goodbye, Santa Claus.

DM Apparently I got into the wrong fairy tale, I'll have to try again.

My staff, help me

Take us into a fairy tale.

Children in gnome costumes come out

"Dance of the Dwarfs"

D. M. Hello, dear little people. What is your name?

Gnomes. - I am a Bouncer

I am the Grunt.

I am the Nimble.

I am Veselchak.

I am a quiet man.

I am Sonya.

I am Sweet.

D. M. I'm looking for my granddaughter. She is so small, affectionate, tender.

Braggart. We know, we know. This is our Snow White!

(takes the bell under the tree, rings)

Jingle bell

Call Snow White.

Snow White comes out.

Snow White. Here are the pranksters, where are you.

I'm looking for you everywhere.

Fled quietly

Didn't even say

D. M. Snegurochka, granddaughter, finally, I found you.

Come with me to the guys for a holiday.

Snow White. What are you, Grandpa, I can't leave mine

favorite gnomes. And my name is not Snegurochka,

and Snow White.

D. M. Yes, old i have become, I don't see anything. Goodbye Snow White.

Apparently I got into the wrong fairy tale, I'll have to try again.

My staff, help me

Take us into a fairy tale.

Don't be bored here,

Start dancing together!

Polka "Karabas" (everyone dances)

After the dance, everyone sits down, except for Buratino and Malvina.

Santa Claus enters

D. M. Hello, girl! Who are you and what is your name?

Malvina. I am Malvina, and this is my friend Buratino.

D. M. Have you seen my granddaughter Snegurochka?

Malvina. In our theater, the Snow Maiden was

But she left for a long time.

D. M. What a pity ... that I could not catch the Snow Maiden,

I'll go look for her in another fairy tale.

D. M. leaves for the tree.

Fox enters - Alice

A fox. I love why - then:

Chickens, geese and ducks.

They know about it

And they consider me evil.

And I, friends, am not evil,

And she is so cunning.

I hate New Years

He does not give rest to everyone.

All around fun, jokes, laughter,

Well, no ... war, war, war for everyone.

Hello kids:

Hooligans and liars!

From forty I have heard

That without the Snow Maiden you will not have a ball.

Well, here I am - she herself is the Snow Maiden.

(Changes clothes)

D.M. appears.

DM Finally, I found my granddaughter Snegurochka.

What have you prepared for the children, how will you please them?

A fox. It gives me joy

Cunning and doing nasty things.

D. M. We do not need such a Snow Maiden, guys.

A fox. Well, okay, yours took it. Let me stay for the holiday at least. And I'll tell you how to call the Snow Maiden. Let's take these magic gloves with a clap by them:

"One two Three! One two Three! Come to us the Snow Maiden! "

The Snow Maiden enters

Snow Maiden. Hello, D. M.! (hug)

Hello children! Hello guests!

We will continue the holiday.

We will sing and dance.

Dance "Happy children"

(children sit down)

(The Snow Maiden comes up to the Christmas tree and shows snowflakes)

Snow Maiden.

Oh, what white and cut snowflakes,

Like ballerina sisters

Snowflakes are flying to visit us.

Dance "Snowflakes"

Santa Claus. Oh good - the way it is now

I'm ready to start dancing.

Ded Moroz dance with Snow Maiden

Santa Claus. Oh, I'm tired I'll sit

I'll look at the guys.

Do not be bored

And read poems to me.

Poems: 1., 2., 3.

Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus, they sang songs, danced

And they read poems to you

Something we sit for a long time

We want to play with you.

Games. one) "Take the candy".

2) "Penechki" (high chairs)

Santa Claus. The past year has been a glorious year

But the hasty time does not wait

The last leaf of the calendar

Year "Monkey" coming to us.

The music is playing "Chunga - changa", the monkey runs in

A monkey. Oh! Something felt cold to me.

And where did I end up?

Santa Claus. New Year's holiday here.

And the children are waiting for gifts.

I carried them all with me

And put it somewhere?

Help me monkey

Find gifts.

A monkey. Oh! Yes, I was sitting on a liana,

And she looked at the sun.

Count it up, a strong wind suddenly blew

And he blew me off the creeper.

While I was flying here,

I saw the bag under the tree.

Santa Claus come here

I found your gifts!

Santa Claus. Here "Thank you, monkey!"

Help distribute gifts.

(All heroes give out gifts).

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. Masquerade costumes and a desire to enter the chosen image are required. Some decorations. The script is designed for 4 hours.

Carrying out plan:
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (greeted by girls dressed as fairies).
2. Introducing the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with contests, an auction and small performances.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new one.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Contests.

1. Meeting guests

First Fairy:
Welcome, we have been waiting for you,

A magical New Year's Eve is waiting for you!

Second fairy:
O noblest guests,
Shining like stars in the sky!
Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll? (see below)


A) Palace scroll - the names of guests, titles and achievements are entered into it. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and leader.

B) Box with paper smiles - they are handed out to guests, later, when everyone gets to know everyone, you can write a wish to someone present on the smile. This is the mail. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those who met) deliver it to the addressees.

2. Acquaintance


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are glad to welcome you to the New Year's ball. In our world, time does not go the way people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised at the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

3. Ball

The cherished hour has come
We invite everyone to the waltz.

Let the smiles shine!
Step right, step left,
Hello friends,
Our miracle queen
And, of course, the king!

2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam (or something like that).


For example, a dramatization of the suffering of Bluebeard (a dummy character) who suddenly starts crying in the middle of the ball. He tells the story of his three wives, who mercilessly mocked him, and therefore had to strangle them - their nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially when shown in roles. (The text is available, but it is long). At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction by suitors, and unmarried ladies are bidding and displaying talents.

4. Meeting the new year

(The clock strikes)

Let's fill our glasses, friends,
To make the year and, of course, the family happy,
So that everyone finds a craft in spirit.
So that in the new year all of us are only lucky!

So that the kingdom of a dream come true will soon enter your house
And so that you feel good and joyful in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and begins to dance in the hall without warning)

An amazing guest has arrived to us. In different countries he is known under different names - Per Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspar, Melchior and Valthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty is Santa Claus! And his beautiful companion ...

(Monologue of Santa Claus)

5. Contests

Competition 1.
Exam on the history of the new year (quiz) - the text will be at the Host. The first team to give the correct answer is given a token. The team with the most tokens wins the prize.

Competition 2.
Two teams stand in a line - half a meter from each other, you can't budge. From the beginning to the end of the line, you need to pass the balloon without dropping it. The one who is faster is the good fellow.

Dangerous competition 3.
It takes the three most daring (or more depending on the male to female ratio). For example, three masters are blindfolded. All the rest are in a circle. Daredevils should, blindfolded, choose a couple from standing to themselves and dance a dance without leaving the circle outlined by a ribbon spread on the floor.

(Santa Claus is dancing with the host)

Santa Claus : Oh, and you tired me, red maiden, and I still have seven kingdoms to bypass. And my Snow Maiden's eyes are closing. And our deer are not fed stand at the gate. We'll go already.

Santa Claus:
Well now it's time to say goodbye
Hug, kiss,
May it be good for you
In the year that he came to the world!

Snow Maiden:
So that you are all healthy
So that the dragon with its wing
Protected you like a cover
Didn't puff fire on you.
So that laziness does not attend,
And let the world fill the house!
And so that every new day
Warmed hearts with warmth!

Queen: Let the children be obedient.

King: And let your eye be well-aimed!

And so that your hands do not tremble
And so that there are no partings.
So that boredom does not visit
There were fewer blizzards in life.

Goodbye friends
And see you in a year,
May the stars shine for us
On a bright New Year holiday!


New Year's masquerade ball for children. Scenario

Fairy 1: Welcome, we've been waiting for you,
A little more - and the waltz will play,
And the Christmas tree will flash, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve is waiting for you!
Fairy 2: Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this room from all over the world. We are glad to welcome you to the New Year's ball. This is not a simple ball, but a charity one. All collected funds will go to orphans! In our world, time does not go the way people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised at the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. All those present at the ball with their faces covered. Among the guests and artists of the ball are residents of our neighborhood, parents, teachers, students. But what is each of the roles is still a mystery, and you try to find out by looking into each other's eyes. Don't stand aside. Try to become complicit in everything that happens!
Fairy 1: The cherished hour has come,
We invite everyone to the waltz.
Let the sounds of the violin swirl
Let the smiles shine!
Fairy 2: Step right, step left,
Hello friends,
We invite everyone to dance!
You can't stand aside!
Waltz "Snowstorm"
All the guests are dancing.

Fairy 1: Once Upon a Time in Old Denmark
At a fabulous address.
In one old building
Invented a fairy tale by Andersen.
Fairy 2: Both sad and cocky
Both adults and children,
And sharp and tender
About the Snow Queen.

The exit of the Snow Queen with her retinue
Snow Queen: What is this mess you have here? Where is my assistant? Freeze!
A snowman comes out with his helpers, the snowmen.
Snowman song. Snowball game.
Snow Queen: Where have you been? Who are these people?
Snowman: Your Majesty ... It's not my fault! This is a masquerade ball, there are a lot of guests!
The Snow Queen: What a masquerade ball! This is some kind of last century! Just the era of Pushkin! My Majesty orders to urgently change the image of the event, I have a brilliant PR idea! I want the Brazilian Carnival! Immediately!
Snowman: Dear Fairies! Help me please!
Fairy 1: Good snowman! Cribble, crabble, boom!
Brazilian dance
Snow Queen: Oh, how hot it is here! I seem to be melting!
Snowman: The Queen wants to see what more interesting things have been prepared for HER Majesty!
Fairy 2: Dear Queen! We have a surprise for you! Now you and our guests will find out what awaits you next year! Meet the gypsy camp!

Gypsy dance
Gypsy: New Year will open the doors
To a world without sorrow and worries!
To those who sacredly believe in miracles
He will only bring joy!
Thousands of beautiful minutes
And dozens of bright days!
Into the atmosphere of a good fairy tale
Dive in soon!
And we invite a kind Cinderella to the ball with wonderful barbaric kids!
Cinderella: I want to give you kindness!
All people need kindness
Let there be more good ones.
They don't say in vain when they meet
"Good afternoon" and "Good evening".
And it's not for nothing that we have
Wish "Good hour".
Kindness - it is from the century
Human decoration ... Now my friends will share their kindness with you. But you will only get it if you dance with us!

Dance "Barbariki"
Fairy1: I also want to make a gift for everyone. Meet New Year's greetings from the members of the "Nefertiti" choreographic group
Snow Queen: Oh, thanks, fun! Now it's my turn! I command everyone to take off their masks! I have prepared a surprise for you too! Now all of you will be danced by my best friend "Snowstorm". Please welcome!
The song "Blizzard Again"

Carrying out plan (calculated for 4 hours):
1. Meeting guests at the entrance (greeted by girls dressed as fairies)
2. Introducing the guests, introducing them to the King and Queen of the ball.
3. Ball - a dance marathon with the participation of a dance master, with contests, auction and small performances.
4. Seeing off the old year and meeting the new.
5. The arrival of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Contests.

Characters: Host, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, Dancemaster, fairies at the entrance. Actors for performances (you can rehearse in advance, or print the roles and improvise with guests).

1. Meeting guests.

First Fairy:
Welcome, we have been waiting for you,
A little more - and the waltz will play,
And the Christmas tree will flash, the candles will burn -
A magical New Year's Eve is waiting for you!

Second fairy:
O noblest guests,
Shining like stars in the sky!
Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll? (see below)

(Writes it down.)

A). Palace scroll - the names of guests, titles and achievements are entered into it. At the end of the meeting, the list is promptly forwarded to the king, queen and leader.

B). Box with paper smiles - they are handed out to guests, later, when everyone gets to know everyone, you can write a wish to someone present on the smile. This is the mail. At the end of the ball, the Host reads out the mail, and the fairies (those who met) deliver it to the addressees.

2. Acquaintance


Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are glad to welcome you to the New Year's ball. In our world, time does not go the way people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised at the small miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us. Let us greet those who have arrived at this ball with applause.

The presenter reads out the names of guests, titles from the list. Each of them walks through the hall to the throne of kings and bows. The fairies at the entrance must explain this in advance. The King and Queen smile and say a few kind words to each guest personally.

3. Ball

The cherished hour has come
We invite everyone to the waltz.
Let the sounds of the violin swirl
Let the smiles shine!
Step right, step left,
Hello friends,
Our miracle queen
And of course, the king!

The King and Queen go to the first dance.

Five or six dances - 15-20 minutes.

Between dances, the Host announces:

1. This song is dedicated to all who have not lost the courage and fervor of youth in the bustle of running days.
2. This dance is dedicated to true connoisseurs of cherry syrup and strawberry jam. (or something like that).


We had a reenactment about the suffering of Bluebeard (a fake character) who suddenly starts crying in the middle of the ball. He tells the story of his three wives, who mercilessly mocked him, and therefore had to strangle them - their nerves could not stand it. The story is really funny, especially when shown in roles. (The text is available, but it is long). At the end of the story, Bluebeard is put up for auction by suitors, and unmarried ladies are bidding and displaying talents.

4. Meeting the new year.

(The clock strikes.)

Let's fill our glasses, friends,
To make the year and, of course, the family happy,
So that everyone finds a craft in spirit.
So that in the new year all of us are only lucky!

So that the kingdom of a dream come true will soon enter your house
And so that you feel good and joyful in it!

(The first dance of the New Year, at the end of which Santa Claus appears and begins to dance in the hall without warning.)

An amazing guest has arrived to us. In different countries he is known under different names - Per Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspar, Melchior and Valthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty is Santa Claus! And his beautiful companion ...

(Monologue of Santa Claus.)

5. Contests

Competition 1.
Exam on the history of the new year (quiz) - the text will be at the Host. The first team to give the correct answer is given a token. The team with the most tokens wins the prize.

Presenter: Would you like to warm up. So, a competition for the most dexterous!

Competition 2.
Two teams stand in a line - half a meter from each other, you can't budge. From the beginning to the end of the line, you need to pass the balloon without dropping it. Whoever is faster is a great fellow.

Dangerous competition 3.
It takes the three most daring (or more depending on the male to female ratio). For example, three masters are blindfolded. All the rest become round. Daredevils should, blindfolded, choose a couple from standing to themselves and dance a dance without leaving the circle outlined by a ribbon spread on the floor.

(Santa Claus is dancing with the host.)

Santa Claus: Oh, and you tired me, red maiden, and I still have to bypass seven kingdoms. And my Snow Maiden's eyes are closing. And our deer are not fed stand at the gate. We'll go already.

Presenter: Well, Grandpa, work is work.

Santa Claus:
Well now it's time to say goodbye
Hug, kiss,
May it be good for you
In the year that he came to the world!

Snow Maiden:
So that you are all healthy
So that the dragon with its wing
Protected you as a cover,
Didn't puff fire on you.
So that laziness does not attend,
And let the world fill the house!
And so that every new day
Warmed hearts with warmth!

Queen: May the children be obedient,

King: And let your eye be well-aimed!

And so that your hands do not tremble
And so that there are no partings.
So that boredom does not visit
There were fewer blizzards in life.

Goodbye friends
And see you in a year,
Let the stars shine for us
On a bright New Year holiday!

Marina Tsypysheva
Scenario for the preparatory group "New Year's Masquerade Ball"

Music sounds. Children come in, perform a dance - "Masquerade" entrance. Become around the tree. The New Year's ball opens.

Leading: Valiant knights and beautiful fairies, sages and wanderers gathered in this hall from all over the world. We are glad to welcome you to the New Year's Masquerade Ball. In our world, time does not go the way people of the earth are used to, so do not be surprised at the little miracles of the holiday, but rather rejoice with us.

1st child: All the guys like

Green beauty

Bright toys,

Light bulbs, crackers.

2nd: Every year she comes

Round dances start again

And the winter ball is spinning -

New Year's carnival.

3rd:Welcome, we have been waiting for you,

A little more - and the waltz will play,

And the Christmas tree will flash, the candles will burn -

A magical New Year's Eve is waiting for you!

Leading: O noblest guests,

Shining like stars in the sky!

Tell me how to introduce you to the palace scroll?

Fanfare sounds the Messenger comes

Messenger: Ladies and gentlemen! We greet you! We have wonderful guests at our Masquerade Ball today! Heroes from famous fairy tales (lists the characters - children).

Let's greet them with applause!

Well, the main event of this evening is that we expect the arrival of special majestic guests! So, I declare our New Year's Masquerade Ball open!

(Fanfare sounds, everyone applauds, Messenger leaves)

The song "On the last day of December"

The Messenger comes out (the soundtrack of steps sounds)

Messenger: Her Majesty a guest from France with her son!

Music sounds. A Frenchwoman comes out.

Frenchwoman: Hello! We are very glad that we were privileged to be present in this hall for your New Year's masquerade. My son and I really like Russia and we want to give you a musical gift - a New Year's round dance! (Ensemble: piano part - Frenchwoman, violin pariah - son).

Ensemble "New Year's round dance"

(Perform a piece, leave)

Messenger: The Italian dancemaster Macareno arrived at our ball Dancing! (Gloucestershire bagpipes are played. An Italian comes out. Demonstrates his choreographic skills).

Italian: Hello children and adults! I came from the glamorous country of Italy! We, like the Russians, celebrate the New Year! And at 175 Europa Boulevard, Rome, Italy, lives an Italian Santa Claus, whose name is Babbo Natale. And I did not come to you by accident! Santa Claus from Italy sent you a very interesting Italian dance as a gift. (takes out an envelope, and from it a disk) Children stand in pairs.

Dance "New Year Macarena Christmas mix"

Italian: Well done, children, you dance very beautifully! I've done my job, and now I have to go! Goodbye friends! Happy New Year! (leaves)

Fanfare sounds. The Messenger comes out.

Messenger: An amazing guest has arrived. In different countries he is known under different names - Per Noel, Babo Natale, Gaspar, Melchior and Valthazar in one guise, Santa Claus - in general, His Majesty is Santa Claus! And his lovely companion.

(Music sounds, the new Russian Koschey and the modern Baba Yaga are driving out in a car-stove)

Leading: Oh! What is this? What uninvited guests! Sorry, but you were waiting for Santa Claus and Snegurochka! I wonder who you are? (walks around the car - the stove, examines it with a gaze. Baba Yaga jumps from her seat, stomps her foot)

Baba Yaga: Oh, and really, where did you bring me, pepper?

(Koschey calls on the phone, solves some problem, his hands are busily lying on the steering wheel, does not pay attention to what is happening)

Baba Yaga: Kosha, can you hear me!

Koschey: What don't you like, dear? Where, where is the dance floor! You wanted to get out! (addresses to the Presenter) Do you count on the card? My lady wants to have some fun!

Leading: Wait, wait, tell me, who is your lady? And who are you?

Koschey: How is who! Koschey! And this is Baba Yaga!

Leading: Something you are not very similar. Koschey was always very thin, and Baba Yaga, sorry, for the expression is just a dirty trick, as far as I remember from Russian fairy tales.

Koschey: Do not heal, dear, there have been no such things for a long time - we are keeping pace with the times!

Baba Yaga: I don't understand, but what have you got here? Masquerade? What century is this? Boredom.

Come on, DJ! Come on ours! Start the record! (Music sounds, Baba Yaga begins to dance, Koschey beats the rhythm with his hand, moves lazily)

Leading: Oh, how ugly! We have a very representative event here. And what are you doing here! You grimace here, it would be better to play with the children.

Koschey:Kids! Well, we can do that too.

Baba Yaga: What can you do! I ate my belly in the Caucasus mountains.

Koschey: You have known me for so many years, I have never loved children, But recently something happened to me, my heart skipped a beat.

Baba Yaga: How? Are you going to play with them?

Game of choice

(Meanwhile, Baba Yaga sits on a car-stove. And begins to powder the offended face)

Baba Yaga: Well, come on, Kosha, tie it up! Go! We need to have time to buy a hot ticket to the Maldives, we won't freeze here in the Siberian frosts. It's not like it used to be.

Koschey: I was completely lazy, I forgot how I stoked the stove! Yes, I smelled soot!

Baba Yaga: Well, if you don't want to go, don't! Stay here with your kids.

Koschey: Well, okay, okay, don't be angry, where am I now without you! (Music sounds, Koschey kneels down, imitates a declaration of love to Baba Yaga, then gets into the car-stove, they leave).

Bells ringing, horses stamping are heard. Santa Claus comes out.

Santa Claus: Hello children, hello adults! Hello everyone who came to the New Year's masquerade ball today. Finally, I got to you, and to be honest, I was out of breath! But I’m not at all happy, friends! My granddaughter is gone! Winter overtook us in the sleigh, the Snow Maiden whirled, carried away. I don’t know why she was so angry!

Presenter: Well, what can you do, Winter reigns now. You can't argue with her ... But the Snow Maiden will have to help out! But do not be sad, get up while with us in a round dance, we will amuse you!

Song: "Santa Claus is a New Year's guest"

Santa Claus:Ah, well done! Have some fun!

Leading: Santa Claus, you completely forgot about your staff. After all, he becomes magical in the New Year!

Santa Claus: Oh, and for sure! Completely out of his mind, the old one survived, thank you, red girl!

(Hugs her). Now I will knock with my staff three times! And we will all find ourselves in a mysterious winter forest. Well! Get in a circle! (Knocks 3 times. Music sounds. Santa Claus walks, conjures around the Christmas tree. After the witchcraft - the music "Mysterious Forest")

Leading: Well, well, guys, we ended up with you in the winter forest. Look, what a beauty! There are white Christmas trees around, and the snowflakes in the snow are shining!

Santa Claus: Do not flatter yourself, my dears, do not fall for this beauty! This is where the Tsarina - Winter lives! (Music sounds. Winter's exit)

"Dance of Winter and Snowflakes"

(At the end of the dance, the enchanted Snow Maiden comes out. She stands near the tree).

Santa Claus: Winter, what have you done to my granddaughter! (rushes to hug her)

Winter: (cold):Hello Santa Claus! You completely stopped looking after your affairs! My time has already come! Everything should crack and break from frost! But for some reason you feel sorry for him now! So I decided to teach you a lesson!

Leading:well, do not be angry, Winter, look how many children have been waiting for the Snow Maiden. What have you done to her? We've even prepared a song for you. But not at all about evil Winter! Listen!

The song "Zimushka has settled"

Santa Claus:Winter, tell me what I have to do so that you return my granddaughter safe and sound!

Winter: Let the frost go, much, harder, so that everything will freeze and freeze! Then I will disenchant the Snow Maiden. (The music of witchcraft sounds. Santa Claus knocks with his staff).

Santa Claus: How is it? Has it got colder?

Winter: Even stronger! More! (Santa Claus knocks with his staff again)

Santa Claus: Wow and greedy! (to himself). Is it colder?


(Santa Claus knocks for the third time)

Santa Claus:Have pity on the children, fierce ones, they will become petrified!

Winter:So be it! I'll give you back your old Snow Maiden! (Music sounds. The Snow Maiden spins up, thaws, cheers up).

Leading: Hello Snow Maiden! We are very glad to see you!

Snow Maiden: Oh, how long I slept! I saw such a wonderful winter dream! And now I will certainly tell you about it!

Dance: "Polar Bears Lullaby"

Santa Claus: This is a dream! Really wonderful! And why are the lights not lit on the trees! Not in order! Let's revive the tree! Light the lights on the tree!

The game "We'll hang the balls"

(The lights on the tree come on)

Leading: So our Christmas tree lit up with cheerful multi-colored lights! Look what a beauty!

Santa Claus: Well, now, since everything is assembled, you can start the fun! Happy New Year to each other! So, I order everyone to have fun! Both adults and children! Come out all to our friendly circle!

"Dance with Santa Claus"

Santa Claus: Well, we danced heartily, it's time to hand out gifts! Did the kids wait for them? Waited! Did you call Santa Claus for the holiday? Call! Have the Snow Maiden bewitched? Disenchanted! Do you deserve gifts? Deserved! Well, come and get presents!

(Santa Claus gives gifts to children)

Santa Claus: Goodbye friends

And see you in a year,

May the stars shine for you

On a bright New Year holiday!

(to the music, Santa Claus leaves).

The holiday ends. Children go to the group.

Explanatory note for writing the script and staging the literary and musical composition "Ball-Mascard" based on the works of M.Yu. Lermontov.
The script offered to your attention was written by me with the aim of expanding the cultural, emotional, speech range of students. Of course, Lermontov's work is taught in the classroom at school, but I am sure that this is completely insufficient for a deeper understanding of the heritage of the genius writer. Therefore, when writing the script, I tried to include excerpts (or whole works) from the one written by M.Yu. Lermontov.

Since our City School of Artistic Words is not a theater, but a school where we learn to speak correctly, competently, beautifully, emotionally, we do our literary programs with a minimum of costumes and decorations. A small exception was made for the Masquerade Ball - it was necessary to create exactly the atmosphere of a 19th century ball, which is difficult to feel in sweaters and jeans. Hence - evening dresses for girls and tailcoats or suits for boys. The program was a great success, the students were imbued with the precise, strong thought of the great poet and the amazing imagery and musicality of its embodiment. An important result of our performance was that the students decided to read everything written by Mikhail Yuryevich ... and he did not write so much - his life turned out to be too short.

I can recommend our program (and similar ones) for holding literary evenings in collectives - they are extremely important for the full development of a child in many aspects: intellectual, emotional, important for the qualitative improvement of a teenager's speech.

"Masquerade Ball". Script based on the works of M.Yu. Lermontov.

Ball characters: Host and Hostess of the ball, Steward, Lieutenant, Arbenin, Nina, Juncker, Varenka, Pechorin, Grushnitsky, Princess Mary, gossips, performers of dance and vocal numbers, Ladies, Cavaliers ( based on the number of participants).

At the beginning - solemn music.

Almost everyone came together, and here it will be cramped for us,
I ask you to the hall, gentlemen,
Mesdames, please go there.
Hello, gracious sovereigns and gracious sovereigns! Thank you for this honor and are extremely happy to see you at our magnificent ball! Meet - Mrs. Hostess and Mr. Host of the ball!
We are happy to welcome guests
At our masquerade ball
Where, in a whirlwind of waltz and passions
Let's spin, for the sake of art.
Please, gentlemen - do not stand aside,
Mazurkas, waltzes - everything for you today.
Bring joy to yourself and me -
Our balls are fashionable this season!
Steward: The ball is the favorite entertainment of the nobility. They always prepared for balls, they were eagerly awaited, discussed for a long time. How, Lieutenant, are you here? As far as I know, your regiment has departed for maneuvers!












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