Health of citizens for the benefit of the motherland. Project "my native land". Reserves and national parks of Russia

If you have already completed the first part,

By tradition, we continue to publish a series of high-quality ready-made homework assignments for the Perspective program. This time in the field of view there will be a student on the subject of the world around him for grade 4. Answers to the 5th edition. The authors of the textbook and workbook are Pleshakov and Novitskaya. Workbook for 2017.

The world around us is the lesson where there is a place for creativity, where the child needs to find a lot of material himself in books and other additional sources, and this, as a rule, takes a lot of time, and it takes a whole day to prepare for the lesson. That is why we have prepared homework for you. Now it will be much easier to do the lessons, because all the answers on our 7guru website are collected on one page and you don't have to go through a bunch of sites to find the answers you need to the assignments.

Our GDZs are tested and approved by a primary school teacher.

Answers to assignments The world around us 4 grade 1 part



1. My first society is my family.

Our common goals: to live in peace and harmony, to be together, to be friendly, to love each other.

Our common business and interests: cleaning the house, going out into the countryside, receiving guests, playing sports in the gym or at the stadium, working in the garden and vegetable garden, walking together, traveling.

2. We are already in 4th grade!

Our common goals: study well, gain knowledge, be friendly.

Our common affairs and interests: school lessons, sports competitions, participation in holidays, matinees, school olympiads, contests, going to the theater, cinema, going out into nature.

3. In the red circles write down the names of the communities that you belong to by birth and place of residence, in the green ones - the names of the communities you have chosen yourself.

In red circles: family, school.

In green circles: handicraft circle, sports section, music school, chess club, etc.

4. Read the word list. Use a green pencil to underline words that you can understand. Write down the incomprehensible words.

Artel is an association of people to work together (brigade).
Brotherhood is an association of people by faith.
Compatriots - a society of fellow countrymen who were born or lived in the same city or village.
Circle - a community of people with interests, hobbies, for example, a handicraft circle or a literary circle.
A coalition is the unification of countries for the sake of some common goals.
A league is usually an association of sports teams.
The world is humanity, the world community, or a gathering, a gathering of fellow villagers ..
Party - an association of people based on political interests, a political party.
Council - a joint discussion by people of some issues.
Meeting - the presence of people in one place to discuss some topics, for example, parent meeting.
A union is usually a community of states or organizations.
The Pleiad is an association of outstanding people, for example, scientists.
A partnership is a society of friends or a form of enterprise.
Company - a group of friends, acquaintances, acquaintances.
Federation is the unification of territories in a state.
A team is a group of people united by something.

Explain verbally what is common in the meanings of these words. How do they differ?

These are all communities. They are different in interests, size, composition.


1. Look at the photos. With the help of a textbook, formulate and write down what unites all citizens of our country into a single people.

History, art, culture, patriotism, labor.

2. With the help of drawings or photographs with captions, compose a story on the topic: We are different, we are together! "In the captions to the illustrations, reflect which events are the common heritage of the peoples of your region, which is now being created by common work for the benefit of all.

Here you can post photos of the following events: city (or school) clean-up, May 9 parade, city day, tree planting on city streets, sports competitions.

Pictures for printing:

3. "My project for the benefit of Russia". Come up with and describe your project for the benefit of your home country. Supplement the description with pictures and diagrams.

Project name: Free library.

Purpose: To help people in my area or city to love reading books. Instill in children a love of reading.

Tools: A few old bookshelves or cabinets, books, a few like-minded people, tools to install "free libraries".

I love to read, we have a lot of books at home. My neighbors have many books that they no longer need and are ready to give them to someone for free. I propose to install "free libraries" in several places of my city (district, park). They can be made from old bookcases that people throw away.

Each such library cabinet must be installed in a walkable place (in the park, on the street, on the playground). Post a notice: "Dear residents of our city! There is a free library for you. You can borrow books for free and, after reading, return them to their place or leave them at home. Please also fill this cabinet. Do not throw away literature! Bring your books here, and they will find their readers !. "

I am sure that my project will interest many residents of our city. And maybe a lot of kids will love to read and watch less TV and play on the tablet. This will serve the good of Russia!

Pictures for the project:

CONSTITUTION OF RUSSIA, GDZ website to p. 10-11

1. Read the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Think and tell us how important these articles of the Constitution are for you, your family and friends.

The Constitution is the basic law of our country. She guarantees my rights and speaks about my responsibilities. For example, I can get free school education or medical assistance. My parents must pay taxes, obey the laws of our state.

2. Write down examples of the rights and duties of a person and a citizen from the above articles of the Constitution.

Rights: Everyone has the right to life. Everyone has the right to speak their native language. Everyone has the right to rest. Everyone has the right to medical assistance. Everyone has the right to education.

Responsibilities: Everyone is obliged to protect the monuments of history and culture. Everyone is obliged to pay taxes and fees. Everyone is obliged to preserve nature.


1. Using the text of the textbook on p. 16-17 sign which child rights are illustrated by these photos.

The right to life, family; the right to education; the right to health care; the right to rest.

2. In additional literature or on the Internet, get acquainted with the ten principles of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. Write down 2-3 principles that you consider most important. You can express their meaning in your own words.

Principle 1: Children around the world have the following rights.
Principle 2: Every child has the right to grow and develop normally.
Principle 3: Every child has the right to a name and citizenship.
Principle 4: Every child has the right to housing (home), food, medical care.
Principle 5: If a child is physically disabled (disabled), he or she has the right to special care and attention.
Principle 6: Every child has the right to parental care, and if he has no family, then he has the right to care from the state.
Principle 7: Every child has the right to study and receive education.
Principle 8: Protection and assistance of the child must be provided first (protection of the child before the protection of the adult).
Principle 9: Every child must be protected from violence and cruelty.
Principle 10: Every child has the right to grow up in an atmosphere of love and understanding, and the child must be protected from hatred and discrimination.


1. Write down words from the textbook, the meaning of which you do not understand. Use the dictionary to write down the meanings of the words.

A democratic republic is a state where power is elected by the people.
A referendum is a popular vote on important issues.
Elections are the procedure for electing someone by secret ballot.

2. Find out from the photos in the textbook and sign these buildings. One of them is not presented in the tutorial. Get to know him using other sources of information.

Imagine that you were elected President of our country. Describe your activities according to the points of the plan.

1. My goal: To make people in Russia live better, to revive the State industry, to provide people with housing and to increase salaries.

2. My first decree:

Add salaries to teachers and doctors at the expense of MPs' salaries.
(or) Build a new school in our area
(or) Increase pensions for all retirees so that they have enough to live on

3. My assistants: Friends and a team of people I can trust.

4. My responsibility: I will be accountable to the people for my activities as president.

5. Russia will not depend on other countries and will be able to provide all the needs of its people, and the people will live better.


1. Using the illustrations in the textbook, sign the flags and emblems of some of the republics of Russia.
2. Cut out flags from the Appendix and stick them in the appropriate windows.
3. Using the text of the textbook, correlate the names of some republics of Russia and their capitals. Connect with lines.

Republic of Adygea - Maykop
Republic of Khakassia - Abakan
Republic of Karelia - Petrozavodsk
Republic of Bashkortostan - Ufa
Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - Yakutsk

4. With the help of additional literature and the Internet, identify and sign the flags and emblems of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

5. Project "Travel to one of the republics of the Russian Federation"
Find information and prepare a message about one of the republics of the Russian Federation (of your choice.)

Project "Travel to the Republic of Adygea"

1.) The capital of the republic is the city of Maykop with a population of 144 thousand people.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Adygea is a circle framed on top with a ribbon with the inscription "Republic of Adygea" in the Adyghe and Russian languages. In the middle of the ribbon there is a large star, on the sides there are oak and maple leaves (left), golden ears of wheat, ears of corn (right). In the circle there is an inscription "Russian Federation" in Russian and Adyghe languages. Below is the national table - ane with bread and salt. In the middle of the circle is the main character of the Nart epic Sauseryk'o on a fiery flying horse.

3.) Flag of Adygea.

The national flag of the Republic of Adygea is a rectangular green cloth, which depicts twelve gold stars and three gold crossed arrows pointing upwards. Twelve stars mean 12 Adyghe (Circassian) tribes, and 3 arrows - 3 ancient Adyghe princely families. Three crossed arrows signify their unity. The green color of the cloth symbolizes the religion of Islam.

The national anthem of the Republic of Adygea is a musical - poetic work on the verses of I. Mashbash, music by U. Tkhabisimov.

Glory, live, Adygea,
A country dear to my heart.
Warmed our peoples
She is kindly agreed.

Sunny land,
The Republic is our common home.
Fly up your wings
Republic, grow stronger by work,
Our bright dream.

Ancestors chose
A wonderful place for us
Courage, wisdom and strength
He gave us the Caucasus from our grandfathers.

Proudly with a free soul,
Walk with Russia
Your sun is over you
The storms of adversity are behind.

Native sky and cornfields
Will forever be in the hearts
Will be for us while they are alive
In our fate and deeds.

5.) The state language is Russian and Adyghe.

6.) The territory of the republic is surrounded on all sides by the territory of the Krasnodar Territory.

7.) A significant part of the state natural reserve of the Caucasus is concentrated on the territory of the Republic, all the riches of which are included in the World Natural Heritage List. The famous thermal springs, the Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve, and the Mountain Adygea National Natural Park are located in Adygea.

8.) Of the monuments of history and culture, the Maikop mound "Oshad", a monument - a cross to the executed Cossacks, a memorial complex "Druzhby" square are known. In mountainous regions, there are tombs of the dolmen culture of the Middle Bronze Age - dolmens. In the Maikop region, archaeologists find sites of ancient people.
The oldest cultural monument of the Adyghe ethnos is the Nart epic, which is based on legends about the origin and adventures of heroes-heroes ("Narts").

9) Among the outstanding citizens of Adygea:
heroes of the Soviet Union (Andrukhaev Kh.B, Achmizov A.A., Bzhigakov K.B.) and heroes of Russia (Garmash A.V., Dolonin V.A., Klupov R.M., Gadagatl, Asker Magamudovich - Russian scientist -nartist, people's poet of the Republic of Adygea.
People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Honored Artist of Adygea, member of the Union of Artists of Russia Teuchezh Kat and other citizens.

10.) Modern achievements of the Republic of Adygea.

The Republic of Adygea has its own food products, tourism, horse breeding, sports, and agriculture are developed. In modern Adygea, there are about 90 large and medium-sized enterprises representing 11 industries. Food industry enterprises produce canned meat and fruits and vegetables, confectionery, pasta and wine and vodka products, beer and dairy products. The forest resources of Adygea are large, which are represented mainly by hard-leaved coniferous species.


1. Write out words from the text of the lesson, the meaning of which you do not understand. Use a dictionary to write down the interpretation of these words.

State border - a line that shows the borders of the country.
Sovereignty is independence.
A visa is a document by which you can enter a foreign state.
Customs is a special government service that controls the entry and exit of citizens from the country.

2. Using the map on p. 21 determine which states Russia borders on. Write it down.

On land, Russia borders on the following countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Georgia, South Ossetia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea).

On the sea, Russia borders on Japan, the United States.

Using the map, correlate the names of the countries and their capitals. Connect with lines.

Ukraine, Kiev
China - Beijing
Kazakhstan, Astana
Finland - Helsinki
Belarus - Minsk

Answers site to pp. 22-23. JOURNEY ABROAD RUSSIA

1. Compare the proverbs of different nations about good relations between neighbors. What do the proverbs have in common? What makes them different? How do you explain the differences?

Choose one of the meaningful proverbs of the peoples of your region. Write it down.

A close neighbor is better than a distant relative.
Living in neighbors means being in conversations.
What are the neighbors, so is the conversation.
Don't buy a yard, buy a neighbor.
The hostess didn’t save up for dinner, so, apparently, to push to the neighbor.
There is no greater trouble than bad neighbors.
It’s bad to live if you don’t make friends with neighbors.
Let your neighbor into the house, and go to the neighbors yourself.
Make friends with your neighbor, but hold on to the saber.
Be friends with your neighbor, and tyn are cities.
The neighbor will not want to, and the world will not.
Neighborhood is a mutual affair.
Then the neighbor is kind when the bag is full.
A good neighbor is the greatest relative.
It's good when the neighbor is close and the fence is low.
It's a bad thing to offend a neighbor.
The more to annoy the neighbor, if not the tongue?
Thistle and sow thistle from neighbor to neighbor under the tynom sneaks.
You don't have to go to your neighbor for what you have at home.

Do you think these proverbs apply to relations between neighboring countries? Write down in your own words what relations should be between countries.

These proverbs apply to relations between neighboring countries. Relations between countries should be friendly, respectful, in difficulties the countries should help each other.

2. Read the description of the Belarusian game "Mayalka". Draw a diagram of it according to the description.

3. The favorite game of the Mongols is chess. Look at the photographs of Mongolian chess and determine what animals they represent. Write down the names of these animals.

Answer: from left to right: tiger (cat, or panther, or leopard), camel, dog, horse.


1. Following the example given in the textbook, fill in the table. Include natural objects in your area. Use additional literature and the Internet.

Name - from which language the name comes from, which means according to the interpretations of some scientists.

Moscow region:

the Oka river - translated from the Gothic "river", in the Old German - "water", "river".
river Istra - translated from Lithuanian "stream", "current".
volga river - the Russian name Volga (Old Slavic Vlga) comes from the Proto-Slavic Vьlga, cf. volgly - vologa - moisture.
Moskva River - from the Finno-Ugric group of languages \u200b\u200bmeans "wet, swampy place", in the Old Russian language "Moscow" - "viscous, swampy" or "swamp, dampness, moisture, liquid".

Leningrad region:

river Neva - from the Finnish word "neva" - swamp (deep), from the Swedish word "nu" - new.
river Narva - translated from the Vepsian language - "threshold".
Lake Ladoga - Ladoga in Finnish means "wave".
Luga canyon - from the name of the Luga river, translated from Estonian laugas - a depression, a hole, a puddle, a hole, or to break, scatter.

Krasnodar region:

Tsemesskaya Bay (Black Sea, Novorossiysk) - from the Adyg. "tsemeez" - insects and forest, mosquito place.
Markhotsky ridge is a mountain range along the Black Sea coast. In the Adyghe language - "Ozhinovy \u200b\u200bridge". Ozhina (azhina) - blackberry, forest berry.
Gelendzhik Bay, got its name from the city of Gelendzhik (a city on the Black Sea coast), "gelendzhik" in Arabic - "poplar", in the Adyghe language - "small pasture".
Anapskaya Bay - from the name of the city of Anapa. "Anapa" - translated from the Adyghe means "round table" - the semicircular shape of the bay resembles the traditional round table of the Circassians. "Anapa" from ancient Greek means "high cape".
Abrau (lake) - translated from Circassian means "precipice".

2. Read the Chuvash proverbs. Pick up to them the proverbs of the peoples of your region that are suitable in meaning.

In days of happiness, be pure in heart, in days of grief, be strong in heart.

Do not be discouraged in misfortune, but overcome sorrow. (Russian)
From joy, curls curl, and from sadness - they split. (Russian)
Sadness is visible on clear eyes, and grief - on a white face. (Russian)
Moth eats clothes, grief - man. (Ukr.)

The water of wisdom does not hold on to the mountain peaks of pride.

I am proud to be - to be reputed to be stupid. (Russian)
You cannot jump higher than yourself. (Russian)
You can't jump above your head. (Russian)
You cannot jump higher than yourself. (Russian)
Poverty humbles the wise. (Russian)

If you have friends, it is as deep as the Volga, if you do not have it, it is shallow as a puddle.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends. (Russian)
The tree is supported by the roots, and the person is held by friends. (Russian)
If you don't have a friend, look for it, but you find it - take care (Russian)
A good horse is not without a rider, but an honest man is not without a friend. (Russian)
To hold on to each other is not to be afraid of anything. (Russian)

3. Find out in additional sources who was the first to create the alphabet for your native language. Write down information about this person. If possible, post his portrait.

How the Slavic and Russian alphabet was created.

In the 9th century in Byzantium, in the city of Thessaloniki (now the city of Thessaloniki in Greece), two brothers lived - Constantine and Methodius. Constantine, becoming a monk, received a new name - Cyril. The brothers were wise and very educated people. These brothers were sent by the Greek king Michael to the Slavs in response to the request of the Slavic prince Rostislav.

Cyril and Methodius took the Greek alphabet and adapted it for the sounds of the Slavic language. Thus, the Slavic alphabet was created, which received the name "Cyrillic" - after the name of one of the brothers. Subsequently, the Slavic alphabet served as the basis for the Russian alphabet.


1. Compare the description of frosty weather in the poem by K.L. Khetagurov and in an excerpt from the prose of Yu.S. Rytkheu on page 46 of the textbook. Draw an illustration for one of these texts.

Verbal response: Both authors describe the harsh winter of their homeland. If in Khetagurov's poem we read about the nature of the Caucasus Mountains, then the Chukchi writer Rytkheu recalls the nature of Chukotka. In the mountains of the Caucasus, a wild ram rises on a cliff, in Chukotka, a local boy surveys the sky to understand what the weather will be like today.

You can draw the following illustrations: a mountain sheep on the side of a steep mountain, or a boy standing by a yuranga.

2. Draw an illustration for one of the works of the writers of your region (of your choice), where the beauty of your native nature is glorified. You can glue photos.

You can draw the following pictures:

to Prishvin's story "Golden Meadow"
to Bianca's story "Forest Houses"
to Turgenev's story "Bezhin Meadow"

3. Yu.S. compared with a magic mountain. Rytkheu Russian culture, which he knew well and with which he sought to acquaint his people. Try to briefly explain the meaning of this comparison. Write down your thought.

Russian culture was presented to the Chukchi writer as a mountain, because it is just as huge, great, maybe even incomprehensible. The mountain can be seen from afar, you cannot pass by and not notice the mountain, just as you cannot pass by Russian culture. The Magic Mountain is fraught with many riches and mysteries, just like Russian culture. That is why Yu.S. Rytkheu compared Russian culture to a magic mountain.


Pages 28-31. MAP - OUR GUIDE

1. Before you is a contour map of Russia. Compare it to the map in the textbook. What are the similarities and differences?

The map in the workbook is newer, more modern. On it, the Crimea peninsula is designated as part of the Russian territory. In the figure, the Crimea peninsula is highlighted in red.
The contour map does not contain the names of cities, settlements, regions and territories.
The contour map has no territory coloring, only land and sea can be seen on it.

2. Using the map in the textbook, circle the state border of Russia on the contour map. Sign the name of the capital of Russia.

3. Sign the name of your city ...

4. Redraw the conventional signs.

5. From the text of the textbooks (p.52) write out the digital data characterizing the territory of Russia.

Russia occupies more than 1/9 of the Earth's land mass. The length of the territory of Russia from north to south is over 4 thousand kilometers. The length of the territory of Russia from west to east is about 9 thousand kilometers.

6. If you have ever visited any corners of Russia, post your photographs here or make drawings.

If you are so lazy that you are too lazy to draw where you have personally visited or print and paste a personal photo, but even on the Black Sea, photos of places can be taken from our GDZ on tab 68-72.


1. See page 28-31 for signatures.

2. Sign the hill and mountain on the diagram. Finish drawing up the diagram: indicate with arrows the parts of the hill and the mountain.

To the left is a hill, to the right is a mountain. At the very bottom is the foot, the very peak is the summit, between them the slope.

3. Using the tutorial card, fill in the table.

The name of the mountain is the height of the mountain

Elbrus - 5642
Klyuchevskaya Sopka 4688
Belukha 4506
People's 1895

4. Make drawings showing the shape of the earth's surface of your edge, or place a photograph.

If you live in a plain, draw a plain with grass, small mounds and holes. If in the mountains, draw the mountains. If there are hills around you, draw hills and springs. Each edge has its own pattern.
An example of a drawing with hills and mountains:

5. With the help of additional literature, the Internet, prepare a message about any plains or mountains of Russia, your region. Write down the basic information for your message. Indicate the source of information.

The Caucasus Mountains are a mountain system between the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. It is divided into two mountain systems: the Greater Caucasus and the Lesser Caucasus. The Greater Caucasus stretches for more than 1,100 km. The most famous peaks - Mount Elbrus (5642 m) and Mount Kazbek (5033 m) are covered with eternal snow and glaciers. Mountains near Sochi - Aishkho, Aibga, Chigush, Pseashkho hosted the participants of the 2014 Winter Olympic Games.

The Altai Mountains are a complex system of the highest ranges in Siberia, separated by deep river valleys and vast intramountain and intermountain basins. Altai is located where the borders of Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan meet. The highest peak in Altai is Mount Belukha (4506 m).

The West Siberian Plain is a plain in northern Asia, occupying the entire western part of Siberia from the Ural Mountains in the west to the Central Siberian Plateau in the east. In the north it is limited by the coast of the Kara Sea, in the south it extends to the Kazakh Upland, in the southeast the West Siberian Plain, gradually increasing, is replaced by the foothills of Altai, Salair, Kuznetsk Alatau and Gornaya Shoria. The plain has the shape of a trapezoid tapering to the north: the distance from its southern border to the northern reaches almost 2500 km, its width is from 800 to 1900 km, and the area is only slightly less than 3 million km².


Practical work "Study of minerals".

1. Consider a mineral sample. Find out the title from the illustrations in the textbook or the Atlas.

Write down: coal.

2. Set the properties of the mineral. Write down:

Coal is a solid mineral, the color is black, opaque, dense, has a luster and a faint smell. Bituminous coal is a combustible mineral.

3. Use the tutorial to complete the table.

Comparison of oil and natural gas

Indicators for Comparison - Oil - Natural Gas

Origin - Formed from the remains of plants and animals - Formed from the remains of plants and animals

Properties - Thick, oily, liquid, dark in color, with a pungent odor - Colorless, light, flammable, odorless.

Application - Fuels, oils, plastics, fibers for fabrics - Fuels, plastics, fibers of valuable materials

Production Methods - Drill Wells - Wells

Transportation modes - Oil pipeline, railroad tank cars, oil tankers - Gas pipeline, gas tankers

Respectful attitude - Oil spills should not be allowed during production and transportation - Gas needs to be saved, to prevent leakage at home.

S. 36-37. OUR RIVERS

3. Using the map and text of the textbook, connect the names of the rivers and cities that are built on them with lilies.

Volga - Kazan
Kama - Perm
Oka - Kolomna
Moscow river - Moscow
Neva - Saint Petersburg
Don - Rostov-on-Don
Ob - Novosibirsk
Yenisei - Krasnoyarsk
Lena - Yakutsk
Amur - Khabarovsk

5. With the help of additional literature, prepare a message about any river in Russia, your region (optional). Write down the basic information for your message. Indicate the source of information.

The Volga is a river in the European part of Russia. It is one of the largest rivers on Earth and the longest in Europe. The part of Russian territory adjacent to the Volga is called the Volga region. The river is 3530 km long and its catchment area is 1.361 million km². There are four millionaire cities on the Volga: Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Volgograd. 8 hydroelectric power plants have been built on the Volga. The Volga flows into the Caspian Sea.

The Kuban is a river in Russia in the North Caucasus, originating in the mountains of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (Elbrus). The name of the river in translation from the Karachai-Balkarian language means "rising, overflowing river" or "stream". Length 870 km, basin area 58 thousand km². It flows through the territory of Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. The Kuban flows into the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov.

The Yenisei is a river in Siberia, one of the greatest rivers in the world and in Russia. It flows into the Kara Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Ocean. Length - 3487 km. The Yenisei is a natural border between Western and Eastern Siberia. From the Sayan Mountains to the Arctic Ocean, the Yenisei passes through all climatic zones of Siberia. Camels live in its upper reaches, polar bears live in the lower reaches. The name comes from the Evenk "Ioandezi" - big water.


2. What lakes are we talking about?

The largest lake in our country is the Caspian Sea.
The deepest lake in Russia and the whole world is Lake Baikal.
The largest lake in the European part of Russia and all of Europe is Lake Ladoga.
The second largest lake in the European part of Russia is Lake Onega.
One of the most beautiful lakes in the East European Plain is Lake Seliger.
One of the most beautiful lakes in Altai is Lake Teletskoye.

3. On which lakes are these attractions located?

Valaam Monastery - on Lake Ladoga.
Wooden churches of the Kizhi Island - on Lake Onega.


3. Using the information from the text of the textbook, fill in the table.

Features of the White and Black Seas

Features of the seas - White Sea - Black Sea

Depth - 350 m - 2210 m

Water temperature in summer - from + 6 to + 15 - above +25

Sea state in winter - Covered in ice - Does not freeze

4. Look at the photograph of the Solovetsky Monastery - one of the shrines of Russia. Write the name of the sea on which it is located.

Answer: White Sea.

Tell us what you know about this monastery.

The Solovetsky Monastery is a male monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, located on the Solovetsky Islands in the White Sea. Founded in the 1429-1430s, built from the stone of St. Philip (Kolychev). Under Soviet rule, the country's first special-purpose camp (prison) operated on the territory of the monastery. Monastic life was resumed in 1990. In 1992, the complex of monuments of the Solovetsky Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.


1. Before you is a contour map of natural zones of Russia. Compare it with the map of natural areas in the textbook. What are the similarities and differences?

Similarities: the border of Russia is marked, the names of rivers, lakes, seas are marked.
Differences: on the contour map of Russia, the Crimea peninsula is already Russian territory, on the map in the textbook - not.
Natural areas are marked with different colors on the map in the textbook. The names of the cities are plotted on the map in the tutorial

4. Using the map in the tutorial, fill in the rectangles in accordance with the color coding on the map of natural areas ...

See tutorial, pp. 74-75.

5. Number the main natural zones in the order of their change from north to south:

1 arctic deserts
2 tundra
3 taiga
4 mixed and deciduous forests
5 steppes
6 deserts
7 subtropics

7. Think about what you would like to know about the natural zones of Russia. Write down your questions. As you explore natural areas, try to find answers to these questions.

Are there animals in the arctic desert?
Is there summer in the Arctic desert Does the snow ever melt there?
What plants grow in the tundra?
Why is the Northern Lights only in the North?
What's growing in the desert?
What do animals eat in the desert? Where do they find water?


2. Read the text of the textbook on pages 78-79. Write down the key words and use them to tell about the Arctic desert zone.

Answer: Ice zone, Arctic islands, polar night, polar day, polar lights, snow, ice, wind, low temperature (up to 60)

3. Do you know the fauna of the Arctic deserts? Cut pictures from the application and arrange them correctly. After checking the sticker pictures.

4. Imagine that you are in the arctic desert zone on a scientific expedition. Draw yourself and what you see around.

5. Make a diagram of the food chain typical for arctic deserts.

Fish-seal-polar bears

For those who are interested in this topic, we have prepared a report (presentation) about the polar bear \u003e\u003e


2. Read the text of the textbook on pages 82-83. Write down the key words and use them to tell about the tundra zone.

Key words: cold treeless plain, long winter, polar night, polar day, cold winds, permafrost, swamps, lakes.

4. Do you know the living world of the tundra? Cut out the pictures and arrange them correctly.

5. Make a diagram of the tundra food chain.

Plants - lemmings - owls and arctic foxes.

6. In additional literature, the Internet, find information about any plant or animal of the tundra, prepare a message. Write down the basic information. Indicate the source of information

Lemmings are rodents that live in the tundra. They are very similar to mice, but slightly larger (10-15 cm). Lemmings have a dense build, short legs and a tail. The color is monochromatic, grayish-brown or variegated. Lemmings change their fur coat in winter to a light, white one, and the claws on the front legs grow, acquiring the shape of hoof-flippers. Lemmings make their nests right on the ground. They feed on shrubs and mosses, and eat twice their weight per day.

The reindeer living in the tundra is exactly the deer from the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" that carried Gerda to the North Pole. Reindeer is an artiodactyl mammal. Migrates constantly, feeds mainly on lichens. The main one is reindeer lichen. Nine months of the year quenches thirst with snow. Reindeer is domesticated and is an important source of food and materials for many polar peoples.


2. Consider the drawing. Mark taiga trees in green (fill in the circle), trees of broad-leaved forest in yellow.

3. Design and draw diagrams showing the differences between taiga, mixed and deciduous forests. Draw trees on the diagrams in the form of conditional silhouettes.

4. Make a diet typical for the taiga.

Plants - moose and deer - brown bear.
Vole plants, chipmunks, birds, hares - lynx

5. In the book "Green Pages" read about a plant or animal in the forest. Write down 1-2 interesting facts.

Squirrel. The squirrel lives in a hollow or builds a nest from branches and moss. The walls of the nest are thick - up to 50 cm. At a frost of 10 degrees, the temperature inside the nest is more than 10 degrees. The main food for squirrels is the seeds of conifers. In winter, this animal can devastate 300 pine cones per day.

A fox. Although the fox is considered the main enemy of the hare, its main food is mice and voles. A fox can hear a mouse squeak from 100 meters away. Fox hunting for rodents is called mouse thinking.


2. Read the text of the textbook on p. 90-91. write down the key words and use them to tell about the steppe zone.

Answer: steppe, dry summer, dry winds of dry winds, dust storms, heavy rains, black soil, plowed fields.

3. Do you know the living world of the steppes? Cut out pictures from the app and arrange them correctly.

4. The children were given the task to give examples of steppe animals. Which of the guys answered without mistakes?

Answer: Taras.

5. Make a diet plan typical for the steppe.

plant seeds - hamster - kestrel


2. Read the text of the textbook on p. 94-95. Write down the key words and use them to tell about the desert zone.

Answer: hot sun, few plants, bare ground, desert, sandy and clay deserts, dunes, takyr, poor soil, lack of water, little rainfall.

4. Imagine that you are in the desert on a scientific expedition. Draw yourself and what you see around.

5. Make a diagram of the desert food chain.

camel thorn - camel - scarab beetle - eared hedgehog


2. Read the text of the textbook on p. 98-99. Find in the text an explanation of the reasons for the warm winters on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and the southern coast of Crimea. Write this explanation in your own words.

Answer: The Black Sea heats up in summer and gives off heat in winter. And high mountains protect from cold winds, so winters are warm here.

3. Use the tutorial to start filling out the table.

Animals of the Black Sea and its coast
Inhabitants of land: Roe deer Cicada Caucasian lizard Podalirian butterfly Mediterranean turtle.
Inhabitants of sushi, foraging in the sea: Seagull Cormorant Diving duck Petrel Sea crab.
Inhabitants of the sea: Dolphin Medusa Mussels Fish: mullet, horse mackerel, sea bass, goby, sea ruff, oleander hawk.

4. Make a feeding scheme typical for the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, the southern coast of Crimea.

Butterflies, cicadas-mantis-lizard
Cormorant fish and seagulls.

5. Find on the Internet additional information about plants or animals of the Black Sea coast. Write down 2-3 interesting facts.

Black sea bottlenose dolphin

Dolphins are not fish, they are mammals! There are 3 species of dolphins in the Black Sea, the largest are bottlenose dolphins, they are also the most common inhabitants of dolphinariums.
Scientists have been studying dolphins for a long time, some believe that they have intelligence. Experiments and observations show that dolphins have their own language, they call each other by name.
The bottlenose dolphin lives up to 30 years, the weight of the animal reaches 300 kilograms. Body length - up to two and a half meters.
Dolphins feed mainly on fish and shellfish. They dive to a depth of 200 meters.
The body temperature of the Black Sea dolphin is 36.6 degrees, as in humans.


1. According to the description of the Karelian game "Gurizeh" ("The Chops") draw its scheme.

2. Read the proverbs of the Komi and Udmurts. Pick up proverbs of the peoples of your region that are appropriate in meaning. Write them down.

First, help yourself, and then accept help from a friend.

Get lost yourself, and help your comrade out.
To save a friend is to save yourself.
Trust in your comrade and help him out yourself.
Whoever faces everyone himself has no backs for good people.
He who helps each other overcomes the enemy.

Self-interest is that the dew is on the grass, brotherly benefit is that the sky is high.

Proverbs that fit the meaning:
The happiness of the Motherland is more precious than life.
If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.
Unity and brotherhood are great strength. (ukr)

In a beautiful forest and the pines are beautiful

Proverbs that fit the meaning:
It is not a place that paints a person, but a person paints a place.
The place is famous for its man. (azerb.)
Every pine tree makes noise in its forest.
Where the pine tree has grown, there it is red.
There are many different lands, but the dear one is the loveliest.

What do these proverbs teach?

Proverbs teach you to love people, help them, put common interests first, and then your own, love your homeland.

3. Write on a separate sheet of a fairy tale about animals, plants or a folk legend about the origin of the name of a natural object.

Here you need either just folk tales about animals and plants (turnip, teremok, crane and heron, etc.), or better legends that explain the origin of the name of a plant, animal or place in your area.

For example, where did the name of the chamomile flower come from? There was a girl in the world and she had a favorite - Roman. He made gifts for her with his own hands, turning every day of the girl's life into a holiday! Once in a dream, Roman dreamed of a simple but very delicate flower - a yellow center and white rays radiating to the sides of it. When he woke up, he made such a flower and presented it to his girlfriend. And the girl wanted the flower to be alive, real. Roman went in search of this flower and found it in the land of Eternal Dreams. But the king of this country did not give the flower just like that. The ruler told Roman that people would get a whole chamomile field if the young man stayed in his country. The girl was waiting for her beloved for a very long time, but one morning she woke up and saw a huge white and yellow field outside the window. Then the girl realized that her Roman would never return and named the flower in honor of her beloved - Chamomile! Now girls are guessing on a camomile - "Loves - does not love!"


1. Read the description of the game of the Siberian peoples "Deer". Play this game with your friends.

Draw an illustration for the game or download a photo of the game, print and paste.

3. Fishing is a traditional occupation of many peoples of Siberia and the Far East. Find out the names of these fish with the help of the identification atlas and sign them. What does chum salmon look like?

In the pictures there are pink salmon and taimen. But chum salmon:


1. 1. Think and write down what environmental problems in arctic deserts and tundra are expressed by these signs.

Pollution of seas and islands with harmful substances from passing ships (fuel oil, various garbage). Solution to the problem: Compliance with special rules by ship crews and tourists.

Pollution of the tundra land by oil during its extraction. Solution to the problem: apply environmentally friendly methods of oil production.

Damage, destruction of soil and vegetation cover of the tundra by heavy transport equipment. Solution to the problem: the use of vehicles on special ultra-low pressure tires.

2. Think and write down what environmental problems that have arisen in forests, steppes and deserts are expressed by these signs.

Excessive deforestation, littering the forest after felling. Solution to the problem: Take good care of the forests, plant new trees at the felling site. Using waste paper instead of wood.

Overgrazing in the steppe zone leads to the disappearance of plants and destruction of the soil, to desertification. Solution to the problem: follow the rules of grazing, do not graze cattle for a long time in one place.

Due to the disappearance of plants in the steppe, the soil is destroyed, and there are more mobile sands that fill up houses and roads. Solution to the problem: to prevent overgrazing and the disappearance of plants.

3. Think and write down what environmental problems in the subtropical zone are expressed by these signs.

Pollution of the sea and shores by sewage and debris from passing ships. Solution to the problem: construction of treatment facilities, observance of sanitary rules by ship crews.

Illegal felling of mountain forests, destruction of trees by tourists. Solution to the problem: a ban on deforestation, the authorities must strictly enforce forest conservation laws.

Destruction of flora and fauna by vacationers. Solution to the problem: all people should take good care of nature: do not catch insects, do not write on tree trunks, do not break branches, do not pluck flowers.


1. 1. Sign the drawings of the animals of the Arctic deserts and tundra, included in the Red Book of Russia. Refer to the tutorial for help if needed.

2. Sign the drawings of the plants and animals of forest zones included in the Red Book of Russia. Refer to the tutorial for help if needed.

3. Sign the drawings of plants and animals of the steppes and the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, included in the Red Book of Russia. Refer to the tutorial for help if needed.

2. Discussion on the textbook.

3. The project "The Red Book of Our Region". Get to know the Red Data Book of your region. Write down the basic information about her.

We fill in pages 66-67 independently, depending on the region of residence, everyone will have their own answers.

The name of the red book: for example, "The Red Book of the Amur Region" (or the Red Book of the Krasnodar Region, etc.)

How many species of organisms of different groups are included in the Red Book of your region.

We are rewriting the names of species from your Red Book, we count.

Draw and stick illustrations. Sign them up.

We draw animals or plants from the Red Book of your region.

Write down the names of plants and animals from the Red Book of your region, which you happened to meet in nature.

We write according to our observations.


1.Fill in the table using the tutorial.

Reserves and national parks of Russia

Natural Areas - Examples of Nature Reserves and National Parks

Arctic Desert Zone - Wrangel Island Reserve, Great Arctic Reserve

Tundra zone - Taimyr nature reserve, Kandalaksha nature reserve

Forest zones - Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve, Oksky Nature Reserve, Losiny Ostrov National Park, Meschera National Park

Steppe Zone - Rostov Reserve, Orenburg Reserve, Daursky Reserve

Semi-deserts and deserts - Astrakhan Reserve, Reserve "Black Lands"

Subtropical zone - Sochi National Park, Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve

2. Write a summary for your assignment message on p. 119 textbook.

Reserves and national parks are specially protected natural areas. In our country, they are created in every natural zone in order to preserve rare plants and animals.

In the Arctic zone - the Wrangel Island nature reserve. Its inhabitants: polar bears, walruses, musk oxen.

In the tundra - the Taimyr nature reserve. Its inhabitants: wild reindeer, musk oxen.

Many reserves are located in the forest zone (see table above). Rare animals of this zone: bison, elk, wild boars, beavers and other animals and birds.

In the steppe and forest-steppe zone there are reserves: Central Black Earth, Rostov, Orenburg, Daursky.

In the zone of semi-deserts and deserts, there are reserves: "Black Lands", "Astrakhan Reserve". Rare animals and birds: saiga, belladonna, bustard.

The Sochi National Park and the Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve are located in the subtropical zone.

3. If possible, take a virtual tour of the reserve (national park) using the Internet. Prepare a message about him. Write down the basic information for your message.

Barguzinsky reserve

The Barguzin State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in Buryatia, on the territory of the Severo-Baikal region. It is the oldest nature reserve in Russia. It was established in 1917 as a sable reserve to preserve and increase the sable population. This is the only state reserve in the country, established before the October Revolution of 1917.

Located on the western slopes of the Barguzinsky ridge (2840 m), including the northeastern coast and part of the water area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal. The area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is 374 322 hectares, including 15 000 hectares of the protected water area of \u200b\u200bLake Baikal.

All natural complexes are preserved in the reserve, where elk, musk deer, white hare, brown bear, shrews, black-capped marmot live - only 41 species of mammals. Baikal omul, whitefish, sturgeon, grayling, taimen, lenok and other fish species are found in the waters of the reserve.

Olga Karkh
"My country Russia is my Motherland." For the good of the Fatherland project

Passport the project:

View the project: creative and informational.

Time spending: short-term.

Participants: children of the group,



Formation problem russian the civil identity of the younger generation is one of the most relevant today. Historically, so that love for Homeland, patriotism at all times in Russian the state were a trait of national character. But due to recent changes, the loss of our society's traditional russian patriotic consciousness. Children from preschool age suffer lack of knowledge about the hometown, country, features of Russian traditions. Also, an indifferent attitude towards loved ones, groupmates, a lack of empathy and compassion for someone else's grief... And of course, the system of working with parents on the problem of moral and patriotic education in the family.

In this regard, the urgency of solving the most acute problems of instilling patriotism in work with preschool children is obvious.

goal the project:

Upbringing russian civic identity in preschool children through the systematization of knowledge about their family, about kindergarten, about the street on which the child lives, hometown, about their country... Orient parents pupils for raising children in a family.


To form in children ideas about the family, the city in which they live, about country

Mastering the system of knowledge, abilities and skills that ensure the formation of a child as a subject of various types of activity

Education of moral and aesthetic feelings, emotional and value positive attitude towards oneself and the world around

Development of the personality of a preschooler, his creative abilities, the formation of desire and ability to learn.

Intended outcome:

1.Children will replenish knowledge: "My country Russia» .

2. Children will have value and moral qualities, which are the foundation for the further education of a humane, spiritual, moral and socially active personality, future worthy citizens Of Russia.

3. Cognitive activity, general culture and competence of all participants will increase the project.

4. The relationship between children will be strengthened, parents and educators.

Implementation stages the project

Stage Activities

Stage 1 Selection of methodological material, fiction, musical repertoire, visibility

Stage 2 Implementation the project according to the plan of activities with children and parents.

Stage 3 Analysis of implementation activities the project

Stage 4 Presentation of the results of activities

Forms of interaction with children and parents

Forms of interaction with children:

Direct educational activities;

Joint activities of children and teachers;


Reading fiction;

Conversations, situational conversations;

Listening to music;

Games (didactic, role-playing, round dance, mobile and communicative)


Forms of interaction with parents:

Consulting on the problems of patriotic education of children;

"My country Russia is my homeland»

The main directions of preschool education Form of work

Cognitive speech development Educator's story "Symbols Of Russia»

Presentation "Symbols Of Russia»

Reading about Moscow

Examination of dolls in folk costumes

Presentation "Russian folk costume"

Cognitive lesson « Russia is my homeland»

Artistic and aesthetic

development Molding: "Flag Of Russia»

Drawing: "I love Russian birch"

Listening: Russian anthem, folk songs

Exhibition of drawing “Where does it begin Homeland»

Physical development Russian folk games: "Carousel", "Cap", "At the Bear in the Forest", "Burn, burn clearly"

Social and personal development Watching a cartoon "We live in Of Russia»

Reading Russian folk tales: "Night at Ivan Kupala", "By the pike's command"

Interaction parents Consultation for parents"How to Raise a Little Patriot"

We live in the age of modern communications, progressive development of science and technology. Undoubtedly, mankind benefits immensely from all this.

The bad side of the coin

Only the ecology suffers:

  • the environment is polluted with inorganic production wastes, which then decompose in the ground, poisoning both it and groundwater;
  • the air we breathe is more and more filled with harmful chemicals that are emitted from factories and factories;
  • a large resource of groundwater is consumed for technical purposes;
  • artificially people get rid of green spaces, building new buildings and structures in place of their growth;
  • rivers and water bodies are also polluted with industrial waste, as a result of which the underwater world is dying out.

If people do not protect the nature of their land, then all of humanity in the future will be on the brink of extinction!

What can we do today

I propose a project to protect the environment called "for the benefit of the homeland."

Within the framework of this project, any student can contribute to the development of ecology. Here, in fact, is the action plan for the protection of nature:

  • Cleaning of adjacent territories. Only by removing debris and dirt after ourselves and others will we cleanse our Earth, create favorable conditions for its existence.
  • Landscaping of adjacent territories: planting trees and shrubs. This helps purify the air.
  • Start saving water today, both at home and at school! Never allow yourself or others to leave the tap open unnecessarily, even for a few seconds!
  • An important condition is the separate collection of waste. Paper, glass, plastic, polyethylene, scrap metal must be placed in special bins. Or hand over for processing, because all of the above is a secondary material raw material. Recycling it, - people get huge benefits, and throwing it into a common trash can with municipal waste - irreversibly expose the layer of the Earth to pollution and extinction. Be sure to collect waste paper for the whole class at least twice a year!

Let's together ennoble the world around us, and he will surely reciprocate with us!

Zayneeva R.A. educator

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Rainbow "

Aksubaevsky district, RT

Project "My native land"

View the project ... By dominant activity: cognitive.

By time : for one academic year.

Project participants : senior preschoolers, parents, teachers.

Relevance: It is very important that children understand as early as possible that the big Motherland is Russia. The homeland is obliged to take care of its children, shower them with blessings, become an authoritative, powerful state, such that each of us would want to love it. But the question arises: who will shower us with benefits, and is it possible to determine the amount of benefits sufficient for a person to begin to love the Motherland? If we do not teach a child to love his country, who will need it? Who will rejoice at her achievements and be ill with her sorrows? The fate of the Motherland is in the hands of a person, and it is not reasonable to wait for the moment when it will be worthy of his love. Homeland is what we make it ourselves. Children, starting from preschool age, experience a lack of knowledge about their native village (city), country, peculiarities of national traditions. The system of work with families of pupils on the problem of moral and patriotic education has not been sufficiently formed.

Objective of the project: Education of a citizen and patriot of his country. To lay in every child the foundations of a spiritual and moral personality, capable of self-improvement and harmonious interaction with other people.

Tasks of project activities: To form spiritually - moral relations and feelings of belonging to the home, family, kindergarten, city, village, to the nature of the native land, to the cultural heritage of your city.

    To contribute to the general development of children based on love and interest in the present and past of their people.

    To foster moral and patriotic qualities: humanism, pride, the desire to preserve and increase the wealth of their native land and country.

    Introduce children to the traditions and customs of their people.

    Orient parents of pupils to patriotic education

children in the family.

Equipment: layout of the central square of the village, illustrations, photographs, drawings, selection of literature, selection of visual material, preparation of visual material for productive activities, didactic games.

Project methods Cognitive and game activities, targeted walks, excursions, observations, conversations.

Intended outcome

Mastering by children of available knowledge about the history of their native Fatherland; about the capital of our Motherland - Moscow, about the republic, about the village in which they live; about the nature of Tatarstan and Russia. Formation of a patriotic-oriented personality of a preschooler who loves the culture of his native people and tolerance towards the culture of the peoples of the closest national environment.

The final result is diagnostics, during which the level of knowledge of children is determined and the personal component is established. This takes into account the active participation of children in various activities, competitions.

Project presentation "Aksubaevo is our native land."

Project implementation plan


« Flag. Emblem. Russian anthem"

3. Lesson


in the cities of Tatarstan "

4.Lesson: "Aksubaevo is a particle of Tatarstan"

5. Reading poems about the Motherland, proverbs, sayings.

To bring to the understanding of children that the Motherland is not only the country in which we live, but also the place where we were born.

Introduce the main symbols (anthem, flag, coat of arms).

Expand children's ideas about the state symbols of the Russian state, their historical origin. Arouse in children respect for the power of the state, its independence. To foster love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in their country.

Learn to distinguish between the concepts of "country", "republic", "city". Fix with children the names of the main cities of Tatarstan, the capital of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan. Develop the ability to navigate the streets of the city; know some street names. Expand your understanding of the attractions of some cities. To cultivate love for their Motherland, native village, respect for fellow citizens.

Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe small homeland based on familiarization with the immediate environment (house, yard, kindergarten) and the sights of the village. To acquaint with the history of the village. Show the location of the village on the territory of Tatarstan. The relationship between the life and activities of the inhabitants of the village from the geographical location and natural resources. To acquaint with the coat of arms of the Aksubaevsky district, to explain the symbolic meaning of the images on the coat of arms. Develop imagination, coherent speech, thinking in the process of d / i. To cultivate love for the native village.


Joint design of the album "Native settlement".

Joint viewing of the program

Quiz: "Love and know your homeland"

Offer parents a list of references,

for reading

6. Lesson: "Attractions of our village".

7. Excursions, targeted walks along the streets of the village, to monuments; replenishment of the album "Streets of Our Village".

Expanding knowledge of children about the sights of our village, that the village is famous for its history, traditions, and the best people.

Drawing competition: "The village that is dear to the heart".

Excursions by bus or by car around the village.

Family reading.

8. Excursion to

museum of local lore Lesson: "Tradition of deep antiquity".

Acquaintance with the life of the Russian people, enrichment of vocabulary.

Expanding children's knowledge about the life of their ancestors.

"Grandma's Chest" (telling children about family relics).

Take part in the replenishment of exhibits for the kindergarten mini-museum.


“How our ancestors grew

To give children an idea of \u200b\u200bhow bread was grown in the old days. To acquaint with the sequence of labor actions, tools of labor, folk traditions. To convey to the consciousness of children that bread is the result of the work of many people. Reinforce knowledge about the sequence of plant growth (wheat) and the necessary weather conditions (sun, rain, warmth). Develop thinking, the ability to establish logical connections. Activate the dictionary: adjectives - lush, fragrant, rye, wheat; nouns - sickle, flail; bakery products. To cultivate a respect for bread, respect for people's work, the traditions of the Russian people

10. Game-journey "From family to native country".

Continue to acquaint children with their native village; to consolidate the knowledge of children that our village is large and beautiful. To acquaint children with Aksubaev; give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is part of Tatarstan

Tours by bus or car

memorable places of the village.

Chatting with children.

11. Lesson: "Fauna of the native forest".

Continue acquaintance with animals and birds that live in our forests, their diversity.

Fostering respect for wildlife.

Family reading of stories about animals of our region.

Table lotto about animals.

12. Lesson: "The nature of the native hinterland".

Acquaintance with the flora of the native land, with the plants listed in the Red Book. Fostering a respectful attitude to nature, the ability to see and feel the beauty of the native land.

Reading books about nature, replenishing the photo album

"Our Land".

13 "Literary heritage". Guided walk to the museum - Excursion to the library

Expanding children's knowledge about the life and work of writers and poets. Fostering a love of poetry.

Family reading of works

our fellow countrymen poets and writers

14. Lesson

"Defenders of the Fatherland"

"Aksubaevites are veterans of the war".

Excursion to the eternal flame.

Production of holiday cards.

To expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the defenders of the Fatherland, about famous monuments and memorable places of their native village; develop ingenuity, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to solve a crossword puzzle; develop monologue speech; foster respect for the defenders of the Fatherland. Lead children to the understanding that we won because we love our country.

Collect information about those members

families who were


The great Patriotic

Round table. Meeting with a war veteran (great-grandfather of one of the children of the group).

Family drawing competition: "We are for Peace".

Viewing films on military subjects.

16.Presentation of the project "Aksubaevo - our native land"

Generalization and systematization of knowledge about the native village.

To consolidate the general ideas about the village to foster respect for people of different nationalities and their traditions.

To invite



Cognitive lesson "Aksubaevo - a particle of Tatarstan"

Goal: formation of children's knowledge about their native village.

Tasks :

    Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe small homeland based on familiarization with the immediate environment (house, yard, kindergarten) and the sights of the village.

    To acquaint with the history of the village. Show the location of the village on the territory of Tatarstan. The relationship between the life and activities of the inhabitants of the village from the geographical location and natural resources. To acquaint with the coat of arms of the Aksubaevsky district, to explain the symbolic meaning of the images on the coat of arms.

    Develop imagination, coherent speech, thinking in the process of d / i.

    To cultivate love for the native village.

Preliminary work : excursions around the native village, memorizing a poem, proverbs.

Material : map of Tatarstan, coat of arms of Aksubaevo, photos of Aksubaevo attractions.

Course of the lesson

The child reads a poem:

In a wide open space
at times before dawn,
the scarlet dawns arose
over the native country.
Every year everything is more beautiful
dear lands ...
Better than our homeland,

no friends in the world.

What are the guys talking about in the poem?(about the Motherland)

Every person on earth has a homeland. What do you think Homeland is?

(Homeland is the place where a person was born, grew up, studied.
- His mom, dad, home., River, birch, sun - all this is our Motherland.)

That's right, children, the native land is close and dear to the hearts of each of us. Childhood years pass here, and often life. To know the history of your native land means to love the present, to contribute to the construction of a new life every day.

What is the name of our native land?(Aksubaevo)

Our native village Aksubaevo is a part of Tatarstan, and our great Motherland - Russia. Look at the map where our village is located on the territory of Tatarstan?(children's answers) .

What colors are the territory of Aksubaevsky district marked on the map?(in green) .

What do these colors represent?(forest)

That's right, children, our village is located in one of the most beautiful places in Tatarstan.

Guys, do you know why our village is called "Aksubaevo"?

- "Aksubaevo" is one of the mysterious names.

Guys, what has our village become? (I show a picture).(Nice, big, many wide streets, beautiful buildings) .

What are the attractions of Aksubaevo?(House of culture, music school, library, creamery, bakery, art school, beautiful station, main square - Lenin; where there is a memorial plaque for fallen soldiers and an eternal flame) .

Didactic game "Where am I?"

I distribute photographs to the children with views of my native village and propose to tell about what is depicted there, without naming the place itself. The rest of the children should guess what place of their native village they are told about. Guys, you know that every city and village has its own symbols: a flag, a coat of arms. Our village also has a coat of arms (illustration with a coat of arms). What is depicted on the coat of arms of the village of Aksubaevo?

You guys know a lot of proverbs. And what proverbs about the Motherland do you know?

"Wormwood does not grow without a root."

"There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland."

"To live - to serve the Motherland."

"We have that hero - who is a mountain for the Motherland."

"Everyone has their own side".

"Love your Motherland - like your own mother."

"Needed where was born"

Educator. Green forests, vast fields. Every person loves his homeland. You and I also love our Motherland and are proud of it.

Travel game "From family to home country".

Software content:

    Continue to acquaint children with their native village; to consolidate the knowledge of children that our village is large and beautiful.

    To acquaint children with Aksubaev; give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is part of Tatarstan

    To acquaint children with the geographical location of Tatarstan and Aksubaevo using the map

    Continue to teach children independently, consistently compose descriptive stories about the village, using the accumulated knowledge.

    Strengthen the ability to use the scheme when composing a story.

    Expand the understanding of coats of arms, introduce the concept of a family coat of arms

    To foster patriotism in children, to form an interest in knowing their land.

Material : family photos, route plan, image of coats of arms, photographs, map of Tatarstan, scheme for compiling descriptive stories.

Vocabulary work : coat of arms, Tatarstan.

Prior work:

    examination of illustrations about p.g.t. Aksubaevo,

    targeted excursions along the streets of the village,

    examination of coats of arms,

    reading works of art,

    viewing family photos.

Course of the lesson

Educator meets children, offers to go on a trip, but first consider the route plan.

Stop number 1


This stop is calledfamily (draws the attention of children to family photos)

How can we use one word to describe everyone we see in one photo? (a family)

What other words can you call members of the same family? (relatives, relatives, relatives)

Do you think there are many families living in our village? (Yes)

How can you name a person who was born and lives in Aksubaevo? (Aksubaevtsy)

What if we lived in Kazan? Naberezhnye Chelny? Moscow? What are the inhabitants of these cities called?

People who were born and live in any city love him, he is native to them.

Stop number 2

Our second stop is called "Signs and Symbols"

Pay attention to these signs, they all have the same shape. Who knows what it is? (emblem)

These are the coats of arms of different cities, the coat of arms is a symbol of each city, country. They tried to depict something very important for the city on it (shows the coat of arms of Tatarstan, Aksubaevo)

Show me the coat of arms of Aksubaevo, why is a bird depicted here?

Everyone knows the coat of arms of our village. But not only countries and cities have coats of arms. The family may also have a coat of arms. The family is also a small, friendly state, which has its own interests, traditions and occupations.

Think that you would depict on your family coat of arms what your family loves to do the most, what hobbies and interests you have(offers to draw the family coat of arms)

Stop number 3

I spend physical education with children using auxiliary symbols.

Stop number 4

The next stop is called “Tell me about your village”

Look closely at the views of the village, do you recognize this village? (urban-type settlement Aksubaevo)

Tell me how old is our village?

What can you say about our village, what is its age?

What else can you say about Aksubaevo? (big, beautiful, clean)

What streets do you know? What is the main street of the village? What are your favorite parts of the village that you visit with your parents?

Guys, can you tell us about your village? When composing a story, you can use the diagram(3-4 children make up a descriptive story)

Stop number 5

And now the stop at which we will find the address of our village(brings children to the map)

Guys, what is this, who knows? (map)

Do you know where we live? (In the Republic of Tatarstan)

That's right, our village Aksubaevo is part of the Republic of Tatarstan. This map shows the territory of Tatarstan. It takes up little space on the map, but in fact, the territory of Tatarstan is huge, there are many cities, towns and villages in it.

Let's find the place on the map where we are now. Let's remember how cities are indicated on the map (by a dot). There are many points on the map - cities.

What do the thin blue lines mean? (rivers)

What rivers of Tatarstan do you know? (Kama, Volga)

And now you will go to your places and on small maps you will find and mark the place where we are, mark the urban-type settlement. Aksubaevo.(children complete the task)

Guys, think and tell me why a person needs a card? (children's answers)

You and I will often work with the map and learn a lot about Tatarstan and about our village of Aksubaevo.

Stop number 6

Now I suggest you play a little and answer the quiz questions.


What is the name of the village of mountains. the type we live in?

What street is our kindergarten located on?

What is a coat of arms?

What is the name of the people who live in the urban-type settlement? Aksubaevo?

How old is our village?

What are the major rivers of Tatarstan?

I distribute prizes, and to those who answered the quiz questions correctly, I say goodbye to the children. Children look at the map of Tatarstan, which remained in the group.

Lesson "Traveling through the cities of Tatarstan"


    Learn to distinguish between the concepts of "country", "republic", "city".

    Fix with children the names of the main cities of Tatarstan, the capital of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan.

    Develop the ability to navigate the streets of the city; know some street names.

    Expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe sights of some cities.

    To foster love for their homeland, hometown, respect for fellow citizens.

Preliminary work: making cameras, reading a book

City of Happy Destiny ”,“ In a High Place ”, examining ancient national clothes, examining illustrations“ Aviation Plant ”,“ Syuyumbike Tower ”,“ Kremlin ”. Excursion around the village.

Play equipment: black glasses, a map of Tatarstan, subject pictures, a computer model, a chest, a toy house, hoops, cameras.

Course of the lesson:

The lesson takes place in the form of a trip to the music hall. At the very beginning, a tape recording sounds. “Voice” invites children to visit an Internet cafe to visit a virtual recording. Children put on black glasses and are mentally transferred.

In the hall there are computer models with moving object pictures. There is a map of Tatarstan on the wall. I propose a trip to different cities of the republic, I make riddles, and the children are looking for answers on the “computer” - pictures.

A bird flies - a fable
and inside the people are sitting

speaks among themselves (plane)

After the children have found the picture "airplane", I start talking about the city of Kazan.

Guys, well done, they found the answer correctly. Do you know that in Tatarstan airplanes are being built in Kazan, our capital. This is the largest city in our republic. The Kremlin is located here - this is a very old building. There are many factories, factories, schools in Kazan, there are beautiful buildings and houses. A large railway runs through the city. And there is also a lake with an interesting name - Kaban and the Volga River flows. On the Volga there is a river port, where various steamers are built that transport people and goods to different cities of Russia. Come on, we will mark this city with an asterisk on our map.

Educator: I draw the attention of children to the map of Tatarstan, on which images of answers are pasted.

Educator: Let's find a picture of an airplane on the map and close it, i.e. stick an asterisk on it. So we will mark each subsequent city when solving riddles.

The child takes a star and marks the first city - Kazan.

Educator: now listen to another riddle:

We don't sleep a day
We don't sleep at night
We knock day and night, knock (clock)

Children find a matching picture. Next, mark with an asterisk.

Educator: Now we will talk about the city of Chistopol. In this city there is a watch factory "Vostok". He releases watches. Many countries around the world use them. In general, Chistopol is an ancient city. The Kama river flows there.

(Children celebrate the city of Chistopol)


On four legs
put on boots
before putting on
steel shoes to inflate (tires)

There is the city of Nizhnekamsk in Tatarstan. It is a big, beautiful city. And in this city tires for cars are produced. These tires are used for various cars (mark the city)


Does not fly, does not buzz,
a beetle runs down the street
and burn in the eyes of a beetle,
two shiny lights. (Car)

Do you know this Oka car? It is very small and such machines are assembled on the banks of the Kama River. There are beautiful monuments in this city. The House-Museum of the great artist I.I. Shishkin.

So we opened another city of Tatarstan.


Put it on your legs soon
your new ... (boots)

After the children have found the answer

Guys, in Tatarstan, national boots are called ichigi. These are the boots that are made in the small town of Arsk. There is a shoe factory that also sews modern shoes, which can be found in shops in various cities.

I'm standing at the edge
top - steel crown.
Where they order, I stand there,
I serve the oil workers (oil rig)

Oil is produced in many cities of Tatarstan, it is also called “black gold”. One of these cities is Almetyevsk.

From a hot well
cocoa pours over the edge (mug)

Now let's talk about the city - Bugulma. In which factory do we make dishes? (at the porcelain factory).

Well done!

After you have marked the cities, please note that on our map "stars are lit up" - cities. Children call these cities.

A character - "computer mouse" comes to the music. She brought with her a melofon to energize the children.

Hello guys! I am a computer mouse. Do you know why a computer needs me? (to find the information you need). Are you tired of studying, let's play with melofon. It is magical, energizing and invigorating. Let's stand in a circle and pass it on to each other. You will feel how warm it is. But at the same time, one city of Tatarstan must be named.

Children stand in a circle and name the cities: Kazan, Bugulma, Almetyevsk, Leninogorsk, Chistopol, Nizhnekamsk, Elabuga, Arsk, Naberezhnye Chelny, Zainsk, Buinsk and others. The mouse thanks the children and leaves.

Children sit in a semicircle on the carpet, and at this time a "computer mouse" with a "magic chest" comes in and says: "Guys, your journey is coming to an end and I have a surprise for you - this" chest ", but it is closed, and you you will find it only when you make a model of your kindergarten address Wish you luck! Goodbye! But new meetings!

Educator: First, let's remember what country we live in? (Russia). Who is the President of Russia? (Vladimir Putin). What republic do we live in? (Tatarstan). Who is the President? (M.Sh. Shaimiev). What village do we live in? (Aksubaevo). Well done! Now let's put together a model of our kindergarten.

Let's imagine that this house is our kindergarten (shows a toy house). We need to determine in which country, republic, city, street it is located. I have hoops in my hands of different sizes and colors. A large hoop will represent a country, a smaller one - a republic, etc. (Children place hoops around the house). Now let's all touch together for the hoops and say what we did. In chorus, the children say the address of the kindergarten:

Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, urban-type settlement Aksubaevo, 20 Romanova Street.

Now the model is ready. And here in the house is the key to the "magic chest". Let's open it up. (We open it, there is a surprise - small cameras). Cameras will be useful to us for further travels in our republic. At the end of the lesson, a voice sounds on the tape: “Well done, guys. Welcome to the real world. See you at our internet cafe. ”


Theme."Flag. Emblem. Russian anthem"

Software content:

    Introduce the main symbols (anthem, flag, coat of arms).

    Expand children's ideas about the state symbols of the Russian state, their historical origin.

    Arouse in children respect for the power of the state, its independence. To foster love for the Motherland, a sense of pride in their country.

Material:reproductions of the coat of arms, flag; photo of the President of Russia; audio recording of the Russian anthem; photographs, reproductions of the State Duma meeting, award ceremonies, soldiers' oath; children's encyclopedia "Russian state symbols" VV Vaskin, 2002

Preliminary work: excursion to the corner of symbolism, viewing exhibits, talking with children, sharing experiences.

Vocabulary work: National anthem, flag, symbols, state, power, heraldic shield, double-headed eagle, scepter, orb, etc.



One evening Vanya and Marina together with their mother were playing the board game "Lotto". At that time, father was watching a news program on TV. A meeting of the State Duma was shown on the screen. The President of the Russian Federation spoke (I draw your attention to the photograph of the President of the Russian Federation).
And suddenly music began to play, and everyone stood up. Vanya and Marina in one voice asked dad:
- Why did everyone get up?
- Because the anthem sounds. - Dad answered.
- What is a hymn and why is it listened to while standing?
The hymn is not just music - it is a solemn piece of music and poetry. This is a symbol of our state. Dad began his story.
Each state has its own anthem. The national anthem is performed and listened to while standing, men take off their hats. They listen to the anthem, silently, or sing along. Such behavior during the performance of the anthem is considered worthy. It sounds on holidays, at especially solemn events. It shows the greatness, honor, strength, power of our state. By the sounding anthem, you can determine from which state the guests came. Here's a story.
- Guys. Do you want to hear the anthem of our state?
We love and are proud of our country, which means that we should be proud of its symbols. Let's express our respect for the Russian anthem and listen to it as expected, standing. (Hearing the anthem, audio recording)

The anthem of Russia was written by the composer A.V. Aleksandrov and the poet S.V. Mikhalkov.
During the performance of the anthem, everyone turns their heads towards the State Flag. (Display of illustrations, photographs).

To the music and the words of the anthem, under the unfolded State flag, scientists, famous cultural figures, athletes are presented with awards. Young soldiers of the Russian army take an oath of allegiance to their fatherland. (Display of photographs, illustrations)

Tell me guys, what does the Russian flag look like? (Children's answers).

(Flag Show).

That's right, this is a rectangular cloth, consisting of three stripes of three colors: the top is white, the middle is blue and the bottom is red.
- Does anyone know what these colors mean? (children's answers).

The task. Ask your moms, dads, sisters or older brothers what these colors mean? And we will talk about this more in the next lesson.

(Showing the coat of arms of Russia).

And here is another Symbol of Russia - this is the coat of arms. The state emblem of Russia is a quadrangular heraldic shield, the lower corners of which are rounded and the tip is pointed.
- What is depicted on the coat of arms? (children's answers).

The coat of arms of the Russian state depicts a golden double-headed eagle. The eagle's wings are lifted up and spread out. The heads are crowned with crowns. In the center above them is a large crown. The crowns are connected by ribbons. In the right paw of the eagle there is a scepter (or a rod, similar to the staff of a shepherd), and in the left - a power ("apple" is a ball crowned with a cross, a symbol of Christian dominion over the world). On the chest of an eagle in a red shield is a silver rider in a blue cloak on a silver horse. Under the horse's feet is a black dragon overturned on its back. In the hand of the rider is a silver spear, with which he strikes the dragon.

And why is the eagle two-headed, maybe you know? (children's answers)

Yes, guys, such a bird does not exist in nature. But there is a version of this image. Since ancient times, people have depicted a two-headed eagle. Maybe they wanted to double the power of the eagle? Or they saw in him a vigilant guard, expelling evil spirits from both the right and left sides. Here's a version.

Educator: Today we talked about the main and important symbols of Russia. All citizens of Russia are proud of the State Emblem, flag and anthem. Not a single event, important for the country, can do without these distinctive signs of the country. The cases of using the coat of arms, flag and anthem of Russia are determined by law.
I suggest you guys tell your parents about them at home, ask them about the three colors of the flag, find out what they mean. In the next lesson, we will talk again about the State Flag, and you will share your knowledge with me. (I invite the children to carefully consider the reproductions, photographs presented in the lesson).

Lesson "How our ancestors grew bread"

Goal: formation of children's knowledge about the history of the leading branch of the region.


    To give children an idea of \u200b\u200bhow bread was grown in the old days. To acquaint with the sequence of labor actions, tools of labor, folk traditions. To convey to the consciousness of children that bread is the result of the work of many people. Reinforce knowledge about the sequence of plant growth (wheat) and the necessary weather conditions (sun, rain, warmth).

    Develop thinking, the ability to establish logical connections.

    Activate the dictionary: adjectives - lush, fragrant, rye, wheat; nouns - sickle, flail; bakery products.

    To cultivate a careful attitude to bread, respect for the work of people, the traditions of the Russian people.

Material for the lesson: spikelets of wheat and rye, black and white bread, loaf; illustrations depicting a peasant sower; the process of harvesting and threshing; wheat sprouts, flour products; cards depicting a sequence of wheat growth for each child.

Preliminary work

Guessing riddles about bread; memorizing poems about bread, explaining and memorizing proverbs about bread; reading of stories by M. Glinskaya "Bread", M. Prishvin "Lisichkin bread". Comparison of wheat and rye bread in color, shape, taste.

Course of the lesson

Guys, guess what we are going to talk about in class today:

Guess quickly and easily
light, lush and fragrant
he is black, he is white,
and sometimes burnt.
Bad lunch without him
there is no tastier it in the world?(bread)

You guessed right. What words in the riddle helped you guess that it was bread?(soft, lush, fragrant, black, white, sometimes burnt)

You already know that the main branch of our Aksubaevsky district is agriculture. What crops are grown in the fields of our area.(Wheat, rye, oats, barley) ... What is the name of the people who grow bread.(grain growers) ... It is one of the most ancient and honorable professions on earth.

And now I will tell you how our ancestors used to grow bread.

Before the start of the field work, the peasants washed and steamed in the bath, put on clean shirts, bowed to the belt to the earth-mother, asked for a rich harvest. And with a basket on their chest they went out into the field. The basket contained wheat and rye seeds. Here is a peasant walking across the field and every 2 steps scatters a handful of grain in a fan from left to right. What do you think the weather should be like?(calm) Why? (So \u200b\u200bthat the seeds lay evenly in the furrows)

To make the harvest rich, people clicked the rain. We also know the nickname. Let's say together:

Rain, rain water -
there will be a loaf of bread,
there will be rolls, there will be drying
there will be delicious cheesecakes.

Guys, what is necessary for the life and growth of plants?(sun, water, warmth)

Physical minute "Spikelet grows"

Imagine that we are in the field. I turn you into small grains and plant you in the ground (children sit down). The warm sun warmed the earth. The rain was pouring. The grains grew, grew and became spikelets (spikelet arms slowly rise). And now two leaves are reaching for the sun (palms open, wrists closed). Wonderful spikelets have grown in the field (smile at each other)

The people have put together many proverbs about bread. What proverbs do you know?

Bread is the head of everything.

It's cold without a stove, hungry without bread.

To trample bread underfoot - to starve the people.

Bread is on the table, so is the throne, but not a piece of bread, so is the table a board.

The water will wash, the bread will feed.

It is tasteless without salt, without bread it is not satisfying.

And lunch is not at lunchtime, if there is bread, no.

Well done, guys, you know a lot of proverbs.

Well, wheat and rye have grown. It's time to harvest. In the old days it was done like this. The women took sickles in their hands and walked into the field. The ears were cut and gathered in sheaves (illustration). People say this: "Bread, in an ear, hit the strip"

But the ears still need to be threshed, i.e. remove the grain from the ears. And for this, the men took a flail - a hand-held threshing tool, beat the ears, and the grains spilled out of them (illustration) Then the grains were collected and sifted from the garbage. The grain was taken to the mill, ground there, and flour was obtained (illustration). Bread was baked from flour.

How to grow bread?

Game: “What first, what then?

Children sequentially lay out cards: (grain on arable land, sprout, ear, sheaf, grain, flour, bread)

Guys, how much work is needed so that everyone has bread on the table today. And therefore, the attitude towards bread should be careful. How should bread be handled?

Don't take more bread than you can eat.

Don't crush bread at the table.

Never throw away bread.

Guys, what verses do you know about bread?

Bread does not grow for leftovers
from dawn to dawn,

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Goal: {!LANG-b230036f26df0cfebfb7be9ac95d9cf5!}

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Course of the lesson































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