Jobs in riot police. How to enter the ranks of the Omon troops? What are the requirements? What does the riot police do

Features of the profession
A riot policeman, who is also an OMON fighter, is an employee of a special mobile unit, a police officer trained to work in hot spots. Before the renaming of the police into the police, the OMON was a special police unit. Today this abbreviation is filled with new meaning: riot police have become a mobile special purpose unit. But the essence of the work of a fighter of this detachment remained the same.
The OMON is not involved in solving crimes, its task is to protect law and order, to suppress riots. For example, if there is an earthquake, forest fire or hurricane, riot police officers guard public safety in the disaster areas. In particular, it suppresses looting in abandoned houses.

Another important task of the detachment is to provide combat cover for other police officers. Therefore, OMON takes part in neutralizing armed criminals, releasing hostages, suppressing prison riots, etc.

As the name suggests, this squad is distinguished by its mobility and readiness to work in emergency situations. This profession is dangerous, requires serious training, dedication to their work and comrades. OMON fighters often die on assignments. Some are awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.
Those who have attended protest demonstrations or watched mass civil actions over the Internet may ask: “What is the OMON doing at the protest actions? Are we talking about mass riots? " The OMON fighter has a short answer to this question: "We keep order." When a lot of people get together, it is fraught with surprises - from accidents to provocations.

A soldier of the mobile squad can be recognized by the large yellow inscription "OMON" on the spotted uniform and black beret. During mass actions, the soldiers wear special protective helmets, in connection with which they are also called "cosmonauts" and even "real cosmonauts." What real real astronauts think about this is unknown to us.
The riot policemen stand in a cordon, letting the participants into the territory of the rally strictly through special "gates" with metal detectors. If a conflict situation is brewing, the fighters react quickly and harshly: wielding truncheons, they push the protesters out of the territory of the action, or vice versa, cut off the instigators, take them into the ring. They help colleagues from the operational squad to carry out detentions.
According to the participants in the events, it happens that a "conflict situation" arises precisely as a result of the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the attitude towards riot police in society is ambiguous.
Of course, in order to do this kind of work, a fighter must be sure that the truth is on his side. Otherwise, he will feel like an enemy of his own people.

Riot police work in shift. They devote a lot of time to physical training and tactical exercises.
Since 2002, on October 3, OMON officers have been celebrating their professional holiday.

OMON is a police unit. This means that the riot policeman himself is a policeman.

Important qualities
The riot police profession presupposes good health, serious physical fitness, responsibility, courage, and devotion to comrades.

Knowledge and skills
An OMON fighter must master the technique of hand-to-hand combat (in particular, with the help of a knife), shooting, collective action skills, etc.

Where do they teach
Each region has its own Mobile Special Purpose Unit.
To become a riot policeman, you need to enlist in this unit. As a rule, they accept men under 35 who have served in the Army and have a secondary education.
At the reception, a physical fitness test is carried out: cross, push-up, pull-up, etc. And also endurance hand-to-hand combat.
Those who pass the test pass a three-month study and qualification exam.

OMON - a special purpose squad. Those who are in the service must be mobile and ready to strictly act on the orders of the head. For some reason, the soldiers who came from the army believe that they are ready to join the ranks of the OMON right now, but for this it is necessary to undergo training, a competition, pass testing at a high level and be distinguished by a special psycho-emotional attitude.

For a better understanding of whether it is worth going to the OMON after the army, it does not interfere with understanding the main task of the special forces - not to solve crimes, but to ensure law and order on the streets of Russian cities, to suppress mass uprisings and devastations. For example, if there was a hurricane, earthquake or fire, riot police will react quickly and impartially.

If police officers enter the battle, riot police provide them with high-quality cover and protection, which can be seen during the detention of especially dangerous criminals or terrorist attacks, suppression of prison riots, and the release of hostages. The conditions in which the OMON are forced to work are always urgent and unpredictable. People working in the special squad must be aware of the importance of their activities and be useful cogs in the whole well-oiled protective mechanism, which is important for the whole country.

Arbitrariness, unauthorized decision-making that do not correspond to the order of the commander is unacceptable for employees. It is scary, dangerous, the understanding that death can overtake at any time - all this is there, but the fighter continues to go further, defending his homeland and Russians with his chest.

That is why, if soldiers die during a mission, he is awarded the Order of the Hero of Russia posthumously.

The qualities of the riot police

To understand whether in the future a former soldier who has served in the army can become a riot policeman, you need to really assess your qualities and compare them with the requirements for the composition of a special squad:

  • a riot policeman cannot be physically weak, his work requires endurance, strength, endurance and impeccable physical fitness;
  • without courage nowhere;
  • loyalty to comrades is one of the important components;
  • among the skills, the ability to master the technique of hand-to-hand combat is distinguished, including the ability to easily wield a knife if necessary;
  • the employee must be able to shoot;
  • act together with other employees, together, adhering to the task.

Is it realistic to get into the riot police after the army - the opinion of experts

OMON provides for experience in military service. It is advisable that you are not just a reserve soldier, but become officers or warrant officers. It will not be superfluous to have a military education and service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the police behind them.

There are a lot of those who want to try their hand at the OMON in Russia among young men and men. Therefore, the first advice is to choose a direction and follow it steadily. Step-by-step instructions for a soldier to enroll in the ranks of the riot police looks like this:

  1. Try to get into intelligence, airborne forces or FSB.
  2. To do this, you must have an education, preferably graduate from a military university.
  3. Some special forces only accept cadets with a maroon beret.
  4. During the service, you need to prove yourself from the best side - the more achievements and positive recommendations, the more chances for success.
  5. Along with all the awards, knowledge of a foreign language will not be superfluous. A riot policeman is a highly educated and intellectually developed employee, some of them are even included in intelligence units.

Law enforcement activities, namely special forces, are available in Moscow, Orenburg, Irkutsk, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia, and here they teach the military destiny in special educational institutions.

How to pass physical training

Admission to special forces provides for tests that will determine whether the applicant is suitable for work in the OMON or not:

  1. Running for a distance of 100 m.
  2. Cross, designed for 3 km.
  3. Push-ups in a lying position on the floor with outstretched arms or from the uneven bars.
  4. Pull-ups.
  5. Flexion and extension.
  6. Jumping up from the squat.

All these standards are surrendered immediately, the rest between the standards is clearly limited - no more than 5 minutes, or even 3 minutes. As soon as testing is passed, the contestant is offered to try his hand at hand-to-hand combat with an experienced instructor, he has 3 rounds. Passive defense is not encouraged by default, an active position is needed.

What achievements in sports can significantly affect the adoption of a positive decision on the admission of an applicant to the ranks of the OMON?

  1. Bit depth related to wrestling, boxing, oriental martial arts.
  2. Achievements and winning places in athletics.
  3. Merit in mountaineering.
  4. Experience in rowing, biathlon, parachuting, swimming.
  5. The riot police also cannot do without shooting.

The health of the riot police

If ARVI or ARI flashes in your outpatient card at least occasionally, you can forget about OMON, especially if you have chronic ailments. The selection for the army cannot be compared with the selection for the special forces, the requirements are completely different. Even an incorrect bite can become a reason for refusing to be included in the riot police.

Psychological testing takes a separate position. Psychologists work with young guys, they also determine stress resistance, and then, based on the results collected, come to a single conclusion.

Those who are naturally endowed with physical strength and endurance often think about working in law enforcement agencies - in particular, in Riot police... What can you expect by agreeing to such a job, and what should you not expect? Is it really so prestigious and profitable, or do the disadvantages still outweigh the advantages?


  • No sky-high requirements... As you know, law enforcement officers must have good physical fitness. In order to enter the service in the OMON, it is enough to be 175 cm tall, have a strong body and be under 25 years old. Military service in the army is mandatory. You also need a complete absence of criminal records, the presence of characteristics from the educational institution and the previous employer.
  • Lack of "labor"... There are only 160 riot police units throughout Russia, and no more than 40,000 employees. In fact, there are cities in which this power structure is not developed at all. Of course, this does not mean that it will be easier to get there - everyone will not be taken there at once, and still, there will be less competition than, say, the police or even the fire department.
  • Social benefits... Although there are not as many social benefits as we would like, they are. In fact, OMON-sheep have the same benefits as the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For example, due to the fact that the health of riot police should be at the highest level, they are treated for free - including for serious diseases. If an employee is injured during execution, they will immediately help him - and, of course, they will also give sick leave. In addition, the annual number of days allotted for vacation for riot police officers is greater than for employees of other services.
  • Regular physical activity... Despite the fact that it would seem that the riot police do not always have work (not every day there are riots on the streets), they never sit idle. Regular training, exercise, business trips, military exercises in different conditions help to stay in shape. The need to solve various kinds of tasks (both law enforcement and the fight against actual violations of order) also forces both the body and the mind to strain.
  • Salary stability... Despite the fact that the salary is relatively low, it is paid regularly. The size of the salary does not change from month to month. The pension level of riot police officers is also higher than that of representatives of other professions, and the retirement age, due to harm, is lower.
  • Apparent well-being... If at least one person is told that “I work in the OMON”, it is highly likely that he will be surprised, because it sounds very prestigious. Moreover, if you put on your equipment and go, say, to guard the park during public festivities, many will look at you with respect and even fear. Yes, it's not much, and yet - sometimes it's nice.


  • Low salary... Despite the fact that the profession is directly related to the risk to life, the salaries of riot police are not as high as it might seem. Even in Moscow, the minimum wage ranges from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles - the cost varies depending on the period and region of service. It seems to some that this is not the highest salary for a profession directly related to life risks.
  • Lack of collateral... Bureaucracy is a problem for many state organizations in Russia, and OMON is no exception. During the service, you will have to fill out a lot of paperwork and make a lot of monetary contributions to the general budget - at the expense of your salary. In addition, you will have to buy the form yourself.
  • Irregular schedule... OMON officers never know when they will have to “take to the streets”. They suspect, of course, they are preparing, and, nevertheless, no one has canceled emergency situations. At such times, you need to be able to cope with stress and do your job - this can negatively affect the mental state.
  • Danger to life... Despite the fact that riot police officers are given all the necessary equipment - from equipment to weapons - no one is immune from physical injuries. Of course, the higher the physical fitness, the higher the chance of being in perfect order - but who knows what will happen tomorrow?
  • Bad organization... More than once or twice on Internet forums, discussions of the famous interview published in 2015 appeared - an OMON officer anonymously reported that the organization was disgusting, “no one knows how to shoot,” everyone uses only truncheons, a lot is deducted from wages, as a result, the employees themselves do not have money left. And, moreover, the key thought of the hero of the interview was that no one likes to serve in the OMON, and that if there are serious riots, everyone will begin to defend themselves and their interests, and not what the detachment was originally assembled for. Few began to argue with this - perhaps this is also a reason to think.
  • Inability to get housing... Under Russian law, riot police officers are not eligible to apply for a military mortgage. They can own their own housing only if they received it during military service. Separate employee programs exist, but their conditions are considered to be much worse than those of civilian programs. Before receiving an apartment, you have to live in the provided hostel
  • Family difficulties... Everyone knows that if the husband regularly travels on business trips, the wife will not be happy about it, just as their children will not be happy. And, nevertheless, without this, nowhere - constant departure for exercises, on military missions makes riot policemen leave their families for the sake of "duty of service." Some families can't stand it. And the employees themselves often say that when problems begin in the family, the OMON sheep cannot do their job properly, so they do not recommend getting married.


Working in riot police, as in any other professional field, requires a responsible approach to business. You cannot make a lot of money with only a large physique. Nevertheless, having such an advantage on hand, one can hope for a successful professional career - and this is already a lot.

Riot police, he is also an OMON fighter - this is an employee of a special mobile unit, a police officer trained to work in "hot spots". The profession is suitable for those who are interested in law, physical education and life safety (see the choice of a profession by interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Before the renaming of the police to the police, the OMON was a special police detachment. Today this abbreviation is filled with new meaning: riot police have become a mobile special purpose unit. But the essence of the work of a fighter of this detachment remained the same. OMON is not involved in solving crimes, its task is to protect law and order, to suppress riots. For example, if there is an earthquake, forest fire or hurricane, riot police will guard public safety in the disaster areas. In particular, it suppresses looting in abandoned houses.

Another important task of the detachment is to provide combat cover for other police officers. Therefore, OMON takes part in neutralizing armed criminals, releasing hostages, suppressing prison riots, etc.

As the name suggests, this unit is distinguished by its mobility and readiness to work in emergency situations. This profession is dangerous, requires serious training, dedication to their work and comrades. OMON fighters often die on assignments. Some are awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.

Those who have attended protest demonstrations or watched massive civil actions over the Internet may ask: “What is the OMON doing at protest actions? Are we talking about mass riots? " The OMON fighter has a short answer to this question: "We keep order." When many people come together, it is fraught with surprises - from accidents to provocations.

A soldier of the mobile squad can be recognized by the large yellow inscription "OMON" on the spotted uniform and black beret. During mass actions, the soldiers wear special protective helmets, in connection with which they are also called "cosmonauts" and even "real cosmonauts." What real real astronauts think about this is unknown to us.

The riot policemen stand in a cordon, letting the participants into the territory of the rally strictly through special "gates" with metal detectors. If a conflict situation is brewing, the fighters react quickly and harshly: wielding truncheons, they push the protesters out of the territory of the action, or vice versa, cut off the instigators, take them into the ring. They help colleagues from the operational squad to carry out detentions. According to the participants in the events, it happens that a "conflict situation" arises precisely as a result of the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the attitude towards riot police in society is ambiguous.

Of course, in order to do this kind of work, a fighter must be sure that the truth is on his side. Otherwise, he will feel like an enemy of his own people.

Riot police work in shift. They devote a lot of time to physical training and tactical exercises. Since 2002, on October 3, OMON officers have been celebrating their professional holiday.


OMON is a police unit. This means that the riot policeman himself is a policeman.

Important qualities

The riot police profession presupposes good health, serious physical fitness, responsibility, courage, and devotion to comrades.

Knowledge and skills

An OMON fighter must master the technique of hand-to-hand combat (in particular, with the help of a knife), shooting, collective action skills, etc.

Riot police training

Each region has its own Mobile Special Purpose Unit. To become a riot policeman, you need to enlist in this unit. As a rule, they accept men under 35 who have served in the Army and have a secondary education. At the reception, a physical fitness test is carried out: cross, push-up, pull-up, etc. And also endurance hand-to-hand combat. Those who pass the test pass a three-month study and qualification exam.

Exactly 25 years ago, on June 1, 1993, in Primorye, as elsewhere in Russia, a special police detachment appeared - OMON. In the XXI century, the special unit changed its name: after the renaming of the police to the police. The abbreviation was becoming dissonant, so the second word was replaced, and the result was a "mobile special purpose squad." For some time now, OMON has become an integral part of the Federal Service of the National Guard of the Russian Federation. However, such changes do not affect the work and life of the special forces. Corr. PRIMPRESS talked with a riot policeman who spoke about the specifics of the service, the main tasks and business trips to hot spots.

I was born in Vladivostok. He studied at the university with a specialty in construction. In the army he served in the GRU special forces. After that, he firmly decided to connect his life with the service. As a result, he ended up in a law enforcement special unit, - in the description of his pre-service period, Sergei was brief.

- GRU is the dream of many guys, probably, unlike the riot police ...

The GRU spetsnaz is a narrow specialty of an intelligence officer. There, the personnel are faced with extremely specific tasks. The OMON officers have broader tasks and different responsibilities.

- What is he, an average riot policeman?

- Most of the squadron's employees are professionally involved in sports, while each has its own hobby. Most of my colleagues are interesting and versatile people.

- Sergey, describe your working day.

Getting up at six in the morning. There are situations when they are raised at night. After charging, breakfast and the way to work. A doctor examines us every day. On divorce, the fighters are brought up to the operational situation around the edge and in the city. Then I go to the gym where I practice wrestling techniques. This is an essential part of our service. On average, an employee spends two hours daily at the gym. Dinner. This is followed by theoretical training: the study of orders, laws, training in the provision of medical care. We can say that a fighter is constantly learning and hone his skills.

The soldiers of our unit are used to suppress various crimes. For example, last autumn we went to detain a resident of Vladivostok, who in a state of alcoholic intoxication began to shoot at people with traumatic weapons. There was a call to the Khasan region, where the poachers opened fire. The OMON fighters go to places where special training and force support are required during operations.

- Have you been to hot spots?

For six years of service, I have been on a business trip three times in the North Caucasus region. There, in principle, the same situations arise as here. However, the population is different. They have their own rules and traditions. You quickly get to know these nuances after arrival. On our last business trip, we were stationed at the border with Georgia, where we cooperated with border guards. Mostly they worked in the forest and mountainous areas, went on raids and carried out activities aimed at finding warehouses with weapons and searching for militants. A business trip is a period of round-the-clock being on alert.

- What is the difference between the work of riot police, for example, from SOBR and other special forces?

The tasks facing the OMON and SOBR are, at first glance, similar, but SOBR is more often used in operations against armed criminals. Initially, the OMON provided cover for the public security police, and the SOBR for the criminal police. The OMON has a wider range of tasks, therefore they attract us more often. Over the past year, we have completed over 720 special events. They and we are part of the law enforcement system. The primary task of our unit is to ensure the safety of civilians and the life of the city. It can be noted that after moving to Rosgvardia, they began to use us more often in the city.

- I wonder if your squad is fully staffed or new fighters are required?

Right now we are looking for new fighters! As I said, we are increasingly involved in various assignments. This is probably why the number of riot police increased. Those who wish have a real opportunity to join our ranks. There are still vacancies. Good health, at least secondary education and military service are required. I can say that the most difficult thing for candidates is to pass a polygraph and a psychologist. 2-3 out of every 10 people enter the service.