How to carry out certification of personnel at the enterprise. Aptitude test. Features of the metropolitan teacher certification system How the certification commission is conducted

Often, employees dismissed as a result of certification are reinstated at work through the courts. How to properly carry out the certification of employees in order to prevent this, read the article.

From the article you will learn:

Certification of employees is an assessment of the conformity of the professional level of personnel to their positions. Within the meaning of the law, this procedure should ensure that the positions are filled by competent employees. But staff are wary of such an assessment, as they fear layoffs, demotions and salary cuts. In addition, employers often forget to settle various aspects of this procedure, which is why employees win most of the certification disputes.

Learn more about the specifics of personnel certification.

Please note: employee certification is not related tocertification of workplaces.The latter was carried out as part of the assessmentworking conditions and certification of workplaces. Currentlycertification of workplaces at the enterprisereplaced by a special assessment of working conditions.

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The procedure for preparing for certification of employees

The certification of employees in private sector companies is not regulated by current legislation. There is only an article in the Labor Code, which permits the dismissal of an employee due to inadequate qualifications, confirmed during the certification.

The employer has the right to establish the procedure for the certification of employees independently. This can be done in a local regulatory act, for example, in the Regulation on certification. It is accepted taking into account the opinion of the trade union, if it is created in the company.

Mandatory information that must be in the Attestation Regulations:

  1. what are the objectives and goals of certification;
  2. how often is the certification of employees organized;
  3. in what order the certification commission is formed;
  4. what is the procedure for preparing and conducting certification;
  5. what decisions the attestation commission has the right to make and in what order;
  6. how the certification results are drawn up.

Note! The company independently determines the frequency of certification. This is due to the working environment. The frequency may vary for certain categories of employees. For example, in the Regulation it is possible to prescribe that managers (deputy general directors, heads of departments, departments, divisions) are subject to attestation once every two years, the rest - once every three years.

The regulation on certification is approved by the stamp or put into effect by order of the head of the organization. Before the beginning of the certification of employees, it is necessary to familiarize with the local act against signature. New employees are introduced to the position before signing employment contract (part three of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Preparation of documents for attested

Before the start of the certification, for example, two weeks before it, the employees to be assessed are submitted to the certification commission. They can be designed as a presentation. In the response (submission), the immediate supervisor writes how the employee performed his job duties during the certification period. A review usually contains the following information:

surname, name, patronymic of the employee;

the name of the position he holds at the time of certification, and the day he was appointed to this position;

a list of job duties performed by the employee;

a reasonable assessment of the professional qualities of a specialist and the results of his work for the certification period (reports on the work performed or information on unfulfilled orders - if any) are attached.

Along with the responses, the personnel department submits copies of documents on education, on advanced training, to the certification commission, job descriptions, extracts from the work book and other documents necessary for the assessment of the employee. Each certified employee must also be familiarized with the submitted materials in advance (for example, a week before certification). So he will be able to submit for consideration additional information about his professional activity for the specified period, which, in his opinion, may affect the results of certification. If the employee is not familiarized with the review and other documents, he may declare a violation of the certification procedure.

Important: the law provides for mandatorycertification of employees of certain categories: civil servants (Art. 48 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2004 No. 79-FZ), teachers (part ten of Art. 332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and so on. In this case, the procedure is established by the relevant legislative acts.

For answers to seven popular certification questions, read

Certification of workers: procedure for

After the necessary preparatory work is completed, the company proceeds directly to the certification procedure. It is carried out at a meeting of the attestation commission in the presence of the attested.

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Based on the results of the appraisals employees make a decision for each certified person. It may not be related to dismissal. For example, an employee remains in the previous position or is offered a promotion. In addition, an employee can be certified, but under a condition. For example, indicate the wording “corresponds, subject to advanced training” or “corresponds to the position held (or work performed), subject to the implementation of the recommendations of the certification commission with re-certification in a year”. The commission members can write their recommendations to the employee in the certification sheet.

How to sum up the results of employee certification

After the certification of employees is completed, all materials must be transferred to the general director. The latter, within the time period established by the Regulation, must make the appropriate decisions based on its results. For example:

leave the employee at the previous job,

offer the employee another job,

direct to professional development,

The procedure for the certification of employees assumes that the personnel service reflects the decision of the commission in a personal card according to the form No. T-2 - it makes an entry in section IV "Attestation".

How to issue a dismissal based on the results of certification

If the employee, due to insufficient qualifications, is recognized as inappropriate for the position held (or work performed) by the decision of the certification commission, the employer has the right to dismiss him. The basis will be paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 81 of the Labor Code.

Important! Dismissal based on the results of certification occurs at the initiative of the employer. Therefore, you cannot fire an employee while he is on vacation or on sick leave.

Before being fired, the employer must first offer the employee available vacancies. These are both vacant positions that correspond to the qualifications of the employee, and vacant lower positions or lower-paid jobs. The main thing is that the employee can perform work taking into account his state of health (part three of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is safer to send notice of vacancies or no vacancies in writing.

  • the final payment is made to employees, including compensation for unused vacation.
  • Note! Enter the record of the reason for dismissal in the work book in strict accordance with the wording of the Labor Code. Certify the entry with the seal of the organization and two signatures: the person responsible for maintaining work books in the organization, and the employee. When you give an employee a work book, ask him to sign in a personal card and a book for registering the movement of work books.

    It is forbidden to dismiss the following employees due to an unsatisfactory certification result (parts one, four of Art.261, Art.264 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation):


    a woman with a child under three years old;

    a single mother raising a child up to 14 years old (a disabled child up to 18 years old), another employee raising a child up to 14 years old without a mother (a disabled child up to 18 years old);

    a parent (guardian, trustee) who is the sole breadwinner of a child under three years old in a family with three or more children under 14 years old or a disabled child under 18 years old if the other parent does not work.

    Thus, the certification of employees is carried out in order to assess their suitability for the positions held or the work performed. Based on its results, various personnel decisions can be made: from the promotion of an employee in the position to his dismissal. In any case, it is important to follow the procedure so as not to end up in court.

    Inconsistency of the employee with the position held or the work performed due to insufficient qualifications is one of the grounds for terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employer. The surest way to identify unqualified personnel is to conduct certification.

    In labor law, a qualification is understood as the level of preparedness, skill, the degree of fitness for work in a particular specialty or position, determined by the rank, class, rank and other qualification categories. In turn, a lack of qualifications is a discrepancy between the professional training of an employee and his position.

    According to the Labor Code, inadequate qualifications of an employee are one of the grounds for terminating an employment contract on the initiative of the employer (clause 3 of article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    However, an employee can be fired only if he cannot be transferred to another job that matches his qualifications - for example, to a vacant lower position or a lower-paid job that the employee is able to perform taking into account his state of health. Moreover, the transfer of an employee is possible with his written consent. Rostrud's letter dated April 30, 2008 No. 1028-s also says that it is possible to dismiss an employee for non-compliance with the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications only after certification. The Labor Code does not provide otherwise.

    In order to avoid possible misunderstandings in the employment contract with the employee, it is necessary to include a clause on the obligation to undergo certification.

    Aptitude check
    Certification is a test of the professional knowledge and business qualities of an employee. It is carried out by the employer in order to determine the level of qualifications of the employee and his compliance with the position.

    The Labor Code does not limit the range of employees subject to certification. However, the firm can exempt certain categories from it. The list of persons subject to and not subject to certification should be recorded in local regulations. For example, persons whose probationary period has not yet expired by the time the certification begins, graduates of educational institutions of primary, secondary and higher professional education, working their first year at a company, pregnant women, persons employed in unskilled jobs, and others can be exempted from it. ... Such guarantees are provided for in paragraph 4 of the decree of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR and the State Committee for Labor of the USSR of October 5, 1973 No. 470/267 (hereinafter - Resolution No. 470/267). In addition, it is also recommended to include a clause on the obligation to undergo certification in the employment contract with the employee.

    The organization independently determines the frequency of certification. It may differ for different categories of workers. On average, certification should take place once every three to five years (clause 4 of the decree No. 470/267).

    The firm also determines the period of its implementation independently, based on the number of certified employees and other factors. The optimal period is considered to be from three to six months.

    Certification can be carried out in the form of a written test, an interview, a written examination, a practical lesson, making a sample, etc., depending on the specifics of the profession of the person being certified. For employees whose job functions do not require special knowledge or training, certification is not carried out.

    Step-by-step preparation for certification
    Goals and objectives. To begin with, decide what are the goals of the certification at your enterprise. It can be conducted to identify training needs, improve ongoing operations, plan future recruitment for relocation within the organization, and gather the information needed to make a career decision.

    But the dismissal of employees cannot be the purpose of certification. Its main task is to update the personnel policy, which benefits both the company itself and each of its employees.

    Regulation on certification. The Labor Code does not contain recommendations for the development of the Regulation on Attestation. We advise you to use the provisions of the regulation no. 470/267.

    The regulation on certification must be approved by the head of the organization. The adopted document must be familiarized with the signature of all working employees and each new employee (part 3 of article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Registration. The head of the organization decides to carry out certification and draws up the appropriate order. The decision must include the following information:
    - terms and place of certification;
    - the circle of employees subject to certification;
    - the composition of the certification commission;
    - the grounds for the certification (if it is extraordinary);
    - the order of registration of its results.

    It is advisable to fix the duties of employees and the timing of preparation of documents in the order for carrying out certification. In addition, it is necessary to establish a procedure for the preparation and transfer to the certification commission of information about which of the employees and when improved their qualifications, certification sheets for previous certification, customer and colleague reviews and other necessary information.

    Certifying commission. Its composition can be anything. This usually includes department heads and a human resources officer. If the organization has a trade union, then, in accordance with part 3 of article 82 of the Labor Code, its representative is necessarily a member of the commission. If desired, you can include independent experts.

    Certification schedule. It contains the following information:
    - the name of the department whose employees are certified;
    - a list of employees subject to certification (their names and positions);
    - date, time and place of certification;
    - the date of submission of the necessary documents to the attestation commission, indicating the heads of the relevant departments responsible for this;
    - positions and names of employees responsible for the preparation of the certified.

    It is necessary to inform about the timing and schedule of attestation at least one month before its start (clause 4 of Resolution No. 470/267). The employee should be familiarized with the response (characteristic) submitted to him no later than one week in advance (clause 6 of the decree No. 470/267).

    Conducting certification.

    The course of the meeting and the decisions taken are reflected in the minutes, which are kept by the secretary of the commission. It is recommended to record the name of the organization and the date of the certification, the list of the commission members present, the names of the heads of the departments in which the certified ones work, and other invitees, indicating the position and place of work (for third-party organizations).

    Next, the surname, position and place of work (division) of the attested, the questions asked and short answers to them, proposals and recommendations made by the members of the commission on the nomination of the attested, assessment of his activities, voting results (number of votes "for" and "against") are reflected.

    The minutes of the meeting of the certification commission are signed by the chairman, secretary and members of the commission. It is kept in the employee's file. When conducting testing, the protocol must indicate its results and attach tests with the answers of the attested.

    Decision on the suitability or inadequacy of the employee for the position held. According to the results of certification, it is made by the commission.

    As a rule, the Regulation on Attestation provides for the following types of decisions of the Attestation Commission:
    - the employee corresponds to the position held;
    - the employee does not correspond to the position held;
    - the employee corresponds to the position held, subject to the recommendations of the certification commission;
    - the employee corresponds to the position held and is recommended for transfer to another higher or higher-paid position.

    The certification commission can also be authorized to give recommendations on rewarding employees for their achievements, on changing their working conditions, on improving their qualifications, etc.

    The decision taken by the commission is reflected in the attestation sheet, with which the employee should be familiarized with signature. At the same time, he should be given the opportunity to express his opinion on the results of attestation and appeal them if he does not agree with the conclusions of the commission. In addition, information on the results of the attestation carried out is entered into section IV of the employee's personal card in form No. T-2 (approved by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1).

    Upon completion of certification, all materials must be transferred to the head of the organization within the time frame established by the Regulation on certification. He makes one of the following decisions:
    - keep the terms of the employment contract;
    - keep the terms of the employment contract and stimulate the employee;
    - to preserve the terms of the employment contract with the imposition of an additional obligation on the employee - to eliminate the comments of the attestation commission and, within a year from the date of the decision, to undergo re-attestation;
    - change the content of the employment contract in terms of the employee's labor function;
    - terminate the employment contract under clause 3 of part 1 of article 81 of the Labor Code.

    In addition, on the basis of a decision prepared by the certification commission, the head issues an order on the activities following the certification. It analyzes the results, approves measures to improve work with personnel, to implement the recommendations of the attestation commission, as well as to conduct the next attestation.

    In clause 12 of Resolution No. 470/267, it is said that the manager can make a decision to transfer an employee who, based on the results of certification, is not appropriate for his position, to another job with his consent within no more than two months from the date of certification. If the employee cannot be transferred to another position, the head of the organization can terminate the employment contract with him at the same time.

    This is the procedure for personnel certification. If the employer violated the procedure for its implementation, established by regulatory legal or local regulatory acts, this is the basis for reinstating the employee who was dismissed based on its results.

    The Ministry of Education promises that from 2020 all teachers in the country will be certified according to the new rules. In the meantime, the federal model is being discussed, Moscow has developed and operates its own system for assessing teachers for professional suitability.

    The fact that the previous certification system did not suit either teachers or officials became obvious long ago. Indeed, in order to get a higher category, teachers had to collect tons of papers, go to refresher courses, often at their own expense. But how to objectively assess the professionalism of a teacher? And who should rate him?

    A couple of mouse clicks

    In the Unified Federal Assessment Materials (ETFM) - this is now the name of the Unified State Exam for a teacher - it is proposed to include several blocks of verification: a written test in the subject, a video lesson and the solution of pedagogical "cases", that is, problem situations that may arise in school.

    However, this approach raises many discussions and objections. And is it worth reinventing the wheel if a modern certification system has been effectively operating in Moscow since 2014, the experience of which even Western colleagues are not averse to adopting? Every year 25 thousand teachers pass certification in the capital. How it works?

    The teacher fills out an application in electronic form in the "Attestation" section of the information and analytical system "Moscow Register of Education Quality". This can be done from a computer, tablet and even from a smartphone. Then the teacher chooses a category - the first or the highest, clicks the "Send" button. Moreover, it is not necessary to collect any certificates, papers, etc.

    Since the module "Attestation" is integrated with other city information systems, the data about the teacher and the results of his students are collected automatically and simply attached to the application for attestation. After that, the City Attestation Commission makes a decision on qualification or refusal. And that's it! The qualification category is established for 5 years. An application for the highest category can be submitted no earlier than 2 years after being awarded the first.
    “The work of all systems is aimed, first of all, at freeing teachers from additional unnecessary and even harmful work on drawing up reports, certificates and plans, so that they have more time for direct communication with students,” emphasizes pavel Kuzmin, director of the Moscow Center for Education Quality.

    “The main criterion for the City Attestation Commission is student achievement,” explains the peculiarities of the metropolitan attestation model director of School No. 1520 named after Kaptsovs Vita Kirichenko.- Thus, in addition to the rational use of the teacher's time, the task of assessing the teacher's real professionalism “here and now” is solved, and not the process of his work, not his potential capabilities. And the greater the school's contribution to quality education in Moscow (the higher its rating), the less time and effort is spent on the certification procedure. The more success our students have, the higher the teacher's chances of professional recognition and encouragement. Thus, the entire school team is interested in a high level of professionalism. "

    Not only the exam

    According to the certification procedure, a teacher from a top-399 school who has contributed to the school's achievement of such positions, by decision of the administration, can be certified without uploading all learning outcomes and without considering them at a meeting of the City Attestation Commission. Moreover, it is not just the actual results of the students of this teacher that are taken into account, but the dynamics: the improvement of indicators of both weak and strong students.

    But what about a teacher working in a school where a difficult contingent of children is trained who cannot pass the exam for high scores or become prize winners of the Olympiads?

    “Moscow gives a lot of opportunities for teachers to prove themselves and pass painless certification, - says Ekaterina Morozova, Chairperson of the Subject Association of Foreign Language Teachers in Moscow... - For example, if a teacher was trained as an expert on the subject commission of the Unified State Exam (checks the work of graduates) and has worked for them for at least 3 years, then certification is automatically passed. If a teacher became a prize-winner in a professional competition (there is an approved list of them), is actively working in the system of the Moscow Electronic School, then he can also pass certification according to a simplified scheme. "

    “The model of certification of Moscow teachers is constantly evolving,” continues Pavel Kuzmin. - Teachers are offered new opportunities for professional development and creative potential. (For example, in September of this year, it was decided that experts from WorldSkills Juniors have preferences for certification, that is, championships of professional skills in working professions among children under 16 years old. - Ed.) The certification procedure is aimed at adequately assessing the work of everyone teacher. But in Moscow, it also gives the teacher the opportunity to focus on solving pedagogical problems, achieving high results, without being distracted by the quest called "Pass the certification."

    Why test a teacher?

    What do Moscow teachers themselves think about the new Moscow certification system?
    “Last year I passed certification for the highest category,” says the teacher of informatics of the educational complex "Vorobyovy Gory" Roman Svirin. - I can't even remember the process itself, because I practically didn't have to do anything. I have 14 winners of the municipal round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, and the average USE score of my graduates is 70. The school already had all this information. And the employee responsible for attestation at the school sent them to the commission. I have heard about a new certification model that is currently being discussed at the federal level. We teachers have a lot of questions for her. In particular, the teacher is required to film their lessons and send them to the commission. And when should he study the technology of creating a video? Instead of working with children, will he spend time and energy on it? But the main thing - what will be the evaluation criteria and who will be given such a right? "

    Agree with a colleague and art teacher at school No. 1324 Alina Bakhmetyeva: “I spent a maximum of half an hour on certification and got the highest category. Of course, my students do not take the Unified State Exam, but for 4 years in a row, some of them have become winners and prize-winners of contests and Olympiads. Therefore, the school administration suggested that I apply for an upgrade. I do not quite agree that in the proposed federal model of certification, a teacher can get 60% of points for assessing a video lesson, passing a test, solving problematic theoretical problems, and only 40% for the educational results of his students. But the achievements of children should come first! I talked with colleagues who participated in testing the federal model. School administration helped some of them to shoot and edit videos, and provided methodological support. And someone did everything himself. In principle, the ability to create a beautiful video is useful. But this kind of work takes a lot of time. And there is less and less of him left to prepare for lessons, work with children. "

    “I think that the employer should deal with certification,” says Ekaterina Morozova. - A teacher - to teach children, and not to run somewhere to hand over something. At least by force. In Moscow, by the way, there is an Independent Diagnostic Center. If the teacher wants to test himself, he can take tests. This does not oblige him to anything, it can be done even anonymously - and at the same time understand where and what competencies he lacks, what needs to be developed. And forcing to go to exams is disrespect and distrust of teachers. There are a lot of older teachers in the country, they are great professionals, and they need to be protected. Why put them in a situation of stress, psychological discomfort? "

    The metropolitan certification system was recently highly appreciated by colleagues from the regions and foreign teachers. For 2 years, delegations of education systems specialists from more than 50 regions of Russia came to study the Moscow experience.

    “One of the components of the Moscow model is an electronic path of passage, so it can be called all-encompassing,” she shared her impressions Chairman of the Trade Union of Bulgarian Teachers Yanka Takevawho visited the Moscow Center for the Quality of Education with her colleagues.

    “Behind the seemingly simple procedure is the result of the work of the metropolitan education system, which is possible with the availability of resources and the solution of a number of complex problems,” notes Vita Kirichenko. “When you analyze the achievements of Moscow schoolchildren, the results of the capital's education system, you come to the conclusion that the certification model created in Moscow is a model that you could only dream of before!”

    What is professional suitability, how is the aptitude test of applicants and working employees carried out, when a medical certificate confirming professional suitability is required - about this in the materials of the article.

    From the article you will learn:

    What is aptitude

    Aptitude is a combination of psychophysiological and psychophysical qualities, knowledge, skills, and abilities that will be required to achieve appropriate labor efficiency. Aptitude is formed in the course of work, and is not an innate quality. It is irrational to talk about further professional suitability of applicants for certain types of profession. The general concept of definitions includes job satisfaction, evaluation of results the activity itself.

    The description of the professional qualities of a specialist in a particular field of activity contains the necessary set:

    values \u200b\u200band principles;

    psychological level;

    psychophysical and physical qualities, which in their totality determine the degree and category of aptitude.

    It should be noted that in any field of activity there are brilliant specialists who fully correspond to the descriptions of ideal professionals.

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    Assessment of the criteria for professional suitability by results

    Based on this, professional suitability is determined. But this test does not take into account the question of the cost of success. This can be seen in the example of the composer Beethoven, who wrote excellent classical music. At the same time, the composer completely lost his hearing, which is necessary for a musician. Other mechanisms helped to fully compensate for this.

    According to the laws of compensation, the psychophysical properties of a person are arranged in such a way that under certain conditions, some functions completely replace others. But this requires a strong desire and will to help them achieve success. Aptitude is achieved with the activation of the corresponding qualities and the ability to compensate for them by other mechanisms. Success depends on how strong the desire is to spend a large amount of time and effort to achieve meaningful results.

    Universal qualities of aptitude development

    Intellect is one of the universal qualities that help to develop abilities, to acquire skills. It is the intellectual abilities that make it possible to compensate for many of the missing mechanisms.
    Often, intellectually developed people are forced to engage in activities that are not related to their main profession. But they quickly find ways to improve the basic modes of action and due to this they succeed in any type of professional activity.

    For example, if it is necessary to memorize a large amount of information, they develop functional and convenient storage systems. Flexibility, the ability to quickly master new types of activity, openness are important professional qualities that help to get used to any profession and meet all the parameters of professional suitability that characterize high-class specialists. The main professionally important qualities include interest in their work, dedication, motivation and a desire to master new skills, abilities, to acquire the necessary knowledge aimed at improving professional qualities.

    How is the aptitude test of applicants and working employees carried out?

    Aptitude check at the initial stage of recruiting. Most HR specialists, when looking for candidates for a position, make up a list of requirements that a future candidate must have. Keeping in touch with specialized educational institutions, you can immediately get acquainted with the personal qualities of students and determine whether they are suitable for open vacancies or not. When using the services of agencies, labor exchanges, external sources, it is enough to correctly draw up an advertisement and indicate in it the main requirements that apply to applicants.

    The next step is to study the applicant's questionnaire, which contains information about the level of education, work experience, professional training, qualifications. Pre-selection is carried out on the basis of a questionnaire, when the recruiting manager weeds out those who do not meet the basic requirements of professional suitability, do not fit in terms of professional qualities.

    A preliminary interview is conducted with candidates who have passed the initial selection. The purpose of the interview is to determine the personal qualities of applicants who have been pre-selected by assessment sheets, questionnaires and resume study. It should be borne in mind that the level of professional suitability of most professions directly depends on the personal qualities of the candidates. For example, if you have to communicate with clients, to determine professional suitability only by the level of education and experience, qualifications is irrational. If the personal qualities of the applicant do not correspond to the degree of professional suitability, there is no need to talk about successful labor activity.

    The second interview is conducted with candidates who have passed all the selection stages. The HR specialist conducts this interview together with line managers.

    Aptitude is also helped to determine such techniques as a point assessment of key criteria:

    1. suitability of the position;
    2. purposefulness;
    3. experience;
    4. competence;
    5. qualifications.

    Methods such as role-playing games, testing, professional tests will help determine potential attitudes, the skills that the candidate possesses, the specifics of motivation. It is rational to conduct an examination of the professional suitability of candidates for the position using complex methods that have been worked out taking into account the specifics of the activities of the corresponding enterprise.

    Aptitude tests are developed by specialists and allow you to establish:

    1. knowledge level;
    2. understanding of technological and production processes;
    3. knowledge of special terminology;
    4. relevant requirements for a particular position.

    Aptitude test for working professionals

    The certification of working specialists is a system of assessment in accordance with the specified criteria. A variety of techniques can be used. Employees are checked for their qualifications for the position they hold.

    The professional aptitude test is conducted by the certification commission in accordance with the methods developed taking into account the specifics of the relevant industry. A certain scheme for carrying out certification and the frequency of such work is fixed by the company's internal regulations.

    To obtain objective results, standards are clearly defined, forms and methods for assessing working specialists are being developed. After the expiration of the probationary period, all new specialists undergo initial certification. They check the correspondence of service skills, the level of adaptation at the new workplace.

    Aptitude group is determined for employees:

    1. performing duties in hazardous and harmful working conditions;
    2. employed in underground work;
    3. traffic-related;
    4. food industry, trade, catering;
    5. children's and preventive institutions;
    6. water supply networks;
    7. departmental protection;
    8. public utilities enterprises;
    9. hairdressing salons, etc.

    Chemical and toxicological studies are carried out for certain categories of personnel on the basis of the requirements of federal laws and other regulations. Such inspections are carried out by aviation personnel, contract servicemen, crew members of sea-going ships, employees associated with train traffic, etc.

    Hello! In this article, we will talk about personnel certification in an organization.

    Today you will learn:

    1. What is called certification and for what purposes it is carried out;
    2. Who needs to be certified and who doesn't;
    3. How to carry out certification correctly

    People are the main asset of any organization. Whether the company achieves its goals depends on how well the employees perform their work.

    In order to ensure that labor productivity does not decrease over time, the knowledge and skills of employees are regularly assessed.

    What the code says

    The legislation regulates many provisions on personnel management. Certification of employees is no exception. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation says that an employer may part with an employee who does not correspond to his position or has insufficient qualifications.

    The rest of the attestation mechanism is governed by other laws and regulations.

    Why spend

    Certification of employees does not mean at all that those who did not pass it will be fired.

    The main purpose of certification - analyze the work, identify which areas are weak, how to eliminate these problems and increase the efficiency of the company.

    In addition to these goals, there are additional ones:

    • Check to what extent employees are motivated (including for career growth);
    • Determine the vector along which the company will develop in the future;
    • Raise the level of discipline in the team;
    • Check the company's compliance with corporate culture.

    Often, such a check reveals that additional specialists are needed on the staff, or it is necessary to organize training courses for existing employees.

    As a result, certification can help:

    • In identifying personnel problems;
    • In revising the level of wages;
    • Form a personnel reserve;
    • In assessing the effectiveness of the company.

    Who is not subject to certification

    • Pregnant women;
    • Persons who have been working in the organization for less than 12 months;
    • Persons who have young children;
    • Part-time workers and persons who work under fixed-term contracts (in some cases);
    • Those workers who have reached the age of sixty.

    Who is subject to mandatory verification

    • Government civil servants;
    • Municipal employees;
    • Railway workers;
    • Electricity workers;
    • Persons ensuring the safety of navigation;
    • Aviation personnel;
    • Educational workers;
    • Those who work at high-risk industrial facilities;
    • Librarians;
    • Management staff of a unitary enterprise;
    • Persons working with ionizing radiation;
    • Persons working in enterprises related to the storage and destruction of chemical weapons.

    Terms of certification of employees

    Standard terms of certification are once every 3 - 5 years. In the regulation on certification of employees, the frequency of its conduct is necessarily recorded.

    In addition, an extraordinary certification of an employee, as well as an early certification, can be carried out.

    Certification can last from three months to six months, and employees are notified of the conduct 1 month before the start.

    The main types of personnel certification

    There are several types of certification.

    We will list and give a brief description of the main ones:

    1. Another - is mandatory for all employees. Frequency: once every 2 years for executive positions, once every 3 years for the rest.
    2. When moving up the career ladder - reveals to what extent the employee is ready to take a higher position and perform new duties.
    3. At the end of the trial period- carried out to find out how the employee has adapted to the new place.
    4. When moving to another department - carried out in cases where responsibilities vary greatly.

    Certification of personnel is carried out regularly, and the list of those positions that need to be certified is made by the head of the organization.

    Methods of certification of workers

    There are many methods of attestation, but in practice only a few are used, since for the most part they are derived from each other.

    Classification method.

    The selection of employees is carried out according to the criteria that are approved in advance. The merits and achievements of each are taken into account when performing the work.

    Ranking method.

    It consists in the arrangement of employees according to their merits or according to their ability to perform a certain work. Although ranking can be carried out according to other criteria.

    Evaluation scale.

    This technique is most often used during certification. A list is taken as a basis, which lists personality characteristics, and a five-point scale is placed opposite each. Then the manager uses this scale to mark how each characteristic is inherent in the employees.

    Open certification.

    The technique is relatively new. It was introduced because the rating scale system was not effective enough. Instead of putting down points, it is enough to use a written or oral description of the employee.

    Certification stages

    Before carrying out certification, you need to clearly understand what exactly you want to install and check. In addition, if the team is rather big, it is worth developing a plan in which it is demarcated who, at what time will be busy passing.

    We will briefly describe the main stages of this procedure in order to have the most complete understanding of it.

    Stage 1.

    First you decide which metrics you want to measure. Then, you decide which techniques you will use for testing. Once the technique has been chosen, one of the company's departments or an entire structural unit can be tested as an experiment.

    The criteria by which the assessment will be carried out are stipulated in advance.

    Stage number 2.

    At this stage, normative documentation is published and materials are prepared for the procedure. If the company has not previously carried out certification, it is worth issuing an order for its conduct, collecting the necessary materials, questionnaires, test results of employees, etc.

    All documentation is provided to the secretary of the certification committee, who draws up the assessment tables.

    Stage number 3.

    At this stage, employees fill out reports on the work that they have done, and the manager fills out a table that indicates the various criteria. Each criterion is marked with a score.

    Stage 4.

    The committee discusses each grade awarded. The scores are then summarized and compared with the requirements for a particular position. The higher the score is in the end, the higher the position the certified employee can take.

    Stage 5.

    This stage is key.

    If the employee who is being checked at the moment is absent from the workplace, it is impossible to determine in absentia how professional he is.

    If the employee knew about the certification and his signature is on the notification, but he ignored its implementation, an act is drawn up, which indicates that the employee has not passed the certification.

    Summing up the results of its work, the commission draws up a report in which it assesses the professional level of the team. All the documentation that the commission has prepared is certified by all members of the commission.

    Stage 6.

    The Commission organizes the results obtained. Tables are drawn up, recommendations are given to the management on the implementation of personnel changes.

    Stage 7.

    The whole team must be familiarized with the certification results. The manager personally conducts a conversation with those employees whose position in the organization changes.

    All results are stored in the personnel department, they can be used in solving various issues with personnel.

    In our conversation, we often mentioned the term "attestation commission". Therefore, we will clarify who is part of it.

    Who is on the commission

    Its composition can be called standard:

    • Chairman and his deputy;
    • Secretary;
    • Several members of the commission.

    Based on the existing judicial practice, it is worth including the chairman of the trade union organization in the composition of the commission, if there is one at the enterprise.

    Example. There are cases when an employee was dismissed who did not pass certification by the decision of the commission. But at the same time, the chairman of the trade union was not among the members of the commission. As a result, the court sided with the dismissed employee and reinstated him in office, and the dismissal was declared illegal.

    Forms of attestation

    To get an effective result, experts recommend using the following forms:

    Collegiate interview.

    The commission reviews all materials and talks with each employee. At the same time, the situation should be calm, friendly, so that the person does not get nervous and can conduct a dialogue with the members of the commission.

    It happens that it is difficult for an employee to give an answer to a question, in this case it is not worth pushing and demanding a mandatory answer. The task of the commission is to identify the problem, not to make the employee shake with horror.

    Individual interview.

    It is most often conducted by the immediate supervisor. He explains to the employee how the certification proceeds, warns about the consequences of failure to appear, and then prepares a review about his work.

    Written testing.

    In fact, it is considered the most objective form. Questions for certification of an employee here are developed in accordance with the qualifications and position that he occupies.

    Initially, the number of correct answers is set, which will indicate that the certification has been passed.

    Test questions should be updated over time.

    Commission decision

    Based on the results of the certification of employees, the commission can make a decision on the compliance of the employee with the position he occupies, on the discrepancy, on the transfer to a higher position, on the inclusion in the personnel reserve.

    The most common mistakes

    The main mistake is the incorrect setting of goals and objectives of employee certification. If this procedure is carried out only in order to dismiss unwanted employees, all the positive aspects of certification are simply crossed out.

    Another mistake is the low level of employee awareness. If the certification is carried out for the first time, it is better to warn about it not one month in advance. It is also recommended to explain to people why this is done, how the procedure takes place. Otherwise, you run the risk of getting a nervous environment in the team, which definitely does not add efficiency to the work.

    What other mistakes are made?

    Employees are compared to each other.

    This will definitely not end well. You need to compare the activities of the employee with the standards of the company, not people.

    A different approach to people who do the job identically.

    Often the requirements for employees with the same responsibilities are different. This is due to both personal sympathy of the management and good intentions: different people can do the same job in different ways. The main thing is to never lose objectivity. Therefore, it is better to include in the commission people with an unbiased point of view, those who are not interested in this or that result of certification.

    Using a limited range of ratings.

    If we operate only with the criteria "bad-good", it is unrealistic to make an objective assessment of the employee's performance. It will not work to divide employees into equally professional and equally unprofessional. This is a dead end approach.

    You need to evaluate it according to a wider range of criteria. In some European countries, the employee performance rating scale is 100 points. This allows you to make the most informed decision.

    Biased attitude.

    Agree that often in the team there are certain stereotypes in relation to any person. But it is much worse when someone from the commission members demonstrates their bias.

    The approach must be appropriate, and decisions must be made based on professional standards, not personal judgment.

    During the procedure, requirements suddenly change.

    Although people are warned beforehand to check, rumors cannot be avoided. At every mention of certification, people get nervous, lose their ability to work, in addition, they begin to conflict with each other.

    Don't escalate the situation. Explain everything to employees in detail, objectively. Do not jerk them, do not change requirements suddenly. Otherwise, people will think that everything is being done on purpose so that they perform worse.

    It is unlikely that after such stress, the authorities will be treated with respect.

    How to carry out certification not only correctly, but also effectively, we will discuss further.

    When the commission's actions are illegal

    Some managers conduct appraisals in order to get rid of a particular employee who has suddenly become objectionable. At the same time, no one will take into account his real results of labor, the goal is.

    Every employer should remember that solving a problem with a subjective attitude towards a person in this way is illegal.

    Another variant of misconduct is as follows: shortly before the procedure, the employee is given a task that he cannot complete, because it is initially impracticable, since it does not correspond to the employee's qualifications.

    In order to prevent such violations, the members of the commission must make sure that the employees can actually fulfill the assigned task.

    There are other types of violations, identifying which, the results of certification can be challenged:

    • Violation of the timing;
    • The deadlines for notifying employees about the certification are violated;
    • The employee was not familiar with the results;
    • An employee who belongs to the category of persons not subject to certification was checked;
    • The procedure for the procedure itself was violated;
    • The commission did not include specialists from the industry in which the company operates.

    Based on the practice of the courts, we can say that "fictitious" certification will not allow an unscrupulous manager to get rid of a bored employee. The requirements of the law must be observed.

    Include specialists in different fields in the commission to make the procedure better.

    Example. In the company R. personnel certification was carried out. Based on its results, it was decided to transfer legal counsel A. to a position that is paid lower. Disagreeing with this decision, A. wrote a statement addressed to the head of the company, in which he indicated that there was not a single lawyer in the attestation commission. Consequently, the decision to transfer was made by incompetent people.

    The head of the company, having familiarized himself with all the materials, considered A.'s arguments reasonable and the employee continued to work in his previous position.

    Despite the fact that the law stipulates cases when the procedure can be carried out without the presence of an employee, it is better not to do this. Thus, the risk of a conflict situation will be reduced, as well as it will be possible to avoid challenging the results and court proceedings.

    If you are interested in really high-quality results, entrust the procedure to professionals. We will briefly tell you where to go.

    P / p No. Company Characteristic
    1 Hermes The company has been operating for over 5 years. The company is engaged in legal support of the certification process and not only. The firm cooperates with any region of the Russian Federation
    2 There are personnel! A company with 11 years of experience. It has offices in several cities. During certification, the company's specialists use not only the most famous methods, but also author's
    3 HR Practice This company is an old-timer, it is over 20 years old. The main office is in St. Petersburg, but cooperation is possible with any region, as well as with other countries. Services are also provided in a remote format


    So, now we talked about the most important points regarding personnel certification. If the procedure was carried out in full compliance with the requirements of the law, it will allow making the necessary personnel decisions, enlisting the support of the law, dismissal or demotion of an employee.

    I would also like to wish that only talented, highly qualified employees work in any company and there is no need to fire anyone or transfer to low-paid jobs.