What is needed for gluing porcelain and ceramic dishes. How to seal a crack in a pottery Crack in a pottery pot

Today, it is very easy to repair chips and glue broken porcelain dishes or ceramics using epoxy glue and putty. You can repair a crack in your favorite vase or restore an old grandma's tea set and put it back in the cupboard without anyone knowing that it was damaged.

When it comes to fixing broken crockery or pottery, super glue won't give you enough time to expose the shards more accurately. Therefore, it is preferable to use epoxy adhesive for bonding.

As with any project, the most important step in repairing broken glassware or ceramics is surface preparation.

If the pieces were previously glued, remove the old adhesive with a cotton swab soaked in acetone (nail polish remover).

Clean the bonding parts with a mixture of mild dishwashing liquid and warm water. Rinse the parts and let them dry completely.

Using a toothpick or paper clip, apply epoxy glue to the edge of one of the broken shards.

Use enough glue to spread over the edge of the shard ridge, applying too little glue will leave empty gaps on the surface of the ridge, leading to poor adhesion, and applying too much glue will make it difficult to bond firmly and aesthetically.


Wear gloves when handling sharp debris to protect your hands from the sharp edges.

Work quickly, you need to attach the parts together with light pressure to squeeze out excess glue.

Avoid moving parts, small particles may fall out, ruin the repair. Use tweezers when gluing small pieces.

If you have crockery or pottery that is broken into more than two pieces, you need to plan how to attach each piece so you don't end up with a final piece that can't be easily set in place.

Remove dried glue later with a sharp blade.

If the glue line is visible and this is not acceptable to you, then glass paints will be required.

Glass paints or ceramic paints come in a variety of colors, but you may need some mixing to match the exact color.

NOTE: Epoxy glue contains toxic materials that can get into food, especially when the food contains salts and acids. Unfortunately, any utensils or ceramics that have been glued together are not suitable for food, they are not safe.

Apr 12, 2015 tigress ... s

Cracks on unfired ceramics are one of the common troubles that happen to novice potters, although no one is immune from their occurrence.
Remember that clay shrinks as it dries. therefore rule number 1 : Do not add water or soft clay to the crack! The water will expand the clay and make you think you have repaired the crack, but you are not. When the piece dries, the clay will shrink and the crack will only get worse. If a crack appears on your product, show it to the instructor and discuss how to fix it. Try to figure out why the crack appeared. Perhaps you added soft clay to hard clay, which caused the soft clay to dry out and shrink more? Did you press the joint well? Was the joint too thick?

So how do you get rid of cracks in dried ceramics?

Method 1. Grouting with dry clay

If a small crack appears in a dry product and it is not visible that the crack has appeared due to the deforming force, the easiest repair method is to simply rub some dry crushed clay into the crack before waste firing. This will not bond the clay, but after the waste firing, the product can be covered with liquid glaze and the cracks will not be visible.

Method 2. Sugar clay

To fill a wide crack in a nearly dry piece, use a small amount of clay that has dried and crumbled. Add the same amount of caster sugar and stir with your fingers. Sugar will soften the clay and give it plasticity. Clean out the crack, moisten the edges of the crack with a little vinegar and add some sugar clay. Good powdered sugar gives more plasticity than water, and when dried, sugar clay will shrink much less than wet clay.

Method 3. Vinegar

If you have a small piece of your piece breaking off and the fracture line is straight, try vinegar. Apply a small amount of vinegar to the break and bond together. The idea is that the vinegar softens the clay without absorbing too much water.

Method 4. Paper clay

This method is suitable for large cracks in an almost dry product. It can be used instead of sugar clay if you do not plan to glaze the product in the future. Put a small amount of toilet paper in a jar, cover with hot water and grind with a blender until smooth. Drain off excess water. Mix dry clay with a blender in another jar. Mix 2/3 of the clay mass and 1/3 of the paper pulp. It may be necessary to dry the resulting mixture on a plasterboard. Clean out the crack, dampen the edges with vinegar and fill with paper clay. Use this dry paper clay for cracks and liquid paper clay for joining seams.

yuli_keramika in Ceramic repair. We get rid of cracks.

Cracks on unfired ceramics are one of the common troubles that happen to novice potters, although no one is immune from their occurrence.
Remember that clay shrinks as it dries. therefore rule number 1 : Do not add water or soft clay to the crack! The water will expand the clay and make you think you have repaired the crack, but you are not. When the piece dries, the clay will shrink and the crack will only get worse. If a crack appears on your product, show it to the instructor and discuss how to fix it. Try to figure out why the crack appeared. Perhaps you added soft clay to hard clay, which caused the soft clay to dry out and shrink more? Did you press the joint well? Was the joint too thick?

So how do you get rid of cracks in dried ceramics?

Method 1. Grouting with dry clay

If a small crack appears in a dry product and it is not visible that the crack has appeared due to the deforming force, the easiest repair method is to simply rub some dry crushed clay into the crack before waste firing. This will not bond the clay, but after the waste firing, the product can be covered with liquid glaze and the cracks will not be visible.

Method 2. Sugar clay

To fill a wide crack in a nearly dry piece, use a small amount of clay that has dried and crumbled. Add the same amount of caster sugar and stir with your fingers. Sugar will soften the clay and give it plasticity. Clean out the crack, moisten the edges of the crack with a little vinegar and add some sugar clay. Good powdered sugar gives more plasticity than water, and when dried, sugar clay will shrink much less than wet clay.

Method 3. Vinegar

If you have a small piece of your piece breaking off and the fracture line is straight, try vinegar. Apply a small amount of vinegar to the break and bond together. The idea is that the vinegar softens the clay without absorbing too much water.

Method 4. Paper clay

This method is suitable for large cracks in an almost dry product. It can be used instead of sugar clay if you do not plan to glaze the product in the future. Put a small amount of toilet paper in a jar, cover with hot water and grind with a blender until smooth. Drain off excess water. Mix dry clay with a blender in another jar. Mix 2/3 of the clay mass and 1/3 of the paper pulp. It may be necessary to dry the resulting mixture on a plasterboard. Clean out the crack, dampen the edges with vinegar and fill with paper clay. Use this dry paper clay for cracks and liquid paper clay for joining seams.

Food, water, warmth and light are the main components of the life of any beginner downshifter. Moreover, it is desirable that the food be simple, but tasty and healthy, cooked in suitable dishes. I will not mention various branded steel products, because for now I have settled on the simplest option - clay products. I decided it was cheap and angry for a poor beginner downshifter :)

Therefore ... At the beginning of winter I bought a pot and makitra at the Chernihiv market - each product with a capacity of 3 liters cost 20 UAH. For each I also bought a lid - 5 UAH / piece. I will add that the items were made in Oleshnya, a very famous pottery village in Chernigov region. And, having gone to my hut for the New Year, I conducted specific tests with a pot and makitra.

Everything went perfectly. Borsch, porridge, soup cooked in my oven in them at 20.00 remained hot for 14 (!) Hours. The taste is amazing. Therefore, let any modern multicooker rest. What is interesting: the clay lids in the oven do not heat up - they could be removed with bare hands. This was my discovery! The seller warned me to cook food in fully filled containers - otherwise they may crack. Which I did regularly. Nothing cracked. The dishes behaved wonderfully!

In the near future I am going to visit this merchant again, ask him who makes these products, buy new ones, find out more information. And in warm weather, if it works out, be sure to go there. For supporters of tasty and healthy food, I have found in various reference books some useful tips about clay products. I share, I'm not greedy :).

* Clay products last longer if they are put in cold water for several hours before use and then rinsed in hot water. Even better, earthenware, filled to the brim with cold water, put on fire and after heating, slowly cool. The fragile glaze is thus hardened.

* Earthenware can be made to a high degree of strength in the following way. A clay pot or other utensil is smeared with a brush several times with non-toxic glue. After the last layer has dried, coat it with vegetable oil in the same way. If the dishes have cracks or seams, then to prevent leaks, these places should be greased with a "dough" made of crushed sifted brick, ordinary clay with paint varnish.

* Filling a crack in a pottery can be done in a simple way. A few pieces of sugar are melted into syrup, then poured into a cracked dish, heated over a fire. Flowing into all the cracks, the syrup gradually dries up, darkens, forming a solid mass, like the vessel itself. A vessel filled with such a mass is suitable for use for a long time.

* Glazed earthenware is of a certain value and beauty. It is used both for interior decoration and for household purposes in the kitchen. Before use, glazed dishes should be boiled in water for half an hour, adding 1 glass of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt to it.

* Pottery should always be kept open. When covered with a lid, it will have an unpleasant odor. Remove it by multiple rinsing with cold water.

Ceramic products are popular all over the world. High quality and aesthetic appearance are the keys to such success. Like any other material, ceramic defects may appear. It is important to know how to identify the presence of a defect and, if possible, get rid of it.

Why does marriage arise

The reasons why certain flaws in finished dishes arise can be roughly divided into three groups. The error occurs at various stages of processing: the formation of a shard, glazing, decoration.

Defects at the procurement stage

The basis of ceramic utensils is a mixture of clay (kaolin) and impurities. The preparation of the clay mass is followed by the formation of the object. The main mistakes that arise at the primary stage are expressed in:

  • Deformations, which in most cases can be seen with the naked eye.
  • Bubbles. "Acne" is the result of a chemical reaction during the hardening of the shard. The gas is released later than necessary, forming cavities under the fired layer.
  • Potholes at the bottom and / or edges of the product.
  • Incorrect attachment of functional parts (handles, spout, etc.)
  • A trace that remains from other dishes when touched during clay hardening.
  • Changes in porcelain transparency and preform whiteness.

Defective glazing of the product

Products with defective glazing are more common, since it is quite difficult to find minor flaws. To purchase high-quality cookware, you should pay attention to:

    Cracks under the glaze layer indicate faults during drying and firing. Weak points - areas of attachment of handles, legs. The defect reduces the service life of the product, makes it not hygienic.

    Chipping of enamel occurs when using a poor-quality coating composition or when the rules for storing and transporting goods are not followed.

    Seals on the surface of the product are visible at the edges. Such a marriage of glaze does not underestimate the characteristics of the goods, but affects the appearance.

    In pottery there is the word "tsek" - thin hair-like cracks in ceramics. Dishes with such a change are not hygienic and often serve for a short time. Due to leaks in the enamel, moisture is absorbed into the clay composition, accelerating the destruction of the product. Products made of earthenware and majolica are more often subjected to tseq.

    Peeling of the edge of the crockery occurs when the shard and glaze expand unevenly during firing. Bald spots are formed when there is insufficient cleaning of the workpiece from dirt before applying the enamel.

Chips, discoloration, cracks in ceramic dishes and many other flaws that occur in the first stages do not favorably affect the quality, hygiene and service life of the product.

Decor defects

Defects in appearance do not affect the operation process. Defects in the decor include scratches, blistering paint, fadedness, blots and other defects.

Repair of defective ceramics

A broken or defective item can be repaired by yourself. Depending on the specific defect, restoration takes place by:

1. Bonding of broken parts of the object.

2. Filling chips and cracks in ceramic dishes.

Do-it-yourself pottery repair is a painstaking task that requires care and accuracy. In order to fix a broken product, you need to decide which glue to use. One of the options is to purchase a special mixture for gluing porcelain and ceramics in the store. The second way is to weld the glue composition at home.

Porcelain and ceramic products require different adhesive compositions during renovation. For ordinary products, super - glue is used: Monolith, Super - glue, Strength and others. Applicable for porcelain are STANGE, RAPID, BIZON epoxy resin, etc. Universal agent - Porcelan Potch. It is not always safe to use cookware treated with chemicals if it is exposed to heat. Food glue has a safer composition.

How to make glue at home

Ingredients: super glue or other effective, one sachet of baking powder (another dye powder), wax, palette knife.

Pottery repair with prepared composition

  1. Use wax to secure the chipped parts from the inside of the item. A wax axis should form on which the fragments are held.
  2. Lubricate the chips with glue and press firmly against each other, re-creating integrity.
  3. Rebuild the broken ceramics step by step.
  4. If a part is not found, replace it with plasticine or a palette knife. Sculpt the missing object and cover it with glue and dye paste. If a piece is missing in the middle of the structure, rub a palette knife or plaster of Paris into the cavity.
  5. If, after assembling large parts, it was found that a network of cracks or a small chip is visible on the ceramics, prepare the composition. Mix baking powder and glue until a whitish color is formed. This technique is suitable for porcelain.
  6. Spread the mass gently into the cavity.
  7. Using a hair dryer, melt the wax frame (after drying) and wash the product.

You can glue the fragments with super-glue or any other yourself:

  • Prepare the broken dishes for work by collecting all the fragments.
  • Wipe the edges with acetone or other degreasing agent.
  • Spread the adhesive evenly over the fracture and let dry.
  • Re-grease the edges and fix the parts.
  • You should not shape the subject completely. The process should be gradual - after gluing a few fragments, they need to dry out.
  • If possible and desired, the restored area can be covered with glaze.

How and what to repair a crack in a pottery

Defective ceramic products may not always be evident. Small flaws are easy to miss when buying. Over time, cracks in the ceramic can become visible.

For restoration, you will need glue and pigment to match the color of the dishes (for white, baking powder, titanium white). Mix glue and coloring powder. Degrease the product with acetone. Apply the prepared paste with a cotton swab. Remove excess glaze. Use an ink eraser after drying if necessary. Cover with glaze.

Ceramic tableware must be of high quality and free from defects. It is not recommended to use cookware if the ceramic is cracked or other glaze flaws appear. A broken or defective but favorite item can be restored. It is possible to repair ceramic dishes by yourself or contact a master. And if you want to learn how to create high-quality tableware with your own hands, we suggest visiting the Kolokol pottery school.