Interesting contests for mother's day. Scenario of the holiday Mother's Day methodical development (class) on the topic. I am the most beautiful

Mother's day has come. This holiday is celebrated on a large scale in kindergarten. After all, it is at such a young age that children have a special affection for mothers. And in your kindergarten, how will the invited mothers be surprised? We offer you interesting and funny contests for Mother's Day, which you will brilliantly conduct in kindergarten. All contests for children and their mothers. They are childish and that makes them even nicer.

And immediately a competition for mothers and children. Every child and every mother makes a print of their hand on a piece of paper. That is, they circle their hands. Then the leaves with mom's prints are mixed and laid out for a hundred. And the same is done with the leaves. On which the handprints of children. And mothers must find the hand of their child, and the children must find the hand of their mother. If someone succeeds in finding it, then this is the happiest family!

Recently, master classes of parents with children have been popular. So why not arrange exactly the same for a master class in kindergarten? You can, for example, cook some kind of dish, which then all together and try at the holiday after the competitions. Therefore, tell each mother to bring food, from which they will make their own dish with the child. There will be no winners, but both children and mothers and educators will enjoy it.

Remember the fairy tale about Little Red Riding Hood? Let's put on a contest like this fairy tale. You need ropes of the same length, for example 10 meters. They must be placed on the floor. But not straight, but bend, as if to make a forest path. The task of the children is to walk along this rope (you need to walk exactly along the rope, turning in the same way as she did), and bring pies to their mother! And a wolf (any dad or a man who works in kindergarten) will go along the other rope. Naturally, the wolf must succumb to Little Red Riding Hood so that all the children can bring pies to their mother. The wolf can even fall down the path to make children laugh.

And one more competition, which, in our opinion, is very interesting. You need two footprints - two paper-cut footprints of any animal or person. But still better than an animal, such as a tiger. The child's task is to follow these two tracks the entire distance from the start to the finish. But the essence of the competition is that there are only two tracks, so here you cannot do without the help of your mother. When the presenter says start, the mother puts the tracks on the floor, and the child stands on them with his feet. Then the child lifts one leg, and the mother moves the track from under that leg further so that the child can step. And so on, the child lifts his leg, the mother shifts the track, the child walks. Whoever shows the best time, or just who does not step on the floor without a trace, won. Remember! You have to stand on one leg while mom is making the trail! Second leg raised!
Key tags.

Competition program dedicated to Mother's Day, grade 6

Participants: 6th grade students and their mothers, class teacher, teacher-organizer of educational work with children, high school students.


1) to contribute to the education in children of a sense of love and respect for loved ones;

2) promote the formation of mutual understanding in the classroom community of children and adults.

Preparatory work

I. Drawing up the class teacher and the teacher-organizer of the competition program.

II. The class teacher, together with the students and their parents, determines the composition of the participants in the competition - 7 teams (the team consists of a child and his mother).

III. Preparation of the leading competition programs.

IV. Invitation to the jury of the teacher-organizer and two or three high school students.

V. Preparation of amateur performances by the contestants as homework.

Vi. Making gifts for their mothers by students.

Decoration, equipment and inventory:

a) pictures and posters dedicated to Mother's Day;

b) balloons, flowers;

c) tables with chairs arranged in a circle for teams, leaders and jury members;

d) pieces of paper and pens;

e) tape recorder with audio cassettes for musical accompaniment of competitions.

Competition progress

To the sound of music, contestants, jury members and spectators take their places in the festively decorated classroom.

1st presenter... Hello! Our meeting today is dedicated to lovely mothers.

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

2nd presenter

The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times.

And so it has stood for centuries.

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

1st presenter... It is no coincidence that in 1914 the Congress of the United States of America declared Mother's Day an official holiday. On this day, all children in America, wherever they are, return home to be with their mothers and express their love to them. As a sign of love, they give their mothers red carnations.

2nd leader. At the end of the last century, Mother's Day began to be celebrated in Russia. We also decided to celebrate this holiday with competitions. Seven teams take part in the competitions. Each team consists of only two people - a mother and her son or daughter. Let us applaud our contestants!

Commands enter.

1st host. The jury (named by its composition) will evaluate the performances of the participants. The start of the first competition will now be announced, but first we want you to listen to one story,

2nd presenter

Seryozha and Sashka came home

With skates under my arm

With my friend Masha,

With a great appetite,

With a stray mongrel.

And what do they see in the kitchen, poor things


Mom is not in the kitchen

No hot lunch awaits us.


And a mongrel drags us from the windowsill

A piece of paper in an ordinary mail envelope.

Masha (reads the letter)

All year I was running around the house like a squirrel.

I washed, cooked, washed dishes.

Sometimes you could help me too,

And you didn't even say "thank you" to me!

No festive words, no flowers, no smile!

No, we are not a family, but just a mistake.

I am very offended, I'll tell you straight!

Goodbye. Your mother.


We are lost, Sasha!


Lost, Earring!

Here is a hungry cat walking around the house.


Classmate Masha looks sternly,

And the mongrel barks reproachfully.


This is my mother's country.

What is it filled with?

Forks, plates, pots,

Potions, compresses, pills,

Threads, needles, toys

And eternal laundry

And also perfumes and bottles

Our mother has it in the country.


Of course, women have many weaknesses,

But we, as men, must forgive them.


We must always smile from the doorway,

And, most importantly, to promise them a lot.

They are not afraid of the whirlpool and the rumble of buckshot,

When they hear honey talk.

1st presenter... The first contest "The Most One" is announced. Participants should try to say as many good words as possible about their mothers. To do this, please continue with the sentence: "My mother is the most ...".

In accordance with the draw, the sixth graders take turns completing the competition task.

2nd presenter... Do we know our mothers well? Let's get the answer to this question during the second competition, which is called “Do I know my mother?”. Now I will ask questions to which mothers will write answers on sheets of paper, and children will answer aloud.

Questions are asked.

1. When is mom's birthday?

2. How old is she?

3. What flowers does mom like the most?

4. What is your mother's favorite leisure time activity?

5. What upsets her the most?

6. What school subject aroused my mother's greatest sympathy?

7. What kind of pop artist is mom looking forward to?

Children and their mothers answer these questions, and the jury checks how much their answers are similar.

1st host. "A man without a name is not a man," wrote the famous Russian philosopher Pavel Florensky, "he lacks the most essential." Therefore, we decided to hold the third competition - "Names". Mothers will talk about why they named their child that way, and children will explain the meaning of their name to everyone.

After the drawing of lots, the teams perform this task, and the jury evaluates their performances.

2nd presenter... Our mothers and grandmothers were once children too. Do you remember your ancestors?

The fourth competition is announced - "Pedigree tree"

Pupils and their mothers sketch out the pedigree of their families.

1st presenter... And now it's time to listen to interesting stories about funny experiences that happened in your families. We offer you to take part in the fifth competition - "Once we are with my mother ...".

Music sounds. Contestants compose their stories for 7-10 minutes, and then perform with them in front of the audience, the jury and other participants of the competition,

2nd presenter... How many wonderful songs have been written about mom! There is so much love, beauty, tenderness in them. We called our next competition "A Song about Mom". The winner is the pair of contestants who call the song about mom the last.

1st presenter... Finally, the hour has come for checking the homework - viewing the performances of amateur performances prepared by the participants of the competition. The seventh competition is announced - "Homework".

After completing the last task, the jury sums up the results of the competition and awards the winners. Children present their mothers with handmade gifts and cards.


Busheleva B.V. Let's talk about good breeding.

Forms of educational work of the class teacher / Ed. L. B. Kuznetsova. M., 2006.

Yakovleva M.I. Our mothers. M., 1992.

Mother's Day is a special day when mothers around the world get a chance to relax, enjoy the attention and care of their children. The celebration takes many forms, but in general, on the last Sunday in November, festive concerts, entertainment events with contests, competitions and games are organized, in which both mothers and children can take part.

Scout Mom Quiz

Number of participants - 8 (4 mothers and 4 children). Mothers and children are given leaves and pens. Adults will have to answer questions about the child, his school, academic performance, and other little things. The answers are checked against the answers of the kids.
Examples of questions for the quiz:
1. What verse was the last time your child studied in school?
2. Write down the lesson schedule on ... (name the day).
3. The name of your child's favorite teacher.
4. Favorite items of your child.
5. What is the name of your child's deskmate.
6. The child's favorite food in the school cafeteria.
If the mother's answer matches the answer of her child, she is awarded a ball. The winner is announced after scoring, at the end of the quiz. The winner receives the scout mom medal.

The game "The most-most ..."

A great game for all children. And most importantly, mothers will be pleased to watch her.
1. Children line up in a circle.
2. Each child in turn says "my mother is the most-most ...", they end the sentence differently, the main thing is not to repeat and not spend more than 5-7 seconds on "mother's characteristics".
3. As the game progresses, the number of participants will decrease until there is only one, he will be the winner.
An alternative option is the game "Necklace of Compliments". Pre-presenters make blanks:
take large sheets of paper (one piece of paper for each child);
a necklace is drawn on a piece of paper (it consists of circles large enough to write a word inside).
The task of the children is, at the command of the presenter, to write in circles as many compliments as possible to the mother. One circle - one compliment. There are no winners here. At the end of the game, children present a necklace of compliments to their parents.
Competition "The most talented artist"
Several mothers are invited to play, each is given an A4 sheet and a marker. The task is to portray your child for a while. The judges will be children to whom ready-made drawings (not signed and mixed in advance) are given and asked to find their portrait among them. The winners are those mothers in whose portraits the children recognize themselves.

Game "Beauty Salon"

Perfect for mothers and their daughters. Prepare in advance:
a set of elastic bands and hairpins for each "stylist";
Daughters should know their mothers well, for sure, they also know very well which hairstyle will suit them. You need to do it in this game with a blindfold.
There are many pairs you can invite. After the end of the competition, each child receives an award in categories:
The most unusual hairstyle;
The most festive;
The most exclusive;
The most stylish;
The most modest, etc.
In addition, you can give a small souvenir, such as small mirrors or a set of rubber bands.

Competition "Who is Faster"

Mothers work a lot around the house, can their children replace the heroes of the occasion on Mother's Day? The next competition will allow you to check it. Everyone is invited to take part in it, the main thing is that the guys can be divided into two teams.
between two chairs located at a distance, pull two ropes (from different sides);
each team is given clothespins and a laundry basket with the same number of fabrics.
The players' task is to take turns after the leader's command to go to their clothesline to hang one piece of cloth. The game is carried out on the principle of a relay race, which means that each next participant runs to "hang clothes" only when the previous one comes back. The winner is the team that hangs all the laundry faster.

The game "I'll give my mom ..."

All children at the holiday are invited to write on a piece of paper what they would give their mother if they were adults now. The leaves are handed over to the presenter, he:
1. Calls the name of the mother, who must guess the gift of her child.
2. Writes down the first letter of the word on the blackboard (preliminary outline the cells so that their number corresponds to the number of letters in the word).
3. All the parents who were able to guess the gifts win.

Game-improvisation "Interesting story"

It is enough to recruit two teams of 5 people each (mixed teams, in which there will be both adults and children). Each team receives a specific set of items. The players' task is to come up with the story "On Mother's Day" using the items provided to them in their story. A fictional story, among other things, needs to be played out as a performance. At the end of the game, instead of determining the winner, each team is awarded a title, for example, "Most Humorous" or "Most Inventive".

Game "Gifts for the Kid"

Coloring leaves are preliminarily prepared, folded into a tube, hidden in balls, which are then inflated. The game is held for 3 mothers who are given a bundle of balloons common to all. Their task is to "get" as many gifts as possible for their children.
After the leader's command, the mothers try to quickly pop the balls (one at a time), while collecting gifts.
Important: Not all balls contain gifts, which only makes an interesting competition more exciting.

Find in the crowd competition

Two mothers are invited to participate (one is the mother of a girl, the other is a boy). Mothers are blindfolded, children line up around them (girls and boys, respectively).
The task of parents is to recognize the child by touch. For fun, you can put a few bobby pins on the boys' hair to confuse mom.
Contest "Better Description of Mom"
At the holiday, parents will have to recognize not only their child, but also themselves. You will have to focus only on a verbal description. Children prepare such a "portrait" in advance. Description notes are mixed. The presenter reads each one in turn. Mom can only find out in the description of herself. The more “identified” themselves, the better.
If mainly small children are present at the holiday, they are asked to draw their mother. And then you will need to recognize yourself by children's art masterpieces, portraits.

Competition "Best Culinary Specialists"

Who is the head chef of the family? Mum. She cooks every day. But on the last Sunday in November, her children will come to her aid.
The competition is held in three stages (responsibilities are shared).
1. Mom peels a large potato at speed, so that the skin remains intact, as long as possible.
2. Children write down the dishes in a certain letter, suggested by the presenter (you need to write down as much as possible).
3. The third stage - mother and her child are trying to recognize different types of kitchen utensils by touch. The more correct answers, the better.

Competition "Who is Faster"

Pre-prepared puzzles (purchased or homemade) on the theme of mom and child or just mom. It's a good idea to take as a basis a cartoon or movie about a mom that the kids are familiar with. Participants are divided into two teams and offered to assemble a puzzle for a while.
Important: The puzzles should not be small, so that the competition does not take much time, and the winner could be announced within 5 minutes.
The game "We are a team"
Several pairs-participants (mother-child) are invited for the competition.
Children are blindfolded and placed next to a basket with small balls. Mothers stand opposite, folding their arms in the form of a basketball ring. Rules.
1. On command, children (without moving) throw balls in the direction where their mother is, trying to get into the "basketball hoop". One hit equals one point.
2. It is difficult for children to get into the “ring” blindfolded, so the mother is allowed to adjust to the flying ball in order to earn as many points as possible.

Game "Mom is my personal translator"

Leaves with tongue twisters are pre-prepared (it is better not to use sweets so that the child does not choke). Rules of the game:
1. Children put marshmallows by their cheeks, blindly pull a leaf with a tongue twister and try to pronounce it so that their mother can “decipher” and repeat it.
2. If mom guesses the tongue twister, she earns a point for her team.
Song contest
A simple but interesting competition in which participants (3 to 4) are asked to name more songs about mom.
Dance competition
A great option for completing a festive entertainment program. This is a disco in which children repeat "fashionable dance steps" after their mothers.
Mother's Day is a holiday when we all try to pay tribute to the hard work of women who sacrifice much for the sake of motherhood, spare no affection, no warmth, no love, giving all this to their children entirely. A festive program with contests and games is a great option for entertainment on a special day.

Option for a holiday in kindergarten!

1. On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates a special holiday - Mother's Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need a mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.
Children's hearts are wide open for you-
The only ones, loved ones and relatives,
After all, there is no dearer mother's eyes -
All understanding and affectionate!

2. Children always adore their mothers,
They dedicate wonderful poems to them on a holiday!


3. The game "Look for Mom"
(To a Russian dance melody, couples move one after another in a circle with a calm step. As soon as the music stops, the children run to the center of the circle. Squat down and close their eyes with their palms. Mothers stay in their places. Mothers continue to move lightly. When it ends, mothers stop facing in a circle. Children open their eyes and run up to their mothers. The game is conducted in reverse - mothers find their children.)
Or blindfolds and recognize your mom ...

4. The game "Parachute"
Dear mothers, our children have prepared a real fireworks for you today, but they need your help. Let's all stand in a big circle and stretch such a parachute! On command, we throw the balls up high, but your task is also to catch all the balls with a parachute so that they do not fall to the floor.

5. Today in the whole world,
The holiday is big and bright.
Listen, moms, listen -
Children congratulate you!
6. Dear mothers, here we are all our life ... we teach children to be attentive:
When running
While studying
To younger children
On the road
And how attentive you are, we and the children will find out now!
The game "Whose Child is Gone" is to hide one child in the pipe.

7. A moment of attention and silence ...
ANYA with a poem
Flashmob "The radiant sun lit up cheerfully"

8. "I paint my mom"
Children need to draw a portrait of their mother on the balloons with felt-tip pens. Mothers are allowed to help their artist.

9. Chastushki

10. Competition - mabol.
Both mother and child take part in this competition. Mom stands at a distance of 2-5 meters from the child and makes something like a basketball hoop out of her hands. And the child throws inflated balloons into this ring. At the same time, the mother can help the child by moving her ring in any direction, but without crossing the line, so that the distance between them does not decrease. Whose family will get more balls in the ring out of 10, that one won.
11. Presentation of children on the screen
Love, spring and knocking hearts ...
Find out that you will suddenly become a mother ...
Anxiety, childbirth, the first cry ...
And these tears for two ...
And a thousand sleepless nights
And the word MAMA ... this word! ..
Both the first step and the first "shmyak"
And get up again! And so again! ...
The warmth of the palms on the cheeks ...
A toy in small hands ...
And the kindergarten ... and the sequined dress ...
And the dance of little birches ...
Broken nose ... downcast eyes ...
"Ma, it's Vaska's fault!"
Want to cry, endure ...
And forbid to cry to want ...
And first class, pool, cinema ...
There is a window on our street ...
Kitten dirty from the yard
What did the daughter bring to the house ...
And again dental treatment ...
And again there is blood on my knees ...
To regret again, to love ... to love ...
And the best mother to be ...
Lessons, books, miracles ...
Wasp flew in through the window ...
Doubt ... first love ...
And again next to ... again and again ...
Lovely mothers YOUR CHILDREN ABOUT YOU ... .. screen.
12. A waltz for mothers and children is announced!

You can add more positive to any holiday and diversify its script with fun contests. This rule also works in relation to such a touching and kind holiday as Mother's Day, which in recent years has been quite actively celebrated in Russian kindergartens and schools. Mother's Day contests are not only about entertainment - they help to build cohesion and better relationships between children and mothers. In particular, if not only children participate in such competitions, but also mothers themselves. In addition to traditional drawing contests and poetry reciters, funny, active and intellectual competitions are no less relevant for festive events on Mother's Day. Next, you will find a selection of the most interesting and positive contests for Mother's Day, which are suitable for both kindergarten and elementary school. And mothers, children and entire teams will be able to take part in them.

Funny contests for Mother's Day in kindergarten - ideas

It's hard to imagine celebrating Mother's Day in kindergarten without funny contests. It is these funny competitions that allow both children and adults to relax, which in turn contributes to a positive atmosphere of the entire event. You need to choose ideas for funny contests for Mother's Day in kindergarten for the script based on the age of the kids. For example, for a matinee in younger groups, group and active competitions are more suitable. At the same time, older children will be able to participate in games individually or with their mothers.


Despite the fact that only daughters are mentioned in the title of this game, sons and mothers can also participate in it. 4-5 pairs of participants, mothers and children, are selected from the hall. The first to be blindfolded and offered to take turns finding their child by touch. To complicate the task of children, you can disguise a little, for example, put on all headscarves or hairpins. The winner is the mother who unmistakably finds her baby.

Mother's portrait

Children are interviewed in advance in which they answer questions about their mothers. For example, what mom loves most, what she does, what color her eyes are. Then, according to the received data, mothers are offered to guess themselves from children's descriptions.


The presenter asks children riddles about mother's daily housework, responsibilities and functions in relation to the baby. Children should correctly guess all the riddles and promise to help with the household.

Children's contests for Mother's Day in elementary school, options

Fun children's contests for Mother's Day are also relevant for a holiday in elementary school. Moreover, the age of younger students already allows for more active and interesting competitions, including team ones. For example, you can divide all participants into mom-child pairs or adult and child teams. Next, you will find several options for children's contests for Mother's Day in elementary school, which will make the holiday brighter and more fun.

Cook from birth

This option is perfect for a competition between baby-mother pairs. All participants are given approximately the same set of simple products with a small "surprise" in the form of products that cannot be combined with other products. For example, lots of fruits and herring or vegetables and ice cream. The task of each couple is to prepare an edible dish from this set. At the same time, the child should cook himself at the tips of his mother. The most creative pair wins.

At a glance, half a glance ...

Pairs of children and parents are again involved. Children are pulled a piece of paper with a word, which they will then have to show with facial expressions and gestures to their mothers. It is better to use the titles of songs or films that are related to Mother's Day. Participants perform in turn and for a time. The most resourceful couple wins.

Beauty salon for daughter

Mothers and daughters are invited to participate. The task of the first to apply full makeup in 5 minutes on the second. In this case, not only the speed is evaluated, but also the technique of the task.

Ideas of contests for Mother's Day for moms in kindergarten and school

A separate category should include contests for Mother's Day for mothers in kindergarten and elementary school. Such parenting competitions must certainly be funny and funny in order not only to diversify the scenario of the holiday, but also to cheer up everyone present. Ideas for such contests for Mother's Day for mothers in kindergarten or school can be drawn even from similar children's competitions. For example, to hold a competition of readers or thematic drawings among mothers. And to make such competitions even more fun, you can hold them at speed or with a blindfold. And to reward the winners and cheer the losers, choose interesting prizes. And you don't have to spend money on expensive souvenirs. Together with the children, you can come up with and make excellent memorable gifts with your own hands, which all participants will surely like. Next, you will find several interesting options for competitions and games for moms, which can be used for holidays in kindergartens and schools.

Real music lovers

The participating mothers are divided into two teams. The task of each team is to remember and, importantly, to sing a popular children's song. You only need to play a few lines or a chorus. The opposing team must guess the title, artist or cartoon / movie where this song was played. The winner is the team with the most correct answers.

Dancing assorted for mommy

Mothers are offered to “remember their youth” and dance a little. At the same time, they will have to dance to different styles. For example, you can make a cut of hits from the 80s and 90s, add a piece of waltz or tango, some freestyle and a couple of children's soundtracks. The most creative and flexible participant wins.

Mom of all trades

Each participant is given a sewing kit: several scraps of fabric, needles and thread, ribbons, lace. The kit also includes completely unsuitable materials, such as a plastic bottle, disposable plates or garbage bags. The task of each mother, using this set, is to make a carnival costume for her child for the upcoming New Year's party. The creativity of the work performed is evaluated.