Valery brovkin: “riot police are not an institution for noble girls. How is it served in the riot police What does the riot police do

A riot policeman, who is also an OMON fighter, is an employee of a special mobile unit, a police officer trained to work in "hot spots".
Before the renaming of the police to the police, the OMON was a special police detachment. Today this abbreviation is filled with new meaning: riot police have become a mobile special purpose unit. But the essence of the work of a fighter of this detachment remained the same.
OMON is not involved in solving crimes, its task is to protect law and order, to suppress riots. For example, if there is an earthquake, forest fire or hurricane, riot police will guard public safety in the disaster areas. In particular, it suppresses looting in abandoned houses.

Another important task of the detachment is to provide combat cover for other police officers. Therefore, OMON takes part in neutralizing armed criminals, releasing hostages, suppressing prison riots, etc.
As the name suggests, this unit is distinguished by its mobility and readiness to work in emergency situations. This profession is dangerous, requires serious training, dedication to their work and comrades. OMON fighters often die on assignments. Some are awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously.

Those who have attended protest demonstrations or watched massive civil actions over the Internet may ask: “What is the OMON doing at protest actions? Are we talking about mass riots? " The OMON fighter has a short answer to this question: "We keep order." When many people come together, it is fraught with surprises - from accidents to provocations.
A soldier of the mobile squad can be recognized by the large yellow inscription "OMON" on the spotted uniform and black beret. During mass actions, the soldiers wear special protective helmets, in connection with which they are also called "cosmonauts" and even "real cosmonauts." What real real astronauts think about this is unknown to us.

The riot policemen stand in a cordon, letting the participants into the territory of the rally strictly through special "gates" with metal detectors. If a conflict situation is brewing, the fighters react quickly and harshly: wielding truncheons, they push the protesters out of the territory of the action, or vice versa, cut off the instigators, take them into the ring. They help colleagues from the operational squad to carry out detentions.
According to the participants in the events, it happens that a "conflict situation" arises precisely as a result of the actions of the police themselves. Therefore, the attitude towards riot police in society is ambiguous.

Of course, in order to do this kind of work, a fighter must be sure that the truth is on his side. Otherwise, he will feel like an enemy of his own people.

Riot police work in shift. They devote a lot of time to physical training and tactical exercises.
Since 2002, on October 3, OMON officers have been celebrating their professional holiday.

OMON is a police unit. This means that the riot policeman himself is a policeman.

Riot police, black berets, special operations - these words already contain a bit of secrecy and a hefty portion of rumors, sharply peppered with real male romance. Today a guest of is a police colonel, permanent commander of the "Riga-Tyumen" OMON, Valery Brovkin.

Tell us what the OMON is doing. To the average person, your acronym sounds pretty cryptic. Are any emergency situations in the city (pah-pah ...) yours or are the prerogative of the detachment - hot spots - Chechnya, Transnistria? Is it possible to study the geography of the country on your business trips?

Well, let's start with the story. In October 1988, 24 special police detachments were created throughout the Soviet Union in the capitals of the Union republics and just large cities so that they could respond to emergency situations, participate in the detention of armed criminals, eliminate riots, and the consequences of man-made and natural disasters. Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, such units remained in almost all of these former republics. Such military support is always needed, for the detention of armed criminals and the fight against terrorism remain relevant.
Study the geography and biography of the country for us? In light of the fact that the former republics have become independent states, it is possible.

The fighters changed, the commanders changed, but the work itself remained.
Our unit acted as a "separating" force of the opposing sides in the conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh, in the "Turkish" conflict in Orsk, took part in well-known events in North Ossetia and Ingushetia, as well as in the events associated with the White House in 1993. From December 1994 to the present day - the hottest point - the North Caucasus region, we go on business trips to Chechnya.

- How many business trips to Chechnya did the detachment and you personally have?

The squad has 36, I have 16.
Also, the soldiers of our unit go to "reinforce" at various important state events, for example, this year at the G8 summit - to ensure law and order. Local forces, as a rule, are not enough, so we are attracted.

- Are you practically supermen compared to ordinary police? Really

Probably (smiles). A mobile squad, to stabilize, to influence situations. Great emphasis on combat training, tactical, fire. Of course, the same, for example, police officers of the PPS have completely different tasks, specific, respectively - different skills.

Has Tyumen become a second home, another homeland for riot policemen? At first, after all, many went here just to turn over? Did everyone manage to adapt?

There were 119 of us then. After 15 years, for 20 years Tyumen has indeed become a second homeland. They settled down, got families. The rest left in all directions - to Moscow, St. Petersburg, the Moscow region, Voronezh ... Then, at that stage, social and domestic issues were not easily resolved and many moved to where their relatives lived, moved to some other divisions. Some of them work this way in our structure, some are engaged in something else.

There were rumors that several of your residents of Riga are still hanging out with their families at the Kolos Hotel. Is everyone now settled like a human?

Of the first composition, only one remained there. The rest settled down, everything is fine.
The local authorities helped us very well. Without this it would be very difficult. When we arrived in Tyumen, we lived in the Young Dzerzhinets pioneer camp. The base is located in the old fire tower on Osipenko. And the first thing that did then the head of the region Shafrannik, the mayor of the city Gennady Ivanovich Raikov, General Basharin - came to a consensus and allocated for us the territory of the former military unit on the MMS, where we could normally get a job and serve. It was a great decision for us. And from that moment everything began to be arranged somehow. Governors Roketsky and Sobyanin, the former mayor of Kirichuk, have always helped us a lot, Governor Vladimir Vladimirovich Yakushev and the mayor of the city Sergey Smetanyuk are helping us now. I'm not flattering. It's true.

Who is the Tyumen OMON subordinate to? Should you follow the orders of the local government? How is your relationship going? As if the regional and city authorities help you in your work - with premises, equipment, equipment ... Or is it not quite true?

We are part of the structure of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Tyumen region and, accordingly, are subordinate to the head of the GUVD. Without the command of the head of the GUVD, I cannot do anything. And the fact that they help, I have already partially said about this. The base is undergoing major renovations. The major overhaul of the living quarters, where the personnel is located, has almost been completed, the dining room is being reconstructed, the sports and recreation complex, the obstacle course are being equipped, the headquarters is being repaired.
In this regard, the regional government and the mayor's office help us. It just so happened. What can I say. We feel care, honestly. Normal relationship. My comrades from other such units came to me, they say, you're lucky, they love you here.

They say, leaving Riga, you wrote on the armored personnel carriers "We will be back ...". It was not possible to return to live and work. Did you manage to just go to the Baltics?

- (laughs) Did we write that on the BAT? We actually left Riga by cars, they went to the airport. Well, I don’t know, maybe someone wrote something similar - boyish enthusiasm plus a stressful situation ..
Many have indeed returned to Riga. Of course, not in the quality that was meant when they wrote. Who has parents there, who has families. I myself was in Riga in 1992 when I took my family to Tyumen.

- What holiday do you celebrate - November 4th or November 7th?
Maxim Shultz, Tyumen

- You know, I will say this: since 1975, I have been serving in the internal affairs bodies and I do not have holidays as such. For whom the holidays are for us is work.

- Here it is a matter of nuances: November 4 or 7 - which of these two holidays is essentially closer to you.

I am 50 years old and it is difficult to erase the usual date from life. It is difficult to perceive the new day so immediately - November 4th. It is possible that it will eventually take root and my grandchildren will celebrate it as a matter of course.

- Recently, the Tyumen media reported that riot police removed two mines from the Palace of Creativity, which they detonated outside the city. There are rumors that this is not so, that these are just innocuous exhibits that Tyumen search engines brought for the museum. What really happened?
Vladimir, Tyumen

- Unfortunately this is the case. An engineering group left us. Indeed, the search engines brought two mines as exhibits. One of them was practically on a combat platoon, the second - the fuse was pulled out, but full of TNT. If this "thing" banged, there would be victims. It was enough to drop it or hit it.

- What are your personal prospects, Valery, in the service, or have you reached your ceiling?
In fact, this is about the fact that a soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. Do you dream of general's shoulder straps?

I like my job. I am satisfied with my career and do not want to change it for something else.

- How can you get into the Tyumen OMON? What are the requirements for fighters?
Kirill, Tyumen

You can get into our squad under certain conditions:
- serve in the army (it does not matter which troops, although it is better if it is the airborne forces, marines, internal special forces and the like);
- excellent health (we have a tough medical examination!);
- excellent moral and psychological characteristics (we have a lot of stress).
And one of the most important conditions is the desire to serve.

It happens that they come for a beautiful shape, a solid image and black berets - romance. But it turns out that in addition to this there is also hard work, heavy workloads, long business trips, stress and irregular working hours. It happens that you have just returned from a six-month business trip, but you have to go to the next, and the same long
You have to be patient, because it happens that a detachment sits in the barracks for days, or even weeks, waiting for an order to go to some city where a conflict situation or some extraordinary event is taking place. Recently this was the case in connection with the situation in Kondopoga. The order to sit on the forest can come at any moment. Or maybe not at all.

- What is the salary of a soldier of your squad? For this is all

For the first year of service, an ordinary soldier receives about 7 thousand rubles. The first three months of the internship - a probationary period - the salary is 3-4 thousand. Then he receives a title and position.

- Who does not stretch his legs during these three months - will he stay to work?

Yes, it’s difficult, what’s really there. But we don't let our legs stretch ... Those who have served for 5 years receive in the range of 10-11 thousand. In general, if for excellent earnings, then this is not for us. But on the other hand, the service is interesting.

- Is the turnover big?

There is an outflow, of course, but already insignificant. Everything stabilized somehow.

Are there traditions in the unit? It seems to me that your office is not the one where you can work inside and out. Most likely, you somehow sprout with each other - joys and sorrows ... Or am I too romanticizing?

No, not unnecessary, everything is normal. The unit does have certain traditions. For example, we celebrate together the Day of the detachment, of course, the Day of the Police, the Day of the Creation of the OMON, the New Year ... We get together when we remember the dead comrades, we visit their families and parents. In addition, we have ceremonial procedures for the presentation of black berets, the presentation of weapons, awards. If there are any adversities, then, of course, we help.

- For 15 years Tyumen OMON has lost many fighters?

Two. In September 2002 - senior sergeant Serik Sadubov, was blown up by a land mine. There was a boy from Armizon, his mother's only son ... In May 2003, he died - he was also blown up by a land mine - my first deputy - Yuri Valentinovich Firsov.
There are many wounded. 61 people. There are also severe injuries.

The losses are heavy, but, nevertheless, over 15 years these are still small losses. You save people. There was a time when orders were given just to those who put more of their people. Kind of like a sign of heroism it was

Indeed, earlier, especially during the first Chechen campaign, there was such a practice: "Why don't you go hand-to-hand on the attack? Don't want to become heroes? We'll write you a paper, on heroes. Posthumously ... Don't want to become heroes? And we'll send you back to your homeland!" ... They were frightened by the motherland ... People must be protected. No other way.
But now the situation has changed for the better.

- You, with your surname, probably often remembered private Ivan Brovkin? And did your ancestors - father, grandfather, serve?
Svetlana, Tyumen

That's right, they did. Sometimes, somewhere in childhood, I was a little shy. And I watch films about the soldier Ivan Brovkin with pleasure. My father, by the way, as his on-screen namesake, raised virgin lands in 52-54, it was he who went there to drive there after serving in the army. Grandfather died in 1943 near Kharkov.
The son serves in our unit, the company commander.

How did you bring up your son that he grew up as brave? Probably mostly by personal example. You hardly had time to read him a book at night ... What kind of dad were you?

Oh, you have to ask him that. When we lived in Riga, I took him to the kindergarten. Of course, the spouse was more involved in education. And so, the son from boyhood was able to do a lot: and shoot, and the rest.

What measures do you think should be taken to prevent hazing in the army? How do you deal with this phenomenon in your squad?
Tatiana, Tyumen

- There is no hazing in the unit. This is unnatural for us, there is not even a conversation. With such a relationship, it would be impossible to carry out combat missions together.
How to eradicate in the army? I myself served in 1973-75 and did not know anything about hazing. The veterans taught us on the case, no humiliation. Such an outrage as with the soldier Sychev - in our unit could not be. True, in the construction battalion, where the suspended prisoners also served, not everything was the same as in our troops. My cousin got into a construction battalion at one time, so he later talked about "customs" and morals

Much depends on the commanders. If the officers are normal, then the problem of hazing is not so acute.

And you know, I'll say something else: as long as we have thug romance on all screens, there will be plenty of problems within society. Look at the heroes of the screen - "Zones", "Brigades" and similar tapes, listen to "thematic" chanson. This is normal? Let it be indirectly, indirectly, but this rogue romance affects young people, their relationships with each other.
It happens to us, too, that sometimes come those who, instead of the normal Russian language, begin to "bother with the hairdryer." And this is unacceptable.

- Can you go on vacation abroad or are all the riot police not visiting?

Why, we go, it's not forbidden. Even according to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2-3 years ago, vouchers were allocated to Egypt, Turkey .. And so, in principle, you can submit a report, buy a voucher.

Now there are men who are very careful about their appearance. They do manicure in salons, carefully choose fashionable clothes, perfumes and more. Those who are especially keen on their image are called metrosexuals, there is such a word.

What, what are they called?

- Metrosexuals. How do you feel about such lads?

Negatively. For I believe that a man should be a man. I always have doubts that it is not for nothing that he takes care of himself so reverently ... I perfectly understand when a woman carefully monitors her manicure and other things - there are no questions. When - a man, then I cannot help but think that something is wrong with him. Well, appearance cannot be the meaning of life for a man.

- Your colleague Parfenov went to the parliament. Are you not attracted by a political career? How compatible are these two hypostases - "special" policeman and politician?
Elena, Tyumen

Politics is such a thing ... As fate willed, I ran into it quite strongly - it was not pleasant enough. This path does not appeal to me.

- You have many awards - medals, Order of Courage. Which of them is the most dear, most valuable to you?

Most valuable? Perhaps this is my first medal - "For 10 years of impeccable service." I was pleased that I honestly served in the internal affairs bodies for 10 years and I was awarded for this. I received my first government award in 1987: a medal, on one side of which the inscription "For excellent service in the maintenance of public order", on the other - the coat of arms of the USSR. It was also called a "police medal" or "ruble" - it looked like a coin.

- How many awards do you have in total?

Order of Courage (2000, for the liberation of the regions of Chechnya), 12 medals.

- Dear Valery Alexandrovich! The Association of Law Enforcement Agencies congratulates you and your team on your professional holiday - Police Day! Question: how do you plan to congratulate employees on a business trip in the North Caucasus? Can you convey our sincere congratulations to the OMON personnel? Best regards, Vasily Gorety.
Gorety V.P., Tyumen
Let the Day of the Police have already passed this year, because it is not the last one. How is it customary to congratulate?

Now there are 40 guardsmen on a business trip in the North Caucasus. We are constantly in touch with them. In addition, now everyone has mobile phones, the guys constantly call back with their comrades, exchange SMS. We will send greetings from Vasily without fail.
In December, as usual, a car with parcels and gifts for the holiday will go there.

When OMON appeared in Tyumen, it is no secret that he acted quite tough in relation to the offenders. And, it is quite possible that it is not always true. Now the situation is different. Is there an element of permissiveness left, which, admittedly, still existed. Or have you managed to overcome the growing pains?

A very interesting question. The times were difficult then. It is possible that somewhere under the hot hand and went too far. You are probably right, and it really was growing pains. But we survived them.
Today we are acting according to the law. But tough. But according to the law.
The actions of such special forces suggest this. OMON is not an institution for noble maidens. And we will not politely read an hour and a half lectures to offenders. Everyone should know that for any lawlessness there is a force that will put this or that rogue or oversized one in place.

- Dear Valery Alexandrovich! It is known that crime in our region and in Tyumen is growing from year to year, and the detection rate is no more than 30%. What, in your opinion, is the reason for this situation? What and who needs to do to reduce crime and increase detection rate?
V. Yakovlev, Tyumen

Perhaps this is not really a question for me. Our detachment is only one of the components in the system of internal affairs. Obviously, preventive measures are needed with young people, especially on the part of district police officers, it is necessary that high professionals work in the investigation apparatus, a stable composition of operational workers is needed, and so on.

- Is your squad going to the north of the Tyumen region?

- Until 1994, we went on missions to both the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal. Now we are sitting in the war more.

On November 30, Valery Alexandrovich Brovkin has a birthday. wishes him good luck and good mood. Perhaps the commander of the Tyumen riot police will even be lucky, he will be more free in his service and calmly celebrate the next anniversary of his life in the warm circle of family and friends.

Those who are naturally endowed with physical strength and endurance often think about working in law enforcement agencies - in particular, in Riot police... What can you expect by agreeing to such a job, and what should you not expect? Is it really so prestigious and profitable, or do the disadvantages still outweigh the advantages?


  • No sky-high requirements... As you know, law enforcement officers must have good physical fitness. In order to enter the service in the OMON, it is enough to be 175 cm tall, have a strong body and be under 25 years old. Military service in the army is mandatory. You also need a complete absence of criminal records, the presence of characteristics from the educational institution and the previous employer.
  • Lack of "labor"... There are only 160 riot police units throughout Russia, and no more than 40,000 employees. In fact, there are cities in which this power structure is not developed at all. Of course, this does not mean that it will be easier to get there - everyone will not be taken there at once, and still, there will be less competition than, say, the police or even the fire department.
  • Social benefits... Although there are not as many social benefits as we would like, they are. In fact, OMON-sheep have the same benefits as the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For example, due to the fact that the health of riot police should be at the highest level, they are treated for free - including for serious diseases. If an employee is injured during execution, they will immediately help him - and, of course, they will also give sick leave. In addition, the annual number of days allotted for vacation for riot police officers is greater than for employees of other services.
  • Regular physical activity... Despite the fact that it would seem that the riot police do not always have work (not every day there are riots on the streets), they never sit idle. Regular training, exercise, business trips, military exercises in different conditions help to stay in shape. The need to solve various kinds of tasks (both law enforcement and the fight against actual violations of order) also forces both the body and the mind to strain.
  • Salary stability... Despite the fact that the salary is relatively low, it is paid regularly. The size of the salary does not change from month to month. The pension level of riot police officers is also higher than that of representatives of other professions, and the retirement age, due to harm, is lower.
  • Apparent well-being... If at least one person is told that “I work in the OMON”, it is highly likely that he will be surprised, because it sounds very prestigious. Moreover, if you put on your equipment and go, say, to guard the park during public festivities, many will look at you with respect and even fear. Yes, it's not much, and yet - sometimes it's nice.


  • Low salary... Despite the fact that the profession is directly related to the risk to life, the salaries of riot police are not as high as it might seem. Even in Moscow, the minimum wage ranges from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles - the cost varies depending on the period and region of service. It seems to some that this is not the highest salary for a profession directly related to life risks.
  • Lack of collateral... Bureaucracy is a problem for many state organizations in Russia, and OMON is no exception. During the service, you will have to fill out a lot of paperwork and make a lot of monetary contributions to the general budget - at the expense of your salary. In addition, you will have to buy the form yourself.
  • Irregular schedule... OMON officers never know when they will have to “take to the streets”. They suspect, of course, they are preparing, and, nevertheless, no one has canceled emergency situations. At such times, you need to be able to cope with stress and do your job - this can negatively affect the mental state.
  • Danger to life... Despite the fact that riot police officers are given all the necessary equipment - from equipment to weapons - no one is immune from physical injuries. Of course, the higher the physical fitness, the higher the chance of being in perfect order - but who knows what will happen tomorrow?
  • Bad organization... More than once or twice on Internet forums, discussions of the famous interview published in 2015 appeared - an OMON officer anonymously reported that the organization was disgusting, "no one knows how to shoot," everyone uses only truncheons, a lot is deducted from wages, as a result, the employees themselves have no money left. And, moreover, the key thought of the hero of the interview was that no one likes to serve in the riot police, and that if there are serious riots, everyone will begin to defend themselves and their interests, and not what the detachment was originally assembled for. Few began to argue with this - perhaps this is also a reason to think.
  • Inability to get housing... Under Russian law, riot police officers are not eligible to apply for a military mortgage. They can own their own housing only if they received it during military service. Separate employee programs exist, but their conditions are considered to be much worse than those of civilian programs. Before receiving an apartment, you have to live in the provided hostel
  • Family difficulties... Everyone knows that if the husband regularly travels on business trips, the wife will not be happy about it, just as their children will not be happy. And, nevertheless, without this, nowhere - constant departure for exercises, on military missions makes riot policemen leave their families for the sake of "duty of service." Some families can't stand it. And the employees themselves often say that when problems begin in the family, the OMON sheep cannot do their job properly, so they do not recommend getting married.


Working in riot police, as in any other professional field, requires a responsible approach to business. You cannot make a lot of money with only a large physique. Nevertheless, having such an advantage on hand, one can hope for a successful professional career - and this is already a lot.

Lawyer: Igor Romanovsky

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Many boys play war in childhood and dream of becoming heroes. Only growing up, they understand how difficult and dangerous it is to defend the Motherland. But many go to the goal and join the ranks of various power structures.

OMON - Special Purpose Militia Detachment One of the most famous special forces that have existed since the times of the USSR is the OMON (Special Purpose Militia Detachment), later renamed into a mobile special purpose unit.

OMON is part of the Russian Guard, known for its intervention in many conflicts on the territory of the country, and the opinion of the population about it is ambiguous. Nevertheless, they go there to serve and earn good money.

Many people wonder what is the salary in the OMON and is it worth risking your life for it?

What riot policemen do

The work of a soldier of a mobile squad is associated with constant business trips and daily training. A person must have the skills of martial arts, shooting, as well as the ability to act in a team. The OMON is one of the police units, and the fighter is the policeman.

The main task of the employees is to work in the “hot spots” of Russia. Also, their responsibilities include participation in the detention of armed criminals, suppression of riots and riots, and the release of hostages.

To date, a total of about 40 thousand soldiers serve in the OMON.

Main functions

  1. Maintaining internal order in Russia.
  2. Elimination of criminal groups, terrorism.
  3. Ensuring the safety of citizens in disaster zones.
  4. Neutralization of crime bosses.
  5. Release of persons taken hostage.
  6. Suppression of looting.
  7. Suppression of prison riots.
  8. Participation in demonstration events (parades, shows, etc.).

Requirements for candidates

Considering the specifics of their activities, not everyone can enlist in the OMON.

The requirements for candidates are quite strict. For example:

  • Good physical fitness.
  • Strong constitution and tall stature.
  • Stable psyche.
  • Good tactical training.
  • Age from 25 years.
  • No administrative fines and no criminal record.
  • Resistance to stress, the ability to quickly navigate in space and circumstances.
  • A recommendation from a serving or current riot police officer.
  • Possession of skills in hand-to-hand combat, protection from a knife, shooting, actions in a team.

Applicants must pass a medical commission and take physical fitness tests.

Therefore, despite the large flow of applicants, the average size of the detachments varies between 250-400 people.

How much do they get in riot police

Consider what salary applicants who passed the tests and entered the service can expect.

Title / position Staff salary Salary for the title Seniority allowance Monthly material aid Premium Allowance for special conditions (can reach 100% of the regular salary) Total after taxes
Private 10 000 5 000 1 250 3 750 17 400
Junior Sergeant as squad leader 15 000 6 000 2 100 1 750 5 250 7 500 33 365
Sergeant as squad leader 15 000 6 500 3 225 1 791 5 375 15 000 42 100
Senior sergeant as platoon commander 17 000 7 000 4 800 2 000 6 000 17 000 49 764
Petty officer as platoon leader 18 000 7 500 6 375-10 000 2 125 6 375 18 000 55 484-58 812

Professional salary on the territory of the Russian Federation

The value of a riot policeman in Russia depends on a number of factors, including regional... After finding a job in Moscow, a fighter will receive personal allowances. In 2013, the salary of a specialist was 25,000 rubles / 833 dollars... (at the old rate). In the regions, the remuneration reached 15 thousand rubles. / 500 bucks.

IN 2017-2020 year the special forces tariff was revised


  • salary in the capital - 55,000 - 70,000 Rub / 820-1044 dollars;
  • labor tariffication in the regions - about 30,000 -45,000 ₱ / 447 bucks;
  • one-time premiums - no more than 5000 rub / 74 USD;
  • the capture of a particularly dangerous criminal - presentation for a state award.

By regions of the country

The price list of fighters has the following structure:

  • Oryol territory - 47,500 ₱ / 708 USD;
  • Irkutsk region - 50,000 rubles. / $ 746;
  • republic of Tatarstan - 52,833 Rub / 789 bucks;
  • Primorsky Territory - 55,000 ₱ / 820 USD;
  • Khabarovsk and Perm Territories - 60,000 RUB / 895 $.

Today employers are willing to pay a salary of 36 , 4-43.6 thous.Rub... And only 48 vacancies have higher labor rates 50 800 rubles / 758 dollars.

By cities of Russia

  • Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod. Voronezh, - 40,000 ₱;
  • Tver, Smolenskoe - 39,900 Rub;
  • Tula - 39 750 rubles;
  • Sverdlovsk - 39 100 RUB;
  • Kirov - 30 thousand ₱.

The colleagues of the rapid response unit representative have a good stable income.

Let's analyze the earnings of some specialists

  • personal bodyguard - profit of 71,500 rubles;
  • polygraph examiner - 56 667 RUB;
  • the head of the security service - 50,000 ₱;
  • deputy Director of Security Council - 47,500 rubles;
  • eMERCOM employee - RUB 46,500;
  • director of a private security company - 46 333 ₱;
  • security manager - 45 thousand RUB;
  • professional detective - 44 667 rubles;
  • senior guard shift - 41 833 ₱;
  • certified explosives technician - 40 100. ₱

Prestigious places for official employment of a Rosgvardia specialist are:

  • OMON Ch. management Rosgvardia ( Moscow) - 50-70 thousand RUB. The duties of a specialist include protecting the public on the streets, matches and various performances of artists;
  • structure St. Petersburg... Sniper earns 55 55,000;
  • Vologda... (1st operational battalion) - from 38,500 rubles. monthly.

How much do they pay extra

The average salary of an OMON officer in Russia is 40,000 rubles... For an employee of law enforcement agencies, a system of benefits is provided, which is funded from federal budgets.

The highlights are:

  • free medicine + vouchers to sanatoriums for all family members;
  • provision of travel compensation;
  • receiving social benefits for the purchase of housing;
  • reimbursement of costs associated with moving to a new duty station (regions of the Far North).

The income of the representative of the OMON detachment is largely tied to additional payments.

The main additional payments are

  • length of service - max 40% of the salary;
  • qualified title - 2300-7500 ₱;
  • special conditions of service - up to 100% of the rate;
  • work with classified information - 5000 rubles. and higher;
  • awards for good work and rewards for special achievements - from RUB 2000;
  • high-quality performance of high-risk tasks - 4500 ₱ and more;
  • district coefficient.

A professional's pension is calculated according to a special scheme (1 year to 1.5). Thus, the riot policeman will be able to leave the 45 years.

By rank

  • an ordinary sergeant receives 19-33 thousand rubles / 388 dollars;
  • platoon commander - from 20,000 Rub / 298 bucks;
  • company commander (captain) - from 22 thousand ₱ / 328 USD;
  • head of department (major) - from 26 000 rub / 388 USD;
  • senior leader of the OMON (colonel) - from 30,000 rubles. / 447 $.

(5 estimates, average: 4,20 out of 5)

The abbreviation OMON stands for mobile special purpose squad. The duties of the employees include the protection of public order and suppression of riots, as well as providing combat cover. The first OMON units were formed on October 3, 1988. This is probably why many are worried about the real salary in the OMON.

How to study and get a job in the OMON

For employment in the Mobile Special Purpose Detachment, you must first go through military service in the army.

A citizen aged 18 to 35 can get a job.

A citizen must have a secondary education, so this profession is suitable for people who could not enter a university. The candidate needs to pass a number of checks:

  • medical commission;
  • psychodiagnostic examination;
  • physical fitness tests;
  • polygraph test.

After passing all the checks, a special commission decides on the acceptance of the candidate for work. If it all seems complicated, then you can get a job.

A mandatory requirement for employment in OMON is the absence of a criminal record.

In addition to good physical fitness and good health, the employee must have personal qualities: responsibility, courage, devotion, stress resistance. Then the employee undergoes training for three months and takes a qualifying exam. How much OMON earns is interesting to many, but first you need to understand the responsibilities of this unit. You can get additional income.

What riot policemen do

In addition to salaries, bonuses from local authorities are established in some regions of Russia, in which case the salary will be higher.

Advantages and disadvantages of working

As in any other profession, the work of OMON fighters has its pros and cons. The negative aspects include:

  • irregular working hours;
  • risks to life and health;
  • high physical activity.

At the same time, there are much more positive aspects. The main advantages of the service are:

  • stable wages;
  • free medical care;
  • extended period of annual leave;
  • special programs for mortgage lending;
  • benefits in the social sphere.

In addition, this profession is widely in demand in the Russian Federation. As of April 16, 2018, 63 vacancies were opened by profession, a fighter, most of which are in Moscow and the Moscow Region. In addition, riot policemen retire earlier than civilian workers, and the pensions themselves are higher than the national average. It should also be taken into account that pensioners are entitled to.

Benefits and additional payments to employees

Since the soldiers of the mobile squad are police officers, they have access to all the benefits that the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have. These benefits include:

  • free service in medical institutions and sanatoriums for family members;
  • compensation for travel expenses to the place of vacation and back;
  • receiving social payments for the purchase of housing;
  • reimbursement of expenses when moving to a new duty station.

Travel compensation is provided only for employees residing in the Siberian, Ural and Far Eastern Federal Districts, as well as in the Far North.

Until 2012, employees were compensated for the maintenance of children attending pre-school institutions. A complete list of benefits, as well as the conditions for their provision, are spelled out in the Federal Law of 07.02.2011 No. 3-FZ "On the Police".

Based on the same law, additional payments are provided for employees:

  • for the length of service;
  • for a qualifying title;
  • for special conditions of service;
  • for work with classified information;
  • awards for good work;
  • rewards for special achievements;
  • for performing tasks of increased danger;
  • regional coefficients.

The seniority bonus can be up to 40% of the salary, and the payment for special conditions of service - up to 100%. Thus, the riot police are encouraged for long-term service and the desire to grow up the career ladder.

Retirement after serving in the OMON

To calculate and pay pensions to riot police 1 year of service counts as 1.5 years... Thus, a fighter can retire at 45 years of service.

The pension consists of three components:

  • salary for the position;
  • salary for a special rank;
  • service life allowance.

To be dismissed in connection with retirement, an employee must contact the personnel department at the place of service and provide a package of documents:

  • statement;
  • service life calculation;
  • conclusion of the IHC;
  • other documents.

An exhaustive list of required documents is established by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2005 No. 418. After checking all the submitted certificates, a notification on the appointment of a pension is prepared.

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In addition, riot police are provided with benefits from the state in connection with dismissal before the onset of the right to a pension. This can happen in the following cases:

  • for health;
  • due to staff reduction;
  • due to the impossibility of translation.

Having undergone such combat training and having a length of service behind them, former OMON fighters often get a job at private security agencies. The OMON pension plus the security guard's salary is a good sum that allows you to live with dignity. You can also take a part-time job in.

Video "There is such a work of riot police"