Interesting games for February 23 for men. Congratulations, invitations, scripts, toasts, frames, cards, contests for you in the Holiday Center! Competition "Fast reaction"

For example, handing over notebooks, pens and ties, or throwing a real men's party with colleagues or loved ones.

Whatever the theme of the corporate party - poker, boxing or watching your favorite action movies - you can't do without contests and games in which the whole team will participate.

Competitions for February 23 for men can be completely different, the main thing is that they are cool and funny, then everyone will have fun throughout the entire festive evening, even in the office.

Army cuisine. This is a joke competition. The host lays out raw unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites brave men to participate in the competition. Everyone understands that they will have to peel potatoes. But, when those who wish are nevertheless selected, they are invited to take turns calling the potato dishes. The last dish wins.

Strongest. The competition will require several empty matchboxes. Each participant is offered a design: an outer box is placed on top of the inside. Contestants need to flatten both parts with one blow.

As practice shows, it is rather difficult to do this, so, perhaps, the leader will not need the second box.

Botanists. If there are men in the company who have not served in the army and have a sufficient sense of humor, then the next competition can be held.

Invite "nerds" to the podium. And since they are botanists, then offer them exhibits from the herbarium. Who of the participants will give the correct name to all plants - he will receive the honorary title of "Best Botanist".

Four ends. Two thick ropes are tied in the middle - no, loops are tied at the four ends. The four players stand as if at the corners of the square, holding onto the ends of the rope. Two meters away from each, a stone is placed (maybe a bump, snowball, a matchbox or a piece of wood). At the signal, each player reaches for his own stone to grab it. Whoever succeeds in this - he won.

Arm wrestling. What men's competition would be complete without classic armwrestling? The facilitator should provide that there is a free table in the room, which can be conditionally divided into two halves. All participants can measure their strength. Putting their right hands on the table with their elbows, opponents clasp their hands and try to "knock down" the opponent. The one whose brush touched the table loses and is eliminated from the competition.

Competition for February 23 "Metkach". Props, attributes: three glass piles, a plastic bottle of lemonade, a band for tying hands.

Couples participate in the competition, each with two guys. The players of each team are tied behind their hands. A hole is made in a plastic bottle and clamped by one of the players between the knees.

At the signal from the leader, the players must fill the glasses with lemonade, and the second player must drink this lemonade. The team that has filled all the piles and drank faster becomes the winner.

Tug of war. A bright ribbon is tied to a long and thick rope in the middle. A peg is driven into the ground, and a peg is driven to the right and left of it at a distance of two meters (if the game is played in the hall, you can put gymnastic sticks on the floor).

Each team takes on its own half of the rope, the distance between the teams is two meters. A ribbon hangs over the middle peg. At the sign of the referee, the teams pull the rope - each in its own direction. The team that pulls the ribbon by its peg wins.

Competition "Men's logic". This puzzle competition is suitable for testing the intelligence of the male half at the beginning of the holiday on February 23.

Here is the essence of the problem - tired of the arguments and summer heat, three ancient Greek philosophers lay down to rest a little under a tree and fell asleep. While they slept, the pranksters smeared their foreheads with coal. Waking up and looking at each other, everyone got into a cheerful mood and began to laugh, but this did not bother anyone, since it seemed natural to everyone that the other two were laughing at each other.

Suddenly one of the sages stopped laughing, as he realized that his own forehead was also stained. Participants must guess how he reasoned.

Solution: here it is, the male logic of reasoning - “Each of us can think that his own face is clean. B is sure that his face is clean, and laughs at the smeared forehead of sage C. But if B saw that my face was clean, he would be surprised at C’s laughter, since in this case C would have no reason to laugh. However, B is not surprised, which means he may think that C is laughing at me. Therefore, my face is also black. " It is best to show the answer to volunteers.

Two musketeers. For this game you will need equipment: two rods 115 cm long, two chocks or matchboxes. On the site, two circles with a diameter of 50 cm are drawn at a distance of 30 cm from each other, two lines are drawn. The chock is placed in the center of the circle, the players each stand behind their own line, which is not allowed to step over.

In the hands of each "sword" - a flexible and thin rod. It is necessary to knock a chock out of the enemy's circle with a sword, while protecting your own. The one who succeeds in knocking the lump out of the circle wins the fight.

Well, corporate again! Do you really have to pop balls without hands again, dance on the newspaper and try to hit the bottle with a pencil? No, we have more interesting games! It will not be boring!

Line up

The competition is simple but fun, especially if the team is already drunk. For a stipulated time (no more than 3 minutes for a large staff), you need to line up in alphabetical order. What does it mean in alphabetical order - by name, surname or position, let them decide for themselves. Only quickly, time is limited.


You will need two bunches of helium balloons of the same number and two darts. The team is divided into two teams. Balls are enemy bombs that need to be defused. The firing line is two meters. At the sound signal, team members take turns (as they decide for themselves) run up to a distance of 2 meters to the balls and throw a dart. The task is to defuse more bombs than the enemy team.


Rather, a complicated version of this game. Five men are selected to participate in the competition and the rules of the game are explained. The host should tell the audience that the only useful souvenir for Defender of the Fatherland Day for a man is a bottle of cold beer on the morning of February 24. Beer is carried in opaque bags, one bottle or can in each, according to the number of participants. A man should explain with gestures and facial expressions what brand of beer is in his bag. Whose pantomime will be guessed, he takes the beer for himself.

There are no ugly women

All men are divided into two teams and each receives props - a balloon, a pair of markers, some items of women's wardrobe: a scarf, a hat, a dress. The task for a limited time is "to mold her out of what was." According to the voting of the audience, the winner is determined, the winner is the team whose woman will be more beautiful in the opinion of the audience.

Alcohol meter

For the competition, you will need to prepare a props - a scale of intoxication. In appearance, it should resemble a scale for measuring height for children, but instead of centimeters it will have degrees - decreasing from bottom to top: 90, 60, 45, 30, 15, etc. The task of every man is to approach the scale, stand with his back to it , pick up a marker, bend over, stick your hand between your legs and put a mark on the scale. The one who turns out to be the most adequate (will be able to reach the least number of degrees) - won.


A real man is not only a warrior, but also an excellent ladies' man. Therefore, invite the men to write a compliment from one of their colleagues on a piece of paper in a short time. The one whose compliment the female part of the team will most like is the winner.

Build a house, grow a tree, give birth to a son

Again, the men will need to be divided into two teams and each will be given a huge number of rolls of toilet paper. This is the only props. From it, in fact, you need to build a house, build a tree and make yourself a son. How they will do it, let them decide for themselves. The winner is determined by the audience vote.

The cleverest

Women can also take part in this competition. Divide the team into teams of three or four people and play "What, Where, When". Questions should be tricky, thinking time - a minute. For each correct answer, the team is given a medal, and for the answer to the first question - one, for the second - two, and so on, incrementally. The team with the most medals wins. We will show you examples of questions.

  1. In the Soviet Union, it was fashionable to give names to children with meaning. For example, "Dozdraperma" - until May 1st live. “Vilena” - Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. Decipher the name "Kukutsapol". (Corn is the queen of the fields).
  2. Previously, the two sports were considered one game and their names were synonymous. Then the games were recognized as different. The main difference is the smooth rubber and hard sanding surfaces. What games are we talking about? (tennis and ping-pong).
  3. A football reception that bears the name of an American landmark. (Statue of Liberty).
  4. Play an excerpt from a famous song and ask the artist to guess.
  5. Put on a passage from a film that is not very memorable and ask to guess the film.
  6. Show a photo of a landmark in any city and ask to guess the city.
  7. For this process I use: wax, electronic devices, laser. What process are we talking about? (depilation)
  8. How many words can you get by rearranging the letters in the word "mountain" if you count any order as a word? (24, this is a simple combinatorial problem).
  9. It boils spontaneously, cools down without external reasons. Easily interacts with metals considered precious, it is an effective cleaning and detergent. Can serve as a stress reliever, although it is sometimes a source of stress. What is it? (Woman).
  10. In Turkey, at the court of the Sultan, turtles were trained - they were taught not to stand still, but to constantly move. This was necessary in order for them to perform one important function at court evenings. What function are we talking about? The answer as close as possible to the truth will be counted. (turtles performed the function of moving illumination - candles were attached to their shells).

Sobriety test

Ask the men to take turns saying tongue twisters. Those who have not coped are eliminated. With each new stage of the competition, tongue twisters become more complicated. In the final, the two remaining men are asked to pronounce a tongue twister in a foreign language. Or simply the German word streichholzschaechtelchen - matchboxes (streichholzschaechtelchen).

It is not such an easy task to congratulate native men on their main holiday in an original and fun way. And if this is a corporate event for February 23 for men, female colleagues have to take into account dozens of nuances, from the nature of the company to the tastes of everyone invited to the holiday.

Place, time

Start by choosing a room - this will help determine all further questions. Of course, it is ideal to book a cafe / restaurant where there is enough space for a stage, dancing, banquet tables. Sufficient space will make it possible to embody all the ideas for decorating the hall and any corporate party theme for February 23: military enlistment office, barracks, exercises, military operation to combat despondency.

In the office, it is not always possible to move furniture, office equipment interferes, there is little space for active contests... In general, a corporate party at work is not a very good idea if there is no separate room for such events. But decorating the hall in a military style will create a festive atmosphere, even if there is not enough space for hectic fun with dancing and funny scenes.


  • hang a congratulatory banner over the entrance or stage. Print themed posters, cartoons, army-style funny pictures. It is easy to supplement them with short anecdotes, jokes, chants for February 23 - interactive decor attracts attention and remains in the memory of guests;

  • make a "cool" stand for men with congratulations on February 23 in verse (short quatrains with humor). You can print a large thematic poster, where instead of the faces of the characters - photos of colleagues. It is not necessary to masterfully master FS, the main message.

A joke on competitors - a poster where one army drives another. On the helmets / caps of the winners, the logo of your company, on the uniforms of the losers - the logo of a competitor. But this point is best discussed with the management.

  • borrow a camouflage net for a corporate party (summer residents, hunters, fishermen). It can be thrown over furniture, hung on the wall in a photo zone. Folding chairs, backpacks, accessories and khaki-colored clothing will come in handy - for decorating the hall on February 23, these are the most atmospheric decorations;
  • cut triangles out of khaki paper, assemble into garlands. Glue your logo, photos of heroes of the occasion in helmets, caps (photoshop) inside some of them. Hang balloons in themed colors in the form of military equipment. Use toys to decorate the hall - toy soldiers, weapons, binoculars and compasses, tank cars.

Every man, even the most serious, has a boy who hasn't played enough. If the room allows, arrange a race of radio-controlled jeeps at the corporate party - the stronger floor will be delighted!

  • buy napkins, tablecloths, disposable tableware, khaki cocktail tubes... You can make toppers from pictures on toothpicks (company logo against the background of a country flag, a helmet, a red star), replace labels on bottles with thematic pictures.

Make an invitation to a corporate party for all colleagues, not just men. Ideas for the original invitation for February 23: a postcard in a military style (tank, grenade, gallant soldier), a comic summons to the military registration and enlistment office, a dispatch from the general with an order to appear at the gathering place;

In addition to funny scenes and greeting songs, alterations, prepare thematic anecdotes, toasts, jokes. They will not let the guests get bored in between performances and competitions. Distribute short texts in advance to ladies who are not embarrassed by the crowd.

It is not necessary to include ditties, chants, etc. in the corporate party script - these are rather arbitrary blanks that "pop up" during the event. So the atmosphere at the holiday will be more relaxed.

Script, entertainment

We offer a universal scenario of a corporate party for February 23 in the style of the army. Suitable for a relaxed company, gathered in an informal atmosphere. It is advisable to arrange a military registration and enlistment office or a barracks in the office - to hang instructions, posters, stands.

If the corporate event on February 23 is not at work, you need to agree on the decoration of the hall in advance with the staff of the cafe / restaurant (not everywhere allow their decor, keep this in mind when choosing an institution).

The main presenter appears as a sexy commander / military commissar with a folder and / or even a whip, dressed in a military style, speaking in a commanding voice. She greets guests, invites them to sit at the tables.

Introductory part

On the stage there are two girls-fifa "with a needle", very slender typical "blondes". The guests are watching a funny scene as if from the middle of a conversation:

First girl (P): ... and there is still a woman's life flourishing and for some reason you have to stand on the bedside table.

Second girl (B): Some nonsense. I do not believe!

P: true true! And just imagine - no makeup. We'll have to go AWOL for lipstick. And also to wash footcloths with your hands and even clean your boots!

IN (horrified): And all with your hands? But what about the manicure ?!

P: Darling, what a manicure! All day in the hands of either an automatic machine or a shovel - khana manicure. And makeup, by the way. Count it up, you bring beauty all morning, and the commander bam and says: "Well, everyone, put on gas masks!"

IN: No, I will not go to the army, a gas mask does not suit me at all. Although there are so many handsome men ... But I am wearing a gas mask ... Eh!

P: Men? This is yes! This, by the way, is the worst thing (in an eerie whisper) - after all, everyone you meet will have to salute!

The second girl makes big eyes, covers the most precious things with her hands, then grabs her head: And who will need me so dishonest afterwards? Begins to howl loudly: How to cut something? I won’t go!

Two new persons appear on the stage, approach the fifa. Stout, with forms. One is in a nurse's suit, the other is a cook, with a large ladle:

Honey: why did they go broke, sick ones? Who are you giving up to? Only you will scare away all the men!

Pov: They do not want to give honor! Yes, there would be something to give (twists two figs and shows the modest size of the "honor" of skinny fashionistas). Well shast otsedova (swings a ladle at the fif, they run away from the stage).

Mama's children, no way in the world
Do not go to the ar-mi-yu serve
In the army, shovels, parade ground and machine guns
In the army two years without zar-pl-you.
We will bite you, offend and beat you
Don't go, whiners, to serve in the army.
In the army a robber, in the army a vampire
There is a terrible ko-man-deer in the army!

They continue making cute faces, dancing seductively during the loss:

But if you're a man there is no reason for fear
We will be you to-ro-live
Yes, in the army there are shovels, parade ground and machine guns
Commander with a hangover creepy-ko-va-ty
But we will feed you, groom and love you
Come to serve!
The army will show and teach everything,
They will teach to defend their honor and homeland!
We will feed you, groom and love you
Come, men, to serve in the army!

When choosing funny musical scenes, ditties, remake songs for February 23, use the program or its equivalent. The service allows you to process the minus in two clicks, changing the key and tempo, so that your words perfectly fit the familiar music.

Body check

Presenter (hereinafter Q): And how not to run to the military registration and enlistment office after such a speech? However, you have no choice! Listen to my command - the whole squad line up for a medical examination and roll call. Stand in alphabetical order so that my eyes do not run through the list of names. Why are we sitting ?! There will be no deferrals from the army for anyone today!

All men invited to the corporate party line up according to the first letter of the surname. The medical examination on February 23, of course, with humor - no need to undress and grope anyone. V. moves from the first to the last in the ranks and comments.

A person who is well acquainted with everyone should come up with "cool" characteristics for colleagues on February 23rd. Phrases should be funny, but not offensive.

  • so, private Antonov ... Wow, what hands! With such a shovel is not needed - a valuable shot;

  • Oaks, why did you grow patly like a mammoth's armpit? Look at Ivanov - the skull is already glistening, and your head will sweat under the helmet. Shave or what? Okay, we'll figure it out later.

IN: so, the medical examination is over. Now we are building according to height (men are rebuilding). What are you slow, like pregnant turtles! We need to drive you ... Well, they quickly formed according to the size of manhood. Set aside the laughs! Now they will give out the form - compare the bellies, and not what you thought. You rascals!

For our scenario of a corporate party on February 23, prepare garrison caps, caps, tunics, badges or other accessories for men in a military style. V. distributes them after the "platoon" is rebuilt to fit the abdomen.

IN., looking at the "soldier": But nothing happened, quite a decent platoon. But the appearance is zilch, the main thing is physical fitness! To defend your homeland is not to shave off your beard with a gillette - the risk is always present.

Active contests

Further, according to the scenario, contests in the style of the army. How many of them there will be and which ones to choose depends on many factors - physical fitness and the average age of colleagues, the time allotted for the entertainment part, the location of the corporate party.

On February 23, darts or throwing paper lumps into a basket, arm wrestling, competitions for reaction speed, endurance are suitable in the office. For young people in nature, you can arrange sports games (conduct "exercises"). Examples of active contests for a corporate party on February 23 at work, in a restaurant (in limited space):

  • who will hold the young lady in her arms longer, following the leader's commands (jump, sit down, spin around yourself, stand on one leg);
  • who will inflate the balloon faster, jumping booty on a foot pad to the song "Esaul, why did you leave the horse?"... The ball needs to be put on a hose, borrow pumps from friends (they are included with air mattresses, gymnastic balls, etc.);

  • two participants are suspended from the front with dangling bags with two raw eggs inside... Swinging the package, you need to break the opponent's eggs. Contest tip: "Now let's check which of you has the strongest eggs!" Of course, if the mores of the company allow such jokes;
  • use a soft ball to knock down one-on-one cans... The difficulty is that the banks need to be knocked down one at a time, starting from the top. If the whole tower falls, drink the penalty and try again or pass the ball to the next one;

  • wind footcloths (to pick strips of cheap fabric) for a certain time. There are two winners - the fastest and the one who will complete the task as correctly as possible.

Table break

IN: “Service by service, and lunch on schedule. I invite everyone to the table! " So that the corporate party does not turn into a banal drinking bout, prepare short funny scenes, congratulations on February 23 in verse, remake songs, etc. Drinking games and military-style contests will fit perfectly:

  • exam for men on knowledge of slang, abbreviations;

  • take turns telling thematic jokes or making toasts. Who cannot remember / think, drinks a free kick or performs a fant;
  • guess themed songs by the first line / piece of music;
  • if the corporate party on February 23 is held in the company of a large number of women, let the "soldiers" guess by part of the body which of the beautiful half of the team is shown in the photo. It will be cool if a series of eyes, hands and the back of the head is diluted with a couple of shots of mouth-watering cleavage and female pop (or even men - let them rack their brains, listing all the young ladies).

  • guess how much the backpack / duffel bag shown by the leader weighs (name the weight closest to the real one).

Oath, collective congratulations

IN: So, set aside to relax! Platoon, form to take the oath! In order to avoid burdensomeness, so be it, I read it out, and you bawl in chorus "I swear!" after each point of the oath.

  • sacredly observe the company's charter, provide all possible assistance to colleagues and work for the idea, even if the salary was not given (in chorus - I swear!)

  • diligently pretend that I am exactly following all orders of my superiors
  • come up with virtuoso excuses for absenteeism and lateness
  • to the intrigues of the enemy element - a vigilant competitor - to respond with shock work

  • always defend the honor and dignity of the beautiful half of the team, beloved women and the Motherland.

Today we are not just resting -
Congratulations to the reliable defenders
Happy main holiday - hurray! (all women in chorus - from February 23!)
May everything be beautiful in life
Enough money for the south and beer
Heroic health and women stacks (in chorus: from February 23!)
So that the wives appreciate you - they gave affection and warmth,
So that the fish always bite, so that every choice is easy
Was on the path of life. Well, and rhymes for the sake of "for" - from February 23!

The final part of the script - giving gifts in military style... You can order souvenirs through the network with template or your own inscriptions - key rings, medals, fake military tickets, mugs, T-shirts, etc. Rewarding with humor - "cool" nominations:

  • mister savior, smile, stay-at-home, hard worker, charm, punctuality;
  • "Real colonel" to the most senior or boss

  • "Fighter of the invisible front" to someone who does an invisible but important job
  • "Peacemaker" for the ability to resolve conflict situations
  • "Think tank" for the generator of ideas

  • "Operational headquarters" to someone who always appears in the right place at the right time, does not refuse to replace a colleague, helps out if necessary;
  • field Marshal Nalyvaiko, General Ulybayko, Colonel Trudolyubov, Major KreatIvin, etc.

Present the winner with a personalized medal, cup or certificate... If there are a lot of people at the corporate party, include anonymous voting in the script. If the company is tight, come up with and distribute nominations for February 23 in advance, according to the individual qualities of colleagues.

Other thematic hall decorating ideas, scenarios and contests are collected and.

On February 23, a wonderful holiday is celebrated - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Unofficially, many celebrate it as the day of men. Do you want to make the festive celebration unforgettable for the stronger sex?

After such a holiday, it will not be superfluous to capture memories and make a thematic photo book.

On February 23, a wonderful holiday is celebrated - Defender of the Fatherland Day. Unofficially, many celebrate it as the day of men. Do you want to make the festive celebration unforgettable for the stronger sex?

Organize fun themed games and contests for adults. Do not forget to prepare all the necessary attributes and, of course, symbolic prizes for the winners.

After such a holiday, it will not be superfluous to capture memories and make a thematic photo book.

Contests for men on February 23

Competitions for February 23 will help to identify the most accurate, courageous, dexterous, talented, athletic, persistent representative of the strong half of humanity.

Fell, push up!

A strip of wallpaper is spread on the floor and men are offered to do push-ups several times. After that, they are offered to repeat the exercise, but already with a blindfold: grope for a sheet of wallpaper, take a position and ... push out the maximum number of times.

While the men are blindfolded, the presenter's assistants turn the wallpaper over with the reverse side, where naked silhouettes of women are drawn in natural growth. Fans count the number of push-ups, cheering with tips and jokes.

Blind Robin Hood

This competition will require a dart board and some darts. The target is hung on the wall in the middle of the room. The host then challenges the shooters to fight for the title of Robin Hood. For training, players are invited to throw a dart at the target. After that, the participants in the competition are blindfolded - whoever gets the closest with a dart to the top ten becomes the winner and receives an honorary title.

The most daring

The presenter summons the most daring participant to the hall, and the guests are asked for mobile phones and watches, they spread it all on the floor at a distance of a step, and explain to the “daredevil” that he will have to cover this distance blindfolded. If during the competition some item is crushed, the owner will have to compensate its cost. While the leader blindfolds with a handkerchief, several times rotates the participant around his axis, the assistant removes all objects from the floor.

Spill over gurgles

When the liquid is poured out of the bottle, a certain sound is released - a gurgle. The competition is to pour the same amount of liquid into a predetermined number of glasses while blindfolded. The winner is the participant who will cope with the task most accurately.

Cheerful tankers

Participants of the competition are divided into 2 teams and line up in front of a sheet of whatman paper. At the command of the leader, blindfolded players alternately run up to a sheet of Whatman paper and draw one detail of the tank on it. The team with the most similar tank wins.

Army cuisine

The host lays out raw unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites daredevils to participate in the competition. Everyone assumes that you have to peel the potatoes. But, when the participants have already been selected, they are invited to name the potato dishes one by one. The winner is the one whose named dish is the last one.

Best sniper

Before the competition, the host places a glass in a three-liter jar, and then fills the container completely with water. Everyone who wants to show off their talent as a sniper is invited to participate. The goal is to hit with a coin from a certain distance not just a can, but a glass. And this is not easy to do, because the water changes the trajectory of the fall of the coin. The winner receives all the coins in the bank as a reward.

When preparing for the men's holiday, do not forget about symbolic gifts for the winners of the competition. On February 23, it is not at all necessary to give something serious; original and creative gifts for men, which can be bought in many online stores, are quite suitable.

Prepared by Mariana Chornovil

The Defender of the Fatherland Day will come very soon, so the female half is puzzled by the question of how to congratulate their male colleagues on February 23.

You can pleasantly surprise the men and arrange an original congratulation for the holiday on February 23 with the help of a quest. We offer ready-made sets of tasks for this game: you just need to print tasks and hide them in the office - and the adventure with the search for the hidden treasure is ready!

If your team has free, informal relationships, and sometimes mini-corporate parties are organized by the employees themselves, you can arrange fun entertainment. We offer a choice of interesting games and contests, which can also be useful for a home party dedicated to this holiday:

Creative approach to congratulating employees

If the relationship in the team allows it, congratulations from men can be comic, especially if among you there are masters of Photoshop and craftsmen to compose a couple of rhymed lines (the costs are minimal, the main thing is the availability of creativity and time to complete such a project!)

First option. Make funny collage portraits of each employee, supplement them with funny epigrams or rhymes, wishes, print on a color printer and give them! Or you put all these photos into a single poster and hang it in a prominent place so that it attracts the attention of others - a great mood for the whole day will be guaranteed. The main thing is not to get too carried away in bantering colleagues, remember - March 8 is coming soon!

Second option. You can assign each man a title for the peculiarities of his character or for some distinctive features, or come up with various comic nominations and reward everyone.

Variants of "titles" and nominations:

  • "Mister Charm"
  • "Mister Intellect"
  • "Mister Wits"
  • "Mister Scrabble"
  • "Mister Kindness"
  • "Mister Generosity"
  • "Mister Modesty"
  • "Mister Romantic"
  • "Mister Handsome"
  • "Mr. X"
  • "Mr. Bean"
  • "Thief of hearts"
  • "Best Biceps"
  • "Cool guys can do everything!"
  • "Soul of the company", etc.

Games and contests

Who is the sultan?

For a large and noisy company. Men participate in the competition. Ladies gather in one place. Men, at the signal of the leader, should drag (carry on their hands) as many women as possible to their "harem" (beyond the finish line). The winner is the man who has gathered more women in his harem and is given the title of "sultan" for the evening. As a prize, you can allow him to play a little prank during the party, using the privilege of his "title".

We offer a variant of the competition: women need to be charmed and lured into their harem by any means other than using physical strength (unlike the first option, they cannot be dragged and carried on their hands). This task is more difficult, as it requires a creative approach. What can men do? They can: seduce women with erotic dances; to sing songs; read poetry; to plead theatrically; give funny, funny promises ... In general, let them try as best they can! Only women should be asked to honestly evaluate the efforts of the participants, and not to choose a “harem” based solely on personal sympathy for the “sultan”.

I am an intelligent, handsome, moderately well-fed man in full bloom

For the competition, you need a bag of lollipops (you can use mini-candies). Two or three male players are invited. According to the terms of the competition, each participant takes turns taking a piece of candy from the bag and puts it in his mouth (it is strictly forbidden to swallow candy!) ... The winner is the one who can articulate the phrase with the most candy in his mouth. Simple and fun!

A compliment is a delicate matter

Several participants (men) are called, each is given a pen and a sheet of paper. The goal of the competition is to collect as many women's autographs as possible (kisses as an option) within a certain period of time. For this, participants must compliment the ladies present. But not everything is so simple! Compliments should be genuine and interesting, not empty and banal. A lady has the right to put an autograph or a dash in response to a compliment, depending on the "quality" of the compliment (sincerity-pretense, creativity-banality ...). You can complicate the game by forbidding the contestants to compliment the ladies about their appearance. The most gallant gentleman who will collect the most autographs (kisses) wins.

Here are two more contests on the same topic:

The most eloquent

The competition is attended by men who claim to be the most gallant and eloquent. Their task is to take turns to compliment the ladies on the letter given by the leading, for example, on the letter "l". You cannot repeat yourself. The loser is the one who has no more words left.


A variation of the previous competition.

Male-female pairs are selected for the competition. The participant kneels in front of his lady and takes her hand. Looking into the eyes of their "beloved", the gentlemen take turns saying compliments. Compliments should not be repeated. The one who last "praised" his lady gets the title of "The most gallant gentleman".

Connoisseurs of women's fashion

Two men are invited to participate in the competition. Each of them receives by order (you can use an ordinary Chinese stick as a guide). Two identical posters with women's dresses depicted on them are brought out. Dresses should have all kinds of details - yokes, tucks, ruffles, flounces, cuffs, slots, cuts, etc. The presenter names the detail, and the men should find it on the poster and show it with a pointer. It is necessary to arrange the posters so that the rivals cannot peep at each other. The winner is the one who correctly showed the most details.


This is a joke competition. The presenter puts unpeeled potatoes, knives on the table and invites the most courageous men to participate in the competition. Everyone thinks they have to peel potatoes. But when those who wish come out, they are invited to take turns calling the potato dishes. The winner is the one who names the most dishes.

Live gifts

In advance, you need to prepare cards (the more, the better) with the names of gifts that women usually give to men on February 23rd. The name of the gift must be one word only. I offer you a choice of: cigarette case, ashtray, lotion, perfume, tie, socks, laptop, phone, whiskey, slippers, bathrobe, coffee, spinning, purse, card holder, fountain pen, razor, mug, backpack, flashlight, thermos, flask, etc. .d.

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number of them. Everyone is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The task of the players: as quickly and better as possible to depict without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the words they got. The audience's task is to guess the names of the gifts. To make the game more active and more fun, you can set a prize for the most ingenious spectator.

Military attributes

A variation of the previous competition.

In advance, you need to prepare cards (the more, the better) with the names of weapons and military equipment (for example: flamethrower, mortar, all-terrain vehicle, airplane, helicopter, gun, tank, parachute, etc.).

Only men participate. 2-3 volunteers are invited (more is possible). They sort all the cards without looking so that each player has the same number of them. Everyone is given a certain time to complete the task, for example, 5-10 minutes (this depends on the number of cards). The task of the players: as quickly and better as possible to depict without words, only with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the words they got. The audience's task is to guess what kind of weapon or technique it is. To make the game more active and more fun, you can set a prize for the most ingenious spectator.

The smartest and most artistic participant wins. It is also advisable to prepare incentive prizes for the rest of the participants.

Aircraft designer

Many men in childhood dreamed of becoming pilots. Everyone is given the opportunity to try themselves as aircraft designers. Each is given a sheet of A4 paper and markers (felt-tip pens). The task is to make an airplane, decorate it and give it a name (preferably interesting, unusual). Then the participants showcase their "creations". Evaluated: design, quality of performance, originality of the name, altitude and range, pirouettes

Harsh clothespins

Number of players: any. Props: clothespins (not very hard). This is a competition for the most courageous, and it must be supported by a good prize. The most courageous are called. Their task is to fasten as many clothespins as possible on their face in a minute.

Take care of your eggs!

Competition for a noisy and cheerful company. Props: raw eggs, plastic bags. Only men take part - from 2 or more people. Each is given a plastic bag containing two raw eggs. Egg bags should be fastened in front of the belt so that they hang between the legs. Players pair up, then stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. The task of the participants is to break the eggs of your opponent as quickly as possible. Anyone who breaks eggs is eliminated. The remaining one fights with the next partner, and so on until the winner is determined. And the winner is the one with at least one egg remaining intact. You can only fight with bags of eggs, you are not allowed to help yourself with your hands or try to break someone else's eggs with your feet! Fun guaranteed!

I have the honor!

The task of the players: you need to salute with your right hand, at the same time pull your left hand forward, clenching your fist and sticking out your thumb and say "I have the honor!" Then clap your hands and do the same, changing hands. It's very funny how to do this and look at each other - the hands do not want to obey and all the time get confused.

Goodbye dear!

Acting Competition.

In any film, the most touching scenes are the farewell scenes. It is at the moment of parting that people are especially sincere and gentle. They sometimes confess what they have been silent about for many years. The authors of the plays save the most emotional and reverent words especially for the farewell scenes. Try to portray a scene in which you say goodbye ...

  • with a lady of the heart - a knight going on a crusade;
  • with the bride - the groom going to the bachelor party;
  • with a harem - the sultan, who goes to war;
  • with his wife - a husband who goes on vacation to Turkey alone (or with friends).

The winner is the one who delivered the most touching farewell speech.

All the power in the fist

Strong and dexterous men are invited - no more than 5 people. They are given pre-prepared newspapers. The task of the players: with one left hand (not helping with the right!), Holding the newspaper by the corner, gather it into a fist at the command of the leader. The fastest and most agile wins.

Similar competition:

Tear with one hand

The task of the contestants is to tear a newspaper page into small pieces with one hand (right or left, it does not matter). In this case, the hand should be extended forward, you cannot help with your free hand. The winner is the one who completes the task faster and better.


A fun and active game. Those present are divided into teams. A line (line) is drawn, beyond which the attacker is forbidden to step. A waste basket (or something else, for example, a basin) is placed a few meters from the line. The attacking team throws lumps of paper trying to hit the basket with them, and the team defending the "object" can hit the shells. Then the teams are swapped. The winner is the team whose shells hit the target more.

Beer lovers

Two or more young people are called. Everyone is given an open bottle of beer and a glass. The glass is placed on the floor in front of the participant. The task of the competitors: you need to squeeze a bottle between your legs and fill a glass with beer, and then quickly drink it. Whoever drinks his bottle of beer the fastest in this way is the winner.

Another competition for beer lovers:

Beer bread

Men are divided into two teams equal in number of players. Each team is given a pot of beer and cocktail straws (per player count). At the signal of the leader, the team simultaneously begins to drink beer from the pan with the help of straws. The team that does it faster wins.

Draw "Who is stronger"

Two are invited. They are seated on chairs with their backs to each other at a distance of three to four steps. The leader ties each of them to the ankle of their right leg with a 2-meter long rope, passes it under the chair, blindfolds each of them and suggests trying to pull the opponent's leg off the floor by pulling the rope. The presenter changes the ends of the ropes at the last moment, and it turns out that each player tries to tear his own foot off the floor.

The most accurate

The facilitator places a chair in the middle of the room and puts a wide hat (or something else, for example, a round box) on it. The presenter invites men to compete in accuracy. Each participant in turn tries to throw various objects into the hat: a dice, a walnut, a matchbox, a coin, an orange, etc. For each hit (regardless of the subject), the player is awarded a point. The winner is the one with the most hits.

General's shoulder straps

This team game will be very appropriate at the evening dedicated to the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. The participants are divided into two teams. The leader puts two matchboxes on the shoulders of the first players of each team, saying that these are general's shoulder straps. The task of the "generals" is to run the distance, trying not to drop the "shoulder straps". The game takes place in the form of a relay race: a participant runs a specified path and then passes the match boxes to the next player. The first team to run the distance wins.

Men are invited to experience how women feel in an "interesting position." The host attaches large balloons to the men with tape at the level of the abdomen. A box of matches (or any other small items, for example, mini-candies) are scattered on the floor in front of each player. The task of the players: during the time allotted by the host to collect as many matches (mini-candies) from the floor as possible, not forgetting about their "interesting position". The one who bursts the ball is eliminated from the game.

Best angler

Fishing enthusiasts are invited to participate in the competition. They attach a "fishing rod" to their belt - a thread with a pencil tied to it. Fishing will be winter, so you will have to fish in the hole, and the hole is the neck of an empty glass bottle. Whoever hits the hole first is the winner.


Two volunteers are called and blindfolded. Several salad bowls with different contents are placed in front of them. It can be: salt, granulated sugar, flour, millet, buckwheat, rice, beans, etc. The task of the participants is to determine, blindfolded, what is in the salad bowl. The winner is the one who completed the task faster and more correctly.