Is it possible to eat waxwing. Singing waxwings, her enemies in the wild, domestication. Waxwing: A bright bird that can sing

For true lovers of nature, it will not be a secret that at home it is perfectly possible to contain various wild birds our native avifauna, and in some cases it is even possible to achieve their reproduction. In addition, breeding work is underway on some species (for example, goldfinches), a certain number of colors have been bred. Let's take a closer look at these beautiful representatives of the feathered world.

What kind of wild birds can please us at home?

Bullfinch at home

Common bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) we associate it with severe frosts and winter cold, but for more than one century these birds have been successfully kept at home and even hatch chicks.

This bird belongs to finches, as evidenced by its thickened beak, and is related to sparrows, goldfinches and even canaries. Usually in winter these birds are very noticeable, since males have a bright red abdomen, females are not so expressively colored. But in the summer, when the forests are covered with greenery, bullfinches are almost impossible to see, in addition, some of them are nomadic birds, the rest are sedentary. Both males and females sing. The voice is quite loud, but the birds usually sing for a short time.

Bullfinches live in captivity for about 10 - 12 years.

An inexperienced person should not catch birds on their own: it is illegal, and, most likely, will lead to the death of the bird. Bullfinches are best purchased from breeders or licensed birders only after the bird has adapted. The bird should not be afraid of humans and should be accustomed to feed. It is imperative to know the composition of these feeds in order to prepare and mix them yourself.

The diet of a bullfinch should be very rich, since in nature they do not limit themselves to only a few types of grain. The health status of the bullfinch, its plumage and life expectancy will directly depend on this.

In the home diet of a bullfinch, there should be not only a rich grain mixture (about 3 tablespoons per bird), but also different kinds berries (rowan, viburnum, cherry, currant, juniper, barberry, etc.), which can be harvested by freezing. In addition, offer the birds greens, cones, twigs with buds, vegetables and fruits, sprouted grains.

Sometimes you can pamper bullfinches with insects and their larvae. It is better to use home breeding of mealworms, so there is less chance of infecting the bird with helminths.

During the molting period, be sure to enrich the diet with animal proteins, you can add special food for red canaries, this will help keep the color bright.

The cage for bullfinches should be spacious (80x50x40 cm), choose a safe material, but keep in mind that liquid droppings pretty quickly renders some types of plastic unusable. The perches should be of suitable thickness (several different diameters) and with bark, located at different levels in the cage. Do not forget about a bath, a drinker, a container for a mineral mixture, sepia, chalk. Feeders for wet and dry feed should be separate.

During the adaptation period of the bullfinch, it is better to place the cage higher so that the birds are not so nervous at the sight of a person. The cage should not be in a draft or in direct sunlight, but in a bright place. When keeping a bullfinch, keep an eye on the length of daylight hours: it should not differ from the natural one.

After adaptation, the bullfinches can be let out for walks, but the room should be secured. Walks are arranged only under supervision. Make special perches and stands for birds where bullfinches can spend time and stretch their wings.

Waxwing at home

Common waxworm (Bomrucilla garrulus)as well as the bullfinch we associate with winter, because it is then that we observe these birds flying from tree to tree and eating mountain ash. Waxwing is also quite possible to keep at home.

These are rather large birds with a body length of up to 23 cm, the main body color is pink-gray, on the wings and tail there are black, white and yellow feathers. There is a noticeable crest on the waxwing's head. The song of males waxwings is quite loud and shrill. In the summer diet there are a lot of insects, berries, seeds. In winter, birds feed mainly on berries.

When keeping waxwings at home, you need a lot of space, it is better to use an aviary, since the birds are quite large and require a lot of space for flying. This is very important for their health, as waxwings are very prone to overeating and obesity. For keeping, it is better to pick up a couple of birds or put a waxwing in a flock: they are quite peaceful and do not arrange fights. However, waxwings live in captivity for only a few years, in nature they often live longer.

The waxwing diet should be balanced and varied, since life expectancy and quality of plumage depend on it.

Waxwings have a very fast metabolism, they eat a lot and defecate a lot, this should be taken into account when choosing materials for the aviary. Access to litter changes should be convenient and easy. There should also be washable materials around the enclosure, as waxwings are pretty messy when they eat.

In the diet of waxwings at home, there should be a variety of berries (various types of mountain ash, hawthorn, sea buckthorn, barberry, juniper, cherry, sweet cherry, blueberry, cranberry and others), juicy fruits, vegetables, herbs, sometimes insects and animal feed. Birds practically do not eat grain feed.

The waxwings' cage should have access to fresh water, mineral fertilizing. Perches for waxwings should be of the appropriate diameter and located at different heights, this will help the birds to move more actively.

Yurok, or reel at home

Yurok or reel ( Fringilla montifringilla) also belongs to finches and is a representative of the avifauna of Belarus. Yurki are red in color with black blotches on the head, back and wings. The song of the finch is a low creaky chirping. Usually they are kept for their beautiful plumage.

At home, finches can be kept in spacious cages or aviaries. Be careful with other birds, as packs can be aggressive towards them.

In the cage of the finch there should be suitable perches with bark, a bath, a drinker, feeders, a mineral mixture, chalk, sepia.

The finch's diet should include cereals, herbs, berries, fruits and vegetables. During the moulting and breeding season, offer insects, germinated grains to birds. Place young twigs with buds, cones, etc. in the cage.

Finch at home

Finch (Fringílla coélebs) stands out among wild songbirds not only for its beautiful plumage, but also for its beautiful song. The males of the finch are brightly colored - on the head there is a blue-gray cap, the back and breast are reddish, the wings are black with white spots. The females of the finch are duller in color. The diet of wild birds includes not only grain plants, berries, but also insects and their larvae.

Finches in captivity can live for about 10 - 12 years.

The bird needs to be purchased adapted to humans. The fact is that finches get used to the conditions of captivity rather hard, they often beat against the bars of the cage, knocking down their plumage. Adult birds are especially hard to get used to human society.

The finch will be more comfortable in the aviary, but it is also possible to create suitable conditions in a spacious cage. They can be kept with care with other species of birds, as male finches can be quite pugnacious.

The males of the finch can delight you with their song practically all year round, excluding moulting periods.

In the finch enclosure, perches of a suitable diameter at different heights should be installed, in addition, branches with foliage and berries can be placed. In addition, the cage should have a bathing trough, a drinking bowl, feeders, mineral fertilizers, chalk, and sepia.

The diet of finches at home should be quite varied; a mixture of cultivated plants and wild, weeds is best suited. Offer juicy fruits, vegetables, and a variety of berries. During molting and breeding, for example, the ration of a chaffinch must be enriched with insects, larvae, and sprouted cereals.

The cage or aviary should be located in a well-lit place, not in a draft.

Be sure to thoroughly wash your finch's feeders and drinkers, as these can often be contaminated with droppings.

Tap dance at home

Common tap dance( Carduelis flammea) small songbird with a body length of about 12 - 15 cm.

Male and female tap dancers are colored in brown-white tones, there are red caps, males have a pinkish chest and abdomen.

Tap dancers are quite unpretentious, but they are not very often kept at home, since they do not sing very "brightly". They are great for flocking with other songbirds. If there is no flock, then the best solution will acquire a couple of birds. They must be adapted to the person. It is pleasant to watch such birds, they cheerfully jump on perches.

Prepare a spacious cage or aviary for the tap dancers, where many perches of a suitable diameter should be placed; small trees or bushes can be placed in the aviary. A bathing suit is a must, birds love to swim.

In captivity, tap dancers live for only a few years, in nature up to 8 years.

Tap dancers feed on mixed food. The tap dance ration should be based on grain feed - seeds of weeds, cereals, trees and shrubs, berries, fruits, vegetables, green feed. Also, insects and their larvae should be included in the diet; in nature, they willingly eat aphids. Do not overfeed the tap dancers, these birds tend to be overweight. The cage should contain mineral feeding, chalk and sepia.

Greenfinch at home

Greenfinch ordinary( Carduelis chloris) belongs to finches, it has a rather powerful beak. The body color of greenfinch is mainly olive-brown, on the wing there is a yellow stripe, in females of greenfinch the color is lighter. Greenfinches feed on plant and animal feed. In the summer, these are insects and larvae, in the winter - berries and seeds.

The song of greenfinches is rather inconspicuous, because bird lovers rarely keep them, however, they quite easily get used to captivity and can please their man for many years. They behave calmly with other birds.

After adaptation, these birds can be settled in a spacious cage or aviary. The diet should contain a variety of seeds - commercial food for forest birds or canaries is suitable, it can be enriched with weed seeds. Be sure to offer a variety of green foods, vegetables and fruits. Offer insect larvae to birds during molting.

In a greenhouse cage, place a bathing suit, feeders, many perches, mineral mixture, chalk and sepia.

Homemade oatmeal

Yellowhammer (Emberiza citrinella) has a bright yellow-brown color, females are dimmer. The oatmeal song is rather uncomplicated, monotonous. The basis of the oatmeal diet is vegetable feed (cereals, weeds, berries, etc.). During the breeding season, insects are consumed, and the chicks are fed with mixed food.

Place suitable perches with bark, bathing suit, feeders in the porridge cage or aviary. Be sure to place the mineral mixture and stones in the cage. Often offer the birds greens, buds, sprouted grains, insect larvae.

The oatmeal cage should be spacious and in a bright place.

Waxwing are frequent visitors to cities and villages in winter, but they are secretive, so much of their behavior is not fully understood, including seasonal movements.

It is more correct to call them conditionally nomadic., because if they fly to other areas for the winter, then over short distances. The desire to fly southward for the winter may not arise for these birds if the winter is mild and there is a lot of food in the usual area.

The habitat is North America, northern Europe and Asia, coniferous and mixed forests. In autumn, waxwings move in flocks to the south, they can be found at this time and in winter in central Russia, in France, Poland, Italy.

Some flocks reach the Crimea and Turkey. Waxworms living in America live in the south-west of the mainland in summer, and fly to Mexico in winter.

Description of appearance

The waxwing is a small bird, with a body about 20 cm long, weight 60 g. The color of the feather is gray with a pink tint, on the head this shade is brighter. On the back of the head there is a sharp crest, wings at the ends with black and white blotches, under the beak of a coal black spot... Females and males of the Eurasian waxwings are the same in color.

Silky (American) waxwing male, black, with a blue tint, but the female is grayish, nondescript. They have a long, pointed tail and red eyes. Bird watchers are inclined to believe that black waxwings should be considered a separate species.

Nesting and breeding

Waxwings cannot be called strictly monogamous. Breaking into pairs in the spring, they choose last year's partner, but not always.

The nest is built on a coniferous tree not very high from the ground. Dry grass, twigs, needles - a nest is built from this, the bottom is lined with scraps of wool and moss.

The female lays up to 5 small bluish eggs, during incubation does not leave the nest, the male carries food to her. After a couple of weeks, when the chicks hatch, both parents fly to get food for themselves and their babies. After another 15 days, the chicks become independent.

Features of the nutrition of waxwings

They feed on both small insects and berries and fruits. The dietary preferences of waxwings vary according to age and season. Chicks are fed with insects, catching them right on the fly.

Food is butterflies, dragonflies, mosquitoes, midges. From plant foods in summer, adult waxwings can find mulberries and mistletoe. Closer to autumn, waxwings are happy to peck at apples, wild or those that are not harvested in the gardens.

With the onset of cold, when waxwings are already flying over to winter, they switch to berries: they eat viburnum, mountain ash, lingonberries and cranberries, juniper. If a berry plucked by a bird falls to the ground, then the waxwing will never fly down after it.

The soil under a tree or shrub, strewn with berries, is a sign that waxwings were feasting there.

It is considered a bad omen if the waxwing hysterically hits a window or door, sometimes dies. The explanation for this is simple: they also peck at fermented berries, which makes them lose their orientation.

These indiscriminate birds Are excellent seed distributors. They peck the berries greedily and a lot, without damaging the seeds, their stomach does not completely digest so much food. Flying to new places in search of food, waxwings carry seeds over long distances.

Singing waxwings, her enemies in the wild, domestication

The sounds that the waxwing makes are very different: melodic tinkling like a bell, whistling and chirping, screaming in high tones.

The origin of the name of the bird is from the old Russian "whistle" (to whistle loudly). Another version - from the word "flute", they often sing like this instrument.

Their main enemies are birds of prey: owls, hawks, crows. Squirrels and martens annoy waxwings, they destroy nests and eat eggs and chicks.


Family: Waxwing

Subfamily: Real waxwings

Detachment: Passerine

Class: Birds

A type: Chordates

Domain: Eukaryotes

Dimensions:length - 18-23 cm; weight - 60-67 gr.

Life Expectancy: 13 years old

The waxwing is the closest relative of the common sparrow. But unlike the latter, this feathered one has a beautiful, bright outfit and a small crest on its head.

The bird waxwing got its name for the sounds it emitted "swiri-ri-ri", similar to the musical instrument, the flute.

The subfamily of true waxwings includes the common, Amur (Japanese) and cedar (American) waxwings. The head of all these three species is decorated with a crest.

They differ in color and habitat. More detailed description each type is presented below.

In addition to real waxwings, two more subfamilies are distinguished: silk and shrikes. Outwardly, they differ little from each other, with the exception of a representative of the silk subfamily - the black waxwing.

This is the only species among relatives that differs in color by sex: the plumage of males has a monochromatic black shade, females are gray.

How the female and male of the black waxwing look is shown in the photo below.

Male on the left, female on the right


In the summer, the common waxwing inhabits the taiga zone of Russia, as well as the forest-tundra. It lives in both coniferous and mixed forests.

In the mountainous area of \u200b\u200bAltai, nomadic birds fly to winter.

In early June, they return from wintering to their nesting sites. During the wandering period, waxwings fly to the Crimea, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Twice a year, in spring and autumn, "crested" birds can be found in central Russia, namely in the Moscow region and among.

They are not afraid to fly into the parks of large cities. As well as, these are very gullible birds, which contributed to their partial extermination.

The waxwing bird, inhabiting the remote and sparsely populated northern part of the country, leads a secretive lifestyle.

It looks like an ordinary waxwing

The Amur or Japanese bird inhabits the Russian Far East. Also, the species is found in the Khabarovsk Territory, Eastern Yakutia, on Sakhalin.

For the winter, some representatives go to Japan, Taiwan, Korea.

Amur waxwing is not much different from ordinary

The cedar or American waxwing lives in the forested area of \u200b\u200bCanada, as well as Central and North America.

In the photo cedar waxwing


The waxwing bird is very mobile and is in search of food most of the time.

This bird is almost impossible to meet alone, as it prefers to be in a flock of 5 or more individuals all the time.

There are even flocks of up to 400 birds. But such cases are very rare.

The disintegration of the flock begins during the wintering period, and the later the birds begin to migrate, the smaller its number. The number of migrations depends on the size of the flock: the larger it is, the more often the place changes.

As for the anatomical structure, all representatives of these waxwings have a dense physique with soft and dense plumage.

Once a year (October-November) the bird completely sheds. The species has a short tail and long wings. At the end of a short and straight beak, there are small denticles at the end.

The legs of these birds are very strong, with curved claws. This allows them, along with and, to securely hold on to the branch.

But such a leg structure is inconvenient for walking on the ground. The bird comes down to the ground only when it is thirsty.

Females are slightly heavier than males: average weight 58 and 54 grams. respectively. But in the literature there is a description that there are individuals of 72 gr.

Pair of waxwings


Real waxwings differ little from each other and have a slight difference in color.

Description of the usual waxwing

The feathered one has a small body length, not exceeding 23 centimeters. It is endowed with a gray color with a pink tint.

The black wings are adorned with red, white and yellow feathers. Black color also predominates around the eyes and on the bird's neck. The tip of the tail has black and yellow stripes.

In some individuals, the red plate may be absent. Young birds acquire a characteristic color only after the first autumn molt.

It looks like an ordinary waxwing

Description of the Amur waxwing

The description of this species is not much, but still differs from the previous one. The Amur individual is slightly smaller than an ordinary waxwing: the body length most often does not exceed 16 centimeters.

There are slight differences in color: on the tail, instead of a yellow stripe, there is a red one, and the tips of the wings are gray.

The Amur species is listed in the Red Book of the Sakhalin Region and Primorsky Krai. Also, an agreement was signed between Russia, Japan and Korea on the protection of the Amur waxwing during the migration period.

Description of cedar waxwing

American representatives of birds have a calf size of 15-18 centimeters. Distinctive feature species is a yellow belly.

The tip of the tail also has a yellow stripe. The wings are gray with red feathers.

Most of the time, birds spend in trees and descend to the ground only if they have dropped a plucked berry

Key Features

  • The waxwing bird loves to eat and is constantly in the process of absorbing food.
  • The birds spend most of the time in the trees and descend to the ground only if they have dropped a plucked berry or want to drink.
  • The species does not belong to migratory, but nomadic birds.
  • In the winter season, when the berry becomes the main food, waxwings can experience intoxication due to the fruits that begin to ferment in their intestines.

You can read more about what eating fermented berries can lead to in the news

Having met a flock of waxwings, you can always find them at their favorite pastime - eating food.


In the summer, the waxwing bird eats:

  • larvae;
  • midges;
  • mosquitoes;
  • butterflies;
  • dragonflies.

Starting in autumn and in the winter season, the main food for birds becomes:

  • rowan;
  • viburnum;
  • juniper;
  • lingonberry;
  • rosehip;
  • mistletoe;
  • barberry.

Having met a flock of waxwings, they can always be found at their favorite pastime - eating food. They eat very quickly, swallowing the berries whole, without chewing.

The stomach does not have time to digest food in large quantities, so their droppings consist of half-digested berries.

Waxwing at a meal

A few weeks later, the waxwing bird leaves its "home" and goes to other lands in search of food.

In the spring, these birds can also feed on swollen tree buds, mainly poplar, willow and aspen, last year's lingonberries, cranberries.


People often witness such a phenomenon as "drunk waxwings".

This usually happens in the spring and autumn periods, when the birds eat all the berries indiscriminately, among which the fermented fruits fall.

The fermentation process can also begin because of the large number of eaten berries that ferment in the intestines of the waxwings. The most voracious individuals in the spring and autumn are almost constantly intoxicated.

In this case, the waxwing bird cannot control its behavior. The individual loses orientation in space and is unable to fly in a straight line.

Interesting!Up until the 20th century, a waxwing knocking on a window was a source of bad omen. And only then ornithologists explained this behavior of birds by the state of intoxication, in which they are not able to navigate in the environment.

It is not uncommon to see drunken birds crashing into obstacles in their path. Because of this, birds can get injured or even die.

Photos of drunk waxwings


During the nesting period, which begins in May and lasts until July, birds are divided into pairs. But some individuals try to keep in pairs even during life in a flock.

It was noted that even in November-December, when the weather was sunny, the males began courtship.

The female builds a nest of grass and needles, which she covers inside with moss and feathers. The construction is carried out at different heights from 4 to 15 meters from the ground.

The average diameter of the nest is 20 cm, the height is 10 cm. The clutch consists of 4-6, less often 7 bluish or gray eggs with a black speck measuring 2x1.5 cm.

Incubation lasts two weeks. The male at this time provides his companion with the necessary food from insects, young shoots and berries.

After the offspring appear, until the chicks become independent, the father provides them with food.

Interesting!During courtship, the male treats the female with a berry or larva. If the treat is accepted, it means that the female gives her consent to the partnership.

What does the courtship of a male look like during the mating season?

After birth, chicks gain independence after 2-2.5 weeks. Puberty in young birds begins at the age of one year.

The waxwing bird is monogamous and every year looks for a new partner or mate. The female breeds offspring once a year.

In the nesting season, feathered individuals lead a secretive lifestyle and are rarely in sight.

Waxwing, as well as, can be kept and bred in captivity. This requires a spacious aviary in which the flock will live. Living in groups, and not alone, in artificial conditions, these birds lead a more active lifestyle and more often emit trills.

In unnatural habitats, the life span of waxwings is significantly reduced. It is very important to diversify the diet of unwitting individuals as widely as possible.

Otherwise, the waxwing bird loses its bright, beautiful color: it becomes pale, nondescript.

Feathers must be provided with carotene-containing foods. In captivity, they are almost omnivorous and gladly devour any berry.

In addition, it is very important to include in their diet carrots, oatmeal, millet, raisins, cottage cheese, boiled meat and insects. In summer, domestic birds should be given greens and willow catkins.

During the period of feeding the chicks, insects and ant eggs must be included in the diet.

Since waxwings eat a lot, they emit no less droppings. To create hygienic conditions, it is advisable to sprinkle the floor of the aviary with sawdust.

Significance in nature and culture

The waxwing bird is a source of food for wild animals and birds, therefore it plays an important role in the food chain. Her enemies are:

  • hawks;
  • magpies;
  • crows;
  • owls.

The birds destroy harmful insects, preventing their rapid reproduction. In addition, they are natural seed distributors and promote plant dispersal.

To date, the species of the Amur waxwing is included in the Red Book. This was partially influenced by the capture of individuals arriving in China for the winter.

There, Amur birds are used as food or as a decorative bird.

The waxwing bird is reflected in folk art: children's whistles, which were also used by shepherds before, were made in the form of these birds.

Description of waxwings is also found in fiction in the works of Alexander Barkov, Galina Baykova and Anatoly Gorbunov.

Waxwing: A bright bird that can sing

The waxwing is the closest relative of the common sparrow (photo). It has a characteristic crest and a pleasant multi-colored coloration.

With the onset of cold weather in russian cities unusually interesting songbirds appear. They have gray-pink plumage and a crest on their heads. These are waxwings. The singing of these birds is a trill of repetitive sounds. The bird got its name precisely because of the singing, which is somewhat similar to the sounds of a flute.

Waxwing: description and photo

Common waxwing - a small bird about 20 cm in size. It stands out for its unusual color: gray-pink plumage, black-and-white wings, a black spot on the chin, a red spot under the tail, black arrows on the eyes, yellow edging of the tail. Distinctive feature waxwing is a gray-pink crest on its head.

The small waxwing family includes only 8 species and three subfamilies. Despite the widespread prevalence of birds, it is not fully understood. In their total mass, males and females differ little from each other, with the exception of the black waxwing. The males are solid black with a long tail and red eyes (see picture below), the females are gray.

Waxwing are fearless birds, without caution, allow a person to come near them. In winter, you can often see a bird on a rowan branch; it is impossible to pass by this spectacle. The waxwings attract passers-by not only with their bright appearancebut also with loud chirping.

Where it dwells and hibernates

Habitat - coniferous and mixed forests of North America and Eurasia. In Russia, the summer habitat of birds is the taiga zone in Siberia. They can be found in the forest-tundra. Favorite places of waxwings: felling, conifers, mixed forests. Most often, birds choose places where spruces, pines and birches mainly grow.

Many do not know whether the bird is migratory or not. Unambiguously migratory birds cannot be named. Rather, they nomadic... With the onset of winter, birds move to the more southern regions of the continent in search of berries and fruits. In nomadic times, birds can reach the Crimea, the seaside coast, the territory of the Caucasus. More often, however, waxwings prefer the middle lane. Therefore, at the beginning of winter, they can often be seen in Moscow and the Moscow region.

In natural habitat some predators hunt birds, such as the:

  • marten;
  • squirrel;
  • hawk;
  • owl.

The prey of these predators can be not only laid eggs, but also adult birds.

What eats

In their native habitat, waxwings feed on:

  • tree buds;
  • insects (dragonflies, butterflies, mosquitoes);
  • fruits and berries of plants.

Birds catch insects right on the fly. The birds can feed not only on the insects themselves, but also on their larvae.

With the onset of winter, birds, moving to more southern regions, begin to feed on one plant food. The berries of viburnum, hawthorn, mountain ash, bird cherry, mulberry, barberry make up the entire diet of birds. Most waxwings love the white mistletoe berries, which is why the locals called them "mistletoe".

The birds dexterously peck the berries, peeling them from the skin with their beak. Sometimes they have to hang upside down on a branch. If under berry bushes or trees peeled peel of fruit is brightly replete, it means that waxwings have been here. Birds peck some berries so quickly that they swallow them whole, and their bodies simply cannot cope with the digestion of such food. The seeds leave the body undigested, due to which waxwings are excellent carriers of fruit plants.

Eating waxwings very different from the food intake of other birds. For example, blackbirds drop berries on the ground and then go down in search of them. Waxwing, on the other hand, peck food directly from the branch and almost never descend to the ground.

Gluttony of these birds often leads to sad consequences for themselves. Fermented berries can kill birds. Having overeat such food, intoxicated waxwings cease to distinguish surrounding objects, cannot fly, fall, crash into barriers and die. Sometimes the bird breaks on the window pane, which is considered a bad omen.

How does it multiply

Waxworms start nesting in May or June in their habitat. The formed couple everywhere follows each other, and their mating season begins even before departure. At such times, waxwings become very careful and secretive.

The best nesting place for birds: tall spruce near the lake in woodland. Waxworms prefer to build a nest at a height of 10-15 meters in the dense crown of trees so that they cannot be seen by prying eyes.

Suitable for building a nest everything that is nearby:

  • small twigs;
  • moss and lichen;
  • stalks of herbs;
  • feathers and down;
  • needles.

The result is a ball-shaped nest where the female lays her eggs. The female incubates purple eggs with a dark speck for about 13 days. ... During this period, the male takes care of her.bringing her food. Parents feed chicks together. At first, the chicks feed on larvae and insects, then they switch to plant food.

For two and a half weeks, chicks become independent and can fly on an equal basis with adults. Birds become sexually mature by the year of their life. Pairs are formed anew every year. The average life span of a waxwing is 10 to 13 years.

The drunkard is among. I have earned such fame waxwing... The feathered one feeds on berries. In cold weather, fermentation processes begin in them. Drinking such "berry wine" waxwings get drunk.

Intoxicated, falling into snowdrifts, crashing into houses, windows, hitting wires. In general, waxwings' taste preferences increase bird mortality. They are as bright, extraordinary as their life.

Description and features of the waxwing

In the photo waxwingappears to be such a dandy. The main color of the bird is pinkish-gray. This is how the back, breast, belly and crest on the bird's head are painted. Its tail has a yellow edging.

Waxwing bird in winter

Sun tone is also present on the wings, combined with black and white and a couple of scarlet markings. There is also a red speck under the tail of the animal. Black is also present on the waxwing's chin and in the form of arrows near his eyes.

"War paint" waxwing birddiffers in both the female and the male body. Sexual dimorphism is not expressed in the size of representatives of the species either.

Waxwing - birdmedium-sized. With a standard length of 20 centimeters, the bird weighs about 70 grams. The physique of the bird is compact, dense. Both the tail and the wings appear small.

Common waxworm

The waxwing beak is short, black. The eyes of the bird are also dark, small. Neat paws are clawed. It's easier to hold onto flexible branches this way. Dense bird waxwinglooks and due to plumage. Its down layer is dense and warm, it comes in handy in winter.

Waxwingrefers to passerines. Hence some of the bird's habits. So, it flies straightforwardly, quickly. "Dead loops", like those of swallows, are not to be expected from waxwings.

Lifestyle and habitat

What a waxwing looks likeknows most of the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere. In the south, representatives of the family are not found.

The biotope of the distribution of the hero of the article is impressive:

  • firstly, the bird is found at any altitude, is equally common both in the lowlands and in the mountains
  • secondly, waxwing is found both in forests and in clearings, be they dry or marshy.

The main thing is that there are berries in the selected territories. The relative preferences of passerines are places with the simultaneous presence of spruce and birch trees. These are primarily remembered when asked, where waxwings live.

They are not sedentary, but you cannot call migratory birds either. The middle variant is nomadic. These are the waxwings. They fly from place to place in search of food.

Amur waxwing

In a conversation on a topic how waxwings wax, the issue of singing loudness is important. It is vociferous. It is not for nothing that in the Old Russian language the word "waxing" means "scream". It is inherent in all species of the genus, however, despite the loudness, it is melodic.

Types of waxwings

There are 8 species of waxwings in the family of waxwings. There are 3 of them in the family of waxwings. Two of them are found in Russia. Another one dwells in the New World:

American waxwing

  1. American waxwing... Also called cedar, it lives in Canada and the northern United States. Americans differ from other waxwings in their yellow belly. In terms of size, birds are average between relatives, reaching a length of 20 centimeters.
  2. Amur waxwing... The only one of the family is listed in the Red Book. The bird is smaller than its relatives, elongated in length by only 16 centimeters. Amur individuals are found not only in Far East, but also in the countries of Asia, Japan.
  3. Common waxwing... Found in the Siberian taiga. Here the birds reach a length of 25 centimeters.

These are real waxwings. There are 2 more species from the silky family:

Black waxwing

  1. Black waxwing... The only species in which the color of heterosexual birds is different. Female waxwinggray, and the male is deep black. Feathered species also differ in an elongated tail and a pointed crest on the head. Black waxwings live in America, mainly in the south of the continent.
  2. Silk waxwing... It also lives in the tropics and subtropics. Most of the population flies in the vastness of Mexico. The birds are deprived of a standing crest, like ordinary waxwings.

Silk waxwing

In size, silky waxwings do not differ from ordinary ones. They are also reminiscent of short beak and wings, short legs. Only the elongated tails of American waxwings and their, in the majority, monochromatic color are clear differences between the families.

Poultry feeding

All waxwings are gluttonous. Unlike blackbirds and bullfinches, birds do not descend for dropped fruits. The whistling birds swoop down on trees and bushes like locusts, quickly sweeping away food and spreading to the next "table".

Cedar waxwings

After eating, the birds continue the feast until they have eaten everything:

  • berries (mountain ash, viburnum, mistletoe, barberry, rose hips, lingonberries, juniper fruits)
  • buds (mainly birch)

Since waxwings are often overeat, the stomachs of the birds are unable to completely digest the meal. Therefore, some of the berries come out through the cloaca only slightly softened. This makes it easier for the seeds to germinate. So waxwings promote plant reproduction.

Waxwing love rowan

The intoxication of the hero of the article is also associated with gluttony. The bird sweeps all the berries indiscriminately, without taking away the fermented ones. Considering the amount eaten, a decent amount of alcohol enters the blood of animals.

Based on the mass of ptah, alcohol gives a pronounced intoxication. Almost everyone tolerated it wintering bird. Waxwingstropical latitudes do not suffer from "dependence", because they do not meet with frost-bitten, and then heated by the sun fruits.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Usually lively and not afraid of people, birds from May to June subside, become secretive. The nesting period begins. Pre-created pairs start to it. In a "marriage" waxwings are almost always monogamous and loyal to their partner, although there are cases of partner change.

Waxwing birds prefer to nest nests near water bodies, in woodlands. There, animals are looking for large spruce. Birds hide nests among their branches at a height of about 12 meters.

Cedar waxwing with chicks

For the construction of nests, passerines use:

  • feathers
  • needles and spruce branches
  • grass
  • lichens and mosses
  • animal hair, such as deer

The shape of the waxwing nest is bowl-shaped, in-depth. The structure comes out strong and reliable. About 6 eggs of a light purple tone hatch in it. Chicks hatch after 2 weeks. This time the female sits on the eggs, and the male brings her food.

Parents feed young animals with insects. Protein food allows chicks to grow as quickly as possible. Having gained mass, waxwings switch to a vegetarian diet. In a month, young waxwings are already independent. Birds reach sexual maturity by the age of one, living up to about 13 years. In captivity, the eyelids are extended by 2-3 years.

The main thing is to keep several birds at once. Alone, the animal becomes apathetic, lethargic, more often sick. The rest of the maintenance of waxwings at home is problem-free. The birds easily contact people, get used to them, delight with their brightness and singing.