Chicken manure as a fertilizer for cucumbers. Fertilization with chicken manure: forms and rules of application, which plants can be fed. Liquid chicken manure: fermentation and soaking

Feeding chicken droppings - for fast growth

If a poultry farm has settled near your village, you can completely forget about buying mineral fertilizers for your garden. Even if a poultry farm sells droppings for money, its cost will still be much lower. It is bird droppings that experienced summer residents consider the fastest-acting fertilizer - it contains half of the periodic table. Nitrogen, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are present in compounds that are easily absorbed by the root system of plants.

When comparing bird droppings with other species organic fertilizers and manure, then in addition to much greater efficiency poultry "waste" has one more indisputable advantage - the droppings can be used fresh. The maximum that is required is to dissolve it in a certain amount of liquid.

Speaking of bird droppings, summer residents generalize all birds, be they ducks, geese, turkeys. Separately, only chicken is distinguished - it is easiest to find it in poultry farms, and in household chickens live, as a rule, all year roundproducing a fresh dose of fertilizer every day. It also surpasses other species in the content of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

The application rates, however, are the same for all types of raw manure. No more than half a kilogram should be applied to the soil per square meter vegetable garden. If you want to make natural dressing for individual plants, then for convenience and quick delivery of nutrients, we recommend diluting the fertilizer in water, adding 1 part of manure to 10 parts of liquid... Feeding with dry bird droppings will be effective if you insist in water in advance. The consumption rate is half as much.

Cooking mullein for feeding - safe organic

Mullein is often confused with slurry, but these are two different fertilizers. Basically, slurry is the raw material for mullein. Yes, it is also suitable for application to the soil, but there is a risk of introducing pathogens of diseases dangerous to plants, as well as weed seeds, into the garden. Mullein is a fermented slurry.

During fermentation, most of the dangerous pathogens die, and the weed seeds settle to the bottom along with other heavy particles. Therefore, feeding with mullein is much safer. To prepare this fertilizer, fresh cow dung is needed, which is placed in a suitable container and poured with water, at a ratio of 1: 5. Mix the components, close the container with a lid and wait about two weeks. It is advisable to stir the "mash" every 3 days.

The readiness of the fertilizer is evidenced by the settling of solid particles and a noticeable color change to a lighter one.

The finished mullein must be diluted again in water, at least twice. This is done immediately before using it. Since mullein contains a lot of nitrogen and potassium, but little phosphorus, you can enrich the solution with superphosphate at the rate of 100 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of solution. For the same amount of mullein, it does not hurt to add 500 grams of wood ash.

Top dressing is applied in grooves, which are made either on both sides along the beds or around the plants. It is best to put the mullein in dry soil - pour into the grooves as much as they can absorb. Remember to cover the grooves with earth after the liquid has been absorbed.

Horse manure feeding is a rarity in the garden

Compared to bird droppings and mullein, horse manure is a rarity in our time. But it is this manure that is best suited as biofuel for greenhouses - fresh it is placed in a layer of 20-30 cm under the soil layer. In the process of decomposition, it creates temperatures up to 80 ° C! Seedlings of cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, white cabbage are just ideal to grow on horse manure.

Fresh manure is introduced only in the fall, for digging. In the spring, it is permissible to introduce a small amount of this organic matter under potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers. For other crops, it is better to add rotted manure, at the rate of 5-6 kg per square meter. For liquid dressings, you can prepare an infusion by diluting a liter of manure in 10 liters of water.

How to grow cucumbers?

Cucumbers are a thermophilic culture. These vegetables require a special approach.

The most important thing is to make the right garden for cucumbers.

This can be done in several ways. Work should begin in the fall. The bed should be located in a place protected from the wind so that the soil is warmed up on it.

Methods for constructing beds

How to make a garden bed? There are several ways.

A deep bed is done like this

  • a trench is dug 1.5 m wide, 2 shovels deep, length - optional;
  • branches are laid across the trench on the bottom of it;
  • the gaps are filled with sawdust;
  • a layer of straw 5-7 cm thick is laid on top of branches and sawdust;
  • from above, all layers are covered with manure mixed with earth;
  • the garden bed is watered abundantly with warm water;
  • to maintain a certain shape, a small fence is made of boards, slate, and other materials. This fence will also protect against pests;
  • the bed should have a slight slope to the south.

Such a bed for cucumbers can serve for 5-7 years. Every year it is necessary to correct it and add a mixture of manure with soil. Then she will delight the owners with a rich harvest of green crispy cucumbers.

A bed located on the surface

  • a garden bed 1 m wide, up to 5 m long is dug;
  • all weeds are carefully removed;
  • a bucket of bird droppings or manure is poured onto the bed;
  • 2 buckets of compost are scattered;
  • on heavy soil about 2 buckets of sand crumble;
  • the surface is leveled with a rake, poured on top with warm water;
  • the bed is closed with a dark film, which is fixed at the edges with pieces of pipes, beams, bricks.

A bed above the surface of the earth

  • a wooden, brick or slate box with dimensions of about 1x2 m is installed on the ground;
  • a layer of sand is poured onto the bottom of the box;
  • a layer of wood or fabric waste is laid on the sand;
  • then a layer of vegetable skins is poured, eggshell and other organic waste;
  • the next layer is leaves or straw;
  • the last layer is a mixture of earth and compost;
  • each layer is carefully rammed, then watered with manure.

Mobile bed

  • any unkempt place on the site is selected. It can even be sod, if only the place was lit by the sun;
  • the garden bed is perpendicular to the sun's rays;
  • any substrate laid in place of the garden is covered with a black film. Vegetable debris, pruning of branches of fruit trees, food waste;
  • everything is compacted with feet and covered with a layer of garden soil about 3 cm thick;
  • you don't need to dig anything up. The height of the beds reaches 30 cm.

To get good yields, you can equip a warm cucumber bed. To work you need the following

  • shovel;
  • pitchfork;
  • braid;
  • potato peelings, food waste, old moldy bread;
  • leaves and branches of trees;
  • boiling water;
  • polyethylene film;
  • plastic bottles, boards, bricks.

The sequence of actions for arranging the garden

  • a trench about a meter wide is digging, the length is chosen at the request of the owner of the site;
  • freshly cut grass is laid on the bottom of the trench and trampled underfoot;
  • from potato peelings and moldy bread, cook the mixture, scatter it hot over the grass;
  • cover the bed with earth;
  • pour a bucket of boiling water on top and cover the bed with foil;
  • after 2-3 days, you can plant cucumbers.

On such a bed, you can plant

  • pumpkin;
  • zucchini;
  • cauliflower;
  • radish;
  • dill;
  • salad;
  • asters.

There are a lot of different active microorganisms in plant waste. They destroy possible pathogens, decompose fiber. For cucumbers, this substrate is the most desirable. For the rapid decomposition of all kinds of plant residues, the garden bed can be watered with a solution of any nitrogen fertilizer. But this is not required.

You need to be careful with mineral fertilizers. They oxidize the soil and can cause diseases such as powdery mildew or sooty fungus, which is not good for cucumbers. It is better to use alkaline liquid fertilizers with the smell of ammonia. You can simply water the bed abundantly with a humus mash made from compost.

Any garden bed should warm up well. Temperature conditions are very important for cucumbers. The germination of seeds, the development of seedlings, and the fruiting of cucumbers depend on it. The best precursors for cucumbers are tomatoes, cabbage, onions, and garlic. If earlier cucumbers grew on the garden bed, then the top layer of earth must be removed and a new one must be poured. The cucumber bed should be located in the east-west direction. This will help them warm up better.

Grass, branches, food waste in the process of decay produce methane, which in turn gives heat. A warm environment favorably affects the reproduction of all kinds of beneficial microorganisms. They oxidize methane to produce carbon dioxide, which is the food for cucumber plants. With the correct laying of the layers, the bed will last up to 10 years.

Pour cucumbers with warm water. Cold water will destroy them. Cucumbers do not tolerate weeds, so they must be constantly removed from the garden. Treatment of the landing site with chemicals is allowed. They will also help get rid of pests.

Planting seeds or seedlings

Planting seedlings can be carried out when she is 2-3 weeks old. By this time she was already accustomed to the direct rays of the sun. Seeds are soaked before sowing for a day. Holes 5x7 cm are made in the film with a step of 25-30 cm. In each resulting nest, holes are carefully pressed, and seeds or seedling bushes are planted in them.

It is recommended to place 2-3 seedling bushes or 4-5 seeds in each nest. Pour warm water over the nests and cover with a transparent film on top. The film needs to be removed during the day. The optimum temperature should be maintained at 28-30 ° C. Overheating for cucumbers is also harmful. Dusting the plants with ash will provide additional protection from pests.

During the month, watering is done with warm water in the holes. Water ingress on plants is undesirable. Further, abundant watering of the land on both sides of the garden will be enough. Wet ground stimulates root growth in depth.

You can arrange the lashes of cucumbers vertically, tying them to the top rope, or horizontally. Best option - put some of the lashes up, the rest - along the ground.

Cucumbers should be fed with compost mixed in water. Take 2 buckets of water on a compost bucket. The mixture is poured over 2 m² of beds.

Harvest when the cucumbers reach a length of 6-8 cm.

  • for salting - Muromsky and Nezhinsky;
  • resistant to any drought - Steppe;
  • universal variety - Rural Fair;
  • early ripening varieties - Moscow pickling and Altai early;
  • excellent yield and taste - Irresistible, Graceful, Cascade;
  • bee-pollinated hybrids - Rodnichok, Santana, Octopus, Othello, Libelle, Annushka, Zhuravlenok, Nightingale and Farmer;
  • self-pollinated hybrids - Red mullet, Blizzard, Blizzard, Herman, Claudia, Lapland, Ant, Buyan, Matilda, Zyatek and others.

  1. The cucumber bed should be located in a place protected from the wind.
  2. There should be no running water nearby.
  3. It is better to plant seedlings in the last days of April.
  4. It is better to try to plant several varieties at once in order to choose those that you like best using your example.
  5. The chemical composition favorable for cucumbers ripens for at least a month. Only then can seeds or cucumber seedlings be planted.
  6. The black film should cover a small area around the bed to suppress weed growth.
  7. Make sure that no crust appears on the soil.
  8. Loosen the soil after each watering.
  9. Top dressing should be done every 10 days.
  10. When picking cucumbers, do not turn the whips.

Cucumbers grown with your own hands on your site are more aromatic and tastier than those bought at the market or in a store. It is especially pleasant to pick a crunchy cucumber right from the whip to enjoy its taste right there. Making a garden for cucumbers is very simple. And the site will become cleaner after that. Early to you cucumbers and high yields!

We use chicken manure as fertilizer | Agroindustrial Bulletin

0.2-0.3% - magnesium

0.1-0.3% - iron

It also contains (mg / kg) - sulfur (40), manganese (300), copper (3), zinc (20), boron (4.5), molybdenum (0.05), cobalt (3). That is, chicken manure is a universal fertilizer that contains a huge amount of nutrients. So large that it is not recommended to use it in a fresh undiluted form to enrich the soil (we will discuss how to make fertilizer from chicken manure below).

What are the benefits of introducing chicken manure:

The productivity of garden plants increases

Fruits ripen faster by 1-2 weeks

Flowering and ovary formation are activated

Prevents bacterial and fungal plant diseases

Fertilizes the soil for another 2-3 years after feeding, since nutrients from this waste product of chickens are not released immediately, but gradually

Slightly deoxidizes the soil (pH of chicken droppings - 6.5-8). Therefore, do not overdo it with chicken droppings for plants that prefer acidic soil - hydrangeas, heathers, rhododendrons, azaleas, etc.

Recall that nitrogen fertilizers (including poultry droppings) are fertilizers that, roughly speaking, will help the plant gain a juicy, powerful green mass. They are introduced in the fall for digging and in May - early June - to stimulate plant growth. Once again, nitrogen fertilizers should be fed during the formation of the ovary, occasionally - to maintain active fruiting. After that, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied: it makes no sense for annual plants to gain green mass by the end of summer, and it is better to feed perennial plants with phosphorus fertilizers to prepare for winter.

Now directly about the preparation of chicken droppings. What is the preparation? The fact is that this product of the hens' vital activity has a number of disadvantages. We need to get rid of them before using chicken manure as fertilizer. Here are the main disadvantages and features:

  • Chicken droppings toxicity... Toxins and uric acid are produced as a result of metabolic reactions in chicken droppings. It will not be possible to completely get rid of toxins, but you can reduce their negative impact by mixing chicken manure as fertilizer with straw, peat, sawdust. The latter will also serve as an excellent mulch for the soil, prevent the rapid leaching of beneficial compounds from the soil, and serve as additional fertilizing for plants.
  • Helminths and weed seeds in chicken droppings... Only fermentation of droppings - the introduction of special enzymes for fermentation will help get rid of worms and weeds. When watering with liquid feed based on chicken manure, avoid spilling the mixture on tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables growing above the ground.
  • Bad smell of chicken droppings... I'm sorry. Alternatively, you can use the aforementioned fermentation of chicken droppings, or prepare an infusion at the beginning of summer for the entire season and resort to it only if necessary. Poultry droppings collected over the summer should be composted and introduced before winter for plowing.
  • Inability to use fresh chicken manure... Fresh chicken droppings will easily burn the plant roots due to the high uric acid content. Therefore, the infusion of chicken manure should be insisted for at least a couple of days.
  • Chicken droppings can be used as a top dressing only diluted... The concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen in chicken manure is too high. You can get rid of excess substances by diluting with water and settling in the open air.
  • Chicken manure as a top dressing in a diluted form is poured into the aisles or grooves around bushes / trees, but not directly on the roots. Feeding chicken droppings is best after rain or watering.

Chicken droppings as fertilizer: how to cook?

We introduce chicken droppings in the fall

It is very effective to apply chicken droppings in the fall, after the harvest is harvested. For this, dry, dried chicken manure, scattered over the surface of the ground, is better suited at the rate of 0.8-3 kg per "square" (depending on soil depletion, droppings moisture and the requirements of each crop), if on average - 1-1.5 kg per square. After that, the beds should be dug up before winter.

Chicken manure compost

If you already have enough chicken manure, and the time for feeding has not yet come, it's time to lay a compost heap. It is done simply: peat, sawdust or straw are laid in a layer of about 10-15 cm, on them there is a slightly smaller layer of chicken droppings, then again straw or peat, etc., but so that the droppings do not end up on top. In a month and a half or two, humus will be ready for use.

Liquid feeding chicken droppings

In order to rarely dock with this not the most pleasant fertilizer, we suggest preparing chicken droppings in the spring for the whole season for irrigation and feeding. To do this, take a large container and dilute the droppings with water (50/50) in it. After a couple of days, or better - after 10, the concentrate is ready for use. It will not lose its properties until the end of the season, as it decomposes very slowly due to its high concentration. Immediately before use, the concentrate is diluted once again at the rate of a liter of concentrated infusion per ten liters of water. This mixture of the color of weakly brewed tea is poured over the aisles. If you are afraid to make mistakes with concentration, it is better to do less than more. As it is right, after watering, thick remains at the bottom of the bucket - you can feed the shrubs with it.

Let's repeat - chicken manure as fertilizer will have its own application rates for each individual plant. You can read more about dressings for tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, carrots, grapes, potatoes, peppers, onions, cabbage in our separate articles.

We hope you are convinced that the use of chicken manure will give a powerful impetus to the growth and ovary of plants, and the harvest will be plentiful and early.

Now you can watch a video on how to use chicken manure as fertilizer.

Tatiana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board Sobcor of the Internet edition "AtmAgro. Agroindustrial Bulletin"

How useful was the information for you? ( 6 votes, average:

Tell me! Is it possible to fertilize tomatoes with chicken manure? And what can be fertilized with chicken manure.

Gena Abonos

Chicken droppings are very good. And the tomatoes are just great. I fill a bucket of droppings with two buckets of water. It will last 3-4 days and half a liter for a bucket of water. Excellent, everything is rushing that should be showered: roses, cucumbers, remontant strawberries, garlic immediately after the snow melts, etc. But not when the fruits should ripen, but when the plant is gaining green mass.

Alexander Babich

Better nothing, you sleep.

Alik Botov

chicken droppings can be used to fertilize everything, but in moderation and not put alive, but to dilute in water and water

Frol Denisov

Poultry manure, especially chicken manure, is a very powerful fertilizer. It contains more nitrogen than manure, it also contains phosphorus and potassium, but in much smaller quantities. Why, with such a supercomposition, you ask, poultry manure is so inactively used. There are basically two reasons. Firstly, bird manure has an extremely unpleasant odor, and secondly, it contains a large amount of weed seeds and helminth eggs. In addition, fresh droppings reacts too actively, which is why it can harm the plants.

True, science has found a way out. Today, the industry offers gardeners to use dry poultry manure. It is prepared by thermal drying at very high temperatures. The result is a gray granular fertilizer. The unpleasant smell, however, remains, but it cannot be compared with the original one. Nutrients in dry droppings are preserved, but weed seeds, eggs of worms and flies die. Dry manure should be diluted with water at the rate of 100 g per 10 l of water, insisted and used to feed plants during the growing season. Better yet, prepare compost by mixing dry manure and peat in a 1: 2 ratio. If desired, you can add mineral fertilizers to such compost.

Olga is the count's wife))

possible, but very carefully and in small quantities. Otherwise you can burn it. I do something like this: 1 matchbox for 1 liter of water, I insist for 3-4 days, then half a glass of these troubles for a bucket of water and water not at the very root, but at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Olga Maximova

Yes you can. This is a very powerful fertilizer. You can fertilize absolutely everything, only when feeding the plants you need to dilute the droppings strongly with water, otherwise you can burn the roots.



Alexa Khokhlova

You can fertilize cucumbers with dry chicken droppings, under the root before watering, if you have them tied up.
This encourages them to produce many side shoots and double the yield.
IN greenhouses it is used constantly.

Cherry most

Chicken manure is a good fertilizer, but in moderation ... Otherwise, you can fertilize so that even the weed will not grow. Have you never heard how abandoned plots were wholeheartedly fertilized with chicken droppings, then for 3 years they stood black as arable land and in the 4th year they gave an excellent harvest! Still, in 3 years, the soil was saturated and rested enough

Feeding chicken manure helps to increase yields

The use of chicken manure as plant nutrition is actively used by many gardeners. This method has established itself due to its high efficiency. And the resulting crop will delight not only in quantity, but also in quality.

The benefits of chicken manure for plants

Chicken manure is significantly better than many other organic fertilizers. Its value in a record content of nitrogen and phosphorus (three times more than in any other type of manure). Also, bird droppings contain easily soluble potassium salts.

The advantages of this fertilizer:

  • non-toxic, long-term storage and non-caking;
  • keeps beneficial features up to 3 years old;
  • suitable for almost all garden and horticultural crops;
  • stimulates the ripening of the crop;
  • helps to restore optimal soil acidity;
  • increases the immunity of plants, and enhances their protective properties;
  • not dangerous for roots, does not cause burns.

One of the most important benefits of chicken manure is affordability. The product is environmentally friendly and costs much less than mineral fertilizing.

Applying fresh chicken manure

Fresh poultry manure has a fairly high concentration of active substances, which can negatively affect the health of young and stunted plants. It can be detrimental to some crops, so it is recommended to apply it to the soil a couple of months before planting.

Poultry droppings are used as fertilizer for many vegetable and fruit crops:

  • It can be applied regularly under trees and shrubs, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants.
  • Onions, garlic and various greens need a moderate amount of this dressing.
  • For blueberries and heather, this can be fatal.

Before diluting chicken manure for plant nutrition, read the table below, it will help determine the timing and dosage of fertilizer for different cultures.

Bird manure is applied to the soil in autumn and spring in the form of compost prepared from it, or using a bedding from a chicken coop. And regular plant feeding is most often done with diluted granular fertilizer, which you can buy in stores or at theme fairs.

If you are using fresh chicken manure, the solution is prepared in a proportion of 10 liters of water per 0.5 kg. The mixture is infused for two weeks, and its total calculated by the gardener individually. To neutralize an unpleasant odor, add 300 g to the container. iron sulfate. For feeding vegetable crops, the infused fertilizer is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:20. Stir well before watering.

How to use granulated chicken manure correctly

Fertilizing the soil with granules is possible when digging a plot for vegetable crops at least 10 cm in depth. The average fertilization rate for the preparation of vegetable beds is 15 kg per 100 square meters of soil.

It is not recommended to add granules to the wells when planting crops, since it is very difficult to calculate the required rates for young plants. Also, if the roots come into contact with the fertilizer, they will die. This method of fertilizing is sometimes used when processing soil with agricultural machinery, when the depth of placement of the granules and the depth of sowing of seeds can be adjusted.

Each crop has its own rates of feeding with an organic solution, which can be controlled directly during watering. And the recipe for its preparation is common to all vegetable crops.

Before breeding chicken manure for plant feeding, prepare a large container for infusion, such as a barrel. Pour granular fertilizer there, and fill with water.

  • Adult trees, shrubs and vegetables are watered with a solution: 100 grams per 10 liters of water. granular fertilizer.
  • To feed young seedlings, or seedlings, the mixture is additionally diluted with water 1 to 10.
  • The rate of application of the solution for one plant is from 0.5 l to 1 l - depends on the age and size of the crop.

The granular fertilizer solution can be used almost immediately when it turns into a homogeneous mixture.

General rules Applications:

  • fertilizer is used at the rate of 5 liters per square meter;
  • avoid getting fertilizer on the leaves;
  • the residue remaining at the bottom of the container can be poured under fruit trees;
  • after top dressing, the beds should be well watered, cleaning the aerial part of the plants from the drops of infusion.

Top dressing of garden crops is carried out 2-3 times per season.

Fertilizing for vegetable crops

Experienced gardeners allocate fertilization rates for each crop, which depend on the place of cultivation, stage of plant development, soil condition, and season.

Feeding cucumbers with chicken droppings

The watering solution is prepared according to a standard recipe. It is necessary to follow the recommendations for the use of top dressing for greenhouse cucumbers and those that grow in the open field.

When grown in a greenhouse, the first feeding can be carried out at the stage of planting seedlings:

  • prepared wells are watered with a solution;
  • the seedlings are transferred to the ground, then watered with water.

The second feeding is carried out during the formation of the ovary, and the third - during the active development of the fruit. Plants must first be watered with water, and the solution is applied not at the root, but in the aisles.

Feeding cucumbers in the open field with chicken droppings is carried out 14 days after the first feeding with minerals. Thus, the amount of ovary can be significantly increased.

It is also recommended to add bird manure to the soil for cucumbers in autumn - this will significantly increase the quality of the soil and its composition. Fertilizers are applied on frozen ground, and it doesn't matter what is used: pellets, fresh droppings, or litter. In the spring, organic matter will enter the soil.

Feeding tomatoes with chicken droppings

Tomatoes are fed twice a season: before planting seedlings, and during the flowering period. The prepared solution should have the color of weak tea. If the shade is saturated, it must be diluted. Consumption for 1 bush is 0.5 liters.

When planting a tomato with seeds, fertilizer can be applied in advance - at the stage of soil preparation.

Feeding potatoes with chicken droppings

Potatoes are fertilized with poultry droppings 1 time per season, until the plants are above 15-20 cm. Usually, the procedure coincides with the period of the second hilling. Top dressing is applied in the aisles in the morning or in the evening. Consumption should be 1 liter per bush.


Bird droppings are not called a soil former for nothing. It saturates the soil with the substances necessary for the development of plants, and the microorganisms contained in it contribute to strengthening biological processes in the soil. Before breeding chicken manure for plant nutrition, it is necessary to take into account the individual needs of the crops in order to prevent oversaturation with nitrogen.

Chicken droppings are widely used to fertilize garden crops. The owners of chicken coops can only be envied - they have free access to the most valuable fertilizer.
In terms of its composition, chicken manure is much better than various complex fertilizers, since it has a high concentration:

A feature of this fertilizer is that the manure has a positive effect on the soil for the next 3 years after its application.

Chicken manure for fertilization is used in the following forms:
1. Liquid fertilizer. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 1:20 (litter: water) and insisted for 10 days. This fertilizer is watered only between the rows, it cannot be applied under the roots so as not to burn them.
2. Compost. To make compost, in the fall, the droppings should be laid out on a grass bed (you can also use the harvested tops) and mix with the ground. In the spring, you can already fertilize the garden with compost - mix it with straw and spread it in the aisles.

Fertilizing crops with chicken droppings in the form of an infusion is recommended after watering the beds or after good rain. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to bring in pure litter.

Top dressing tomato

Chicken droppings should be fertilized during the following periods:
before planting tomatoes - as dry compost (granulated chicken manure can be used);
during the growing season - in the form of infusion.

It is advisable to do top dressing with liquid infusion twice. The first time - after three weeks have passed after planting the seedlings, and the second - after a month. To prepare an infusion for liquid feeding, fresh chicken droppings are poured with water in a ratio of 1:20 and water the soil between the tomato bushes. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the liquid does not get on the bushes themselves, and if this does happen, rinse the solution from the leaves with clean water.
When introducing droppings, you must carefully monitor the growth of the tomato so as not to overdo it. If, after fertilization, the bush began to intensively increase the green mass, the leaves and stems increased in thickness - you need to stop feeding, otherwise it threatens to reduce the yield. It is recommended to apply the next portion of fertilizers only after at least 10 days, and even then only organic species. And in order to correct the situation and bring the metabolism back to normal, it is good to use an infusion of water with ash.

Feeding cucumbers

To increase the yield of cucumbers, they are fed different kinds fertilizer twice during the season. As soon as 3 leaves have formed on the bush, the cucumbers need to be fed with liquid fertilizer from chicken manure and water at a rate of 1:10.
For the second feeding (before flowering), use a solution with the addition of sodium sulfate (it is necessary that the liquid resembles weak tea in color). Water the soil with the solution before the cucumbers bloom - this will reduce the number of barren flowers in the ovary. Processing should also be carried out only between plants.

Video on how to prepare dry chicken manure fertilizer

The composition of chicken manure puts it in first place among organic fertilizers. The question of whether it can be used as a top dressing for cucumbers is associated with the presence of uric acid in fresh droppings, which inhibits the root system of plants. In addition, the high content of easily assimilable nitrogen causes too active growth of green mass, to the detriment of fruiting. Therefore, feeding of cucumbers with chicken droppings can be carried out only after special preparation and in very small doses.

Chicken droppings are comparable in impact speed to mineral fertilizers.

Pros and cons of chicken manure

In terms of its effect on the composition of the soil, it surpasses the more popular cow dung among gardeners. Contains a unique set of chemical elements necessary for the development and growth of vegetable crops.

It is often compared to complex fertilizers, in contrast to which, the effect of a single feeding lasts several years. In the first year, it works as a mineral supplement, in the next two years, the effect of its presence can be compared with the introduction of a good portion of manure.

It has a positive effect on the structure of the soil, perfectly dissolving in a moist soil environment, stimulates intensive growth and significantly affects the yield.

The disadvantages of using fresh chicken excrement include a high acid content, the presence of weed seeds, causative agents of unwanted infections, including salmonellosis, helminth eggs.

Homemade chicken droppings

Chicken droppings are not used fresh, but infusion, compost or dry extract are prepared on its basis.

  • Fresh chicken droppings are diluted in water in a 1: 1 ratio and left to ferment for 5-7 days. Fermented fertilizer can be stored in this state for 2-3 months. For dressing, 1 part of the concentrate is diluted in 20 parts of water. This solution can be used to feed cucumbers by spilling earth along the perimeter of the root circle at the rate of 0.5-1 liter per bush.
  • A good fertilizer using manure is compost, which is prepared from straw and peat, spilling them with poultry waste. The bottom of the pit, about a meter deep, is sprinkled with sawdust, straw or fallen leaves. Bird excrement, peat, straw, dry foliage, weeds are laid on them in layers. The compost takes about 1.5-2 months to prepare. It is used in open ground, greenhouses and greenhouses for soil preparation.

  • To keep fresh droppings until spring, it is applied in a thin layer on sheets of plywood or iron and dried in sunny weather under open air about 3 hours. Next, the dry substance is ground through a fine mesh and a powdery fertilizer is obtained, which greenhouse plants love very much. It can be stored in this state in bags or barrels all winter. You can fertilize the ridges with powder, adding 200 g of powder per 1 square meter for digging the soil in the spring. m area.

When working with poultry droppings, especially in powder form, you should always remember about safety measures. Protect the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. Always use goggles, mask or respirator, and rubber gloves. In addition to self-prepared fertilizer, you can purchase ready-made fertilizer industrial production.

Granular bird droppings

It should be borne in mind that the chemical composition of the droppings largely depends on the way the birds are kept and the composition of the feed. Therefore, industrial droppings may differ in their effect from domestic fertilizers.

This type of fertilizer from poultry manure has undeniable advantages:

  • it is made by fast drying in a vacuum, which allows you to preserve all the useful properties of the feedstock;
  • under the influence of high temperatures, harmful bacteria, larvae of flies, helminths die, weed seeds lose their germination;

  • granules, in contrast to the feedstock, practically do not have an unpleasant, specific odor;
  • they are compact, have a long shelf life, which makes them easy to transport and store;
  • methods of application and dosage are always indicated on the package;
  • in addition, the ratio of chemical elements is precisely known, which allows you to observe the exact dosage when feeding cucumbers.

This is important, especially for fertilizing cucumbers, because during the growing season, feeding is carried out about three times, trying to supply the plant with only the most necessary nutrition. For top dressing, 1 kg of fertilizer is poured with 3 liters of warm water. After a day, the resulting concentrated solution is diluted in 20 liters of water. This liquid fertilizer can be used to feed cucumbers, spending up to half a liter per plant. You can also prepare the soil during the digging period. In this case, 1 sq. m, about 100 g of fertilizer granules from chicken manure are consumed.

Feeding and growing cucumbers

Chicken droppings are used in pre-sowing preparation, as a top dressing for growing vegetables in open ground and greenhouses.

Features of dressings

Chicken manure contains nitrogen in a fairly high concentration. When fertilizing cucumbers with chicken droppings, the plant's need for nitrogen should be taken into account, mainly at the initial stage of development. The first feeding is carried out half a month after germination. The second feeding of cucumbers in the greenhouse coincides in time with the flowering period. This is quite enough for full development.

Depending on the state of the plants, the last dressing is carried out during the fruiting period, if signs of a suspension of the growth of cucumbers appear.

It is important to use the fertilizer in dosage... An excess of it can simply destroy the plant. The most common way is to use a liquid infusion of chicken manure, which can be used to water the soil around the plant. Liquid fertilizer can be prepared in several ways.

  1. This option is prepared quickly and used immediately. You need to take one part of dry droppings and dissolve in 20 parts of water. The cucumbers in the greenhouse must be pre-watered. The finished solution should not come into contact with green parts of plants and foliage. The consumption of liquid fertilizing for one adult bush is 1 liter. For young plants, half the norm is enough.
  2. When using a concentrated infusion, it is pre-diluted in a 1: 1 ratio, and left warm for a week to ferment. A liter of this concentrate is diluted in 10 liters of water and the aisles are watered. It is impossible to water cucumbers with bird manure under the root, even at a lower concentration.
  3. This recipe is also suitable for fertilizing plants in the open field. All fertilizing is carried out after watering or rain. Liquid top dressing should be applied to well-moistened soil. If during the watering process the solution gets on the plant, it is advisable to rinse the leaves with clean water to avoid burns.

Growing features

Before using chicken manure, you need to consider the composition and structure of the soil. In clay soil with a dense, heavy structure, chicken manure with litter or compost is embedded in the fall. Light soils are fertilized in spring, applying fertilizer immediately before plowing, at the rate of 3-4 kg per 5 sq. m area.

In the fall, you can add dried droppings mixed with ash and evenly distribute over the soil surface. With atmospheric precipitation, highly soluble composition, for autumn and winter period will penetrate into the upper layers of the soil. You can also use chicken droppings in a greenhouse as a substitute for mineral fertilizers. It is evenly distributed on the straw shafts and is regularly moistened with water or a mash on the manure. After 10-15 days, when ammonia ceases to be released and the temperature evens out to 30 degrees, you can plant cucumber seedlings.

Another option for the pre-planting method of using chicken manure is to make a self-heating substrate from the bark of beech, pine, sawdust of coniferous trees. 10% of the volume of dry chicken manure is added to a mixture of bark and sawdust and placed in a pyramid, which is watered with water. After 4-5 days, the composition is laid out in ditches inside the greenhouse. This composition heats up more slowly, but requires less water and mineral fertilizers.

When this way, you don't have to decide how to feed the cucumbers. The whole complex of necessary fertilizers is already present in the unusual soil.

In a greenhouse, chicken manure should be used carefully, observing the proportions and dosages of liquid feed. According to experienced gardeners, it is better not to feed the plants than to overfeed.

Cucumbers, like other garden crops, require proper care and nutrition. Vegetable growers often wonder how and with what to feed cucumbers in order to get a rich harvest. One of the common and available fertilizers is chicken manure. Whether it can be used and how to do it correctly, read our article.

Chicken manure is not suitable for fertilization for all crops.... It contains a high content of urea, which is not tolerated by all plants. But for cucumbers this is a good top dressing: it solves a number of problems in the process of growing and ripening fruits.

Reference. Chicken excrement is not inferior in quality to cow dung and purchased fertilizers.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of feeding cucumbers with chicken droppings.

The pluses include:

  1. The presence of trace elements such as nitrogen, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and cobalt. They increase the immunity of cucumbers against fungal diseases and harmful insects, accelerate the growth and set of green mass of the plant.
  2. Beneficial effect on soil structure. Excellent solubility helps the vigorous growth of the bush and increases the yield of cucumbers.
  3. Destruction of yeasts and molds in the soil, thereby protecting plants from diseases.
  4. Saves time and money. Unlike complex fertilizers, which are used every year, a single soil cultivation with chicken droppings is enough for 2-3 years.
  5. Naturalness and environmental friendliness.
  6. Easily absorbed by the plant and accelerates the ripening process by 1-2 weeks.

Cons of using chicken droppings:

  1. It may contain weed seeds that will subsequently sprout in the garden.
  2. Chicken droppings cannot be combined with such types of fertilizers as lime, Nitroammofoska, saltpeter, Ammophos, ammonium sulfate and Diammophos. They will reduce its effectiveness.
  3. The presence of infectious agents, incl. helminths and salmonellosis.

How to properly prepare a feeding solution

If you keep chickens yourself or have somewhere to get fresh droppings, remember that the process for preparing a fertilizing solution will differ from fertilizer made from ready-made granular litter.

Granulated droppings

Pros of finished fertilizer:

  • lack of unpleasant odor;
  • absence of pathogenic bacteria, larvae, helminths;
  • weed seeds will not sprout due to heat treatment;
  • he has a much longer shelf life;
  • the methods of preparation and fertilization are indicated on the package.

Granules are used both in dry form and in dissolved form... Dry granules are scattered on the ground before digging in the fall.

Preparation of infusion

The infusion is prepared depending on the stage of plant development.

For feeding cucumbers at the initial stage, starting from seedlings to flowering plants, the solution is prepared in the proportion: 1 kg of droppings per 50 liters of water... For flowering cucumbers, during the budding period and the appearance of ovaries, 1 kg is already bred per 100 liters of water. Such a solution is infused during the day. Consumption - about 1 liter per bush.

Important! After feeding with infusion, the bushes must be watered with water.

Homemade chicken manure solution

If you are using fresh chicken poop, it is important to maintain proportionssince the concentrated solution can burn the roots of the cucumber.

Solution preparation methods at home:

  1. Fermented mixture. We take dry chicken manure and fill it with water in a ratio of 1:20 and remove it in a dark place. We regularly monitor the fermentation process. As soon as the liquid stops bubbling, and this is after 2-3 weeks, the solution is ready. After straining, you can water the bushes.
  2. Infusion. It prepares faster in time, is most effective during the period of growing green mass. For infusion, take rotted droppings, fill with water, mix thoroughly and let it brew for 2-3 days. The finished infusion is light brown in color, like weakly brewed tea. If it turns out darker, dilute with water to the desired consistency.
  3. The solution is also prepared from liquid chicken manure. To do this, collect chicken excrement and immediately fill it with water (for 10 liters of water, 0.5 kg of droppings). We insist for 4-5 days and water the seedlings.

Fertilization timing

The basic rule for fertilizing cucumbers is that everything is a good measure... Do not overdo it, monitor the condition of seedlings and bushes, their appearance will tell you about everything:

  1. We carry out the first feeding during the period when four leaves appear on the bushes. Pour an aqueous solution of chicken manure strictly under the root.
  2. The second time we feed the cucumber bushes during the flowering period.
  3. For the third time, we apply top dressing during the period of the appearance of the first fruits.
  4. For the fourth time, you can feed the cucumbers in case new fruits have stopped appearing.

Step-by-step instructions for fertilizing cucumbers with chicken droppings

No matter where the cucumbers are grown, in a greenhouse or in the open field, the rules for feeding and preparing the solution are the same.

Important! When grown in a greenhouse, cucumbers are first fed at the planting stage. Feeding cucumbers with chicken droppings in the open field is carried out after the first leaves appear, but before flowering.

Fertilization Algorithm:

  1. Water the wells with a pre-prepared working solution.
  2. We plant seedlings in the holes.
  3. Water each bush with water to avoid scalding the plant roots.
  4. During the flowering period, before fertilizing, first water each bush with 2 liters of water, then water with a solution and again with water.
  5. When feeding cucumbers during budding and fruiting, pour the solution not under each bush, but between the rows. Then pour water thoroughly again.

In order not to make the mistakes of most beginners, take advantage useful tips experienced summer residents:

  • do not fertilize cucumbers with fresh chicken feces. The concentration of uric acid in them is high and can burn the root system. Enter fertilizer only in the form of weakly concentrated solutions;
  • chicken droppings have a very unpleasant pungent odor. To get rid of it, leave the droppings outside for a while to let the smell disappear;
  • if, when applying fertilizer, the solution gets on the leaves of cucumbers, immediately rinse them with water so that they do not get burned;
  • collect chicken droppings with straw or hay, and store in buckets or bags. If you want to keep it for a long time, start a special box.


Growing cucumbers is a simple business, but it requires attention and care from gardeners. Many take 1-2 dozen chickens for the summer dacha period and use chicken manure as free fertilizer for cucumbers and other crops. If you do not have such an opportunity, use ready-made bird droppings in granules, the result will please no less.

Correctly and timely fertilizing cucumbers with chicken droppings, you will speed up the process of their ripening and increase the yield several times. A rich harvest!