Sources of financing for agriculture. Agricultural production is associated with biological and natural processes, it is directly dependent on climatic factors, involvement in the production of man, land, plants, animals, various

Market relations contributed to the emergence of independence in resolving issues financial security activities of business entities, in contrast to the centralized financing of the command-administrative economy. For Russian enterprises, the lack of knowledge in the field of market economy, experience in the market, including in the choice of funding sources, was one of the reasons for the difficult financial situation. Since only the structure of funding sources that is acceptable for a particular business entity allows solving the goals and objectives of the enterprise.

The decisive role of financing in the activities of enterprises determines the need to study the sources of financing of the present period. The condition of the transition of the economy actualizes the research in this direction.

Modern sources of financing enterprises within the framework of the study are presented as sources of self-financing, borrowed sources and sources of budgetary financing. Sources of self-financing are considered from the perspective of domestic financing, to external financing classified as borrowed and budgetary.

Sources of self-financing, or own funds of business entities, are among the most obvious resources, the accumulation of which is real for enterprises, like no other, although they have the property of being limited.

The initial formation of financial resources of enterprises occurs at the time of the establishment of any business entity, when the authorized capital is formed. The sources of its formation can be equity capital, shares or budgetary funds. It is the variant of pooling the capital of the participants and the degree of responsibility of each that determine the differences in the organizational and legal forms of management.

The authorized capital determines the size of the property of the enterprise, is the source of its own funds for the formation of fixed and working capital. The minimum amount of the authorized capital is determined by law: for open society - at least 1000 times the minimum wage, for a closed society - 100 times the minimum wage, etc.

To increase the authorized capital, additional capital is formed, including the results of the revaluation of fixed assets, share premiums of a joint-stock company, monetary and material assets received free of charge for production purposes, budget appropriations for financing capital investments, receipts for replenishing working capital. During the existence of the enterprise, the authorized capital can not only increase, including due to part of the internal financial resources, but also split up, decrease.

If in joint stock company the authorized capital is divided into a certain number of shares, the participants of the joint-stock company (shareholders) are not liable for its obligations and bear the risk of losses associated with the activities of the company within the value of their shares. At the same time, shareholders who have not fully paid the value of the shares are jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the joint-stock company within the unpaid value of the shares they own.

In an open joint-stock company, public subscription to shares and their free sale to any third parties is allowed. In a closed joint stock company, shares cannot be sold to third parties without the consent of other shareholders.

Need state support agriculture is caused by the fact that the innovation process in this industry is manifested to a much lesser extent than in industries where labor productivity is growing at a faster pace. Moreover, agricultural productivity is limited by the physical capacity of the land.

The presence of negative phenomena in the development of agriculture, along with its strategic importance for the country's economy, determines the relevance of budgetary financing of the industry.

It is carried out in the form of subsidies and budgetary compensations. The former are paid to producers to reimburse costs that, for objective reasons, are not covered by selling prices for products produced in the main zones of commodity production. Budgetary compensations are allocated to ensure a minimum sufficient level of consumption by agricultural producers of industrial goods and resources, the rise in prices of which cannot be compensated by an increase in prices for the industry's products.

With the help of budgetary subsidies and compensations, the state supports certain strategically important types of production, including those that ensure reproduction in the industry, have social and environmental significance.

The budgetary financing of the agrarian sector includes two directions:

1. Financing of budgetary services, including the maintenance of management structures, R&D, education, measures to improve land management and use, support for farming.

2. Financing of programs aimed at solving specific problems (support of livestock and crop production, compensation of part of the cost of resources, concessional lending, etc.)

Federal budget expenditures

In 2013-2014. there is a moderate increase in federal budget expenditures to support agricultural sector, whose problems are associated with two factors - Russia's accession to the WTO and the rise in prices on the food market. Under the item "Agriculture and Fisheries" expenses increase from 149.5 billion rubles. in 2012 to 152.7 billion rubles. in 2014

Thus, creating conditions for sustainable development of rural areas, accelerating the growth rate of agricultural production based on increasing its competitiveness becomes a priority area of \u200b\u200bagricultural economic policy.

The agro-industrial complex (AIC) occupies a special place in the real sector of the economy: agricultural production and processing of agricultural raw materials are focused on meeting the basic needs of the population - for food, for products light industry, pharmaceuticals, supplying people with other important products.

At present, the situation in the economy is such that first of all and most often it is necessary to think not so much about strategic problems, not about the "maximum program", but about the "minimum program", purely tactical tasks, about concrete measures to maintain the agricultural sector "on I'm floating. " In comparison with other sectors of the economy, the agro-industrial sector, primarily agriculture, has the most unfavorable starting opportunities for the transition to market methods of management, adaptation to a market economy and the corresponding economic relations.

As a result of the ongoing financial and credit policy, agro-industrial enterprises are experiencing an acute need for their own working capital, which today does not even cover the cost of the minimum inventory.

An acute shortage of its own working capital led to the following negative consequences:

Use of an extremely high share of the received profit for their formation;

Growth of mutual non-payments under contracts;

Reduced tax revenues;

Growth of arrears and debts to the budget.

According to the data of sample surveys of farms, the degree of wear of tractors, combines and trucks approached 50%. Farms are practically deprived of the opportunity to renew obsolete and physically worn-out equipment.

After a multiple rise in prices and an increase in the value of working capital assets, the need for additional capital in the agro-industrial complex has sharply increased. The feasibility of large investments is due to the seasonality of agricultural production, the need for seasonal stocks at enterprises.

The credit policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation also leaves much to be desired, which provides for credit restriction, i.e., a decrease in the volume of centralized loans with a simultaneous increase in the interest rate. Such a policy is especially painful for financial condition agricultural enterprises, on the one hand, requiring credit financing due to their capital intensity, on the other hand, the inability to quickly repay credit debt due to the seasonality of production.

In addition, the relative dispersion of financial potential across a large number of banks, as well as its relatively small total value, does little to concentrate efforts to change the position of the agro-industrial complex for the better. Only a relatively small number of banks work with the agroindustrial complex, the possibilities of which are far from unlimited. As a rule, banks have a relatively small amount of free resources, while the urgency of these resources does not match the needs of enterprises for long-term investments. The state with a constant budget deficit (at the federal and regional levels) was also unable to help the agro-industrial sector for a long time, and only in recent years began to take care of creating special funds (budgetary and extra-budgetary) to support the domestic agro-industrial complex. The inflationary factor also acts negatively: the funds allocated at the beginning of the year by the end of the year are insufficient to fully service the previously planned projects.

Attempts by the state to independently lend to agriculture fail: the money either simply does not reach the agricultural sector, or is concentrated on the accounts of those recipients who were not covered by the lending program. In addition, the rate of return on agricultural loans is traditionally low, and the goal to increase the production of a certain product or close the financial gap of an insolvent enterprise is never achieved.

The 1998 crisis exacerbated the far from harmonious relationship between the financial sector and agro-industrial sector... Debt, the volume of overdue loans increased, risks increased, and the strands of confidence of farmers in the banking system weakened. The credit and investment opportunities of banks have diminished even more. Some specific projects were under threat, especially in the field of introducing and developing new forms of economic relationships and resource-saving financial technologies (in particular, leasing). At the same time, the crisis in a number of cases helped to take a fresh look at the nature of relations between the agro-industrial and banking sectors, to more realistically assess their quantitative and qualitative parameters.

The reform of the agricultural sector in Russia is based on the restructuring of agricultural production, in particular, through the creation of new organizational forms of management - farms, small and medium-sized businesses. However, the development of these structures, the increase in their efficiency is held back due to their limited access to financial resources.

In the context of the economic crisis, a sharp reduction in state support for agricultural production and social development of the countryside, the role of mobilization and use of their own resources by the small agricultural producers themselves and the rural population on the basis of mutual assistance is increasing enormously, thus the issue of the restoration and all-round development of credit cooperation in agricultural production.

Farmers, other agricultural producers, enterprises processing agricultural raw materials, procurement, supplying and other enterprises and organizations related to agricultural production, small and other entrepreneurs, as well as individual citizens participating with their money in the form of share contributions, can become members of rural credit cooperatives. in the formation of credit resources.

The main content of the activities of rural credit cooperatives is seen in the mobilization of savings of members of the cooperative, attracting borrowed capital and using these funds to issue loans, primarily for production purposes, as well as to ensure settlements, while the possibility of using funds for the social needs of members of the cooperative is not excluded ...

Credit cooperatives in rural areas could be a more efficient means of distributing public loans to agricultural borrowers, given their joint responsibility.

In our opinion, at present, the creation of a system of rural credit cooperation should become one of the most important directions of the state's agricultural policy.

Currently, an attempt to support rural credit cooperatives is being undertaken by the Association of Peasant (Farming) Farms and Agricultural Cooperatives of Russia (AKKOR). On her initiative, the Fund for the Development of Rural Credit Cooperation was created - a non-profit organization established to promote the establishment of a system of rural credit cooperation in Russia as one of the most important areas of reforming the credit mechanism of the agricultural sector. The Fund is actively working to attract domestic and foreign investments for the development of rural credit cooperation.

In the context of a production crisis and non-payments for russian market export became one of the means of survival of manufacturing enterprises and preservation of jobs. The agro-industrial complex of Russia receives from it annually from 4 to 5 billion US dollars. Among agricultural products, the greatest demand is for sunflower seeds, barley, wheat, wool.

Agricultural products, with the exception of some of their types, are currently exported at prices higher than domestic ones. Intermediary commercial structures, through which more than 70% of food products pass, buying agricultural products at cheap domestic prices, sell it abroad at high prices, receiving significant income from this and not seeking to invest them in the development of the agro-industrial complex. Domestic producers lose significant financial resources from such transactions. In this regard, it is advisable to transfer the function of exporting products to credit cooperatives.

Among the opinions expressed about correcting the situation in the agro-industrial complex, the most correct, that is, the most pragmatic and relevant to the realities, can be considered a three-sided approach to solving the financial problems of the agro-industrial complex. With this approach, an equal role belongs to the state, and financial institutions, and manufacturers of agricultural products. The main thing in it is the pooling of their efforts and resources, as well as the optimal forms of such a connection. At the same time, the state ensures the formulation and consistent implementation of the structural agrarian and agro-industrial policy, the definition of priorities and its basic principles, the guaranteed implementation of the relevant budget items and target programs, stimulates the accumulation of relevant funds both within the framework of state structures, so in financial institutions and at enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.

For efficient organization In the production of agricultural products, the state must provide commodity producers with guarantees for their sale at economically justified prices, as well as introduce quotas for agricultural products sold on the domestic market. Within the limits of quotas, the budget must provide funds for the purchase of agricultural products.

Leasing could become one of the forms of state support for the agro-industrial complex, as a special form of purchasing material and technical means. The analysis shows that the current level of development of leasing operations is completely inadequate (the needs of farms for equipment are met by less than 10%). A feature of financial leasing of equipment in conditions of sufficiently high inflation rates is that neither the lessor nor the lessee is interested in a long lease term, and therefore the lease term is, as a rule, from 6 to 18 months.

Accordingly, producers - agribusiness enterprises should prepare their own development and expanded reproduction policy, economically sound programs and investment projects, as well as development plans and accumulation of relevant funds. They should also take care of creating their own funding resources. A special role in the coordination of efforts and the formation of development and financing funds belongs to national and regional associations of agricultural enterprises.

Financial structures within the framework of the credit and financial policy pursued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of Russia (with the participation of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and other government agencies responsible for structural, primarily agricultural and food, policy), develop their own schemes and operating models, taking into account the specifics of the industry, focused on the provision of credit and financial services to the agro-industrial complex. In the course of joint work at all levels from federal to individual, they contribute to the development of optimal forms and methods of financing the agro-industrial complex, the search for funding sources, the creation of conditions for the accumulation of the necessary funds and reserves, and control over the targeted use of funds and the profitability of individual projects. It is with this tripartite approach that it is possible to mobilize reserves when reallocating funds, to strengthen the investment potential of the agro-industrial complex at the expense of public funds. But, most importantly, with the help of a well-thought-out national agro-industrial policy, favorable initial prerequisites can be created for financing the complex at the expense of long-term loans and bank investments.

To ensure sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex, an effective economic mechanism is needed, based on a combination of state regulation and self-regulation, and a balanced price and financial and credit policy.

The development of the agro-industrial complex is a priority direction of the economy of any type; in recent years, in connection with the liberalization of prices and the tightening of credit policy, the financial situation of the agro-industrial complex has deteriorated. The processes of strengthening the material and technical base, maintaining soil fertility, and developing social infrastructure in the countryside were suspended.

Crucial role in the system of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex financing, lending, tax regulation and prices play.

Besides own resources, financingThe agro-industrial complex is carried out through the allocation of gratuitous investments, financial subsidies, subsidies.

Sources of government funding APK:

1.the republican budget;

2. local budgets;

3. target budgetary funds;

4. extrabudgetary funds,

5. local stabilization funds.

The Fund for Support of Producers of Agricultural Products, Foodstuffs and Agricultural Science, created in 1997, should be especially noted. The fund is formed at the expense of deductions of 1% of proceeds from the sale of products, works, services by almost all enterprises and organizations of the republic of the non-agricultural sphere.

The amount of annual funding is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus after the adoption and entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Republican Budget" for the next financial year. Reasonable amount of budget subsidies from the expenditure side of the consolidated budget (without social sphere) is 15%.

Today in the republic, subsidies for collective and state farms, subsidies are accrued per ton of products delivered to the state (and not per hectare of farmland, as it used to be). This allows each household to determine the amount of public funds that it can count on.

Pricingon agricultural products is based on rational combination of market and regulated prices... Market (free) prices are formed in the market under the influence of supply and demand. Regulated prices apply when:

Payments for agricultural products supplied for state needs;

Determination of additional payments to free prices when selling agricultural products within the established quotas in cases where free prices are lower than guaranteed.

When market prices fall below the level guaranteed by the state, it is advisable to carry out procurement interventions in the market or compensate producers for the difference between the market and guaranteed prices. The list of types of agricultural products for which guaranteed prices, volumes (quotas) its implementation at these prices, the procedure for approving guaranteed prices and their application established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarusb.

Important forms of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex are concessional lending and taxation, provision of commodity loans. State participation in lending to agricultural producers is carried out by allocating budget loans, preferential interest rates for using loans, providing state guarantees in repayment of preferential interest rates for using loansproviding state guarantees in repayment of bank loans, compensation for banks' losses in connection with the provision of soft loans to agricultural producers.

Part of the funds allocated to finance agriculture is provided on a repayable and repayable basis, in the form of a budget loan for lending to seasonal agricultural work, carrying out procurement interventions and for other purposes in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

An important problem in lending to the agro-industrial complex remains long-term lending. It is associated with the specifics of agricultural production, where the production cycle sometimes lasts up to a year or more. Interest rates on long-term loans cannot be at the level of rates set for short-term loans. In world practice, long-term lending to agriculture is used with reduced interest rates for using the loan.

Widespread in the republic received commodity credit (diesel fuel, lubricants, etc.). To secure obligations under loan agreements, pledge agricultural products . The conditions of the pledge with the participation of the state are determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. It is important to note that the system lending to the agro-industrial complex should be closely linked with the lending system of the national economy and correspond to it.

The Republic of Belarus uses the regime preferential taxationagricultural producers. It is established by the current tax legislation. Main the purpose of preferential taxation is to protect domestic producers.

Widely used in the regulation of the agro-industrial complex received leasing, contributing to a faster update of technology, and agricultural insurance, which is designed to guarantee financial support producers of agricultural products that insure property, crops, animals and poultry against natural disasters and adverse weather conditions. Agricultural insurance can be compulsory or voluntary. The types, conditions and procedure for compulsory agricultural insurance are established by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus and are determined by the Council of Ministers. Funds for the payment of 50% of insurance premiums for the types of compulsory insurance are allocated from the republican budget, and operations on this type of insurance are carried out by BRUSP "Belgosstrakh".

An important area of \u200b\u200bstate regulation of the agro-industrial complex is investment activities... State regulation measures in this direction should ensure activation of investment activity, for which it is necessary:

To increase the role of own sources of formation of investment resources, which in the total volume of investments should be at least 65-70%;

Strengthen the role of depreciation deductions in the formation of investment resources by using accelerated depreciation, free depreciation, introducing a special storage and spending regime for depreciation funds;

Concentrate centralized investment resources on priority areas Agro-industrial complex;

Develop a secondary securities market and specialized financial flows;

Create a mortgage system and a mechanism for its regulation;

Expand the system of leasing operations, etc.

In 2006-2010. the main tasks of the development of agro-industrial complex will: the formation of effective, sustainable and competitive production of agricultural products and food, ensuring the country's food security, focus on meeting the demand of the domestic market and increasing export supplies, improving the level and quality of life rural population... First of all, the modernization of agricultural production will be ensured on the basis of its technical and technological re-equipment. The most important direction development of the agricultural sector of the economy will be the maximum use of innovations.

Further development will receive all forms of ownership and housekeeping. Institutional transformations are supposed to be carried out on the basis of cooperation and integration with the formation of multi-level diversified and highly specialized associations covering technological chains from the production of raw materials to their processing and the sale of food. Agricultural firms, agricultural enterprises, financial and industrial groups, unions, will be promising forms of integration. large corporations - models of the agro-industrial complex, developing mainly at the expense of their own resources.

End of work -

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Fundamentals and principles of budget revenues formation

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The essence and composition of budget revenues
Budget revenues are part of the centralized financial resources of the state necessary for the performance of its functions. Budget revenues are funds received free of charge and without return.

Tax revenues of the republican budget
The following tax revenues are credited to the republican budget: 1. profit tax; 2. tax on income; 3. value added tax; 4. excises; five

Non-tax revenues of the republican budget
Non-tax revenues of the republican budget include: 1. revenues from the placement of funds from the republican budget; 2.dividends on shares and income from other forms of participation

Tax revenues of regional budgets
The following tax revenues are credited to the regional budgets: 1. income tax from individuals, except for those calculated from income received from entrepreneurial activities;

Non-tax revenues of regional budgets
Non-tax revenues of regional budgets include: 1. revenues from the placement of funds of the regional budget - 100 percent; 2.dividends on shares and income from other forms of participation

Tax revenues of the budgets of the basic and primary levels
The following tax revenues are credited to the budgets of the basic level: 1. personal income tax; 2. tax on profits and income; on real estate

Non-tax revenues of the budgets of the basic and primary levels
Non-tax revenues of the budgets of the basic level include: 1. revenues from the placement of funds; 2.dividends on shares and income from other forms of accounting

Non-tax revenues of the budget of Minsk
Non-tax revenues of the budget of the city of Minsk include: 1. revenues from the placement of funds; 2. dividends on shares and income from other forms of participation in capital; 3.doho

Forms of mobilizing funds to the budget
In all civilized states, the main methods of redistributing national income in order to mobilize state revenues are: 1. taxes 2. for

Planning budget revenues
Budget planning is the determination of the volume of the budget, its revenue and expenditure parts based on forecasts of indicators of socio-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and the corresponding

The economic essence of taxes. Specific purpose and role of taxes in budget revenues
Taxes are obligatory payments, levied by law from enterprises and citizens, which do not have an individually compensated nature for the taxpayer.

Characteristics of the current system of taxation of enterprises, organizations, population in the Republic of Belarus
Tax system - the totality of all taxes, methods and principles of their construction, methods of calculating and collecting taxes, tax control, established

The tax system of the Republic of Belarus is enshrined in the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus
The tax system of the Republic of Belarus includes not only taxes directly, but also fees, duties, mandatory contributions. Article 8 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus establishes

The main directions of further improvement of the taxation system in the Republic of Belarus
The development of a market economy is regulated by financial and economic methods - through the use of a well-functioning taxation system, maneuvering with loan capital and interest rates

Lecture 17
Non-tax revenues and receipts Tax payments form the bulk of budget revenues. In addition, there are non-tax payments and

The concept and role of state budget expenditures
The state, being the owner of budgetary resources, has the right to dispose of them, direct them to the development of the material and social sphere, cover national and other

Organization principles, methods and forms of public spending
The aggregate specific types government spending, closely interrelated, constitute a system of government spending. In the Republic of Belarus, the formation of the

2.1. direct costs are budgetary allocations that are directly provided to individual citizens: grouped: - by population strata - their social affiliation

Methods for providing budget funds to finance the national economy
Budget expenditures on the national economy are directed to specific sectors, departments and are characterized by targeted content. The most common forms of budgetary

Financing of construction production
The most important component of state regulation construction production in terms of new construction, expansion, reconstruction, technical re-equipment of existing projects

Financing the costs of developing market infrastructure
To finance programs, projects and activities aimed at supporting and developing small business, republican and territory

Composition of budget funds managers
The main source of funds of budgetary institutions is allocations from the state budget. Expenses of a separate budgetary institution

Extra-budgetary funds of budgetary organizations
At present, publicly funded social organizations can attract additional resources through extrabudgetary funds received from types

Concept and principles of budget planning and financing
Estimated budget financing is a method of providing budget funds to business entities to organize their activities. Implementation of ra

The national education system of the republic consists of state and non-state educational and training institutions and includes:

The largest share in the expenditures of local budgets on education is taken by expenditures on general education schools. General secondary education system

Features of planning and financing expenses for boarding schools
Boarding schools are general education schools where the functions of school and out-of-school education of children are combined. They are divided into the following types:

1. budgetary allocations are the basis of state guarantees for the preservation, development and dissemination of culture: ยท for the implementation of the main activity; software

In 2007 in RB
Culture 124 503 855.0 0.4% Republic Culture and art 106 424 120.0 85% Cinemato

G. in RB
Culture 241 052 715.0 0.6% Resp & nbs

Program financing
State program "Young talents of Belarus" for 2006-2010 Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of May 10, 2006 No. 310, The main objectives of the State program

Regional program for the development of the cultural sector of the Vitebsk region for 2006-2010 \u003d 4801577 tr. Adopted by the decision of the Vitebsk Regional Council of Deputies dated November 29, 2006 No. 227 "On the region

System of grants and state awards
Grant: 1. gratuitous, non-refundable provision of funds; 2.paid, subsidized government order for execution scientific research and development (used

Scientific activity should be understood as activities aimed at obtaining new knowledge about man, nature, society, technology and using this knowledge

Science is a specific area of \u200b\u200bsocial activity. AT modern conditions it became a decisive factor ensuring the development of scientific and technological progress, productive forces, the implementation

Social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population
Social protection of the most vulnerable segments of the population, which include low-income citizens and families, women and children, youth and pensioners, is a priority task for

Organization of pension provision
Pension security is the direction of material support for disabled citizens, which enjoys special attention in our society, since it affects the interests of

National expenses
As an equal member of the international community, the sovereign state of the Republic of Belarus bears the entire range of costs due to national statehood. To about

Financing of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation

1.3 Analysis of the regulatory framework regulating the financing of the agro-industrial complex

The legal regulation of financial relations in the state as a whole, and therefore in agriculture, is carried out by the norms of financial law. These norms apply to all spheres of public life if they are related to monetary settlements, credit, insurance and other types financial activities... These norms also apply to similar relations in agriculture. Simultaneously act regulationsregulating these relations in agriculture.

The basis for the regulation of budgetary relations is the RF Budget Code. Tax relations are regulated by Part I of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Basics of the Tax System in the Russian Federation" dated December 27, 1991, laws regulating the collection certain types taxes. Relations with regard to insurance are covered by legislation, which is based on the Law of the Russian Federation "On the organization of insurance business in the Russian Federation" dated November 27, 1992. Banking activities are regulated by special banking legislation, headed by the Federal Law "On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia ) "as amended by laws from 1995 to 1999, as well as the Federal Law" On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the RSFSR "On Banks and Banking Activities in the RSFSR" dated February 3, 1996, which laid down this Law in new edition... For the regulation of credit and settlement relations, the most significant norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)" dated July 16, 1998. For the regulation of the securities market, the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Federal Law "On the Securities Market" of April 22, 1996, etc.

The legislation on financial relations in agriculture reflects the state policy in this area. The foundations of this policy are established by the Federal Law "On State Regulation of Agroindustrial Production" dated July 14, 1997. Thus, Art. 2 of this Law "The main directions of state regulation of agroindustrial production" established that the state regulates financing, crediting, insurance, preferential taxation in agriculture. Separate articles of the Law established the basic principles of this activity. A number of regulations have been adopted in order to legal support... In recent years, the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation have adopted regulations on the economic functioning of the agro-industrial complex, containing certain measures of state support for the agro-industrial complex, including issues of subsidies and investments in agricultural production.

Legal regulation of financing of agricultural production.

Financing of rural economic activity from budget funds - one of the ways of state support for agricultural producers. Now the policy in the field of financing the agro-industrial complex has changed significantly. The emphasis is on those types of economic incentives that push agricultural entrepreneurs to be active in the market, rather than waiting for the next financial assistance from the state. These measures include credit regulation, tax regulation, etc.

At the same time, financing is firmly included in the list of ways by which the state controls and manages economic relations in the agricultural sector, and a complete rejection of it is not expected.

The already mentioned Federal Law "On State Regulation of Agroindustrial Production" constitutes the normative basis for the legal regulation of financing the agro-industrial complex. As stated in Chapter 1 of Art. 3 of the Law, the state finances the agro-industrial complex at the expense of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as extra-budgetary sources. In addition, financing is allowed at the expense of local budgets and funds from other sources, if this does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Lending from different sources assumes different legal regulation of relations regarding the loan.

Credit relations with the participation of commercial banks are subject to the norms of civil legislation (Chapter 42 "Loans and Credit" of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) and other regulations.

The provision of a loan from state or municipal funds is regulated by special legislation. This legislation is based on the Federal Law "On State Regulation of Agroindustrial Production".

At the same time, the activities of banks performing lending operations from the state budget are subject to the general rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on loans and credits.

Under the loan agreement, the bank or other credit institution (lender) undertakes to provide funds (credit) to the borrower in the amount and on the terms stipulated by the agreement, and the borrower undertakes to return the amount received and pay interest on it (Article 819 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A loan is a more general concept, and the lender can be any person, not necessarily a credit institution. Under the loan agreement, one party (the lender) transfers to the ownership of the other party (the borrower) money or other things defined by generic characteristics, and the borrower undertakes to return the same amount of money (the loan amount) to the lender or an equal number of other things of the same kind and quality received by him (Article 809 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). It can be said that a loan is viewed as a special case of a loan. Therefore, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (part 2 of article 819) establishes that the rules provided for the loan agreement apply to relations under a loan agreement, unless otherwise provided by law.

Among the contracts determined by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and taking place in agricultural relations, special varieties are distinguished: commodity credit and commercial credit. Under a commodity credit agreement, only things defined by generic characteristics, and not money, can be transferred (Article 822).

Commercial loan, as defined in Art. 823 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this is a special condition when concluding the main transaction related to the transfer of monetary amounts or other things to the ownership of the other party. In this case, a loan can be provided in the form of an advance payment, prepayment, deferral and installment payment for goods, works or services (commercial credit), unless otherwise provided by law. The rules established by the civil legislation for loans and credits are applied to a commercial loan, unless otherwise provided by the rules on the contract from which the corresponding obligation arose and does not contradict the essence of such an obligation.

Credit relations in the agro-industrial complex are subject to general requirements on the form of the loan agreement, namely the loan agreement must be concluded in writing, failure to comply with which entails its invalidity.

As already mentioned, lending to agricultural production is one of the purposes for which federal budget funds are allocated in accordance with Art. 3 of the Law "On State Regulation of Agroindustrial Production".

The participation of the state in credit relations, subject to the collateral for this loan of agricultural products, raw materials and food in accordance with this Law are:

* allocation of budgetary resources for lending;

* lending itself;

* allocation of budgetary appropriations or crediting necessary to compensate for the costs of storing and processing agricultural products, raw materials and food, acquired in accordance with the established procedure in the ownership of the state.

Actually, the provisions of the said Law reflect the main view of modern politics on the role of state lending to the agro-industrial complex. Thus, the Law establishes the main directions for spending federal budget funds in state lending. It:

* short-term lending of seasonal costs and maintenance of necessary stocks in agro-industrial production;

* long-term lending to agro-industrial production;

* provision to credit cooperatives, more than 50 percent of the authorized capital of which belongs to legal and individualsemployed in agro-industrial production, long-term loans to form their authorized capital.

The Government of the Russian Federation creates special funds for state support of lending in agricultural production and determines the procedure for using their funds.

In any form of state participation in credit relations in the agro-industrial complex, legislation establishes special requirements for the procedure for establishing them.When it comes to financing a certain type of agricultural activity, the issues of financing it from the state budget can be additionally regulated by legislation on this activity.

Thus, we can conclude from Chapter 1 that the agro-industrial complex is one of the main sectors of the Russian economy, which accounts for 15% of the country's GDP. More than 1/3 of the entire population of Russia is employed in this area. The financing of the agro-industrial complex increases every year. State support is very large, new programs are being created to support agriculture, a large share of funding for the development of agriculture. Normative - the legislative framework affects all areas of financing and regulates all types of financial relations in the field of agro-industrial complex.

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The highest bodies of power and administration carry out general management system of finance. The highest authorities include: 1. The President of the Russian Federation (Administration of the President of the Russian Federation) - signs the budget plan, determines the goals of financial policy ...

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Long-term lending system

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In general, the system of normative-legal acts of the SFC (or its normative-legal base) seems to us to be 4-tier. This is clearly shown in Fig. 3. As you can see, in principle, we can talk about a separate sub-branch of financial law - control law ...

Modern financial policy of Russia

Financial management in the Russian Federation is primarily carried out by the highest legislative bodies of power - this is the Federal Assembly and its two chambers: the State Duma and the Federation Council ...

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Transport tax

Simplified taxation system

The development of the agro-industrial complex is a priority direction of the economy of any type; in recent years, in connection with the liberalization of prices and the tightening of credit policy, the financial situation of the agro-industrial complex has deteriorated. The processes of strengthening the material and technical base, maintaining soil fertility, and developing social infrastructure in the countryside were suspended.

Crucial role in the system of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex financing, lending, tax regulation and prices play.

Besides own resources, financingThe agro-industrial complex is carried out through the allocation of gratuitous investments, financial subsidies, subsidies.

Sources of government funding APK:

1.the republican budget;

2. local budgets;

3. target budgetary funds;

4. extrabudgetary funds,

5. local stabilization funds.

The Fund for Support of Producers of Agricultural Products, Foodstuffs and Agricultural Science, created in 1997, should be especially noted. The fund is formed at the expense of deductions of 1% of proceeds from the sale of products, works, services by almost all enterprises and organizations of the republic of the non-agricultural sphere.

The amount of annual funding is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus after the adoption and entry into force of the Law of the Republic of Belarus "On the Republican Budget" for the next financial year. Reasonable amount of budget subsidies of the expenditure side of the consolidated budget (excluding the social sphere) is 15%.

Today in the republic, subsidies for collective and state farms, subsidies are accrued per ton of products delivered to the state (and not per hectare of farmland, as it used to be). This allows each household to determine the amount of public funds that it can count on.

Pricingon agricultural products is based on rational combination of market and regulated prices... Market (free) prices are formed in the market under the influence of supply and demand. Regulated prices apply when:

Payments for agricultural products supplied for state needs;

Determination of additional payments to free prices when selling agricultural products within the established quotas in cases where free prices are lower than guaranteed.

When market prices fall below the level guaranteed by the state, it is advisable to carry out procurement interventions in the market or compensate producers for the difference between the market and guaranteed prices. The list of types of agricultural products for which guaranteed prices, volumes (quotas) its implementation at these prices, the procedure for approving guaranteed prices and their application established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarusb.

Important forms of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex are concessional lending and taxation, provision of commodity loans. State participation in lending to agricultural producers is carried out by allocating budget loans, preferential interest rates for using loans, providing state guarantees in repayment of preferential interest rates for using loansproviding state guarantees in repayment of bank loans, compensation for banks' losses in connection with the provision of soft loans to agricultural producers.

Part of the funds allocated to finance agriculture is provided on a repayable and repayable basis, in the form of a budget loan for lending to seasonal agricultural work, carrying out procurement interventions and for other purposes in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

An important problem in lending to the agro-industrial complex remains long-term lending. It is associated with the specifics of agricultural production, where the production cycle sometimes lasts up to a year or more. Interest rates on long-term loans cannot be at the level of rates set for short-term loans. In world practice, long-term lending to agriculture is used with reduced interest rates for using the loan.

Widespread in the republic received commodity credit (diesel fuel, lubricants, etc.). To secure obligations under loan agreements, pledge agricultural products . The conditions of the pledge with the participation of the state are determined by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. It is important to note that the system lending to the agro-industrial complex should be closely linked with the lending system of the national economy and correspond to it.

The Republic of Belarus uses the regime preferential taxationagricultural producers. It is established by the current tax legislation. Main the purpose of preferential taxation is to protect domestic producers.

Widely used in the regulation of the agro-industrial complex received leasing, contributing to a faster update of technology, and agricultural insurance, which is designed to guarantee financial support for agricultural producers who insure property, crops, animals and poultry against natural disasters and adverse weather conditions. Agricultural insurance can be compulsory or voluntary. The types, conditions and procedure for compulsory agricultural insurance are established by legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus and are determined by the Council of Ministers. Funds for the payment of 50% of insurance premiums for the types of compulsory insurance are allocated from the republican budget, and operations on this type of insurance are carried out by the Belgosstrakh BRUSP.

An important area of \u200b\u200bstate regulation of the agro-industrial complex is investment activities... State regulation measures in this direction should ensure activation of investment activity, for which it is necessary:

To increase the role of own sources of formation of investment resources, which in the total volume of investments should be at least 65-70%;

Strengthen the role of depreciation deductions in the formation of investment resources by using accelerated depreciation, free depreciation, introducing a special storage and spending regime for depreciation funds;

Concentrate centralized investment resources on priority areas of the agro-industrial complex;

Develop a secondary securities market and specialized financial flows;

Create a mortgage system and a mechanism for its regulation;

Expand the system of leasing operations, etc.

In 2006-2010. the main tasks of the development of agro-industrial complex will be: the formation of effective, sustainable and competitive production of agricultural products and food, ensuring the country's food security, focus on meeting the demand of the domestic market and increasing export supplies, improving the level and quality of life of the rural population. First of all, the modernization of agricultural production will be ensured on the basis of its technical and technological re-equipment. The most important direction in the development of the agricultural sector of the economy will be the maximum use of innovations.

Further development will receive all forms of ownership and housekeeping. Institutional transformations are supposed to be carried out on the basis of cooperation and integration with the formation of multi-level diversified and highly specialized associations covering technological chains from the production of raw materials to their processing and the sale of food. Agricultural firms, agricultural enterprises, financial and industrial groups, unions, large corporations - models of the agro-industrial complex, developing mainly at the expense of their own resources, will be promising forms of integration formations.