Listen to songbirds. When birds sing - diseases go away (6 audio files with birds singing). Sounds of nature birds in the forest listen online

Birdsong are natural sounds of nature with which we are genetically related. We hear them, not yet born, then in early childhood and throughout our entire future life. They seem to encode information about how our body should actually work.

Beneficial effect

One can only marvel at the beneficial effects of bird song on the human psyche. Some bird songs are soothing, others are uplifting. After some melodies “the soul is drawn to the pen, the pen to the paper”, and after others a deep sleep follows.

Nightingale singing is iridescent, "multi-generational", with whistles, with alternating soft and sharp, loud and quiet musical overtones. Therefore, it invigorates, creates a life-affirming mood, calls to vigorous activity... It heals well depressive conditions, neuroses, relieves headaches, activates the work of all organs and systems. The perky flute songs of the warbler have a similar effect on a person. Rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia can be removed by bird songs with uniform rhythms - canaries, songbirds, buntings, finches.

Soundful, cheerful melodies of a goldfinch and a siskin help with neuroses, activate the work of the whole organism.

Chronic hypertension is relieved by calm and flowing songs of the blackbird.

The first spring bird is the robin. Most often, she sings in the early morning and before sunset. The song of the robin is easy to recognize - its iridescent whistles begin with a short characteristic squeak. She is very optimistic. It has been noticed that sound vibrations emitted by robins relieve headaches, heart and joint pains, spasms in the liver, stomach, heart, and blood vessels. Harmonious sound vibrations are very useful for those who suffer from insomnia.

The evening forest is filled with bird noise: nightingales, songbirds and blackbirds, robins, finches selflessly display their trills. A walk in the woods before bedtime has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body, significantly reducing the excitation processes in the cerebral cortex. After such a walk, a good sound sleep comes.

It is important that a person, having come to a forest or park, be able to distinguish the voice of the desired bird and concentrate on it. So, first you need to, listening to the voices of birds recorded on records, disks, tape, to learn to distinguish them. The famous Russian biophysicist B. Veprintsev has released a large series of records with recordings of the voices of birds living in Russia.

It is better to “be treated” every day. If in the morning you already feel unwell, there is a lack of energy - take the healing session immediately, getting out of bed. If, on the contrary, in the first half of the day you are active and vigorous, you feel good, and by the evening you are too tired and literally "wrung out" - then take the "treatment" in the afternoon, preferably before bedtime.

Larks will ring over the fields in April. Their singing is pouring, with melodic trills. The lark has a forest counterpart, the whirligig bird, whose singing is dominated by long gentle trills, creating joy and peace in the soul.

In May, in the dense bushes on the banks of the rivers, you can hear continuous soft chirping - this is the voice of a cricket, a small brownish-gray mobile bird. Her rhythmic singing helps with overexcitation of the nervous system, increased heart rate, cardiovascular diseases.

It is very useful to communicate with birds in nature. But recognizing the voices of birds, distinguishing them from the general chorus, is often beyond the power of even experienced bird watchers. Therefore, for a start, get recordings of bird voices and listen to them at home. Armed with a baggage of knowledge, you can try to isolate the desired voice from polyphony. It is important to learn how to turn off the rest of the background noise and create a communication channel between certain combinations of sounds and the corresponding centers in the cerebral cortex.

Singing of birds has a powerful psychotherapeutic effect in winter. Simple Twitter is a remedy for winter depression, light deficiency, and general depression.

Communication with birds convinced ornithologist-bioacoustics doctor of biological sciences Valery Dmitrievich Ilyichev that bird voices have a healing effect on humans.
“Nature has provided birds with a unique sound-producing mechanism,” says Valery Dmitrievich. “The vocal apparatus of birds is like a mini-orchestra - a duet or quartet, with the help of which the feathered miracle of nature performs its virtuoso musical works.
The singing of birds cannot leave a person indifferent. It calms, cheers, adjusts to a romantic mood, heals the soul, balances all the processes taking place in his body. The singing bird creates harmony of the soul, psyche and body, that is, it helps a person to heal.

Valery Dmitrievich Ilyichev explains the therapeutic effect of birdsong on humans. Sounds through the ear enter the so-called auditory area of \u200b\u200bthe cerebral cortex and excite it. And from it the rest of the cerebral cortex is excited. Since all the work of the body is somehow regulated by the brain, the changes in the brain affect absolutely all physiological processes. Even a simple sound vibration can affect the work of any organ, up to the cell. But musical sounds are, in fact, primarily a fixed and stable harmony. Submitting to it, all organs and systems in the human body begin to work harmoniously and correctly.

A person is genetically connected with the sounds that birds make, and this sound environment is initially pleasant to him. The voices of birds are fixed in the structures of the human brain as a stimulus associated with joy. And the link between positive emotions and physical health is well known.

Ilyichev noticed that among people living surrounded by birds, there are many long-livers. He explains this by the fact that all biological processes in the human body will in this case be synchronized by the singing of birds. When people began to live in huge cities, they deprived themselves of communication with birds in their natural environment... But they could not do without their wonderful and healing singing for a long time, and then they decided to keep the birds in cages so that the little singer and healer was always at hand.

For example, nightingale singing - iridescent, multi-generational, with alternating soft and sharp, loud and quiet musical overtones - invigorates, creates a mood, calls for work. It heals well depressive conditions, neuroses, relieves headaches. The perky flute songs of the little warbler have a similar effect on a person.

Rapid heartbeat, arrhythmia can be removed by bird songs with uniform rhythms - canaries, songbirds, buntings, finches. Sound cheerful melodies, played by a goldfinch or a siskin, help with neuroses, irritability, fatigue. Chronic hypertension is treated with the calm songs of the blackbird.

Sound vibrations emitted by zoryanka relieve headaches, heart and joint pains, spasms in the liver, stomach, heart, and blood vessels. These harmonious sound vibrations are also useful for those who suffer from insomnia.

Arriving in a forest or park, we must be able to distinguish the voice of the desired bird and focus on it. Therefore, you first need to learn to distinguish between the voices of birds recorded on records, disks, and tape. Then in the forest in the discordance of bird songs, you need to try to highlight the voices already famous birds... Then learn to hear the voice of one bird and tune in to it, as to a certain sound wave, turning off the rest of the sound background.

This is the basics of ornithotherapy: with such a setting, a person suffering, for example, with hypertension, as it were, creates a communication channel between a certain combination of sounds and control centers in the cerebral cortex, which dilates blood vessels and removes spasm. Blackbird singing will help chronic hypertensive patients, especially if you walk in the forest more often ... The sounds emitted by blackbirds, by their frequencies, also affect the pain centers, the brain, which are excited during chronic migraines.

Larks will ring over the fields in April. Their singing is flowing, with melodic thirds. The lark has a forest counterpart, the whirligig bird, whose singing is dominated by long gentle trills, creating joy and peace in the soul.

Later, in May, in the dense bushes along the river banks you can hear continuous soft chirping, similar to the voice of a grasshopper. This is the voice of a cricket, a small brownish-gray mobile bird. Her rhythmic singing helps with overexcitation of the nervous system, increased heart rate, cardiovascular diseases.

- And how to be treated with poultry?

- If a bird lives in your apartment, in a cage, advises Valery Dmitrievich, - first of all, you need to ensure that the bird sings as much as possible. To do this, use various sound stimulants, such as tape recordings of classical music or bird trills. And the easiest way is to turn on the tap in the kitchen or bathroom and let the water gurgle. Soon your bird, too, will hum gently and pleasant to the ear. Any bird in the house is healing: it will create a mood, and dispel sorrow, and calm down pain. I still remember my first bird from my distant military childhood - the goldfinch Tishka. Once, in a fierce winter, they brought firewood, which we children had to chop. From those times I have a deep scar on my hand, when I wounded it with clumsy movements of an ax. I remember the gushing blood and terrible pain. There were no pain relievers in the house. I just shook the bandaged sore hand and at some point showed it to Tishka. Tishka, until then calmly sitting on the perch, began to jump restlessly, and then settled down on the highest place of the cage and began to sing. He sang his best songs to me, and they sounded especially loud and even fervent, as if consoling and encouraging me. I listened to the goldfinch, admiring his singing, and suddenly noticed that the pain was gone. She returned in the evening, when Tishka, exhausted, stopped singing and fell asleep. But this pain could already be tolerated ...

All birds adore their owners and respond to affectionate treatment with wonderful singing. It is especially useful for children to communicate with them. Birds are active, mobile creatures, their behavior corresponds to the inquisitive nature of the child. When a child learns to speak, such a peculiar partner as a singing and speaking bird will be useful to him. Under the influence of birdsong, children develop an ear for music. Children who are easily aroused become calmer, fall asleep easier, and sleep better.

Talking birds are irreplaceable companions and friends of lonely elderly people. The most common of these birds, budgerigars, are inexpensive and have great benefits.

Valery Dmitrievich, together with Doctor of Biological Sciences O. Silaeva, created a Bioacoustic Rehabilitation Center on the basis of a hospital near Moscow. His doctors were looking for a way to quickly recover patients after surgery and exacerbations of chronic ailments. Ilyichev suggested that such patients listen to the compositions recorded on tape, composed of voices different birds depending on the condition of the patients and specific diseases.

Ilyichev also has own experience using your methodology.

- Not so long ago I was in the hospital. My illness was accompanied by a severe headache, which the doctors could hardly relieve with strong drugs. Then my colleagues compiled a sound composition that reduces pain. They installed a music center in my room so that I could listen to birdsong. Before that, we had not yet tested "painful" compositions on humans, and I was the first to test my own invention. And I was shocked by the results: after half an hour, the excruciating headache disappeared and never returned.

I, like other fans of bird singing, have a lot of discs and records in my music library, so a polyphonic bird choir sounds in my house all the time. Although no disks can replace the bird that lives next to you, about which you tenderly care. In gratitude, she gives you both joy and inspiration, saves you from loneliness and anxieties of life, loves and heals.

Tatyana Abramova, “MIRACLES AND ADVENTURE” No. 2, 2005

Remember the morning somewhere in the forest or in the country. And even in the city sometimes through open window you can hear it. We are talking about a melody that our smaller brothers - birds - give us. This is who we should take an example from modern musicians and singers who bring very dubious works of art to this world. And the most natural and natural melodies that birds emit allow you to enjoy these blissful vibrations. However, in winter or in a metropolis that already completely lives contrary to the laws of nature, you can hardly hear the birds singing. However, harsh winter days or life in a stone jungle is not at all a reason to give up the divine music that birds make.

Sounds of nature birds in the forest listen online

To enjoy the divine melody of authorship of our feathered fellows, you just need to turn on music with recording of birds singing on your computer or any other device. This will allow you to immerse yourself in a blissful and natural atmosphere. Rather than spending leisure time watching TV, the range of which is not particularly diverse in its negative, it is better to spend time listening to birds singing. Just do a real scientific experiment: check your condition after a couple of hours of watching TV and after at least 30 minutes of listening to birds singing. You will be very pleasantly surprised by the results.

Just half an hour of listening to birds singing will eliminate anxiety, anxiety, excitement, melancholy, sadness, melancholy, depression, anger, aggression, irritability, resentment. What psychologist can cope with all these difficult conditions in just half an hour? There is only one such psychologist - nature itself, which, with the voices of birds, is able to eliminate any negative in our minds. And do not neglect such an effective and enjoyable tool. Nature sounds such as birds singing in the forest can bring us back to our natural calm state. You just need to download the sounds of nature, and the birds will sing to you from any device convenient for you at any time of the day or night. By the way, listening to birds can be used both during wakefulness and during sleep. In the second case, the effect of exposure may even be more powerful.

If you suffer from insomnia, then bird song is just what you need. Just turn on the sounds of birds singing before bedtime or directly during sleep and healthy quality sleep will very quickly overtake you. During wakefulness, bird song can eliminate any stress. Therefore, at the end of the working day, it will be positive to listen to the singing of birds in order to "reset", that is, to eliminate all the negative that has accumulated during the day.

You can also listen to birdsong directly during everyday labor activity... If your activity is not related to driving a car or working with complex dangerous mechanisms, then it is quite possible to turn on the singing of birds - so the work will go faster and you will act more efficiently. Sounds of nature: the sound of the forest, singing birds, the sound of rain - you can listen and use it as a background for meditation. These sounds can quickly calm the mind and relieve heavy obsessive thoughts, which can often become a serious obstacle and hindrance during meditation. Therefore, if you have long wanted to learn how to meditate, but your restless mind does not allow you to advance in practice, then the singing of birds will be very good tool to calm the mind - you yourself will notice it. If you haven't thought about meditation yet, it's time to try it.

Start with some simple practice, such as concentration on the breath. Try to concentrate on your breath, gradually stretching it and at the same time listening to the birds singing. You will be able to notice that your mind has reached a deep level of calmness and you begin to react less painfully to all traumatic situations. After all, all events are neutral in nature, and only the anxiety that generates our mind makes us perceive certain events as negative. And if we can achieve some peace, there will be much less suffering.

You can listen to the birdsong at any time free from serious mental activity. During your daily household chores, you can also include birdsong, and you will very quickly notice that your condition has changed for the better: you have become a more positive and cheerful person, and past troubles no longer cause so much suffering. Even simply listening to birds singing as a background has a tremendous positive effect on our psyche.

By developing the habit of regularly playing birds singing at home or with headphones on, you will very soon notice positive changes in your life. Because these natural natural rhythms have a beneficial effect on consciousness, and when consciousness changes, life around it also changes. The singing of birds is a natural melody of the Universe, and it returns us to a state of harmony with the world around us. And all the suffering just comes from disharmony with the surrounding world and with oneself. Just try this tool, and the changes in your life will not be long in coming.