Revealing the motives of labor activity research program. Diagnostics of the system of motivation and stimulation of personnel in the organization. Test "Methodology for the diagnosis of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-needs sphere"

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Considering the motivation and stimulation of personnel labor activity, O. V. Krushelnitskaya distinguishes three groups of methods: administrative (the stick method), economic (the carrot method) and socio-psychological. To the latter, the author includes personal example, social protection, the establishment of moral sanctions and rewards 24.

V. A. Shakhovoy, S. A. Shapiro note that the methods of labor motivation are similar to the methods used in personnel management: administrative, economic and social. At the same time, the authors consider in sufficient detail the socio-psychological methods of motivation, such as the formation of teams taking into account the personality and character of employees, the creation of a normal psychological climate, a creative atmosphere, a personal example of a leader to his subordinates, orienting conditions (goals of the organization and mission), participation of employees in management. , satisfaction of cultural and spiritual needs, the establishment of social norms of behavior and social incentives, the establishment of moral sanctions and incentives, social prevention and protection of workers 25.

Effective staff motivation is impossible without understanding the motives and needs of employees and the rational use of incentives to work. Only knowing what motivates a person and prompts him to work, what motives lie at the basis of his actions, it is possible to ensure the rational use of incentives. After all, this or that form of labor stimulation only then becomes an incentive force when it turns into a motive, that is, when it is accepted by a person, meets any human need. Therefore, the most important is the ability of managers to use methods aimed at identifying motives and assessing the level of satisfaction of workers' needs, that is, the ability to diagnose the state of motivation. At the same time, despite the variety of methods presented in the reviewed literary sources, most of them consider methods that are stimulating in nature, which are based on external influence on the employee using various kinds of incentives. Only a few authors 26 note the importance of studying the needs, interests, and motivational orientation of personnel, which is carried out episodically and extremely superficially.

It seems appropriate to subdivide the methods of motivation into stimulating and diagnostic ones. Incentive methods allow for the implementation of external stimulating influence on personnel using various kinds of incentives. Diagnostic methods allow you to study and assess the state of employee motivation. Stimulating methods, in turn, it is advisable to subdivide into economic, socio-psychological and administrative.

Economic methods are aimed at satisfying the property interests of employees and are based on the use of material incentives - in the form of various kinds of monetary rewards (monetary incentives) or in the form of various benefits, compensations, etc. (non-monetary incentives).

Socio-psychological methods are based on the use of moral incentives to work and the influence on the personality with the help of psychological techniques. It should be noted that some authors consider organizational methods as part of socio-psychological methods of motivation, while others single out such methods in a separate group. In the opinion of N.E. Tkachenko, N.L. Reilyanov, these methods are organizational in nature due to the fact that they involve certain changes in the organization of the work of employees. In terms of the direction of influence, such methods are more consistent with the sign of socio-psychological methods of motivation, in view of the fact that most of them are based on moral incentives to work, such as providing an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills, more meaningful, important, interesting work, feel more significant. In this regard, it seems that the psychological and moral orientation of these methods of motivation is more significant than the organizational essence, in connection with which it seems appropriate to consider organizational methods as part of socio-psychological methods of motivation 27.

Administrative methods rely on the administrative subordination of the object to the subject based on the existing control hierarchy. Administrative methods are guided by such motives of behavior as a perceived need labor discipline, a sense of duty, the desire of a person to work at a certain enterprise.

Diagnostic methods are aimed at identifying the needs and motives of employees (personnel) and allow more efficient use of specific incentives for motivation. These methods include interviewing, testing, expert assessments, conversation, observation, drawing up a motivational map, a motivational profile.

It should be emphasized that among the investigated methods of motivation, particular interest was aroused by a group of methods of reconciliation of interests, which are based on social partnership between employees and employers, aimed at ensuring the coordination of interests of employees and employers on the regulation of labor relations and other directly related relations.

However, despite the importance of building labor relations on the principles of social partnership, this group of methods, in our opinion, is an advanced modern approach to building a personnel motivation system, the mechanism of action of which is based on a combination of the interests of the employee and the interests of the enterprise. The methods of harmonization of interests, in our opinion, are based on the use of individual economic, socio-psychological and administrative methods, and therefore it does not seem appropriate to single out this group of methods as part of the personnel motivation methods.

The study made it possible to study and systematize the methods of personnel motivation. Considering that it is important to motivate staff to be able to diagnose the state of staff motivation, to identify the leading motives, to use certain incentives to meet the specific needs of employees, diagnostic methods of motivation are singled out in a separate group. Thus, in general, in the research process, four groups of personnel motivation methods were identified: economic, socio-psychological, administrative and diagnostic. Summing up, we can make an absolutely obvious conclusion about the need for a comprehensive use of various methods of personnel motivation by modern managers in order to ensure the successful operation of any organization.

2. Diagnostics of the motivation of employees of the organization.

2.1. Diagnostics of motivation. Basic concepts.

Diagnostics of motivation is a system of analytical measures aimed at determining the presence and level of motivation of the research subject, as well as detecting deviations and the reasons for such deviations. Diagnostics of motivation is carried out in order to develop management decisions related to the placement of personnel, increasing the effectiveness of methods of collective and individual incentives, and so on. Timely diagnostics of motivation and identification of both open and latent factors of motivational crisis among the company's employees prevents such undesirable phenomena as staff turnover and a decrease in staff loyalty, and ultimately contributes to an increase in labor productivity. It is the diagnostics of motivation that helps to identify in the team people who need recognition of their merits and a positive assessment of the results achieved, or employees for whom the system of material incentives is extremely important.

As a result, the diagnostics of motivation provides information, analyzing which, it is possible to optimize the management system at the enterprise, to make the incentive system more effective, taking into account the individual characteristics of employees, and to ensure that the level of motivation for work in the company will significantly increase.

For effective management of personnel motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. At the same time, measuring motivation is a complex methodological problem. We will consider the methods of its research, as well as a model for studying motivation, in which three levels of its manifestation are distinguished. The parameters are both employee assessments and specific measurable results related to work behavior and work efficiency.

The results achieved by people in the process of work depend not only on the knowledge, skills and abilities of these people, effective activity is possible only if employees have the appropriate motivation, that is, the desire to work.

An organized and controlled process of encouraging an employee to work determines his work behavior, and the productive use of human resources largely determines the company's competitive advantages.

Specialists in economics, sociology, psychology, etc. are engaged in the formation of motivation for work, as evidenced, first of all, by the emergence of many theories. However, the joint efforts of researchers make us remember the parable of the three blind men, who could not come to a common opinion about what kind of animal is in front of them. At the same time, they completely correctly described the elephant, feeling its different parts.

At the same time, each of the approaches assumes that in order to manage motivation, it must be investigated and evaluated. Despite theoretical research, measuring motivation is a complex methodological problem. Practitioners are forced to admit that they are measuring the “immeasurable”. ... In the structure of personality, theorists have identified stable "generalized motives", it is these variables - how tendencies are diagnosed and taken into account when developing motivational measures. In reality, there are no motives. “First, motives are not directly observable and in this sense they cannot be presented as facts of reality. Secondly, they are not facts in the sense of real objects accessible to our direct observation. They are conditional, facilitating understanding, auxiliary constructs of our thinking, or, in the language of empiricism, hypothetical constructs. "

2.2 Methods for diagnosing employee motivation.

Currently, in practice, there are many methods for identifying hidden or explicit motives of their employees by means of diagnostics. Consider the methods for studying motivation that are offered to managers for analyzing these stable personality attributes, "generalized motives":

Polls are used to assess the degree of employee satisfaction. The forms of surveys can be different: interview, questionnaire. As a rule, the subject is asked to select (and evaluate) from the proposed list of motives, interests, needs those that most accurately describe him, relatively direct questions are asked about how much the employee likes the work itself, its conditions, relations in the team, leadership style, etc. .P.

A diagnostic interview requires a significant investment of time and effort, therefore it is used to assess the level of motivation of managers. In addition, based on the opinion of the heads of departments, it is possible to draw up a generalized description of the situation by department, evaluating general level motivating employees.

With obvious availability this method it has drawbacks: not all motives are conscious, since understanding of complex deep motivational formations requires developed reflection; the answers are often insincere due to the action of the factor of "social desirability" (the desire to look from the best side, to correspond to certain social "norms" and "standards"). Nevertheless, polls allow you to quickly collect massive material, to find out how a person perceives his actions and actions, what he declares to the "world".

Psychological tests. The test questionnaire contains a series of questions, the answers to which are used to judge the psychological qualities of the subject. A test task is a special kind of test, based on the results of which it is determined the presence or absence and the degree of development of character traits (personality traits), for example, an orientation towards achieving success.

Using standardized tests, one obtains quantitative assessments, by which you can compare the severity of the psychological properties of the individual with their severity in popularization.

The disadvantage of standardized tests is the certain possibility of the subject's influence on the test results in accordance with the approved personality traits. These opportunities increase if the test takers know the content of the test, or the criteria for assessing behavior and the studied personality traits.

Projective techniques. The main emphasis is on diagnosing the hidden motivation of the employee, and the hidden one, including for the employee himself. Often, projective methods include combinations of all sorts of methods - cases (situations), specific tasks, interviews, including questions that at first glance do not relate to the respondent (for example, "Why, in your opinion, in one company people work well, and in another not too trying? "). It is assumed that the subject identifies key indicators for him.

The information obtained using such methods is less structured and standardized, and more difficult to process. These methods require expert interpretation of the collected data.

The method of expert assessments proceeds from the fact that only people who know him well can accurately assess the motivation of an employee. First of all, these are leaders and colleagues. Sometimes business partners or clients are involved as experts. The main tool of an expert in assessing employee motivation is a specially prepared questionnaire. The quality of this questionnaire largely determines the accuracy of an expert's assessment of employee motivation.

Description of work

Personnel motivation largely determines the success of any enterprise. The effective achievement of the goals of the enterprise largely depends on the coordination of the interests of its participants. Achievement of the mutually beneficial goals of the enterprise and personnel becomes possible through the use of personnel motivation methods.


Introduction ……………………………………………………………… .. 1-2
1. Theoretical aspects research of the process of motivation
personnel of the organization ……………………………………………………… .. 3-20
1.1. Essence, mechanism, ways of motivation ......................................................... 3-12
1.2. Personnel motivation methods …………………………………… .12-20
2. Diagnostics of the motivation of the organization's employees ……………… ..21-29
2.1. Diagnostics of motivation. Basic concepts …………………… 21-22
2.2. Methods for diagnosing motivation ………………………………… 23-29
Conclusion …………………………………………………………… .30
List of used literature

Creature effective system motivation and stimulation of labor is undoubtedly one of the most basic tasks of human resource management in any organization.

What drives a man when he searches new job?

What can motivate an employee to give all the best at work, to show initiative and achieve the best results in their work?

There is no doubt that in work they are looking first of all for a source of earnings, especially in modern Russia, where during the life of one generation the basic values, indicators of success, requirements for an employee, and criteria of labor efficiency have fundamentally changed. But then what kind of money are we talking about? How much does an employee need to pay so that he does not search additional earnings on the side and did not seek to compete with the company in which he works? Or is it not about the amount of payment, but about the conditions of its receipt?

Do all employees have to pay fixed and variable parts?

With which indicators to associate the variable part of the earnings of sales managers? logisticians? specialists in information technology? marketers? site managers? accountants?

Whose pay should be tied to the overall performance of the company: top managers? those divisions that "bring money to the company"? all staff?

Do you need social payments, or are they a purely archaic, a relic of the Soviet system, and in today's conditions they only corrupt people and give rise to freeloaders? And if necessary, should these payments be differentiated? How to do it?

What should be the structure of the compensation package (total income) that the employee receives from the company as a reward for his work - a constant, variable part of earnings, social benefits, the company's costs for staff development? Or is it not the structure that matters, but only the magnitude?

Is a paycheck really the best incentive? Of course, the amount of earnings is important for any employee, but is he the main one for everyone? Does salary have worthy competitors as the main motivator? For which employees should we look for incentives that are competitive with salaries?

What other (besides money) opportunities to influence the efficiency of personnel work - incentives - does the organization have? Which one is better to use?

This list of questions can be continued almost endlessly - this problem is so diverse and relevant for any manager and for a personnel service specialist.

What is invested in the content of the term "labor motivation"?

In its everyday usage, the concept of "labor motivation" is ambiguous:

Some understand by it the needs and expectations of the employee. With them, he comes to the company and with them constantly correlates the labor situation in which he finds himself, and the measures of influence to which he is exposed.

For others, it is solely the measures that the company applies (may, should) in relation to the employee in order to induce him to work with the highest efficiency to achieve the goals of the organization.

In the understanding of others, motivation is limited by the most common form of influence - monetary, and one should only talk about how and how much one or another category of personnel should be paid.

This discrepancy is far from harmless, since both those, and others, and still others do not notice the existence of two different (and sometimes fundamentally different) realities (Fig. 1).

If these realities by the management of the company, departments and personnel services differ and are recognized as significant, you can:

study each of them separately;

raise the question of their correspondence to each other;

correct identified inconsistencies by adjusting the company's policy and / or getting rid of people who do not agree with the policy.

And thus win in comparison with your competitors due to more motivated and efficient staff! If only the reality of the company is recognized, the latter is doomed to failure.

At the heart of these fundamental differences lies the opposition of attitudes towards an ordinary employee of the company as:

to a significant and noteworthy subject labor activity, production process, and therefore economic resultsachieved by the company;

to a passive executor of management instructions, who is the only truly significant subject of the organization's activities in any area of \u200b\u200bbusiness.

The importance of an individual employee is relatively small in industrial organizations - with a high technology, "conveyor" business, when the employee actually performs the function of a "workplace", and is much greater in a business organized by the principle of services.

The general trend is the development of the vast majority of types of business towards services by:

p inclusion in a single business of all redistributions from procurement and production to sales and subsequent service;

p individualization of the product and the ways of its consumption for the differentiating needs of consumers, whose welfare is growing and their behavior is becoming more and more diverse.

In this regard, this chapter distinguishes: "labor motivation" as the main component of the employee's self-awareness, which determines his attitude and behavior in work, his reaction to specific working conditions; "Stimulation" - as an external influence on the part of managers, managers of the organization on employees (an individual or a group) in order to induce them to activities aimed at achieving the goals of the company; “Wages” is the most widely used type of incentive.

Labor motivation. The process-structure dichotomy

The distinction between work motivation has become quite generally accepted as:

process of encouraging the employee to effective work, in which the labor behavior of an individual, an employee is formed in accordance with the goals of his work, the characteristics and working conditions in the organization:

“Motivation is the process of encouraging oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal goals or organizational goals” [Mescon, Albert, Khedouri, 1992, p. 360].

“Motivation is a motivation for the activity and activity of the subject (personality, social group, community of people), associated with the desire to satisfy certain needs. In psychology, motivation denotes a set of external and internal conditions that induce the subject to be active .... In sociology, the motive is seen as the subject's perceived need to achieve certain benefits, desirable conditions of activity ”[Brief Dictionary of Sociology, 1988, p. 167]; -

a structural element of an employee's self-awareness, a system of motives for work:

"Motivation is a set of motives associated and conditioned by the semantic motive of activity, an internal determinant of behavior that determines its general orientation" [Personnel Management, 1998, p. 187].

This dichotomy gives rise to the division of theories of motivation into procedural and substantive, while:

Table 1. Choice between meaningful or procedural theories Management principles Accentuated theories Substantial Procedural Significance of an employee for the company High Low Differences in labor motivation among individual employees Significant:

"PEOPLE are very different. Of course, no one refuses money, but those for whom money is not the main thing work best."

"All workers are the same: everyone wants only one thing - money!

I pay them well, but I punish them for their misdeeds, again with money "! Motivational dynamics High Low -

procedural examines and activates various aspects of perception and cognition by workers work situation... The most famous of them are: the theory of expectations (V. Vroom); the theory of justice (D. Kuhn, J. Slocum, R. Chase, M. Rogers, J.S. Adams); model JI. Porter - E. Lawler; -

meaningful reflect the different views of researchers about specific lists and the structure of internal motives (needs, motives) specific to certain groups of workers. The most famous of them are: classical theory (F.W. Taylor); hierarchy of needs (A. Maslow; K. Alderfer); three-factor model (D. McClelland); two-factor model (F. Herzberg); dispositional model (A.G. Zdravomyslov, V.A.Yadov and others).

It can be assumed that those managers who make a choice, giving preference to procedural or substantive models, proceed from the following fundamental provisions (component of corporate culture) (Table 1).

Typological model

Despite the existence of several recognized classical concepts of labor motivation, we needed to create our own - typological one [Gerchikov, 1993, 1996, 2001].

First, the well-known concepts, differing in the list of basic motives, differed very little in terms of recommended management measures - types and forms of incentives. But if so, then the determination of the characteristics of labor motivation of specific individuals or groups becomes rather the subject of science (for which knowledge is important), and not management practice, for which it is more important to choose the exact methods of influencing workers with certain types of motivation in order to increase the efficiency of their work ...

Secondly, none of the classical concepts identifies a typical and widespread worker in Russia, who is often called a "scoop" or - a "lumpenized worker". In each of us, his features are present in one volume or another, but there are quite a few people in whom these qualities prevail. Active, constructive work behavior



In fig. 2 vertical axis - axis of labor behavior: in the upper half - desirable for the organization (active, constructive); at the bottom - undesirable (passive, destructive). From this point of view, the priority goals of designing a system of motivation, incentives and remuneration in any organization are: -

getting from each employee maximum efficiency of labor activity; -

the absence of destructive labor behavior among workers.

The horizontal axis is the axis of labor motivation. The right is postponed

achievement motivation, to the left - avoidance. Motivation for achievement means that an employee with such motivation strives to achieve something, that he needs to get something in exchange for his work: one - a salary, another - qualifications, the third - an interesting job, the fourth - self-affirmation, the fifth - to make a career, sixth - formal experience, so that there is something to write in the resume. Avoidance motivation means that a person works out of fear, because he does not want punishment, manifestations of dissatisfaction from the management and employer, does not want troubles and deprivation of benefits, is afraid that he will be fired.

Formed professional competence : PK56 - knowledge and ability to apply in practice methods of assessing the effectiveness of the system of material and non-material incentives in the organization.

The most important element of effective management is the diagnosis of the system of motivation and incentives for personnel. The need for diagnostics is primarily determined by the fact that each organization uses methods and technologies for motivating and stimulating employees, taking into account not only its features and specifics, but also the quality of the external environment, including constant changes in the labor market. Therefore, it is necessary to develop key performance indicators that are flexible and adaptable to the current situation, with the help of which the quality of work is assessed; regulations on the motivation system and a package of documents that form material and non-material incentives for employees; criteria for determining the individual and general results of the work of departments and the organization as a whole. The motivation and incentive model allows you to optimize personnel costs and becomes an integral part of the holistic human resource management system of the organization.

Monitoring function (diagnostics. - Auth.) - a characteristic of management that allows you to identify problems and adjust the activities of the organization before these problems develop into a crisis. This is what was written in the wise Chinese book I Ching (Book of Changes) three thousand years ago, long before the first ideas of management science appeared: “When a smart person sees why he has succeeded, he does it again. When he sees his mistakes, he does not repeat them. " One of the most important reasons for the need for control is that any organization must certainly have the ability to fix its mistakes in time and correct them before they harm the achievement of the organization's goals. "

Human resources specialists must be highly professional to determine the goals and objectives of diagnostics of the current motivation system, since this process in itself, in essence and in content, is extremely complex methodologically.

The need for this procedure is most often associated either with the correction of the organization's personnel management activities, or with the solution of some specific problems, for example, with professional development workers, their working conditions, staff turnover, etc. The criteria for the effectiveness of the system of motivation and incentives for the organization and the indicators by which the analysis is carried out depend on this. Of great importance is also the position of a leader who is determined to maintain the existing system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel or to develop a new one. Accordingly, in diagnostic materials as critical areas certain elements of the system of motivation and incentives for employees and, no less important, a list of issues that should not be given importance at present should be included. In addition, the identification of opinions and discussion of the organization's activities focus the attention of the staff on the problem areas of the organization and form attitudes towards the need for changes. If in the future the identified expectations of workers are not met, the diagnostics can potentially lead to demotivation of their labor participation.

The first step in assessing the state of motivation for work and developing recommendations for building strategic priorities for the development of a system for managing motivation and incentives for specialists and managers is to form a model for diagnosing the system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel. When choosing the tools and methods that provide an objective assessment of group motivation, it is important to take into account the factors that increase staff satisfaction with the results of their activities, since the labor motives of employees are diverse and largely depend on life cycle... An organization, for example, can be focused on some achievements at the stage of stabilization, when the company does not strive for changes, and on others - at the stage when there is a need for innovations, new ideas and products. In general, on the basis of the developed diagnostic model in the organization, information should be obtained that allows solving at least three key tasks.

First, to ensure the optimal combination of mutual expectations - the expectations of the organization from workers and the expectations of workers from the organization. In the first case, we are talking about the ability of personnel to achieve the results that the organization needs, and in the second, about the requests and needs of employees, the implementation of which must be guaranteed by the organization.

Secondly, to determine possible modifications of the labor behavior of personnel. The parameters of forecasting are the characteristics of significant elements of the labor potential of employees - vocational qualification, psychophysiological and personal. Assessing the dynamics of their development, it is possible to really identify the field of organizational stimulation of the labor activity of personnel, the impact on which ensures the coincidence of the interests of employees and the organization. The system of organizational labor incentives as a management tool predetermines the dependence of increasing employee satisfaction with the status-role position, its affiliation with the organization on the degree of actualization of individual needs, which determines creative execution employee of their functions in accordance with the strategy of the organization.

Thirdly, on the basis of diagnostics of the personnel motivation and incentive system, the amount of resources required to improve the current model is recorded, including the ratio of costs for the implementation of activities and the results obtained.

In accordance with the new practices of human resource management, the model for diagnosing the system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel should characterize such components of this process as: o formalization social and labor relations for high-quality implementation of standards by employees professional activity;

  • 0 personalized control of senior management over the implementation of the personnel engagement strategy;
  • 0 individualization of relations between key employees and employers;
  • 0 ensuring the internal mobility of personnel in the organization.

At the same time, the diagnostic model must be balanced - take into account the priorities of other areas of personnel management (systems of selection and recruitment of personnel, career planning, vocational training, etc.) and provide the management of the organization with information based on uniform criteria and reliable methods. The principles of the effectiveness of the diagnostic model are the focus on improving the work of employees, careful preparation, confidentiality, reliability of assessment and provision of the organization's personnel " feedback»Based on the results of diagnostics.

The development of a diagnostic model for the system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel is carried out in three stages.

At the first stage, information about the goal of the organization's strategy, the specifics of the stage of its development, the operating systems of personnel motivation of real and potential competitors in the labor market is analyzed. Generalization of the data obtained allows us to identify the key factors that determine the effectiveness of the processes of motivation and incentives for personnel, taking into account the characteristics of the external environment of the organization.

At the second stage, the objects and subjects of assessment are determined internal environment; the sources on which it will be based; methods of carrying out, procedures, criteria and frequency of the assessment; the degree of staff coverage. The systematization of the information received provides an understanding of the reasons for the low performance of the current system of motivation and incentives for personnel and the identification of the main directions for its improvement. Of fundamental importance is the characteristic of the influence of such motivational factors as organizational culture, the structure of workers' needs, their understanding of the criteria of labor efficiency, the correspondence of the value orientations of the organization and employees, etc. As a result, the analysis of managerial activities to motivate and stimulate personnel allows us to describe the main sources of employee satisfaction with work, positive and negative factors of group motivation, objectively existing contradictions between the goals of the business, the goals of business owners, managers and personnel, to assess the effectiveness of employees' activities, its focus on achieving success and the goals set, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of performance, individual characteristics and contribution to the overall performance of the unit and the organization as a whole.

At the third stage, technologies are determined that formalize the system of material and non-monetary motivation and incentives for personnel, and procedures that provide support for the implementation of this system.

At the same time, the staff must understand that the implementation of the developed model gives him and the organization personally, how the changes being made will further affect the wages or status of certain categories of workers, the prioritization of professional activities and personal development programs, and increasing participation in the management of the organization. In order for personnel to have a constant interest in the diagnostic process, assessment methods should be used that, on the one hand, satisfy such basic requirements as compliance with the assessment objectives, compliance organizational structure and the corporate culture of the organization, simplicity and clarity of criteria, compliance with the nature of personnel activities, a variety of types of tasks, the practical nature of recommendations. On the other hand, it is necessary to correctly choose a sufficient set of research methods to form a comprehensive assessment of the system of motivation and stimulation of labor, since each method has its advantages and limitations, and the redundancy of the final information will automatically complicate the adoption of subsequent management decisions.

To diagnose the system of personnel motivation and incentives, polls and specially designed questionnaires, diagnostic interviews, psychological tests, projective techniques are traditionally used. Polls, interviews, questionnaires allow you to quickly collect material to assess the management of motivation and incentives in the organization, but when analyzing the answers received, one should take into account the factor of "social desirability" - the attitude of employees to comply with the organization's standards of organizational behavior. In addition, the data presented depend on the gender of the employee, his age, profession, prestige and competitiveness of the organization itself. For example, men will have a higher overall level of motivation than women; young professionals will focus on the motivating importance of working conditions and opportunities for professional and job growth; workers employed in large organizations will appreciate social security and stability.

Projective techniques (cases, specific tasks, critical incident, business or role-playing game, projective questions) are used if diagnostics of the level of actions of workers, the level of their views or the level of productivity is carried out. At the same time, the assessment process becomes more complex and requires significant time and financial costs. First, they allow us to understand the hidden motivation of employees, and often hidden (unconscious) and for themselves. Secondly, the basis of such techniques is the interpretation or explanation not of their own actions or needs, but the assessment of the participants in given situations, which significantly weakens the “desire to conform” and increases the objectivity of the assessment. Thirdly, when using them, it is possible to avoid such common diagnostic errors as the desire not to offend anyone, drawing up an unofficial rating, overestimating the “favorites” or the fear of fixing the shortcomings of the “stars”.

Training analytical report - the final stage of diagnostics of the system of motivation and incentives for personnel in the organization. The report is provided to the management for making management decisions and, as a rule, consists of 5 sections. The first section is devoted to the consideration of the key problems, shortcomings and weaknesses of the current system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel.

In the basic model of motivation, the optimal remuneration, the ratio of the constant and variable parts wages, the size and structure of the social package, intangible incentives, etc. The second section of the report contains an analysis of the labor market and salary claims of employees, characteristics of overpayments and underpayments to the organization's personnel in the context of professions and qualifications; recommendations for optimal remuneration are being developed. The third section of the report describes the problematic issues related to the management of the motivational potential of the organization's personnel, the practice of using fines and its consequences; the assessment of the stimulating and demotivating impacts on employees by line managers and top management is given; the correspondence or inconsistency of the technologies used for motivating and stimulating personnel to the effect received by the organization is revealed. The fourth section of the report is formed on the basis of conclusions and recommendations for the implementation of an optimal system of motivation and incentives for employees of the organization, which ensures not only their professional self-determination, but also adequate remuneration of specialists valuable for the organization. The fifth section of the report describes step-by-step actions top management of the organization to correct the current system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel.

Today, to diagnose the system of motivation and labor stimulation, built-in diagnostics are used with the motivation-incentive model in two versions (Fig.4.4):

  • 7) the formation and maintenance of a specific motivational profile of the organization, corresponding to the implemented business development strategy, by developing and applying an incentive system. In this model, the incentive system should create extremely uncomfortable conditions for personnel with an undesirable motivational type and create favorable conditions for employees with an acceptable motivational type. As a result, there will be a natural outflow of personnel with an unfavorable type of motivation, which will be replaced by a recruitment of new personnel with the desired structure of motivation;
  • 2) optimization of the incentive system for the existing motivational profile of the organization, which will ensure the constructive behavior of the existing staff.

Figure: 4.4.

stimulation 1

The peculiarities of using this model are the development of the organization's motivational profile and strict adherence to it starting from the stage of employee selection. It is customary to diagnose the relevance of the organization's motivational profile once a year.

1 Balashov Y., Koval G. Motivation and stimulation of personnel: the basics of building an incentive system // Personnel of the enterprise. 2002. No. 7.


  • 1. Why diagnostics of motivation and stimulation of personnel labor is the most important element of the organization's system management?
  • 2. How to choose a toolkit for diagnosing the system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel?
  • 3. Why are there three levels in the personnel assessment system during diagnostics: daily assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of professional activity; express-5 - OT-analysis of the performance of duties; employee potential assessment?
  • 4. What rules must be observed in order to form an effective model for diagnosing the system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel?
  • 5. The most common method for diagnosing the system of motivation and incentives for the organization's personnel is an assessment interview. What mistakes are most often made when organizing and conducting it?


Research of the employee's motivational profile

Divide the student group into two subgroups, each of which should provide a presentation of the completed assignment. When diagnosing the motivation of workers, the following are most often used: the method of assessing the professional orientation of Smikla-Kuchera, the method of “career anchor” by E. Shein, the method of diagnosing work motives by V.I. Gerchikov, the method for diagnosing the motivational profile of personality by S. Richie and P. Martin, the method for assessing the motivation for achieving success / avoiding failure by T. Eller, D. McClelland, J. Atkinson, the method for diagnosing the sources of motivation by D. Barbuto and R. Skoll. Choose two of the listed methods and, on their basis, diagnose the motivation of 4 employees of any organization. Present the research results in the form of a report.

Brainstorm "Is objective wages always a tool of effective motivation?" Labor motivation can be increased by objective pay, even if it is not perceived by the employee as fair.

Case study 1. Alla Vasilievna Leonova has been working as a chief for 5 years personnel service company "Jupiter". It seemed to her that the quality and results of her activities were positively assessed by the management of the organization. However, at yesterday's meeting, the deputy general director Andrei Stepanovich Mironov, who is in charge of staffing issues, instructed Alla Vasilievna to evaluate the effectiveness of the system of motivation and incentives for personnel working at Jupiter within two weeks. The task seemed unexpected to Leonova, since the main economic indicators of the organization's business processes were stable, serious conflict situations neither with clients, nor with partners, as well as in the relationship between employees, did not arise. Alla Vasilievna decided to diagnose the personnel using the V.I. Gerchikov to determine the types of personnel motivational profiles. After processing the data obtained, Leonova received the following percentage of the number of respondents with types of motivational profiles: 73.3% - professional type; 13.4% - instrumental type; 13.3% - lumpen type. It turned out that out of 5 possible types of motivational profiles in the organization, two are missing. In addition, the lumpenized and instrumental types of workers are represented in almost equal percentages.

Determine what types of motivational profiles are missing in the organization and describe them. Draw up a report on the results of the diagnostics, which the head of the personnel department can present to Andrei Stepanovich Mironov.

Case study 2. Emma Morkovkina, an excellent student of the 5th year, dreamed of getting to the pre-diploma practice in personnel management at Gazpromdobycha Astrakhan, because this place was very promising for the subsequent job search. Happiness overwhelmed her when the first day of practice came and she came to the personnel department of the organization. Emma was warmly greeted, introduced to the documents necessary for work, and even offered a separate office, the owner of which was on vacation. After lunch she was invited to her place by the head of the personnel department, Belena Venediktovna Orlova. “In the near future, employees of the personnel department will diagnose the system of motivation and incentives for personnel,” she said. - For a survey interview to identify the significance of motivational factors, it is necessary to develop questions. The day after tomorrow at 12.00 at the meeting, you must submit your version of the questions. " Emma returned to her workplace, realizing that most likely she would not be able to perform her first task efficiently. She knew what motivating factors were in question, but she had no idea yet with what questions during the interview they could be identified. After work, Emma phoned her best friend Julia, who worked as a HR specialist in recruiting agency "Person", and asked for help in completing the assignment. Julia agreed, but on one condition. She will help you write questions for one of the motivational factors, and Emma will prepare the rest of the questions herself. In the evening e-mail a letter came from Julia. "Emma! it sample questions for a motivator like professional Development:

О What does career development mean to you?

О How do you imagine the “ideal job”?

О What do you like / dislike most about your job?

О What gives you an energy boost at work?

О What, in your opinion, should be a successful specialist in your profile?

О What professional / career goals do you set for yourself in the near future?

What do you think motivates people to work more efficiently?

О In your opinion, what do people like most about their work?

You just have to come up with questions for the remaining basic motivators by analogy: power, interaction, material support, achieving success and avoiding failure. I wish to avoid failures !!! You will succeed !!! Your Julia ".

Prepare a set of questions to identify motivators such as power, interaction; the material security, success and avoidance of failure that you think Emma should present at the meeting.

Do you agree with the statement: the system of motivation should be adjusted and communicated to each employee by line managers. The line manager's approach largely determines whether the proposed system will become a motivating or demotivating factor.

Give reasons for your answer.

Write down the missing characteristics. To determine the dominant motives of the professional activity of employees, HR specialists use a motivator map. When drawing up a map, attention is focused on keywords employee comparable to a specific motivational factor.

Professional motivators

  • See: M. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Headouri Fundamentals of Management. Moscow: Delo, 1997, 704 p.

A common challenge diagnostics of the motivation of people in any modern institution is to identify the key factors that influence the change in the quality and productivity of specialists. In other words, the boss gets a motivational portrait of his staff as a whole and individual (key) employees. Based on this, he can build flexible system team motivation.

Let's consider several techniques that are simple to execute and interpret the results. The head of any educational institution can use them with the help of a school psychologist, whose participation in this work is more than desirable. First of all, such a specialist has the professional skills and knowledge to carry out and process diagnostic techniques. Secondly, performing the procedure personally by the director is not recommended, since there is a risk of a negative reaction from the teachers. Well, third, the obtained diagnostic results can be useful to the psychologist himself from the point of view of helping teachers in building relationships with children.

The simplest diagnostic model is rational.It assumes that employees themselves know the ways to improve their performance. But it should be borne in mind that such a model is applicable only if the team has a certain level of trust in the leader.

This diagnosis is usually carried out using a questionnaire. As an example, we will give a questionnaire that can be used for the staff of the educational institution.

Questionnaire for assessing the motivation of employees of educational institutions


Duration of work at this school:

Please mark, on a ten-point scale for each of the factors below, how important it is in terms of increasing your productivity (circle one of the numbers, given that 1 is a low significance of a factor, 2 is a higher, etc., 10 - very high)

1. Stability of earnings

2. The opportunity to receive a higher salary depending on the results of work

3. Opportunity for career growth

4. Recognition and approval by management

5. Recognition and love of students

6. Recognition from parents

7. Possibility of self-realization, full use of abilities

8. Possibility of independence and initiative in work

9. High degree of responsibility

10. Interesting, creative activity

11. Good team relationships

12. Opportunity, based on the results of work, to gain recognition in the organization, city, country

13. Social guarantees

14. Difficult and arduous work

15. Opportunity for development, self-improvement

16. Good working conditions

17. Reasonableness of management requirements

19. Sharing values \u200b\u200band principles of work adopted in the school

20. Other ____________________

The school administration (or a psychologist) has the right to change the wording or add any items if necessary. Before conducting the survey, it is important to explain the filling procedure and say for what purposes the result will be used.

The result of such work can be, for example, ranking indicators that help to increase staff motivation or, on the contrary, affect demotivation. For example, if you divide the total number of estimates by the number of diagnosed employees, it is easy to determine what is most or least important for improving labor efficiency. It is desirable to present the corresponding result in the form of a diagram that allows you to visually compare the importance of factors from the proposed list for motivation.

This simple method sometimes produces unexpected results for the manager. The analysis of the questionnaires will make it possible to judge both the motivation of a particular employee and the situation as a whole. Anonymous survey guarantees more reliability, but it can be used only in general terms (for example: “75 percent of employees are interested in recognition and encouragement”).

The motivation diagnostic test model does not involve direct questions. It uses questionnaires describing various situations and statements about work. Such research is usually more difficult to process, but it gives more reliable results. You can start with the test below.

Test of the partial orientation of the teacher's personality

Test instructions

The proposed questionnaire lists features that may be characteristic of you to a greater or lesser extent. In this case, respectively, there are two possible answers:

    it is true that the described property is typical of my behavior or is inherent in me to a greater extent;

    false, this property is not typical or inherent in me to an insignificant degree.

After reading the statement, indicate one of the answer options next to the question number (put the letter "a" - correct, and the letter "b" - incorrect).

Test Material

1. I could well live alone, away from people.
2. I often defeat others with my self-confidence.
3. Solid knowledge of my subject can make a person's life much easier.
4. People should more than now, adhere to the laws of morality.
5. I read each book carefully before returning it to the library.
6. My ideal work environment is a quiet room with a work desk.
7. People say that I like to do everything my own way.
8. Among my ideals are the personalities of scholars who have made a great contribution to my subject.
9. Others think that I am simply not capable of being rude.
10. I always pay close attention to how I dress.
11. It happens that all morning I do not want to talk to anyone.
12. It is important for me that there should be no disorder in everything that surrounds me.
13. Most of my friends are people whose interests lie in the sphere of my profession.
14. I take a long time to analyze my behavior.
15. At home, I behave at the table just like in a restaurant.
16. In the company, I give others the opportunity to joke and tell stories.
17. I am annoyed by people who cannot make decisions quickly.
18. If I have some free time, then I prefer to read something according to my discipline.
19. I feel uncomfortable fooling around in the company, even if others do.
20. Sometimes I like to gossip about the absent.
21. I really enjoy inviting guests and entertaining them.
22. I rarely speak against the collective opinion.
23. I prefer people who know their profession well, regardless of their personality traits.
24. I cannot be indifferent to the problems of others.
25. I am always willing to admit my mistakes.
26. The worst punishment for me is to be closed alone.
27. The effort put into making the plans isn't worth it.
28. In school years I augmented my knowledge by reading special literature.
29. I do not condemn a person for deceiving those who allow themselves to be deceived.
30. I do not have an inner protest when I am asked to provide a service.
31. Some people probably think I talk too much.
32. I avoid social work and the associated responsibility.
33. Science is what interests me most in life.
34. The people around me consider my family to be intelligent.
35. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me.
36. I live for today more than other people.
37. If there is a choice, then I prefer to organize extracurricular activitythan telling students about the subject.
38. The main task of the teacher is to transfer knowledge of the subject to the student.
39. I like to read books and articles on the topics of morality, morality, ethics.
40. Sometimes I am annoyed by people who ask me questions.
41. Most of the people with whom I am in the company are undoubtedly glad to see me.
42. I think I would like a job related to responsible administrative and economic activities.
43. I am unlikely to be upset if I have to spend my vacation taking refresher courses.
44. My courtesy is often disliked by other people.
45. There were times when I envied the luck of others.
46. \u200b\u200bIf someone is rude to me, then I can quickly forget about it.
47. As a rule, those around me listen to my suggestions.
48. If I could be transported into the future for a short time, then I, first of all, would have collected books on my subject.
49. I am actively involved in the fate of others.
50. I have never said unpleasant things with a smile.

Processing and interpretation of test results

To process the survey results, you must use the key:

    a matching answer is worth 1 point;

    non-matching - equals 0.

Each personality parameter is deduced by summing up the ratings for a group of questions.

Test processing usually begins with an approval motivation scale, since if the answer is outside the norm for this factor, it should be recognized that the subject tried to distort the results, and they are not subject to further interpretation.

The key to the test


1b, 6b, 11b, 16b, 21a, 26a, 31a, 36a, 41a, 46a, 2a, 7a, 12a, 17a, 22b, 27b


32b, 37a, 42a, 47a, 3a, 8a, 13a, 18a, 23a, 28a, 33a, 38a

Focus on the subject

43a, 48a, 4a, 9a, 14a, 19a, 24a, 29b


34a, 39a, 44a, 49a

Motivation for approval

5a, 10a, 15a, 20b, 25a, 30a, 35a, 40b, 45b, 50a

Each of the forms of professional orientation is considered underdeveloped if less than 3 points are received for it, and pronounced if the number of points is more than 7.

For greater clarity, it is advisable to represent the results obtained in the form of a diagram. The severity of one factor indicates the mono-directionality of the teacher's personality, and several can be interpreted as the result of multi-directionality.

The above test is just one of the options. It is recommended that a professional psychologist be involved in the interpretation of this type of diagnosis. As a result of processing the answers, the kind of motivation will not be revealed, but we will get a description of a certain type of teacher's personality, which, in turn, determines the motivation.

Below is a test developed by the psychologist O.F. Potemkina. This technique allows you to determine the employee's attitudes about four important pairs of values. What is most important for a person: a process or a result of labor, one's own or other people's interests, freedom or power, interesting work or money?

Test "Methodology for the diagnosis of socio-psychological attitudes of the individual in the motivational-needs sphere"

Test instructions

Answer every question “Yes” if it correctly describes your behavior and “No” if it does not correspond to what is stated in the question.

Test Material

Option 1

1. The process of the work being performed fascinates you more than the stage of its completion?
2. Do you usually spare no effort to achieve your goal?
3. Are you often told that you think more of others than of yourself?
4. Do you usually devote a lot of time to your person?
5. Do you usually hesitate for a long time to start doing what you are not interested in, even if it is necessary?
6. Are you sure you have more persistence than ability?
7. Is it easier for you to ask for others than for yourself?
8. Do you think that a person should first think about himself, and then about others?
9. Finishing an interesting job, you often regret that an interesting job has already been completed, and you are sorry to part with it?
10. Do you like active people who are able to achieve results, than just kind and sympathetic?
11. Do you find it difficult to refuse people when they ask you for something?
12. Do you enjoy doing things for yourself more than for others?
13. Do you enjoy a game where you don't have to think about winning?
14. Do you think there are more successes in your life than failures?
15. Do you often try to do people a favor if they have trouble or trouble?
16. Are you convinced that there is no need for someone to strain too much?
17. Do you most of all respect people who are able to really get carried away?
18. Do you often quit work despite unfavorable conditions, lack of time, interference from the outside?
19. Do you usually have neither time nor energy for yourself?
20. Is it difficult for you to force yourself to do things for others?
21. Do you often start many things at the same time and do not have time to finish them to the end?
22. Do you think you have enough strength to count on success in life?
23. Do you strive to do as much as possible for other people?
24. Are you convinced that caring for others is often detrimental to yourself?
25. Can you get carried away with business so much that you forget about time and yourself?
26. Do you often manage to finish the job you have started?
27. Are you convinced that the greatest value in life is to live in the interests of other people?
28. Can you call yourself an egoist?
29. It happens that you, being carried away by details, delving into them, cannot finish the job you have begun?
30. Do you avoid meeting people who do not have business qualities?
31. Your distinctive feature unselfishness?
32. Do you use your free time for your hobbies?
33. Do you often overload your vacation or weekend with work because someone has promised to do something?
34. Do you judge people who don't know how to take care of themselves?
35. Is it difficult for you to decide to use a person's efforts to your advantage?
36. Do you often ask people to do something out of selfish motives?
37. When you agree to a case, do you think more about how interesting it is to you?
38. Striving for results in any business is your distinguishing feature?
39. Is your characteristic ability to help other people?
40. Are you able to do your best for a good reward?

Option 2

1. Do you agree that the most important thing in life is to be a master of your craft?
2. Do you value most of all the opportunity to choose a solution yourself?
3. Do your acquaintances consider you a domineering person?
4. Do you agree that people who do not know how to make money are not worthy of respect?
5. Is creative work for you the main pleasure in life?
6. Is it true that the main aspiration in your life is freedom, not power and money?
7. Do you agree that having power over people is the most important value?
8. Are your friends financially wealthy?
9. Do you strive to keep everyone around you busy with an exciting business?
10. Do you always manage to follow your convictions despite the demands of the outside?
11. Do you think that the most important quality for power is its strength?
12. Are you sure money can buy everything?
13. You choose your friends business qualities?
14. Do you try not to be bound by various obligations to other people?
15. Do you feel resentment if someone does not obey your demands?
16. Is money more reliable than power and freedom?
17. Do you get unbearably bored without your favorite job?
18. Are you convinced that everyone should have freedom within the framework of the law?
19. Is it easy for you to get people to do what you want?
20. Do you agree that it is better to have a high salary than high intelligence?
21. Do you feel joy only from a great work result?
22. Is the feeling of freedom the most important aspiration in your life?
23. Do you consider yourself capable of leading a large team?
24. Is making money your main pursuit in life?
25. Is your favorite business more valuable than power and money?
26. Do you usually manage to win your right to freedom?
27. Do you feel a thirst for power, a desire to lead?
28. Do you agree with the statement that money "does not smell" and it does not matter how it is earned?
29. Can't you help but work, even while on vacation?
30. Are you willing to sacrifice a lot to be free?
31. Do you feel like a master in your family?
32. Is it difficult for you to limit yourself in money?
33. Do your friends and acquaintances appreciate you as a specialist?
34. Do you get the most outrage at people who infringe on your freedom?
35. Can power replace many other values \u200b\u200bfor you?
36. Do you usually manage to save the required amount of money?
37. Is work your greatest value?
38. Do you feel confident and at ease around strangers?
39. Do you agree to infringe on freedom in order to have power?
40. Is the lack of money the biggest shock to you?

The key to the test

For every answer "Yes" 1 point is awarded.

Interpreting test results

Process orientation. Typically, such workers think little about achieving the result, they are often late with the delivery of what has been done, their procedural orientation interferes with efficiency; they are more motivated by interest in the business, and in order to achieve the goal, a lot of routine work is required, the negative attitude towards which they cannot overcome.

Result orientation. These people are among the most reliable. They can achieve results in their activities despite fuss, hindrances, failures.

Altruistic orientation. Employees who profess altruistic values, often to their detriment, deserve every respect. They are worth taking care of. Altruism is the most valuable social motivation that distinguishes a mature person.

Selfish orientation. Individuals with excessive selfishness are rare. A certain amount of "reasonable egoism" cannot be harmful. Rather, its absence is harmful, and among people of "intelligent professions" this is quite common.

Work orientation. To do something, these employees all the time, without regret, use weekends, vacations, etc. Work brings them more joy and pleasure than any other occupation.

Freedom orientation. The main value here is freedom. Very often it is combined with an orientation toward work, less often toward “money”.

Power orientation. The leading value for these people is influence on others, on society.

Money orientation. The leading value for individuals of this kind is the desire to increase their well-being.

It is advisable to present the results obtained using these techniques graphically. To do this, you need to draw two intersecting lines and postpone on each of the four received from the center (point 0) the number of points according to the keys of the questionnaire. Next, these points should be connected. As a result, a plane is formed that reflects the characteristics of socio-psychological attitudes.

Thus, several groups of subjects are identified:

1. Highly motivated - with harmonious orientations (expressed strongly and equally).
2. Low-motivated - with extremely weakly expressed orientations.
3. With disharmonious orientations - some are strongly expressed, while others may even be absent.

There is also a third model of motivational diagnostics - irrational.It involves the diagnosis of the latent (hidden) motivation of a specialist. And implicit, including for the employee himself.

The advantage of this approach is the possibility with a high probability to exclude attempts to distort in the provision of information about oneself by the diagnostic object. In this regard, the results can become a discovery for the person himself who has passed the diagnosis of latent motivation.

The main tool in such research is the method of psychosemantic and color metaphors. However, we will not describe it in detail yet. It is difficult to use and should only be performed by a professional psychologist.

For a start, the above methods will be quite enough to get information for thought and make a number of constructive conclusions. And not only about how to increase staff motivation, but also how to reduce their demotivation. The latter is extremely important for the growth of the school's performance and for increasing the loyalty of teachers to their educational institution.

It is important to remember that it is advisable to adapt each technique to the maximum. to the needs of a particular school and the needs of a particular principal. In addition, the methods of psychological diagnostics of personnel (including their motivation) should be used not only in the interests of the organization and making management decisions, but also for the benefit of the employees themselves, giving them the opportunity to fully implement them.


Test of the partial orientation of the teacher's personality // Fetiskin N.P., Kozlov V.V., Manuilov G.M. Socio-psychological diagnostics of the development of personality and small groups.

Potemkina O.F. Methods for diagnosing socio-psychological attitudes of the individual // Methods of Psychol. diagnostician. - 1993. - No. 1. - P. 79–86.

The basic stage in the formation of methodological support for motivation of professional and official promotion of personnel in modern production systems is the assessment (measurement, diagnosis) of the level of motivation of professional and official promotion of personnel in the organization. It is necessary for making decisions by the company's management about « orientation "of management actions in the system of material and non-material incentives for the organization's personnel.

Assessment (diagnostics, measurement) of the level of motivation is a complex methodological problem. Specialists in the field of economics, sociology, psychology, etc. are engaged in the formation of motivation for work, as evidenced, first of all, by the emergence of many theories and methods. Each of the approaches assumes that it needs to be investigated and evaluated in order to manage motivation. Despite theoretical research, measuring motivation is a complex methodological problem.

Knowledge of methods for assessing motivation and their competent use allows not only to increase the return on subordinates, but also gives the leader the opportunity to better understand his subordinates. This is the art of managing people: the ability to accurately choose the most effective method of influence, knowledge of the strengths and weaknesses of a subordinate, the ability to inspire and charge different people for selfless work.

Speaking about the diagnosis of the personnel incentive system, it is necessary to determine the goals and objectives of the planned procedure (setting targets, priorities). It is very important here to understand what caused the need for this procedure and determine the goals of diagnostics. It depends on the current situation in the company. For example, there is a high turnover of staff in a company, or in some of its divisions. Another option for the need to diagnose the motivational system is the presence of some hidden processes in the company's divisions (sabotage, poor labor activity, decreased performance). In most cases, diagnostics of the personnel motivation system will be a part of a deeper work related to the correction of the personnel management system.

Diagnostics of staff motivation is measured by qualitative and quantitative indicators.

The values \u200b\u200bof quantitative indicators are expressed in the form of some real number that has a certain physical or economic meaning. These indicators include all financial indicators (revenue, net profit, fixed and variable costs, indicators of profitability, turnover, liquidity, etc.), as well as part of market indicators (sales volume, market share, size / growth of the client base, etc. .) and indicators characterizing the efficiency of business processes and activities for training and development of the enterprise (for example, labor productivity, production cycle, lead time, staff turnover, number of employees trained), etc. But most of the characteristics and results of the organization's work, departments and employees are not amenable to strict quantitative measurement. Qualitative indicators are used to evaluate them.

Qualitative indicators are measured using expert assessments, i.e. subjectively, by observing the process and results of work. These include, for example, such indicators as the relative competitive position of the enterprise, the customer satisfaction index, the personnel satisfaction index, teamwork, the level of labor and performance discipline, the quality and timeliness of submission of documents, compliance with standards and regulations, execution of orders from the head and many others. ... Qualitative indicators, as a rule, are leading, as they affect the final results of the organization's work and "warn" about possible deviations in quantitative indicators.

Quality control leads to quantitative improvements. Qualitative indicators are the reason. Quantitative indicators are a consequence. If we want to get the desired effect, it is necessary to control and measure its cause. This is the meaning of quality indicators. If we measure qualitative indicators, then we are more likely to get the required quantitative result.

Assessment by quality indicators makes it possible to assess the potential of a manager, possible ways of his professional and career development. In addition, there are also relationships in the team, with colleagues in the department and employees of other departments. It also makes sense to evaluate, since the effectiveness of communications, loyalty to the company, the desire to solve problems, and not look for excuses also directly affect the activities of the entire company as a whole.

Often, managers rely on the help of experts to assess quality indicators. Sometimes qualitative indicators can be represented in numerical form indirectly by measuring some other indicator. For example, the qualifications of an employee can be indirectly judged by the duration of his work in a given position. But in most cases, some numbers (points) are artificially assigned to different values \u200b\u200bof qualitative indicators, as if translating them into the category of quantitative ones. However, this approach does not allow assessing the degree of difference between the alternatives, and its ill-considered use can lead to unfounded conclusions.

The inability to express qualitative indicators directly in quantitative form should not serve as an excuse (which is often the case in practice) for refusing to establish standards and control these indicators. Even subjective assessments in this case are much better than nothing. The leaders of the organization cannot effectively manage their subordinates, refusing to control quality indicators. An inevitable consequence of this is management by intuition, which in fact is no longer management, but simply a spontaneous reaction to a situation that has gotten out of control.

The most commonly used methods for assessing the qualitative indicators of staff motivation are:

2. Testing.

3. Expert assessments.

4. Diagnostic interview.

A survey (questionnaire) is one of the most widely used methods for assessing employee motivation. It allows you to get important information about the motivation of a significant number of employees in a short time. The survey can cover employees of one or more divisions of the company, or any category of employees, and maybe all employees of the company. The survey allows us to identify the features of the motivation of various categories of personnel (specific professional, seniority groups, groups different ages, gender, educational level, etc.), as well as assess the factors affecting their labor motivation.

To conduct a survey, a questionnaire is developed containing questions designed to find out to what extent the organization meets the most important needs of employees, to what extent employees are satisfied with the most important aspects of their work.

The survey has a number of advantages: information is obtained quickly, the survey does not require large financial costs. However, this method is open to possible distortions of information, both conscious (socially desirable responses) and unintentional. There may also be errors in the development of the questionnaire, miscalculations in the very procedure for preparing and conducting a survey, leading to low reliability of the information received. Therefore, it is advisable to combine the questionnaire with other methods of collecting information (document analysis, observation, questioning of experts), which can confirm the results obtained.

In psychology, tests are understood as standardized tests to identify or assess certain psychological characteristics of a person. The test - the questionnaire contains a series of questions, the answers to which are used to judge the psychological qualities of the subject. A test task is a special kind of test, according to the results of which it is determined the presence or absence and the degree of development of characterological traits (personality traits).

Test materials usually include question booklets and separate answer sheets. When using projective methods, that is, methods of indirect assessment of motivation, unfinished sentences, sets of photographs, drawings or pictures may be presented. Interpreting, according to certain rules, the assessment of the presented stimulus material, which presupposes multiple interpretation, psychologists give a conclusion about the peculiarities of the motivation of the tested person.

It is important to note that psychological testing is only an auxiliary tool that provides additional information about the employee's motivation. Administrative or other decisions should not be made solely on the basis of psychological testing.

The method of expert assessments is based on the fact that only people who know them well can assess the motivation of employees with sufficient accuracy. First of all, these are managers and colleagues. Sometimes business partners or clients are involved as experts. As a rule, an expert assessment of motivation is one of the elements of a comprehensive assessment of an employee.

The main tool of an expert in assessing employee motivation is a specially prepared questionnaire. The quality of this questionnaire largely determines the accuracy of an expert's assessment of employee motivation. In order to use the method of expert assessments, a number of questions must first be resolved. First, it is necessary to clearly define what requirements should be met by the persons included in the composition of the experts. In any case, it is necessary to count not only on their awareness, the ability to make reasonable assessments, but also on sufficient impartiality and honesty. It is advisable that, before the experts are asked to express their opinion, at least a short-term training is conducted with them, designed to increase their ability to accurately and impartially assess the motivation of workers.

Sometimes, when studying the characteristics of employee motivation, it is important to identify the most important demotivators, that is, factors that have a negative effect on the working attitude of staff.

If there is a need to quickly obtain this kind of data, then expert judgment in this case is especially useful. Managers, knowing their subordinates very well, can become a source of valuable information about the characteristics of the motivation of employees of the organization.

A diagnostic interview requires a significant investment of time and effort, therefore it is used to assess the level of motivation of managers. In addition, based on the opinion of the heads of departments, it is possible to draw up a generalized description of the situation by department, assessing the general level of employee motivation.

Speaking about the diagnosis of personnel motivation by measurable quantitative results, we can conclude that such assessment methods are associated with the effectiveness (efficiency) of the labor activity of a particular employee and the organization as a whole. An assessment of the economic efficiency of stimulating labor resources shows to what extent the costs of material and moral incentives for workers are justified, whether there has been an increase in production, whether the cost has decreased, etc.

It is obvious that for different industries and categories of workers, indicators of the effectiveness of incentives labor resources will be different. For example, production rates are compared in production, while this indicator is unacceptable for accounting employees, since accounting at an enterprise does not perform a production, but a supporting function.

It is considered not entirely correct in the diagnosis (assessment) of the personnel motivation process in an organization to evaluate all employees using identical indicators. It requires an individual approach to both the assessment and analysis of the results obtained, and to the introduction or improvement of material and non-material incentives.

Differences in the assessment of motivation depend on the following characteristics: gender; the age of the employee; profession; territorial and others (Table 1.).

Table 1.1.

Distinctive features in assessing the level of motivation of professional and job promotion of personnel

The essence of the difference

Employee gender

The level of motivation for men and women is different, this is explained by the periodic diversion of women from the real sector of the national economy to domestic reproductive work.

Employee age

Young specialists are more motivated for professional and job promotion than employees with more experience in the organization

Organization prestige

Employees of large city-forming enterprises are more motivated than employees of small and medium-sized businesses, the reason for this is social security in a large organization, career growth.

Employee gender. Currently, managers are required to take into account the individual characteristics of each individual employee in his activities. The assessment of the motivation of female and male labor is excellent. So, for example, women are more emotional, touchy, often go out to sick leavegoing on parental leave. All of these features affect the level of motivation. So, for example, during the period when a woman is diverted from the real sector of the economy to the reproductive sector, most women for a long period of time (approximately one and a half to three years) do not think about the desire (motivation) for professional and job promotion. Meanwhile, the man is actively building his career.

Let us turn to Maslow's pyramid of needs. Meeting the basic needs of the pyramid - i.e. the satisfaction of the basic necessities of life, it seems, has the same meaning for both men and women. However, differences may appear already at the second stage, where it is a question of providing livelihoods. Are all working women equally concerned about keeping a job? To a greater extent, this affects those women who make a significant contribution or even the only contribution to their budget or family budget in comparison with those employees who work not because of economic necessity, but rather in order to realize their professional knowledge.

The next characteristic is the age of the employee. Young specialists are more motivated for professional and job promotion than employees with long experience in the organization, but on the other hand, it is difficult to keep young specialists in the organization without the following additional activities:

    regular discussion with employees of plans for the development of the enterprise (situation, growth rates, directions of movement, etc.);

    setting clear goals and identifying stages of development;

    providing opportunities for wide participation of young specialists in rationalization activities, in making proposals for improving their own work and the work of the organization as a whole;

    participation of young specialists in the distribution of benefits obtained as a result of the development of the organization;

    clarification young specialist the importance of his work, not only on an organization-wide basis, but also on a more global scale.

The prestige and image of a firm influences the self-expression and involvement of its employees in the firm's activities.

So, in management, employee motivation plays an important role, therefore, management should periodically take measures to assess the level of staff motivation. An assessment of the level of motivation can show that employees are not getting enough job satisfaction and have low motivation. Achieving the optimal level of motivation increases labor productivity, production efficiency, employee qualifications, and "heals" relations in the team.

Assessment of the level of motivation of professional and job promotion is a very difficult task, since it is carried out by measuring, in general, immeasurable - the motives of the individual, which in fact are, in scientific terms, hypothetical constructs. Nevertheless, the assessment of the level of motivation is a quite common and necessary measure that any self-respecting firm conducts both at the stage of selecting a candidate for a vacant position, and periodically over a certain period of time.