Ministry of Emergency Situations payments of eu in the last. Social payments and benefits to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. What documents are needed to receive a one-time payment

MOSCOW, June 10. / TASS /. About 1 billion rubles will be allocated this year to provide housing for EMERCOM employees. As TASS was told in the press service, the corresponding order was signed by the head of the department Vladimir Puchkov.

"In accordance with the order" On additional measures to improve social security, ensure comfortable working conditions and service for the EMERCOM of Russia personnel, "in 2017, additional limits of budgetary obligations in the amount of 1 billion 70 million rubles will be allocated to finance the housing supply of the EMERCOM of Russia. amount for last years", - said the interlocutor of the agency.

He explained that improving housing conditions is carried out in several ways, including through the issuance of subsidies and lump-sum social payments. "Servicemen of the Russian Emergencies Ministry's rescue military units will receive 290 million rubles as a subsidy for the purchase or construction of residential premises, which is 3.3 times more than in 2016. Employees of the Federal Fire Service of the State Fire Service for the provision of one-time social payments for the purchase of housing it is planned to allocate a total of 717.5 million rubles. This is almost five times more than in 2016, "the Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

The ministry stressed that the head of the department, Vladimir Puchkov, demanded that the heads of the Main Directorates of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation report all decisions on improving housing conditions to the personnel, make this work open, transparent and understandable. "According to the order of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, all information about the work of territorial housing subcommittees, as well as lists of personnel in need of improving housing conditions, will be posted on the websites of the regional central administrations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations," said the representative of the Ministry of Emergencies.

In addition, Puchkov introduced a complete ban on reducing the number of combat units responding to emergencies, fires and incidents.

"By his order" On additional measures to increase social security, ensure comfortable working conditions and service for the personnel of the EMERCOM of Russia, "the minister forbade the heads of the Main Directorates of the EMERCOM of Russia for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to reduce the personnel of the responding units of the federal fire service, regional search and rescue teams, rescue troops formations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, paramilitary mine rescue units, the State Inspection for Small Vessels, "the representative of the department emphasized.

Moreover, he added, the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations demanded that these units be replenished with personnel and that special attention should be paid to the social protection of employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, primarily those who, risking their lives, perform their duty to protect the population from dangers and threats and to provide assistance to the victims. "The heads of the regional central administrations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have been tasked to take measures to strengthen the social protection of employees and employees of the federal fire service, to continue work to assist in the admission of children of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to preschool and educational institutions," the source said.

By order of the minister, the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations who took part in the elimination of the consequences of emergencies this year will be provided with spa treatment, as well as veterans of the Ministry of Emergencies, as well as relatives and children of the dead rescuers and firefighters. "The leadership of the ministry will continue to provide material assistance families with many children... EMERCOM employees with four or more children will receive 100 thousand rubles, ”the ministry concluded.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are categorized as beneficiaries. They are entitled to certain subsidies and a number of concessions. And also employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can count on receiving ERUs - a one-time social payment.

What payments of ERUs are due to employees of the EMERCOM of Russia

There are a number of compensations that are required by an employee of this department, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can expect:

  1. To receive assistance that will help improve the living conditions of a citizen.
  2. For a compensatory return of a certain amount that was spent on treatment.
  3. Free travel to the place of medical or spa procedures.
  4. To receive a voucher to a sanatorium or other resort establishment.
  5. For a discount when placing a child in a child preschool (DOE).

And also an employee of this department can apply for the necessary equipment and uniforms, the payment of insurance in case of an accident.

The video shows a one-time social payment to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

What is ERU and to what compensation benefits can it be attributed? This is a payment that is provided to employees of the Ministry of Emergencies and other departments. It is paid once, and it is impossible to get it twice.

One-time payment for the purchase of housing

ERUs are not relied on to all employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and to obtain it you will need:

  • collect all the necessary documents;
  • apply to the commission;
  • draw up a statement.

The commission will consider the application and the documents submitted by the employee within 3 months. And then he will make a "verdict" whether the citizen is entitled to payment or not.

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations recognized as needing to improve living conditions can apply for ERUs.

You can get the payment:

  1. If a citizen lives in someone else's apartment, rented under a social rental agreement and does not have his own living space.
  2. If a citizen is registered in a communal apartment or room, the size of which is less than 15 sq. meters.
  3. If, in addition to the Ministry of Emergency Situations employee, other citizens are registered in the living quarters (provided that the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or apartment is less than the prescribed norm of 15 square meters per person).

To receive a payment, you will need to document this fact. That is, it is not enough to simply draw up an application and send it to the commission.

Citizens living in dilapidated or dilapidated housing can receive compensation..

And also they can count on payment:

  • children, disabled employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (before their 23rd birthday);
  • widowed spouse of a ministry employee (provided that at the time of the employee's death the marriage was officially registered);
  • children or otherswho are fully dependent on the citizen (you will have to document the fact);
  • legal spouse or spouse of an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies (up to the moment of dissolution of the marriage bond).

Subtleties of design:

  1. If an application was submitted by one of the close relatives of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then another one cannot be submitted.
  2. ERUs are provided only once and can be received once. Change of place of work or region of residence does not affect this fact.
  3. To spend cash you can only buy a living space or improve housing conditions (building a house).
  4. To receive compensation, you will have to work in the Ministry of Emergencies for at least 10 years.
  5. Any member of the family of an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and not only himself, can submit a petition.

The decision to grant ERUs is made by the members of the commission. The law on the provision of such compensation first appeared in 2013.

When making a decision, the members of the commission take into account:

  • the presence or absence of a citizen's living quarters;
  • the number of children or dependents (the more persons are dependent on the staff of the Ministry of Emergencies, the higher the amount of compensation);
  • living conditions of the employee and his family members;
  • the number of years worked in the ministry (total length of service).

How is the decision-making process carried out by the commission? It's simple, the members of the commission maintain a database of employees of the ministry. When a citizen submits an application, his documents are accepted for consideration.

The commission has a certain time to make a decision (3 months), whatever the verdict, the citizen must be notified of the commission's decision in writing and without fail.

How do I get paid?

To issue and receive ERUs, you will have to prepare a package of documents and apply with an application.

What documents will be required to receive payment:

  1. Application completed in the prescribed form.
  2. Passport or a document temporarily replacing it (identity card).
  3. Passports and other documents of all applicants (if there are children, then a child's birth certificate is possible).
  4. Certificate of ownership and extracts from cadastral books, as well as any other documents confirming the place of residence or residence of the citizen and his family members.
  5. A certificate from the place of work and a statement confirming the fact of the citizen's service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  6. SNILS and its copy (for all family members).
  7. Certificates from the place of study of all children (if the children have not reached the age of 23 or are studying at a school or university).
  8. Extract (reference) from the house book.
  9. Extracts from personal accounts or bank cards of all family members of an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies (information is needed for the last 5 years).
  10. A copy of the social tenancy agreement (if any).
  11. A copy of documents confirming the citizen's right to receive living space.

You still have to:

  • prepare copies of all the above documents and certificates;
  • provide the missing certificates within the time period established by the commission (if required).

If the documents are not collected in full, then the commission may require you to provide the missing certificates to specified period... If this is not done, then the receipt of payment will be refused.

If a citizen, for one reason or another, cannot prepare the necessary certificates, then he must replace them with others. It is worth notifying the commission about this, by decision of which some certificates can be replaced by others.

What determines the size of the payment:

  • from the region of residence of the employee.
  • from the market value of 1 sq. meters.
  • from the living space standard.

Despite the fact that the payment is provided for by federal law, its amount is not strictly fixed. That is, a citizen can receive any amount, but it all depends on the accompanying factors: the number of dependents, rank, etc.

The problem of receiving social benefits

According to the available data, it is not so easy to receive the allowance; it is not enough to collect documents and get a positive decision of the commission. We'll have to "stand up" in line. ERUs can be received only in order of priority. To do this, you need to register.

According to federal legislation, in 2017, more than 7 thousand employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations “stand” in line to receive ERUs by the decision of the commission.

Only employees of the Ministry with many children are entitled to receive benefits out of turn. There are certain concessions for this category of citizens. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations with many children take another queue (extraordinary queues), it is shorter and allows you to get ERUs faster, but you still have to wait.

Registration, filling out applications and collecting documents will take a certain amount of time. But as a result, it will be possible to receive an allowance that will help significantly improve living conditions and solve the existing problem.

EMERCOM employees (Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and liquidation of the consequences of natural disasters) are a privileged category of citizens.

State on federal level regulates the issues of providing benefits, compensations and payments Federal law dated 30-12-2012 No. 283-FZ. Including a one-time social payment.

The one-time social payment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not just a material allowance that any employee of the department can receive for any needs. it financial support target type.

Payment is made only for the purpose of acquiring a residential property... Moreover, in order to receive ERUs, an employee must be identified as in need of housing. Otherwise, the state will refuse to pay.

The payment can be spent on improving living conditions in the event that they do not meet the established standards. Download and print for free

The one-time social payment of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is paid from funds federal budget ... At the same time, regional funds are not used, therefore there is a uniform sequence for the entire territory of the Russian Federation for receiving ERUs.

All documents can be submitted to the commissions specially created for this.

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According to the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 6, commissions are established for receiving documents from employees of the Ministry of Emergencies for registration and in the queue for receiving payments. Commissions are created of the following type:

  • in the main department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Moscow) for employees of institutions in the city of Moscow and territorially subordinate to the main department;
  • in regional centers;
  • in the main departments of the subjects of the Federation;
  • in educational institutions higher education Ministries;
  • in the central regional office.

A citizen who is in the service of a department that is territorially subordinate to the region applies to the commission created in the regional center.

You can clarify the details directly at the place of service.

Commissions are created on a permanent basis, while such a measure of social support as a one-time social payment is in effect. The composition of the commission is formed so that there are no conflicts of interest between applicants and members of the commission. In this case, the decision is always made reasonably and fairly.

Like any other targeted financial assistance, ERUs have a number of conditions for receiving.

So, the main prerequisite is work experience in the Ministry of Emergencies, which cannot be less than 10 years... The length of service is calculated in the calendar form. At the same time, it includes a period of temporary incapacity for work associated with parental leave, annual paid leaves, other periods credited to the period of work and paid by the department.

If an employee received a similar payment while being an employee of another government agency, then the right to receive ERUs is lost.

Employees retired for seniority have the right to be registered on an equal basis with the current employees of the Ministry.

Another prerequisite is recognition by those in need of a living space.

Those in need include the following employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations:

  • does not own a dwelling;
  • who is not a tenant of a dwelling under a social tenancy agreement;
  • lives in a communal apartment;
  • lives in a hostel;
  • is the owner or tenant under a social rent agreement of residential premises, where each family member has an area of \u200b\u200bless than 15 square meters;
  • lives in a residential area that does not comply with the rules and regulations, no matter what area this premise has;
  • lives in a one-room apartment with owners who are not family members;
  • lives in an uninsulated room in an apartment with other owners who are not family members;
  • lives in an apartment or house with a seriously ill family member (it should be understood as a chronic form of a serious illness), which makes living impossible.

Not only an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations should not own an apartment or house, but also members of his family. They should be understood as a spouse, parents and children. At the same time, the refusal to queue up for ERUs due to the fact that the parents of the EMERCOM employee have property may be challenged in court.

The commission may refuse to register an employee of the Ministry due to the fact that adult children or parents own a living space.

As practice shows, such a decision can be challenged in court, since the employee himself is claiming housing, and not his entire family (meaning the family, as a concept of the Family Code of the Russian Federation). If parents or adult children live separately from the applicant, the commission is not entitled to make a decision to refuse registration.

According to the norms of the Housing Code family members of an employee are understood only as those family members who live with him.

There is an established list of documents that must be submitted to the commission for subsequent registration. It is regulated by methodological recommendations.

TO necessary documents relate:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • an identity document of the applicant and a copy thereof;
  • identification documents of all family members of the applicant, and their copies;
  • certificates of registration at the place of stay or residence of all family members of the applicant and the applicant himself (copies);
  • copy of the applicant's SNILS;
  • a certified copy of the applicant's track record from the actual place of work;
  • a copy of the applicant's marriage / divorce certificate;
  • reference from educational institutions for children aged 18-23, provided that they live with the applicant together;
  • extracts from the United state register registration of real estate for the applicant and all family members;
  • extracts from house books and financial accounts of the applicant and all members of his family for the last 5 years;
  • a copy of a document that confirms the applicant's right to an increased area (having a certain title);
  • a copy of the social tenancy agreement, if the applicant or his family members live under such an agreement in a dwelling.

All documents are submitted in a single list for consideration by the commission. An employee of the Ministry of Emergencies is obliged to provide copies on his own, as well as timely provide missing documents at the request of the commission.

If some documents cannot be provided, the applicant is obliged to provide documents confirming the impossibility.

For example, if it is not possible to obtain extracts from house books for the last 5 years, then you need to replace them with a document that indicates that it was not possible to receive extracts.

The application and documentation are considered by the commission within three calendar months from the date of submission by the applicant.

Regardless of what decision was made, the employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is obliged to receive it within a month from the date of adoption.

If the applicants are spouses or family members living together, then the application is accepted only from one family member. And correspondingly, registration is carried out only for one applicant, as well as the lump-sum social payment itself.

If the commission makes a decision on registration, then the applicant is included in the general queue, entering the data into a single database. ERUs are received on a first come, first served basis. If an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, who is registered, has 3 or more minor children as dependents, then he is out of turn.

That is, it has a priority right to receive payments in comparison with other employees.

The size of the final social payment depends on several factors:

  • market value per square meter in the selected region;
  • living space standard;
  • correction factor.

So, standards are approved and cannot be changed... If the applicant lives alone, is not married, has no children or dependents, then he is entitled to no more than 33 square meters of space. If the applicant's family consists of two family members, including himself, then the standard increases to 42 square meters. If the family consists of three or more people - 18 square meters for each person.

The cost of one square meter in the area taken into account only on the basis of approved datawhich in fact may differ from actual market conditions. Therefore, sometimes a one-time social payment does not cover all the costs of purchasing a home, even taking into account the correction factors.

Despite the fact that the right to receive a lump sum is secured at the federal level, in fact, there is not enough funding to pay funds to applicants on time.

Therefore, the queue for ERUs is moving forward rather slowly.

Emergencies Minister Vladimir Puchkov said that in 2017 the budget for payments will be increased 4 times, however, there will be no special speed in advancing the queue for financial assistance.

At the end of 2016, a plan was drawn up, according to which all payments must be made within 5-10 years, not earlier. In this case, the priority right will remain with employees with many children who are registered. According to the Ministry, there are already more than 7 thousand people in the queue, who are temporarily provided with departmental housing from the housing stock of the converted and redesigned fire stations.

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The Ministry of Emergency Situations is precisely the service that commands respect from every person. It is known that employees go through a rigorous selection process before entering a job, where about half of the candidates are eliminated. Employees must not only meet many parameters for medical examination and physical fitness, but also to show certain moral qualities. Since the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations carries great risks, employees are entitled to benefits. This includes:

  1. Providing housing space (social payment for the purchase of housing).
  2. Treatment benefits.
  3. Sanatorium and health resort improvement.
  4. Free travel to the place of recovery.
  5. Free provision of the form.

In addition to the lump sum payment, there are many aspects where employees are entitled to government assistance.

First of all, the employees of the medical unit are entitled to free health care, including urgent. They can get help in special subordinate clinics, and if the injury is urgent, then in any municipal hospital. The same procedure is considered for medicines that are provided free of charge to employees. This is associated with great health risks, and all expenses are compensated by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Also, the family of employees, and the employees themselves, are entitled to spa treatment with payment of travel to the place of rest. There are entire bases built only for EMERCOM employees and their families. Also, payments are made for children, ranging from maternity leave and ending with funds for education up to eighteen years.

In addition, children can be separately sent to children's camps, recreation sites, and so on. If the family lives in the Far North, in Siberia or Far East, then children can go on vacation twice a year with travel and accommodation costs. Also, upon retirement, employees who have special merit are entitled to an additional payment in the form of a bonus.

Not so long ago, a law came out, which was brought up for discussion back in 2013, but it was only brought into force in 2016. Many employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have not yet really figured out all the intricacies and statutory benefits associated with material assistance to obtain housing. However, now everything is clear - the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are entitled to a one-time social payment. Citizens in the service have the right to direct these funds only to purchase housing or improve housing conditions.

For this, a special commission is created in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which keeps records of databases, and also considers decisions on the issuance of funds or, on the contrary, refuses to justify the reason. A one-time payment is due not only to employees of the Ministry of Emergencies, but also to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs service and others government organizations... The receipt also applies to family members who live with the employee. But if in the family one member has already submitted such a petition, then others will not be able to do so. After all, a one-time payment is issued only once in a lifetime, and even in a new place it will no longer be possible to receive it again. Family members include:

  1. Spouses who have officially registered their marriage.
  2. Widows or widowers who were married to the employee at the time of death.
  3. Children of employees if they are under the age of 18.
  4. Disabled children under 23 years old or inpatients.
  5. Persons who are dependent or fully supported by an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies.

At the same time, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations should know that in order to receive such assistance, it is necessary to work for at least ten years. Also, a lump sum payment is a subtype of social support, the funds from which cannot be directed to any goals not specified in the law. And here the legislation very clearly defines where the social benefit can be spent. If you generalize - then for housing.

Today the situation in the country is such that many employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, despite the complexity of their service, live in apartments and houses with extremely poor conditions. Here we are talking about the emergency condition of many houses and about insufficient footage even for one family member. It is for such cases, when the condition of the dwelling leaves much to be desired, that a one-time social assistance was created.

It can be used to purchase a new home, to pay off a mortgage, to renovate or improve the standard of living. The main requirement here is that there must be sufficient grounds for obtaining, that is, the living conditions are in fact unsatisfactory. At the same time, family members of an employee should also not have their own living space.

It is believed that at least one person per footage is 33 square meters total area. If we are talking about two living citizens, then there should be at least 42 square meters. When the number of family members increases to more than two, then each person has 18 square meters.

Also, whatever the area, if employees have to live within a communal apartment or in a house that requires reconstruction and is really uninhabitable, the citizen also has the right to help. The rank of the employee and his length of service are taken into account. For example, if a citizen has worked in the authorities for more than twenty years, then a correction factor is applied to his calculation formula, which increases the total amount. In general, one-time social assistance can cover up to 70% of the cost of housing or renovation work.

At the moment, the procedure for providing one-time payments has not yet been refined. In addition, since we are talking about budget financing, then there is a queue that may take more than one year. Lists are created at the place of service, and a special commission decides whether a social payment will be issued or not. This is influenced by the state of the employee's living space, and his length of service, and the presence of small children or sick family members.

If an employee died, his family members can apply to the commission, but only if no more than a year has passed since the day of death. In such a situation, the funds are divided into equal shares between the applied members. Also, having bought a new home or paid a mortgage loan, you must submit supporting documents to the Ministry of Emergency Situations no later than within a month after the transaction is completed. Otherwise, the transaction may be considered invalid.

To register in the queue of those wishing to receive a one-time payment, you must fill out an application indicating the reason. This may include dissatisfaction with living conditions, and too small an area for all family members. Information about all family members living with the employee is also submitted.

To speed up the registration process, it is better to collect the entire package of documents at once. It includes:

  • copies of passports of all family members of the employee;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • information about the insurance pension certificate;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • work book or other documents confirming the length of service and service;
  • medical certificates of receipt of the employee or his children of disability, if any;
  • certificates of finding someone from family members dependent, if any;
  • an extract from the house book indicating the footage of the room, living conditions, and so on;
  • information about family income for the last five years;
  • copies of the rental agreement, if any.

Copies of documents can also be submitted, but all of them must be notarized, in accordance with all norms. If two or more members of the same family are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then they should choose which of them will issue such a right to help, because this will be possible only once. Also, if the living conditions of a citizen have improved since the filing of the documentation, then he is removed from the register. The same is true if another member of the employee's family is receiving any other lump sum payment at the time.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is precisely the service that commands respect from every person. It is known that employees go through a rigorous selection process before starting work, where about half of the candidates are eliminated. Employees must not only meet many parameters for medical examination and physical training, but also show certain moral qualities. Since the service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations carries great risks, employees are entitled to benefits. This includes:

  1. Providing housing space (social payment for the purchase of housing).
  2. Treatment benefits.
  3. Sanatorium and health resort improvement.
  4. Free travel to the place of recovery.
  5. Free provision of the form.

In addition to the lump sum payment, there are many aspects where employees are entitled to government assistance.

First of all, the employees of the medical unit are entitled to free medical care, including urgent ones. They can get help in special subordinate clinics, and if the injury is urgent, then in any municipal hospital. The same procedure is considered for medicines that are provided free of charge to employees. This is associated with great health risks, and all expenses are compensated by the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Also, the family of employees, and the employees themselves, are entitled to spa treatment with payment of travel to the place of rest. There are entire bases built only for EMERCOM employees and their families. Also, payments are made for children, ranging from maternity leave and ending with funds for education up to eighteen years.

In addition, children can be separately sent to children's camps, recreation sites, and so on. If the family lives in the Far North, in Siberia or in the Far East, then the children can go on vacation twice a year with payment for travel and accommodation. Also, upon retirement, employees who have special merit are entitled to an additional payment in the form of a bonus.

Not so long ago, a law came out, which was brought up for discussion back in 2013, but it was only brought into force in 2016. Many employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations have not yet really figured out all the intricacies and statutory benefits associated with material assistance to obtain housing. However, now everything is clear - the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are entitled to a one-time social payment. Citizens in the service have the right to direct these funds only to purchase housing or improve housing conditions.

For this, a special commission is created in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, which keeps records of databases, and also considers decisions on the issuance of funds or, on the contrary, refuses to justify the reason. A one-time payment is due not only to employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but also to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, customs service and other government organizations. The receipt also applies to family members who live with the employee. But if in the family one member has already submitted such a petition, then others will not be able to do so. After all, a one-time payment is issued only once in a lifetime, and even in a new place it will not be possible to receive it again. Family members include:

  1. Spouses who have officially registered their marriage.
  2. Widows or widowers who were married to the employee at the time of death.
  3. Children of employees if they are under the age of 18.
  4. Disabled children under 23 years old or inpatients.
  5. Persons who are dependent or fully supported by an employee of the Ministry of Emergencies.

At the same time, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations should know that in order to receive such assistance, it is necessary to work for at least ten years. Also, a lump sum payment is a subtype of social support, the funds from which cannot be directed to any goals not specified in the law. And here the legislation very clearly defines where the social benefit can be spent. If you generalize - then for housing.

Today the situation in the country is such that many employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, despite the complexity of their service, live in apartments and houses with extremely poor conditions. Here we are talking about the emergency condition of many houses and about insufficient footage even for one family member. It is for such cases, when the condition of the dwelling leaves much to be desired, that a one-time social assistance was created.

It can be used to purchase a new home, to pay off a mortgage, to renovate or improve the standard of living. The main requirement here is that there must be sufficient grounds for obtaining, that is, the living conditions are in fact unsatisfactory. At the same time, family members of an employee should also not have their own living space.

It is believed that at least one person by footage is 33 square meters of total area. If we are talking about two living citizens, then there should be at least 42 square meters. When the number of family members increases to more than two, then each person has 18 square meters.

Also, whatever the area, if employees have to live within a communal apartment or in a house that requires reconstruction and is really uninhabitable, the citizen also has the right to help. The rank of the employee and his length of service are taken into account. For example, if a citizen has worked in the authorities for more than twenty years, then a correction factor is applied to his calculation formula, which increases the total amount. In general, one-time social assistance can cover up to 70% of the cost of housing or renovation work.

At the moment, the procedure for providing one-time payments has not yet been refined. In addition, since we are talking about budget financing, then there is a queue that may take more than one year. Lists are created at the place of service, and a special commission decides whether a social payment will be issued or not. This is influenced by the state of the employee's living space, and his length of service, and the presence of small children or sick family members.

If an employee died, his family members can apply to the commission, but only if no more than a year has passed since the day of death. In such a situation, the funds are divided into equal shares between the applied members. Also, having bought a new home or paid a mortgage loan, you must submit supporting documents to the Ministry of Emergency Situations no later than within a month after the transaction is completed. Otherwise, the transaction may be considered invalid.

To register in the queue of those wishing to receive a one-time payment, you must fill out an application indicating the reason. This may include dissatisfaction with living conditions, and too small an area for all family members. Information about all family members living with the employee is also submitted.

To speed up the registration process, it is better to collect the entire package of documents at once. It includes:

  • copies of passports of all family members of the employee;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • information about the insurance pension certificate;
  • marriage or divorce certificate;
  • work book or other documents confirming the length of service and service;
  • medical certificates of receipt of the employee or his children of disability, if any;
  • certificates of finding someone from family members dependent, if any;
  • an extract from the house book indicating the footage of the room, living conditions, and so on;
  • information about family income for the last five years;
  • copies of the rental agreement, if any.

Copies of documents can also be submitted, but all of them must be notarized, in accordance with all norms. If two or more members of the same family are employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then they should choose which of them will issue such a right to help, because this will be possible only once. Also, if the living conditions of a citizen have improved since the filing of the documentation, then he is removed from the register. The same is true if another member of the employee's family is receiving any other lump sum payment at the time.