5 Main activities. Human activity and its main species. Types of human labor activities

Exist various classifications activities:

1. According to the method of implementation:

- Practical activities(transformation of objects of nature and society). It includes material and production activities (transformation of nature) and socially converter (transformation of society);

- spiritual activityassociated with a change in the consciousness of people. It includes:

Cognitive activity (reflection of reality in art and scientific uniform, in myths and religious exercises);

Appreciable activity (the attitude of people to the phenomena of the surrounding world, the formation of their worldview);

Prognostic activities (planning and foresight of possible changes in reality).

2. By the nature of human activity:

Creative activity - production of material and spiritual values;

Destructive activities - negative impact on nature (environmental pollution) and society (war, invasion, etc.).

3. According to the creative role in social development:

Reproductive activities - aimed at obtaining a known result of labor;

Productive activity - the production of new ideas, ways to achieve the goal.

4. Depending on the compliance with general cultural values \u200b\u200band social standards:

Legitimate and illegal;

Moral and immoral.

5. Depending on the novelty of goals, results, funds:

Monotonous, template, monotonous;

Innovative, inventive, creative.

6. Depending on public areas in which activities proceed

Economic (production, consumer, etc.);

Political (state, military, international, etc.);


Spiritual (scientific, educational, leisure and other)

7. According to the method of forming a person as a person:

- the game;


Work- appropriate social activity A person aimed at converting the environment and achieving a socially useful result. A distinctive feature labor activity It is the originality of its motives. Labor is always aimed at achieving programmed results, pre-expected results. Labor, as appropriate activity, began with the manufacture of workers. The presence of workers and special training is a specific feature of human labor activities. Only people are able to act on environment With the help of specially created equipment. For success it is necessary to skill, skills, knowledge. In any work activity, its participants decide some particular task, they plan their actions, anticipate the result.

The game- The primary type of human activity, an imaginary representation of reality in artificially modeled situations, the main motive is not as a result, but in the process itself. Games often have the nature of entertainment, pursue the purpose of receiving rest. Some forms of gaming activities acquire the nature of rituals, training sessions, sports hobbies. The most significant feature of the game activity is its biscuitance:

On the one hand, the playing performs a real action;

On the other hand, the actions are conditional. The advanced form includes roles that take a role playing - this is a compliance with the (conditional) behavior standards in the gaming situation.

By doing any activity, a person is learn something, and, it means that we change yourself. purpose exercises- Acquisition of knowledge and methods of action necessary for successful interaction with the world.

In the process of collaboration, people communicate with each other, exchange practical experience and ways of activity, i.e. are situated in communication.

In modern domestic science there are different points of view on how the activities and communication are related:

1) these concepts identify;

2) activities and communication are opposed to each other;

3) Communication is considered along with activities as an independent, but equal phenomenon.

IN tutorials The first point of view is presented.

Communication- This is the process of interconnection and interaction of people and social groups, during which information is exchanged, experience, activities. In the world of communication, the interaction of the subject is not with the object, but by the subject.

Depending on the variety of subjects, the following types of communication are distinguished:

Communication between real entities (two people);

Communication of a real subject with an illusory partner (chatting with animals),

Communication of a real entity with an imaginary partner (internal dialogue);

Communication of imaginary partners (art characters).

All activities are interconnected between themselves and in everyday life they are difficult to separate apart from each other. So, in the process of work, a person can communicate with a partner, arranging the game in the form of a competition, studying new skills, and in this process to get fundamentally new knowledge about the world, knowing his laws. A number of scientists allocate as a type of activity along with difficulty, game, communication and knowledge(The teaching in this case is interpreted as a private type of knowledge).

Activities are extremely human activity that is regulated by consciousness. It is generated by the needs, and is aimed at the transformation of the surrounding world, as well as his knowledge.

Man using his motives and needs, one way or another converts an external environment, and this process is creative. At this time, he becomes subject, and the fact that he masters and transforms is an object.

In this article, we will look at the main human, as well as their forms, but before proceeding to this, you need to clarify several points.

  1. Activities are inextricably linked: the essence of a person is manifested in his activities. There are no dwelling people in the same way as the very activity itself without a person.
  2. Human activity is aimed at converting the environment. It is capable of organizing such living conditions for himself to be comfortable. For example, instead of collecting plants or make daily caught animals for food, he grows them.
  3. Activities are a creative act. A person creates something new: cars, food, even displays new plant species.

Main Human and Structure

There are three types of human activity: game, work and teaching. They are basic, and its activities are not limited to these species.

There are 6 structural components of activity that are formed in hierarchical order. First, the need for activity arises, then a motive is formed, which is taught in a brighter and specific form in the form of a goal. After that, a person is looking for funds who are able to help him achieve the desired, and, after being, it proceeds to the action that the final stage is the result.

man: work

There is a separate science that is aimed at studying the working conditions of man and optimizing his work.

Proceeds include such an activity that is aimed at obtaining practical benefits. For labor, knowledge, skills and skills are needed. Moderate labor is well affected by the general condition of a person: it will think faster and focuses in new areas, and also receives experience due to which it is capable of further activities.

It is believed that labor is certainly conscious activities in which human interaction with the surrounding world occurs. Any work is appropriate and requires a reference to the result.

Activities of a person: Teaching

The doctrine has one main goal - receiving knowledge or skills. This view allows a person to proceed to more complex work that requires special training. Teaching happens as organized when a person deliberately goes to school, enters the university, where professionals are taught, and inorganized when a person receives knowledge of the form of experience in the process. In a separate category, self-education is distinguished.

Human activities: game

Simplistic speaking, this is a vacation. A person needs it, as the game allows you to relax the nervous system and psychologically distracted from serious topics. Games also contribute to development: for example, active games teach agility, and intelligent develop thinking. Modern computer games (action) contribute to improving concentration and attention.

Forms of human activity

There are many forms of human activities, however, they are divided into two main groups: mental and physical work.

Lies in processing information. In the process, high attention is required, good memory and flexible thinking.

Physical work requires high energy costs, since the muscles are involved in its process, the load on the musculoskeletal system, as well as the cardiovascular, is provided.

Thus, we can conclude that activities are a necessary and unique vital parameter that contributes to the development of a person.

Nature laid in us the main differences from animals - mind and activity. Constant inaction inevitably leads to the degradation of the individual, so the activity is the most important tool for development. The species and forms of human activity today are quite diverse - this is a game, teaching and work. The game bears the function of entertainment and recreation. Teaching helps in acquiring skills and knowledge. And labor contributes to the formation and growth of personality. Activities plays a major role in human life. And in order to know where to send your energy, we will understand which activities exist in nature.

Types of human cognitive activity

Teaching or cognitive activity belongs to the spiritual areas of human and society life. There are four types of cognitive activity:

  • miden - lies in the exchange of experience and the images that people carry and share with the outside world;
  • scientific is characterized by the study and use of various laws and patterns. the main objective scientific cognitive activity - to create an ideal system of material world;
  • artistic cognitive activity is to try creators and artists to assess the surrounding reality and find shades of beautiful and ugly in it;
  • religious. Her subject is the person himself. His actions are estimated from the point of view of the god. This also includes the norms of morality and the morals of the actions. Considering that the whole life of a person consists of actions, an important role in their formation plays spiritual activities.

Types of human spiritual activity

The spiritual life of man and society corresponds to such activities as religious, scientific and creative. Knowing the essence of scientific and religious activities, it is worth considering the types of creative activities of man. This includes an artistic or musical direction, literature and architecture, director and acting. Each person has a creativity of creativity, however, to reveal them, it is necessary to work long and stubbornly.

Types of human labor activities

In the process of labor, the worldview of man and its life principles is developing. Labor activity requires the identity of planning and discipline. Types of labor activity are both mental and physical. There was a stereotype in society that physical work is much more complicated mental. Although the work of intelligence does not appear, in fact, these types of work is almost equal. Once again, this fact proves a variety of professions existing today.

Views professional activity man

In a broad sense, the concept of a profession means a diverse form of activities committed for the benefit of society. Simply put, the essence of professional activity comes down to the fact that people work for people and the benefit of the whole society. There are 5 types of professional activities.

  1. Nature man.The essence of this activity in cooperation with living beings: plants, animals and microorganisms.
  2. Man-man.This type includes professions anyway associated with interaction with people. The activity here is to upbringing, managing people, and their information, trade and domestic services.
  3. Man technique.Type of activity characterized by the interaction of man and technical structures and mechanisms. This includes everything related to automatic and mechanical systems, materials and types of energy.
  4. Man - icon systems. The activity of this type is to interact with numbers, signs, natural and artificial languages.
  5. Man is an artistic image. This type includes all creative professionsassociated with music, literature, acting, and visual activities.

Views economic activity of people

Man's economic activity is recently challenged by the defenders of nature, since it is based on natural reserves, which soon exhausted themselves. The types of economic activities of a person include mining, such as oil, metals, stones, and everything that can benefit a person and cause damage not only to nature, but also the entire planet.

Types of human information

An integral part of the interaction of a person with the outside world is information. Information activities include obtaining, using, distributing and storing information. Information activities It is often becoming a threat of life, because there are always people who do not want that third parties know and disclose any facts. Also, this type of activity may be provocative, as well as to be a means of manipulating society.

Mental activities affect the personality state and productivity of his life. Most. simple sight Mental activity is reflex. These are habits and skills established by constant repeat. They are almost invisible, compared with the most complex type of mental activity - creativity. It is distinguished by constant diversity and uniqueness, originality and uniqueness. Therefore, creative people are so often emotionally unstable, and professions associated with creativity are considered the most difficult. That is why creative people are called talents capable of transforming this world and plant cultural skills to society.

Culture includes all types of human conversion activities. There are only two types of this activity - creation and destruction. The second, unfortunately, occurs more often. For many years of man's conversion activities in nature led to troubles and catastrophes. Only creation can come to the rescue here, which means at least the restoration of natural resources.

Activities distinguishes us from animals. Some kinds benefit the development and development of the personality, others are destructive. Knowing what qualities in us are laid, we can avoid the deposits of our own activities. It will not only bring the benefit to the world around, but will allow us to be with a clean conscience to engage in loved ones and consider themselves with people with a capital letter.

Activity - The way of the human relationship to the outside world, consisting of transformation and subordination to its human goals.

Human activity has a certain similarity with the activity of an animal, but is distinguished by a creative-transformative attitude towards the environment.

Characteristic features of human activity:

    Conscious character: A person deliberately puts forward the goals of activity and foresees her results, thinks out the most appropriate ways to achieve them.

    Productive character: aimed at obtaining the result (product).

    Converting Character: Man changes the world (It affects the environment specially created by the means of labor that strengthen the physical possibilities of a person) and himself (a person retains its natural organization unchanged, changing his lifestyle at the same time).

    Public:a person in the process of activity, as a rule, enters various relationships with other people.

The basis of the activities are the needs of a person.

Motive (from lat. moveRe. - to move, push) - a set of internal and external conditions that cause the activity of the subject and determining the focus of activities (for example, the needs, interests, social Installations, beliefs, attractions, emotions, ideals).

Purpose of activities - This is a conscious image of the result, the achievement of a person is directed.

Material activity - This is the creation of material values \u200b\u200band things that are needed to meet human needs. It includes material and industrial activity associated with the conversion of nature and socio-transformative activity associated with the transformation of society.

Spiritual Activity associated with a change in the consciousness of people, creating scientific, artistic, moral values \u200b\u200band ideas. It includes cognitive, value-estimated and prognostic activities.

Cognitive activity Reflects reality in scientific and artistic form, as well as in myths, legends, religious teachings.

Valid andiented activity - This is the formation of human worldview and his attitude towards the world around.

Prognostic activity It is an anticipation and conscious planning of changes of existing reality.

There are various criteria for classifying activities:

    on objects and results - the creation of material goods or cultural values;

    by subject of activity - individual and collective;

    according to the nature of the activity - for example, reproductive or creative;

    on compliance with legal norms - legitimate and illegal;

    by compliance with moral standards - moral and immoral;

    in relation to public progress - progressive and reaction;

    on the spheres of public life - Economic, social, political, spiritual.

Main types of human activity:

    The game- this is a special type of activity, the purpose of which is not the production of some material product, and the process itself is entertainment, rest. The game, like art, offers some solution in the conditional sphere, which can be used in the future as a kind of situation. The game makes it possible to model specific life situations.

    Doctrine - A type of activity whose goal is to acquire knowledge, skills, skills. The characteristics of the exercise are that it serves as a means of human psychological development. Teaching can be organized and unorganized (self-education).

    Communication - This is a type of activity in which the exchange of ideas and emotions (joy, surprise, anger, suffering, fear, etc.). According to the funds used, the following types of communication distinguish: Immediate and indirect, direct and indirect, verbal and non-verbal.

    Work - a type of activity that is aimed at achieving almost a useful result. Characteristic labor features: expediency, focus on achieving a specific result, practical usefulness, transformation external environment habitat.

    Creation - this type of activity generating something qualitatively new, never previously existed. The most important mechanisms of creative activity are: 1) the combination of existing knowledge; 2) imagination, i.e. the ability to create new sensual or mental images; 3) fantasy, which is characterized by the brightness and unusualness of the ideas created and images; 4) intuition - knowledge, methods of receiving which are not recognized.


1. Set the correspondence between the activities and their features: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

2. Read the following text in which a number of words are missed.

"The simplest, most affordable activity is _______________ (a). It is conditional __________________ (b) and implements the child's need for activity and in the knowledge of the surrounding world on the basis of the assimilation of human forms of behavior. A more complex activity is ___________________ (c), aimed at learning scientific knowledge and acquiring relevant skills and skills. The most important type of human activity is considered __________________ (d). It provides not only the existence of human ___________________ (e), but is also a condition for its continuous _______________ (e). Among his species, the subject-practical and abstract-theoretical is distinguished, or the first is often called physical, and the second is mental. "

The word described below is given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once.

Choose a sequential one word after another, mentally filling each pass. Note that words in the list are more than you need to fill the pass.

1) Culture

2) Character

6) Globalization

7) Development

8) Society

9) Sign

3, 2, 4, 5, 8, 7

3. It is believed that French enlighteners Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Didro played a big role in the preparation of the Great French Revolution of the XVIII century. What kind of activity can be attributed to the "work" of French enlighteners? Describe this type of activity.

    We are talking about value-equivalent activities.

4. (1-4). Read the text and execute 1-4 tasks.

It seems to me that those who are horrified by the development of technology, do not notice the difference between the means and purpose. (...) The car is not a goal. The plane is not a goal, he is just an instrument. The same instrument, like a plow.

(...) Having rehabsed up with its success, we served progress - laying railways, built plants, drill oil wells. And somehow forgot that all this was created to serve people. (...)

Even the car, becoming more perfect, makes his thing all modest and unnoticed. It seems as if all the works of a person - the creator of cars, all its calculations, all sleepless nights above the drawings only and manifest themselves in external simplicity; As if the experience of many generations was needed, so that the column, the keel of the ship or the fuselage of the aircraft, should not have completed the pristine purity and smoothness of the lines at finally (...). It seems that the work of engineers, drawers, designers to be reduced to grind and smooth to facilitate and simplify the fastening mechanism, balance the wing, to make it imperceptible - no longer wing attached to the fuselage, but some perfection of forms naturally developed from the kidneys , mysteriously font and harmonic unity, which is akin to an excellent poem. As can be seen, perfection is not achieved when there is nothing to add, but when nothing can be taken away. The car at the limit of its development is almost not a car.

So, according to the invention, communicated to perfection is not visible as it was created. At the simplest instruments of labor, the visible signs of the mechanism were erased, and we had an item as if created by nature itself, as if pebbles, ensured by the sea; The same is noteworthy and the car - using it, you forget about it gradually.

(A. de Saint-Exupery. "Planet of People")

1) Find any three examples of human conversion activities in the text.

2) specify and illustrate with this text any two distinctive features Human activity.

3) Is it possible to be captured in the document the labor process of people to create cars to call creative? Argument your answer using text. Give the definition of creative activity.

4) What is the ultimate goal of human conversion activities according to the author and in your opinion? Both answers justify.

1. Three examples of human conversion activities:

    locking railways;

    construction of factories;

    oil well drilling.

2. Two distinguishing features of human activity:

    practical utility ("... The car is not a goal. The plane is not a goal, he is just an instrument. The same tool, like a plow".);

    the transformative character ("The apparent signs of the mechanism were erased by the simplest tool, and we had an object that was created by nature itself, like pebbles, sharpened by the sea).

3. 1) Dan an affirmative answer.

Response argument:

2) The author describes the emergence of the results of a new, more advanced quality of items as a result of human labor ("It seems that the work of engineers, drawers, designers to be reduced to grind and smooth to facilitate and simplify the fastening mechanism, balance the wing, make it imperceptible - No longer wing attached to the fuselage, but some perfection of forms, naturally developed from the kidney, mysteriously font and harmonic unity, which is akin to an excellent poem ").

3) Creative activity - This is an activity, as a result of which something new, previously not existed in nature appear.

4. The ultimate goal The conversion activities of man, according to the author, is the desire for perfection: "As can be seen, perfection is not achieved when there is nothing to add, but when nothing can be taken away." Your opinion and your explanation.

Types of activity of man - a fairly subjective concept, since if you wish, they can be described not to one page, but most psychologists and sociologists decided on three main specific species: training, game and work. For each age inherent its main activity, but this does not mean that adults do not play, and schoolchildren do not work.

Labor activity.

Labor activity ( work) - This is a conversion man of both material and intangible objects, in order to further use them to meet their needs. According to the nature of the accompanying actions, labor activity is divided into:

  • practical activities (or productive activity - a change in objects of nature, or a change in society);
  • spiritual activity (Intellectual, creativity, etc.).

It is this type of activity, according to the majority of anthropologists, is the driving force of the evolution of people. Thus, in the process of labor, the purpose of which is the production of any product, the worker itself is formed. Perhaps labor is one of the main activities, but there would be no effective work activity without another of its kind - teachings, or training.

Training activities.

Training activities ( training, education) - This is an activity aimed at obtaining knowledge, skills and skills. The value of this type of activity is that it prepares a person to work. Teaching is a wide concept that has many varieties. This is not necessary for sizing pants at school per desk. These are sports workouts, and reading books, and cinema, and telecasts (not all TV shows, of course). Self-formation as a type of teaching can pass in passive, unconscious form of a person's life. For example, you leafed channels on TV and accidentally heard a recipe in a culinary show, and then it unexpectedly useful.

Game activities.

Gaming activities ( the game) - type of activity whose goal is the activity itself, and not the result. The case when the main thing is to participate, that is, the process itself is important. This is a classic definition. However, the game, in my opinion, is if not a type of learning, then its branch, because she, like training, is training for work. Single spin-off study, if you want. The game in the cubes, the Cossacks-Robbers, "Call of Duty" or "Who wants to become a millionaire" - all these games in one degree or another teach some kind of mental or physical activity, bring some skills, knowledge, skills. Develop logic, erudition, reaction, physical condition of the body and so on. There are many types of games: individual and group, subject and scene, role, intellectual, etc.

Diversity activities.

The above classification of human activity is generally accepted, but not the only one. Sociologists allocate the main activities, psychologists Other, third historians, and cultureologists are the fourth. They characterize activities from the point of view of its utility / uselessness, morality / immorality, creation / destruction, etc. Human activity can be labor and leisure, creative and consumer, creative and destructive, cognitive and value-estimated and other.