What is better than Taobao, Aliexpress, eBay or other Chinese online stores? How to buy on Alibaba: fierce instruction Alibaba official

Trading company is a Chinese public company providing commercial services in the Internet. The main types of its activities are online trade in retail and trading operations between enterprises by B2B scheme. The Alibab's mission is to simplify business doing anywhere in the globe for each person. To fulfill this mission, suppliers are given the opportunity to contact buyers from around the world, and buyers receive a convenient service for finding goods.

The official site of Alibab in Russian:

In essence, Alibaba represents a family of online stores of several formats, among which are world famous. The company is the owner of the Internet site alibaba.com, her headquarters is located in Huangzhou.

She implements the main activity in the People's Republic of China, but over the years of its work, millions of buyers and merchants from around the world have become clients. At the moment, the corporation is one of the largest retailers in the world and unconditional leader among American and European firms that purchase products from Chinese suppliers. Over 15 years of work, the Alibab trading platform managed to associate Chinese small and medium businesses with international buyers.

To some extent, the trading model developed by Alibaba Group Holding Ltd is a hybrid of Ebay and Amazon projects, but so complex and specific that it is almost impossible to repeat it. A distinctive feature of Ali Baba is the possession of global views on a business, orientation to help make money to small companies and its own business model. His success is that the creators of the project, unlike competitors, have never tried to copy the American model, and were oriented on the quality of the product offered.

Brief History of Alibab

Alibaba was founded in 1999 in Huangzhou. Her founder 43-year-old Jack Ma., English teacher and leaving a poor family, together with companions, registered a web portal as a trading platform for small and medium-sized companies. Initially, the platform was launched as a small trading platform, 10 people worked in the team, and the office was located in Jack Ma's apartment. Almost from the very reason, it began to work on the 3rd models: C2C (consumer users), B2B (business for business), and B2C (business for consumers). For gradual expansion, the organization took loans in 1999 in Goldman Sachs, and in 2000 in Softbank Corporation.

Video - Principles of Successful Business from Jack Ma

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dsmvm7xwa8ey Video CAN't Be Loaded: Top15 business secrets from the founder Alibaba Jack Ma. Secrets of success from the founder Alibaba Jacka Ma (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dsmvm7xwa8ey)

In 2004, all online stores owned by the company were combined into the Alipay single electronic payment system. In 2005, Yahoo bought 43% of Alibab's shares. In 2007, the site earned $ 39 million, and the amount of cumulative income amounted to 129 million dollars, the shares were placed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

In 2009, the project received a category of an open company, as a result of the issue of shares, more than $ 1.5 billion was obtained, and the company's costs amounted to $ 26 billion. In 2012, the sales volumes of Alibab amounted to 170 billion dollars, the company's market value in 2014 amounted to $ 231 billion, she bought back 20% of his own shares transferred to Yahoo and made a delusant shares posted on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

The project Ali Baba, together with Yahoo Ma, launched his own search engine, and its online auction Taobao in scale exceeds the Chinese version of Ebau and Amazon auctions combined. To date, he is the main Internet company China, and its founder and owner of Jack Ma - the richest man of the country. In his headquarters and offices, more than 24 thousand people work.

Online stores from Alibaba, assortment of their goods

Alibab's trading company owns the following online stores:

  • Alibaba.com.
  • Aliexpress.com
  • Tmall.com.
  • Taobao.com.
  • 1688

With the help of these sites you can buy and sell almost any product of Chinese production: from paper clips to the car.

Online store Ali Baba

The universal resource is intended for wholesale purchases and sales between manufacturers and owners of large stores. The site contains ads indicating approximate prices, address of the seller, minimum batch of sale, payment methods, contacts. The site owners practically do not control trading processes and do not provide guarantees to fulfill obligations.


Taobao provides free access to catalogs, which contain about 500 million products grouped by category. Here you can purchase household appliances, industrial equipment, clothing and other goods. Taobao.com network platform, an analogue of the American online auction EBay, was established in 2003, its distinctive feature is free placement of lots and free transactions. The main advantages of this Internet resource are low rates, a huge range of products and the possibility of trade in retail.

  • Buyers have the opportunity to acquire goods at the lowest prices. All products that buy buyers are supplied directly from Chinese manufacturers. There are no dealers and overestimated prices.
  • All purchases are protected. Goods are ordered by prepayment. But the seller only after sending the order receives money. Up to this point, money is in the Warranty Bank of the Aliexpress store. In order for the seller to start the formation of the parcel, he must receive a purchase confirmation from the buyer.
  • The resource presents many different products.
  • Goods are delivered completely free.
  • Buyers can purchase goods at discounted prices, since the sellers because of great competition will not be stored for discounts. Of course, for this you need to start a conversation with the seller. And in this case, without knowing a foreign language can not do.
  • Lost products do not need to find several times. Just just download them to the list of desired products. The advantage of such a selection of goods is that the buyer can postpone with the purchase, until a discount appears on the goods. This is about this registered user will learn from the message that comes to email.

In the online store you can pay for goods to any way
  • You can pay goods in the online store any of the ways: Visa, MasterCard, QIWI-money.
    After sending the goods, the buyer can track the movement of the parcel based on the special tracking number issued on it. To find out this number, you must open the account and watch the tracking number.
  • On the website, the buyer can choose the most suitable delivery option for it.
  • The resource provides a seller rating system. The rating is necessary for the buyer to get acquainted with the opinion of other users who made the purchase of the same product from a particular seller.
  • At the resource regularly pass promotions, sales, discounts.

Ali Baba and Aliexpress: What is the difference?


  • The aliexpress trading platform started as an additional source for small businesses. The resource began its work in 2010.
  • The service works as a wholesale platform on which they purchase the necessary goods in small quantities.
  • The resource rapidly gained popularity among small purchases due to the operational delivery of small batches of products.
  • The focus of the AliesskPress site has recently shifted towards small orders.
  • On AliecPress, goods can be ordered both in retail and small wholesale.
  • The alienscpress P LEDEE is monitored: cash for the ordered goods go to the seller's account only after receiving the parcel buyer. Thus, one of the common problems of online stores is solved: the seller is interested in the ordered goods have been delivered as quickly as possible to the buyer.

Features of the Alibaba trading platform

Features of the Alibab trading platform:

  • The resource is the information platform for procureors who carry out the first orders from their manufacturers.
  • All business moments, correspondence are carried out both in is offline and other available for buyers and sellers in ways.
  • Alibaba is engaged only in wholesale of products.
  • Payment system Western Unionwhich is used on the resource, does not provide tracking of payments.

Other differences between the trading platforms of Alisecpress and Alibaba:

  • Suppliers for Alibab are representatives of different countries, in contrast to Aliesecpress. On the last trading platform, manufacturers only from China.
  • The goods are paid for Aliexpress online, on Alibaba payments are carried out through the Western Union system.
  • Alibab clients are only wholesale buyers, the ovars are sold on Aliexpress.
  • The method of delivery of goods to Aliexpress is valid on the Alibaba trading platform. Principles of delivery and transaction protection are also the same.
  • For this reason, orders can be redirected from one resource to another. The buyer can pay for a purchase without fears and expect delivery of the goods ordered.

What did Ali Baba suggested unique?

Payment of goods using the Alipay's own payment system is carried out without commission
Service sellers must confirm the possibility of returning the goods and denote the return address
controversial issues are solved by the automatic transfer of funds to the Buyer

Video: Interesting facts about Aliexpress or Alibaba and 40 thousand Chinese

Alibaba Group is a group of companies that keeps business on the Internet. There is this organization in private ownership, registered in the Chinese city of Hangzhou. Leading areas of activity Alibaba Group on the Internet are retail sales online, as well as operations between real-time companies - B2B, enterprise - Enterprise. 43% of ALIBABA GROUP shares owns Yahoo! Alibaba.com uses its own payment system called Alipay. With this service, calculations are also carried out in Taobao.com (subsidiary). Alibaba.com applies in work and implements its own software by which the enterprise is managed, and also has a large, database database database with information on goods and organizations.

Founded by the company in 1999 by Jack Ma and 17 of his companions, in the same place in China registered their site alibaba.com. Initially, Alibaba was created as a site for trading of companies (small and medium), as well as for trade online. In the spring of 2011, the number of users registered on the site numbered 65 million people living in 240 countries and regions.

Alibaba Group owns the following subsidiaries.

Alibaba.com - firm, promotions and securities of which are freely treated in the stock market. The leading activity of Alibaba.com is online B2B trade.
Taobao.com is an online retail market, as well as a store and auction operating on the network.
Alipay - an electronic payment system online.
Alisoft - software created to manage industry and trade enterprises through the Internet.
Yahoo! Koubei - Chinese Structured Online Catalog of Organizations.

According to Iresearch (China) for 2006, Alibaba Group was the largest companies in B2B online. The basis for such an application is the number of registered users and% in China's market in terms of profits.

In May 2012, Alibaba.com entered into an affiliate agreement with QIWI Group, thereby opening himself to enter the Russian market.

Hello in the last article We have done with representatives of Alibaba. That instruction is more for JUR. persons and sip, and in this article I will tell you how to find a supplier on Alibabe and order a product through an intermediary. This option is just suitable for simple physical. Persons with small lots of goods.

In fact, in China, suppliers have accounts on all sites:, Alibaba, etc. Therefore, sell you the goods they can through any site. But everyone likes to look for Alibaba, because you can search in Russian or English (preferably English).

The scheme is as follows:

  1. You registered on Alibaba;
  2. Find the supplier and goods you need;
  3. Send a request for relevant prices for your quantity of goods;
  4. After the supplier has come to contact and you have agreed to price, write what you want your partner (intermediary) to take the goods in China. To do this, ask him a link to the profile on Taobao or 1688 (and better immediately to the goods chosen by you) and agree on the transaction to spend 1688 or Taobao website;
  5. Throw off the order to my intermediary (but you can find it);
  6. The mediator redeems and delivers you as described in this article.

Thus, you can find the supplier and goods themselves, agree on the price and bring a small batch of goods through the mediator. And then you do not need to look for a transport company with the possibility of customs clearance, because the intermediary delivery and transport of goods across the border takes over.

You do not think that something is illegally here. Just this work scheme is familiar with many small buyers who do not want to mess around with customs and those who are used to working with an intermediary.

For example. Site 1688 This is also a wholesale site, but it is aimed only at the internal market of China. But prices there are the same as on Alibaby (plus-minus). If you, then you need to bargain and reduce this price.

If you compare the conditions of delivering an intermediary, then you do not overpay practically. Transport company for customs clearance you will give up no less than 10% for the purchase of goods to the intermediary. Delivery of an intermediary (250 r. For 1 kg on average) will cost almost also in transport companies.

The only thing that this scheme is not beneficial to you is when you. At least from 300 kg. Weight. This is an exemplary digit and read for everyone individually. Compare how it will be profitable for you.

What is the minus of this scheme? He is one and some critical. As you remember everything, you have no documents for the goods, because the mediator redeems the goods for you, as for physical. Persons. Therefore, if you work officially and you need to report for the goods that entered the warehouse, then choose the scheme inside Alibaba, which we wrote about.

Remember an important thing! Always try on any recommendations and tips on your specific situation. Only so you can understand, it will be profitable for you or not. Always consider compare, analyze and then make a decision.

That's all I wanted to say today.

Thanks for attention!