Ariel machine as a gift. Picodi: All discounts in one place! Which means for washing you need to buy

Good day. Today I want to tell about the liquid powder Tide Alpine Freshness. Until now, I have always tried to use children's washing powders, be something ordinary powder or gel, since they almost always have a pronounced aroma and hypoallergenic. But for washing down, the down jackets are not very suitable, since it is difficult to float out of the fabric. For these purposes, liquid detergents are suitable as this liquid powder. I took a sample, the week tested and that's what I wanted to tell you.

Liquid tide powder for colored and white linen.

Volume: 0,975 L.

Purchase place: Magnet.

Price: 299.00 rub.

Brightly orange bottles immediately attract attention. It is convenient that there is a handle. The packaging shows all information about the composition, expiration date, storage conditions and instruction manual.

After unscrewed the lid was also surprised as other authors, the bottle was filled with 2/3, apparently this company is so accepted. I think it is unlikely that anyone will be engaged in a transfusion from each bottle. The fragrance in the means is specific, but quite pleasant, it does not bother me, I have air conditioners that smell me much more.

I try to stick to the instruction on the linen of 4.5-5 kg. I add 65 ml of liquid tool. Postedly gives things after washing a nice fresh flavor that will quickly disperse. With your direct responsibilities, it copes well, although I have not yet been erased highly polluted things yet, until those come across.

Rear on the handle there is a liquid flow indicator.

There is a measuring cup.

We now turn to the experiment. I postponed a down jacket with him, but for loyalty 2 times additionally rinsed. It was fine, neither spots nor the traces of divorces remained.

On the package it is indicated that the amount of powder should be enough for 15 washes. While there were only five and the powder many more, most likely for so much and even more.

The action ended 30.09.2019

The action of Persil "Washing on the weight of gold" is held from August 27 to September 30, 2019. Buy Persil and Vernel in Pyaterochka, register checks on the website of the promotion -, participate in the drawing of valuable prizes, among which the account replenishment of the mobile phone number, as well as the gold ingot.

How to participate

Only a minor citizen of the Russian Federation can become a applicant for the prize. To participate, you must do the following:

  1. Visit any store relating to the Pyaterochka.
  2. Purchase a product involved in the stock.
  3. Get at the checkout check.
  4. Take a picture of the document.
  5. Create an account on the official website -
  6. Register a check by downloading its image to the site.

Registration of checks of other store networks is not allowed. One user can download an unlimited number of unique images.

Prize Foundation

After loading and moderating the first check, the user becomes a challenger to receive valuable prizes. As part of the promotion, you can get:

  1. Guaranteed prize - enroll 50 rubles to the mobile phone number specified during registration. The total number of gifts is 250 pieces. One participant can win no more than 80 enrollments.
  2. Weekly prize - 182 500 rubleswhich can be spent on the purchase gold Circuit of Higher Sample. In total, 5 money gifts are played.

Winners of weekly raishes are published on the website of the promotion every Monday, from September 5 to October 3, 2019. The final list will be published on October 7.

Personal goods

Citizens who wish to receive a prize should acquire at least 2 Persil or Vernel packages in one check (you can pack each product). Mandatory condition - only checks received in Pyaterochka stores are recorded.

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