How to collect a snake from Fix Price. Fix Price Air Snake Sport & Fun. Flat flying design

The Chinese have long been believe that the air site soaring in the sky takes all diseases, adversity and anxiety. In addition, the launch of the snake is always a spectacular and pretty simple occupation. The main thing is to choose the right place and take into account some nuances.

What kind of child does not dream of driving a bright air kite? What could be stronger than the delight with which the children are watching soaring in the sky? "Papula, and let the snake smear!" - says Favorite Chado. And the father in response will concern with the top of the top, as the assembly of the air serpent and its launch seem to be something particularly difficult. But everything is not at all.

Theoretical minimum

Before running the air serpent, you need to get acquainted with the basic concepts:

Leer is a thread, with which the flying toy is controlled;

The bridle is a strong thread woven together, thanks to which the air serpent is attached to a layer;

Carrier area - the size of the projection of the snake on the horizontal surface;

The bearing capacity is the lifting force of one unit of the carrier area;

Pressure Center - Center for the Carrier Square.

How to make a toy fly?

How to do an air snake to he soar? For this, its surface should be not flat, but to bent up under the head of the air flow. That is why in the manufacture of a snake is not recommended too tightly stretch the material (paper, oilcloth, cloth). Sometimes it is enough to fix one corners. The center of gravity should be shifted to the tail, otherwise a long guar cannot achieve.

The front edge of the air serpent must be carefully cleaned or strengthened to avoid curvatures. Those who still do not know how to run the air snake, it is better to give preference to flying layouts that have a long tail - it gives the right balancing of the entire design.

Another important element is a bridle that should consist of two threads. But such a snake is quite difficult to manage, so it is better to use a triple bridle to beginners.

Homemade Workshop - Production Stages

1. To assemble the easiest type of the air serpent, it is necessary to take two thin pine, bamboo or plastic rails with a length of 30 and 50 cm. From the end of a longer plank, I measure 15 cm and secrets at a right angle of a small speech with solid threads. This turns out the cross for a flying toy.

2. At the ends of the slats you need to make round notches in which the thin durable thread is stretched. Must get a quadrangular frame.

3. Then you need to take thin paper or oilcloth and cover the existing billet. For this, the resulting frame is put on a sheet of prepared material and rub the pencil or marker by adding a small distance to the attachment allowance.

4. Pattern is cut off, after which the frame is cooled well with glue and is attached to the material. You can figure out the air coating with felt-meters, drawing cartoon characters on it (which will delight your children), or portray the slender legs of your beloved woman on it (which will please you).

5. Now you can start fastening the bridle. For this, the coil is taken with a fishing line, which joins the left corner of the workpiece. Then it needs to be stretching to the snake's nose, and from there - to the right corner to determine the length of the bridle. Cut a thread and attach the tip to the right corner of the snake (it turns out a long thread from one edge to another). Now we take the coil again, fix the line in the nose part of the design, measure the distance to the left corner of the snake, add ten more centimeters, cut off and tie to the middle of the first thread.

6. The snake's tail can be made of a thin cord or durable caprony thread, measuring 3.5-4 meters. The tail can be decorated with paper bows.

7. The launch of the air snake is not possible without a leash-leather. To do this, a long durable thread is pregnant to the bridle, at the end of which can be tied a small wand for the convenience of control.

Flat flying design

Such air snakes are the easiest and most famous. The frame is made of pine or any other light wood. The casing is made of film or paper. Paper does not ensure the stability of the design, so it should be durable (mikalent, tissue or rice). If the film is used, it must be bad, but at the same time stick to the frame (it is best to buy acryl).

What does a snake monk look like?

This flying layout received its name due to its similarity with a hooded monastic rode. Such a snake is well-centered, therefore, a two-way bridle is quite enough for its launch. The tail is used as a balancer, it should be light and thin. The material for such a snake is better to choose a dense, because under the gusts of the wind, it is too easy to crush and falls.

Breatic flying design

This is one of the varieties of a flat snake. The framework is built from a pair of plates, which ensures ease. At the same time, the front rail gives the rigidity of the entire design, but a large sensitivity to the wind appears. Neighborhoods are not always at the first time to master the launch of this type of air serpent.

Box design

This kind of homemade snake looks rather solid, but it is quite simple. He does not need a tail. Moreover, such snakes can raise small loads, so that you can put a small digital camera in them, first turning it on the video or serial shooting. This can be obtained completely unique staffing from a bird's eye view. But the box design is well held in the air only with strong wind.

How to run an air snake: choose a place

So that the flight process does not prevent anything, you should choose open areas without any obstacles. Trees, kiosks, buildings located nearby, prevent direct passage of air flows and create unnecessary twists. The sea coast is perfect for his breeze (unless, of course, do not have to jump over the bodies of vacationers). It is better to stay away from highways, airfields and power lines.

How to run an air snake (instruction)

At first it is necessary to determine the direction of the wind, simply the observation finger. Now the air serpent is solemnly handed to a friend (girlfriend, child, wife). It is necessary to stand in front of her assistant, which should keep a snake over his head, perpendicular to the earth. The wind must blow to you in the back, the coil with Leer should be in your hands.

So how to run the air snake? First you need to slow down from each other for a distance of about 20 meters, while unwinding the leash. By giving a team: "Let go!", Dramatically pull Leer on itself. With good wind power, the snakes will wake in the air itself, and will remain just enthusiasticly watching his flight. Otherwise, it will be necessary to run on the field slightly, while the design does not catch the air flow.

How to properly launch an air snake with different wind power? If he flies only when the man managers runs, it means that the wind is too weak. With pretty strong air flows, the flying design with ease is soiled in the air, and you do not need to make any additional effort. The optimal wind speed to start a paper layout should be 3-6 m / s.

If the tension of the thread leash is too strong, then it should be unwinding. If the wind subsides, the snake pull up to himself. To return the design to the ground, it is necessary to gradually smash Leer and with a sense of accomplished debt go home.


The main elements of the snake

Frame - depending on the model, may consist of two or more regions. The mutual location of which depends on the specific model. Serves for stiffness design during flight.

The canvas are light fabric, cleaning or paper that is covered with a stem frame. Thanks to this, the obstacle for the wind creates lifting force. The canvas placed in relation to the wind in front of the frame.

The tail is usually made in the form of ribbons one or more and even with bows. It serves not only with decoration, but also to smooth out the shortcomings during the flight. The tail is not found in all models.

Bridle - for fastening the thread (Leera) to the air snake. They are several species, depending on the number of places of fastening:

with one - does not require adjustment, all the work makes the tail

with two or more - here usually there is a regulating part (ring), to adjust the angle of attack by the wind.

with a kelle - a solid detail connected to the clinic of the same material, instead of a bridle with two places of fasteners. Does not require adjustment, usually the tail is hanging for this purpose.

Leer (thread, rope) - with its help control flight. It should be easily and durable, preferably with the ability to dance from the snake. For this purpose, they put the carbines and for the tail by the way too.

The coil - for winding the thread (Leore). Ensure use and less risk to confuse the rope.

Consider possible options:

1. If you have a rack (twist) and bridle, coil, tail.

Take the sink skeleton, bridle in mind with the front side into the holes on the snake. (For example, see the drawing above) - Turn the snake and inhale the rail into the holes (loops) at the ends of the bridle. - Next, find special grooves for the rail from the snake. They (the grooves for the rail) must be located at the edges of either on top-bottom or left on the right. I understand your attention to the fact that the rake should be on the opposite side of the snake, that is. Behind the cloth during the flight. - I turn to yourself the face of the air snake and tie the thread to the bridle. - If there is also a tail, from the bottom of the snake, find the hole and secure your tips.

2. If there is no rack, but there is a bridle, a coil with a thread, the tail is a mandatory attribute. - Then we just looking for holes on the snake and fix it (bridle). - Next to the bridles attach the thread. The fasteners of the thread to the bridle should be on the front side. - Krepim's tail, if it goes separately. It can not be it at all.

3. It is possible in the kit only one coil with a thread without bridle, but with a rack and tail. Your model with a keel is a solid detail connected to the main canvas snake. - In Kiel, there should be a hole for tiering the thread, or some more tool - carbine, etc. For clarity, consider an example. In our case, it is necessary to conceive a thread into a hole at Kiel. Fix the thread knoting knot. - From the reverse side, turning the air snake inserting the rail. As described above, the rail is inserted into the special. Deepends at the edges of the snake (from below, on the right left or, if two slats and both). - Such models are still completed with the tail that also comes separately attach it, it should be the openings for fastening the tail. In our case, this is a metal hook with a loop.

4. For models with two slats and more assembly principle is similar. Depending on the number of additional plates in the kit. They are inserted into the recess on the snake. Location may be different. How perpendicular to be located to each other, intersect, be parallel.

Aerial snakes arose in ancient China in the second century of our era. People learned to design various original types of coils: simple and controlled, flat and volumetric, on the frame and without a dragon, wings, heart, parachute. Today, air snakes are applied not only as toys for children, but also for sports competitions and other useful purposes. The article contains master classes to create air coils with their own hands.

From the package

Materials and tools:

  • cellophane packages - 4 pieces;
  • thin light sticks (reeds, pine railings);
  • fat fishing line;
  • permanent marker;
  • scotch;
  • roulette;
  • scissors;
  • super glue.

Master Class:


Materials and tools:

  • bamboo, carbon or reed bars with a diameter of 3 millimeters;
  • plastic bag;
  • coil thick threads;
  • super glue;
  • scotch.

Master Class:

  • Accordingly, the scheme is cut film and wands.
  • All twigs should be copper in a diagram between themselves thick threads and pour glue for strength.
  • Attach the resulting frame to the film and combine them with scotch.
  • Tail to the finished snake Leer.


Materials and tools:

  • lime, bamboo or pine chopsticks with a diameter of 10 millimeters;
  • polyethylene film;
  • coil of durable threads;
  • super glue;
  • scotch;
  • leske.

Master Class:

  1. Following the scheme to prepare the segments of the film and cut the required amount of sticks.
  2. Tie sticks with a fishing line and pour glue for strength.
  3. Tighten the tent from the fishing line between the two wings of the snake.
  4. With the help of a scotch, attach the film to the frame.
  5. For tail, leather and bridles use thick thread.

Snake Monk

Materials and tools:

  • tight paper sheet 20 by 20 centimeters;
  • thick thread with a coil;
  • cotton fabric tape;
  • threads with a needle;
  • iron;
  • scissors.

Master Class:

  1. Accordingly, the scheme 1 in the picture bend the sheet in the middle, connecting points B and D, and it is good to try the place of bend (Scheme 2).
  2. Do not straighten the angle of the angle to bend so that the parties of the AC and Sun are combined.
  3. Turn over the sheet, bend the angle d, combining the sides of the AC and DC (Scheme 3).
  4. Bend angles with vertices in and D.
  5. Folded together the parties Ev and E * D with the party AE and AE *.
  6. Turn the flames of the iron and gently deploy the product.
  7. Accordingly, the scheme 6 should make holes on the wings at the points F, F * and C (tail).
  8. Bind the thread with a long equal half of the height of AK (image 6 in Scheme 1) through points F and F * (ways).
  9. At the point C attach the tail from cotton tissue 2 centimeter width and 5HAS long. To do this, you need to turn the segment through the hole, apply to the main tail and flash (Scheme 2).
  10. Exactly in the middle of the way to tie a leder from thick threads with a coil.


Materials and tools:

  • yves, bamboo or reed branches;
  • cellophane film or dense paper;
  • cotton tape 2 centimeter width;
  • thread;
  • glue joiner.

Master Class:

Volumetric Rhombid Potter Snake

Materials and tools:

  • 4 rails with a length of 1060 millimeters and a cross section of 10 by 10 millimeters (spars);
  • 2 racks of 990 millimeters long and 8 per 8 millimeters cross section (spacer);
  • 2 racks with a length of 660 millimeters and a cross section of 8 per 8 millimeters (small spacers);
  • fabric or fat paper;
  • thick threads;
  • scissors;
  • olife;
  • carpentry glue.

Master Class:

Sail for kaiting

Materials and tools:

  • film or thin fabric;
  • pine rails 75 centimeters long and 6 millimeters diameter;
  • thick threads;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • line.

Master Class:

Indian rhombic

Materials and tools:

  • film or thin fabric;
  • pine rail 56 centimeters long, 2 millimeter diameter;
  • pine rack with a length of 82.5 centimeters, with a diameter of 2 millimeters;
  • 2 pine rails of 10 centimeters, a diameter of 2 millimeters;
  • strong threads of 80 centimeters long;
  • scotch;
  • tissue tape.

Master Class:

Who in childhood did not start the air snake! For many of us, it was a favorite fun, which did not work with their own hands. We are making the simplest air coils from paper and rejoiced how our creations flew over the wind. Now in stores you can find a variety of air coil models, from small children to huge professional. And now we are already becoming parents themselves, we go with interest in the sports department to buy this bright toy for your children. Let's recall how to assemble the air snake, and in which way it can be raised into the sky.

Assembling an air serpent

Regardless of the level of complexity, all air snakes consist of a standard set of components. The most important thing in any snake is a durable frame that keeps the design form during the flight. It can be made of two or more regards. The frame is stretched by a canvas made of a lightweight material that creates an obstacle to the wind and allows the snake to soar in the air. It is important to know that when the snake starts, it is necessary to have a web in such a way that the cloth was before the framework, and the wind fell on it. In some models of air coils, the tail is attached to the canvas, made in the form of beautiful ribbons, which is designed to smooth out the impulses of the wind and stabilize the snake in the air.

The management of the snake from the ground is carried out with the help of a rope or thread, which is also called Leer. It should be very durable, but easy enough to keep the flight.

The thread is wound on a special comfortable coil. Often the manufacturers of snakes make LEERS on the carbines so that people can catch them. The location of the junction with an air kite is called a bridle. Depending on the number of attachment points, it can be:

  • bridle with one fastening that does not require adjustment in the air. Snake is adjusted only by the tail.
  • a bridle with a keel, made in the form of a solid part of the cloth of the same material. Also does not require adjustment during flight
  • bridle with two and more fasteners, which involves the management of the snake. To do this, there is a ring that allows you to adjust the flight angle.

How to run an air snake

Run the air snake is easy, the main thing to choose the right place and catch the wind. To do this, we find a large open plot of land, preferably on a hill, where the air flows move from the bottom up. If trees and houses are surrounded by a snake, the snake will be harder to rise due to uneven wind, and it will be stabilized only at an altitude of about 50 meters.

Important to remember:

  • In no case cannot be launched by a snake under power lines, near the roads and airports, as well as during a storm with thunder and lightning. Even if the place seems to you perfectly even and spacious, and the wind in the thunderstorm is just perfect for the launch of the snake, such games can be dangerous for life.
  • Never launch heavy serpent over people and animals. If you do not handle the control, all this design with a rigid frame at a huge speed can fly onto a person and crumpled it. If you want to play with children on the beach by the sea, it is for this a lightweight air snake from paper, which is not harmful to anyone.
  • During the launch of a snake in sunny weather, use sunglasses. Fascinating the game and looks at the sky, you can not notice how the bright sun hurts your eyes.
  • Be sure to protect your hands. Use gloves and coil. In no case do not wreathe Leer on your hands. A strong gust of the wind can raise the snake up, and quickly unwinding thread will burn your skin.

Before you send your snake into the sky, we have his face to yourself, get back to the wind and stretch the threads. The launch of the air snake largely depends on the wind speed. If the wind is strong enough, the snake can be launched directly from the hands, putting it with a nose in the wind and slowly spinning the rope. If the wind is not very strong, you may need help. Slide the coil by 15-20 meters, pull the thread and ask someone to throw a snake up. It happens that the land is weak, and the above is strong enough. This is evidenced by shaking tops of trees. In this case, the snake will fly only at a certain height. But in order to raise it on this height, you have to run a little against the wind.

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More recently read the response from the author with irecommend. about the air serpent with Aliexpress And I really wanted to launch such a child, because in my childhood there was no this fun. And literally after a couple of days they saw in the retail sale of the air serpent in the Fix Price store in St. Petersburg, without hesitation acquired.

I'll tell you how to start the snake need wind on the street. In the calm, it makes no sense to go out with him.

With a strong, dyeing wind, the snakes are not recommended.

Name of product:

    SPORT & FUN from the store Fix Price

the size 135 * 65 cm; Length of rope 30 meters

Price - 99 rubles

Producing country: China

Design options:in the Fix Gas Store, I saw lion, bird, planeand Dolphin. My daughter liked the lion.

Structure:dacron (190T), fiberglass, polypropylene.

In the characteristics to the snake there is no detailed description as its launch and collect, it is written that shelf-life Unlimited. Above this moment, I was laughed, because even after one launch, a hole appeared on the snake (Chinese quality and that is all said).

In the rustling of a transparent snake package very much resembles an umbrella.

And inside is directly snake canvas with tail and frame;

Night coiland thread (leder), in this case lesk.

Coil made of cheap plastic, but there are special cuts on it, so that the fishing line can be fixed and it was not unwound. It's comfortable!

The fishing line is tied to a special hole on the canvas of the snake.

And on the other hand, the canvas in special plastic grooves ...

Inserted flexible plastic black wand, she also comes in the kit.

Snake assembled. You can run. For this, special skills are required, everything is simple enough.

We go to the open area (in some field).

Convenient when the air snake is started 2 people, one initially holds it above his head, and then he let go on the signal, the second person unlocks the fishing line and the serpent kept in the sky, catches and feels the direction of the wind.

You don't have to run with the snake, but I really liked this lesson, so he flew for a short time.

Since the fishing line in a set of 30 meters, then the snake will be able to climb enough with good wind.

Leo superman in yellow pantyhose Called a storm of positive emotions in a child passing by adults and my husband and I was very interested in watching how he flies over our head.

The Chinese believe that soaring in the sky Aerial snakes takes with them all diseases and adversity.