List of unnecessary in Leningrad during the blockade. Leningrad blocade - declassified archives. day and night

The blockade of Leningrad is one of the most tragic pages in the history of the Second World War

"People have become different ..."

September seventh, to be exactly 70 years old from the beginning of one of the most terrible pages of the Great Patriotic War. It would seem that over the past two decades, all the information about the blockade of Leningrad in the Soviet period is presented. However, every year declassified documents stored in the archives about the situation in the terrible years in the city on the Neva. Diaries are found, which Leningrad People were deceived from hunger. Of these, you can find out what the inhabitants were told about the first days of war and blockade, as the situation and the actions of the authorities were evaluated, what they did and as died.

Paper, several decades hidden under the vulture "completely secretly", open the shocking truth.

Evacuation of residents and enterprises from Leningrad began on June 29, 1941. Many factories, research institutes, design and research organizations, theaters left the city.

On the morning of August 28, the last two echelon with evacuated Leningraders were used by the MGA station. The station captured the Nazis, and the city's railway connection was interrupted. On the same day, the troops of the fascists broke into the suburbs of Leningrad, German motorcyclists stopped the tram, following the route number 28: Strelna - Street Street.

The city was sitting on the nodes and suitcases of 216378 people registered and taken into account. When the blockade ring closed, there were more than 2 million people.

Elena Scriabin lived in Leningrad with her husband and two sons. They survived the terrible blockade winter of 1941-192, after which Elena and children were evacuated to Pyatigorsk, who soon occupied the Nazis. Elena had to work in work camps in Poland and Germany. After the end of the war, she, wanting to save themselves and children from repression, did not return home. In the 1950s, Elena Scriabin emigrated from Germany in the United States, where he became a professor of one of the universities and taught Russian literature.

From the diary of Helena Skriabina, which she led in Leningrad during the blockade: "Friday, September 5, 1941

Returned to the prehistoric era: life drove into one - to search for food. Calculated its food resources. It turns out that my reserves are barely enough for a month. Maybe later the position will change. And what kind of change I hope - I do not know myself. Now come close to the most terrible hunger. Tomorrow we are going with the Lyubok Tarnowskaya to go beyond the city of changing cigarettes and vodka, obtained by us in a stall on the street, opposite the house.

In the morning I was sitting with an eurik (the younger son of Elena Skryabina, who was five years old. "SP") on the boulevard. Former my classmate Miloradovich came to us. Without prefaces, the conversation about how he was happy that the Germans are already standing under the city that they are a reasonable force that the city will be delivered today - tomorrow. I praised me that I did not leave. "And this is just in case," the little revolver shows me - if the expectations are deceived. "

I did not know how to react to his words. We are accustomed to not trusting people. And such, like him, now a lot. We are looking forward to the Germans as the Savior.

I am writing after half an hour after the new tax. I do not know how much time everything went on, but a few minutes after the penny, they learned that a huge hospital was injured in several blocks from us. He was opened only yesterday, and today they transported the wounded there. It is said that the bombers dicked on this building. It instantly died. Most of the wounded died, they did not have time to save.

And we were told all the time that Leningrad is unavailable that there will be no taxes. So unavailable! Anti-airfiction turned out to be a soap bubble. Security guarantee - empty phrase.

Daily bread rate reduced to 250 grams. Since except for bread there is almost nothing, then this decrease is very sensitive. I'm still trying to get potatoes and vegetables in the surrounding villages in return on things. How painful these exchanges are painful! Yesterday walked all day. I had cigarettes, husband's boots and ladies stockings. Feeling yourself with miserable begging. Everywhere you need to persuade, literally begging. Peasants are already donated with excellent things. They do not want to talk. In a short time, a terrible 1918 returned. Then the townspeople, as beggars, were asked in the villages of potatoes and flour in exchange for carpets, fur, rings, earrings and other valuables. Exhausted to the last degree, I finally exchanged all my goods on Potato Pooth and two liters of milk. I do not know how long I can engage in such prey.

Literally in front of people beast. Who would think that Irina Levitskaya, even recently such a calm, beautiful woman, can beat her husband, who always adored? And for what? For what he wants to eat all the time, can never be satisfied ...

Almost all people have become different as a result of hunger, blockade, hopeless position.

I do not go to the market: there is absolutely nothing to change. What I can offer is not interested in buyers. And the markets are littered with excellent things: high quality matter, cuts on costumes and coats, expensive dresses, fur. Only for such things you can get bread and lean oil. No longer on rumors, but on reliable sources, that is, according to information from the police areas, it is known that many sausages appeared on the market, and the like, made of human meat. The reason allows even this terrible opportunity: people reached the limit and are capable of everything.

My husband warned me so that I would not let youroze on walking away from home even with nanny. The first children began to disappear. "

"We will no longer fight with the Germans ..."

In November 1941, the first cases were noted by the losses of consciousness from hunger on the streets, in stores and in workplaces, and then - cases of death from exhaustion. This month in Leningrad began a real hunger.

After the winter onset in the city, fuel reserves were almost over. The centralized heating of houses has stopped, plumbing and sewage have been disabled.

Due to the lack of electricity and the destruction of contact networks, trams and trolley buses stopped.

During the blockade of the moods of Leningrads followed the UNKVD. Letters were checked, and numerous informants reported on the "anti-Soviet" conversations and "negative phenomena."

In one of the reports, it was described that at the appeal of Stalin to the people in November 1941, some Leningrads responded this way: "For 24 years, they brought the country to the collapse and death, and now they say:" Bear to the end - the victory will be behind us. " But we have almost no aircraft and tanks, and they have a lot. Where is the logic? This is madness. Gave Ukraine, Belarus - the best central and southern regions - and said: "The enemy is depleted, we will win." "There is no real prospects for the defeat of Germany, Stalin did not open. England and America help us only in words, they hate the USSR. " "In front of the war in Germany, advanced military technologies in aircraft construction, and were not prepared for war." "The USSR government is not ready to solve the problem of the blockade breakthrough. Only the second front will help us. "

The UNKVD documents said that in November 1941 the number of "anti-Soviet leaflets" has increased. Many leaflets unknown faces scattered in the early morning, under the cover of darkness, in the territory of the Moscow railway station. The search for distributors turned out to be unsuccessful.

The UNKVD was noted that these leaflets, unlike leaflets, who dropped the enemy, caused confidence in the population, since they had appeals that correspond to situations.

Anonymous letters addressed to Stalin, Molotov and Zhdanov delayed. In one of them it was said: "We, Russian women, put you in fame of TOV. Molotov, that we will no longer fight with the Germans. Call your husbands, sons, brothers from the front, give all Russian cities to the Germans without a fight, without resistance, for further resistance is useless bloodshed. We do not believe more than your laws. "

In the same month, the documents are given by the statement of the Leningrad residents: "I will not think to sacrifice my life if it benefits. It is necessary to create an organization, combine around a large figure of all dissatisfied. " "You need to organize a group of a hundred people first and start acting. It is necessary to write leaflets with a call to the people. The Red Army will be with us. " "Our tops will do everything with us that they want, because we do not know how to perform organized, a whole plant or factory, but we express dissatisfaction with one or small bugs."

And these statements of residents of the city were recorded in December: "workers are waiting for the moment to speak against Soviet power." "If the Soviet government is weak, then let the city pass. With the king of pies did not want, and now Mrut, like flies. " "People set taxes, loans, high prices. Red Armyians do not want to defend the power of the Communists. " "The city must capitulate, because the attempts of the breakthrough of the blockade have not led to anything." "The Germans are a cultural nation, they will take care of the conquered city."

Scientists said: "The war will lead to a change in political system, a democratic start will act in Russia." "The ideology of communism is unpromising. England and the United States will help in establishing a democratic form of government. " "People clamped, words will not give out." "Only a soulless attitude towards scientists can be explained that the wipers give out the rate of bread more than scientists. We have the only hope that the war will make changes to the better. "

In the same month, a leaflet was in hand in the hands of workers, which said: "Down with the war, a one-time system that destroys our life. By December 25, it is necessary to rebel. In the Kirov plant already used, but early. Until the 23rd, it is necessary to conspire the workshops, and the 24th contact the workshop with the workshop. On the 25th in the morning, do not start work, but only everyone organized - singles shoot. "

"In summary and newspapers one lies"

Winter 1941-1942 was much colder than in past years.

Apartments Leningraders were heated by mini stoves. All that could burn, including furniture and books in them.

Families in most cases did not die out immediately, but one person. Those who could walk, brought products purchased by cards. In that terrible winter, a lot of snow fell, which was not cleaned. Hungry exhausted people moved along the streets with great difficulty.

In February 1942, such conversations were recorded: "You need to get together and go to Smolny, demand bread and peace." "We must organize a strike." "You need to loud shopping." "Soviet power after the end of the war will not be. Prescribed the president on the direction of England and America. " "In Germany is not starving. Employees are provided better than workers. We have no truth. In summary and newspapers one lie. " "If the Germans come, then everyone does not outweigh, hang those who need."

"Encaved ends" Ryano fought with "anti-sakes". On some days of January 1942, 20 people were arrested. But many Leningraders, barely alive from hunger and cold, continued to criticize power.

The statements of the residents of Leningrad, reflected in the WNKVD documents in January and February 1942: "None in any country did not bring their people to such hunger." "People die of hungry death, but do not rise against the rulers." "The case will come to the point that the people will need to pass the city of the Germans." "The workers took everything. We do not have any bread, no water, no heat, no light. Dikari had food, fire and water, and we do not have it. " "Leningrad is thrown by our leaders to the mercy of fate. They obviously sacrifice them to survive the Soviet power. "

In SMNVD reports, there are many references to the fact that Leningraders talked about the need to conclude a separate world with Germany. They did not believe in the ambulance and doubted the need for resistance. All Europe works to Germany, and no one wants to help the USSR.

Many residents believed that it was necessary to transfer Leningrad a "neutral country" and then "meaningless" torments will end.

It is impossible for us that Leningraders have survived in blockade years. Despite hunger, cold and accommodation without elementary amenities, people from the last forces performed the work entrusted to them, "says St. Petersburg historian Alla Midnochanov. - in oppressively acted on Leningrads reports of Sovinformbüro about the fall of Sevastopol and Novorossiysk, other failures of the Red Army. People have a strong belief that the Red Army will not remove the blockade. They were exhausted to extremes. The blockade ring was broken on January 18, 1943, however, until the blockade is completely removed - on January 27, 1944, the Leningradians had to wait for a whole year. The blockade of the city lasted 872 days.

According to official statistics, in January and February 1942, about 130,000 people were died in the city, 100,000 people died in Marta, in May - 50,000 people, in July - 25,000 people, in September - 7,000 people. The decline in mortality occurred due to the fact that the weakest - old people, children and sick people - have already died. According to the latest research, for the first, the most demanding year of the blockade, approximately 780,000 Leningradians died.

A database is underway in the archive of the Picaresian Memorial:

  • Book of memory "blockade. 1941-1944. Leningrad "in which you can find information about the inhabitants of the city and refugees who took place from the enemy in the besieged city died during the blockade;
  • Memory book ". Leningrad "where you can find information about the inhabitants of the city that helped the horrors of hunger, cold, permanent enemy bombing and shepherd by the departed city;
  • Book of memory "Leningrad. 1941-1945 "which contains information about residents designed to the Armed Forces from Leningrad and those killed during the Great Patriotic War.

There are also references and information about all currently existing bases for the project center of the Fatherland All-Russian newspaper, including a memorial list of Leningrad residents escaped from a blockade city, dead and buried on the Vologda Earth, given below for this page. In addition, there is a link to the list of evacuated Leningrads project of the archives of St. Petersburg. Book of memory "Blockade Leningrad. Evacuation".

Book of memory "blockade. 1941-1944. Leningrad "

The list of residents of Leningrad, who died here, died during the blockade of the city of German-fascist troops during the Great Patriotic War, is an analogue of a print instance of the memory book "Blockade. 1941-1944. Leningrad, "he did not include changes and additions to the lists, made according to the statements of relatives who submitted documents that became a basis for changes and additions.
The placement of this list in the consolidated database is the result of cooperation of the All-Russian information and search center "Fatherland" and Prince-Vladimir Cathedral of St. Petersburg where the All-Russian Celebration was created in 2008.

35 volumes of the block of memory "Blockade" were published in 1998-2006.

Book of memory "blockade. 1941 - 1944. Leningrad "- a tribute to the grateful memory of the descendants about the great feat of Leningrad residents.

This book is a kind of chronicle of the history of the recalculated people, reflecting the participation of citizens in the defense of Leningrad and those mass sacrifices that the city is incurred in the battle for life. The book about the suffering of millions of inhabitants of the blockade city and those who are under the onslaught enemy, retreating, found shelter here.

This is not just a sorrowful list. This is a requiem to those who forever lay down in the ground, defending his hometown.

The Book of Memory is a harsh, a courageous book, like a memorial plaque, simply captured only 63,1053 names of our countrymen, who died from hunger and diseases frozen on the streets and in their apartments who died in art prints and bombards missing in the blocked city itself. This martyrologist is constantly complemented. Over the years of publication of the memory book "Blockade. 1941-1944. Leningrad "received 2670 applications for the names of those killed in the blockade of residents, and in preparation for the publication of the 35th volume, another 1337 names were perfected.

The electronic version of this memory book is also presented on the website. project "Returned Names" Russian National Library and in a generalized computer bank of data of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, OBD "Memorial".

Information about the printing publishing book:

"The requiem of the evacuated Leningrad residents buried in the Vologda region during the Great Patriotic War". Part I. A-K. Vologda, 1990; Part II. L-I. Vologda, 1991.

Vologda State Pedagogical Institute
Northern branch of the Archaeographic Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences
Vologda Regional Committee for the Protection of Peace and the regional branch of the Soviet Foundation of the World
Vologda Regional Department Ipex
Vologda Regional Council of Veterans of War and Labor
State Museum of History of Leningrad

The book was published on voluntary contributions to the citizens of the Vologda region to the Soviet Foundation of the world.

Part of the first book "Requiem" is a list of Leningrad residents (according to the alphabet of AA), who died during the evacuation in the train cars, in hospitals for evacuated, in Lazares and hospitals, in the settlement places in the territory of the Vologda region. The compilers used materials that were preserved in regional and urban archives of the regulations and Gavo. Much information is lost. Therefore, in the course of further search work, this sorrowful list is likely to be replenished. And now he is like a personal addition to the memorial of the memory of Leningrads built in Vologda. Part two and third are prepared.

Compilers: L.K. Sudakov (Ot. Compiled by), N.I. Golikova, P.A. Kolesnikov, V.V. Sudakov, A.A. Fishermen.

Public editorial board: V.V. Sudakov (Ot. Editor), G.A. Akinhov, Yu.V. Babicheva, N.I. Balandin, L.A. Vasilyeva, A.F. Gorovenko, T.V. Zamarayeva, D.I. Klibson, P.A. Kolesnikov, O.A. Naumova, G.V. Widths.

Word about book

In the end, humanity will understand that it is a single organism, but each person is the universe, and will learn to take care of every unique personality that makes its unity.
Every people living on Earth is looking for their destiny in humanity, and every person is in their people. And the richer the memory of every person, the richer and the life of every nation and means humanity.
Upon farewell to a person, seeing him in the last slightly people promise to him eternal memory. It is impossible to live without memory. No memory leads to the oblivion of past errors. Oblivion - catastrophically.
We painfully think about this on the slope of our days, having transferred the experience of our lives of our lives to their lives. In the memory of our generation there was a great catastrophe of humanity - the Second World War. She claimed millions of lives. And we, alive, do not want to be Ivan who do not remember their kinship. We want to warn the coming from our bloody tragic mistakes threatening the death of all mankind.
Forget past - shamefully.
The past war was merciless, and the peoples of our Motherland suffered huge losses in this war, the best sons and daughters were killed, selflessly loved and believed in her justice. It took almost half a century from the day of our victory, but we have not yet calculated how much we lost people in this battle for life.
Everyone who died in this war is worthy of eternal memory.
We, alive, forgot about this debt living in front of the dead.
Combered from this debt of the grave of an unknown soldier - shamefully, for there is no unknown soldier, they may not be unknown only in negligent memory in the souls of living, defended by the mortal feat of the dead.
The memory of the dead is the Holy Case.
And I believe that on our land will be built by the Temple of Memory, in which the names of all those killed in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 tragic years will be kept.
This is the holy need of life.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin himself bequeathed to us "Love for the deceo coffins." Without this love, there is no and there can be no movement of life to perfection.
And I understand the urgent nobility of those people who, in their goodwill, understanding their human debt, in front of the feat of their selfless compatriots, collect their decent eternal memory names on the arms of immortal memory,
And the books of this requiem are dictated by the holy sense of kinship generations and communication times.
Vologda was on the days of the war with a link in the unthinkable efforts of the front and rear. Assistance was accounted for Her assistance in the Bescassed and tortured by the fascist blockade, half-feded with hunger and the cold, bombs and shelling of Leningrad, and here, in Vologda, for a large, as they said, the land from a blockade city on the way of life was exported by children and women, wounded and patients of defenders Leningrad. And the inhabitants of Vologda and the Vologda region saved these semi-dimensional people with their selfless love, warmth of the soul, caressing good hands and fatal hope of bread.
Many were saved.
Many - died.
And these dead remained in the last shelter of the Vologda Earth.
A monument was put on their fraternal grave after half a century, and the names of the dead were collected in the books of this requiem.
This noble example of residents of the Vologda region is worthy of all sorts of imitation for residents of all cities and weights, where there are nameless graves of the heroes and the sufferers of the Patriotic War.
This noble example, maybe make my fellow citizens of Leningraders bother to bother about their heroes and martyrs of the time of the fascist blockade, turn the nameless grave hills in nominal pantheones, worthy of worship and prayers.
And I want to worship a low bow for their human feat of memory, love and faith.

Without memory there is no life.
No connection time.
No coming.
Live! Be decent dead.
The dead did not regret our lives for your life.
Remember this.
It is impossible to forget about it.
Mikhail Dudin


Not far from Vologda, on the Poshekhon highway, there is a monument. On the granite pedestal - a female mother with a dying kid on his hands. The woman is surrounded by strict pylons, it seems, they guard her eternal peace ...
It is a memorial to evacuated Leningraders who died in Vologda during the Great Patriotic War. The delegation of the city-hero Leningrad handed over a particle of the Earth of the Holy Place - Piskarevsky Cemetery. This land is now here, at the grave ...

The Vologda region was formed in 1937. It includes 23 areas of the former North Territory and 18 districts with the city of Cherepovets of the Leningrad Region. By the beginning of the war there were 43 districts. The population is 1 million 581 thousand people, including urban - 248 thousand. The leading sectors of the national economy for the beginning of the war were the logging and timber processing industry, agriculture with a livestock bias.
Vologda became the regional center in 1937. What was she in the war years? Probably, the life of this city with a ninety-five thousand residents has not significantly differed from many of the similar, scattered in Russia. All determined the war with its harsh life and deprivation, tense, often at the limit - work, with loss of relatives and loved ones, with permanent expectation: how are there on the fronts? And with the hope of joyful changes that only victory could bring ...
... now the word "mercy?" - not opening today. The essence of his roots goes to our story. It is the socialist mutual assistance, mercy of people, a sense of fraternity saved the lives of many Leningrads who escaped the blockade from hell.
Many, but not everyone ... Thousands of evacuated died under bombing, from the consequences of blockade hunger and disease. Many health, the forces were so undermined by the sufferings and deprivations, the horrors of the war that no one could save them ... The sad lists of them in this book.

About one hundred people took part in the "requiem". The idea of \u200b\u200bthis book appeared at the members of the student group "Search" in 1987. At the same time, the section was highlighted in its composition, which began preparatory work (Chairman of the student section S. Lavrov, the supervisor Senior L.K. Sudakov). At the first scientific and practical conference of the historical faculty, devoted to the problems of patriotic and international education of schoolchildren and young people (April 1988), the idea and plan for creating a book were approved by representatives of the regional committee of the VLKSM, the Council of Veterans of War and Labor, and the Society for the Protection of History and Culture Monuments, Oblovenkomat Workers and health care.
On August 27, 1988, a memorial of Leningrads was opened in Vologda at the Poshekhonsky cemetery, died and buried in the city during the Evacuation years. It was built on the joint decision of the Leningrad and Vologda City Executives. The opening of the monument has become an incentive to enhance search activity. In the second conference in April 1989, the first results of the searches were already supplied. The regional coordination council of the search engine work and activities to perpetuate the memory of the Motherland defenders were elected, recommendations were adopted as a whole on the problem, including on the preparation of the book "Requiem".
Already at the initial stage of the preparation of the book there were many questions requiring an answer, developing research techniques: identifying archives that have the necessary documents; study of the amount of information about each person and the definition on this basis the form of the book "Requiem"; Development of a single form of an individual card for writing information for each deceased; Determining the methodology for checking records about the same person in various archives; Preparation of a list of buried in preliminary and final printing options; Compilation of certificate of administrative division of the region during the war years and in our time and others.
Archives turned out to be a lot. In the state archive of the Vologda region, the lists of five special hospitals were originally found (Gavo, Wed. 1876, OP. 3, d. 1 -11), and then materials and another one (cf. 3105, op. 2, d. 3 -BUT). Lists of varying degrees of preservation, but allowing you to make each individual card. In the Cherepovets branch, materials were found on the same hospital in this city. Entries in all hospitals are not unified. So, in Cherepovets such: "Solovyva Anna Vasilyevna, 1913 of birth, two children from 5 to 7". In Vologda, the record form fully reflects information:
№№ PP.
- Disease history number (not everywhere)
- year of birth or age
- Receipt date
- Date of retirement
- Where left (died, translated into another hospital, was discharged, given in the orphanage, etc.)

In two lists of hospitals, information about the home address, the diagnosis of the disease, the residence of the evacuated, who is reported to death are reported. In total, there are more than 8 thousand people in hospital lists, it is indicated about the death of 1807 evacuated. There is a general mark that from January 1 to April 1, 1942, in Vologhda was buried at the Gorbachev cemetery, and from April 1, 1942 in New, Poshekhonsky, 2 people in the grave. According to memories of eyewitnesses there were nameless burials.
As a rule, death in wagons, hospitals, hospitals, apartments, in orphanages were registered by the registers. The compilers viewed all the books of death records in Vologda and Cherepovets (stored in the city's urban archives), as well as all the books of the district bureaus stored in the regulatory archive of the registry office. Entry forms in these books usually have a sequence number for each year, then the last name, name and patronymic, death date, age or year of birth, the place of permanent residence, the cause of death (most often the diagnosis is dystrophy). In the cities of Blanca, they were fed into books on the dates of death and alphabet, in areas - by dates of death.
In total, the dead and buried in the field of more than 17 thousand people were revealed. To do this, it was necessary to view at least 100 thousand blanks of death records. There were cases when on the same person there were records in hospitals, hospitals, in the registrarian documents, in district departmental archives. In such cases, several cards were filled on one person, then the information was made and specified. To identify the names of buried, in addition to the search for the preserved materials in archives and museums, memories of doctors, medical sisters serving hospitals and hospitals, in which were evacuated were collected and gather and gather.
Further data obtained by 10 thousand people. These are evacuated from Leningrad, the Leningrad region, partly from Karelia and other places. There are few complete addresses of Leningraders, moreover, during this time, the name of the districts and streets was changed. The book has given addresses of the time of war. Often distorted the names of the regions, Leningrad streets. The clarification of the addresses was assisted by employees of the Museum of the History of Leningrad.
There are records in need of clarification. 5 with more than thousands of individuals there are only sofaming information, without behalf and patronymic. For example, such a record in Babaev: "Slavik ... Russian ... died on February 24, 1942, age 4 g. ... Leningrad." On the letterhead in Vologda: "Zhenya ... 5 years ... Received to the hospital on April 5, 1942, died on April 20, 1942." In Sheksna recorded: "Unknown ... 13 years .., died on January 19, 1942. Shot from the train 420. The boy, the face is white, dressed in the old cotton coat, shoes." Another post in Sheksna: "Surname is unknown, 28 years old, January 1, 1942. Shot from the train 430, died. Middle height, military uniform, chinel, cotton pants, cap, gray felt boots. "
This book includes a list of alphabetically from A to K. Total 4989 people. From them by age: up to 7 years old - 966 people, 8-16 years old - 602 people, 17-30 years old - 886 people, 31-50 years old - 1146 people older than 50 years old - 1287 people. On the floor: men - 2348 people, women - 2637 people. In the second part of the "Requiem" there will be lists of buried alphabetically from L to J. Finally, in the third part of the book "Requiem" there will be a list with the smallest number of information. The compilers believe that even such a sorrowful list will help relatives and close to learn about the fate of those who are considered to miss the missing.
In search work and its preparation took part: L.N. Avdonina, G.A. Akinhov, N.I. Balandin, L.M. Vorobiev, A.G. Gorgeld, S.G. Karpov, I.N. Kornilova, P.A. Krasilnikov, TA Lastochka, N.A. Pakharheva, S.V. Sudakov, etc. Cherepanova; Members of the student group "Search" of the Vologda State Pedagogical Institute: N. Balandina, S. Berezin, M. Gorchakova, O. Zelenina, E. Kozlova, N. Krasnova, I. Kuznetsova, S. Lavrova, N. Limin, E. Manicheva , A. Orlova, N. Popova, S. Triphanov, L. Tchansev, E. Khudyakova, student of the 8th school of the city of Vologda O. Sudakov, Leningrad School E. Grigorieva, group of students of the Cherepovets State Pedagogical Institute under the guidance of teachers AK . Vorobyeva, V.A. Chernakova and a group of students of the Vologda Construction Technical School under the leadership of the teacher V.B. Konasova.
The overall coordination of work on the book was carried out by Professor P.A. Kolesnikov and Chairman of the Regional Committee for the Protection of the World V.V. Sudakov.
Compilebooks and editors express deep appreciation to employees of the archival department of the Vologda Regional Executive Committee, the State Archive of the Vologda Region and its branch in the city of Cherepovets, the Vologda Regional and Vologda and Cherepovetsky city archives of the regulation O.A. Naumova, N.S. Junior, A.N. Basova, A.I. Kulakova, as well as the Public Commission "Doctors for the Survival of Humanity" under the regional committee of the protection of the world for the assistance rendered in identifying archival materials G.A. Akinhov, P.A. Kolesnikov.

I know: console and rude
This line is not destined.
Fallen with honor - nothing needed
console lost - sin.
By his, the same, grief - I know
what, indomitable, her
Strong hearts will not exchange
For oblivion and non-existence.
Let her, pure, holy,
The soul of the desalse stores.
Let, love and courage to feeding,
Forever with the people of the breed.
Unforgettable blood
Only it is popular kinship -
promises in the future any
Update and celebration

April 1944.
Olga Berggolts.

Adopted abbreviations

VGA registry office - Vologda city archive registry office
Waist registry office - Vologda Regional Archive Registry Office
WEG - Vologda Hospital for evacuated
Gavo - State Archive of the Vologda Region
H Zago - Cherepovets urban archive registry office
Eg - EvicoPost
ChF Gavo - Cherepovets branch of the state archive of the Vologda region

Leningrad's blockade has become the hardest test for residents of the city in the history of the Northern Capital. In the besieged city, by different estimates, up to half of the population of Leningrad died. The survivors had no strength to even mourn the dead: Some were extremely exhausted, others were seriously injured. Contrary to hunger, cold and permanent bombing, people found courage to survive and defeat the fascists. To judge that it was necessary to survive the residents of the besieged city in those terrible years, it is possible according to statistical data - the language of the digits of the blockade Leningrad.

872 days and nights

Leningrad blockade lasted exactly 872 days. The Germans took the city in the ring on September 8, 1941, and on January 27, 1944, the inhabitants of the Northern Capital were rejoiced to the full liberation of the city from the fascist blockade. During the six months after the discontinuation of the blockade, the enemies still remained under Leningrad: their troops were in Petrozavodsk and Vyborg. The soldiers of the Red Army were driven by the fascists from the approach to the city during the offensive operation in the summer of 1944.

150 thousand shells

For many months, the blockade of fascists dropped 150 thousand heavy artillery shells to Leningrad and over 107 thousand incendiary and fugasic bombs. They destroyed 3 thousand buildings, and damaged more than 7 thousand. All major monuments of the city survived: Leningraders hid them, cover with sand and plywood bags. Some sculptures - for example, from the summer garden and horses with Anichkova, a bridge - removed from the pedestals and buried to the ground until the end of the war.

Bombing in Leningrad walked every day. PHOTO: AIF / Yana Vshatova

13 hours 14 minutes shelling

The art robes in the blockade Leningrad were daily: sometimes the fascists attacked the city several times a day. People hid from bombing in the basements of houses. On August 17, 1943, Leningrad was subjected to a long shelling for the entire blockade. It lasted 13 hours 14 minutes, during which the Germans dropped 2 thousand shells on the city. The inhabitants of the Blocade Leningrad admitted that the noise of enemy aircraft and tearing shells sounded in their heads.

Up to 1.5 million dead

By September 1941, the population of Leningrad and its suburbs amounted to about 2.9 million people. The blockade of Leningrad, according to different estimates, claimed life from 600 thousand to 1.5 million residents of the city. Only 3% of people died from fascist bombing, the remaining 97% - from hunger: about 4 thousand people died every day from exhaustion. When the food reserves are over, people began to eat cake, wallpaper glue, leather belts and shoes. On the streets of the city lay dead bodies: it was considered the usual situation. Often, when someone died in families, people had to bury their relatives on their own.

1 million 615 thousand tons of cargo

On September 12, 1941, the road was opened - the only highway connecting the precipitated city with the country. The road of life, laid on the ice of the Lake Ladoga, was saved by Leningrad: about 1 million 615 thousand tons of cargo delivered to the city in her city - food, fuel and clothing. During the blockade on the highway through Ladoga, more than a million people were evacuated from Leningrad.

125 grams of holbe

By the end of the first month of the blockade, the residents of the besieged city received quite a good breadless. When it became apparent that the reserves of flour would not be enough for a long time, the norm sharply reduced. So, in November and in December 1941, urban employees, dependents and children received only 125 grams of bread per day. The workers were issued at 250 grams of bread, and the composition of militarized protection, fire teams and fighter detachments - 300 grams. Contemporaries could not eat blocked bread in food, because it was prepared from almost intolerable impurities. Bread baked from rye and oatmeal with the addition of cellulose, wobbly dust, needles, cake and unfiltered malt. Buanka was very bitter taste and absolutely black.

1500 loudspeakers

After the start of the blockade, until the end of 1941, 1500 loudspeakers were installed on the walls of Leningrad homes. Radio broadcasting in Leningrad was conducted around the clock, and residents of the city were forbidden to disable their receivers: on Radio Speakers were told about the situation in the city. When the broadcast was discontinued, the sound of the metronome was broadcast on the radio. In the event of alarm, the rhythm of the metronome was accelerated, and after the end of the shelling - slowed down. Leningraders called the sound of the metronome on the radio in the living heartbeat of the heart of the city.

98 thousand newborns

In the years of blockade in Leningrad, 95 thousand children were born. Most of them, about 68 thousand newborns, appeared in the fall and in the winter of 1941. In 1942, 12.5 thousand children were born, and in 1943 only 7.5 thousand. So that the kids survived, in the Pediatric Institute of the city, organized a farm of three thoroughbred cows so that children could get fresh milk: in most cases, young milk mothers were not.

Children of the Blood Leningrad suffered from dystrophy. Photo: Archival photo

-32 ° ° frost

The first blockade winter has become the coldest in a deposited city. On some days, the thermometer column descended to -32 ° C. The situation was aggravated by abundant snowfalls: by April 1942, when the snow should have already cleaned, the height of the snowdrifts reached 53 centimeters. Leningraders lived without heating and electricity in homes. To warm up, the inhabitants of the city flooded the stoves-burzhuyki. Due to the lack of firewood in them burned all the inedible, which was in the apartments: furniture, old things and books.

144 thousand liter blood

Despite the hunger and the most severe living conditions, Leningraders were ready to give the latter for the front to speed up the victory of the Soviet troops. Every day, from 300 to 700 residents of the city handed over blood for the wounded in hospitals, transferring the material compensation to the defense fund. Subsequently, the Leningrad Donor plane will be built on this money. In total, during the blockade, Leningraders passed 144 thousand liters of blood for front-line.

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War on the initiative of the Archive Committee St. Petersburg An electronic database is created (hereinafter referred to as the BD) "Leningrad blockade. Evacuation". Now users can independently find information about their relatives escaped from blockade Leningrad in 1941-1943.

Pouring work on the project is carried out by specialists of several services and departments: the archivists of the Central State Archive St. Petersburg, their colleagues from departmental archives of district administrations, employees of urban committees for education and health care, as well as employees St. Petersburg Information and analytical center.

Creating a database took place in several stages. First of all, documents on evacuated citizens from the archives of district administrations were transferred to the central state archive. Admiraltei, Vasileostrovsky, Vyborgsky, Kalininsky, Nevsky, Primorsky and Central areas promptly presented the necessary materials. In most cases, these are card files - that is, selected according to the alphabetic card on evacuated. As a rule, they contain the number, surname, name, patronymic of a citizen, a year of birth, address to evacuation, date of evacuation, as well as the place of disposal and information about family members who went along with evacuated.

Unfortunately, in a number of areas, such as the resort and Kronstadt, the cards were not conducted or not preserved. In such cases, the only source of information is the lists of evacuated, filled from hand, often in an unintelligible handwriting having poor safety. All these features create additional difficulties when transferring information to a single database. In Petrograd, Moscow, Kirovsky, Krasnoselsky and Kolpinsky districts, documents are not preserved, which greatly complicates the search.

The next step of creating a database is digitizing card files, that is, their translation into electronic view by scanning. Digitization is performed on the stream scanners by the information and analytical center staff. And here the physical state of scanned documents is of particular importance, since some of them have difficulty text, or physical damage. In many ways, this indicator affects the quality and speed of the information being loaded subsequently into the information database.

At the final stage, electronic images of cards come to handling operators of an information and analytical center, which are made to the database contained in them by the method of manual set.

On the eve of the anniversary of Victory on April 29, 2015, as part of the reception of veterans of admission in the archive committee St. Petersburg Veterans of Wars and residents of the Blocade Leningrad in the framework of the events held to the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - the data "Blockade of Leningrad. Evacuation "was solemnly open and became available to a wide range of Internet users at:

In the process of work on the project, the military period documents were additionally identified in the large amount (1941-1945), working with which will continue further, as well as the replenishment of the database with new information. Currently, about 620.8 thousand cards are made to the database.

However, the project work continues. To replenish the base with new information, a long process of scanning the authentic lists of the evacuated residents of Leningrad will have.

→ Lists of buried → Lists of dead in blockade

Lists of dead blockade

In blockade 1941-1944. In Mitrofanievsky (Orthodox and Lutheran) and Gromovsky Old Believers, residents of nearby areas were buried. The published lists are compiled on the basis of the blockade of the memory of the memory of Leningrad and the information and reference system "Book of Memory of St. Petersburg". In addition to these blockade books, there are numerous eyewitness evidence. Currently, we managed to establish the names: 92 people buried on the Mitrofanievsky necropolis, and 47 blocks buried at the Gromovsky Old Believer Cemetery.

In the blockaded Leningrad, there are cases of burial of dead inhabitants from hunger and shelling and on other destroyed cemeteries, besides Mitrofanievsky and Gromovsky, as well as in squares, gardens, parks and wastehouses. In many cases, there are genuine documentary evidence, according to others - eyewitness stories. Unfortunately, today many such unknown fraternal graves are under residential buildings, children's playgrounds, streets and brochures.