How to deceive the seller with Aliexpress. How to cheat on Aliexpress? Fake tracking numbers

Cash on delivery only after receiving it in the mail of the native city, many people with distrust relate to trading areas where prepayment is required. Especially if you need a complete prepayment, and not partial. This is a completely normal reaction, since no one wants to lose their money and not get anything in return. And if paid an expensive order, it becomes a shame doubly. Exactly with the same thoughts, newcomers come to the Aliexpress website. Many immediately scares the need for prepayment, and they forever leave this resource. After all, if before the domestic entrepreneur, you can still somehow get to get and demand the return of your money, then it is much more difficult to do it with Chinese. Having learned about the protection of buyers in this store, many cease to worry and begin to actively buy everything you need until they detect deception to Aliexpress.

Common ways of cheating buyers

After carefully having studied the user's manual for beginners and finding out that the administration insures a buyer from unscrupulous vendors, without paying them to the goods for the goods before confirming this product, any novice buyer is confident that all its transactions are protected on this resource. How can a fraudster assign money if nobody lists them without approval of the client himself? However, the kidals on Aliexpress are smart enough to come up with many simple ways to deceive the buyer, especially if it does not have a great deal of communication with such people. The most popular fraud schemes should be considered and try to avoid them in subsequent transactions.

Melting material and cutting when buying clothes

Choosing clothes or shoes in this online store, people are confident that if "Material: Cotton" is written, it means it should be in the goods received. But by opening the parcel and finding a thing in it, which simply cracks in her hands, because she is sewn from solid synthetics, they understand that cotton is not even in the amount of 5%. But this is still the most harmless deception. What then to say if the buyer decided to buy a jacket or natural skin raincoat? After all, the skin is much more expensive than a cotton T-shirt. If a honest seller in the product description writes that it is dermatin, then scammers will assure that material is only natural origin.

There is also another problem when buying clothes. As a rule, in Chinese underground workshops are sewn. And if good experts make enough quality copies, then the rest are limited to the placement on the showcase of branded photos, and they produce the goods themselves so poor-quality that it does not even look like the original. As a result, the customer gets ugly, stitched from bad cloth clothes, which I do not even want to wear.

At first glance, the solution to the problem seems fairly simple: it is necessary and to declare the administration about the poor quality of the goods, but there is a problem here. For a complete administration, in most cases, it requires reverse shipment of goods, and shipping to China can do in half of its cost or in general to be more expensive to get things that no longer makes sense. And without sending, you can return to about only the third part of your own money, after which the dispute is closed, and it turns out that most of the payment went to nowhere, and no one becomes the resulting clothes.

Sale of low-quality electronics

When buying electronics, Aliexpress fraud often pops up. The fact that the illegally collected Chinese technique does not work for a long time, known to many, but people calm themselves that for such a price you can buy a new phone, tablet and other gadgets. However, what to say, if a person buys a telephone, checks it on performance, is convinced that everything is in order, confirms the receipt, and after that, after a few days, the phone stops working? The dispute is already impossible to open, the money is spent, and it is impossible to use the goods. Therefore, it is better not to acquire similar devices at sellers with or if there are other users about this product.

The same applies to other devices. Very often, people complain that they purchased a flash drive or a memory card for the phone, but it turned out that this is a "broken" device and on it from the stated 32 GB are actually read only 5 or 7. And the buyer paid for 32, he does not need 5!

Subtitution of another product

The divorce for Aliexpress is not limited to sending poor quality goods to the buyer. There are also more arrogant fraudsters. They may well replace the goods for $ 300 in goods for 20. Newbies do not believe in it, considering that it is simply impossible. After all, they see their purchase in the photo and immediately discover the inconsistency between the received goods and the picture on the showcase. But not everything is so simple. Suppose a person orders the Winchester for 1 terabyte for $ 200, it receives it, takes it into hand, considers the body and stickers - everything corresponds to the desired one. However, by connecting the device to the computer, it is found that this device has a volume of 40 GB. To solve the problem does not help either formatting or connecting to another PC. What is the surprise of the unlucky buyer when he, disobeying the body of his purchase, detects in it an old hard drive on 40 GB, neatly connected by thin Chinese fingers, which later tracked the labels on the housing!

There were cases when instead of a tablet for $ 150 a man came to a t-shirt for 10. Sometimes you can in the parcel in general, it will simply lie in it to some trash to give volume and weight packaging. The buyer will say that he has not yet confirmed receipt, so the administration will consider his complaint and return the money. However, where is the guarantee that he himself did not put this trash in the box not to pay the seller? The seller will insist on its right thing and prove that he sent the goods, just a dishonest client caught him.


You need to know another scheme, how to deceive to Aliexpress. The seller may simply not send the ordered product, and the buyer send a "lime" track number to create the visibility of sending. After some time, the client begins to be nervous, because two weeks have passed or even a month, and the parcel is so anywhere. On all questions, the seller replies that you have to wait, the parcel is sent. A completely inexperienced user will be waiting for the goods until it occurs automatically, since all the deadlines for delivery have expired. More experienced open the dispute, but here some scammers are capable of successfully completed. They begin to ask the client to withdraw the dispute, complain that the reputation will decline, they will swear that the goods will come true, etc.

Too kind and naive buyers hit these complaints and close the dispute. As a result, the term expires, the goods are considered to be obtained, but it does not come to the buyer. After that, the seller completely ignores any threats and plea in the correspondence, he received money, he does not need anything else.

In order not to experience such a kidalovo on itself, you never need to react to the complaints of a fraudster and not to disclose the dispute. In the end, the seller can extend the delivery time if he really sent the goods. If not sent, the extension will not help him.

By purchasing some trifle for 2-3 dollars, I don't even want to mess around with the proceedings about the popularity of our purchase or its inconsistency ordered. However, to ensure the safety of expensive transactions, measures must be taken and collect evidence of its rightfulness for a possible complaint. For example, in the case of receipt of the trash instead of the tablet, it is possible to prove that this trash was not sublated by the buyer himself, but sent by the seller. To do this, you will need to shoot on the camcorder the entire process of printing the parcel and extracting goods from it. The track code and data on the recipient on the parcel can be visible. Such a video is excellent evidence when opening a dispute to Ali Extress.

Before trying to "Chiterite" in this direction, it is worth thinking. And here there are two points. The first, this is injustice towards the honest "Chinese". It provides you with a great choice, low prices and relatively fast delivery. He deserves to get honestly earned money. And if you deceive everyone, it will generally affect the service not in the best way. This means merchants with reluctance will work, the choice will be less and the price is higher.

If the reason in the form of honesty and the need to facilitate the development of a normal service is not impressive, then here is the second reason to think. Namely - the deception of the seller to Aliexpress is fraud. What is regulated by law. The consequences can be very unpleasant not worthwhile to "save" a couple of dozens of dollars.

And we can say that there were no cases of trial on such issues. But once there were no trouble for buying spy addicts.

Well, or you can enter the blacklist and the entrance to the Aliexpress site will be closed.

Is everything honest "Chinese"

Delivery time and time protection time is different things. And upon completion of the protection of the purchase, something to prove or request late. Some ear traders can delay the solution on problematic situations.

How to deceive the seller to aliexpress

How to give up buying and returning money

If you paid money for the goods and the order was processed, it is simply impossible to return that way. The seller sent the goods and remains only to wait for the parcel.

But if you suddenly changed my mind, that is, a tricky trick. You only need to wait for the expiration of the delivery time. After opening a dispute about the fact that the parcels were never. As a result, there is a large proportion that you will be returned to money.

How to return money and leave the goods

It is closer to fraud. The idea is that after receiving the goods, open a dispute that the parcel was damaged. As a proof, provide a photo of a similar product.

Aliexpress is a big Chinese bazaar, where things are given for funny money, and some sellers are ready to reduce the price tags for their commodity units to a minimum for at least someone acquired their goods.

Many do not want to bargain, and they do not know how ... that is why they get the goods at the initial price, although the sellers themselves admit that the price tags are sometimes overestimated by one to see, someone will tell or ask to bring down the price. It is very clear since the Chinese buy goods for a penny, and profits from each thing they receive a minimum of 300-500 rubles.

In this article we will talk about how to get the goods on Aliexpress for free or for a penny. I will open all the secrets and "chips" for a good shopping with a limit of funds of 300 rubles, and learn how to deceive the sellers so that they are willing to compensate you in double-volume.


As everyone knows, the Chinese are ready to give much to ensure that their store Aliexpress becomes more popular. Therefore, they often send things on video reviews bloggers or Beauty bloggers who make reviews in their videos and articles. It is clear that in this case you receive the goods absolutely free, and you don't even have to pay for delivery.

Your goal is to just tell about what product is good and priest. That's all! Those who want to make sellers send them things on an ongoing basis, can fill out an application for Ali and in their order to receive new chammers for reviews. True there is one "but!". For continuous cooperation with shops, you must have profiles in three, or even four social networks, and the number of your subscribers on each social network should be more than 300 people. In this case, the channel on YouTube is not a mandatory requirement.

Even if you do not have a profile on social networks with a large number of subscribers, you can always sit. This is not punishable to Aliexpress. Yes, and that sin to thaw, the Chinese themselves are often lying in the description to the product and the photos are substituted with fake, all for sale.

Method number 2. Bargaining is the best way to bring down the price

As mentioned above, the Chinese put price tags higher than they suggest. Therefore, you can always write a private message to the seller and ask him to slightly lower the price. Be sure to write with arguments. For example, you saw the same product from another seller and he has cheaper.

Write that if you like the product, then you buy in bulk because you have your own store. Usually in such cases you can receive goods with a discount of 50% or higher. The more expensive the initial price of the goods, the higher the discount. Accordingly, buying a product for $ 10, you will not be able to get it for $ 3. But when buying a product for $ 100, you will be quite able to get the necessary thing for $ 60-70.

Method number 3. Look for discount coupons

The network has many sites with discount coupons for Aliexpress. Thanks to them, you can always buy goods with big discounts. And if you also get rid of sellers - get the goods with a practically for nothing.

Method number 4. Blog Participant about goods with Aliexpress

In order to receive goods for free, do not necessarily have your blog or channel on YouTube. You can become a member of and receive goods for free. In its reviews, you need to make a description of the goods received, its quality, appearance and attaching several high-quality photos of the goods.

Method number 5. The disadvantages of goods will help you get money back or in the form of double compensation.

Not many know what a dispute is. The dispute or as it is also called the dispute is an opportunity to get compensation for poor-quality goods. If you have come back-quality goods, you can always contact the dispute, and the Aliexpress administration will send a warning to the seller, and he, in turn, must pay you a loss or he will have to sacrifice his reputation.

Even if your product is normal, you can always fake in Photoshop's marriage or find a photo of the same product, but with some defect. Typically, sellers respond quickly and return the full or partial cost of goods. Muslims sometimes come across sellers who reimburse the double cost of the goods. Since the main thing for them is not to get a negative comment from the buyer.

Method number 6. Look for the same goods, but with a lower price tag

Alikexpress has a lot of identical products. The difference is only in the price tag, usually the difference in price is about 300 - 400 rubles, less often 500 - 1 000 rubles. For example, you can buy the same swimsuit, but with a price difference about 300 rubles. By ordering it in three different vendors with three different prices, you will get the same product of the same quality.

Method number 7. Search for aliexpress fake brands at high prices

Aliexpress struggles with fakes of brands and rewards those who find such things. In order to find a fake, you need to be able to distinguish the original from a high-quality replica (copies). In this case, by purchasing a fake product, you will receive a complete cash reward. Finding the fake is very hard, as the photo of the original thing is usually taken. Therefore, this method is suitable only for those who have already ordered a deception product and wishes to bring the seller to "clean water".

Method number 8. Goods without a track or with a fake track

Some sellers do not give a track, or give fake. This usually happens with the goods whose cost is about $ 10-20. First you need to make an order. After he comes you, you can write to the seller or open a dispute that the track was not issued and the goods did not come.

In this case, the seller can offer you to return the tools or send the goods again. Here you already choose you what option is closer to you.

On Aliexpress, goods without tracks are not uncommon, but due to the fact that such cases of deception of sellers have gained, the administration is struggling with the lack of tracks.

Method number 9. Negative reviews will make sellers refund you money

It is clear that none of the sellers on Alixpress wants his reputation to fall and on the product page with the goods were negative reviews. Therefore, sellers are ready to reimburse you money, the main thing is that you do not leave "dirt" about the product. In order to get monetary compensation you need to order a product. After receipt, you can write what kind of bad and that there are defects. You can also say that the dimensions are not correct and so on ... Seller, seeing our comment, will immediately write to you and try to upline your "guilt."

Method number 10. Total sales

Aliexpress often makes total sales. Usually they come to the Christmas Eve, New Year, on the day of Black Friday, the Chinese New Year, etc. The site administration pre-warns buyers about future discounts. In the days of such sales, you can well bargain and get a discount coupon.

  1. Look for fake brands on Aliexpress and get goods for it for free;
  2. Travel with sellers and promise them the next time to buy goods wholesale;
  3. Do not forget about discount coupons and discounts, which often appear on a particular product;
  4. Aliaxpress is often different total sales to some holiday or event. During this period, you can get things at very low prices;
  5. Open the dispute and invent stories about low-quality products. So you can return half, and then the entire amount of purchase. Sometimes the sellers are ready to send any other product from their store in order to please the upset buyer.
  6. Write the seller that you blogger or you have your video channel. Thus, you can "hang up" several things on the review. Having written this message to several novice sellers, you can completely dress and go. Please note that you need to write to the sellers who opened the store on Aliexpress quite recently. They are usually needed popularity and good reputation. Sellers who already have customer database do not need to promote and ignore such proposals.
  7. Looking for a cheapest version of the thing you liked. Literally for the extra 10 minutes you will find a few of the same things, but at times cheaper.
  8. The lack of track will play you benefit. You can contact the dispute, where you will be returned to the means or send the same product again.
  9. Always write negative comments under the product so that the seller pays attention to you and tried to "rod" the situation, or cash compensation, or a gift.
  10. Do not forget about the fact that the sellers always overestimate the price. Your goal is to make the seller reduce the price to a minimum, promising him the next time to buy all his goods.

We hope that this article will become an excellent assistant to you, and you can always save decent on the purchases of things to Aliexpress.

Friendly and friendly, at first glance, Chinese sellers often use the ignorance and inattention of buyers, as a result of which they remain and without money, and without ordered goods from China with Aliexps. Therefore, having done, do not rush to pay the goods you like, pay attention to negative feedback on the seller and the goods offered to them on Aliexpress and do not believe promises. In this article we will tell about some ways of deception, practitioned by dishonest sellers of the Alieksress website, and also tell me how not to get caught on their fishing rod.

Methods of cheating on

2) price increase after the goods have been ordered.

3) Sending the goods with Aliexpress by incorrect address.

4) Providing a fake or someone else's track number.

5) Cheating with early confirmation of ordering.

Cheat rating on the official website AlExpress

What only the tricks do not commend the sellers of goods from China to Aliexpress to earn money rating. And it does not matter that these actions are akin to fraud. For them, the main thing is to attract more buyers.

1. Screw the rating of the store due to the change of the range

Many Chinese newcomers begin their sales from different trifles at poker prices. Often they literally give these goods at cost, organizing sales with global discounts.

What purpose do they pursue? The answer is simple - on the official website of Aliexpress operates a rating system, according to which the seller's transaction is accrued, points. The transaction can be estimated on a five-point scale.

Buyer who received his order leaves a review and evaluates the seller's work in the following categories:

  1. Product quality - ITEM AS Described.
  2. Communication and communication level with the seller - Communication.
  3. Delivery speed - Shipping Speed.

If the buyer appreciated the work of the seller at 4-5 stars, then 1 point will be added to the sales rating, 3 stars - 0 points correspond, and for 1-2 stars - the seller's rating will lose 1 point.

So, before proceeding to the sale of expensive items, these sellers sell all sorts of necessary trivia in garbage prices, thereby developing a positive rating, and then change the range and offer no penny goods, but more expensive.

Buyers, in turn, look exclusively on a positive seller rating and absolutely do not pay attention to the history of its sales. : 21:

2. Subtitution of one product to others

This trick is absolutely simple. The seller sells a certain product of good quality, as a result of which the buyers leave positive feedback on this product. After the number of reviews has become impressive, the seller changes the photos of the specified goods to others, also changing and describing. And since they cannot change such parameters as statistics, reviews and headlines, they can not be inherited from the previous goods.

Detect such a hoax on the Aliexpress website in Russian it is possible if you browse all the reviews, starting with the earliest and detect photos or any inconsistencies in them. For example, on the specified page, the seller sells dresses or sets of clothing clearly on girls, and it is clearly written in the recall: "I bought this suit, the threads do not stick out. Bright and beautiful. My son really liked "or" Applique on the pants after washing did not dug out, "and on the page there are currently solely pants without applications. Yes Yes! If you do not want to be deceived, you need to pay attention even to such nuances.

3. Cheating product rating with unreal reviews

In this case, dishonest sellers in order to raise the rankings leave their own exceptionally positive feedback. To do this, they create new accounts, make orders, after which they cancel them and expose high marks. Thus, the page with goods, and new accounts are gaining a rating.

Calculate this method of deception is quite difficult, but maybe. And for this you will need to spend a lot of time and maximum care.

  • Buyers from Russia and CIS countries are very strange names;
  • Users who left feedback, one and the same registration date;
  • On the same item left absolutely identical reviews, but from allegedly different users;
  • There are many reviews from one country, located one by one.

4. Gifts to customers for positive feedback

In order to gain a positive rating, the seller offers buyers gifts for keeping him good reviews, even if the goods were not the best quality. Itself offensive that after placing a review of Aliexpress with 5 stars, the buyer may not wait for the promised gift, because the seller, in fact, did not even plan to send it. Do not forget that the site www.aliexpress does not provide for the possibility of changing the positive review of the negative.

5. Troubleshield cheating and reviews on Ru Aliexpress

This method is designed for buyers who, seeing the goods for a penny price or with a discount of 90%, rather hurry to purchase it, without even looking at the page of the store to Aliexpress and not paying attention to the lack of feedback.

The seller's calculation is to stretch the time until the order processing is completed and nothing is expelled. In this case, the money is returned to the buyers' account, and the sales history will be replenished. Of course, such a history does not shine beauty, but at least it is.

Price increase after the goods from China was ordered

This type of deception is akin to fraud in the supermarket (you can add a link to the article). You are dialing the goods to the cart, paying attention to the price tags, and when paying at the checkout, it is found that the cost of some products is different from the ones declared.

Such a situation may occur with you and on the official website of Aliexpress.
On the website it is possible to change the price of the seller after the goods have been ordered, but has not yet been paid. Of course, in some cases, it acts in the interests of buyers. For example, if they agreed with the Chinese discount on a discount and he thus provided it.

But often sellers change the price of goods in plus beloved, as shown in the example below:

Sending goods from SaalsExpress by incorrect or distorted address

What will not come up with sellers of fraudsters in order to gain profits fraudulently due to the wallets of buyers.

In this case, the sellers send parcels with Aliexpress on a deliberately incorrect or distorted address, packing into a box or a package unnecessary trash weight, similar to the ordered product.

Simply put, the parcel goes to your city (you see it on the tracking site), but by a non-existent address. For example, instead of ul. The embankment, house 15, he will write to the recipient's address: Berezhnaya st., House 155.

What is the purpose of this? : 19: Everything is simple - it is necessary so that the parcel is as long as possible in the process of following. Buyer, in turn, can track the parcel on the site and see what she goes to his city.
Note that if the post office receives a parcel to an address that does not exist, it is sent back to the sender.

The seller's calculation is that the buyer, seeing that his parcel moves in the right direction, forgets to follow the order protection timer, as a result of which it ends, the transaction closes and the seller receives his money for the "wandering package".

Providing a fake or someone else's track number

In the first case, the seller provides the buyer a set of numbers or track number belonging to another product, calculating that he will not follow the order protection timer. Do not be surprised, such a situation happens with many newcomers and as a result the seller receives money, not even occupating sending the goods.

In the second case The fraudster passes the same tracking number to several buyers. Moreover, the parcel can go to your city, but only one of the buyers of it as a result will wait.

Again, in this case, the dishonest seller is counting on your inattention and forgetfulness towards the order protection timer.

What can be done in case you found that the parcel is not in your post office or it has already been assigned the status "handed".

Remember that being in the specified situation, should be appreciated immediately. First of all, you need to call the post office where the parcel is at the moment and ask you to check on the track on your name it is framed. It happens that the parcels sometimes fall into other branches by mistake. In this case, you need to ask for it to you.

If the parcel was not sent to you or it was already received by someone else, then you should immediately open the dispute by putting screenshots from the tracking sites and other evidence.

Cheating with early confirmation of order receipt

This popular deception scheme on the Aliexpress trading platform acts as follows:

You order the goods and choose the delivery method by express service. The seller passes you a track number that cannot be tracked, or reports that the express service did not accept the parcel and it can return to you some of the shipping funds, and order to send by mail. The amount of compensation is usually small. "But do not give up," many buyers are reflected.

Note that within the framework of the official site, the Aliexpress seller can return funds only by opening the dispute. And as you already know, the dispute by which the solution has been made, closes the transaction and the remaining amount after deducting the return is listed by the seller. And, therefore, the buyer automatically loses the possibility of opening a dispute in this order in the future. As a result, the seller remains with the commodity and with money, and the buyer with a meager amount of compensation in its own account.

Remember! Never confirm the execution of the order before it is received.

New way of deception to Aliexpress

You make two orders from one seller. Two orders and tracking appear in your Personal Account. Get one order and write a review. In the future, the tracking number has not received, the tracking number is changing by the seller on the number of the received order and it turns out that you have already received your two orders in one parcel. It turns out as if the seller sent two of your orders in one parcel. But in fact you get just one order. And for the second they just paid and did not get it at all.
It is possible that the Aliexpress website is directly involved in this, because it allows you to change the track number and does not react and do not appear on the site negative feedback and it is not possible to add your feedback.

Honest sellers on the official website of Alisexpress WWW Aliexpress Com and only quality products!

If you want to urgently take money in debt, we suggest you to take loans without references and guarantors online directly to the card.

The fraudulent schemes of deception online, which use intruders, when a person is in the illusion of safety.

Not so long ago, the news flew over the news that Aliexpress tightens the conditions for the delivery of parcels to Ukraine and Belarus. According to their information, very many buyers open a dispute on the parcels that they received without track numbers with a note that the package did not come. I can assume that considering the complex position in Ukraine there is a lot of people such a quick profit. However, is the sellers themselves so honest?

How to deceive sellers on Aliexpress when opening a dispute

Cheer the buyer for the Chinese - just a polework. Somewhere even read that they are in blood. When it comes to money, they become very inseparable and arrogant. Even when they are clearly wrong.

Received not what ordered? The quality of goods is not as stated - open the dispute on Ali. But note that the Chinese can also throw you. And even if you are right, Ali can make a decision not to your favor. Let's talk about the main tricks that you can catch during the decision of the dispute. Everything will be clearly and in the case, without water.

1. Or maybe the product is not so bad?

CAN You use it? Is there Any Problem with the Product?

The Chinese will go from simple to complex - first they will work soft methods - try to solve everything "in good way." For example, not the color came to you - they will bring a thousand apologies, they will put sad emoticons and write every day that they recognize their guilt, work a lot, was mistaken.

You can even write something in the spirit "I have a very strict head if he sees the dispute and bad feedback, he will fire me, but I need to feed the sick mom."

2. Reducing the price of the dispute

His rating is very important for the Chinese seller. And if the dispute was decided in your favor, he did not accept your conditions and then you also put a bad feedback - it's all, the lid. For him, it is unacceptable for all disputes so that they are solved (and you imagine how much you wish to open). Therefore, you will make the second step to reduce the cost of complaints - once in two times.

3. Close the dispute - we will send you what you want

It is logical - if instead of 6 pieces you received only 1, then where did you go? Of course, the Chinese must send the rest. But here the nuances. He may be asked to close the dispute before this - to protect himself, it seems to be agreed. Can agree with you to close the dispute when it provides you track number. Also, it seems to be honest. But - do not agree in any way !!! Do not be so compatible. Under this track number you can go brick or empty parcel. Tell me to returned the money, and buy the goods from another seller - it's honestly!

4. Close the dispute - we will refund money through PayPal

Dear. We refund You Via Paypal Account. Would You Close the Dispute? WAITING FOR YOUR REPLY

Another trick. If you have not yet understood from the previous 3 points - you can not accept any conditions of Chinese vendors . Think - why make a return via PayPal, if the same can be returned through the dispute? Well, maybe if you close your dispute yourself, it will somehow affect the seller's ranking, but:

  • You may be asked to close the dispute before paying on PayPal. In this case you will not be able to open the argument for the second time. All, you just lost money on Aliexpress.
  • If you are from Ukraine - you just can't make money on your own expense due to the conditions of People, you think the Chinese do not know about it?

You can answer immediately

Don't make a fool of me. I am in Ukraine. WE CAN NOT ACCEPT PAYPAL.

5. Change the cause of the dispute. Yeah, right now!

You can write something like

Honey, Could You Change The Reason for the Dispute: "Personal Reasons" OR "Simple Return (Easy Return)" Or "Shipping Method Is Not As Described."

As you can see, the Chinese soooo is inventive and sometimes it seems that they act as a technique. In this case, they ask for the cause of the dispute to be not a poor-quality product, and some small reason by type: personal beliefs, the goods do not like it (but at the same time I do not want to return), I have not been sent to that company - well, what decision can be taken out by such reasons? Well, the shipment was not the company, but did you get the goods? The dispute is most likely to solve in favor of the seller.

6. Blackmail - Return the parcel - Close the dispute

Then You Return It, We Give You A Refund

Oooooo, this can be caught only a short-sighted buyer or novice. I supposedly if the goods do not send back, then the money will not be returned. This works on eBay - the fact that if the goods do not work, then you must return it if you want to get money. There are also nuances (in case you will return the goods under EBay sites):

  • You must pay for the shipment of goods and approximately $ 2 per track number. Send without track number - Chinese will say that I did not get anything, even if it is not.
  • The dispute can be opened a certain time and whether the parcel comes and the main thing - whether the Chinese will not pull it upon receipt until the dispute will be closed - it is not known!

Because according to the current rules of Aliexpress on your side (as opposed to eBay), it will correctly write

I Will Not Pay for Your Mistake. Make a refund

Even if the Chinese write that they will pay delivery (You Will Return the Parcels, Freight We Pay), you do not have to return anything.

7. You will not get anything!

Here it is already heavy artillery - the last attempts to catch you on Loha! If there was just a correspondence before that, then the Chinese will already make the Chinese. Khamskoe, brazen and dishonest.

But at the time of the proposal of the solution it will look like this

The seller offers a dispute solution

Here the reason for the opening of the dispute was that the parcel did not come within 3 months. If you do not know English at all, then you might think that the Chinese agreed to your dispute, but it is not like this: he proposes not to return the goods and not give you money - no refund. You can also offer not to return anything and return $ 0 - Return Goods & Refund US $ 0.00. This is similar to just closing the dispute without paying you money.

Honesty and reviews on Aliexpres

As you can see, the Chinese work on the principle of "nothing personal - just a business." When you keep a long correspondence with them - it's just not enough evil on how bravely and cynically they come.

After they try to throw you, guess what they will ask? Right - do not put a negative feedback!

  1. Dear ~ I'm sorry - I Willing Refund to You. San You Help Me to Change Dispute Reason? The Dispete I Will Accept the Dispute. I Really Need Your Help
  2. Dear ~ I Hope You Can Change Dispute Reason Write Don 'T Reason The Product, or Can Not Find Tracking Information
    And Refund To You, Thanks for Your Understanding
  3. Dear, Sorry for the inconvenience.
    We Are Willing to Refund to You
    Hope You Wouldn't Give US The Negative Feedback

If someone did not understand English - they are asked to change the reason for the opening of the dispute - with "the product is not the case, as stated" to something softer, like "did not receive the goods" or "the parcel is not tracked" and after that they will return money.

Well, such apoophyter - "We hope you do not put us a negative review." Of course, it is worth putting a negative feedback - the seller has just tried to throw you.

But what I want to say at last. There are a lot of Chinese who are getting on the greed of buyers who think that for $ 5 they can get Pavebank with a capacity of 10,000mAh and the same buyers who are made at the desire of these sellers to throw. You know, at one time I talked closely with the Chinese - he studied with me. Once a conversation came about Chinese goods, I said that they have cheap, but the quality suffers. What he replied: "We have high-quality goods, but you do not want to buy them." So: Be honest - open the disputes for real reasons and do not buy any unnecessary five-sided nonsense.